The peculiarities in texts of business documents
The peculiarities in texts of business documents, problems of their translation, interpretation and analysis of essential clauses. The main features of formal English as the language of business papers: stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.07.2011 |
Размер файла | 70,2 K |
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3.1. Обладнання, перелічене у Додатку 1 повинно бути доставлено на протязі чотирьох місяців від дати оплати встановленої в пункті 4.1. цього контракту.
3.2. The delivery date is understood to be the date of the clean Bill of Lading issued in the name of the Buyer, destination Djakarta, Indonesia.
3.2. Дата доставки вважається дата видачі чистого коносамента із вказівкою імені Покупця і кінцевого порту призначення - Джакарта, Індонезія.
4. Terms of Payment.
4. Умови оплати.
4.1. Within forty five (45) days from the date of signing this Contract, the Buyer is to make a wire transfer of one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract value to the account of the Seller at the Bank of Lucia, Bacardia.
4.1. Протягом сорока п'яти (45) днів від дати підписання цього контракту Покупець повинен зробити телеграфний переказ 100 відсотків загальної оцінки контракту на рахунок Продавця у Банку Люції, Бакардія.
4.2. Wire transfer payment at the rate of hundred percent (100%) of the total contract value is to be effected in US dollars against the following documents:
4.2. Оплата телеграфного переказу по курсу 100 відсотків (100) загальної оцінки контракту повинна бути проведена в доларах США на основі наступних документів:
4.2.1. Original Bill of Lading issued in the name of the Buyer, destination Djakarta, Indonesia.
4.2.1. Оригінал коносаменту, виписаного на ім'я Покупця із вказівкою кінцевого порту призначення Джакарта, Індонезія.
4.2.2. Shipping specification.
4.2.2. Відвантажувальної специфікації.
4.2.3. Certificate of Quality.
4.2.3. Сертифікат якості.
4.2.4. Insurance policy.
4.2.4. Страховий поліс.
5. Guarantee of Quality.
5. Гарантія якості.
5.1. The guarantee period is 18 month from the date of putting the machinery into operation, this date specified in an appropriate Act signed by representatives of the Parties to the present Contract.
5.1. Гарантійний період 18 місяців від дати введення в експлуатацію обладнання, що визначена належним Актом підписаним уповноваженими представниками Сторін існуючого контракту.
5.2. If the machinery proves to be faulty within the Guarantee period, the Seller must replace it at his expense, as well as deliver the replaced machinery or parts to the Buyer.
5.2. Якщо на протязі гарантійного періоду трапилася поломка обладнання Продавець повинен замінити його за свій рахунок, так само як і доставити замінене обладнання чи частини Покупцю.
6. Terms of Shipment.
6. Строки відвантажування.
6.1. The machinery is to be shipped by sea in containers packed and marked as specified in Appendix 2 of this Contract.
6.1. Обладнання, що повинно бути відправлено морським шляхом в контейнерах пакується та відмічається як визначено у Додатку 2 цього контракту.
6.2. The Buyer is to be informed by the Seller regarding the date of shipment, the Bill of Lading number, number and weight of containers, the vessel name. Notification is to be done by fax within twenty-four (24) hours after shipment.
6.2. Покупець повинен бути проінформований Продавцем стосовно дати відвантажування, номеру накладної, кількості та ваги контейнерів, назви судна. Повідомлення повинно бути зроблено відповідно факсу протягом двадцяти чотирьох (24) годин після відвантажування.
7. Insurance.
7. Страхування.
7.1. Insurance policy is to be provided by the Seller who covers the insurance expenses from the moment the machinery under this contract is dispatched until the moment it is delivered to the Buyer at the port of destination.
7.1. Страховий поліс повинен забезпечуватися Продавцем, який покриває страхові витрати з моменту відправлення обладнання до моменту отримання його Покупцем у порту призначення.
8. Sanctions.
8. Санкції.
8.1. In the event of delay in delivery of the machinery, the Seller is to pay the Buyer a penalty at the rate of 3% of the total contract value for every five (5) days of delay.
8.1. У випадку затримки доставки обладнання Продавець повинен сплачувати Покупцю штраф у розмірі 3% загальної оцінки контракту протягом кожних п'яти (5) днів затримки.
8.2. The delay of less than five days entails no penalty.
8.2. Затримка менше п'яти днів не несе за собою стягування штрафу.
9. Force Majeure.
9. Форс-Мажор.
