Технология создания web-сайта

Популярные решения и системы создания и использования сайтов. Требования к сайту. Состав и содержание работ по созданию сайта. Прототипы страниц, структура web-сайта. Программная совместимость, документация по установке. Порядок сдачи-приемки работ.

Рубрика Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика
Вид курсовая работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 01.04.2017
Размер файла 226,0 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.


setcookie ('quick_chat_alias_'. $current_user->ID, $_POST ['username_check'], 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);




$response = json_encode (array ('no_participation' => 0, 'username' => $_POST ['username_check'], 'username_exists'=> $username_exists, 'username_blocked'=> $username_blocked, 'username_invalid'=> $username_invalid, 'username_bad_words'=> $username_bad_words));


$response = json_encode (array ('no_participation' => 1));


header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function delete_ajax_handler () {

global $wpdb;

$quick_chat_messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_messages';

$ids = implode (', ', esc_sql ( (array) $_POST ['to_delete_ids']));

$rows_affected = $wpdb->query ('DELETE FROM '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' WHERE id IN ('. $ids. '); ');

$response = json_encode (array ('rows_affected' => $rows_affected));

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function clean_ajax_handler () {

$rows_affected = $this->clean_room_to_target ($_POST ['to_clean_room_name'], $this->options ['clean_target']);

$response = json_encode (array ('rows_affected' => $rows_affected));

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function clean_private_ajax_handler () {

$this->log ('Private clean initiated');

global $wpdb;

$quick_chat_messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_messages';

$rows_affected = $wpdb->query ('DELETE FROM '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' WHERE room LIKE "quick\_chat\_%" OR alias = "quick_chat"');

$response = json_encode (array ('rows_affected' => $rows_affected));

$this->log ('Private clean finished');

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function ban_ajax_handler () {

if ($this->options ['ip_blocklist']! = '') {

$ip_blocklist = array_map ('trim',explode (",", $this->options ['ip_blocklist']));

} else{

$ip_blocklist = array ();


foreach ($_POST ['to_ban_ips'] as $ban_ip) {

$ip_blocklist [] = $ban_ip;


$this->options ['ip_blocklist'] = implode (",", array_unique ($ip_blocklist));

update_option ('quick_chat_options', $this->options);

$response = json_encode (array ());

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function transcript_ajax_handler () {

global $wpdb;

$quick_chat_messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_messages';

$transcript_datetime = date_i18n ('d-m-Y_H-i-s', time () +$this->gmt_offset);

$transcript_file = $this->path. 'transcripts/'. $_POST ['room_name']. '_'. $transcript_datetime. '. txt';

$transcript_url = $this->url. 'transcripts/'. $_POST ['room_name']. '_'. $transcript_datetime. '. txt';

$transcript_handle = fopen ($transcript_file, 'w');

$sql = $wpdb->prepare ('SELECT alias, UNIX_TIMESTAMP (timestamp) as unix_timestamp, message FROM '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' WHERE room = %s AND alias! = "quick_chat" ORDER BY unix_timestamp ASC', $_POST ['room_name']);

$messages = $wpdb->get_results ($sql);

$transcript = '';

foreach ($messages as $v) {

$v->timestring = date_i18n ($this->date_format. ' - '. $this->time_format, $v->unix_timestamp+$this->gmt_offset);

$transcript. = $v->alias. ' ['. $v->timestring. ']: '. $v->message. "\n";


fwrite ($transcript_handle, $transcript);

fclose ($transcript_handle);

$response = json_encode (array ('transcript_url' => $transcript_url));

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function new_message_ajax_handler () {

global $wpdb;

$quick_chat_messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_messages';

if ($this->user_status! = 0)

$_POST ['message'] = wp_kses (trim (stripslashes (substr ($_POST ['message'], 0, $this->options ['message_maximum_number_chars']))),'');


$_POST ['message'] = wp_kses (trim (stripslashes ($_POST ['message'])),'');

if ($this->no_participation == 0 && $_POST ['message']! = '') {

if ($this->user_status! = 0) {

$_POST ['message'] = $this->filter ($_POST ['message'], (isset ($this->options ['replace_inside_bad_words'])? true: false));


if (isset ($this->options ['hyperlinks'])) {

$_POST ['message'] = links_add_target (make_clickable ($_POST ['message']));


$wpdb->query ('INSERT INTO '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' (wpid, room, timestamp, alias, status, ip, message) VALUES ("'. $this->user_id. '", "'. esc_sql ($_POST ['room']). '", NOW (), "'. ( ($_POST ['sys_mes'] == 'true')? 'quick_chat': esc_sql ($this->user_name)). '", '. $this->user_status. ', "'. $this->user_ip. '", "'. esc_sql ($_POST ['message']). '"); ');


$response = json_encode (array ('no_participation' => $this->no_participation));

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function update_messages_ajax_handler () {

global $wpdb;

$quick_chat_messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_messages';

ob_start ();

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");

header ("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05: 00: 00 GMT");

$rooms = implode ('", "', esc_sql ( (array) $_POST ['rooms']));

$startTime = time ();

while ( (time () - $startTime) <=20) {

$sql = 'SELECT id, wpid, room, timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP (timestamp) AS unix_timestamp, alias, status, message FROM '

. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' WHERE room IN ("'. $rooms. '") '

. ' AND timestamp > FROM_UNIXTIME ('. esc_sql ($_POST ['last_timestamp']). ') '

. ' ORDER BY unix_timestamp ASC';

$messages = $wpdb->get_results ($sql);

if ($messages) {

foreach ($messages as $v) {

$v->timestring = date_i18n ($this->date_format. ' - '. $this->time_format, $v->unix_timestamp+$this->gmt_offset);

if (function_exists ('get_simple_local_avatar')) {

$v->avatar = get_simple_local_avatar ($v->wpid, $this->options ['avatar_size'], '', $v->alias);

} else {

$v->avatar = get_avatar ($v->wpid, $this->options ['avatar_size'], '', $v->alias);



$response = json_encode (array ('no_participation' => $this->no_participation, 'success'=> 1,'messages'=>$messages));

echo $response;

ob_flush (); flush ();



sleep ($this->options ['timeout_refresh_messages']);



