Intercultural communication in English language education

Basic approaches to the study of the English language. Intercultural communication and computerization of education. The use of technical means for intensification of the educational process. The use of video and Internet resources in the classroom.

Šóįščźą Čķīńņšąķķūå ’ēūźč č ’ēūźīēķąķčå
Āčä źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą
ßēūź ąķćėčéńźčé
Äąņą äīįąāėåķč’ 02.07.2014
Šąēģåš ōąéėą 333,1 K

Īņļšąāčņü ńāīž õīšīųóž šąįīņó ā įąēó ēķąķčé ļšīńņī. Čńļīėüēóéņå ōīšģó, šąńļīėīęåķķóž ķčęå

Ńņóäåķņū, ąńļčšąķņū, ģīėīäūå ó÷åķūå, čńļīėüēóžłčå įąēó ēķąķčé ā ńāīåé ó÷åįå č šąįīņå, įóäóņ āąģ ī÷åķü įėąćīäąšķū.

Šąēģåłåķī ķą



Chapter I. Interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn in English lažnguažge educažtiožn

1.1 Culture in the Fožreign lažnguažge clažssrožožm

1.2 Crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn

1.3 The impožrtažnce ožf teažching culture in the fožreign lažnguažge clažssrožožm

Chapter II. The Rožle ožf interažctive methožds in teažching fožreign interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn

2.1 Tražining methožds

2.1.1 Pažssive methožd

2.1.2 Ažctive methožd

2.1.3 Interažctive methožd

Chapter III. Use of the technical aids for the intensification of the educational process

3.1 Use of the video at the early stage of training

3.2 Use of Internet resources at lessons of English language



english intercultural communication internet


Trends cožme ažnd gož. This is nožt ožnly true fožr subjects relažted tož fažshiožn, music, ažnd ažrt but ažlsož ažpplies tož ažcaždemiaž. The sciences ožf lažnguažge study ažnd lažnguažge teažching ažre nož exceptiožn tož this ažnd hažve seen severažl trends ažnd ažpprožažches develožp ažnd dissožlve in the lažst decaždes. Ažll ožf these previožus ažpprožažches, such ažs the gražmmažr-tražnslažtiožn methožd, the ažudiož-linguažl methožd, ožr the direct methožd, hažve hažd ažn impažct ožn hožw fožreign lažnguažges ažre tažught toždažy.

Tož the end ožf 20th century the rožle ožf knožwledge incredibly increažsed ažll ožver the wožrld. The level ožf educažted yožung peožple, požssessing gožožd knožwledge ožf the lažnguažge ožr, možre generažlly, the infožrmažtiožn, begins tož define the požliticažl ažnd ecožnožmic stažtus ožf the stažtes. Ažnd nožwaždažys fožr successful wožrk the stažtes need peožple - skilled speciažlists meet the highest requirements ožf the moždern sožciety.

Therefožre ožn the millennium božrder the educažtiožn tražnsfožrms tož ožne ožf the sožurces ožf the možst važluažble stražtegic resožurces- humažn cažpitažl ažnd knožwledge thažt, ažfter ažll, defines the level ožf develožpment ožf the moždern sožcieties. Ažnd the mažin ažcceleražtožr ožf this develožpment becožmes infožrmažtizažtiožn. The sožciety cožmputerisažtiožn, in turn, is pražcticažlly impožssible withožut the cožmputerizažtiožn ožf the educažtiožn system, sož this prožblem by its impožrtažnce gets ožut nožw tož the first plažce in pedažgožgicažl science. The priožrity ožf this prožblem strengthens ažlsož by the fažct, thažt it is essentiažlly new.

Let's remind thažt the educažtiožn is až result ožf mažstering ožf the systemažtized knožwledge, pražctice ažnd skills. The educažtiožn in 21st century requires new thinking, new philožsožphy, new judgment ožf everything. Ažt až stažge ožf tražnsitiožn tož ažn infožrmažtiožn sožciety the infožrmažtiožn ažnd its highest fožrm - the knožwledge is the integražl pažrt ožf educažtiožn, ažctivity ažnd life ažs až whožle.

The English lažnguažge becažme the gložbažl ožne. Whažt dožes it meažn? The term 'gložbažl English' is being used increažsingly nožwaždažys. It is až meažns ožf demožnstražting thažt English is spožken in every pažrt ožf the wožrld, božth ažmožn speažkers within až pažrticulažr cožuntry whož shažre až first lažnguažge, ažnd between speažkers frožm different cožuntries. English is nož ložnger spožken ožnly by its nažtive speažkers in the UK, Nožrth Ažmericaž, Ažustražliaž ažnd New Zeažlažnd, ažnd by thožse whož leažrn English in ožrder tož cožmmunicažte with nažtive speažkers. It is ažlsož spožken ažmožng nožn-nažtive speažkers within the cožuntries like Indiaž, the Philippines ažnd Singažpožre ažnd internažtiožnažlly ažmožng nožn- nažtive speažkers frožm až wide ražnge ožf cožuntries throžughožut the wožrld. This lažst use ožf English is ožften referred tož ažs 'English ažs ažn Internažtiožnažl Lažnguažge, ažnd it is this kind ožf English which we will fožcus ožn here ažs it is the lažrgest grožup ožf English speažkers, numbering ažrožund 1.5 billiožn. Becažuse ožf až fažct thažt English is až gložbažl lažnguažge ažnd nožw peožple možre ažnd možre ažre eažger tož leažrn it ažnd speažk fluently, až ložt ožf effožrts were mažde tož the develožpment ožf the new wažys ožf leažrning this lažnguažge.

The studying ožf the fožreign lažnguažges begins možstly ažt schožožl. Tož mažster až fožreign lažnguažge, pupils must be engažged in ažctivities which ažre the chažražcteristic ožf the lažnguažge; they shožuld heažr the spožken lažnguažge, speažk, reažd, ažnd write it. Clažssrožožm pražctices which ažre restricted tož teažcher's presentažtiožn ožf linguistic mažteriažl (vožcažbulažry, gražmmažr) ažnd the testing ožf pupils' knožwledge cažnnožt prožvide gožožd leažrning. The teažcher cožvers "cožntent" but dožes nožt instruct pupils. The mažjožrity ožf pupils remažins pažssive, ažnd wožrk ožnly tož memožrize whažt the teažcher emphažsizes. We cažnnožt but ažgree with the fožlložwing wožrds: "... možst ožf the chažnges we hažve cožme tož think ožf ažs 'clažssrožožm leažrning typicažlly mažy nožt ožccur in the presence ožf až teažcher. Perhažps it is during seažtwožrk ažnd hožmewožrk sessiožns ažnd ožther fožrms ožf sožlitažry study thažt the mažjožr fožrms ožf ažny leažrning ažre lažid dožwn." Nožr cažn the teažcher ensure pupils leažrning až fožreign lažnguažge if he uses ožnly až textbožožk, až piece ožf chažlk, ažnd až blažckbožažrd.

Tož ažchieve effective clažssrožožm leažrning during the cožmpulsožry secožndažry educažtiožn, the teažcher must use ažll the ažccessožries he hažs ažt his dispožsažl in ožrder tož ažrožuse the interest ožf his pupils ažnd retažin it throžughožut the lessožn which is požssible ožnly if the pupils ažre ažctively invožlved in, the very prožcess ožf clažssrožožm leažrning. Ažnd tož teažch až fožreign lažnguažge effectively the teažcher needs teažching ažids ažnd teažching mažteriažls.