9.1. The Parties are released from their responsibility for partial or complete non-execution of their liabilities under the Contract should this non-execution be caused by force majeure circumstances, including: fire, flood, earthquake, war, strike, catastrophe at sea, and if they had a direct damaging effect on the execution of the present Contract.
9.1. Сторони звільняються від відповідальності за часткове чи повне невиконання зобов'язань згідно контракту якщо це невиконання спричинене обставинами форс-мажору, включаючи: пожежу, повінь, землетрус, війну, страйк, катастрофу у морі, і якщо вони мали прямий знищуючий вплив на виконання існуючого контракту.
9.2. The Party unable to fulfill its obligations under the present Contract is to inform the other Party within one week (7 days) of the beginning of force majeure circumstances.
9.2. Сторона, що не в змозі виконувати свої зобов'язання згідно існуючого контракту повинна сповістити іншу сторону протягом одного тижня (7 днів) від початку форс-мажорних обставин.
10. Arbitration.
10. Арбітраж.
10.1. The Seller and the Buyer will do everything in their power to settle any disputes or differences which may arise out of the present Contract.
10.1. Продавець і Покупець робитимуть усе, що в їх владі, аби улагодити будь-які суперечки чи розбіжності, що можуть виникати з
існуючого контракту.
10.2. If the parties do not come to an agreement, all disputes and differences will be submitted to arbitration in Helsinki, Finland, in accordance with the regulations of the Chamber of Commerce in Helsinki and applying the laws of Finland.
10.2. Якщо сторони не дійдуть згоди, то усі суперечки чи розбіжності будуть передані на арбітраж в Хельсинки, Фінляндія, згідно положенням Торгової Палати в Хельсинки та застосування законів Фінляндії.
11. Other Terms.
11. Інші умови.
11.1. Any changes, amendments, and supplements to the conditions of this Contract are valid only if set forth in a written document signed by authorized representatives of both Parties to this Contract.
11.1. Будь-які зміни, поправки, додатки до умов існуючого контракту дійсні тільки якщо вони сформульовані у письмовому документі, підписаному представниками обох сторін цього контракту.
11.2. The Contract comes into full force from the date of its signing.
11.2. Контракт вступає в повну силу від дати його підписання.
12. Legal addresses of the Parties.
12. Юридичні адреси Сторін.
Seller |
Buyer |
Продавець |
Покупець |
Basic Machinery Ltd. |
P.O. Box 505 |
Бейзік Мешінері Лтд. |
поштова скринька 505 |
17 Rose Lane |
Djakarta, 77077 |
17 Роуз Лейн |
Джакарта, 77077 |
Lucia, Bacardia |
Indonesia |
Люція, Бакардія |
Індонезія |
for and on behalf of the Seller |
for and on behalf of the Buyer |
від імені та за дорученням Продавця |
від імені та за дорученням Покупця |
Jennifer Masumi |
Richard Johnson |
Дженіфер Масумі |
Річард Джонсон |
Senior Executive Officer |
Managing Director |
Старша Посадова особа |
Генеральний директор |
4.2 Analysis of linguistic peculiarities in text of contract
The examples of these documents illustrate the linguistic peculiarities of business correspondence and contract, the way they can be translated. As for the grammatical peculiarities of the contract we can see that the most widespread tenses in contract are the Indefinite and the Perfect tenses in Active and Passive Voices:
… have made the present Contract as follows…
For the accommodation/ services provided to the Firm's customer the Hotel has established the following rooms rates…
The payment in Russian rubles is carried-out by resident organizations…
In contracts verb shall are frequently used for the first and the third person in the plural or singular form, and sometimes has the meaning to be obliged:
State fee for passport registration shall be paid separately…
…all sums subject to payment shall be understood…
…the Firm shall pay to the Hotel the cost of one day's stay at the Hotel…
The Hotel shall be responsible for service standards…
The Hotel shall have the right to amend the rates…
…the Firm shall undertake to pay 60 USD…
The Parties shall take all reasonable measures…
The peculiarity of contract is also omitting if'm subordinate clauses with should:
Should the customer leave the room after the check-out time…
The Infinitive as an adjunct to Active verb is used in text of contract:
The disputes, on which the Parties fail to come to an agreement…
Like every contract this one has constructions with Participle I and Participle II:
…all disputes arising between the Firm and the Hotel…
… including all applicable taxes
…the confirmed orders…
…the bank indicated…
confirmed reservation…
As for the lexical peculiarities of the contract we can see that there are no emotionally coloured words. In text of contracts prepositional words and phrases are used; in our case we have such prepositional phrases as:
…hereinafter referred as…
…on condition that…
This contract is clear, concrete, neutral. It has no idioms, phrasal verbs, colloquial language.
