Педагогическое значение памяти для процесса совершенствования лексических навыков диалогической речи (на материале преподавания английского языка на старшем этапе в сердней образовательной школе)

Современное языковое образование. Процессы памяти при обучении лексической стороне речи. Контроль речевых умений. Объективные и субъективные факторы, способствующие формированию семантического поля учащихся. Проведение эксперимента и его результаты.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид дипломная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 01.08.2008
Размер файла 587,2 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Упражнения для формирования лексических навыков

1. Упражнения в дифференциации и идентификации:

· определите на слух (найдите в тексте) слова, относящиеся к одной теме (синонимическому ряду, к одной словообразовательном модели и др);

· сгруппируйте слова по указанному признаку;

· найдите в тексте (подберите на память) антонимы к словам, данным на доске;

· просмотрите список речевых формул; назовите ситуации, в которых они могут использоваться, и др.

2. Имитация с преобразованием:

· ответьте на вопросы, придерживаясь следующего образца:

Is Dick looking for his book? -- No, he is looking for a stamp (a pencil, etc.).

· повторите предложение, закончите реплики, учитывая содержание первого предложения.

3. Упражнения в развитии словообразовательной и контекстуальной догадки:

· определите значение незнакомых слов, образованных от известных корней и аффиксов;

· прослушайте (прочитайте) ряд предложений, догадайтесь о значении интернациональных слов, сходных с семантическими эквивалентами родного языка;

· дополните предложения, придерживаясь следующих образцов:

My brother studied medicine. He is a doctor. My friend studied design. He is a ... .

· прочитайте следующий текст, обратите внимание на значение глаголов (например, hear -- listen), придумайте примеры с этими глаголами.

4. Упражнения для обучения прогнозированию:

· назовите слова, которые могут сочетаться с данными существительными (прилагательными, глаголами), например:

clean -- the windows, the doors ....

· найдите окончание каждого предложения из вариантов, приведенных ниже;

· прочитайте ряд предложений, относящихся к одной теме, заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями, подходящими по смыслу;

· дополните семантическое поле к слову room, например: bathroom, dining room, bedroom

5. Упражнения в расширении и сокращении предложений (диалогических единств, текстов):

· расширьте предложения по образцу, указанному ниже, употребите новые слова;

· расширьте одну из реплик диалогических единств за счет слов, указанных в скобках;

· сократите предложение, придерживаясь указанного образца;

· расширьте описание, опираясь на картинку и вербальные опоры:

6. Упражнения в эквивалентных заменах:

· замените подчеркнутые слова синонимами (антонимами):

What have you got for me? -- I have got a present for you.

· замените слова иностранного происхождения другими синонимическими понятиями;

· замените ответы на вопросы, придерживаясь образца:

What are you doing at the week end? -- We are going to the cinema.

· измените последнюю реплику диалогического единства, оставляя ответ положительным, и др.

7. Упражнения в расширении ассоциативных связей:

· составьте (расширьте) список формул приветствий;

· используйте другие эмоционально-оценочные слова при отве-те на вопрос, например:

Could you give me that book? -- Yes, please.

· продолжите ассоциограмму со словом winter (Christmas, to ski, weather, to have a holiday, presents...).

· составить ассоциограмму на указанную тему;

По В.Л. Скалкину

Упражнения для развития диалогической речи

1. Аспектно-тренировочные (подготовительные) упражнения

· Отражательные

· Подстановочные

· Трансформационные

· Конструктивные

2. Упражнения для развития умений реплицирования

· Вопросно-ответные

· Репликовые

· Условная беседа

· Дополняемые ситуации

3. Упражнения в коммуникативном диалогизировании

· Тематическая полидилогическая беседа

· Вопросы учащихся

· Пресс-конференция

· Учебно-речевые ситуации

· Дискуссия

· Лингвистические игры

· Ролевые игры

По Т.В. Киреевой

Упражнения в зависимости от вида работы

1. Индивидуальная работа:

· Высказывание по тематической ситуации

· Описательные упражнения (человека, места/здания, предмета, события)

· Упражнения на выявление сходства и различия картин, предметов, ситуаций

· Анализ книг, комментарии к фильму, телепередаче

· Сочинить рассказ, закончить рассказ, составить рассказ с опорой на

серию картин

2. Парная работа:

· Парная беседа/диалог

· Ролевая игра

· Интервью

3. Групповая работа:

· Обсуждение ситуаций рабочими группами (одна группа выступает ЗА, другая ПРОТИВ какой-то точки зрения).

· Дебаты

· Диспуты

· Пресс-конференции

Таблица 3

Типы памяти

Типы памяти






- обеспечивает оперативное удержание и преобразование данных, поступающих от органов чувств и из долговременной памяти

- запоминание внешней формы высказывания с целью немедленного его воспроизведения

характеризующееся ограниченным временем хранения информации (до 30 с.) и ограниченным количеством удерживаемых элемен-тов - 7+2

хранение информации в течение определенного, заранее заданного срока, в диапазоне от нескольких секунд до нескольких дней

обеспечивает продолжительное удержание знаний, а также сохранение умений и навыков

Условия фиксации данных

-обращение внимания на материал;

-внутреннее называние и активное повторение материала, протекающие обычно в форме скры-того проговаривания;

-внутреннее называние и активное повторение материала, протекающие обычно в форме скры-того проговаривания;

-повторение, сопровождающееся включением удерживаемого материала в систему ассоциативных связей;

-осмысленная интерпретация материала;

-установление связей между новым материалом и тем, что уже известно субъекту;

-обобщение и анализ воспринимаемой информации;

- многократное и систематическое воспроизведение информации

Приложение 3

Типология диалогической речи (по В.Л. Скалкину)