The fažct, thažt mažteriažl presented by the teažcher in the možst interesting fožrm is ažcquired better ažnd kept ložnger, is indisputažble.

Ažt moždern ažbundažnce ožf wažys ažnd technožložgies ožf teažching the fožreign lažnguažges it is quite difficult tož prefer sožmething ožne. Ožnly the teažcher's creažtive ažpprožažch tož the educažtiožnažl prožcess ažnd the cožmbined ažpplicažtiožn ožf važriožus methožds ožf tražining in this prožcess cažn prožvide fažst ažnd eažsy mažstering the subject under the study - až fožreign lažnguažge.

In toždažy's gložbažlized wožrld, intercožnnectedness hažs nožt merely ažffected numerožus ažspects ožf ožur dažily lives in the physicažl sense ožf tražnscending božrders. It hažs ažbožve ažll cožnfrožnted ožur infožrmažtiožn-bažsed sožcieties with the necessity tož find až cožmmožn vožice in ožrder tož bridge lažnguažge bažrriers - nožt ožnly fožr the simple exchažnge ožf infožrmažtiožn, but ažlsož fožr the mutuažl creažtiožn ožf knožwledge. Multilinguažlism is až reažlity in važriožus kinds ožf cožmmunity, with the Eurožpeažn Uniožn being až prožminent exažmple, ažnd withožut ažny dožubt it represents ažn ažsset in regažrd tož culturažl diversity ažnd richness. Hožwever, this reažlity ažlsož brings ažbožut new `emerging' lažnguažge repertožires develožping ažs až result ožf the immediažte prožcesses ožf lažnguažge cožntažct induced by cožmmunicažtive need.

Culture, ažside frožm its reference tož the ažrtefažcts ožf až given cožmmunity, invožlves sožciažlly ažcquired knožwledge. This knožwledge is ožrgažnized in culture-specific wažys which nožrmažlly fražme ožur perceptiožn ožf reažlity such thažt we lažrgely define the wožrld throžugh the filter ožf ožur wožrld view.

In ožur dynažmic, multiculturažl wožrld, the ažbility ožf the secožnd lažnguažge ožr fožreign lažnguažge students tož empažthize, tožleražte, ažnd ažppreciažte the cultures ožf ožther peožples is ideažl. This ažbility ožr cožmpetence will be shožwn tož extend beyožnd the fožur clažssrožožm wažlls ažfter the ažcquisitiožn ožf lažnguažge hažs been ažccožmplished. The rožle ožf the teažcher in develožping this new cožmpetence will be estažblished.

Recently, twož generažl ažpprožažches tož teažching fožreign lažnguažges hažve develožped: The cožmmunicažtive ažpprožažch, with its principažl ožbjective ožf increažsing cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence, ažnd the interculturažl ažpprožažch, with až fožcus ožn develožping interculturažl cožmpetence. Ažlthožugh the twož ažpprožažches ožverlažp in severažl ažreažs ažnd shažre certažin chažražcteristics, they ažlsož differ in ažspects cruciažl tož fožreign lažnguažge teažching, fožr instažnce the desired ožutcožme ožr the type ožf moždel speažker. In the ažcaždemic wožrld, the high number ožf publicažtiožns ožn interculturažl cožmpetence seems tož predict the implementažtiožn ožf the interculturažl ažpprožažch, ažt leažst in theožry.

Thažnks tož the interažctive technožložgicažl tožožls ožf the Internet ažnd e-mažil, ažn increažsing number ožf the internažtiožnažl prožjects ažnd crožss-culturažl cožntažcts indicažte the need ožf instažlling ožf skills ožf interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn. Ažfter ažll, the cožmmunicažtiožn ažt crožss-culturažl level ažlložws tož hažve the prožductive interpersožnažl cožntažcts ažnd prožmožtes increažsing ožf the level ožf mutuažl understažnding between peožple.

The subject ožf the reseažrch wožrk: the rožle ožf the interažctive methožds in tražining the crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn is quite difficult ažnd wažs až subject ožf the scientific wožrks ožf mažny ažuthožrs, nažmely: Ažvetisyažn N.G., Ažstažfurožv T.N., Bim I.L. Ikožnnikožv N.K. etc.

In the cožurse ožf writing ožf až reseažrch pažper it will be necessažry tož sožlve the fožlložwing prožblems:

- tož give the cožncept ažnd tož reveažl the essence ožf ažn interažctive methožd ožf tražining;

- tož give the cožncept ažnd tož reveažl the essence ožf crožss-culturažl interlinguaž cožmmunicažtiožn;

- tož define the rožle ožf ažn interažctive methožd in the cožurse ožf tražining ožf the interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn.

The ožbject ažnd subject ožf this reseažrch wožrk is the interažctive methožd ožf tražining in the light ožf interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn.

The relevažnce ožf cažses under discussiožn is ažbsožlutely ožbviožus. The ažpplicažtiožn ožf the interažctive methožds ažnd ažpprožažches in tražining the fožreign lažnguažges will help quicker ažnd možre quažlitažtively study the lažnguažge ažnd culture ožf ožther peožple.

Chažpter I. Interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn in English lažnguažge educažtiožn

1.1 Culture in the Fožreign lažnguažge clažssrožožm

It is ažn indisputažble fažct thažt in the 21st century English hažs becožme až gložbažl linguaž fražncaž with nožn-nažtive speažkers ožf the lažnguažge ožutnumbering its nažtive speažkers. This cažlls fožr the ažcknožwledgement ožf the lažnguažge ažs being dissožciažted frožm its primažry linguaž-culturažl rožožts ažnd tražnsferred tož new cožmmunicažtive cožntexts with ever-chažnging cožnstellažtiožns ožf interažctažnts. The increažsed možbility ožf peožple ažnd the gložbažlisažtiožn ožf business ažctivity hažve mažde it imperažtive thažt cožrpožražte ažnd public sectožr ožrgažnisažtiožns ažnd institutiožns ažre ažwažre ožf the impožrtažnce ožf interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn ažnd develožp relevažnt skills ažnd cožmpetences. Every wožrkplažce benefits frožm ažnd needs empložyees whož hažve až gožožd understažnding ožf interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn issues, whether in ažn internažtiožnažl ožr ložcažl multiculturažl/multinažtiožnažl cožmmunity.

Culture hažs tažken ažn impožrtažnt plažce in fožreign lažnguažge teažching ažnd leažrning studies. It hažs been widely recožgnized thažt culture ažnd lažnguažge is used ažs až mažin medium throžugh which culture is expressed. Hožwever, "pure infožrmažtiožn" is useful but dožes nožt necessažrily leažd leažrners' insight; whereažs the develožpment ožf peožple's culturažl ažwažreness leažds them tož možre criticažl thinking. Možst frequently cožnfrožnted thažt students tož až greažt extend knožw the rules ožf lažnguažge, but ažre nožt ažlwažys ažble tož use the lažnguažge aždequažtely ažs it requires since they ažre nožt knožwledgeažble enožugh ažbožut the tažrget culture. Beažring ažll this in mind, the ažim ožf this reseažrch wožrk hažs been tož prožvide necessažry infožrmažtiožn fožr the fožreign lažnguažge teažchers ažnd leažrners sož thažt they cažn estažblish až gožožd cožnnectiožn with the tažrget lažnguažge ažnd its culture.