$response = json_encode (array ('no_participation' => $this->no_participation, 'success'=> 0));

echo $response;

ob_flush (); flush ();



public function update_users_ajax_handler () {

global $wpdb;

$quick_chat_users_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_users';

$wpdb->query ('DELETE FROM '. $quick_chat_users_table_name. ' WHERE timestamp_polled < TIMESTAMPADD (SECOND,-'. ($this->options ['timeout_refresh_users'] *2). ',NOW ()); ');

$rooms = esc_sql ( (array) $_POST ['rooms']);

$last_room = end ($rooms);

$quick_chat_users_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_users';

$sql_update = 'INSERT INTO '. $quick_chat_users_table_name. ' (status, room, timestamp_polled, timestamp_joined, alias, ip, ccode, cname) VALUES';

$sql_update_country_code = 'NULL';

$sql_update_country_name = 'NULL';

$sql_fetch_country = 'NULL as c, NULL as m';

if ($this->quick_flag_capable ()) {

$sql_fetch_country = 'ccode as c, cname as m';

if ( ($country_info = $this->country_info ($this->user_ip))! = false) {

$sql_update_country_code = '"'. esc_sql ($country_info->code). '"';

$sql_update_country_name = '"'. esc_sql ($country_info->name). '"';



if ($this->user_status == 0)

$sql_fetch = 'SELECT status, alias, room, id, ip, '. $sql_fetch_country. ' FROM '. $quick_chat_users_table_name. ' WHERE (';


$sql_fetch = 'SELECT status, alias, room, '. $sql_fetch_country. ' FROM '. $quick_chat_users_table_name. ' WHERE (';

foreach ($rooms as $room) {

$sql_fetch. = 'room = "'. $room. '"';

$sql_update. = ' ('. $this->user_status. ', "'. $room. '", NOW (), NOW (), "'. $this->user_name. '", "'. $this->user_ip. '", '. $sql_update_country_code. ', '. $sql_update_country_name. ') ';

if ($room! = $last_room) {

$sql_fetch. = ' OR ';

$sql_update. = ', ';



$sql_update. = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE timestamp_polled = NOW (), ccode='. $sql_update_country_code. ', cname='. $sql_update_country_name. '; ';

$sql_fetch. = ') ORDER BY timestamp_joined ASC';

if ($this->no_participation == 0)

$wpdb->query ($sql_update);

$users = $wpdb->get_results ($sql_fetch);

$response = json_encode (array ('no_participation' => $this->no_participation, 'users' => $users));

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function init_ajax_handler () {

$js_vars = array (

'cookiepath' => COOKIEPATH,

'cookie_domain' => COOKIE_DOMAIN,

'smilies' => $this->smilies,

'user_status' => $this->user_status,

'user_ip' => $this->user_ip,

'user_name' => $this->user_name,

'ip_blocked' => $this->ip_blocked,

'must_login' => $this->must_login,

'no_participation' => $this->no_participation,

'timeout_refresh_users' => $this->options ['timeout_refresh_users'],

'clean_target' => $this->options ['clean_target'],

'message_maximum_number_chars' => $this->options ['message_maximum_number_chars'],

'clean_target' => $this->options ['clean_target'],

'adsense_content' => $this->options ['adsense_content'],

'inactivity_timeout' => $this->options ['inactivity_timeout'],

'audio_enable' => (isset ($this->options ['message_sound_default_on']))? 1: 0,'loggedin_initiate_private' => (isset ($this->options ['loggedin_initiate_private']))? 1: 0,'guests_initiate_private' => (isset ($this->options ['guests_initiate_private']))? 1: 0,'allow_change_username' => (isset ($this->options ['allow_change_username']))? 1: 0,'i18n' => array (

'not_allowed_to_initiate_s' => __ ('Unfortunately you do not have the authority to initiate private chat','quick-chat'),

'delete_what_s' => __ ('You must select at least one message','quick-chat'),

'delete_confirm_s' => __ ('Are you sure you want to permanently delete selected messages? ','quick-chat'),

'clean_confirm_s' => __ ('Are you sure you want to permanently delete all except the latest %s messages? ','quick-chat'),

'ban_who_s' => __ ('You must select at least one user','quick-chat'),

'ban_confirm_s' => __ ('Are you sure you want to add selected users to your Quick Chat admin options IP blocklist? ','quick-chat'),

'reply_to_s' => __ ('Reply to %s','quick-chat'),

'username_exists_s' => __ ('Already taken! ','quick-chat'),

'username_blocked_s' => __ ('Not allowed! ','quick-chat'),

'username_invalid_s' => __ ('Illegal characters! ','quick-chat'),

'username_bad_words_s' => __ ('Profanity! ','quick-chat'),

'invitation_received_s' => __ ('%s invites you to private chat. To start private chat you can click his user name on the user list. ','quick-chat'),

'invitation_sent_s' => __ ('Your private chat invitation has been sent to %s. ','quick-chat'),

'private_title_s' => __ ('Private chat','quick-chat'),

'notice_s' => __ ('Notice','quick-chat'),

'private_with_s' => __ ('Start private chat with %s','quick-chat'),

'private_close_s' => __ ('Close this private chat','quick-chat'),

'private_minimize_s' => __ ('Minimize this private chat','quick-chat'),

'private_restore_s' => __ ('Restore this private chat','quick-chat'),

'private_invite_confirm_s' => __ ('You\'re about to send private chat invitation to %s. Are you sure? ','quick-chat'),

'private_accept_confirm_s' => __ ('You\'re about to accept private chat invitation from %s. Are you sure? ','quick-chat'),

'dropped_inactivity_s' => __ ('You\'ve been dropped out of chat due to long period of inactivity. To continue with chat please refresh this page. ','quick-chat'),

'username_check_wait_s' => __ ('Checking. ','quick-chat'),

'add_blocklist_s' => __ ('Add this user\'s IP address to your IP block list','quick-chat'),

