Alexander Murashko - one of the most prominent Ukrainian artists of the late XIX - early XX century. He was the first rector of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts in Kiev. His most famous works of art "Portrait of a girl in a red hat" and "Peasant Family".
Holiday celebrations in America signify the rich blending of historic traditions from other cultures with the uniquely commemorative nature of the people of the United States. Brief review and description basic national and ethnic holidays of Americans.
"Cats" - это всего лишь сборник стихотворений Нобелевского лауреата Томаса Стернза Элиота (1888-1965) "Книга старого Енота о практичных котах".
American artist - Andrew Wyeth was born in 1917 in Chides-ford. By 1945 the personal realistic style of the artist was generated. The basic theme of his jobs was landscapes and village life. The most known and famous product of Wyeth - "Kristin's world".
- 65. Art in our life
The value of art in one's life, his role in understanding the characteristics of culture. The skill and ability of the artist to combine shapes and colors in a harmonious whole. Create an artist of her unique style of painting, different from the others.
Бальный танец battement developpe с медленным поворотом en dehors и en dedans с ногой, открытой вперед и назад. Подготовительные упражнения к турам en dehors и еn dedans. Grand battement jete с быстрым developpe и выполнение упражнений на середине зала.
Black English как продукт системы подневольного труда и африканской работорговли, его появление в результате смешения рабовладельцами африканских этнических групп. Синтаксис, семантика и фонетика - смесь афроамериканских и английских языковых традиций.
- 68. British Monarchy
The role of the Queen in the modern society. The royal prerogatives and functions. The main sources of income. Principal ceremonials connected with royalty. The coronation of the British monarch. Members of the Royal Family. The Ceremony of the Keys.
The Brooklyn Bridge is a popular landmark in the New York City. The History and the Structure of the Brooklyn Bridge. The Bridge and American Culture. Ethnic and foreign responses to America, nationalism, memory, commemoration, popular culture.
The tradition of celebrating Christmas in different regions of Ukraine. The requirements for the holiday table on the eve of the Sviat Vechir and describes how to prepare 12 major meatless meals fed to him. Lyrics for of classic Christmas carols.
Type of clothing few years wear. Hat lights and spangles. Slippers self-propelled. Cloak invisible and with wi-fi. Dress thorhs. The super suspension. Measuring the temperature of the T-shirt. Cap with binoculars and for cooking. Dress of feathers.
Introduction to business culture. Values and attitudes characteristic of the British. Values and attitudes characteristic of the French and of the German. Japanese business etiquette. Cultural traditions and business communication style of the USA.
Periods of art in Great Britain. Earliest art and medieval, 16th-19th Centuries. Vorticism, pop art, stuckism. Percy Wyndham Lewis, Paul Nash, Billy Childish as famous modern painters. A British comic as a periodical published in the United Kingdom.
Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. Тhe climate and landscape of the country. Formation of language and contemporary trends, religious trends. Household and national traditions. Gender Roles in Japan.
- 75. Culture of Japan
Japanese role in the culture of the state. Place in the system of painting Japanese artbrush like a traditional instrument of writing. Technique of calligraphy. Traditional sculpture. Anime and Manga. Japanese tea ceremony, requirements for it. Religion.
Customs and traditions, national and religious holidays, the development of art and architecture in Turkey. Description of the relationship of Turks to the family, women, marriage, birth and burial. Characteristics of the custom of Sunnet - circumcision.
Биография жизни Веры Мухиной - советского скульптора-монументалиста, члена Президиума Академии художеств СССР. Начало творческого пути, разнообразие ее интересов, известные работы. Участие в осуществлении Ленинского плана монументальной пропаганды.
Turko-Iranian-Muslim element is a integral part of India. Integration of the Mughal regime in Indian society. The theme of paradise in the decorative arts. Features of the mausoleum of Humayun which became samples in construction of monuments of Mughal.
- 79. Eurotrip
Description of subject of youth comedy is Eurotrip. Journey of American boy Scotty with friends to the girl-friend Mike to Germany. Acquaintance with soccer fans in London and trip to Paris. Description of culinary dishes the cafe of city Amsterdam.
Covent Garden - a royal opera house in London. The Theatre of the Bolshoy is the most largest theatre in the world. The Vienne state opera is one of the first operatic addresses. The Opera La Bastille. "Carnegy-Hall" is concert common-room in New York.
A long history of French culture. Learning about cultural traditions of each region of France is a richly rewarding endeavour and just pure fun. Customs and traditions in France. French wedding and christmas traditions. Eating and drinking in France.
Every nation has a stereotyped reputation of some kind or other, partly good or partly bad. Roots of stereotypes. Studying some stereotyped images of the United Kingdom in 3 areas: the political system of the country, clothes, food and eating habits.
Theatre in British history as an integral part of the cultural heritage. Stages of professional development of the theater from the first theater and the trivial to the most modern experimental projects. Famous people of British theater for centuries.
Story about eight public holidays in United States of America: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Day, President’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, St.Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Halloween. Culture of celebrating of holidays as not religious.
The history of the emergence of Hollywood in the central region of Los Angeles, USA. Education on this territory of the first film studios and film industry. "Walk of Fame" and especially its creation. The use of science for the production of films.
Первобытный счёт: культурогенез и проблемы. Накопление рациональных знаний в системе первобытного. Путь к абстракции количества. Этноматематика как спутница культуры. Индийские орнаменты "колам", геометрия жилища. Семиотика чисел в разных культурах.
- 87. Isaac Levitan
The study brief biography and works of the great artist Isaac Levitan. The most famous artwork is gorgeous landscape. A photographic image of the famous master of nature, landscapes of Russian nature, drawings, watercolors and book illustrations.
James Cameron is famous canadian film director, screenwriter, producer, and researcher of the underwater world. James Cameron's filmography includes five financial records. Interesting Facts of life and work of film director. History of the personal life.
- 89. Jennifer Aniston
Short-story biography of American film actress Jennifer Aniston: parents, childhood, friends and beginning of career. The personal life of film star and development of its career is in Hollywood. Rewards of artist, as critic and public confession.
- 90. Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp - is an American actor, producer, musician. He has won the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild award for Best Actor. Depp rose to prominence on the 1980s television series 21 Jump Street, becoming a teen idol. Popular films with Depp.