Тип классификации

Вид диалога

Отличительная черта


Количество участников диалогического общения

- дилог

- трилог

- полилог

- между двумя собеседниками

- между тремя собеседниками

- больше трех собеседников


Социально-коммуникативный характер диалогической речи

- социальный контакт

- деловой разговор

- свободная «светская» беседа

- социально-бытовая сфера общения, протекает недолго в форме беглого диалога

- профессиональная, социально-культурная, социально-бытовая сфера и сфера обучения

- форма межличностного, неформального общения, целью которой выступает сама речевая деятельность


Соотношение речевых мотивов собеседников в диалогическом общении

- сбалансированный диалог

- диалог-расспрос

- диалог-дискуссия

- диалог-недоразумений

- роль инициатора не прослеживается, беседа равноправных партнеров

- роли собеседников фиксированы: один партнер спрашивает, другой отвечает (интервью, экзамен, беседа врача с пациентом, следователя с подозреваемым)

- мотивы коммуникантов идентичны: каждый стремится отстоять свою точку зрения

- непонимание партнерами друг друга, нежелание слушать партнера, плохой слух и пр.


Величина диалогических текстов

- диалогическое единство

- микродиалог

- средний диалог

- макродиалог

- 2 реплики

- 3-5 реплик

- 6-15 реплик

- свыше 15 реплик (н-р, сцена в пьесе)


Объем и структура единичного высказывания в диалогической речи

- минимальное по объему речевое произведение

- реплика, состоящая из полного предложения в сочетании с эллиптическим предложением

- фрагментарное высказывание, состоящее из ряда полных и эллиптических предложений (от 3 до 5)

- обычно эллипс (Yes/ No/ Why?/ Where?/ We, too/ They will/ On the table/ Yes, of course/ Surely/May be…)

- н-р, P1:Where are you hurrying?

P2:To the station. I'm leaving.

- н-р, P1:Will you be seeing Ann this evening?

P2:Yes, I will. She's going to come to our place. Do you want me to tell her something? I'll do if you want.


Подготовленность речи в диалогическом общении

- подготовленная

- неподготовленная

- административно-правовая, профессиональная сфера общения, сфера общественной деятельности, сфера обучения

- экспромтная, спонтанная (совершается произвольно без контроля со стороны сознания)


Коммуникативная функция реплики или ее сегмента

- фактуальная

- эмоционально-реактивная

- контакто-устанавливающая

- технико-


- высказывания, в которых что-то сообщается, констатируется

-реплики эмоционально-реактивной экспрессии (выражение положительных эмоций, отрицательных эмоций, выражение сомнения, удивления)

- формулы вежливости и приветствия, формулы знакомства

- индикаторы адресата, реплики включения в контакт, реплики управления контактом, реплики запроса информации (переспрос, уточнение)


Степень ситуативности диалога

- контекстуальный


- сам диалог описывает ситуацию общения

- лаконичность, свернутость языковых средств


Источник мотивации

- внутренне мотивированный

- внешне мотивированный

- участник диалога говорит, руководствуясь своим личным побуждением

- реакция на реплику собеседника, ответ на вопрос, реагирование на ситуацию, формула вежливости

Приложение 4


Рис.Взаимодействие процессов памяти


When you talk with your friend and discuss something you should remember about some tips, which will help you to be a very nice person to talk to.

· No matter what mood your are in you should be polite and especially with people whom you don't want to offend.

? In order to express agreement use such phrases as:


No doubt!



Of course!


You're absolutely right.

That's exactly what I think/ what I wanted to say.

I couldn't agree more.

I agree entirely.

I fully agree with you.

I think you are (absolutely) right.

I agree with you.

That's true.

So do/am I.

Neither do/am I.

Me too.

? In case you don't agree with your friend use such polite expressions as:

I'm afraid, I can't agree with you.

You may be right, but…,

I can't fully agree with you.

I can agree with you up to a point, that ...

I do not have the same opinion,

I have a different point of view,

Yes, possibly / perhaps / may be, but …

Yes, you could be right, but ...

Yes, I see what you mean, but …

Yes, I take you point, but …

I'm afraid I don't agree (with you) at all.

That may be true, but ...

I'm not sure if it is really so.

I doubt ...

I don't think that's correct.

I'm not sure I agree with you.

Perhaps, but don't you think that ...

That isn't always true.

I can't agree with you there.

· When you discuss something in order to show your interest in the subject you should take an active part in the conversation. It means that you should give your suggestions. In order to do this you may use such expressions as:

What about going to…?

Let's go ...

Why don't we…?

I think we could go...

It might be a good idea to...

My suggestion is...

In my opinion, it would be good to…

I suggest…

Would you like to…?

How about doing …?

How do you feel about doing …?

Do you fancy doing…?

What about doing…?

Perhaps, we could …

· In case you haven't caught what your friend has just told you may ask him/her to repeat. Use such expressions as:

I'm sorry, could/would you repeat that, please?

Could you say that again, please?

In the...?

You'd like 'The Times 'and...?

· Sometimes while talking we need to express some feelings: surprise, doubt, disappointment, certainty, uncertainty, ignorance.

? In order to express surprise and doubt you may use such expressions as:

What a surprise!

Good heavens!



Well, I'll be blown!

I am/was surprised to hear that.

I am/was totally confused!

You don't say so!

Fancy that!




Are you sure?

You can't be serious.

It can't be true.

You must be joking./ You must be kidding.

I can't/couldn't believe it!

Would you believe it?

? In order to express certainty you may use such expressions as:

Of course...


I'm absolutely sure ...

That's for sure.

