Разработка алгоритмов и программ для определения сходства семантических сетей на основе их сложности
Семантические сети как модели представления знаний. Основные методы определения сходства графовых моделей систем. Метод решения задач определения сходства семантических сетей на основе их сложности. Разработка алгоритмов и их программная реализация.
Рубрика | Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 17.12.2011 |
Размер файла | 1,3 M |
Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже
Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
return left. index < right. index;
struct Node
vector <Adjacent> edgeEnds;
COLOR color;
Node ()
edgeEnds = vector <Adjacent> ();
color = WHITE;
class Graph
Graph (int _maxHalfPathLength = 5, int _vertexWeight = 1, int _edgeWeight = 3);
string Fill (ifstream& INPUT_GRAPH);
void FindPatterns ();
void Output ();
~Graph () {}
void DFSsearch (int currentVertex, int previousVertex, vector<DIRECTION> coveredWay);
vector <Node> nodes;
PatternTree insidePatternTree;
int maxHalfPathLength;
int edgesNumber;
graphPath. cpp
#include <iostream>
using std:: cin;
using std:: cout;
using std:: endl;
#include <iomanip>
using std:: setw;
#include <vector>
using std:: vector;
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include "graphPath. h"
Graph:: Graph (int _maxHalfPathLength, int _vertexWeight, int _edgeWeight)
: maxHalfPathLength (_maxHalfPathLength), edgesNumber (0)
if (_maxHalfPathLength < 0 || _vertexWeight < 0 || _edgeWeight < 0)
throw xParams ();
insidePatternTree = PatternTree (_maxHalfPathLength, _vertexWeight, _edgeWeight);
insidePatternTree. buildTree ();
string Graph:: Fill (ifstream& INPUT_GRAPH)
char nextSymbol;
string graphName, fullGraphName;
do {
if (INPUT_GRAPH >> graphName) {
INPUT_GRAPH. get (nextSymbol);
fullGraphName += graphName;
if (nextSymbol! = '\n')
fullGraphName += " ";
return "";
while (nextSymbol! = '\n');
int verticesNumber;
INPUT_GRAPH >> verticesNumber;
nodes. resize (verticesNumber + 1);
int number;
int start, end;
start = 1;
int lineEnd = 0;
while (lineEnd < verticesNumber) {
INPUT_GRAPH >> number;
if (number == 0)
else {
end = number;
nodes. at (start). edgeEnds. push_back (Adjacent (end, OUT));
nodes. at (end). edgeEnds. push_back (Adjacent (start, IN));
INPUT_GRAPH. get (nextSymbol);
if (nextSymbol == '\n')
INPUT_GRAPH >> nextSymbol; // Звездочка
for (vector<Node>:: iterator it = nodes. begin () +1; it! = nodes. end (); ++it)
std:: sort (it->edgeEnds. begin (), it->edgeEnds. end (), Compare ());
return fullGraphName;
void Graph:: DFSsearch (int currentVertex, int startVertex, vector<DIRECTION> coveredWay)
if (coveredWay. size () < maxHalfPathLength)
nodes. at (currentVertex). color = BLACK; // вершины красим черным, дуги серым
for (int next = 0; next < nodes. at (currentVertex). edgeEnds. size (); ++next) {
int oneMoreVertex = nodes. at (currentVertex). edgeEnds. at (next). index;
if (nodes. at (currentVertex). edgeEnds. at (next). visitColor == WHITE && nodes. at (oneMoreVertex). color == WHITE) {
vector<DIRECTION> coveredWayIncreased = coveredWay;
DIRECTION added = nodes. at (currentVertex). edgeEnds. at (next). direct;
coveredWayIncreased. push_back (added);
nodes. at (currentVertex). edgeEnds. at (next). visitColor = GRAY;
int oneMoreVertexEdgeEndIndex = - 1;
for (int count = 0; count < nodes. at (oneMoreVertex). edgeEnds. size (); ++count) {
if (nodes. at (oneMoreVertex). edgeEnds. at (count). index == currentVertex) {
oneMoreVertexEdgeEndIndex = count;
