Разработка и адаптация обучающей компьютерной игры под уровень пользователя
Понятие и эволюция игр, анализ их различных жанров и существующих аналогов. Выбор программных средств для реализации игры, написание сюжета и выбор среды разработки игры. Алгоритмы для придания гибкости обучающей игре. Описание программных модулей.
Рубрика | Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 27.10.2017 |
Размер файла | 2,7 M |
Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже
Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
21 Макаров, А.С., Лисовский, К.Ю. Базы данных. Введение в теорию и методологию: Учебник - М.: Финансы и статистика, 2004. - 512 с.
22 Дейт, К. Дж. Введение в системы баз данных / К. Дж. Дейт - М.: Издательский дом “Вильямс”, 2001. - 1072 с.
"use strict";
const OFFLINE_DATA_FILE = "offline.js";
const CACHE_NAME_PREFIX = "c2offline";
const BROADCASTCHANNEL_NAME = "offline";
const CONSOLE_PREFIX = "[SW] ";
// Create a BroadcastChannel if supported.
const broadcastChannel = (typeof BroadcastChannel === "undefined" ? null : new BroadcastChannel(BROADCASTCHANNEL_NAME));
// Utility methods
function PostBroadcastMessage(o)
if (!broadcastChannel)
return; // not supported
// Impose artificial (and arbitrary!) delay of 3 seconds to make sure client is listening by the time the message is sent.
// Note we could remove the delay on some messages, but then we create a race condition where sometimes messages can arrive
// in the wrong order (e.g. "update ready" arrives before "started downloading update"). So to keep the consistent ordering,
// delay all messages by the same amount.
setTimeout(() => broadcastChannel.postMessage(o), 3000);
function Broadcast(type)
"type": type
function BroadcastDownloadingUpdate(version)
"type": "downloading-update",
"version": version
function BroadcastUpdateReady(version)
"type": "update-ready",
"version": version
function GetCacheBaseName()
// Include the scope to avoid name collisions with any other SWs on the same origin.
// e.g. "c2offline-https://example.com/foo/" (won't collide with anything under bar/)
return CACHE_NAME_PREFIX + "-" + self.registration.scope;
function GetCacheVersionName(version)
// Append the version number to the cache name.
// e.g. "c2offline-https://example.com/foo/-v2"
return GetCacheBaseName() + "-v" + version;
// Return caches.keys() filtered down to just caches we're interested in (with the right base name).
// This filters out caches from unrelated scopes.
function GetAvailableCacheNames()
return caches.keys()
.then(cacheNames =>
const cacheBaseName = GetCacheBaseName();
return cacheNames.filter(n => n.startsWith(cacheBaseName));
// Identify if an update is pending, which is the case when we have 2 or more available caches.
// One must be an update that is waiting, since the next navigate that does an upgrade will
// delete all the old caches leaving just one currently-in-use cache.
function IsUpdatePending()
return GetAvailableCacheNames()
.then(availableCacheNames => availableCacheNames.length >= 2);
// Automatically deduce the main page URL (e.g. index.html or main.aspx) from the available browser windows.
// This prevents having to hard-code an index page in the file list, implicitly caching it like AppCache did.
function GetMainPageUrl()
return clients.matchAll({
includeUncontrolled: true,
type: "window"
.then(clients =>
for (let c of clients)
// Parse off the scope from the full client URL, e.g. https://example.com/index.html -> index.html
let url = c.url;
if (url.startsWith(self.registration.scope))
url = url.substring(self.registration.scope.length);
if (url && url !== "/") // ./ is also implicitly cached so don't bother returning that
// If the URL is solely a search string, prefix it with / to ensure it caches correctly.
// e.g. https://example.com/?foo=bar needs to cache as /?foo=bar, not just ?foo=bar.
if (url.startsWith("?"))
url = "/" + url;
return url;
return ""; // no main page URL could be identified
// Hack to fetch optionally bypassing HTTP cache until fetch cache options are supported in Chrome (crbug.com/453190)
function fetchWithBypass(request, bypassCache)
if (typeof request === "string")
request = new Request(request);
if (bypassCache)
// bypass enabled: add a random search parameter to avoid getting a stale HTTP cache result
const url = new URL(request.url);
url.search += Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
return fetch(url, {
headers: request.headers,
mode: request.mode,
credentials: request.credentials,
redirect: request.redirect,
cache: "no-store"
// bypass disabled: perform normal fetch which is allowed to return from HTTP cache
return fetch(request);
// Effectively a cache.addAll() that only creates the cache on all requests being successful (as a weak attempt at making it atomic)
// and can optionally cache-bypass with fetchWithBypass in every request
function CreateCacheFromFileList(cacheName, fileList, bypassCache)
// Kick off all requests and wait for them all to complete
return Promise.all(fileList.map(url => fetchWithBypass(url, bypassCache)))
.then(responses =>
// Check if any request failed. If so don't move on to opening the cache.
// This makes sure we only open a cache if all requests succeeded.
let allOk = true;
for (let response of responses)
if (!response.ok)
allOk = false;
console.error(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "Error fetching '" + originalUrl + "' (" + response.status + " " + response.statusText + ")");
if (!allOk)
throw new Error("not all resources were fetched successfully");
// Can now assume all responses are OK. Open a cache and write all responses there.
// TODO: ideally we can do this transactionally to ensure a complete cache is written as one atomic operation.
// This needs either new transactional features in the spec, or at the very least a way to rename a cache
// (so we can write to a temporary name that won't be returned by GetAvailableCacheNames() and then rename it when ready).
return caches.open(cacheName)
.then(cache =>
return Promise.all(responses.map(
(response, i) => cache.put(fileList[i], response)
.catch(err =>
// Not sure why cache.put() would fail (maybe if storage quota exceeded?) but in case it does,
// clean up the cache to try to avoid leaving behind an incomplete cache.
console.error(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "Error writing cache entries: ", err);
throw err;
function UpdateCheck(isFirst)
// Always bypass cache when requesting offline.js to make sure we find out about new versions.
return fetchWithBypass(OFFLINE_DATA_FILE, true)
.then(r => r.json())
.then(data =>
const version = data.version;
let fileList = data.fileList;
const currentCacheName = GetCacheVersionName(version);
return caches.has(currentCacheName)
.then(cacheExists =>
// Don't recache if there is already a cache that exists for this version. Assume it is complete.
if (cacheExists)
// Log whether we are up-to-date or pending an update.
return IsUpdatePending()
.then(isUpdatePending =>
if (isUpdatePending)
console.log(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "Update pending");
console.log(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "Up to date");
// Implicitly add the main page URL to the file list, e.g. "index.html", so we don't have to assume a specific name.
return GetMainPageUrl()
.then(mainPageUrl =>
// Prepend the main page URL to the file list if we found one and it is not already in the list.
// Also make sure we request the base / which should serve the main page.
if (mainPageUrl && fileList.indexOf(mainPageUrl) === -1)
console.log(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "Caching " + fileList.length + " files for offline use");
if (isFirst)
// Note we don't bypass the cache on the first update check. This is because SW installation and the following
// update check caching will race with the normal page load requests. For any normal loading fetches that have already
// completed or are in-flight, it is pointless and wasteful to cache-bust the request for offline caching, since that
// forces a second network request to be issued when a response from the browser HTTP cache would be fine.
return CreateCacheFromFileList(currentCacheName, fileList, !isFirst)
.then(isUpdatePending =>
if (isUpdatePending)
console.log(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "All resources saved, update ready");
console.log(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "All resources saved, offline support ready");
.catch(err =>
// Update check fetches fail when we're offline, but in case there's any other kind of problem with it, log a warning.
console.warn(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "Update check failed: ", err);
self.addEventListener('install', event =>
// On install kick off an update check to cache files on first use.
// If it fails we can still complete the install event and leave the SW running, we'll just
// retry on the next navigate.
