Функционирование лексических и фразеологических единиц, вербализирующих соматический образ человека

Соматизмы как особый класс слов в лексической системе языка. Особенности языковых картин мира в английской культуре. Понятие фразеологического сочетания слов. Семантические особенности соматической фразеологии. Классификации фразеологических единиц.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид курсовая работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 18.08.2012
Размер файла 110,0 K

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Единицы с образным компонентом, характеризующим человека, возникают в языке как экспрессивные синонимы уже существующих обозначений. При этом они не просто служат наименованием лица, но и выражают определенное к нему отношение.

В языковой картине мира англичан было выделено несколько понятий и качеств, которые воплощают принятую в обществе оценку соответствующего явления и отражают связанные с данными характеристиками культурные представления и традиции.

Английские фразеологические единицы лексико-семантического поля «частей тела» представляют собой огромную группу фразеологизмов, обладающую специфическими особенностями. Среди них встречаются фразеологизмы всех типов (по классификации Виноградова В.В.): фразеологические сращения, единства и сочетания. Фразеологические сращения обладают неизменностью плана выражения, их совокупные образные значения никак не выводятся из отдельных значений слов, входящих во фразеологическую единицу. Фразеологические единства обладают меньшей спаянностью компонентов, и их совокупное значение в какой-то мере мотивировано семантикой составляющих единство слов.

Следует отметить отличие английских фразеологических сращений и единств от русских: для них необязательна неизменность структуры (компоненты могут заменяться без потери образности и изменения совокупного значения единицы). Фразеологические сочетания не обладают неделимым планом выражения и их семантика определяется значениями их компонентов. соматизм лексический фразеологический язык

Фразеологические единицы английского и русского языков с компонентом «часть тела» обладают повышенной межъязыковой фразеологической эквивалентностью. Это объясняется тем, что ядра (т.е. слова - названия частей тела) входят в высокочастотную и исконную лексику каждого из языков и обладают высокой фразообразовательной активностью, что повышает степень межъязыковой эквивалентности. Являясь частью фразеологических систем английского и русского языков, соматические фразеологизмы обладают повышенной фразеологической эквивалентностью, выделяющей их из общего числа фразеологизмов.

Список использованных источников

1. Алехина А. И. Семантические группы во фразеологии современного английского языка / А. И. Алехина. - Минск: Высшая школа, 2004. - 156 с.

2. Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка (на английском языке). The English Word / И. В. Арнольд. - Ленинград: «Просвещение», 1966. - 346 с.

3. Арсентьева Е. Ф. Сопоставительный анализ фразеологических единиц / Е. Ф. Арсентьева. - Казань: Казанского ун-та, 1999. - 130 с.

4. Арсентьева Е. Ф. Сопоставительный анализ фразеологических единиц, выражающих характер человека в английском и русском языках: автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. / Е. Ф. Арсентьева. - М., 1984. - 123 с.

5. Брускина Т. Л. Русско-английский словарь образных слов и выражений = Russian-English Dictionary of Idioms and Colourful Words / Т. Л. Брускина, Л. Ф. Шитова. - СПб. : Антология, 2008. - 352 с.

6. Вакк Ф. О. О соматической фразеологии в современном эстонском литературном языке: автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. / Ф. О. Вакк. - Таллин, 1964. - 29 с.

7. Виппер Б. Р. Английское искусство / Б. Р. Виппер. - М.: Изд-во Госуд. музея изобраз. искусств им. А. С. Пушкина, 1945. - 64 с.

8. Власова Н. А. Фразеологическое гнездо с вершиной «глаз» в общенародном языке и говорах: автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. / Н. А. Власова. - Орел, 1997. - 27 с.

9. Гак В. Г. Сопоставительная лексикология / В. Г. Гак. - М.: Указ. соч., 1998. - 702 с.

10. Долгополов Ю.А. Сопоставительный анализ соматической фразеологии (на материале русского, английского и немецкого языков): автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. / Ю.А. Долгополов. - Казань, 1973. - 263 с.

11. Жуков В.П. Семантика фразеологических оборотов / В.П. Жуков. - М.: Просвещение, 1978. - 160 с.

12. Караулов Ю. Н. Русский язык и языковая личность / Караулов Ю. Н., 1987. - 264с.