Like every business document contract has its own peculiar features. In comparison with other documents its language is the most formal and intricate. That's why the translation and drawing up of contract can cause some difficulties. Stylistic peculiarities of contract are concreteness, clearness of the idea, conciseness, clear rhythm of sentences. Grammatical peculiarities of contract are characterized by high usage of verbals. Its text is presented mostly with Infinitive and participial constructions.
Linguistic peculiarities of official business papers have been studied as groups of stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities which are determined by formal style of English. Formal style of English has such main features as conventionality of expression, absence of emotiveness, encoded character of the language and general syntactic mode of combining several ideas within one sentence. Stylistic peculiarities of formal written English imply usage of words in their primary logic meaning and absence of contextual meanings. Formal English is characterized by the usage of special terms. They all are precise in meaning and rather bookish. Among them there are a lot of words of the Latin, Greek and French origin, replaced in spoken English by words of the Anglo-Saxon origin. In formal style whom is used instead of who. If there is a need in prepositions, they go before whom, which is not typical of informal style at all. Written Business English goes impersonal style. It means there are no direct addressees, passive constructions are used instead of active, a great number of amount words, modal verbs might and could are used instead of can and may. This all is done for a document to sound tentative and tactful.
The factors mentioned make up the standard of documents' writing. Special forms help to focus readers' attention on major information and simplify process of making a deal.
There are the following theoretical problems in studying the problem. First of all, there is a difficulty to draw a line between formal and informal English, as the latter influences formal style greatly. Sentences in documents are too long and bookish to be used freely. Documents are devoid of personal pronouns I, we, you. The language of documents lacks force and vividness to keep strict to the point. Meanwhile, it is hard to keep one's attention while reading them due to this trait.
The analysis of stylistic peculiarities of business correspondence shows that it can be observed through the syntactic pattern of business documents which is one long sentence consisting of separate numbered clauses which are divided by commas and semicolons. No connectors are used in business correspondence as they convey a little information. Every clause is capitalized. That is done to show the equality of items of a document.
The main stylistic peculiarities of contract are concreteness, conciseness, clearness of the idea, high capacity of information, strict logic, clear rhythm of sentences, word repetitions which accent the main idea, no connotations, cliches and stamps, usage of monosemantic words and words in their direct logical meaning, division of text into chapters, paragraphs, points, presence of the definite syntactic structure.
The major difference of contract from other business papers is that it is made up by two sides, and information in them is approved by them both. All informational details are not suitable. Contract should be formal, complete, clear, concrete, correct and concise. It is also neat and has an attractive arrangement. The tone of contract is neutral and devoid of both pompous and informal language. It means there are no colloquial words and expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs. Abbreviations are not used if possible. Full forms of words are preferable. Sums are written both in figures and words.
Grammatical peculiarities of the documents are characterized by high usage of verbals. Its text is presented mostly with infinitive and participial constructions. Among infinitive constructions are singled out those ones with the Simple / Indefinite and Perfect Infinitives as adjuncts to active and passive (only in newspapers and contracts) verbs and the Simple Infinitives as complex adjuncts to active verbs.
Participial constructions are of the following types. Participle I refers to a noun in the General Case which goes before the participle. Perfect Participles are rare. Participle II either follows or precedes a noun.
As for the tense-aspect forms of the English verb, the Indefinite and Perfect tenses, both in the Active and Passive voices, are used instead of analytical forms. The past tenses are rarely used. Shall and should are used with all numbers and persons. Omitting // in subordinate clauses is another distinctive feature of contract.
The lexicon of contract is stable. All words are used in their exact meaning. There is no emotional colouring of words. Practically in every contract there are compounds with where-, here-, there - (whereas, thereby, herewith, thereto, etc.), hereinafter, the aforesaid, phrases: (it's) understood and agreed, including without limitation, assignees and licensees, without prejudice, as between us, solely on condition that, on conditions that, on understanding (hat, subject to, and others). In contracts are used words of the Latin origin: pro rata, pari passu, inferior, superior, ultima, proximo, extra, and French words: force majeure, amicably.
In our research we analyzed the influence of linguistic, ethnic, cultural, legal aspects on the translation of official business papers. The results of our investigation can be useful for adequate translation of official documents.
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