? In order to express uncertainty you may use such expressions as:

Wеll, I'm not quite sure...

You see,...

Actually, ...

In fact,...

What I mean is ...

The point is...

Let me think,...

How shall I put it?

Frankly speaking,...

I'm not sure.

I'm not certain (at all).

? In order to express ignorance you may use such expressions as:

I can't say (for sure).

I don't know, I'm afraid.

I'm afraid, I have no idea.

Sorry, I don't know.

? In order to express disappointment you may use such expressions as:

Oh, how disappointing.

I'm disappointed that ...

I'm (so) sorry (that ...)

· You may ask him/her to comment on or precise his/her statement. Use such expressions as:

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

I'm sorry, I don't quite see what you mean.

Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you were saying.

· You may repeat his/her question or a part of it for precision and better understanding. Use such expressions as:

Did you say...?

At the post office?

Thirty or forty?

Would you like to know .. ?

Are you asking about...?

Should I describe...?

Do you want me to comment on . .?

How do I react to ...?

· In order to be a good interlocutor you shouldn't speak much more that your friend. In order to show your ability to involve your partner in conversation find out his/her attitudes, opinion and in making a decision take them into account. Use such expressions as:

What do you think of …? (specific person/ thing)

What do you think about …? (general topic)

How do you feel about doing …?

What do you mean (by saying “…”)?

Why do you think …?

What do you think about it?

Do you like the idea?

Do you agree with me?

What is your opinion about it?

· You should not only ask your friend about his/her opinion, but also you should invite your friend to come up with suggestions. Use such expressions as:

What would you suggest?

What would be your idea…?

What would you recommend?

You might like to come up with some ideas?

What would be your first choice?

· When you come to an agreement you may use such expressions as:

What do we decide?

Which option do we choose in the end?

Do you think we could make a final decision?

I think it's time we made a decision.

Приложение 5

Таблица 1

Некоторые трактовки начала беседы

Greeting Formulae

Form of address












How's it going?

How are things? How's things?

Fine, thanks. And you? /

Yeah, fine!

Not bad.

Could be better



How are you?

Fine, thank you. And you? /

Very well, (And) how are you? or: (And) what about you?


greeting, enquiry after sb's health

Pleased/Nice to meet you.

Pleased/Nice to meet you (too).


greeting after introduction

How do you do?

How do you do?/

Pleased/Nice to meet you.


greeting after introduction

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.



I'm glad to see you again.

I'm glad to see you too.



Fancy meeting you!



greeting (unexpected meeting)

Таблица 2

Некоторые трактовки запрашивания и выражения мнения

Asking sb's opinion

Introducing opinion

What do you think of …? (specific person/ thing)

What do you think about …? (general topic)

How do you feel about doing …?

What do you mean (by saying “…”)?

Why do you think …?

What do you think about it?

Do you like the idea?

Do you agree with me?

What is your opinion about it?

What would you suggest?

What would be your idea…?

What would you recommend?

You might like to come up with some ideas?

What would be your first choice?

(Personally) I think …

(Personally) I don't think it's …

I'm sure that …

In my opinion … (formal)

I sometimes think that ...

It seems to me that ...

I believe that ...

In my (personal) opinion....

On the one hand …, on the other hand…

In my point of view ...

I think ...

Frankly speaking …

They say …

I don't think that …

Таблица 3

Некоторые трактовки выражения предложения и согласия/несогласия






Would you like to ...?

Do you fancy doing?

Thanks, I'd love to.

That's a great idea.

Yeah, great. I'd love to.

That would be lovely.

Oh, that's a great idea.

Good idea.

That sounds great!

Sure, great!







Yeah, if you like.

Yes, I don't mind.

Yes, it's OK for me.

Why not?

I'm afraid I'm busy.

Thanks for asking but I can't.

I'm sorry, I can't.

It's nice of you to ask but .

I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't.

This weekend is a bit difficult. What about next weekend?

I'm sorry, but …

Oh, no. I hate …


How about doing …?

Why don't we …?

How do you feel about doing …?

Do you fancy doing…?

What about doing…?

Perhaps, we could …

Let's ...

I think we could go...

It might be a good idea to...

My suggestion is...

In my opinion, it would be good to…

I suggest…

Would you like to…?

Таблица 4

Некоторые трактовки выражения согласия и несогласия




No doubt!



Of course!


That's exactly what I think/ what I wanted to say.

I couldn't agree more.

I agree entirely.

I fully agree with you.

I think you are (absolutely) right.

I agree with you.

That's true.

So do/am I.

Me too.


Yes, perhaps/may be, but …

you could be right,

Yes, I see what you mean, but …

Yes, I take you point, but …

I'm afraid I don't agree (with you) at all.

I'm afraid I can't fully agree with you

That may be true, but ...

I'm not sure if it is really so.

I doubt ...

I don't think that's correct.

I'm not sure I agree with you.

Perhaps, but don't you think that ...

That isn't always true.

I can't agree with you there.

I do not have the same opinion,

I have a different point of view.

I totally disagree (with you).

Nothing of the kind. (informal)

Nonsense! (informal)

Таблица 5

Некоторые трактовки выражения предпочтений

What do you like?



I'm crazy about ... (informal)

So am I/me too

But I'm not.

I love ...

So do I/me too.

Really? I don't.

I'm really into ... (informal)

So am I/me too.

Really? I'm not.

I find … very interesting.

So do I/me too.

Really? I don't.

I'm quite interested in …

So am I/me too.

Really? I'm not.

I enjoy …

So do I/me too.

Do you? I hate it.

I like ...

So do I/me too.

Do you? I hate it.

I quite like ...

So do I/me too.