UpdateCheck(true) // first update
.catch(() => null)
self.addEventListener('fetch', event =>
const isNavigateRequest = (event.request.mode === "navigate");
let responsePromise = GetAvailableCacheNames()
.then(availableCacheNames =>
// No caches available: go to network
if (!availableCacheNames.length)
return fetch(event.request);
// Resolve with the cache name to use.
return Promise.resolve().then(() =>
// Prefer the oldest cache available. This avoids mixed-version responses by ensuring that if a new cache
// is created and filled due to an update check while the page is running, we keep returning resources
// from the original (oldest) cache only.
if (availableCacheNames.length === 1 || !isNavigateRequest)
return availableCacheNames[0];
// We are making a navigate request with more than one cache available. Check if we can expire any old ones.
return clients.matchAll().then(clients =>
// If there are other clients open, don't expire anything yet. We don't want to delete any caches they
// might be using, which could cause mixed-version responses.
// TODO: verify client count is as expected in navigate requests.
// TODO: find a way to upgrade on reloading the only client. Chrome seems to think there are 2 clients in that case.
if (clients.length > 1)
return availableCacheNames[0];
// Identify newest cache to use. Delete all the others.
let latestCacheName = availableCacheNames[availableCacheNames.length - 1];
console.log(CONSOLE_PREFIX + "Updating to new version");
return Promise.all(availableCacheNames.slice(0, -1)
.map(c => caches.delete(c)))
.then(() => latestCacheName);
}).then(useCacheName =>
return caches.open(useCacheName)
.then(c => c.match(event.request))
.then(response => response || fetch(event.request));
if (isNavigateRequest)
// allow the main request to complete, then check for updates
.then(() => UpdateCheck(false))); // not first check
// Generated by Construct 2, the HTML5 game and app creator :: http://www.scirra.com
var cr = {};
cr.plugins_ = {};
cr.behaviors = {};
if (typeof Object.getPrototypeOf !== "function")
if (typeof "test".__proto__ === "object")
Object.getPrototypeOf = function(object) {
return object.__proto__;
Object.getPrototypeOf = function(object) {
return object.constructor.prototype;
cr.logexport = function (msg)
if (window.console && window.console.log)
cr.logerror = function (msg)
if (window.console && window.console.error)
cr.seal = function(x)
return x;
cr.freeze = function(x)
return x;
cr.is_undefined = function (x)
return typeof x === "undefined";
cr.is_number = function (x)
return typeof x === "number";
cr.is_string = function (x)
return typeof x === "string";
cr.isPOT = function (x)
return x > 0 && ((x - 1) & x) === 0;
cr.nextHighestPowerOfTwo = function(x) {
for (var i = 1; i < 32; i <<= 1) {
x = x | x >> i;
return x + 1;
cr.abs = function (x)
return (x < 0 ? -x : x);
cr.max = function (a, b)
return (a > b ? a : b);
cr.min = function (a, b)
return (a < b ? a : b);
cr.PI = Math.PI;
cr.round = function (x)
return (x + 0.5) | 0;
cr.floor = function (x)
if (x >= 0)
return x | 0;
return (x | 0) - 1; // correctly round down when negative
cr.ceil = function (x)
var f = x | 0;
return (f === x ? f : f + 1);
function Vector2(x, y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Vector2.prototype.offset = function (px, py)
this.x += px;
this.y += py;
return this;
Vector2.prototype.mul = function (px, py)
this.x *= px;
this.y *= py;
return this;
cr.vector2 = Vector2;
cr.segments_intersect = function(a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y, b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y)
var max_ax, min_ax, max_ay, min_ay, max_bx, min_bx, max_by, min_by;
if (a1x < a2x)
min_ax = a1x;
max_ax = a2x;
min_ax = a2x;
max_ax = a1x;
if (b1x < b2x)
min_bx = b1x;
max_bx = b2x;
min_bx = b2x;
max_bx = b1x;
if (max_ax < min_bx || min_ax > max_bx)
return false;
if (a1y < a2y)
min_ay = a1y;
max_ay = a2y;
min_ay = a2y;
max_ay = a1y;
if (b1y < b2y)
min_by = b1y;
max_by = b2y;
min_by = b2y;
max_by = b1y;
if (max_ay < min_by || min_ay > max_by)
return false;
var dpx = b1x - a1x + b2x - a2x;
var dpy = b1y - a1y + b2y - a2y;
var qax = a2x - a1x;
var qay = a2y - a1y;
var qbx = b2x - b1x;
var qby = b2y - b1y;
var d = cr.abs(qay * qbx - qby * qax);
var la = qbx * dpy - qby * dpx;
if (cr.abs(la) > d)
return false;
var lb = qax * dpy - qay * dpx;
return cr.abs(lb) <= d;
function Rect(left, top, right, bottom)
this.set(left, top, right, bottom);
Rect.prototype.set = function (left, top, right, bottom)
this.left = left;
this.top = top;
this.right = right;
this.bottom = bottom;
Rect.prototype.copy = function (r)
this.left = r.left;
this.top = r.top;
this.right = r.right;
this.bottom = r.bottom;
Rect.prototype.width = function ()
return this.right - this.left;
Rect.prototype.height = function ()
return this.bottom - this.top;
Rect.prototype.offset = function (px, py)
this.left += px;
this.top += py;
this.right += px;
this.bottom += py;
return this;
Rect.prototype.normalize = function ()
var temp = 0;
if (this.left > this.right)
temp = this.left;
this.left = this.right;
this.right = temp;
if (this.top > this.bottom)
temp = this.top;
this.top = this.bottom;
this.bottom = temp;
Rect.prototype.intersects_rect = function (rc)
return !(rc.right < this.left || rc.bottom < this.top || rc.left > this.right || rc.top > this.bottom);
Rect.prototype.intersects_rect_off = function (rc, ox, oy)
return !(rc.right + ox < this.left || rc.bottom + oy < this.top || rc.left + ox > this.right || rc.top + oy > this.bottom);
Rect.prototype.contains_pt = function (x, y)
return (x >= this.left && x <= this.right) && (y >= this.top && y <= this.bottom);
Rect.prototype.equals = function (r)
return this.left === r.left && this.top === r.top && this.right === r.right && this.bottom === r.bottom;
cr.rect = Rect;
function Quad()
this.tlx = 0;
this.tly = 0;
this.trx = 0;
this.try_ = 0; // is a keyword otherwise!