nodes. at (oneMoreVertex). edgeEnds. at (count). visitColor = GRAY;
DFSsearch (oneMoreVertex, startVertex, coveredWayIncreased);
nodes. at (currentVertex). edgeEnds. at (next). visitColor = WHITE;
nodes. at (oneMoreVertex). edgeEnds. at (oneMoreVertexEdgeEndIndex). visitColor = WHITE;
nodes. at (currentVertex). color = WHITE;
if (coveredWay. size ()! = this->edgesNumber) // сам полупуть не нужно еще раз подсчитывать
insidePatternTree. definePattern (coveredWay);
void Graph:: FindPatterns ()
for (int index = 1; index < nodes. size (); ++index)
vector<DIRECTION> coveredWay;
DFSsearch (index, index, coveredWay);
for (int index = 2; index < insidePatternTree. P. size (); ++index)
insidePatternTree. P. at (index) /= 2;
void Graph:: Output ()
insidePatternTree. ShowBasesScheme ();
ofstream outfile1 ("DESCR. TXT");
ofstream outfile2 ("OUTPUT. TXT");
int sum = 0;
outfile2 << insidePatternTree. P. size () - 1 << endl; // pss_output block
for (int index = 1; index < insidePatternTree. P. size (); ++index)
int currentNumber = insidePatternTree. P. at (index) * insidePatternTree. ISC. at (index);
sum += currentNumber;
outfile1 << currentNumber;
outfile2 << insidePatternTree. P. at (index); // pss_output block
if (index! = insidePatternTree. P. size () - 1)
outfile1 << " ";
// outfile2 << " "; // remove when pss_output, cindex_output
outfile2 << endl; // pss_output block
outfile1 << endl << sum << endl;
// outfile2 << endl; // remove when pss_output, cindex_output
// outfile2 << sum << endl; // cindex_output block
outfile1. close ();
outfile2. close ();
driver. cpp
#include "enums. h"
#include "patternTree. h"
#include "graphPath. h"
#include "xFile. h"
#include "txtProcessor. h"
#include <ctype. h>
#include <string>
using std:: string;
#include <fstream>
using std:: ifstream;
using std:: ofstream;
#include <iostream>
using std:: endl;
using std:: cin;
using std:: cout;
const string input_graph = "INPUT. txt";
const string params_file = "Params. txt";
const int HALF_PATH_LENGTH = 5; // значения по умолчанию
const int VERTEX_WEIGHT = 1;
const int EDGE_WEIGHT = 3;
void assignParameters (const vector<int>& _params, int& _halfPathLength, int& _vertexWeight, int& _edgeWeight)
for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < _params. size (); ++paramIndex) {
int nextParam = _params. at (paramIndex);
switch (paramIndex) {
case 0:
_halfPathLength = nextParam;
case 1:
_vertexWeight = nextParam;
case 2:
_edgeWeight = nextParam;
int main ()
string nextGraphName;
vector<int> params = txtProc:: getParamsFromFile (params_file);
int halfPathLength = HALF_PATH_LENGTH; // присваиваем значения по умолчанию. Если заданы параметрами - потом меняем.
int vertexWeight = VERTEX_WEIGHT;
int edgeWeight = EDGE_WEIGHT;
assignParameters (params, halfPathLength, vertexWeight, edgeWeight);
ifstream INPUT_GRAPH (input_graph);
Graph ourGraph (halfPathLength, vertexWeight, edgeWeight);
nextGraphName = ourGraph. Fill (INPUT_GRAPH);
ourGraph. FindPatterns ();
ourGraph. Output ();
INPUT_GRAPH. close ();
catch (xFile e)
int c;
cout << "Unable to find file: " << e. GetFilename () << endl << "press any key to continue." << endl;
cin >> c;
catch (xParams e) {
cout << "BadParameterValue in Params. txt" << endl << "press any key to continue." << endl;
int c; cin >> c; exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
return 0;
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Подобные документы
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