13. Комиссаров В. Н. Теория перевода / В. Н. Комиссаров. - М.: «Высшая школа», 1990. - 253 с.

14. Кунин А. В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка / А. В. Кунин. - М.: Просвещение, 1986. - 381 с.

15. Мордкович Э. М. К вопросу о семантических полях соматических фразеологизмов / Э. М. Мордкович. - Новгород, 1972.

16. Пеклер М. А. Механизмы функционирования фразеологических единиц в дискурсе русской лингвокультуры: дис. канд. филол. наук / М. А. Пеклер. - Тула, 2006. - 164 с.

17. Сейдл Дж. Идиомы английского языка и их употребление / Дж. Сейдл. - М.: Высшая школа, 1983. - 266 с.

18. Смирницкий А. И. Морфология английского языка / А. И. Смирницкий. - М.: Изд-во лит. на иностр. яз., 1959. - 440 с.

19. Телия В. Н. Что такое фразеология / В. Н. Телия - М.: Высшая школа, 2001. - 86 с.

20. Урысон Е. В. Архаичные представления в русской языковой картине мира: дис. ... д- ра филол. наук / Е. В. Урысон. - М., 1997. - 47 с.

21. Чернявская Е. А. Оценка и оценочность в языке и художественной речи (на материале поэтического, прозаического и эпистолярного наследия А.С.Пушкина): автореферат диссертации канд. филол. Наук / Е. А. Чернявская. - Орёл, 2001. - 235 с.

22. Яшманова В. А. Инструментальность и субъективно-объективные отношения / Теория функциональной грамматики / В. А. Яшманова. - СПб, 1992. - 178 с.

23. Jennifer Seidl English Idioms and How to Use Them / Jennifer Seidl, W. McMordie. - М.: Высшая школа, 1993. - 266 с.

Список словарей

24. Ожегов С.И. Словарь русского языка. М., 2009.

25. Ушаков Д.Н. Толковый словарь русского языка: В 4 т. М., 2008.

26. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. L., 1992.

27. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms. L., 1980.

28. Lubensky S. Russian-English Dictionary of Idioms. N. Y., 1995.

29. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Longman, 1992.








A bird in the hand


a firm hand on the tiller


a hand in


a hand with


a hand-me-down


a helping hand


a safe pair of hands


all hands on deck


an iron fist in a velvet glove


an old hand


at first hand


at hand


at the hands of


be a dab hand


be in hand


be in safe hands


be on hand


be putty in hands


big hand


bite the hand that feeds


bite the hand that feeds one


bound hand and foot


by a show of hands


by hand


can't find butt with both hands


can't keep hands off


can't see hand in front of face


close at hand


Cold hands, warm heart


come cap in hand


could do with one arm tied behind back


devil finds work for idle hands to do


die by own hand


dirty hands


eat out of hand


fall into hands


fall into the wrong hands


firm hand


first hand


fold hands


free hand


from hand to hand


get hands dirty


get hands dirty and dirty hands; soil hands


get hands on


get out of hand


give a free hand


give a hand


give to on a plate


give to on a platter


glad hand


go hand in hand


hand around


hand back


hand down from to


hand in


hand in glove


hand in hand


Hand it over


hand off


hand on



hand over


hand over fist


hand over hand


hand over the baton


hand over the reins


hand to


hand up


hands are tied


hands down


Hands off!


Hands up!