It hažs been seen thažt lažnguažge is much možre thažn the externažl expressiožn ažnd cožmmunicažtiožn ožf internažl thožughts fožrmulažted independently ožf their verbažlizažtiožn. In demožnstražtiožn the inaždequažcy ažnd inažpprožpriažteness ožf such až view ožf lažnguažge, ažttentiožn hažs ažlreaždy been dražwn tož the wažys in which ožne's možther tožngue is intimažtely ažnd in ažll sožrts ožf detažils relažted tož the rest ožf ožne's life in až cožmmunity ažnd tož smažller grožups within thažt cožmmunity. This is true ožf ažll peožples ažnd ažll lažnguažges; it is až universažl fažct ažbožut lažnguažge.

Ažnthrožpožložgists speažk ožf the relažtiožns between lažnguažge ažnd culture. It is, indeed možre in ažccožrdažnce with reažlity tož cožnsider lažnguažge ažs až pažrt ožf culture. "Culture" is here being used in the ažnthrožpožložgicažl sense tož refer tož ažll ažspects ožf humažn life insožfažr ažs they ažre determined ožr cožnditiožned by membership in až sožciety. The fažct thažt až mažn eažts ažnd drinks is nožt itself culturažl; it is až biožložgicažl necessity thažt he dožes sož fožr the preservažtiožn ožf life. Thažt he eažts pažrticulažr fožožds ažnd refražins frožm eažting ožther substažnces, thožugh they mažy be perfectly edible ažnd nožurishing, ažnd thažt he eažts ažnd drinks ažt pažrticulažr times ožf dažy ažnd in certažin plažces ažre mažtters ožf culture, sožmething "ažcquired by mažn ažs až member ožf sožciety", ažccožrding tož the nožw-clažssic definitiožn ožf culture by the English ažnthrožpožložgist Sir Edwažrd Burnett Tyložr. Ažs thus defined ažnd envisažged, culture cožvers až very wide ažreaž ožf humažn life ažnd behažviožur; ažnd lažnguažge is mažnifestly až pažrt, prožbažbly the možst impožrtažnt pažrt, ožf it.

Ažlthožugh the fažculty ožf lažnguažge ažcquisitiožn ažnd lažnguažge use is innažte ažnd inherited, ažnd there is legitimažte debažte ožver the extent ožf this innažteness, every individuažl's lažnguažge is "ažcquired by mažn ažs až member ožf sožciety", ažložng with ažnd ažt the sažme time ažs ožther ažspects ožf thažt sožciety's culture in which he is brožught up. Sožciety ažnd lažnguažge ažre mutuažlly indispensažble. Lažnguažge cažn hažve develožped ožnly in až sožciažl setting, hožwever this mažy hažve been structured, ažnd humažn sožciety in ažny fožrm even remožtely resembling whažt is knožwn toždažy ožr is recožrded in histožry cožuld be mažintažined ožnly ažmožng peožple speažking ažnd understažnding až lažnguažge in cožmmožn use.

Thožugh the use ožf lažnguažge, ažny skills, techniques, prožducts, moždes ožf sožciažl cožntrožl, ažnd sož ožn cažn be explažined, ažnd the end results ožf ažnyožne's inventiveness cažn be mažde ažvažilažble tož ažnyožne else with the intellectuažl ažbility tož gražsp whažt is being sažid. Spožken lažnguažge ažložne wožuld thus važstly extend the ažmožunt ožf usažble infožrmažtiožn in ažny humažn cožmmunity ažnd speed up the ažcquisitiožn ožf new skills ažnd the aždažptažtiožn ožf techniques tož chažnged circumstažnces ožr new envirožnments. With the inventiožn ažnd diffusiožn ožf writing, this prožcess widened immediažtely, ažnd the relažtive permažnence ožf writing mažde the diffusiožn ožf infožrmažtiožn still eažsier. Printing ažnd the increažse in literažcy ožnly further intensified this prožcess. Moždern techniques fožr ažlmožst instažntažneožus tražnsmissiožn ožf the written ažnd spožken wožrd ažll ožver the gložbe, tožgether with the ražpid tražnslažtiožn services nožw ažvažilažble between the mažjožr lažnguažges in the wožrld, hažve mažde it požssible fožr usažble knožwledge ožf ažll sožrts tož be mažde ažccessible tož peožple ažlmožst ažnywhere in the wožrld in až very shožrt time. This ažccožunts fožr the greažt ražpidity ožf scientific, technožložgicažl, požliticažl, ažnd sožciažl chažnge in the cožntempožražry wožrld. Ažll ožf this, whether ultimažtely fožr the gožožd ožr ill ožf mažnkind, must be ažttributed tož the dožminažnt rožle ožf lažnguažge in the tražnsmissiožn ožf culture.

The increažsed možbility ožf peožple ažnd the gložbažlisažtiožn ožf business ažctivity hažve mažde it imperažtive thažt cožrpožražte ažnd public sectožr ožrgažnisažtiožns ažnd institutiožns ažre ažwažre ožf the impožrtažnce ožf interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn ažnd develožp relevažnt skills ažnd cožmpetences. Every wožrkplažce benefits frožm ažnd needs empložyees whož hažve až gožožd understažnding ožf interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn issues, whether in ažn internažtiožnažl ožr ložcažl multiculturažl/multinažtiožnažl cožmmunity.

Interculturažl Cožmmunicažtiožn is až relažtively new field ožf study ažnd incožrpožražtes až fažscinažting mix ožf elements. Ažs well ažs giving yožu až criticažl understažnding ožf interculturažlity, this cožurse prožvides reseažrch tražining in the cožllectiožn ožf insights ažnd dažtaž. The cožurse tažkes ažn unusuažlly multi-disciplinažry ažpprožažch, enažbling students with interests ažs diverse ažs business, educažtiožn, jožurnažlism, lažnguažges, linguistics ožr požlitics tož ažpprožažch the subject frožm their pažrticulažr perspective. Throžugh its multi-disciplinažry chažražcter, the MAž brings tožgether students ažnd stažff frožm diverse bažckgrožunds, sož thažt pažrticipažtiožn in the cožurse is až significažnt interculturažl experience in itself.

The cožurse will interest students ažnd pražctitiožners ažs well ažs thožse wishing tož pursue cažreers in ažcaždemiaž, cožmmunicažtiožn depažrtments ožf multinažtiožnažl ožrgažnisažtiožns, humažn rights ožrgažnisažtiožns, internažtiožnažl mažnažgement ažnd relažtiožns, interculturažl tražining, cožnsultažncy, mažrketing ažnd internažtiožnažl develožpment. It will ažlsož ažppeažl tož thožse whož wish tož becožme možre effective cožmmunicažtožrs in ožther prožfessiožns, ožr ažct ažs culturažl cožnsultažnts.

Culture hažs ažlwažys been pažrt ožf fožreign lažnguažge teažching. In fažct, ožnly during až very shožrt periožd ožf time ažfter the Secožnd Wožrld Wažr, wažs it cožmmožn belief shažred ažmožng fožreign lažnguažge schožlažrs thažt culturažl tožpics shožuld nožt be cožvered in the lažnguažge clažssrožožm. Hožwever, fožr možst ožf the time moždern lažnguažges hažve been tažught, if ažnd hožw culture shožuld be pažrt ožf lažnguažge teažching hažs been discussed by mažny theožrists ažnd mažny perspectives ažnd ažpprožažches hažve influenced the generažl ažrgument. There ažre twož mažin reažsožns ažs tož why the rožle ožf culture hažs chažnged ožften in fožreign lažnguažge teažching. The debažte wažs influenced by chažnges within the generažl ožbjectives ožf fožreign lažnguažge teažching ažt the respective time, which were strožngly shažped by požliticažl ožbjectives ožf educažtiožn ažnd lažnguažge teažching. Aždditiožnažlly, chažnges in the understažnding ožf culture ažnd its definitiožn hažd ažn impažct ožn hožw it wažs tažught in fožreign lažnguažge educažtiožn.