'ban_s' => __ ('Ban','quick-chat'),

'fetch_transcript_s' => __ ('Fetch this chat room transcript','quick-chat'),

'transcript_s' => __ ('Transcript','quick-chat'),

'all_toggle_s' => __ ('Select/deselect all messages toggle','quick-chat'),

'toggle_s' => __ ('Toggle','quick-chat'),

'delete_selected_s' => __ ('Delete selected messages','quick-chat'),

'delete_s' => __ ('Delete','quick-chat'),

'clean_all_except_s' => __ ('Clean all except the latest %s messages','quick-chat'),

'clean_s' => __ ('Clean','quick-chat'),

'scroll_toggle_s' => __ ('Enable/disable auto scroll when new message arrives','quick-chat'),

'scroll_s' => __ ('Scroll','quick-chat'),

'sound_toggle_s' => __ ('Enable/disable sound notification when new message arrives','quick-chat'),

'sound_s' => __ ('Sound','quick-chat'),

'ip_banned_s' => __ ('You\'re banned from chat. ','quick-chat'),

'must_login_s' => __ ('You must login if you want to participate in chat. ','quick-chat'),

'send_s' => __ ('Send','quick-chat')



if ($this->quick_flag_capable ()! = false) {

global $quick_flag;

$js_vars ['quick_flag_url'] = $quick_flag->flag_url;


$response = json_encode (array ('js_vars' => $js_vars));

header ("Content-Type: application/json");

echo $response;



public function clean_rooms_to_target () {

$this->log ('Target clean initiated');

global $wpdb;

$quick_chat_messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_messages';

$rooms = $wpdb->get_col ('SELECT room FROM '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' GROUP BY room; ');

if ($rooms) {

foreach ($rooms as $room) {

$this->clean_room_to_target ($room, $this->options ['clean_target']);



$this->log ('Target clean finished');


public function clear_cache () {

if (function_exists ('wp_cache_clear_cache')) {

$GLOBALS ["super_cache_enabled"] =1;

wp_cache_clear_cache ();

}else if (function_exists ('simple_cache_clear')) {

simple_cache_clear ();


if (function_exists ('w3tc_pgcache_flush'))

w3tc_pgcache_flush ();

if (function_exists ('w3tc_dbcache_flush'))

w3tc_dbcache_flush ();

if (function_exists ('w3tc_minify_flush'))

w3tc_minify_flush ();

if (function_exists ('w3tc_objectcache_flush'))

w3tc_objectcache_flush ();

if (function_exists ('wp_cache_clear_cache'))

wp_cache_clear_cache ();



public function country_info ($ip) {

if (isset ($_COOKIE ['quick_flag_info'])) {

$info = unserialize (stripslashes ($_COOKIE ['quick_flag_info']));

if ($info == FALSE || $info->ip == $ip)

return $info;


global $quick_flag;

$info = $quick_flag->get_info ($ip);

setcookie ('quick_flag_info', serialize ($info), 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, false, true);

return $info;


public function plugin_meta ($links, $file) {

if ($file == $this->basename) {

return array_merge (


array ('<a href="'. self:: donate_link. '">'. __ ('Donate', 'quick-chat'). '</a>')



return $links;


public function action_links ($links, $file) {

if ($file == $this->basename) {

$settings_link = '<a href="'. get_admin_url (null, 'admin. php? page='. $this->basename). '">'. __ ('Settings', 'quick-count'). '</a>';

$links [] = $settings_link;


return $links;


public function add_options_page () {

add_options_page ('Quick Chat '. __ ('options page','quick-chat'), 'Quick Chat', 'manage_options', __FILE__, array ($this, 'options_page'));

add_filter ('plugin_action_links', array ($this, 'action_links'), 10,2);


public function options_page () {

? >

<div class="wrap">

<div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general"><br></div>

<h2>Quick Chat</h2>

<form action="options. php" method="post">

<? php settings_fields ('quick_chat_options');? >

<? php do_settings_sections (__FILE__);? >

<p class="submit">

<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<? php esc_attr_e ('Save Changes');? >" />




<? php


public function options_validate ($input) {

global $wp_version;

$validation_errors = array ();

$roles = $this->get_editable_roles ();

foreach ($roles as $key => $value) {

$role = get_role ($key);

if (isset ($input ['moderator_roles_'. $key]) &&! isset ($this->options ['moderator_roles_'. $key])) {

$role->add_cap ('moderate_quick_chat');

} else if (! isset ($input ['moderator_roles_'. $key]) && isset ($this->options ['moderator_roles_'. $key])) {

$role->remove_cap ('moderate_quick_chat');



if (! is_numeric ($input ['timeout_refresh_users']) || $input ['timeout_refresh_users'] < 1) {

$input ['timeout_refresh_users'] = self:: default_timeout_refresh_users;

$validation_errors [] =

array ('setting' => 'quick_chat_timeout_refresh_users',

'code' => 'quick_chat_timeout_refresh_users_error',

'title' => __ ('Interval for refreshing list of online users (seconds): ','quick-chat'),

'message' => __ ('Must be positive integer. ','quick-chat'));

} else{

$input ['timeout_refresh_users'] = floor ($input ['timeout_refresh_users']);


if (! is_numeric ($input ['timeout_refresh_messages']) || $input ['timeout_refresh_messages'] < 1) {

$input ['timeout_refresh_messages'] = self:: default_timeout_refresh_messages;

$validation_errors [] =

array ('setting' => 'quick_chat_timeout_refresh_messages',

'code' => 'quick_chat_timeout_refresh_messages_error',

'title' => __ ('Interval for refreshing list of messages (seconds): ','quick-chat'),

'message' => __ ('Must be positive integer. ','quick-chat'));

} else{

$input ['timeout_refresh_messages'] = floor ($input ['timeout_refresh_messages']);


$input ['badwords_list'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses (trim ($input ['badwords_list']));

$input ['ip_blocklist'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses (trim ($input ['ip_blocklist']));

$input ['disallow_usernames_list'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses (trim ($input ['disallow_usernames_list']));

if (! is_numeric ($input ['guest_num_digits']) || $input ['guest_num_digits'] < 1 || $input ['guest_num_digits'] > 10) {