Oh, I'm not very keen on it.

I prefer … to …

So do I/me too.

But I don't like it.

I'd rather …

Me too.

Would you? But I'd rather not …

I'd prefer …

Me too.

I don't mind ...

Yeah, it's OK.

Oh, I can't stand it.

I'm not very keen on ...

Neither am I/me neither.

Really? I love it.

I'd rather not …

Me too.

I don't like ...

Neither do I/me neither.

Oh, I quite like it.

I'm bored by …

I can't stand ...

Neither can I/me neither.

Really? I quite like it.

I hate ...

So do I/me too.

Oh, I really like it.

Таблица 6

Некоторые трактовки выражения эмоций

Expressing emotions







Of course...



I'm absolutely sure



That's for sure.



I'm not sure.



I'm not certain (at all).



I can't say (for sure).



I don't know, I'm afraid.



I'm afraid, I have no idea.



Sorry, I don't know.



Good heavens!



What a surprise!















Fancy that!



You don't say so!



Oh, how disappointing.



I'm disappointed that ...



I'm (so) sorry (that ...)



Таблица 7

Thanks and replies

Form of address


Thank you (very much).


Thanks a lot.

That's very kind of you. (a bit formal)

You are welcome.

No problem.

It's OK.

Never mind.

Таблица 8

Некоторые трактовки завершения беседы

Farewell Formulae

Form of address




(It was)nice to meet you.

or Nice to have met you.

(It was)nice to meet you (too).

or Nice to have met you (too).


parting on first meeting

See you later/ tomorrow/

on Saturday/etc.

See you.


parting (with an arrangement of the follow-up meeting)

Bye. See you soon.

Bye. (See you.)


parting(without an arrangement of the follow-up meeting)

Nice to have met you. Bye/Goodbye.



parting on first meeting



See you.

Take care.



See you.

Take care.



Good day!

All the best.


parting (cold dismissal)




parting late at night

Have a nice weekend.

Yes. Same to you.

or You too.


parting on Friday afternoon

I'm looking forward to seeing you again.




`My friend and I'

этап введения нового лексического материала

(Перед началом занятия повесить плакат с новыми ЛЕ c определением и примером употребления)

Our family and our friends play a great role in our lives. We spend a lot of time together. I'm sure that everybody has friends. It's very often happens that we have our best friends in our families: brothers, sisters, mother, father, grandmother or grandfather. And sometimes family is more important than friends. But at your age, among teenagers friends mean a lot. In order to discuss this theme “Family and friends” we will learn several new words. Here they are.

to support - to help, to agree, to understand.

My family supports me in all situations.

I always support my best friend even when he gets into trouble.

to betray - to behave dishonestly towards a person who believes you.

You can't betray your family and friends.

He betrayed me once and I don't believe him now.

to envy - to wish to have something, that somebody has and you do not

People envy him because he has the most beautiful house in the city.

to feel jealous - to feel unhappy because somebody you like shows interest in another person

I feel jealous every time my boyfriend looks at other girls.

to ignore - to not pay attention to somebody or something

I didn't come to her birthday and now she ignores me

to deserve - to earn something by good or bad actions or behavior

You've trained for many years and deserve to win this competition.

to quarrel - to demonstrate disagreement, often aggressively and with shouting.

They quarrel with each other so often that I don't understand why they are still together.

to appreciate something - to understand how good somebody or something is

I appreciate my parents because they always try to understand me.

to avoid - to stay away from somebody or something

She is afraid of dogs and when we walk she always tries to avoid them.

Exercise 1.

Read the text paying attention to the marked words


Alan (14): Family means a lot to me. It's not just two, three or seven people living together, but a unity of people who support each other in different situations. Anything can happen in this life, but I know that the only people who will always love and understand me are my family. Blood is thicker than water. That's why family is much more important to me than friends. Friends can betray you. There are lots of books and films about this. They can envy your success at school and your success with girls, and even your cool jeans or a bike can make them feel jealous. It doesn't matter that I don't have many friends. And if I get into trouble, the people I ask for advice are my parents.

Catherine (13): Friends are everything to me. Life isn't worth living without friends. My family... they don't care about me, and frankly speaking, I don't care much about them either. The only things they care about are their jobs and making money. Even my grades at school don't worry them much. Sometimes they ask me about my progress, but I'm never sure if they hear my answer. I would feel absolutely lonely if I did not have friends. We often gather at my place or somewhere else to speak about life, listen to music and have fun. Sometimes we quarrel, but I don't believe that my friends mean to hurt me. Life is cool with them.

Julia (15): I think I'm very lucky. I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with. My parents and I are people of different generations, so we don't see the world in the same way. But I know they wish me well and I appreciate their advice. (Though sometimes I ignore it and forget about it.) They don't like all of my friends, but they don't just say "no". They try to explain their point of view, and sometimes I find their arguments quite convincing. I agree that not all people you go out with may be called friends. Real friends are very rare and you should cherish them. And if you happen to find them, take care of them, never hurt them and try not to lose them.

Exercise 2.

Correct the following statements.

1. Alan thinks that in family people don't help each other.

2. Catherine's parents never worry about their jobs and making money.

3. Julia doesn't like his parents' opinion and advice.

4. Alan thinks that your success at school and success with girls always pleases your friends.

5. Catherine says that her friends mean nothing to her.

6. Julia thinks that friends will never give you away.

7. Alan says that your cool jeans or a bike always make them happy.

8. Julia thinks that you to find a real friends is easy, there are a lot of them.

9. Catherine and her friends never say rude and angry words to each other.

10. Julia always pays attention to her parents' advice.


Exercise 3.