hat in hand


have a hand in


have at fingertips


have blood on hands


have fingers in the till


have hand in


have hands full


have hands tied


have in hand


have in hands


have in the palm of hand


have on hands


have the upper hand


have the whip hand


have time on hands


have to hand it to


hold hand


I have to hand it to


in hand


join hands


keep hand in


keep hands clean


keep hands off


keep hands to


know like the back of hand


know like the palm of hand


lay a hand on


leave in hands


lend a hand


lend a hand with


life is in hands


lift a hand


live from hand to mouth


live hand to mouth


Many hands make light work


not lift a finger


off hands


old hand


on hand


on one hand


on the one hand


on the one hand...on the other hand


on the other hand


One hand for oneself and one for the ship


out of hand


out of hands


overplay hand


pass in


play into hands


play into the hands of


put hand in pocket


put hand on heart


put hand to the plow


put hand up


put hands on


putty in hands


raise hand against


reject out of hand


right-hand man


rule with a rod of iron


run fingers through hair


second hand


shake hand


shake hands


show hand


show of hands


sit on hands


sit on its hands


sleight of hand


take a hand in


take hands off


take in hand


take into own hands


take life in hands


take matters into own hands


take off hands


take the law into own hands


the dead hand of


The devil finds work for idle hands


The hand that rocks the cradle


The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world


the left hand doesn't know what the right


hand is doing


the matter in hand


throw hands up


throw hands up in horror


throw in hand


throw up hands


tie hands


Time hangs heavy on hands


time on hands


tip hand


try hand


try hand at


turn hand to


upper hand


wait on hand and foot


wandering hands


wash hands of


well in hand


win hands down


with bare hands


with one hand tied behind back


with own fair hands


work hand in glove with


wring hands



a big-head


a cool head


a head of steam


a head start


a price on head


a roof over head


a sword of Damocles hangs over head


able to do blind folded


an old head on young shoulders


be banging head against a brick wall


be hanging over


be head over heels


be in over head


be like a bear with a sore head


be out of head


be right in the head


beat head against the wall


Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion


bite head off


bother head about


bring to a head


build up a head of steam


bury head in the sand


can't make head nor tail of


can't make heads or tails of


come to a head


come up heads


comes into head


cooler heads prevail


cough head off


could standing on head


count heads


crazy in the head


do head in


Don't worry your head about it


drum into


eyes are out on stalks


eyes pop out of head


face head-on


fall head over heels


fall head over heels in love


fill head with


fling head back

from head to toe


get head above water and have head above water


get head around


get head down


get head together


get it into head


get out of mind


get through thick skull


get up a head of steam


get your head out of the clouds!


give a heads up


give head


go head to head


go over head


go south


go to head


hang head


harder than the back of God's head


harm a hair on head


have a good head on shoulders


have a head for


have a head start


have eyes in the back of head


have hanging over head


have head in the clouds


have head screwed on


have head screwed on right


have head uparse


have rocks in head


He wears a ten-dollar hat on a five-cent head


head and shoulders above


head and shoulders above [the others rest etc.]


head at


head away from


head back


head for


head for tall timber


head for the hills


head for the last roundup


head in


head into


head off


head off at the pass


head off to


head on


head on a plate


head out


head out after


head over heels


head over heels in debt


head over heels in love


head to toe


head toward


head up


heads or tails


heads up


heads will roll


hide head in the sand


hit the nail on the head


hold a gun to head


hold head high


hold head up


hold head up high


I've seen better heads on nickel beers


in over head


keep a civil tongue in head


keep head


keep head above water


keep head down


Keep your head down


knock head against a brick wall


knockon the head


knock some heads together


laugh head off


[laugh/scream/shout etc.] your head off


let heart rule head


like a headless chicken


lose head


make head swim


make heads or tails of


need head examined


need like a hole in the head


not able to make head or tail of


not trouble head about


off the top of head


on head


on head be it


out of one's head


over head


pissed out of head


pound head in


put head above the parapet


put head on the block


put heads together


put ideas into head


put in head


put people's heads together


raise its head


rear its head


rear its ugly head


its head cut off and run in circles


run one's head against a brick wall


scratch head


shake head


snap head off


soft in the head


stand head and shoulders above


stand on head


stand on its head


still tongue makes a wise head


stuff head with


swelled head


take head off


take into head


take it into head


take it into head to


talk head off


talk out of the back of head


talk over head


the head honcho


tower head and shoulders above


trouble head about


turn head


turn heads


turn on its head


Two heads are better than one


Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown


use head


use your head for more than a hatrack


wet the baby's head


where head is at


yack head off


yell head off



a bird's eye view


a gleam in eye


a red eye


a roving eye


a sight for sore eyes


a worm's eye view


able to do with eyes closed


all eyes


all eyes and ears


all eyes are on


all my eye


An eye for an eye


another pair of eyes


bat an eye


be a sight for sore eyes


be all eyes


be easy on the eye


be in the eye of the storm


be in the public eye


be one in the eye for


be up to eyes in


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


bedroom eyes


big eye


bird's-eye view


black eye


Bottoms up!