$input ['guest_num_digits'] = self:: default_guest_num_digits;

$validation_errors [] =

array ('setting' => 'quick_chat_guest_num_digits',

'code' => 'quick_chat_guest_num_digits_error',

'title' => __ ('Maximum number of digits for random guests chat user name suffix: ','quick-chat'),

'message' => sprintf (__ ('Must be positive integer less than %d. ','quick-chat'),



if (! is_numeric ($input ['manual_gmt_offset']) || $input ['manual_gmt_offset'] < - 12 || $input ['manual_gmt_offset'] > 12) {

$input ['manual_gmt_offset'] = self:: default_manual_gmt_offset;

$validation_errors [] =

array ('setting' => 'quick_chat_manual_gmt_offset',

'code' => 'quick_chat_manual_gmt_offset_error',

'title' => __ ('Manual timestamp offset when displaying messages (+/ - hours): ','quick-chat'),

'message' => sprintf (__ ('Must be integer with value between %d and %d. ','quick-chat'), - 12,12));

} else{

$input ['manual_gmt_offset'] = floor ($input ['manual_gmt_offset']);


if (! is_numeric ($input ['message_maximum_number_chars']) || $input ['message_maximum_number_chars'] < 1 || $input ['message_maximum_number_chars'] < 50) {

$input ['message_maximum_number_chars'] = self:: default_message_maximum_number_chars;

$validation_errors [] =

array ('setting' => 'quick_chat_message_maximum_number_chars',

'code' => 'quick_chat_message_maximum_number_chars_error',

'title' => __ ('Maximum number of characters for each message: ','quick-chat'),

'message' => sprintf (__ ('Must be positive integer with value %d or greater. ','quick-chat'), 50));

} else{

$input ['message_maximum_number_chars'] = floor ($input ['message_maximum_number_chars']);


if (! is_numeric ($input ['avatar_size']) || $input ['avatar_size'] < 16 || $input ['avatar_size'] > 512) {

$input ['avatar_size'] = self:: default_avatar_size;

$validation_errors [] =

array ('setting' => 'quick_chat_avatar_size',

'code' => 'quick_chat_avatar_size_error',

'title' => __ ('User avatar size (pixels): ','quick-chat'),

'message' => sprintf (__ ('Must be integer with value between %d and %d. ','quick-chat'), 16, 512));

} else{

$input ['avatar_size'] = floor ($input ['avatar_size']);


if (! is_numeric ($input ['clean_target']) || $input ['clean_target'] < 1) {

$input ['clean_target'] = self:: default_clean_target;

$validation_errors [] =

array ('setting' => 'quick_chat_clean_target',

'code' => 'quick_chat_clean_target_error',

'title' => __ ('Clean button will delete messages older than following number of messages per chat room: ','quick-chat'),

'message' => __ ('Must be positive integer. ','quick-chat'));

} else{

$input ['clean_target'] = floor ($input ['clean_target']);


if (! is_numeric ($input ['inactivity_timeout']) || $input ['inactivity_timeout'] < 1 || $input ['inactivity_timeout'] < 2 * $input ['timeout_refresh_users']) {

$input ['inactivity_timeout'] = self:: default_inactivity_timeout;

$validation_errors [] =

array ('setting' => 'quick_chat_inactivity_timeout',

'code' => 'quick_chat_inactivity_timeout_error',

'title' => __ ('Timeout for disabling updates to inactive user (seconds): ','quick-chat'),

'message' => sprintf (__ ('Must be positive integer with value %d or greater. ','quick-chat'), 2 * $input ['timeout_refresh_users']));

} else {

$input ['inactivity_timeout'] = floor ($input ['inactivity_timeout']);


if (! empty ($validation_errors) && version_compare ($wp_version, '3.0', '>=')) {

foreach ($validation_errors as $error) {

add_settings_error ($error ['setting'], $error ['code'], $error ['title']. ' '. $error ['message']);



$this->clear_cache ();

return $input;


public function settings_init () {

register_setting ('quick_chat_options', 'quick_chat_options', array ($this, 'options_validate'));

add_settings_section ('donate_section', __ ('Donating or getting help','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_section_donate'), __FILE__);

add_settings_section ('general_section', __ ('General options','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_section_general'), __FILE__);

add_settings_section ('private_section', __ ('Private chat options','quick-chat'), array ($this,'settings_section_private'), __FILE__);

add_settings_section ('filter_section', __ ('Filter options','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_section_filter'), __FILE__);

add_settings_section ('security_section', __ ('Security options','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_section_security'), __FILE__);

add_settings_section ('appearance_section', __ ('Appearance options','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_section_appearance'), __FILE__);