Look through the text once again and find the antonyms to the words and situations on the blackboard.

to be unimportant

to forget about your friend when he/she needs you

to agree with your friend always and in everything

to pay attention to

to be happy that your neighbors have bought a new, very expensive, rare car

to feel glad that your best friend spends more time with his/her new friend than with you

Exercise 4.

Fill in the table





Exercise 5.

Write down what a real friend do and what he/she will never do.



Exercise 6.

Read the text once again and tell what

a) Julia

b) Catherine

c) Alan

think about the role of family and friends in their lives (use active vocabulary).

Exercise 7.

Write down adverbs to the verbs.

to support absolutely

to betray

to envy

to feel jealous

to ignore

to deserve

to quarrel loudly

to appreciate something

to avoid

Exercise 8.

Define the meaning of given words.






Exercise 9.

Fill in the table



Participle 1

Participle 2


Exercise 10.

Read the situations and give the equivalents to the marked words..

1. Sara and Helga were best friends. They told each other everything. Once a new boy, whose name was Jack, came to their class. Helga and Sara liked him very much. But Jack liked Sara more. Helga was upset.

2. One day Sara came up to Jack to say hello but he said nothing and went away. Whenever Sara saw Jack he always tried not to meet with her.

3. Sara told Helga about it, but Helga just smiled and told Sara to not pay attention to him.

4. Next day Sara saw Helga and Jack together in the cafe. In the evening she called Helga and said, that Helga behaved dishonestly towards her.

Exercise 11.

Make up a short poem about family or friendship. Use as many new words as you can.

Exercise 12.

I'm sure you've read many books, you've watched many films and cartoons, where people, and not only people support, betray, envy, feel jealous, to ignore, deserve, quarrel, appreciate something, avoid. And may be it happened in your life. Use this table

Name of the book/film/cartoon/…






Step-mother and step-sisters

She hardworking, loved her farther, didn't quarrel with her step-mother and step-sisters. They envied her when she became a princess.

deserve, didn't quarrel










Обучение реплицированию

Explanation of a teacher

When you talk with your friend and discuss something you should remember about some tips, which will help you to be a very nice person to talk to.

· No matter what mood your are in you should be polite.

? In order to express agreement use such phrases as:


No doubt!



Of course!


You're absolutely right.

That's exactly what I think/ what I wanted to say.

I couldn't agree more.

I agree entirely.

I fully agree with you.

I think you are (absolutely) right.

I agree with you.

That's true.

So do/am I.

Neither do/am I.

Me too.

? In case you don't agree with your friend use such polite expressions as:

I'm afraid, I can't agree with you.

You may be right, but…,

I can't fully agree with you.

I can agree with you up to a point, that ...

I do not have the same opinion,

I have a different point of view,

Yes, possibly / perhaps / may be, but …

Yes, you could be right, but ...

Yes, I see what you mean, but …

Yes, I take you point, but …

I'm afraid I don't agree (with you) at all.

That may be true, but ...

I'm not sure if it is really so.

I doubt ...

I don't think that's correct.

I'm not sure I agree with you.

Perhaps, but don't you think that ...

That isn't always true.

I can't agree with you there.

· When you discuss something in order to show your interest in the subject you should take an active part in the conversation. It means that you should give your suggestions. In order to do this you may use such expressions as:

What about going to…?

Let's go ...

Why don't we…?

I think we could go...

It might be a good idea to...

My suggestion is...

In my opinion, it would be good to…

I suggest…

Would you like to…?

How about doing …?

How do you feel about doing …?

Do you fancy doing…?

What about doing…?

Perhaps, we could …

· In case you haven't caught what your friend has just told you may ask him/her to repeat. Use such expressions as:

I'm sorry, could/would you repeat that, please?

Could you say that again, please?

In the...?

You'd like 'The Times 'and...?

· Sometimes while talking we need to express some feelings: surprise, doubt, disappointment, certainty, uncertainty, ignorance.

? In order to express surprise and doubt you may use such expressions as:

What a surprise!

Good heavens!



Well, I'll be blown!

I am/was surprised to hear that.

I am/was totally confused!

You don't say so!

Fancy that!




Are you sure?

You can't be serious.

It can't be true.

You must be joking./ You must be kidding.

I can't/couldn't believe it!

Would you believe it?

? In order to express certainty you may use such expressions as:

Of course...


I'm absolutely sure ...

That's for sure.

? In order to express uncertainty you may use such expressions as:

Wеll, I'm not quite sure...

You see,...

Actually, ...

In fact,...

What I mean is ...

The point is...

Let me think,...

How shall I put it?

Frankly speaking,...

I'm not sure.

I'm not certain (at all).

? In order to express ignorance you may use such expressions as:

I can't say (for sure).

I don't know, I'm afraid.

I'm afraid, I have no idea.

Sorry, I don't know.

? In order to express disappointment you may use such expressions as:

Oh, how disappointing.

I'm disappointed that ...

I'm (so) sorry (that ...)

· You may ask him/her to comment on or precise his/her statement. Use such expressions as:

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

I'm sorry, I don't quite see what you mean.

Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you were saying.

· You may repeat his/her question or a part of it for precision and better understanding. Use such expressions as:

Did you say...?

At the post office?

Thirty or forty?

Would you like to know .. ?

Are you asking about...?

Should I describe...?

Do you want me to comment on . .?

How do I react to ...?

· In order to be a good interlocutor you shouldn't speak much more that your friend. In order to show your ability to involve your partner in conversation find out his/her attitudes, opinion and in making a decision take them into account. Use such expressions as:

What do you think of …? (specific person/ thing)

What do you think about …? (general topic)

How do you feel about doing …?

What do you mean (by saying “…”)?