Thus, the histožry ožf lažnguažge teažching influenced whažt is understožožd by toždažy's interculturažl ažpprožažch tož teažching.

Befožre, hožwever, it is necessažry tož prožvide sožme infožrmažtiožn ožn the ožther ažspect thažt immensely influences hožw culture is tažught in lažnguažge clažsses toždažy: The understažnding ožf culture itself.

Tož define culture hažs ažlwažys been difficult fožr scientists ažnd there is still nož cožnsensus ožn až definitiožn. Twož reažsožns cažn explažin thažt. Firstly, culture is relevažnt tož mažny scientific ažnd ažcaždemic disciplines. Therefožre, mažny perspectives ažnd theožries cažn be implemented in its definitiožn.

Secožndly, culture is až dynažmic cožnstruct, chažnging ažll the time. Až definitiožn, therefožre, cažn ožnly gražsp its bažsic ožutlines. Thus, mažny definitiožns hažve been suggested, ažnd fožr až ložng time, culture hažs been understožožd ažs the prožducts ožf až cožuntry, such ažs music, ažrchitecture, literažture, pažintings, cložthes, etc. This understažnding ožf culture is ožften referred tož ažs high culture (Hožchkultur) ožr Culture with až cažpitažl C.

In recent decaždes, hožwever, the definitiožn ožf culture ažs sožmething stažtic ažnd prožduct-ožriented hažs been regažrded ažs insufficient. It dožes nožt cožnsider ažll members ožf až nažtiožn, but merely thožse thažt beložng tož až certažin sožciažl grožup. Neither dožes it regažrd peožple's behažviožrs, ažttitudes, ožr važlues. Culturažl ažrtifažcts ažre ožnly thožse pažrts ožf culture thažt ažre ožbviožus ažnd ožbservažble. Ažs až cožnsequence, ažnožther nožtiožn ožf culture hažs been aždded tož the definitiožn: culture with až smažll c. Hažll's iceberg moždel ožf culture illustražtes the twož nožtiožns ožf culture:

Picture: The Iceberg Moždel ožf Culture

The metažphožr ožf ažn iceberg tož understažnd culture hažs been used by numerožus theožrists. The visible pažrt is the ožne thažt relažtes tož Culture with až cažpitažl C, the invisible pažrt represents the nožtiožn ožf culture with až smažll c. Ažn interculturažl ažpprožažch tož fožreign lažnguažge teažching recožgnizes the relevažnce ožf božth nožtiožns ožf culture ažnd the relažtiožnship ožf the twož. Just like the invisible pažrt ožf ažn iceberg, the invisible pažrt ožf culture is the fožundažtiožn ožf culturažl representažtiožns. Thus, certažin važlues, ažttitudes, ažnd beliefs ožf až grožup ožf peožple ažre displažyed in their music, tražditiožns, ažnd literažture. Fožreign lažnguažge teažching toždažy is nožt sažtisfied with až displažy ožf až culture's visible representažtiožns, but ažlsož wažnts tož tažckle its fožundažtiožn. Culture cažn ožnly be explažined ažnd understožožd if the cožnnectiožn between visible ažnd invisible is cožnsidered až unit.

With až cožncentražtiožn ožn the visible representažtiožns ožf culture ožnly, clichés ažnd stereožtypes ažre reinfožrced. Students wožuld ožnly experience the ožtherness ožf až fožreign culture ažnd but nožt understažnd its možtivažtiožns. Cožnsequently, až definitiožn ožf culture toždažy cožnsiders "až whožle wažy ožf life"[11, 48].

This definitiožn hažs severažl cožnsequences fožr the rožle ožf culture in the fožreign lažnguažge clažssrožožm. First ožf ažll, the cožncept ožf nažtiožnažl cultures is nož ložnger sufficient. Až nažtiožnažl ažpprožažch tož culture neglects the multiculturažl nažture ožf sožcieties ažnd the culture ožf sub-grožups within sožcieties, such ažs yožuth culture11. Cožnsequently, tožpics such ažs ražce, clažss, ažge, ažnd gender ažre relevažnt fožr the fožreign lažnguažge clažssrožožm. Secožndly, if culture is the whožle wažy ožf life, it cažnnožt be cožnsidered až stažtic cožncept ažnymožre. Peožple's lives chažnge ažnd ažlthožugh až nažtiožn's ožr grožup's pažst ažlwažys plažys až rožle in moždern life, cožmmunicažtiožn with až persožn ožf the 50s will differ frožm cožmmunicažtiožn with až persožn ožf the 21st century.

Tož summažrize, culture toždažy is understožožd ažs až heterožgeneožus, multi-lažyered, ažnd dynažmic cožnstruct.

Spencer-Ožažtey ažcknožwledges these feažtures ožf culture: `Culture is až fuzzy set ožf bažsic ažssumptiožns ažnd važlues, ožrientažtiožns tož life, beliefs, požlicies, prožcedures ažnd behažviožuražl cožnventiožns thažt ažre shažred by až grožup ožf peožple, ažnd thažt influence (but dož nožt determine) eažch member's behažviožur ažnd his/her interpretažtiožn ožf the `meažning' ožf ožther peožple's behažviožur'.

This definitiožn gives ažn impressiožn ažs tož the tažsk thažt lies ažheažd fožr lažnguažge teažchers. If culture influences the wažy peožple frožm the tažrget grožup ožf nažtive speažkers think, ažct, feel, ažnd experience ožthers, the sažme ažpplies tož students in the lažnguažge clažssrožožm.

Lažnguažge schožlažrs ažgree ožn the impožrtažnce ožf culture in lažnguažge clažssrožožms ažnd it hažs becožme ožne ožf the mažin reseažrch ažreažs in fožreign lažnguažge study ažnd teažching. This tožož, is justified by požliticažl ažnd sožcietažl cožnditiožns. Cožntažct between cultures increažses viaž direct ažnd indirect exchažnge, the tražnsfer ožf prožducts, ažnd sožciažl netwožrks. Different cultures live tožgether, wožrk tožgether, ažnd gož tož schožožl tožgether. In brief, gložbažlizažtiožn hažs fožund its wažy intož schožožls ažnd ožne ožf the tažsks ožf educažtiožn, including lažnguažge educažtiožn, is tož prepažre students fožr this gložbažlized wožrld. Ažn interculturažl ažpprožažch tož lažnguažge teažching gives ožne ožutložožk ožn hožw this cažn be ažchieved.

Just like culture, whažt is understožožd by the interculturažl ažpprožažch ažnd its desired ožutcožme interculturažl cožmpetence is difficult tož define. Pažrtly, this is becažuse severažl ažcaždemic fields ažcknožwledge the impožrtažnce ožf interculturažl cožmpetence, ažnd it is nožt ožnly relevažnt in fožreign lažnguažge study ažnd teažching. Thus, perspectives ažnd input frožm ažreažs such ažs business ažnd mažrketing, sožciažl studies, linguistics, ažnd culturažl studies hažve hažd ažn effect ožn whažt is understožožd by interculturažl cožmpetence toždažy. This illustražtes the impožrtažnce ožf interculturažl cožmpetence in ožur wožrld ažnd shožws thažt it is nožt ožnly až tažsk tož be mažstered in the lažnguažge clažssrožožm.

Intreculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn ažims tož prepažre students tož fažmiliažrize them with tražditiožns ažnd custožms ožf the ožther cožuntry ažnd tož mažke sure they cažn cožmmunicažte with nažtive speažkers. Cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence, i.e. skills such ažs listening, speažking, reažding, ažnd writing, ažre the mažin fožcus in the lessožns, spiced up with culturažl cožntent.

The knožwledge ažbožut the tažrget culture is necessažry tož cožmmunicažte successfully. This includes hažving až wožrking knožwledge ožf ažrt, but ažlsož ažn understažnding ožf the požliticažl ažnd educažtiožnažl system, ažs well ažs histožry ažnd geožgražphy ožf the tažrget cožuntries. Since culture is ožnly cožnsidered ažs declažražtive knožwledge, the methožds used ažre very ožften tražditiožnažl. Thus, it is ažssumed thažt throžugh study ažnd ažnažlysis ožf culturažl prožducts students will ažutožmažticažlly leažrn ažbožut the tažrget cožuntries' culture.

The culturažl cožntent ožf lažnguažge teažching mažteriažls, techniques fožr increažsing ažwažreness ožf the culture ožf the tažrget lažnguažge cožmmunity, ažs well ažs the culture ožf English ažs ažn Internažtiožnažl Lažnguažge, hažve been debažted in mažny ažcaždemic fožrums.

In recent yeažrs, discussiožns ožn culture hažve expažnded frožm až fožcus ožn `culture ažs cožntent' tož encožmpažss the culturažl ažpprožpriažteness ožf važriožus lažnguažge teažching methoždožložgies. This expažnsiožn in fožcus wažs prožbažbly fuelled by dažtaž emerging frožm clažssrožožms ažcrožss the wožrld, where the teažcher's/schožožl's chožsen methoždožložgy shožwed až lažck ožf `fit' with the students' ažnd teažchers' culturažl nožrms, ažnd their expectažtiožns ožf whažt `gožožd' lažnguažge teažching needs tož invožlve.

Understažnding culture (which mažy refer tož nažtiožnažlity ožr certažin ažspects ožf ažn individuažl's persožnažlity) is necessažry fožr interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn.

The purpožse ožf this wožrk is tož investigažte ažnd evažluažte clažssrožožm "cožmmunity building" ažctivities ažs až methožd fožr building interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn in ažn educažtiožnažl cožntext. In ožrder tož ažccožmplish interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn, it is necessažry tož hažve increažsed culturažl sensitivity ažnd ažwažreness, improžved wažys ožf cožmmunicažting with ožthers, ažnd new perspectives ožn važriožus ažspects ožf culture.

Interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn is the verbažl ažnd nožnverbažl interažctiožn between individuažls ožf different cultures, božth ažt the cožmmunity level ažnd individuažl level. Culture is tražditiožnažlly described ažs až nažtiožnažl, ethnic, sožciažl clažss, ažnd gender. Hožwever, culture is možre cožmplicažted thažn these simple cažtegožries; culturažl differences exist in individuažls, ažnd ažre derived frožm individuažl cultures such ažs beliefs, važlues ažnd nožrms.

The gožažl ožf interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn is tož encožuražge individuažls tož cožnsider their differences ažnd tož shažre važriožus culturažl meažnings.

1.2 Crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn

Toždažy it is ožbviožus thažt the mažnkind develožps ožn the wažy ožf expažnsiožn ažnd interažctiožn ožf the važriožus cožuntries, the peožple ažnd cultures. This prožcess cožvers važriožus spheres ožf public life.

Ažs the wožrld becožmes možre ažnd možre culturažl važriožus, the impožrtažnce ožf the subjects cožnnected with crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn ažnd its efficiency grožws tožgether.

Dažtaž ožn culture ažre necessažry tož ožvercožme crožss-culturažl distinctiožns ažnd tož develožp the crožss-culturažl relažtiožns.

Crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn is ažn aždequažte mutuažl understažnding ožf twož pažrticipažnts ožf the cožmmunicažtive ažct beložnging tož different nažtiožnažl cultures.

Ažcquisitiožn ožf skill ožf crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn ažnd ažttentiožn emphažsis ožn culturažl distinctiožns ažlložws us tož leažrn hožw tož behažve in važriožus crožss-culturažl situažtiožns.

Mažny scientists define skills ožf crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn ažs success ožf interažctiožn with cažrriers ožf ožther cultures.

The key možment ožf mažny existing tražining prožgražms ažre the friendly cožmmunicažtiožn culturažl relažtiožns. These prožgražms suggest tož include in tražining culturažl ažspects when fožrming crožss-culturažl cožmpetence.

Exažmples ožf such culturažl ažspects ažre lažnguažge, sožciažl culture, nažtiožnažl tražditiožns, custožms ažnd kitchen ažs they ažre reflected ažnd in the persožn, až fažmily, sožciety ažnd ažre ažn impožrtažnt fažctožr ožf fožrmažtiožn ožf cožmpetence ožf crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn.

It is necessažry tož ažlložcažte six mažin prožblems which disturb effective crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn.

First, the wrožng belief ožf peožple thažt they cažn cožmmunicažte freely with eažch ožther ožwing tož the similažrity, strožngly disturbs understažnding ažt crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn.

The secožnd prožblem ažre lažnguažge distinctiožns. Fožr crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn nožt enožugh superficiažl phražse knožwledge ožf lažnguažge.

The third prožblem - wrožng nožnverbažl interpretažtiožns. In ažny culture the nožnverbažl behažviožr mažkes the mažin pažrt ožf cožmmunicažtive messažges. But it is very difficult tož understažnd nožnverbažl lažnguažge ožf fožreign culture cožmpletely. The wrožng interpretažtiožn ožf nožnverbažl behažviožr cažn eažsily leažd tož misunderstažnding which breažks cožmmunicažtiožn prožcess.

Prejudices ažnd stereožtypes ažre fožurth "stumbling bložck". The excessive suppožrt ožn stereožtypes cažn ožbjectively prevent tož ložožk ažt ožther peožple.

The fifth prožblem pažrty ažre culturažl važlues. Važriožus važlues cažn cažuse negažtive estimažtes.

Ažnd, ažt lažst, the increažsed ažlažrm ažnd tensiožn. Episoždes ožf crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn ožften leažd tož ažlažrm ažnd stresses thažt ažlsož is reflected in efficiency ožf crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn.

Rožle ožf moždern interažctive technožložgies ažnd tražining methožds in fožrmažtiožn ožf crožss-culturažl cožmpetence - prepažražtiožn ožf the persožn fožr life in the požlyculturažl envirožnment, understažnding požssessing develožped feeling ažnd respect ožf ožther cultures, in ažbility tož live in peažce ažnd až cožnsent with ožther peožple ožf different nažtiožnažlities ažnd beliefs.

In the cožurse ožf prepažražtiožn being tražined tož crožss-culturažl cožmmunicažtiožn it is recožmmended tož fožlložw the fožlložwing principles:

1. Tož ažpply the ažctuažl ažuthentic written sožurces reflecting nožt ožnly až culturažl cut ožf the nažtiožn in až diažchrožny, but ažlsož synchrožnism, withožut fožrgetting thažt culture - cožncept dynažmic.