this.brx = 0;
this.bry = 0;
this.blx = 0;
this.bly = 0;
Quad.prototype.set_from_rect = function (rc)
this.tlx = rc.left;
this.tly = rc.top;
this.trx = rc.right;
this.try_ = rc.top;
this.brx = rc.right;
this.bry = rc.bottom;
this.blx = rc.left;
this.bly = rc.bottom;
Quad.prototype.set_from_rotated_rect = function (rc, a)
if (a === 0)
var sin_a = Math.sin(a);
var cos_a = Math.cos(a);
var left_sin_a = rc.left * sin_a;
var top_sin_a = rc.top * sin_a;
var right_sin_a = rc.right * sin_a;
var bottom_sin_a = rc.bottom * sin_a;
var left_cos_a = rc.left * cos_a;
var top_cos_a = rc.top * cos_a;
var right_cos_a = rc.right * cos_a;
var bottom_cos_a = rc.bottom * cos_a;
this.tlx = left_cos_a - top_sin_a;
this.tly = top_cos_a + left_sin_a;
this.trx = right_cos_a - top_sin_a;
this.try_ = top_cos_a + right_sin_a;
this.brx = right_cos_a - bottom_sin_a;
this.bry = bottom_cos_a + right_sin_a;
this.blx = left_cos_a - bottom_sin_a;
this.bly = bottom_cos_a + left_sin_a;
Quad.prototype.offset = function (px, py)
this.tlx += px;
this.tly += py;
this.trx += px;
this.try_ += py;
this.brx += px;
this.bry += py;
this.blx += px;
this.bly += py;
return this;
var minresult = 0;
var maxresult = 0;
function minmax4(a, b, c, d)
if (a < b)
if (c < d)
if (a < c)
minresult = a;
minresult = c;
if (b > d)
maxresult = b;
maxresult = d;
if (a < d)
minresult = a;
minresult = d;
if (b > c)
maxresult = b;
maxresult = c;
if (c < d)
if (b < c)
minresult = b;
minresult = c;
if (a > d)
maxresult = a;
maxresult = d;
if (b < d)
minresult = b;
minresult = d;
if (a > c)
maxresult = a;
maxresult = c;
Quad.prototype.bounding_box = function (rc)
minmax4(this.tlx, this.trx, this.brx, this.blx);
rc.left = minresult;
rc.right = maxresult;
minmax4(this.tly, this.try_, this.bry, this.bly);
rc.top = minresult;
rc.bottom = maxresult;
Quad.prototype.contains_pt = function (x, y)
var tlx = this.tlx;
var tly = this.tly;
var v0x = this.trx - tlx;
var v0y = this.try_ - tly;
var v1x = this.brx - tlx;
var v1y = this.bry - tly;
var v2x = x - tlx;
var v2y = y - tly;
var dot00 = v0x * v0x + v0y * v0y
var dot01 = v0x * v1x + v0y * v1y
var dot02 = v0x * v2x + v0y * v2y
var dot11 = v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y
var dot12 = v1x * v2x + v1y * v2y
var invDenom = 1.0 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
var u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
var v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
if ((u >= 0.0) && (v > 0.0) && (u + v < 1))
return true;
v0x = this.blx - tlx;
v0y = this.bly - tly;
var dot00 = v0x * v0x + v0y * v0y
var dot01 = v0x * v1x + v0y * v1y
var dot02 = v0x * v2x + v0y * v2y
invDenom = 1.0 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
return (u >= 0.0) && (v > 0.0) && (u + v < 1);
Quad.prototype.at = function (i, xory)
if (xory)
switch (i)
case 0: return this.tlx;
case 1: return this.trx;
case 2: return this.brx;
case 3: return this.blx;
case 4: return this.tlx;
default: return this.tlx;
switch (i)
case 0: return this.tly;
case 1: return this.try_;
case 2: return this.bry;
case 3: return this.bly;
case 4: return this.tly;
default: return this.tly;
Quad.prototype.midX = function ()
return (this.tlx + this.trx + this.brx + this.blx) / 4;
Quad.prototype.midY = function ()
return (this.tly + this.try_ + this.bry + this.bly) / 4;
Quad.prototype.intersects_segment = function (x1, y1, x2, y2)
if (this.contains_pt(x1, y1) || this.contains_pt(x2, y2))
return true;
var a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
a1x = this.at(i, true);
a1y = this.at(i, false);
a2x = this.at(i + 1, true);
a2y = this.at(i + 1, false);
if (cr.segments_intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y))
return true;
return false;
Quad.prototype.intersects_quad = function (rhs)
var midx = rhs.midX();
var midy = rhs.midY();
if (this.contains_pt(midx, midy))
return true;
midx = this.midX();
midy = this.midY();
if (rhs.contains_pt(midx, midy))
return true;
var a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y, b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y;
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
a1x = this.at(i, true);
a1y = this.at(i, false);
a2x = this.at(i + 1, true);
a2y = this.at(i + 1, false);
b1x = rhs.at(j, true);
b1y = rhs.at(j, false);
b2x = rhs.at(j + 1, true);
b2y = rhs.at(j + 1, false);
if (cr.segments_intersect(a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y, b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y))
return true;
return false;
cr.quad = Quad;
cr.RGB = function (red, green, blue)
return Math.max(Math.min(red, 255), 0)
| (Math.max(Math.min(green, 255), 0) << 8)
| (Math.max(Math.min(blue, 255), 0) << 16);
cr.GetRValue = function (rgb)
return rgb & 0xFF;
cr.GetGValue = function (rgb)
return (rgb & 0xFF00) >> 8;
cr.GetBValue = function (rgb)
return (rgb & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
cr.shallowCopy = function (a, b, allowOverwrite)
var attr;
for (attr in b)
if (b.hasOwnProperty(attr))
a[attr] = b[attr];
return a;
cr.arrayRemove = function (arr, index)
var i, len;
index = cr.floor(index);
if (index < 0 || index >= arr.length)
return; // index out of bounds
for (i = index, len = arr.length - 1; i < len; i++)
arr[i] = arr[i + 1];
cr.truncateArray(arr, len);
cr.truncateArray = function (arr, index)
arr.length = index;
cr.clearArray = function (arr)
cr.truncateArray(arr, 0);
cr.shallowAssignArray = function (dest, src)
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = src.length; i < len; ++i)
dest[i] = src[i];
cr.appendArray = function (a, b)
a.push.apply(a, b);
cr.fastIndexOf = function (arr, item)
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i)
if (arr[i] === item)
return i;
return -1;
cr.arrayFindRemove = function (arr, item)
var index = cr.fastIndexOf(arr, item);
if (index !== -1)
cr.arrayRemove(arr, index);
cr.clamp = function(x, a, b)
if (x < a)
return a;
else if (x > b)
return b;
return x;
cr.to_radians = function(x)
return x / (180.0 / cr.PI);
cr.to_degrees = function(x)
return x * (180.0 / cr.PI);
cr.clamp_angle_degrees = function (a)
a %= 360; // now in (-360, 360) range
if (a < 0)
a += 360; // now in [0, 360) range
return a;
cr.clamp_angle = function (a)
a %= 2 * cr.PI; // now in (-2pi, 2pi) range
if (a < 0)
a += 2 * cr.PI; // now in [0, 2pi) range
return a;
cr.to_clamped_degrees = function (x)
