Осуществление интеграции Украины в ЕС

Отношения Украины с крупнейшим интеграционным объединением в Европе - Европейским Союзом. Унификация налоговых систем, сближение законодательств. Масштабы интеграции в мировое хозяйство. Стратегия Украины. Приближение к общеевропейским структурам.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид контрольная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 12.03.2009
Размер файла 44,2 K

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Preliminary also antidumping actions within the limits of ГАТТ concerning trade between Ukraine and EU were considered{examined}. Thus the European commission initiated a number{line} of antidumping actions{shares} concerning Ukraine. As a result Ministerial council of EU in 8 cases has taken antidumping measures concerning Ukraine. According to the annual report of the European commission on the antidumping policy{politics} antidumping actions it has been begun concerning 8 % of volume of bilateral trade between Ukraine and the EU countries. Carrying out of antidumping procedures can call into question trade in ready products; antidumping actions in many cases in general can suspend trade relations.

The temporal agreement is based on the important conditions for Ukraine the General transaction from tariffs and trade (ГАТТ) and very important for maintenance of bilateral trade, and also customs оценивания, відслідковування movements of the goods, costs of license privileges and performance of all other necessary formalities concerning conducting trading operations, publications of laws which adjust{regulate} trade, the order of their application and the appeal in court, and also antidumping and compensatory actions.

Other actions by a number{line} with clauses{articles} about " possible{probable} refusal ", about an interdiction of import over the allocated quota of the certain kinds of textiles and products about constants for EU also certain by the Temporal agreement. According to the present{true} Agreement Ukraine incurs a lot of the obligations identical or similar that it{she} should incur in case of the introduction the full member to ГАТТ/СОТ. To number of such obligations reduction requirements of EU of the legislation concerning protection of intellectual property belongs also. For reduction of acts conformity to requirements of EU there is a corresponding{meeting} body - the Mixed commission where there can be questions at issue solved all which concern{touch} conducting trading operations.

Offers of EU that contain in the Temporal agreement, undoubtedly, have restrictive character. EU uses all opportunities to limit import at the country of Community of such goods, as fabrics, ready-to-wear clothes, production of a steel industry, despite of constant growth of demand for this goods. The last experience shows, that Ukraine could only try to protest concerning some restrictions on import of the goods to the EU countries. At the same time it is necessary to specify, that the bilateral checks lead during year, should be designated negatively on trade in these groups of the goods. It is natural, that in case of a cancelling of restrictions its{her} volumes could significally срастить.

The antidumping policy{politics} of EU complex{difficult} enough and labour-consuming, it{she} has already found the reflection in some acts accepted by Ukraine, and acts as the powerful terminator for the Ukrainian export. It is important to specify also, that antidumping sanctions are entered even in the event that raised{excited} only one of parameters of antidumping rules.

In connection with that the significant part of an export potential of Ukraine is represented with products of an agricultural production, and also considering a policy{politics} of EU concerning this group of the goods, it is possible to tell, that prospects of Ukraine in the agricultural market of the EU countries look{appear} pessimistically enough. Penetration of Ukraine on the European markets of the agricultural goods becomes possible{probable} only in case of coming into force in full the agreements accepted during the Uruguayan round.

After coming into force on March, 1st, 1998 Agreements on partnership and the cooperation, ratified by the parties{sides} - participants of the contract, the state of affairs can change radically, and the Europe, eventually, will open the door for Ukraine.

The further development of attitudes{relations} from EU requires in:

- Development of the national concept of cooperation and integration of Ukraine into the European economic space which should provide actions on development of an export potential, to formation favorable інвести-ційного a climate, to a deepening of industrial cooperation;

- Improvement of system of currency regulation of export-import transactions of subjects of foreign trade activities, refusal of policy{politics} of artificial understating a dollar exchange rate;

- The account of features of the separate EU countries, development субрегіональних attitudes{relations}, in particular, on line ЧЕС;

- Improvement of system of mutual relations in the field of improvement of professional skill of experts, attraction of the Ukrainian experts to the decision of some actual problems of development of the European continent.

The special attention is deserved with a problem of an openness of the Ukrainian economy. Not humiliating value of an openness of economy as a necessary component on a way of Ukraine to the European integration, it is necessary to understand: the openness, as well as any phenomenon, includes not only constructive, but also destructive elements. The accelerated opening of the Ukrainian economy for its{her} today's деформованості and a crisis condition can lead to serious enough consequences{investigations}.

In general it is necessary to consider, that the world economy, the international markets are an area of severe competitive struggle which requires economic forces, wide experience, the precise organization. Anything similar in Ukraine still is not present. Falling manufacture is prolonged, its{his} efficiency, absent necessary enterprise experience which would enable to resist to skilled western and east competitors decreases.

Question of ocurrence of Ukraine, as well as any country, to EU - very complex{difficult} complex problem. Process of expansion of the European Union transforms practically all spheres of its{his} activity, but, first of all, influences distribution of internal resources of the Union. Reception of new members is anyhow connected with necessity of increase in payments from the most developed countries, and reduction of volumes of the help by the least developed. So, behind the western calculations, reception in the European Union of the countries of the East Europe would cost to it{him} approximately 66 billion dollars for a year, i.e. would demand increase in the budget of EU twice and refusal of financing many priority projects. By other estimations, for reception in EU of new members 150 billion dollars for a year, which above all previous forecasts in addition is required.

For this reason near to adherents of expansion of EU (Germany, France, Italy) is strong enough opposition to it{this} of process (Spain, Portugal, Ireland). So, some countries - members of EU are threatened to block process of expansion if to them will not give guarantees of preservation of volumes of the present financial help.

Not underestimating value concerning the general{common} future between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union, it is necessary to note, that integration into the European structures should not limit the attitude{relation} with the CIS countries at all and other countries of the world. The wider and різноманітнішими is externally-economic relations, the, there will be more constant an economy and economic safety of the country.

Integration of Ukraine into the international community is accompanied by active cooperation with the international organizations, other countries, the state and private{individual} establishments of the foreign states. Thus by all means there are problems of preservation of national interests and economic safety of Ukraine which require the decision, and so attention and the detailed analysis.

The special role in this process belongs to a condition of mutual relations of Ukraine with the international financial organizations, in particular, the International currency fund. World{global} bank, the European bank of reconstruction and development.

After declaration of the state sovereignty Ukraine has followed the road of radical economic reforms. Nevertheless трансформационные processes in Ukraine have from the very beginning started to be braked by deep system crisis. Already in the independence first year Ukraine had the extremely debalanced financial and monetary systems. For years of independence the economic crisis deepened even more, interwining with structural, payment and energy crisises. Inflation has got the наиразрушительную the form - hyperinflations.

Catastrophically the external duty{debt} increased: for two years (1992 1994) it has increased more than twice. In the same time the total internal product was steadily reduced: in 1992 and 1993 it{he} was reduced to 17 %, in 1994 - on 23 %, in the following of year of gross national product every year was reduced approximately to 10 %. Real threat of economic safety of the country has started to arise.

In this situation the Government of Ukraine had been carried out a complex of actions on reception of the financial help by Ukraine from the international financial organizations and other official creditors.

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