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_debug_mode', __ ('Debug mode (enable only when debugging): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_debug_mode'), __FILE__, 'general_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_message_sound_default_on', __ ('Incoming message sound notification on by default: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_message_sound_default_on'), __FILE__, 'general_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_clean_target_auto', __ ('Do automatic daily cleanup to delete messages older than target number of messages: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_clean_target_auto'), __FILE__, 'general_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_def_name', __ ('Chat name prefix for guest users: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_defname'), __FILE__, 'general_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_guest_num_digits', __ ('Maximum number of digits for random guests chat user name suffix: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_guest_num_digits'), __FILE__, 'general_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_timeout_refresh_users', __ ('Interval for refreshing list of online users (seconds): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_timeout_refresh_users'), __FILE__, 'general_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_timeout_refresh_messages', __ ('Interval for refreshing list of messages (seconds): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_timeout_refresh_messages'), __FILE__, 'general_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_clean_target', __ ('Target number of messages for automatic daily cleanup and chat interface "Clean" button: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_clean_target'), __FILE__, 'general_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_hyperlinks', __ ('Convert URLs to hyperlinks: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_hyperlinks'), __FILE__, 'filter_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_disallow_special_usernames', __ ('Disallow using special characters inside chat user names (including special locale characters): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_disallow_special_usernames'), __FILE__, 'filter_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_replace_inside_bad_words', __ ('Filter bad words contained inside other words: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_replace_inside_bad_words'), __FILE__, 'filter_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_bad_words', __ ('Bad words list (comma separated): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_badwords'), __FILE__, 'filter_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_loggedin_initiate_private', __ ('Logged in users can initiate private chat: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_loggedin_initiate_private'), __FILE__, 'private_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_guests_initiate_private', __ ('Guest users can initiate private chat: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_guests_initiate_private'), __FILE__, 'private_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_clean_private_auto', __ ('Automatically delete all messages from all private chat rooms as well as old private chat invitations daily: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_clean_private_auto'), __FILE__, 'private_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_clean_private', __ ('Delete all messages from all private chat rooms as well as old private chat invitations now: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_clean_private'), __FILE__, 'private_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_moderator_roles', __ ('WordPress user roles allowed to access moderation tools: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_moderator_roles'), __FILE__, 'security_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_only_logged_in_users', __ ('Only logged in users can participate in chat: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_only_logged_in_users'), __FILE__, 'security_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_disallow_logged_in_usernames', __ ('Protect registered users user names from being used by other users: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_disallow_logged_in_usernames'), __FILE__, 'security_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_allow_change_username', __ ('Allow users to change their chat user name: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_allow_change_username'), __FILE__, 'security_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_inactivity_timeout', __ ('Timeout for disabling updates to inactive user (seconds): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_inactivity_timeout'), __FILE__, 'security_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_message_maximum_number_chars', __ ('Maximum number of characters for each message: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_message_maximum_number_chars'), __FILE__, 'security_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_disallow_usernames_list', __ ('Restricted chat user names list (comma separated): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_disallow_usernames_list'), __FILE__, 'security_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_ip_blocklist', __ ('Deny chat access to the following IP addresses (comma separated): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_ip_blocklist'), __FILE__, 'security_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_disable_quick_flag', sprintf (__ ('Disable %s integration (to hide country flags on user list): ','quick-chat'), '<a href="'. self:: quick_flag_link. '" target="_blank">Quick Flag</a>'), array ($this, 'settings_field_disable_quick_flag'), __FILE__, 'appearance_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_hide_widget_if_embedded', __ ('Hide Quick Chat sidebar widget on pages where same chat room is embedded using shortcode: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_hide_widget_if_embedded'), __FILE__, 'appearance_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_hide_linkhome', __ ('Hide "Powered by Quick Chat" link (big thanks for not hiding it): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_hide_linkhome'), __FILE__, 'appearance_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_manual_gmt_offset', __ ('Manual timestamp offset when displaying messages (+/ - hours): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_manual_gmt_offset'), __FILE__, 'appearance_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_avatar size', __ ('User avatar size (pixels): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_avatar_size'), __FILE__, 'appearance_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_adsense_code', __ ('Advertisement code for your AdSense or other ads placed between chat user name input box and message text input box: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_adsense_content'), __FILE__, 'appearance_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_paypal', __ ('Donate using PayPal (sincere thank you for your help): ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_paypal'), __FILE__, 'donate_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_version', __ ('Quick Chat version: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_version'), __FILE__, 'donate_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_faq', __ ('Quick Chat FAQ: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_faq'), __FILE__, 'donate_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_changelog', __ ('Quick Chat changelog: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_changelog'), __FILE__, 'donate_section');

add_settings_field ('quick_chat_support_page', __ ('Quick Chat support page: ','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'settings_field_support_page'), __FILE__, 'donate_section');


public function settings_section_donate () {

echo '<p>';

echo __ ('If you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it\'s development. Also you can get help with Quick Chat: ','quick-chat');

echo '</p>';


public function settings_section_general () {

echo '<p>';

echo __ ('Here you can control all general options: ','quick-chat');

echo '</p>';


public function settings_section_private () {

echo '<p>';

echo __ ('Here you can control all private chat options: ','quick-chat');

echo '</p>';


public function settings_section_filter () {

echo '<p>';

echo __ ('Here you can control Quick Chat message and chat user names filter: ','quick-chat');

echo '</p>';


public function settings_section_security () {

echo '<p>';

echo __ ('In this section you can control security options: ','quick-chat');

echo '</p>';


public function settings_section_appearance () {

echo '<p>';

echo __ ('Here are the Quick Chat appearance options: ','quick-chat');

echo '</p>';


public function settings_field_timeout_refresh_users () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_timeout_refresh_users" name="quick_chat_options [timeout_refresh_users] " size="10" type="text" value="'. $this->options ['timeout_refresh_users']. '" />';


public function settings_field_timeout_refresh_messages () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_timeout_refresh_messages" name="quick_chat_options [timeout_refresh_messages] " size="10" type="text" value="'. $this->options ['timeout_refresh_messages']. '" />';


public function settings_field_faq () {

echo '<a href="'. self:: faq_link. '" target="_blank">'. __ ('FAQ','quick-chat'). '</a>';


public function settings_field_version () {

echo self:: version;


public function settings_field_changelog () {

echo '<a href="'. self:: changelog_link. '" target="_blank">'. __ ('Changelog','quick-chat'). '</a>';


public function settings_field_support_page () {

echo '<a href="'. self:: support_link. '" target="_blank">'. __ ('Quick Chat at TechyTalk. info','quick-chat'). '</a>';


public function settings_field_paypal () {

echo '<a href="'. self:: donate_link. '" target="_blank"><img src="'. $this->url. 'img/paypal. gif" /></a>';


public function settings_field_defname () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_def_name" name="quick_chat_options [default_name] " size="10" type="text" value="'. __ ($this->options ['default_name'],'quick-chat'). '" />';


public function settings_field_guest_num_digits () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_guest_num_digits" name="quick_chat_options [guest_num_digits] " size="10" type="text" value="'. $this->options ['guest_num_digits']. '" />';


public function settings_field_badwords () {

echo '<a class="quick_chat_show_hide" href="">'. __ ('Show', 'quick-chat'). '</a>';

echo '<br>';

echo '<textarea class="quick-chat-show-hide" id="quick_chat_bad_words" name="quick_chat_options [badwords_list] " rows="5" cols="50" >'. $this->options ['badwords_list']. '</textarea>';