return cr.clamp_angle_degrees(cr.to_degrees(x));
cr.to_clamped_radians = function (x)
return cr.clamp_angle(cr.to_radians(x));
cr.angleTo = function(x1, y1, x2, y2)
var dx = x2 - x1;
var dy = y2 - y1;
return Math.atan2(dy, dx);
cr.angleDiff = function (a1, a2)
if (a1 === a2)
return 0;
var s1 = Math.sin(a1);
var c1 = Math.cos(a1);
var s2 = Math.sin(a2);
var c2 = Math.cos(a2);
var n = s1 * s2 + c1 * c2;
if (n >= 1)
return 0;
if (n <= -1)
return cr.PI;
return Math.acos(n);
cr.angleRotate = function (start, end, step)
var ss = Math.sin(start);
var cs = Math.cos(start);
var se = Math.sin(end);
var ce = Math.cos(end);
if (Math.acos(ss * se + cs * ce) > step)
if (cs * se - ss * ce > 0)
return cr.clamp_angle(start + step);
return cr.clamp_angle(start - step);
return cr.clamp_angle(end);
cr.angleClockwise = function (a1, a2)
var s1 = Math.sin(a1);
var c1 = Math.cos(a1);
var s2 = Math.sin(a2);
var c2 = Math.cos(a2);
return c1 * s2 - s1 * c2 <= 0;
cr.rotatePtAround = function (px, py, a, ox, oy, getx)
if (a === 0)
return getx ? px : py;
var sin_a = Math.sin(a);
var cos_a = Math.cos(a);
px -= ox;
py -= oy;
var left_sin_a = px * sin_a;
var top_sin_a = py * sin_a;
var left_cos_a = px * cos_a;
var top_cos_a = py * cos_a;
px = left_cos_a - top_sin_a;
py = top_cos_a + left_sin_a;
px += ox;
py += oy;
return getx ? px : py;
cr.distanceTo = function(x1, y1, x2, y2)
var dx = x2 - x1;
var dy = y2 - y1;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
cr.xor = function (x, y)
return !x !== !y;
cr.lerp = function (a, b, x)
return a + (b - a) * x;
cr.unlerp = function (a, b, c)
if (a === b)
return 0; // avoid divide by 0
return (c - a) / (b - a);
cr.anglelerp = function (a, b, x)
var diff = cr.angleDiff(a, b);
if (cr.angleClockwise(b, a))
return a + diff * x;
return a - diff * x;
cr.qarp = function (a, b, c, x)
return cr.lerp(cr.lerp(a, b, x), cr.lerp(b, c, x), x);
cr.cubic = function (a, b, c, d, x)
return cr.lerp(cr.qarp(a, b, c, x), cr.qarp(b, c, d, x), x);
cr.cosp = function (a, b, x)
return (a + b + (a - b) * Math.cos(x * Math.PI)) / 2;
cr.hasAnyOwnProperty = function (o)
var p;
for (p in o)
if (o.hasOwnProperty(p))
return true;
return false;
cr.wipe = function (obj)
var p;
for (p in obj)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p))
delete obj[p];
var startup_time = +(new Date());
cr.performance_now = function()
if (typeof window["performance"] !== "undefined")
var winperf = window["performance"];
if (typeof winperf.now !== "undefined")
return winperf.now();
else if (typeof winperf["webkitNow"] !== "undefined")
return winperf["webkitNow"]();
else if (typeof winperf["mozNow"] !== "undefined")
return winperf["mozNow"]();
else if (typeof winperf["msNow"] !== "undefined")
return winperf["msNow"]();
return Date.now() - startup_time;
var isChrome = false;
var isSafari = false;
var isiOS = false;
var isEjecta = false;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") // not c2 editor
isChrome = /chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /chromium/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
isSafari = !isChrome && /safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
isiOS = /(iphone|ipod|ipad)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
isEjecta = window["c2ejecta"];
var supports_set = ((!isSafari && !isEjecta && !isiOS) && (typeof Set !== "undefined" && typeof Set.prototype["forEach"] !== "undefined"));
function ObjectSet_()
this.s = null;
this.items = null; // lazy allocated (hopefully results in better GC performance)
this.item_count = 0;
if (supports_set)
this.s = new Set();
this.values_cache = [];
this.cache_valid = true;
ObjectSet_.prototype.contains = function (x)
if (this.isEmpty())
return false;
if (supports_set)
return this.s["has"](x);
return (this.items && this.items.hasOwnProperty(x));
ObjectSet_.prototype.add = function (x)
if (supports_set)
if (!this.s["has"](x))
this.cache_valid = false;
var str = x.toString();
var items = this.items;
if (!items)
this.items = {};
this.items[str] = x;
this.item_count = 1;
this.cache_valid = false;
else if (!items.hasOwnProperty(str))
items[str] = x;
this.cache_valid = false;
ObjectSet_.prototype.remove = function (x)
if (this.isEmpty())
if (supports_set)
if (this.s["has"](x))
this.cache_valid = false;
else if (this.items)
var str = x.toString();
var items = this.items;
if (items.hasOwnProperty(str))
delete items[str];
this.cache_valid = false;
ObjectSet_.prototype.clear = function (/*wipe_*/)
if (this.isEmpty())
if (supports_set)
this.s["clear"](); // best!
this.items = null; // creates garbage; will lazy allocate on next add()
this.item_count = 0;
this.cache_valid = true;
ObjectSet_.prototype.isEmpty = function ()
return this.count() === 0;
ObjectSet_.prototype.count = function ()
if (supports_set)
return this.s["size"];
return this.item_count;
var current_arr = null;
var current_index = 0;
function set_append_to_arr(x)
current_arr[current_index++] = x;
ObjectSet_.prototype.update_cache = function ()
if (this.cache_valid)
if (supports_set)
current_arr = this.values_cache;
current_index = 0;
current_arr = null;
current_index = 0;
var values_cache = this.values_cache;
var p, n = 0, items = this.items;
if (items)
for (p in items)
if (items.hasOwnProperty(p))
values_cache[n++] = items[p];
this.cache_valid = true;
ObjectSet_.prototype.valuesRef = function ()
return this.values_cache;
cr.ObjectSet = ObjectSet_;
var tmpSet = new cr.ObjectSet();
cr.removeArrayDuplicates = function (arr)
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i)
cr.shallowAssignArray(arr, tmpSet.valuesRef());
cr.arrayRemoveAllFromObjectSet = function (arr, remset)
if (supports_set)
cr.arrayRemoveAll_set(arr, remset.s);
cr.arrayRemoveAll_arr(arr, remset.valuesRef());
cr.arrayRemoveAll_set = function (arr, s)
var i, j, len, item;
for (i = 0, j = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i)
item = arr[i];
if (!s["has"](item)) // not an item to remove
arr[j++] = item; // keep it
cr.truncateArray(arr, j);
cr.arrayRemoveAll_arr = function (arr, rem)
var i, j, len, item;
for (i = 0, j = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i)
item = arr[i];
if (cr.fastIndexOf(rem, item) === -1) // not an item to remove
arr[j++] = item; // keep it
cr.truncateArray(arr, j);
function KahanAdder_()
this.c = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.t = 0;
this.sum = 0;