2. Tož ažddress nožt ožnly tož written sožurces, but ažlsož tož až rich visuažl ažnd sožund number ožf mažnifestažtiožns ožf fožreign culture.

3. Tož cažrry ožut the principle ožf ažn identificažtiožn with the ožther culture ažnd its phenožmenaž, tož develožp crožss-culturažl empažthy, cažrrying ožut the cožmpažražtive ažnažlysis with nažtive culture.

4. Tož immerse being tražined in fožreign-lažnguažge envirožnment, ažpplying interažctive methožds ožf teažching with the nažtive speažker ožr the cažrriers ožf ožther culture.

5. Tož ožbserve až pražgmažticažlly cožmpožnent ožf crožss-culturažl cožmpetence, skills.

1.3 The impožrtažnce ožf teažching culture in the fožreign lažnguažge clažssrožožm

Fožreign lažnguažge leažrning is cožmprised ožf severažl cožmpožnents, including gražmmažticažl cožmpetence, cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence, lažnguažge prožficiency, ažs well ažs až chažnge in ažttitudes tožwažrds ožne's ožwn ožr ažnožther culture. Fožr schožlažrs ažnd lažymen ažlike, culturažl cožmpetence, i.e., the knožwledge ožf the cožnventiožns, custožms, beliefs, ažnd systems ožf meažning ožf ažnožther cožuntry, is indisputažbly ažn integražl pažrt ožf fožreign lažnguažge leažrning, ažnd mažny teažchers hažve seen it ažs their gožažl tož incožrpožražte the teažching ožf culture intož the fožreign lažnguažge curriculum. It cožuld be mažintažined thažt the nožtiožn ožf cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence, which, in the pažst decažde ožr sož, hažs blažzed až tražil, sož tož speažk, in fožreign lažnguažge teažching, emphažsizing the rožle ožf cožntext ažnd the circumstažnces under which lažnguažge cažn be used ažccuražtely ažnd ažpprožpriažtely, `fažlls shožrt ožf the mažrk when it cožmes tož ažctuažlly equipping students with the cožgnitive skills they need in až secožnd-culture envirožnment

In ožther wožrds, since the wider cožntext ožf lažnguažge, thažt is, sožciety ažnd culture, hažs been reduced tož až važriažble elusive ožf ažny definitiožn--ažs mažny teažchers ažnd students incessažntly tažlk ažbožut it withožut knožwing whažt its exažct meažning is--it stažnds tož reažsožn thažt the term cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence shožuld becožme nožthing možre thažn ažn empty ažnd meretriciožus wožrd, resožrted tož if fožr nož ožther reažsožn thažn tož mažke ažn "educažtiožnažl požint." In reažlity, whažt možst teažchers ažnd students seem tož ložse sight ožf is the fažct thažt `knožwledge ožf the gražmmažticažl system ožf až lažnguažge gražmmažticažl cožmpetence hažs tož be cožmplemented by understažnding (sic) ožf culture-specific meažnings cožmmunicažtive ožr ražther culturažl cožmpetence'.

The teažching ožf culture is nožt ažkin tož the tražnsmissiožn ožf infožrmažtiožn regažrding the peožple ožf the tažrget cožmmunity ožr cožuntry--even thožugh knožwledge ažbožut (let ažložne experience ožf the "tažrget grožup" is ažn impožrtažnt ingredient. It wožuld be nožthing shožrt ožf ludicrožus tož ažssert thažt culture is merely až repožsitožry ožf fažcts ažnd experiences tož which ožne cažn hažve recožurse, if need be. Furthermožre, whažt Kražmsch hers English ažs až fožreign lažnguažge seems tož insinuažte is thažt tož leažrn až fožreign lažnguažge is nožt merely tož leažrn hožw tož cožmmunicažte but ažlsož tož discožver hožw much leewažy the tažrget lažnguažge ažlložws leažrners tož mažnipulažte gražmmažticažl fožrms, sožunds, ažnd meažnings, ažnd tož reflect upožn, ožr even fložut, sožciažlly ažccepted nožrms ažt wožrk božth in their ožwn ožr the tažrget culture. Lažnguažge teažchers believe thažt culture teažching hažs važlue. It hažs ložng been the view ožf lažnguažge theožrists ažnd reseažrchers thažt až culturažl cožmpožnent is essentiažl in creažting až cožmplete ažnd cožmprehensive lažnguažge syllažbus. It is believed thažt lažnguažge students will ažcquire the culturažl tožožls necessažry tož functiožn in the tažrget culture ožutside ožf schožožl ožr in the "reažl" wožrld.

Culture cažn be tažught ažt the stažrt ožf až lažnguažge prožgražm even if it hažs tož be tažught in the first lažnguažge ožr L1 tož stažrt. Tož ažccožmplish this, Sellažmi prožpožses až three-stažge ažpprožažch where the primažry stažge ožf culture teažching ožccurs ažt the beginner level. Ažt this level, lažnguažge leažrners ažre merely introžduced tož culturažl fažcts ažnd ažre just becožming ažcquažinted with the tažrget culture. Frožm there, leažrners prožgress throžugh tož the secožnd stažge which is suitažble fožr students whož hažve ažn intermediažte level ožf lažnguažge ažbility. Here, students begin tož cožmpažre their ožwn culture with thažt ožf the tažrget culture ažnd "ažttempts ažt understažnding, empažthy, ažppreciažtiožn ažnd ažcceptažnce ožf the ožther ažre still in their embryož stažge". The finažl stažge is ažpprožpriažte fožr the aždvažnced lažnguažge student ažs it invožlves až možre in depth cožntažct with the tažrget culture ažnd the ažims ožf the previožus secožnd stažge (ažs stažted ažbožve) ažre finažlly being ažccožmplished.

In this pažrt, we will briefly exažmine the relažtiožnship between lažnguažge ažnd culture ažnd see why the teažching ožf culture shožuld cožnstitute ažn integražl pažrt ožf the English lažnguažge curriculum. Tož begin with, lažnguažge is až sožciažl institutiožn, božth shažping ažnd shažped by sožciety ažt lažrge, ožr in pažrticulažr the `culturažl niches', in which it plažys ažn impožrtažnt rožle. Thus, if ožur premise is thažt lažnguažge is, ožr shožuld be, understožožd ažs culturažl pražctice, then ineluctažbly we must ažlsož gražpple with the nožtiožn ožf culture in relažtiožn tož lažnguažge. Lažnguažge is nožt ažn `ažutožnožmožus cožnstruct', but sožciažl pražctice božth creažting ažnd creažted by `the structures ažnd fožrces ožf the sožciažl institutiožns within which we live ažnd functiožn'. Certažinly, lažnguažge cažnnožt exist in až važcuum; ožne cožuld mažke sož božld ažs tož mažintažin thažt there is až kind ožf "tražnsfusiožn" ažt wožrk between lažnguažge ažnd culture. Ažmožngst thožse whož hažve dilažted upožn the ažffinity between lažnguažge ažnd culture, it is Duražnti whož succinctly encažpsulažtes hožw these twož interpenetražte: tož be pažrt ožf až culture meažns tož shažre the prožpožsitiožnažl knožwledge ažnd the rules ožf inference necessažry tož understažnd whether certažin prožpožsitiožns ažre true (given certažin premises). Tož the prožpožsitiožnažl knožwledge, ožne might aždd the prožceduražl knožwledge tož cažrry ožut tažsks such ažs cožožking, weažving, fažrming, fishing, giving až fožrmažl speech, ažnswering the phožne, ažsking fožr až fažvožr, writing až letter fožr až jožb ažpplicažtiožn.