public function settings_field_disallow_special_usernames () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_disallow_special_usernames" name="quick_chat_options [disallow_special_usernames] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['disallow_special_usernames'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_replace_inside_bad_words () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_replace_inside_bad_words" name="quick_chat_options [replace_inside_bad_words] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['replace_inside_bad_words'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_hyperlinks () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_hyperlinks" name="quick_chat_options [hyperlinks] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['hyperlinks'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_disable_quick_flag () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_disable_quick_flag" name="quick_chat_options [disable_quick_flag] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['disable_quick_flag'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_hide_widget_if_embedded () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_hide_widget_if_embedded" name="quick_chat_options [hide_widget_if_embedded] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['hide_widget_if_embedded'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_hide_linkhome () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_hide_linkhome" name="quick_chat_options [hide_linkhome] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['hide_linkhome'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_debug_mode () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_debug_mode" name="quick_chat_options [debug_mode] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['debug_mode'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_only_logged_in_users () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_only_logged_in_users" name="quick_chat_options [only_logged_in_users] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['only_logged_in_users'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_message_sound_default_on () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_message_sound_default_on" name="quick_chat_options [message_sound_default_on] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['message_sound_default_on'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_disallow_logged_in_usernames () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_disallow_logged_in_usernames" name="quick_chat_options [disallow_logged_in_usernames] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['disallow_logged_in_usernames'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_disallow_usernames_list () {

echo '<a class="quick_chat_show_hide" href="">'. __ ('Show', 'quick-chat'). '</a>';

echo '<br>';

echo '<textarea class="quick-chat-show-hide" id="quick_chat_disallow_usernames_list" name="quick_chat_options [disallow_usernames_list] " rows="5" cols="50">'. $this->options ['disallow_usernames_list']. '</textarea>';


public function settings_field_ip_blocklist () {

echo '<a class="quick_chat_show_hide" href="">'. __ ('Show', 'quick-chat'). '</a>';

echo '<br>';

echo '<textarea class="quick-chat-show-hide" id="quick_chat_ip_blocklist" name="quick_chat_options [ip_blocklist] " rows="5" cols="50">'. $this->options ['ip_blocklist']. '</textarea>';


public function settings_field_adsense_content () {

echo '<a class="quick_chat_show_hide" href="">'. __ ('Show', 'quick-chat'). '</a>';

echo '<br>';

echo '<textarea class="quick-chat-show-hide" id="quick_chat_adsense_content" name="quick_chat_options [adsense_content] " rows="5" cols="50">'. $this->options ['adsense_content']. '</textarea>';


public function settings_field_manual_gmt_offset () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_manual_gmt_offset" name="quick_chat_options [manual_gmt_offset] " size="10" type="text" value="'. $this->options ['manual_gmt_offset']. '" />';


public function settings_field_loggedin_initiate_private () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_loggedin_initiate_private" name="quick_chat_options [loggedin_initiate_private] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['loggedin_initiate_private'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_guests_initiate_private () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_guests_initiate_private" name="quick_chat_options [guests_initiate_private] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['guests_initiate_private'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_message_maximum_number_chars () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_message_maximum_number_chars" name="quick_chat_options [message_maximum_number_chars] " size="10" type="text" value="'. $this->options ['message_maximum_number_chars']. '" />';


public function settings_field_avatar_size () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_avatar_size" name="quick_chat_options [avatar_size] " size="10" type="text" value="'. $this->options ['avatar_size']. '" />';


public function settings_field_clean_target () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_clean_target" name="quick_chat_options [clean_target] " size="10" type="text" value="'. $this->options ['clean_target']. '" />';


public function settings_field_clean_target_auto () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_clean_target_auto" name="quick_chat_options [clean_target_auto] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['clean_target_auto'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_clean_private () {

echo '<a id="quick_chat_clean_private" href="">'. __ ('Delete'). '</a>';


public function settings_field_clean_private_auto () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_clean_private_auto" name="quick_chat_options [clean_private_auto] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['clean_private_auto'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_allow_change_username () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_allow_change_username" name="quick_chat_options [allow_change_username] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['allow_change_username'])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/>';


public function settings_field_inactivity_timeout () {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_inactivity_timeout" name="quick_chat_options [inactivity_timeout] " size="10" type="text" value="'. $this->options ['inactivity_timeout']. '" />';


public function settings_field_moderator_roles () {

$roles = $this->get_editable_roles ();

foreach ($roles as $key => $value) {

echo '<input id="quick_chat_moderator_roles_'. $key. '" name="quick_chat_options [moderator_roles_'. $key. '] " type="checkbox" value="1" ';

if (isset ($this->options ['moderator_roles_'. $key])) echo 'checked="checked"';

echo '/><label for="quick_chat_options [moderator_roles_'. $key. '] ">'. translate_user_role ($value ['name']). '</label>';

echo '<br/>';



public function get_editable_roles () {

global $wp_roles;

if (! isset ($wp_roles))

$wp_roles = new WP_Roles ();

$all_roles = $wp_roles->roles;

$editable_roles = apply_filters ('editable_roles', $all_roles);

array_shift ($editable_roles);

return $editable_roles;


public function quick_flag_version_notice () {

global $current_screen;

if ($this->quick_flag_capable () == false &&

current_user_can ('manage_options') &&

($current_screen->base == 'settings_page_quick-chat/quick-chat')) {

global $current_user;

$user_id = $current_user->ID;

if (! get_user_meta ($user_id, 'quick_chat_quick_flag_notice_dismiss')) {

echo '<div class="updated"><p>';

printf (__ ('For displaying country flags on user list %s requires free WordPress plugin %s version %s or later installed, activated and %s support in %s settings not disabled | %s | %s', 'quick-chat'),

'Quick Chat',

'Quick Flag',

self:: quick_flag_version_minimum,

'Quick Flag',

'Quick Chat',

'<a href="'. self:: quick_flag_link. '" target="_blank">'. __ ('More', 'quick-chat'). '</a>',