KahanAdder_.prototype.add = function (v)
this.y = v - this.c;
this.t = this.sum + this.y;
this.c = (this.t - this.sum) - this.y;
this.sum = this.t;
KahanAdder_.prototype.reset = function ()
this.c = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.t = 0;
this.sum = 0;
cr.KahanAdder = KahanAdder_;
cr.regexp_escape = function(text)
return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
function CollisionPoly_(pts_array_)
this.pts_cache = [];
this.bboxLeft = 0;
this.bboxTop = 0;
this.bboxRight = 0;
this.bboxBottom = 0;
this.convexpolys = null; // for physics behavior to cache separated polys
CollisionPoly_.prototype.set_pts = function(pts_array_)
this.pts_array = pts_array_;
this.pts_count = pts_array_.length / 2; // x, y, x, y... in array
this.pts_cache.length = pts_array_.length;
this.cache_width = -1;
this.cache_height = -1;
this.cache_angle = 0;
CollisionPoly_.prototype.is_empty = function()
return !this.pts_array.length;
CollisionPoly_.prototype.update_bbox = function ()
var myptscache = this.pts_cache;
var bboxLeft_ = myptscache[0];
var bboxRight_ = bboxLeft_;
var bboxTop_ = myptscache[1];
var bboxBottom_ = bboxTop_;
var x, y, i = 1, i2, len = this.pts_count;
for ( ; i < len; ++i)
i2 = i*2;
x = myptscache[i2];
y = myptscache[i2+1];
if (x < bboxLeft_)
bboxLeft_ = x;
if (x > bboxRight_)
bboxRight_ = x;
if (y < bboxTop_)
bboxTop_ = y;
if (y > bboxBottom_)
bboxBottom_ = y;
this.bboxLeft = bboxLeft_;
this.bboxRight = bboxRight_;
this.bboxTop = bboxTop_;
this.bboxBottom = bboxBottom_;
CollisionPoly_.prototype.set_from_rect = function(rc, offx, offy)
this.pts_cache.length = 8;
this.pts_count = 4;
var myptscache = this.pts_cache;
myptscache[0] = rc.left - offx;
myptscache[1] = rc.top - offy;
myptscache[2] = rc.right - offx;
myptscache[3] = rc.top - offy;
myptscache[4] = rc.right - offx;
myptscache[5] = rc.bottom - offy;
myptscache[6] = rc.left - offx;
myptscache[7] = rc.bottom - offy;
this.cache_width = rc.right - rc.left;
this.cache_height = rc.bottom - rc.top;
CollisionPoly_.prototype.set_from_quad = function(q, offx, offy, w, h)
this.pts_cache.length = 8;
this.pts_count = 4;
var myptscache = this.pts_cache;
myptscache[0] = q.tlx - offx;
myptscache[1] = q.tly - offy;
myptscache[2] = q.trx - offx;
myptscache[3] = q.try_ - offy;
myptscache[4] = q.brx - offx;
myptscache[5] = q.bry - offy;
myptscache[6] = q.blx - offx;
myptscache[7] = q.bly - offy;
this.cache_width = w;
this.cache_height = h;
CollisionPoly_.prototype.set_from_poly = function (r)
this.pts_count = r.pts_count;
cr.shallowAssignArray(this.pts_cache, r.pts_cache);
this.bboxLeft = r.bboxLeft;
this.bboxTop - r.bboxTop;
this.bboxRight = r.bboxRight;
this.bboxBottom = r.bboxBottom;
CollisionPoly_.prototype.cache_poly = function(w, h, a)
if (this.cache_width === w && this.cache_height === h && this.cache_angle === a)
return; // cache up-to-date
this.cache_width = w;
this.cache_height = h;
this.cache_angle = a;
var i, i2, i21, len, x, y;
var sina = 0;
var cosa = 1;
var myptsarray = this.pts_array;
var myptscache = this.pts_cache;
if (a !== 0)
sina = Math.sin(a);
cosa = Math.cos(a);
for (i = 0, len = this.pts_count; i < len; i++)
i2 = i*2;
i21 = i2+1;
x = myptsarray[i2] * w;
y = myptsarray[i21] * h;
myptscache[i2] = (x * cosa) - (y * sina);
myptscache[i21] = (y * cosa) + (x * sina);
CollisionPoly_.prototype.contains_pt = function (a2x, a2y)
var myptscache = this.pts_cache;
if (a2x === myptscache[0] && a2y === myptscache[1])
return true;
var i, i2, imod, len = this.pts_count;
var a1x = this.bboxLeft - 110;
var a1y = this.bboxTop - 101;
var a3x = this.bboxRight + 131
var a3y = this.bboxBottom + 120;
var b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y;
var count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
i2 = i*2;
imod = ((i+1)%len)*2;
b1x = myptscache[i2];
b1y = myptscache[i2+1];
b2x = myptscache[imod];
b2y = myptscache[imod+1];
if (cr.segments_intersect(a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y, b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y))
if (cr.segments_intersect(a3x, a3y, a2x, a2y, b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y))
return (count1 % 2 === 1) || (count2 % 2 === 1);
CollisionPoly_.prototype.intersects_poly = function (rhs, offx, offy)
var rhspts = rhs.pts_cache;
var mypts = this.pts_cache;
if (this.contains_pt(rhspts[0] + offx, rhspts[1] + offy))
return true;
if (rhs.contains_pt(mypts[0] - offx, mypts[1] - offy))
return true;
var i, i2, imod, leni, j, j2, jmod, lenj;
var a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y, b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y;
for (i = 0, leni = this.pts_count; i < leni; i++)
i2 = i*2;
imod = ((i+1)%leni)*2;
a1x = mypts[i2];
a1y = mypts[i2+1];
a2x = mypts[imod];
a2y = mypts[imod+1];
for (j = 0, lenj = rhs.pts_count; j < lenj; j++)
j2 = j*2;
jmod = ((j+1)%lenj)*2;
b1x = rhspts[j2] + offx;
b1y = rhspts[j2+1] + offy;
b2x = rhspts[jmod] + offx;
b2y = rhspts[jmod+1] + offy;
if (cr.segments_intersect(a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y, b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y))
return true;
return false;
CollisionPoly_.prototype.intersects_segment = function (offx, offy, x1, y1, x2, y2)
var mypts = this.pts_cache;
if (this.contains_pt(x1 - offx, y1 - offy))
return true;
var i, leni, i2, imod;
var a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y;
for (i = 0, leni = this.pts_count; i < leni; i++)
i2 = i*2;
imod = ((i+1)%leni)*2;
a1x = mypts[i2] + offx;
a1y = mypts[i2+1] + offy;
a2x = mypts[imod] + offx;
a2y = mypts[imod+1] + offy;
if (cr.segments_intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y))
return true;
return false;
CollisionPoly_.prototype.mirror = function (px)
var i, leni, i2;
for (i = 0, leni = this.pts_count; i < leni; ++i)
i2 = i*2;
this.pts_cache[i2] = px * 2 - this.pts_cache[i2];
CollisionPoly_.prototype.flip = function (py)
var i, leni, i21;
for (i = 0, leni = this.pts_count; i < leni; ++i)
i21 = i*2+1;
this.pts_cache[i21] = py * 2 - this.pts_cache[i21];
CollisionPoly_.prototype.diag = function ()
var i, leni, i2, i21, temp;
for (i = 0, leni = this.pts_count; i < leni; ++i)
i2 = i*2;
i21 = i2+1;
temp = this.pts_cache[i2];
this.pts_cache[i2] = this.pts_cache[i21];
this.pts_cache[i21] = temp;
cr.CollisionPoly = CollisionPoly_;
function SparseGrid_(cellwidth_, cellheight_)
