Переклад суспільно-політичних реалій (на основі перекладу статей з газети Нью-Йорк Таймс)
Поняття перекладу. Поняття адекватності та еквівалентності. Переклад газетно -публіцистичного стилю. Поняття реалії. Класифікація реалій. Аналіз перекладу суспільно-політичних реалій на основі перекладу статей з газети Hью-Йорк Таймс.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | курсовая работа |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 10.06.2004 |
Размер файла | 43,0 K |
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"We rely on our courts to enforce the rule of law," Mr. Schwarzenegger told cheering Republican Party activists at a state convention on Friday evening. "But you see, in San Francisco the courts are dropping the ball. It's time for the city to stop traveling down this dangerous path of ignoring the rule of law. That's my message to San Francisco."
On Friday, Judge Ronald Evans Quidachay of San Francisco Superior Court gave gay and lesbian couples in the city another reprieve when he ruled that lawyers for the Campaign for California Families' had failed to prove that the weddings would cause irreparable harm if they were not halted. On Tuesday, another judge declined to order an immediate stop to the marriages.
Peter Ragone, a spokesman for Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, scoffed at Mr. Schwarzenegger's directive.
"The truth is, thousands of people are involved in loving relationships and having them recognized for the first time," Mr. Ragone said. "We urge the governor to meet with some of the couples, because what's happening is both lawful and loving."
A spokeswoman for Mr. Lockyer said Saturday that the attorney general's office planned to seek a judgment declaring San Francisco's action in violation of state law.
"We are conferring with the governor's legal affairs staff to develop strategy," said the spokesman, Nathan Barankin. "They are on board, we are on board and we will be taking action soon."
The conservative group that lost its bid for a restraining order on Friday had argued that the weddings harmed the 61 percent of California voters who in 2000 supported Proposition 22, a ballot initiative that said the state would recognize only marriage between a man and a woman.
Judge Quidachay suggested that the rights of the thousands of gay and lesbian couples who have traded marriage vows in San Francisco over the past nine days appeared to carry more weight at this point.
Text 4
Security Efforts Turning Capital Into Armed Camp
Published: February 22, 2004
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 -- An antiaircraft missile, ready for use, sits atop a federal office building near the White House. Devices that test the air for chemical and biological substances are positioned throughout the city. Subway stations are now equipped with "bomb containment" trash bins. A major highway that runs by the Pentagon is being rerouted several hundred yards away. A security wall is going up around the Washington Monument.
Day by day, the nation's capital is becoming a fortress, turning a city known for graceful beauty into a virtual armed camp. In response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, federal security agents along with their counterparts in the Washington, Maryland and Virginia governments began a huge effort to build permanent safeguards for the capital area's most important buildings and monuments.
The effort that built slowly after the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City intensified after one jetliner slammed into the Pentagon and another jet crashed in Pennsylvania, presumably on its way to a target in Washington.
But more recently, security efforts have gained a new urgency as officials seek ways to stop truck bombs and other terrorist tactics that have been used in other countries, like suicide bombers.
Some of the biggest projects are under way at the most visible symbols of American democracy and might -- the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument and the Pentagon.
A result has been a surge of security construction at a cost, still being calculated, that is expected to reach several hundred million dollars within five or six years. Barely 20 percent of the security measures planned for the region have been designed, let alone completed, which means construction is certain to continue for years.
"I'm not sure we ever reach a point where everything has been done; it's an ongoing process," said Kenneth E. Wall, an official with the Department of Homeland Security who oversees activity in the capital region. "As threats evolve and information evolves, we have to make adjustments accordingly."
But even at this early stage, the security efforts have transformed large parts of Washington, creating a slightly ominous feel for the city's 572,000 residents and the million more people who work here and visit daily. Tony Bullock, an aide to Mayor Anthony A. Williams, called it "the uglification of Washington." Unlike New York and other cities that have fewer federal buildings and, thus, a less concentrated security presence, Washington has a dense core of buildings that house every department of the federal government and venerated monuments that honor the country's greatest leaders.
"It's sad to see this, but the reality is we are very vulnerable," said Peter McBirnie of Huntsville, Ontario, who was visiting the Washington Monument the other day with his wife, Linda. They stood before temporary construction walls that encircle the monument grounds and obscure work on a new permanent 30-inch-high security wall designed to stop a vehicular attack.
By now, most federal buildings and monuments have prodigious security measures in place, with enhancements planned or under way.Police officers with dogs trained to find explosives are stopping cars before they drive past the Capitol. Plans have been approved to build a security perimeter around the 10 buildings of the Smithsonian Institution and the Department of Agriculture on the Mall. The interiors of most government buildings have taken on aspects of an airport, with magnetometers at every entrance and a greater presence of law enforcement officers. The entrance to the Washington Monument has metal detectors and X-ray machines, as does the front door of the Botanical Garden greenhouse at the foot of Capitol Hill.
Even the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., a Washington suburb, has been newly fortified with an electrified fence.РЕЗЮМЕ
Мета даної курсової роботи полягає у дослідженні проблеми перекладу суспільно- політичних реалій- американізмів.
Предметом дослідження є статті з газети Нью- Йорк Таймс.
Курсова робота складається з восьми структурних частин : змісту, вступу, двох розділів, висновків, списку використаних джерел, додатків та резюме. В першому розділі розглядається теоретичний аспект проблеми перекладу, перекладу газетних публікацій та перекладу реалій. В другому розділі розглядається практичний аспект проблеми перекладу суспільно- політичних реалій- американізмів на основі перекладу статей з газети Нью- Йорк Таймс. У висновках автор робить підсумки своєї курсової роботи та коротко окреслює головні проблеми, які розглядались в даній курсовій роботі. В списку використаних джерел автор подає список інформаційних джерел, що були використані при написанні курсової роботи. В додатках подаються статті мовою оригіналу на прикладі перекладу яких у другому розділі розглядався переклад суспільно- політичних реалій- американізмів.
Переклад суспільно- політичних реалій- американізмів являє собою певну проблему для перекладача, через те, що для їх перекладу перекладач має володіти певними фоновими знаннями аби текст перекладу був зрозумілий та не був “чужим” для людей, що не володіють мовою оригіналу тексту.
The main aim of this course paper is to investigate the problems in translation social and political realia.
The subject of investigation - articles from The New York Times newspaper.
This course paper consists of eight structural parts : contents, introduction, two chapters, conclusions, summary, bibliography and annexes. In chapter I author of this course paper investigates the theoretical aspect of the problem. In chapter II the practical aspect of the problem is shown, based on translation of articles from The New York Times newspaper. The articles are given in annexes.
The author of this course paper thinks that translator is to be responsible for his translation, as people who don't know the language of original text, perceive translation as sush. That is why it is very important not only to preserve the main sense of the original text, but also to preserve the stylistic features of the latter.
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