'<a href="'. esc_url (add_query_arg ('quick_chat_quick_flag_notice_dismiss', '0', $this->current_admin_url ())). '">'. __ ('Dismiss', 'quick-chat'). '</a>');

echo "</p></div>";




public function quick_flag_version_notice_dismiss () {

if (current_user_can ('manage_options')) {

global $current_user;

$user_id = $current_user->ID;

if (isset ($_GET ['quick_chat_quick_flag_notice_dismiss']) && '0' == $_GET ['quick_chat_quick_flag_notice_dismiss']) {

add_user_meta ($user_id, 'quick_chat_quick_flag_notice_dismiss', 'true', true);




public function quick_flag_capable () {

global $quick_flag;

if (! isset ($quick_flag) ||! is_object ($quick_flag) || (Quick_Flag:: version < self:: quick_flag_version_minimum) || isset ($this->options ['disable_quick_flag']))

return false;

return true;


public function dashboard_widget () {

echo $this->quick_chat (400, 'admin_room_'. substr (md5 (AUTH_SALT),0,5), 1, 'left', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);


public function add_dashboard_widgets () {

if ($this->user_status == 0)

wp_add_dashboard_widget ('quick_chat_dashboard_widget', __ ('Quick Chat Admin\'s Lounge','quick-chat'), array ($this, 'dashboard_widget'));


public function quick_chat ($height = 400, $room = 'default', $userlist = 1, $userlist_position = 'left', $smilies = 1, $send_button = 0, $loggedin_visible = 1, $guests_visible = 1, $avatars = 1, $counter = 1) {

$content = '';

ob_start ();

echo '<div class="quick-chat-container" data-quick-chat-id="'. wp_generate_password (12, false, false). '" data-quick-chat-height="'. $height. '" data-quick-chat-room-name="'. $room. '" data-quick-chat-userlist="'. $userlist. '" data-quick-chat-userlist-position="'. $userlist_position. '" data-quick-chat-smilies="'. $smilies. '" data-quick-chat-send-button="'. $send_button. '" data-quick-chat-loggedin-visible="'. $loggedin_visible. '" data-quick-chat-guests-visible="'. $guests_visible. '" data-quick-chat-avatars="'. $avatars. '" data-quick-chat-counter="'. $counter. '">';

echo '<div class="quick-chat-loading">'. __ ('LOADING. ', 'quick-chat'). '</div>';

echo '</div>';

if (! isset ($this->options ['hide_linkhome'])) {

echo '<div class="quick-chat-linkhome"><a href="'. self:: link. '" target="_blank">'. __ ('Powered by Quick Chat', 'quick-chat'). '</a></div>';


$content = ob_get_contents ();

ob_end_clean ();

return $content;


public function shortcode ($atts, $content=null, $code="") {

extract (shortcode_atts (array ('height' => 400,'room' => 'default',

'userlist' => 1,'userlist_position' => 'left',

'avatars' => 1,'smilies' => 1,'send_button' => 0,'loggedin_visible' => 1,'guests_visible' => 1,'counter' => 1),


$this->embedded_rooms [$room] = 1;

return $this->quick_chat ($height, $room, $userlist, $userlist_position, $smilies, $send_button, $loggedin_visible, $guests_visible, $avatars, $counter);


public function load_widgets () {

register_widget ('Quick_Chat_Widget');


public function install () {

global $wpdb;

$quick_chat_messages_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_messages';

$quick_chat_users_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat_users';

if ($this->db_version < 12) {

// Quick Chat cannot be upgraded from 1. x to 2. x

$quick_chat_messages_uninstall_table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'quick_chat';

$this->options = get_option ('quick_chat_options');

$query = $wpdb->query ('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '. $quick_chat_messages_uninstall_table_name. '; ');


if ($this->db_version < 15) {

// This is upgrade from v14 database to v15 database, added id auto increment to users table, impossible to do alter, nuke it (QC v2.30)

$query = $wpdb->query ('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '. $quick_chat_users_table_name. '; ');


$messages_table_exists = ($wpdb->get_var ('SHOW TABLES LIKE \''. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. '\'; ') == $quick_chat_messages_table_name)? 1: 0;

$users_table_exists = ($wpdb->get_var ('SHOW TABLES LIKE \''. $quick_chat_users_table_name. '\'; ') == $quick_chat_users_table_name)? 1: 0;

if ($messages_table_exists == 0) {

$sql_messages = 'CREATE TABLE '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' (



room VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT "default",




message TEXT NOT NULL,

INDEX (timestamp ASC),


require_once (ABSPATH. 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade. php');

dbDelta ($sql_messages);

} else{

if ($this->db_version < 14) {

// This is upgrade from v13 database to v14 database, we need to alter table (QC v2.20)

$query = $wpdb->query ('ALTER TABLE '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' ADD COLUMN md5email CHAR (32) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" AFTER alias; ');


if ($this->db_version < 18) {

// This is upgrade from v16 database to v18 database, we need to alter table (QC v2.40)

$query = $wpdb->query ('ALTER TABLE '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' CHANGE COLUMN alias alias VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ""; ');


if ($this->db_version < 19) {

// This is upgrade from v18 database to v19 database, we need to alter table (QC v2.40)

$query = $wpdb->query ('ALTER TABLE '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' ADD COLUMN wpid BIGINT (20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0" AFTER id; ');

$query = $wpdb->query ('ALTER TABLE '. $quick_chat_messages_table_name. ' DROP md5email; ');



if ($users_table_exists == 0) {

$sql_users = 'CREATE TABLE '. $quick_chat_users_table_name. ' (



timestamp_polled TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,

timestamp_joined TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,

alias VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL default "",


ccode CHAR (2) NULL,

cname VARCHAR (150) NULL,

INDEX (timestamp_polled ASC, timestamp_joined ASC),

UNIQUE KEY roomalias (room, alias)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8, COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ';

require_once (ABSPATH. 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade. php');

dbDelta ($sql_users);

} else{

if ($this->db_version < 23) {

$wpdb->query ('ALTER TABLE '. $quick_chat_users_table_name. ' ADD COLUMN ccode CHAR (2) NULL AFTER ip; ');