this.cellwidth = cellwidth_;
this.cellheight = cellheight_;
this.cells = {};
SparseGrid_.prototype.totalCellCount = 0;
SparseGrid_.prototype.getCell = function (x_, y_, create_if_missing)
var ret;
var col = this.cells[x_];
if (!col)
if (create_if_missing)
ret = allocGridCell(this, x_, y_);
this.cells[x_] = {};
this.cells[x_][y_] = ret;
return ret;
return null;
ret = col[y_];
if (ret)
return ret;
else if (create_if_missing)
ret = allocGridCell(this, x_, y_);
this.cells[x_][y_] = ret;
return ret;
return null;
SparseGrid_.prototype.XToCell = function (x_)
return cr.floor(x_ / this.cellwidth);
SparseGrid_.prototype.YToCell = function (y_)
return cr.floor(y_ / this.cellheight);
SparseGrid_.prototype.update = function (inst, oldrange, newrange)
var x, lenx, y, leny, cell;
if (oldrange)
for (x = oldrange.left, lenx = oldrange.right; x <= lenx; ++x)
for (y = oldrange.top, leny = oldrange.bottom; y <= leny; ++y)
if (newrange && newrange.contains_pt(x, y))
continue; // is still in this cell
cell = this.getCell(x, y, false); // don't create if missing
if (!cell)
continue; // cell does not exist yet
if (cell.isEmpty())
this.cells[x][y] = null;
if (newrange)
for (x = newrange.left, lenx = newrange.right; x <= lenx; ++x)
for (y = newrange.top, leny = newrange.bottom; y <= leny; ++y)
if (oldrange && oldrange.contains_pt(x, y))
continue; // is still in this cell
this.getCell(x, y, true).insert(inst);
SparseGrid_.prototype.queryRange = function (rc, result)
var x, lenx, ystart, y, leny, cell;
x = this.XToCell(rc.left);
ystart = this.YToCell(rc.top);
lenx = this.XToCell(rc.right);
leny = this.YToCell(rc.bottom);
for ( ; x <= lenx; ++x)
for (y = ystart; y <= leny; ++y)
cell = this.getCell(x, y, false);
if (!cell)
cr.SparseGrid = SparseGrid_;
function RenderGrid_(cellwidth_, cellheight_)
this.cellwidth = cellwidth_;
this.cellheight = cellheight_;
this.cells = {};
RenderGrid_.prototype.totalCellCount = 0;
RenderGrid_.prototype.getCell = function (x_, y_, create_if_missing)
var ret;
var col = this.cells[x_];
if (!col)
if (create_if_missing)
ret = allocRenderCell(this, x_, y_);
this.cells[x_] = {};
this.cells[x_][y_] = ret;
return ret;
return null;
ret = col[y_];
if (ret)
return ret;
else if (create_if_missing)
ret = allocRenderCell(this, x_, y_);
this.cells[x_][y_] = ret;
return ret;
return null;
RenderGrid_.prototype.XToCell = function (x_)
return cr.floor(x_ / this.cellwidth);
RenderGrid_.prototype.YToCell = function (y_)
return cr.floor(y_ / this.cellheight);
RenderGrid_.prototype.update = function (inst, oldrange, newrange)
var x, lenx, y, leny, cell;
if (oldrange)
for (x = oldrange.left, lenx = oldrange.right; x <= lenx; ++x)
for (y = oldrange.top, leny = oldrange.bottom; y <= leny; ++y)
if (newrange && newrange.contains_pt(x, y))
continue; // is still in this cell
cell = this.getCell(x, y, false); // don't create if missing
if (!cell)
continue; // cell does not exist yet
if (cell.isEmpty())
this.cells[x][y] = null;
if (newrange)
for (x = newrange.left, lenx = newrange.right; x <= lenx; ++x)
for (y = newrange.top, leny = newrange.bottom; y <= leny; ++y)
if (oldrange && oldrange.contains_pt(x, y))
continue; // is still in this cell
this.getCell(x, y, true).insert(inst);
RenderGrid_.prototype.queryRange = function (left, top, right, bottom, result)
var x, lenx, ystart, y, leny, cell;
x = this.XToCell(left);
ystart = this.YToCell(top);
lenx = this.XToCell(right);
leny = this.YToCell(bottom);
for ( ; x <= lenx; ++x)
for (y = ystart; y <= leny; ++y)
cell = this.getCell(x, y, false);
if (!cell)
RenderGrid_.prototype.markRangeChanged = function (rc)
var x, lenx, ystart, y, leny, cell;
x = rc.left;
ystart = rc.top;
lenx = rc.right;
leny = rc.bottom;
for ( ; x <= lenx; ++x)
for (y = ystart; y <= leny; ++y)
cell = this.getCell(x, y, false);
if (!cell)
cell.is_sorted = false;
cr.RenderGrid = RenderGrid_;
var gridcellcache = [];
function allocGridCell(grid_, x_, y_)
var ret;
if (gridcellcache.length)
ret = gridcellcache.pop();
ret.grid = grid_;
ret.x = x_;
ret.y = y_;
return ret;
return new cr.GridCell(grid_, x_, y_);
function freeGridCell(c)
if (gridcellcache.length < 1000)
function GridCell_(grid_, x_, y_)
this.grid = grid_;
this.x = x_;
this.y = y_;
this.objects = new cr.ObjectSet();
GridCell_.prototype.isEmpty = function ()
return this.objects.isEmpty();
GridCell_.prototype.insert = function (inst)
GridCell_.prototype.remove = function (inst)
GridCell_.prototype.dump = function (result)
cr.appendArray(result, this.objects.valuesRef());
cr.GridCell = GridCell_;
var rendercellcache = [];
function allocRenderCell(grid_, x_, y_)
var ret;
if (rendercellcache.length)
ret = rendercellcache.pop();
ret.grid = grid_;
ret.x = x_;
ret.y = y_;
return ret;
return new cr.RenderCell(grid_, x_, y_);
function freeRenderCell(c)
if (rendercellcache.length < 1000)
function RenderCell_(grid_, x_, y_)
this.grid = grid_;
this.x = x_;
this.y = y_;
this.objects = []; // array which needs to be sorted by Z order
this.is_sorted = true; // whether array is in correct sort order or not
this.pending_removal = new cr.ObjectSet();
this.any_pending_removal = false;
RenderCell_.prototype.isEmpty = function ()
if (!this.objects.length)
return true;
if (this.objects.length > this.pending_removal.count())
return false;
this.flush_pending(); // takes fast path and just resets state
return true;
RenderCell_.prototype.insert = function (inst)
if (this.pending_removal.contains(inst))
if (this.pending_removal.isEmpty())
this.any_pending_removal = false;
if (this.objects.length)
var top = this.objects[this.objects.length - 1];
if (top.get_zindex() > inst.get_zindex())
this.is_sorted = false; // 'inst' should be somewhere beneath 'top'
this.is_sorted = true;
RenderCell_.prototype.remove = function (inst)
this.any_pending_removal = true;
if (this.pending_removal.count() >= 30)
RenderCell_.prototype.flush_pending = function ()
if (!this.any_pending_removal)
return; // not changed
if (this.pending_removal.count() === this.objects.length)
cr.arrayRemoveAllFromObjectSet(this.objects, this.pending_removal);
this.any_pending_removal = false;
function sortByInstanceZIndex(a, b)
return a.zindex - b.zindex;
RenderCell_.prototype.ensure_sorted = function ()
if (this.is_sorted)
return; // already sorted
this.is_sorted = true;
RenderCell_.prototype.reset = function ()
this.is_sorted = true;