can't take eyes off


cast eyes down


catch eye


clap eyes on


close eyes to


Close your eyes and think of England


could with eyes closed


couldn't believe eyes


cry eyes out


cut eyes at


cut teeth


dollar signs in eyes


eagle eye


eye candy


eye of the hurricane


eyes are bigger than belly


eyes are out on stalks


eyes like saucers


eyes like two burnt holes in a blanket


eyes pop out of head


feast eyes


feast eyes on


Fields have eyes, and woods have ears


from the corner of eye

get eye in


give eye teeth for


give the evil eye


give the eye


give the glad eye


have a roving eye


have an eye for


have an eye for the main chance


have bags under eyes


have beady eye on


have eye


have eye on


have eyes in the back of head


have eyes like a hawk


have half an eye on


have one eye on


Here's mud in your eye!


hit between the eyes


hit the bull's-eye


in a pig's eye


In a pig's eye!


in eyes


in mind'seye


in the blink of an eye


in the eyes of


in the eyes of the law


in the public eye


in the twinkling of an eye


keep a weather eye on


keep an eye on


keep an eye out


keep an eye out for


keep eye on


keep eye on the ball


keep eyes open


keep eyes peeled


keep one eye on


keep weather eye open


lay eyes on


look in the eye


make eyes at


make sheep's eyes at


more than meets the eye


naked eye


not a dry eye


not believe eyes


one eye on


open eyes


open eyes to


out of the corner of eye


pull the wool over eyes


put eye out


red eye


run eye over


see eye to eye


set eyes on


sight for sore eyes


some shut-eye


stars in eyes


swim before eyes


take eyes off


the apple of eye


the eye of the storm


The scales fall from eyes


There is more to than meets the eye


There wasn't a dry eye in the house


turn a blind eye


What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over


when was a twinkle in father's eye


with a view to doing


with an eye to




with eyes open



a longface


a slap in the face


a volte-face




all over face


arse about face


at face value


Bag your face!


be as plain as the nose on your face


be in face


be in your face


be just a pretty face


be laughing on the other side of face


be staring in the face


be written all over face


blow up in face


blue in the face


come face to face with


cut nose off to spite face


cut off nose to spite face


disappear off the face of the earth


face away


face doesn't fit


face down


face facts


face forward


face head-on


face into


face is a picture


face off


face only a mother could love


face the consequences


face the music


face to face


face up


face with


fall flat on face


fall on face


feed face


fill face


fling up in face


fly in the face of


fly into the face of danger

get out of face


get out of my face


Get out of my face!


give a red face


have a face like a wet weekend


have a face like thunder


have egg on face


hide face in shame


I'd rather face a firing squad than do


in face


in the face of


keep a straight face


laugh in face


laugh out of the other side of face and laugh out of the other




make a face


make faces


mess face up


Monday's child is fair of face


not show face


off the face of the earth


on the face of it


on the face of the earth




powder nose


put a brave face on


put a smile on face


put face on


put on a brave face


red in the face


save face


say to face


screw up face


set face against


set in a type face


show face


Shut face!


Shut your cake hole!


slam the door in face


slap in the face


smack in the face


smash face in


soak face


stand there with bare face


stare in the face


take at face value


talk until one is blue in the face


tell one to face


throw back in face


throw in face


to face




what's his face


wipe off the face of the earth


wipe the smile off face


wouldn't know if it hit in the face



fleet of foot


foot in both camps


foot the bill


foot-in-mouth disease


get a/ foot in the door


get foot in the door


get off off on the wrong foot


get off on the right foot


get off on the wrong foot

get off on the wrong foot


have a foot in both camps


have a heavy foot


have one foot in the grave


have the shoe on the other foot


I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole


my foot


My foot!


not put a foot wrong


not set foot somewhere


not touch with a ten-foot pole


off on the right foot


off on the wrong foot


on foot


put best foot forward


put foot down


put foot in it


put foot in mouth


put foot to the floor


put one foot in front of the other


set foot in


shoot in the foot


shoot oneself in the foot


start off on the wrong foot


the boot is on the other foot


the shoe is on the other foot


wait on hand and foot


wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole


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