Why do you think …?

What do you think about it?

Do you like the idea?

Do you agree with me?

What is your opinion about it?

· You should not only ask your friend about his/her opinion, but also you should invite your friend to come up with suggestions. Use such expressions as:

What would you suggest?

What would be your idea…?

What would you recommend?

You might like to come up with some ideas?

What would be your first choice?

· When you come to an agreement you may use such expressions as:

What do we decide?

Which option do we choose in the end?

Do you think we could make a final decision?

I think it's time we made a decision.

Exercise 13.

St. A, say what you think about friendship, use the table

Introducing opinion

(Personally) I think …

(Personally) I don't think it's …

I'm sure that …

In my opinion … (formal)

I sometimes think that ...

It seems to me that ...

I believe that ...

In my (personal) opinion....

On the one hand …, on the other hand…

In my point of view ...

I think ...

Frankly speaking …

They say …

St. B agree or disagree with St. A and say what you think, use the table




No doubt!



Of course!


That's exactly what I think/ what I wanted to say.

I couldn't agree more.

I agree entirely.

No wonder.

I fully agree with you.

I think you are (absolutely) right.

I agree with you.

So do/am I.

Neither do I/am I.

Me too.


Yes, perhaps/may be, but …

you could be right,

Yes, I see what you mean, but …

Yes, I take you point, but …

I'm afraid I don't agree (with you) at all.

That may be true, but ...

I'm not sure if it is really so.

I doubt ...

I don't think that's correct.

I'm not sure I agree with you.

May be/Perhaps/ Probably, but don't you think that ...

That isn't always true.

I can't agree with you there.

I totally disagree (with you).

Nothing of the kind. (informal)

Nonsense! (informal)

A good friend quarrels with you about silly unimportant things.

A good friend defends you if someone hurts you.

A good friend betrays you in difficult situations.

A good friend supports you if you are right.

A good friend supports you if you are wrong.

A good friend appreciates your advice.

A good friend follows your advice in any case.

A good friend envies your success.

A good friend avoids conflicts with you.

A good friend cheers you up.

A good friend ignores your interests.

A good friend cares about your feelings.

A good friend feels jealous if sometimes you are more successful.

Exercise 14.

Give the definition of the word and an example.

to support

to betray

to envy

to feel jealous

to ignore

to deserve

to quarrel

to appreciate something

to avoid

Exercise 15.

Make up a story. Use the vocabulary from the text and previous excercises.

Exercise 16.

St. A, ask St. B's opinion about friendship. Begin with the words in the table

Asking sb's opinion

What do you think of …? (specific person/ thing)

What do you think about …? (general topic)

How do you feel about doing …?

What do you mean (by saying “…”)?

Why do you think …?

St. B, share your opinion about friendship with St. A. Begin with the words in the table

Introducing opinion

(Personally) I think …

(Personally) I don't think it's …

I'm sure that …

In my opinion … (formal)

I sometimes think that ...

It seems to me that ...

I believe that ...

In my (personal) opinion....

On the one hand …, on the other hand…

In my point of view ...

I think ...

Frankly speaking …

They say …


see life through your eyes

support you in all situations, no matter if you are right or wrong

be good at listening

be ready to listen to you for hours

keep his / her promise and keep your secrets

never tell you lies

always tell you the truth, no matter if you like it or not

never go out with somebody else

quarrel or even fight with you if you've done something wrong

forgive you for being rude or unfair towards him / her

get angry if you are rude or unfair towards other people

Exercise 17.

Exercise “Snowball”. Tell in turn what a good friend should and what shouldn't do.


St. 1: A good friend shouldn't betray you.

St. 2: A good friend shouldn't betray you and should support you in all situations.

St. 3: A good friend shouldn't betray you, should support you in all situations and shouldn't envy you.

Exercise 18.

There is no rose without a thorn and there is no friendship without bad days. But real friends forgive each other to keep their friendship. What could you forgive your friend and what you couldn't. Write it down and say.

Exercise 19.

Use the text and previous exercises to make a scheme about your family and your friend(s).


to rely on never tell lies to understand

Exercise 20.

Use your scheme to tell about your family and friends.

Exercise 21.

Exercise “Snowball”. Say in turn what you do towards your friends, and agree with the previous speakers ("So do I").

St. 1: I appreciate my friends' opinion.

St. 2: So do I. I appreciate my friends' opinion. And also I support my friends in all situations.

St. 3: So do I. I appreciate my friends' opinion either and support my friends in all situations. And also I can rely on my friend.

Exercise 22.

Exercise “Snowball”. Say in turn what you don't do towards your friends, and agree with the previous speakers ("Neither do I").

St. 1: I don't betray friends.

St. 2: Neither do I. I don't betray friends either. And also I don't avoid my friends.

St. 3: Neither do I. I don't betray and avoid my friends either. And also I don't envy my friends' success.

Exercise 23.

Discuss in pairs the proverbs

A friend in need is a friend in deed.

Before you choose a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.

The way to have a friend is to be one.

Between friends all is common.

Familiarity brings contempt.

Friends are friends forever.

Friendship has no ending - just new beginnings.


Communicative Activities


St. A. Greet St. B.

St. B. Reply to the greeting.

St. A. You are moving to a new town (country).

St. В. Express your disappointment. Ask “wh” (when, where, why).

St. A. Answer (after the finishing the school, next year, next week, tomorrow … / to the USA, to England, to Germany, to France, to Nigeria, to Brazil, to Australia … / your parents have got job there, your relatives live there, you've won a grant to study there…).

St. B. Express your opinion about St. A's move.


St. A. You see that St. B. is sad. Greet St. B. and ask what's happened.