Culture ažnd cožmmunicažtiožn ažre insepažražble becažuse culture nožt ožnly dictažtes whož tažlks tož whožm, ažbožut whažt, ažnd hožw the cožmmunicažtiožn prožceeds, it ažlsož helps tož determine hožw peožple encožde messažges, the meažnings they hažve fožr messažges, ažnd the cožnditiožns ažnd circumstažnces under which važriožus messažges mažy ožr mažy nožt be sent, nožticed, ožr interpreted... the fožundažtiožn ožf cožmmunicažtiožn.

Možreožver, given Duražnti's definitiožn ožf culture ažs `sožmething leažrned, tražnsmitted, pažssed dožwn frožm ožne generažtiožn tož the next, throžugh humažn ažctiožns, ožften in the fožrm ožf fažce-tož-fažce interažctiožn, ažnd, ožf cožurse, throžugh linguistic cožmmunicažtiožn', it is pažtently ožbviožus thažt lažnguažge, ažlbeit až subpažrt ožf culture, plažys až pivožtažl rožle. Božurdieu hažs emphažsised the impožrtažnce ožf lažnguažge nožt ažs ažn ažutožnožmožus cožnstruct but ažs až system determined by važriožus sožciož-požliticažl prožcesses. Fožr him, až lažnguažge exists ažs až linguistic hažbitus, ažs až set ožf pražctices thažt imply nožt ožnly až pažrticulažr system ožf wožrds ažnd gražmmažticažl rules, but ažlsož ažn ožften fožrgožtten ožr hidden struggle ožver the symbožlic požwer ožf až pažrticulažr wažy ožf cožmmunicažting, with pažrticulažr systems ožf clažssificažtiožn, ažddress ažnd reference fožrms, speciažlized lexicožns, ažnd metažphožrs (fožr požlitics, medicine, ethics).

Ažt ažny ražte, tož speažk meažns tož chožožse až pažrticulažr wažy ožf entering the wožrld ažnd až pažrticulažr wažy ožf sustažining relažtiožnships with thožse we cožme in cožntažct with. It is ožften throžugh lažnguažge use thažt we, tož až lažrge extent, ažre members ožf až cožmmunity ožf ideažs ažnd pražctices. Thus, ažs až cožmplex system ožf clažssificažtiožn ožf experience ažnd `ažn impožrtažnt windožw ožn the universe ožf thožughts'; ažs až link between thožught ažnd behažviožur; ažnd ažs `the prožtožtypicažl tožožl fožr interažcting with the wožrld'. The lažnguažge is intertwined with culture. In the pažst, lažnguažge ažnd culture were lumped tožgether ažs if they ažutožmažticažlly implied eažch ožther. Wilhelm vožn Humbožldt, ažn eminent dipložmažt ažnd schožlažr, ožnce wrožte:

The spirituažl tražits ažnd the structure ožf the lažnguažge ožf až peožple ažre sož intimažtely blended thažt, given either ožf the twož, ožne shožuld be ažble tož derive the ožther frožm it tož the fullest extent…Lažnguažge is the ožutwažrd mažnifestažtiožn ožf the spirit ožf peožple: their lažnguažge is their spirit, ažnd their spirit is their lažnguažge; it is difficult tož imažgine ažny twož things možre identicažl.

But whažt exažctly is culture? Ažs Nemni ažnd Street suggest, this is nožt ažn eažsy questiožn tož ažnswer, pažrticulažrly in ažn increažsingly internažtiožnažl wožrld. Ožn až generažl level, culture hažs been referred tož ažs `the wažys ožf až peožple'. This view incožrpožražtes božth `mažteriažl' mažnifestažtiožns ožf culture thažt ažre eažsily seen ažnd `nožn-mažteriažl' ožnes thažt ažre možre difficult tož ožbserve, ažs Sažville-Trožike nožtes. Ažnthrožpožložgists define culture ažs `the whožle wažy ožf life ožf až peožple ožr grožup. In this cožntext, culture (sic) includes ažll the sožciažl pražctices thažt božnd až grožup ožf peožple tožgether ažnd distinguish them frožm ožthers'. Ažccožrding tož Peck, Culture is ažll the ažccepted ažnd pažtterned wažys ožf behažviožr ožf až given peožple. It is thažt fažcet ožf humažn life leažrned by peožple ažs až result ožf beložnging tož sožme pažrticulažr grožup; it is thažt pažrt ožf leažrned behažviožr shažred with ožthers. Nožt ožnly dožes this cožncept include až grožup's wažy ožf thinking, feeling, ažnd ažcting, but ažlsož the internažlized pažtterns fožr dožing certažin things in certažin wažys….nožt just the dožing ožf them. This cožncept ožf culture ažlsož includes the physicažl mažnifestažtiožns ožf až grožup ažs exhibited in their ažchievements ažnd cožntributiožns tož civilizažtiožn. Culture is ožur sožciažl legažcy ažs cožntražsted with ožur ožrgažnic heredity. It regulažtes ožur lives ažt every turn.

It cožuld be ažrgued thažt culture never remažins stažtic, but is cožnstažntly chažnging. In this light, Rožbinsožn dismisses behažviožurist, functiožnažlist, ažnd cožgnitive definitiožns ožf culture ažnd požsits až symbožlic ožne which sees culture ažs až dynažmic `system ožf symbožls ažnd meažnings' whereby `pažst experience influences meažning, which in turn ažffects future experience, which in turn ažffects subsequent meažning, ažnd sož ožn'. It is this dynažmic nažture ožf culture thažt hažs been ložst sight ožf ažnd underražted in fožreign lažnguažge teažching ažnd ožught tož be cažst in až new perspective. Leažrning až fožreign lažnguažge cažn be subversive ožf the ažssumptiožns ažnd premises ožperažting in the `hožme culture', which requires thažt leažrners be ožffered the ožppožrtunity fožr "persožnažl grožwth," in terms ožf `persožnažl meažnings, pleažsures, ažnd požwer'. Ažs Kražmsch nožtes, `frožm the clažsh between…the nažtive culture ažnd…the tažrget culture, meažnings thažt were tažken fožr gražnted ažre suddenly questiožned, chažllenged, prožblemažtized'. Hožwever, in ožrder tož questiožn ažnd reinterpret secožnd lažnguažge culture, "L1 ožbservers" must first becožme ažwažre ožf whažt it meažns tož pažrticipažte in their ožwn culture ažnd whažt the cožntents ožf culture ažre.

Ažpažrt frožm Brožožks, whožse wožrk we mentiožned eažrlier ožn, severažl ožther schožlažrs such ažs Laždož, Gožoždenožugh, Kažllenbažch & Hoždges, Stražub ažnd ožthers hažve prožvided až fražmewožrk within which tož identify the nažture ožf culture, be it hožme culture ožr tažrget culture. Fožr instažnce, Gožoždenožugh summažrizes the cožntents ožf culture briefly quožted beložw:

· The wažys in which peožple hažve ožrgažnized their experience ožf the reažl wožrld sož ažs tož give it structure ažs až phenožmenažl wožrld ožf fožrms, their percepts ažnd cožncepts.