this.any_pending_removal = false;
RenderCell_.prototype.dump = function (result)
if (this.objects.length)
cr.RenderCell = RenderCell_;
var fxNames = [ "lighter",
cr.effectToCompositeOp = function(effect)
if (effect <= 0 || effect >= 11)
return "source-over";
return fxNames[effect - 1]; // not including "none" so offset by 1
cr.setGLBlend = function(this_, effect, gl)
if (!gl)
this_.srcBlend = gl.ONE;
this_.destBlend = gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
switch (effect) {
case 1: // lighter (additive)
this_.srcBlend = gl.ONE;
this_.destBlend = gl.ONE;
case 2: // xor
break; // todo
case 3: // copy
this_.srcBlend = gl.ONE;
this_.destBlend = gl.ZERO;
case 4: // destination-over
this_.srcBlend = gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA;
this_.destBlend = gl.ONE;
case 5: // source-in
this_.srcBlend = gl.DST_ALPHA;
this_.destBlend = gl.ZERO;
case 6: // destination-in
this_.srcBlend = gl.ZERO;
this_.destBlend = gl.SRC_ALPHA;
case 7: // source-out
this_.srcBlend = gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA;
this_.destBlend = gl.ZERO;
case 8: // destination-out
this_.srcBlend = gl.ZERO;
this_.destBlend = gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
case 9: // source-atop
this_.srcBlend = gl.DST_ALPHA;
this_.destBlend = gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
case 10: // destination-atop
this_.srcBlend = gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA;
this_.destBlend = gl.SRC_ALPHA;
cr.round6dp = function (x)
return Math.round(x * 1000000) / 1000000;
var localeCompare_options = {
"usage": "search",
"sensitivity": "accent"
var has_localeCompare = !!"a".localeCompare;
var localeCompare_works1 = (has_localeCompare && "a".localeCompare("A", undefined, localeCompare_options) === 0);
var localeCompare_works2 = (has_localeCompare && "a".localeCompare("б", undefined, localeCompare_options) !== 0);
var supports_localeCompare = (has_localeCompare && localeCompare_works1 && localeCompare_works2);
cr.equals_nocase = function (a, b)
if (typeof a !== "string" || typeof b !== "string")
return false;
if (a.length !== b.length)
return false;
if (a === b)
return true;
if (supports_localeCompare)
return (a.localeCompare(b, undefined, localeCompare_options) === 0);
return a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase();
cr.isCanvasInputEvent = function (e)
var target = e.target;
if (!target)
return true;
if (target === document || target === window)
return true;
if (document && document.body && target === document.body)
return true;
if (cr.equals_nocase(target.tagName, "canvas"))
return true;
return false;
var MatrixArray=typeof Float32Array!=="undefined"?Float32Array:Array,glMatrixArrayType=MatrixArray,vec3={},mat3={},mat4={},quat4={};vec3.create=function(a){var b=new MatrixArray(3);a&&(b[0]=a[0],b[1]=a[1],b[2]=a[2]);return b};vec3.set=function(a,b){b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[1];b[2]=a[2];return b};vec3.add=function(a,b,c){if(!c||a===c)return a[0]+=b[0],a[1]+=b[1],a[2]+=b[2],a;c[0]=a[0]+b[0];c[1]=a[1]+b[1];c[2]=a[2]+b[2];return c};
vec3.subtract=function(a,b,c){if(!c||a===c)return a[0]-=b[0],a[1]-=b[1],a[2]-=b[2],a;c[0]=a[0]-b[0];c[1]=a[1]-b[1];c[2]=a[2]-b[2];return c};vec3.negate=function(a,b){b||(b=a);b[0]=-a[0];b[1]=-a[1];b[2]=-a[2];return b};vec3.scale=function(a,b,c){if(!c||a===c)return a[0]*=b,a[1]*=b,a[2]*=b,a;c[0]=a[0]*b;c[1]=a[1]*b;c[2]=a[2]*b;return c};
vec3.normalize=function(a,b){b||(b=a);var c=a[0],d=a[1],e=a[2],g=Math.sqrt(c*c+d*d+e*e);if(g){if(g===1)return b[0]=c,b[1]=d,b[2]=e,b}else return b[0]=0,b[1]=0,b[2]=0,b;g=1/g;b[0]=c*g;b[1]=d*g;b[2]=e*g;return b};vec3.cross=function(a,b,c){c||(c=a);var d=a[0],e=a[1],a=a[2],g=b[0],f=b[1],b=b[2];c[0]=e*b-a*f;c[1]=a*g-d*b;c[2]=d*f-e*g;return c};vec3.length=function(a){var b=a[0],c=a[1],a=a[2];return Math.sqrt(b*b+c*c+a*a)};vec3.dot=function(a,b){return a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2]};
vec3.direction=function(a,b,c){c||(c=a);var d=a[0]-b[0],e=a[1]-b[1],a=a[2]-b[2],b=Math.sqrt(d*d+e*e+a*a);if(!b)return c[0]=0,c[1]=0,c[2]=0,c;b=1/b;c[0]=d*b;c[1]=e*b;c[2]=a*b;return c};vec3.lerp=function(a,b,c,d){d||(d=a);d[0]=a[0]+c*(b[0]-a[0]);d[1]=a[1]+c*(b[1]-a[1]);d[2]=a[2]+c*(b[2]-a[2]);return d};vec3.str=function(a){return"["+a[0]+", "+a[1]+", "+a[2]+"]"};
mat3.create=function(a){var b=new MatrixArray(9);a&&(b[0]=a[0],b[1]=a[1],b[2]=a[2],b[3]=a[3],b[4]=a[4],b[5]=a[5],b[6]=a[6],b[7]=a[7],b[8]=a[8]);return b};mat3.set=function(a,b){b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[1];b[2]=a[2];b[3]=a[3];b[4]=a[4];b[5]=a[5];b[6]=a[6];b[7]=a[7];b[8]=a[8];return b};mat3.identity=function(a){a[0]=1;a[1]=0;a[2]=0;a[3]=0;a[4]=1;a[5]=0;a[6]=0;a[7]=0;a[8]=1;return a};
mat3.transpose=function(a,b){if(!b||a===b){var c=a[1],d=a[2],e=a[5];a[1]=a[3];a[2]=a[6];a[3]=c;a[5]=a[7];a[6]=d;a[7]=e;return a}b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[3];b[2]=a[6];b[3]=a[1];b[4]=a[4];b[5]=a[7];b[6]=a[2];b[7]=a[5];b[8]=a[8];return b};mat3.toMat4=function(a,b){b||(b=mat4.create());b[15]=1;b[14]=0;b[13]=0;b[12]=0;b[11]=0;b[10]=a[8];b[9]=a[7];b[8]=a[6];b[7]=0;b[6]=a[5];b[5]=a[4];b[4]=a[3];b[3]=0;b[2]=a[2];b[1]=a[1];b[0]=a[0];return b};
mat3.str=function(a){return"["+a[0]+", "+a[1]+", "+a[2]+", "+a[3]+", "+a[4]+", "+a[5]+", "+a[6]+", "+a[7]+", "+a[8]+"]"};mat4.create=function(a){var b=new MatrixArray(16);a&&(b[0]=a[0],b[1]=a[1],b[2]=a[2],b[3]=a[3],b[4]=a[4],b[5]=a[5],b[6]=a[6],b[7]=a[7],b[8]=a[8],b[9]=a[9],b[10]=a[10],b[11]=a[11],b[12]=a[12],b[13]=a[13],b[14]=a[14],b[15]=a[15]);return b};
mat4.set=function(a,b){b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[1];b[2]=a[2];b[3]=a[3];b[4]=a[4];b[5]=a[5];b[6]=a[6];b[7]=a[7];b[8]=a[8];b[9]=a[9];b[10]=a[10];b[11]=a[11];b[12]=a[12];b[13]=a[13];b[14]=a[14];b[15]=a[15];return b};mat4.identity=function(a){a[0]=1;a[1]=0;a[2]=0;a[3]=0;a[4]=0;a[5]=1;a[6]=0;a[7]=0;a[8]=0;a[9]=0;a[10]=1;a[11]=0;a[12]=0;a[13]=0;a[14]=0;a[15]=1;return a};
mat4.transpose=function(a,b){if(!b||a===b){var c=a[1],d=a[2],e=a[3],g=a[6],f=a[7],h=a[11];a[1]=a[4];a[2]=a[8];a[3]=a[12];a[4]=c;a[6]=a[9];a[7]=a[13];a[8]=d;a[9]=g;a[11]=a[14];a[12]=e;a[13]=f;a[14]=h;return a}b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[4];b[2]=a[8];b[3]=a[12];b[4]=a[1];b[5]=a[5];b[6]=a[9];b[7]=a[13];b[8]=a[2];b[9]=a[6];b[10]=a[10];b[11]=a[14];b[12]=a[3];b[13]=a[7];b[14]=a[11];b[15]=a[15];return b};