$wpdb->query ('ALTER TABLE '. $quick_chat_users_table_name. ' ADD COLUMN cname VARCHAR (150) NULL AFTER ccode; ');



if ($this->db_version < 12) {

// Quick Chat cannot be upgraded from 1. x to 2. x

if (get_option ('quick_chat_options')) delete_option ('quick_chat_options');

if (get_option ('quick_chat_db_version')) delete_option ('quick_chat_db_version');

if (get_option ('widget_quick-chat-widget')) delete_option ('widget_quick-chat-widget');


if ($this->db_version < 13) {

if (! isset ($this->options ['adsense_content'])) {

$this->options ['adsense_content'] = self:: default_adsense_content;



if ($this->db_version < 14) {

$widget_options = get_option ('widget_quick-chat-widget');

if (isset ($widget_options) && is_array ($widget_options)) {

foreach ($widget_options as &$option) {

if (is_array ($option) &&! empty ($option)) {

$option ['gravatars'] = 1;

$option ['gravatars_size'] = 32;



update_option ('widget_quick-chat-widget', $widget_options);



if ($this->db_version < 15) {

if (! isset ($this->options ['timeout_refresh_messages'])) {

$this->options ['timeout_refresh_messages'] = self:: default_timeout_refresh_messages;


if (isset ($this->options ['timeout_consider_offline'])) {

unset ($this->options ['timeout_consider_offline']);



if ($this->db_version < 16) {

$widget_options = get_option ('widget_quick-chat-widget');

if (isset ($widget_options) && is_array ($widget_options)) {

foreach ($widget_options as &$option) {

if (is_array ($option) &&! empty ($option)) {

$option ['loggedin_visible'] = 1;

$option ['guests_visible'] = 1;



update_option ('widget_quick-chat-widget', $widget_options);



if ($this->db_version < 18) {

if (! isset ($this->options ['manual_gmt_offset'])) {

$this->options ['manual_gmt_offset'] = self:: default_manual_gmt_offset;


// Remove few options to simplify code (server performance)

if (isset ($this->options ['keep_first_last'])) {

unset ($this->options ['keep_first_last']);


if (isset ($this->options ['allow_guests_choice'])) {

unset ($this->options ['allow_guests_choice']);


if (isset ($this->options ['allow_logged_in_choice'])) {

unset ($this->options ['allow_logged_in_choice']);


// Increase users and messages refresh times (server performance)

if (isset ($this->options ['timeout_refresh_users'])) {

$this->options ['timeout_refresh_users'] = self:: default_timeout_refresh_users;


if (isset ($this->options ['timeout_refresh_messages'])) {

$this->options ['timeout_refresh_messages'] = self:: default_timeout_refresh_messages;



if ($this->db_version < 19) {

if (isset ($this->options ['keep_around_count'])) {

unset ($this->options ['keep_around_count']);


if (! isset ($this->options ['message_maximum_number_chars'])) {

Подобные документы

  • Подходы к созданию сайтов. Обоснование необходимости наличия персонального сайта компании ИП Тимонина Е.Н.. Структура, интерфейс, этапы создания сайта. Описание кода страниц. Создание web-страниц и наполнение их информацией. Верстка сайтов с чистым кодом.

    дипломная работа [1,5 M], добавлен 03.06.2015

  • Процесс разработки Web-сайта. Состав и содержание работ по созданию подсистемы. Требования к Web-сайту. Определение сущностей модели базы данных. Разработка логической модели базы данных. Реализация PHP-скриптов и заполнение базы данных Web-сайта.

    дипломная работа [8,2 M], добавлен 29.06.2011

  • Специализация, ассортимент товаров магазина. Состав и содержание работ по созданию системы. Требования к веб-сайту. Разработка дизайна страниц. Twitter Bootstrap 2.3, валидация. Тестирование и отладка системы. Исходный код главной страницы и слайдера.

    курсовая работа [2,0 M], добавлен 29.04.2015

  • Виды структур Web-сайтов: линейная, древовидная, решетчатая и произвольная. Структура и содержание сайта гостиничного комплекса "Воздвиженское", "Смоленск" и "Иртыш". Идеи сайта и целевая аудитория. Заполнение страниц информацией и тестирование сайта.

    курсовая работа [1,7 M], добавлен 25.04.2015

  • Практическая значимость создания сайта. Язык программирования JavaScript. Основные области использования языка JavaScript при создании интерактивных HTML-страниц. Язык программирования PHP. Программная основа сайта. Создание оформления дизайна сайта.

    дипломная работа [1,1 M], добавлен 05.03.2013

  • Понятие web-сайта и их типы. Программы для создания web-сайта. Описание структуры проекта. Алгоритм создания сайта. Описание конструктора Jimdo. Языки программирования серверного выполнения. Создание полнофункционального веб-сайта для ОАО "КУЛЗ".

    курсовая работа [3,5 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • Выявление целей создания сайта и постановка проблемы, решаемой с его созданием. Анализ сайтов–аналогов, обоснование типа разрабатываемого web–узла. Специфика разработки набора макетов страниц. Оптимизация контента сайта, его верстка и тестирование.

    курсовая работа [1,4 M], добавлен 12.02.2011

  • Этапы развития веб-дизайна. Виды и типы веб-сайтов, теоретические аспекты их создания. Структура веб-сайта и его страниц. Процесс и результат разработки веб-дизайна. Создание сайта факультета архитектуры и дизайна Кубанского государственного университета.

    дипломная работа [4,6 M], добавлен 10.11.2015

  • Языки написания сайта, принципы и обоснование их отбора. Программы создания web-страниц, их функциональные особенности и возможности. Технология и основные этапы разработки интернет-сайта, правила его составления, оформления, заполнения, программный код.

    курсовая работа [3,1 M], добавлен 20.05.2015

  • Корпоративное представительство как информация для посетителей и рабочий инструмент для сотрудников фирмы. Типы структур сайтов. Анализ существующих моделей создания сайта. Дизайн и функциональность сайта. Оптимизация кода. Процесс создания сайта.

    курсовая работа [189,9 K], добавлен 12.03.2009

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