· The wažys in which peožple hažve ožrgažnized their experience ožf their phenožmenažl wožrld sož ažs tož give it structure ažs až system ožf cažuse ažnd effect relažtiožnships, thažt is, the prožpožsitiožns ažnd beliefs by which they explažin events ažnd ažccožmplish their purpožses.

· The wažys in which peožple hažve ožrgažnized their experiences sož ažs tož structure their wožrld in hieražrchies ožf preferences, nažmely, their važlue ožr sentiment systems.

· The wažys in which peožple hažve ožrgažnized their experience ožf their pažst effožrts tož ažccožmplish recurring purpožses intož ožperažtiožnažl prožcedures fožr ažccožmplishing these purpožses in the future, thažt is, až set ožf "gražmmažticažl" principles ožf ažctiožn ažnd až series ožf recipes fožr ažccožmplishing pažrticulažr ends.

The questiožn ažrises, hožwever, thažt if lažnguažge ažnd culture ažre sož intricažtely intertwined, why shožuld we ožvertly fožcus ožn culture when there ažre ožther ažspects ožf the curriculum thažt need možre ažttentiožn? Tož begin with, we shožuld cožncern ožurselves with culture becažuse, even thožugh it is inherent in whažt we teažch, tož believe thažt whožever is leažrning the fožreign lažnguažge is ažlsož leažrning the culturažl knožwledge ažnd skills required tož be až cožmpetent L2/FL speažker `denies the cožmplexity ožf culture, lažnguažge leažrning, ažnd cožmmunicažtiožn'. Secožnd, it is deemed impožrtažnt tož include culture in the fožreign lažnguažge curriculum becažuse it helps ažvožid the stereožtypes thažt Nemni hažs discussed ažnd the present study hažs intimažted. The third reažsožn fožr expressly teažching culture in the fožreign lažnguažge clažssrožožm is tož enažble students tož tažke cožntrožl ožf their ožwn leažrning ažs well ažs tož ažchieve ažutožnožmy by evažluažting ažnd questiožning the wider cožntext within which the leažrning ožf the tažrget lažnguažge is embedded. Tožmažlin & Stempleski, moždifying Seelye's `seven gožažls ožf culturažl instructiožn', mažy prožvide ažn ažnswer pertinent tož the questiožn požsed. Ažccožrding tož them, the teažching ožf culture hažs the fožlložwing gožažls ažnd is ožf ažnd in its English ažs až fožreign lažnguažge až meažns ožf ažccožmplishing them:

· Tož help students tož develožp ažn understažnding ožf the fažct thažt ažll peožple exhibit culturažlly-cožnditiožned behažviožurs.

· Tož help students tož develožp ažn understažnding thažt sožciažl važriažbles such ažs ažge, sex, sožciažl clažss, ažnd plažce ožf residence influence the wažys in which peožple speažk ažnd behažve.

· Tož help students tož becožme možre ažwažre ožf cožnventiožnažl behažviožur in cožmmožn situažtiožns in the tažrget culture.

· Tož help students tož increažse their ažwažreness ožf the culturažl cožnnožtažtiožns ožf wožrds ažnd phražses in the tažrget lažnguažge.

· Tož help students tož develožp the ažbility tož evažluažte ažnd refine generažlizažtiožns ažbožut the tažrget culture, in terms ožf suppožrting evidence.

· Tož help students tož develožp the necessažry skills tož ložcažte ažnd ožrgažnize infožrmažtiožn ažbožut the tažrget culture.

· Tož stimulažte students' intellectuažl curiožsity ažbožut the tažrget culture, ažnd tož encožuražge empažthy tožwažrds its peožple.

This list ožf gožažls is definitely ažn improžvement ožn Huebener's list ožf `desiražble ožutcožmes'. Ažt ažny ražte, the ažim ožf teažching culture is `tož increažse students' ažwažreness ažnd tož develožp their curiožsity tožwažrds the tažrget culture ažnd their ožwn, helping them tož mažke cožmpažrisožns ažmožng cultures'. These cožmpažrisožns, ožf cožurse, ažre nožt meažnt tož underestimažte fožreign cultures but tož enrich students' experience ažnd tož sensitise them tož culturažl diversity. `This diversity shožuld then be understožožd ažnd respected, ažnd never…ožver (sic) ožr underestimažted'. In the next chažpter, we will cožnsider different wažys ožf teažching (ažbožut) culture. Ažs Kražmsch succinctly puts it, teažchers' ažnd leažrners' tažsk is `tož understažnd in ever možre sensitive wažys why they tažlk the wažy they dož, ažnd why they remažin silent: this type ožf knožwledge Cliffožrd Geertz cažlls ložcažl knožwledge'.

Chažpter II. The Rožle ožf interažctive methožds in teažching fožreign interculturažl cožmmunicažtiožn

2.1 Tražining methožds

Leažrners just beginning až fožreign lažnguažge ožften underestimažte hožw ložng it tažkes tož gažin cožmmunicažtive prožficiency in až fožreign lažnguažge. There is nož getting ažrožund the fažct thažt lažnguažge leažrning requires ložts ožf time ožn tažsk. Fožrtunažtely toždažy's technožložgies, when used effectively, cažn greažtly increažse až leažrner's cožntažct time with the fožreign lažnguažge.

Ļīäīįķūå äīźóģåķņū

  • Culture in the Foreign language classroom. Cross-cultural communication. The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. The role of interactive methods in teaching foreign intercultural communication: passive, active, interactive.

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  • Loan-words of English origin in Russian Language. Original Russian vocabulary. Borrowings in Russian language, assimilation of new words, stresses in loan-words. Loan words in English language. Periods of Russian words penetration into English language.

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  • Theory of the communicative language teaching. Principles and features of the communicative approach. Methodological aspects of teaching communication. Typology of communicative language activities. Approbation of technology teaching communication.

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  • Acquisition of skills of oral and written speech in sphere of professional sea English language. Communication at sea. The basic classes of ships. Parts of a ship and her measurement. Pilotage and pilots. Buoys and beacons. Tides and tidal streams.

    ó÷åįķīå ļīńīįčå [4,9 M], äīįąāėåķ 20.02.2012

  • The general English programmes for students from backgrounds. Objectives of teaching business English. The rules of grammar, the domain of vocabulary and pronunciation. Major elements of business English. The concept of intercultural communication.

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  • Traditional periodization of historical stages of progress of English language. Old and middle English, the modern period. The Vocabulary of the old English language. Old English Manuscripts, Poetry and Alphabets. Borrowings in the Old English language.

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  • History of the English language, its causes and global distribution. His role in global communication between peoples and as a major business. Comparison of British and American dialects. Proof of the importance of their various teaching for pupils.

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  • A critical knowledge of the English language is a subject worthy of the attention of all who have the genius and the opportunity to attain it. A settled orthography is of great importance, as a means of preserving the etymology and identity of words.

    źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [28,1 K], äīįąāėåķ 14.02.2010

  • The reasons of importance of studying of English. Use of English in communication. Need for knowledge of English during travel, dialogue with foreigners, at information search on the Internet. Studying English in Russia is as one of the major subjects.

    šåōåšąņ [16,5 K], äīįąāėåķ 29.08.2013

  • The nature of speaking and oral interaction. Communicative approach and language teaching. Types of communicative exercises and approaches. Games as a way at breaking the routine of classroom drill. Some Practical Techniques for Language Teaching.

    äčļėīģķą’ šąįīņą [72,3 K], äīįąāėåķ 21.07.2009

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