St. B. Explain that your friend betrayed you (gave up your secrets / dates with your girlfriend/boyfriend …).

St. A. Express your opinion about St. B's problem.

St. B. Agree or disagree. Say what you think about the problem.


St. A. You you've learnt today that the fitness club where you have been going to with St. B for many years closed.

St. B. Express your disappointment (anger, annoyance). Invite your friend to come up with suggestions.

St. A. Tell how else you can spend your time together (go to another fitness club, go to your favorite cafe, play computer games, go jogging, go swimming, go to the library). Give good reasons.

St. B. Express you opinion on each point. Find out your friend's attitude.

Come to an agreement taking into account each others attitudes.


St. A. You haven't seen St. B for many years. Greet St. B.

St. B. Express your happiness about the meeting.

St. A. You are in a hurry now and can't have a talk with St. B. Offer to go somewhere on Saturday.

St. B. Come up with ideas (cafe, park, disco, skate park, adventure park …). Find out St. A's attitudes.

St. A. Express you opinion on each point (doubt, certainty, uncertainty).

St. B. Agree or disagree with the points made by St. A. Give your reasons.

St. A. Come to an agreement. Say goodbye till arranged day.

St. B. Reply to the farewell.


St. A. You have problems with your parents (they don't let you go to the disco, control your every step …)

St. B. Express disappointment. Ask questions about the situation.

St. A. Answer. Ask for advice.

St. B. Offer what St. A can do (run away from home, don't talk with the parents, do what parents say…)

St. A. Agree or disagree with St. B's ideas. Ask about the situation in St. B's family on the point.

St. B. Answer (parents let you do what you want, don't let you go to the disco too, …).

St. A. Reply. Take into account all the options and make a decision.

St. B. Agree or disagree (“But I think you'd better …, but anyway it's your decision”) with St. A's decision.


Make up a dialog on the theme “Family and Friends” and act it out.

Use the scheme:

St. A. Greet.

St. B. Reply to the greeting.

St. A. Explain of the situation.

St. B. React. Ask some additional questions.

St. A. Answer. Ask for advice.

St. B. Give ideas about solution of the problem.

St. A. Agree or disagree with ideas. Give reasons.

St. B. Take into account all the attitudes and say the most appropriate decision.

St. A. Agree or disagree (say your decision then). Thank St. B for participation.

St. B. Reply. Say goodbye.

St. A. Reply to the farewell.


1. You think your parents don't love you.

2. Your parents don't like how you wear (your piercing, untidy clothes, haircut - dreds).

3. You've quarreled with you friend (not St. B) because he/she feels jealous, because you date with the girl/boy he/she likes.

4. Your friend (not St. B) always tells you the truth, no matter if you like it or not (for example: “You've got an awful haircut. You extremely need a hairdresser” or “When have you got these shoes? In the 18th century?”).

5. Your parents don't like your girlfriend/boyfriend.

Remember to:

? discuss all the options

? be polite when agreeing/disagreeing with your friend

? take an active part in the conversation:

? explain the situation

? come up with ideas

? give good reasons

? find out your friend's attitudes and take them into account

? invite your friend to come up with suggestions

? come to an agreement


You and your friend are planning to do a course for one evening each week at a local college. You are deciding which course to go on. You can do:

· basic car maintenance

· cookery

· Mandarin Chinese for beginners

· photography

· local history


You are planning a two-week holiday with your friend next summer. You and your friend are discussing what kind of holiday you should go on. You can:

· go camping

· stay in the hotel by the sea

· go on a cruise

· go on a cycling holiday

· go to a language school in the UK


You have been on a tour to Great Britain. You have 4 hours before leaving for the airport. Discuss with your friend how to spend this time and choose one place you both would like to go to. You can choose from:

· museum

· park

· shopping centre

· cafe


Your teacher, Mrs Williams, is leaving the school and your class has collected some money for a present. You and your friend are discussing what to get her. You can get her:

· a new pen

· a new briefcase

· a picture of the glass

· a book

· a box of chocolates


It's Saturday's afternoon. You and your friend are discussing how to spend an evening. You can:

· watch a DVD or video at home

· go to a cafe

· go ice skating

· play computer games

· listen to music and chat


You have a friend called Peter and it is his birthday soon. You and your another friend are planning a surprise evening out for his birthday. You can go:

· to a fast food restaurant

· to a swimming pool

· to a funfair

· to watch a football match

· to a concert


Your parents have said you can have a pet. You and your brother/sister are discussing which pet to get. You can have a:

· cat

· dog

· hamster

· rabbit

· gold fish


You and your friend are at the Olympic Games. You are discussing what sport you would like to buy tickets for. You can see:

· a football match

· a tennis match

· the marathon

· a swimming race

· a judo match


You and your friend want to spend next Sunday at an adventure park doing a sport you've never done before. You are discussing which sport to do. Whichever sport you choose, all equipment will be provided and trained experts will make you sure you are not in danger. You can go:

· canoeing

· rock climbing

· mountain biking

· horse riding

· sailing


Your class at school is planning a school trip. You and a friend have been asked to decide where to go. You can go to a:

· museum

· factory

· sport stadium

· beach

· farm


You and your friend have won a competition. The prize is some money to spend on equipment for your school. You and your friend are discussing what to spend money on. You can afford:

· a computer (with monitor and printer)

· a widescreen TV and DVD player

· new furniture for your classroom

· 200 books for the school library

· a top-quality CD player plus 30 CDs


You and your friend are thinking of creating a website together. You are discussing what your website to be about. Here is the list of possible subjects:

· your favourite singer/group

· your favourite sport/team

· your family

· your school

· your town/city


You and your friend want to take up a new hobby together. You are discussing possible hobbies. You can start:

· doing photography

· painting and drawing

· collecting stamps

· making models (of aeroplanes, etc)

· doing magic tricks


You are at the airport and your flight has been delayed by two hours. You and your friend are discussing how to spend this time. You can:

· play video games

· do some shopping

· watch the planes

· have a meal

· find somewhere to sleep


You and your friend are planning to spend a week's holiday in a city about 1,000 kilometers away from where you live. You are discussing how to get there. Your friend has a driving licence but you do not. You can go by:

· hitchhiking

· bus

· train

· plane

· rented car


It is your grandparents' wedding anniversary soon. You would like to organize a special event to celebrate. You and your cousin are discussing what you could do. You could:

· take them out to a restaurant

· organize a party at home

· cook a special meal for them at home

· arrange a family barbecue

· arrange a weekend trip for them


You and your friend haven't done much exercise recently. You're both feeling unhealthy and want to get fit. You are discussing what to do. You can:

· join a gym

· exercise at home

· go jogging/running

· take up tennis

· go swimming


It's the final weekend of the summer holiday. You and your friend want to do something with your friends and you are discussing what you can do. You can:

· have a picnic

· go cycling

· watch TV

· organize a party

· play a sport


You and your friend are on the beach. You have half an hour left until you have to leave. You are discussing how to spend your half hour. You can:

· do some swimming

· do more sunbathing

· play beach volleyball

· go to a cafe for an ice cream

· hire a small boat


You and your friend work for your school magazine. You are planning to invite a local person to speak to the school and to be interviewed for the magazine. You are discussing who to invite. You can invite:

· a local politician

· a local police officer

· a local radio DJ

· a local businessman/woman

· a local sportsman/woman


You are on holiday with a friend and it is your final day. You have time to see one more tourist attraction before leaving. You and your friend are discussing what to go and see. You can go:

· to an art gallery

· to a funfair

· to a castle

· to a beach

· to a theatre

Краткий словарь методических терминов

АКТИВНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ, а к т и в н ы й с л о в а р н ы й з а п а с. Лексические единицы, к-рыми особенно часто пользуются для выражения устной речи и на письме, владея ими продуктивно.

ГОВОРЕНИЕ представляет собой форму устного общения, с помощью которой происходит обмен информацией, осуществляемой средствами языка, устанавливается контакт и взаимопонимание, оказывается воздействие на собеседника в соответствии с коммуникативным намерением говорящего.

ДИАЛОГ (от греч. dialektos говор, наречие).

1. Процесс диалогического общения, к-рый состоит из непосредственного обмена высказываниями между двумя или несколькими лицами.

2. Разновидность учебных текстов. То же, что диалогическая речь. Условия протекания Д. определяют ряд его особенностей: краткость высказываний; широкое использование неречевых ср-в общения (мимики, жестов); варьирование интонации; наличие разнообразных предложений неполного состава; свободное от строгих форм книжной речи синтаксическое оформление высказываний, заранее не подготовленных; преобладание простых предложений, характерное для разговорной речи и т. д.

Высказывание говорящего в Д. называют репликой. Реплика в Д. обращена к собеседнику. Большинство методистов считает, что диалогическая и монологическая речь должны взаимодействовать в учебном процессе с самого начала. При этом приоритет вида речи в процессе обучения зависит от цели обучения.

ДИАЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ РЕЧЬ. Форма речи, при к-рой происходит непосред-ственный обмен высказываниями между двумя или несколькими лицами (ср. монологическая речь). Условия, в к-рых протекает Д. р., определяют ряд ее особенностей (см. диалог). Единицей обучения Д. р. является диалогическое единство (микродиалог) -- неск. реплик, связанных по содержанию и по форме. Обучение Д. р. строится на основе образца, данного в виде диалогического текста, связанного с ситуацией, в к-рой происходит общение. Основными этапами обучения Д. р. на уроке являются:

1) презентация ситуации с помощью словесного объяснения или технических средств обучения;

2) презентация диалога в звуковой и графической форме;

3) усвоение языкового материала диалога;

4) усвоение способов связи реплик в диалоге;

5) воспроизведение диалога;

6) расширение возможностей диалога-образца за счет изменения компонентов ситуации. При обучении используются такие виды диалогов, как диалог-беседа, диалог-инсценировка, беседа учащихся между собой и с преподавателем, парная и групповая.

На занятиях рекомендуется варьировать разл. виды диалогов и формы работы с ними. В процессе выполнения упражнений формируются умения: запрашивать информацию, адекватно реагировать на реплики собеседника, употреблять штампы Д. р., комбинировать реплики. На нач. этапе обучения большое внимание уделяется таким видам Д. р., как диалог этикетного характера, диалог-расспрос, диалог -- побуждение к действию, диалог -- обмен информацией, мнениями.

ДИАЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ЕДИНСТВО. Единица обучения диалогической речи, совокупность двух соседних высказываний (реплик), связанных между собой по содержанию и по форме. Совр. обучение диалогической речи предполагает не усвоение отдельных фраз, а овладение механизмом порождения диалога. В каждом Д. е. могут по-разному сочетаться типы высказываний (сообщение, вопрос, побуждение, восклицание). На этой основе выделяются 16типов Д. е.:

1) сообщение -- сообщение,

2) сообщение - вопрос,

3) сообщение -- побуждение,

4) сообщение -- восклицание,

5) вопрос - сообщение,

6) вопрос -- вопрос,

7) вопрос -- побуждение,

8) вопрос -- восклицание,

9) побуждение -- сообщение,

10) побуждение -- вопрос,

11) побуждение -- побуждение,

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