mat4.determinant=function(a){var b=a[0],c=a[1],d=a[2],e=a[3],g=a[4],f=a[5],h=a[6],i=a[7],j=a[8],k=a[9],l=a[10],n=a[11],o=a[12],m=a[13],p=a[14],a=a[15];return o*k*h*e-j*m*h*e-o*f*l*e+g*m*l*e+j*f*p*e-g*k*p*e-o*k*d*i+j*m*d*i+o*c*l*i-b*m*l*i-j*c*p*i+b*k*p*i+o*f*d*n-g*m*d*n-o*c*h*n+b*m*h*n+g*c*p*n-b*f*p*n-j*f*d*a+g*k*d*a+j*c*h*a-b*k*h*a-g*c*l*a+b*f*l*a};
mat4.inverse=function(a,b){b||(b=a);var c=a[0],d=a[1],e=a[2],g=a[3],f=a[4],h=a[5],i=a[6],j=a[7],k=a[8],l=a[9],n=a[10],o=a[11],m=a[12],p=a[13],r=a[14],s=a[15],A=c*h-d*f,B=c*i-e*f,t=c*j-g*f,u=d*i-e*h,v=d*j-g*h,w=e*j-g*i,x=k*p-l*m,y=k*r-n*m,z=k*s-o*m,C=l*r-n*p,D=l*s-o*p,E=n*s-o*r,q=1/(A*E-B*D+t*C+u*z-v*y+w*x);b[0]=(h*E-i*D+j*C)*q;b[1]=(-d*E+e*D-g*C)*q;b[2]=(p*w-r*v+s*u)*q;b[3]=(-l*w+n*v-o*u)*q;b[4]=(-f*E+i*z-j*y)*q;b[5]=(c*E-e*z+g*y)*q;b[6]=(-m*w+r*t-s*B)*q;b[7]=(k*w-n*t+o*B)*q;b[8]=(f*D-h*z+j*x)*q;
b[9]=(-c*D+d*z-g*x)*q;b[10]=(m*v-p*t+s*A)*q;b[11]=(-k*v+l*t-o*A)*q;b[12]=(-f*C+h*y-i*x)*q;b[13]=(c*C-d*y+e*x)*q;b[14]=(-m*u+p*B-r*A)*q;b[15]=(k*u-l*B+n*A)*q;return b};mat4.toRotationMat=function(a,b){b||(b=mat4.create());b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[1];b[2]=a[2];b[3]=a[3];b[4]=a[4];b[5]=a[5];b[6]=a[6];b[7]=a[7];b[8]=a[8];b[9]=a[9];b[10]=a[10];b[11]=a[11];b[12]=0;b[13]=0;b[14]=0;b[15]=1;return b};
mat4.toMat3=function(a,b){b||(b=mat3.create());b[0]=a[0];b[1]=a[1];b[2]=a[2];b[3]=a[4];b[4]=a[5];b[5]=a[6];b[6]=a[8];b[7]=a[9];b[8]=a[10];return b};mat4.toInverseMat3=function(a,b){var c=a[0],d=a[1],e=a[2],g=a[4],f=a[5],h=a[6],i=a[8],j=a[9],k=a[10],l=k*f-h*j,n=-k*g+h*i,o=j*g-f*i,m=c*l+d*n+e*o;if(!m)return null;m=1/m;b||(b=mat3.create());b[0]=l*m;b[1]=(-k*d+e*j)*m;b[2]=(h*d-e*f)*m;b[3]=n*m;b[4]=(k*c-e*i)*m;b[5]=(-h*c+e*g)*m;b[6]=o*m;b[7]=(-j*c+d*i)*m;b[8]=(f*c-d*g)*m;return b};
mat4.multiply=function(a,b,c){c||(c=a);var d=a[0],e=a[1],g=a[2],f=a[3],h=a[4],i=a[5],j=a[6],k=a[7],l=a[8],n=a[9],o=a[10],m=a[11],p=a[12],r=a[13],s=a[14],a=a[15],A=b[0],B=b[1],t=b[2],u=b[3],v=b[4],w=b[5],x=b[6],y=b[7],z=b[8],C=b[9],D=b[10],E=b[11],q=b[12],F=b[13],G=b[14],b=b[15];c[0]=A*d+B*h+t*l+u*p;c[1]=A*e+B*i+t*n+u*r;c[2]=A*g+B*j+t*o+u*s;c[3]=A*f+B*k+t*m+u*a;c[4]=v*d+w*h+x*l+y*p;c[5]=v*e+w*i+x*n+y*r;c[6]=v*g+w*j+x*o+y*s;c[7]=v*f+w*k+x*m+y*a;c[8]=z*d+C*h+D*l+E*p;c[9]=z*e+C*i+D*n+E*r;c[10]=z*g+C*
j+D*o+E*s;c[11]=z*f+C*k+D*m+E*a;c[12]=q*d+F*h+G*l+b*p;c[13]=q*e+F*i+G*n+b*r;c[14]=q*g+F*j+G*o+b*s;c[15]=q*f+F*k+G*m+b*a;return c};mat4.multiplyVec3=function(a,b,c){c||(c=b);var d=b[0],e=b[1],b=b[2];c[0]=a[0]*d+a[4]*e+a[8]*b+a[12];c[1]=a[1]*d+a[5]*e+a[9]*b+a[13];c[2]=a[2]*d+a[6]*e+a[10]*b+a[14];return c};
mat4.multiplyVec4=function(a,b,c){c||(c=b);var d=b[0],e=b[1],g=b[2],b=b[3];c[0]=a[0]*d+a[4]*e+a[8]*g+a[12]*b;c[1]=a[1]*d+a[5]*e+a[9]*g+a[13]*b;c[2]=a[2]*d+a[6]*e+a[10]*g+a[14]*b;c[3]=a[3]*d+a[7]*e+a[11]*g+a[15]*b;return c};
mat4.translate=function(a,b,c){var d=b[0],e=b[1],b=b[2],g,f,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,m,p,r;if(!c||a===c)return a[12]=a[0]*d+a[4]*e+a[8]*b+a[12],a[13]=a[1]*d+a[5]*e+a[9]*b+a[13],a[14]=a[2]*d+a[6]*e+a[10]*b+a[14],a[15]=a[3]*d+a[7]*e+a[11]*b+a[15],a;g=a[0];f=a[1];h=a[2];i=a[3];j=a[4];k=a[5];l=a[6];n=a[7];o=a[8];m=a[9];p=a[10];r=a[11];c[0]=g;c[1]=f;c[2]=h;c[3]=i;c[4]=j;c[5]=k;c[6]=l;c[7]=n;c[8]=o;c[9]=m;c[10]=p;c[11]=r;c[12]=g*d+j*e+o*b+a[12];c[13]=f*d+k*e+m*b+a[13];c[14]=h*d+l*e+p*b+a[14];c[15]=i*d+n*e+r*b+a[15];
Подобные документы
Понятие электронных курсов. Описание программных и языковых средств разработки. Технология создания компьютерной обучающей системы, пакета вопросов в редакторе Excel. Разработка интерфейса ЭС. Организация диалога пользователя с экспертной системой.
дипломная работа [10,8 M], добавлен 20.06.2014Разработка компьютерной игры "Эволюция" с помощью игрового движка Unit. Сравнение критериев игры-аналога и разрабатываемой игры. Разработка графического интерфейса пользователя. Настройки камеры в редакторе Unity. Структура файла сохранения игры.
дипломная работа [3,6 M], добавлен 11.02.2017Выбор программных средств для реализации игры "Угадай число". Разработка функционально-структурной схемы для написания текста программы. Изучение сути вариации алгоритма полного перебора с определённой эвристикой. Варианты компьютерной реализации игры.
контрольная работа [337,3 K], добавлен 19.06.2012Алгоритмическое представление и описание правил игры "Эволюция". Построение диаграммы прецедентов. Разработка графического интерфейса пользователя. Реализация интерфейса в среде Unity. Структура файла сохранения игры. Проектирование поведения компьютера.
дипломная работа [3,3 M], добавлен 18.02.2017Ознакомление с понятием компьютерных игр и их основными жанрами. Выбор сюжета игры и среды программирования. Отрисовка графики; проведение функционального и интерфейсного тестирования программы. Анализ условий труда в данной компьютерной лаборатории.
дипломная работа [3,2 M], добавлен 13.07.2014Исследование спецификации логической игры "Сапёр". Системное и функциональное проектирование приложения. Разработка программных модулей. Обзор классов, необходимых для создания интерфейса данного приложения. Инструменты для реализации логической игры.
курсовая работа [1,2 M], добавлен 13.01.2016Сравнительный анализ программ-аналогов. Финансовые инструменты: краткий анализ с позиции востребованности рядовым пользователем. Примеры модельных ситуаций. Разработка интерактивной обучающей информационной системы "Личные финансы" с обратной связью.
курсовая работа [2,4 M], добавлен 27.06.2013Общие сведения и существующие среды реализации компьютерной игры "Лабиринт". Разработка алгоритмов в виде блок-схемы, принципы программной реализации игры. Особенности тестирования разработанного программного продукта. Аспекты эксплуатации продукта.
курсовая работа [1,4 M], добавлен 18.01.2017Обзор методов и средств реализации поставленной задачи. Описание компьютерной игры "Японские кроссворды". Обоснование инструментария разработки программного продукта. Алгоритмический анализ задачи. Графический интерфейс и лингвистическое обеспечение.
курсовая работа [725,4 K], добавлен 27.08.2013Обоснование необходимости разработки программы для игры "Тетрис". Математическая и графическая части алгоритма. Выбор языка и среды программирования. Отладка текста программы, разработка интерфейса пользователя. Тестирование, руководство пользователя.
курсовая работа [1,5 M], добавлен 17.01.2011