Syntagmatic and paradigmatic peculiarities of adverbs in English
The adverb in English theoretical grammar. Semantic classification of and lexico-grammatical subdivision of adverbs. Syntagmatic valency of adverbs and its actualization in speech. The use of adverbs of degree with gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.04.2011 |
Размер файла | 91,8 K |
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Verbs used with completely: abandon, abolish, absorb, agree, alter, assimilate, ban, believe, blind, block, break, burn, bury, cease, change, clear, coat, collapse, conceal, confuse, contradict, cool, cover, crack, cure, cut, defeat, delete, deny, deplete, destroy, disagree, disappear, discard, disintegrate, dismiss, disrupt, dissolve, distort, dominate, drain, dry, eliminate, embrace, empty, enclose, eradicate, erase, erode, evade, excavate, exclude, exhaust, expose, fail, fill, focus, fool, forget, freeze, fulfil, gut, heal, hide, humiliate, identify, ignore, immerse, inhibit, integrate, lack, lie, lift, mask, master, misinterpret, misjudge, mislead, mismanage, misread, misrepresent, miss, misunderstand, neglect, obliterate, obscure, obstruct, offset, omit, overcome, overhaul, overlook, overturn, overwhelm, paralyse, penetrate, prepared, prevent, protect, rebuild, reconstruct, recover, regain, reject, relax, relieve, rely, remove, renew, renovate, reorganize, repair, replace, resolve, restore, rethink, reverse, revise, rewrite, ruin, rule, seal, separate, shade, shatter, silence, soak, solve, spoil, stop, strip, subordinate, succeed, suppress, surrender, surround, sympathize, thaw, transform, trust, underestimate, undermine, understand, vanish, wipe, withdraw, wreck.
3. Adjectives used with deeply:
afraid, aggrieved, ambivalent, apprehensive, ashamed, asleep, attached, committed, compassionate, concerned, conscious, conservative, convinced, critical, curious, cynical, damaging, dependent, depressed, depressing, disappointed, disappointing, dishonest, disillusioned, dissatisfied, distasteful, distressing, disturbed, disturbing, divisive, embarrassed, embarrassing, embedded, emotional, engaged, engrossed, entangled, estranged, expressive, fascinating, fearful, flawed, flushed, frustrated, frustrating, grateful, honoured, hostile, humiliating, hurt, hurtful, immoral, impressed, inadequate, indebted, influential, ingrained, insecure, interested, interesting, involved, ironic, irresponsible, irritated, lined, misguided, moving, offensive, opposed, perplexed, personal, perverse, pessimistic, philosophical, poignant, polarized, prejudiced, preoccupied, regrettable, relaxed, religious, reluctant, repulsive, resentful, rooted, sad, satisfying, sceptical, sensitive, shaken, shocked, shocking, significant, sincere, sinister, sorry, spiritual, submerged, suspect, suspicious, symbolic, sympathetic, tanned, touched, traumatic, troubled, uncertain, uncomfortable, unconscious, uneasy, unfashionable, unhappy, unpleasant, unpopular, upset, wary, worried, worrying, wrinkled.
Verbs used with deeply:
absorb, admire, affect, anger, appreciate, believe, blush, bow, breathe, bury, care, dig, divide, drink, explore, feel, flush, frown, grieve, growl, hold, humiliate, hurt, immerse, implicate, influence, inhale, inscribe, kiss, laugh, love, mark, offend, penetrate, ponder, probe, regret, resent, respect, sadden, scar, scowl, shade, shock, sigh, sleep, slumber, sniff, stir, swallow, sympathize, think, thrust, touch, trouble, upset, wound.
4. Adjectives used with entirely:
absent, abstract, acceptable, accidental, alien, alone, anonymous, appropriate, arbitrary, artificial, autonomous, avoidable, believable, beneficial, black, blameless, blank, bogus, characteristic, coincidental, comfortable, commendable, compatible, composed, comprehensible, conceivable, concerned, confident, consistent, contrary, conventional, correct, covered, dependent, devoid, different, dissimilar, distinct, empty, exempt, explicable, factual, fair, faithful, false, familiar, feasible, fictional, fictitious, fitting, foreign, free, futile, genuine, honourable, hostile, hypothetical, ignorant, illogical, imaginary, immaterial, immune, impartial, impractical, inaccurate, inadequate, inappropriate, incidental, incompatible, incorrect, independent, ineffective, innocent, instrumental, intact, irrelevant, isolated, justifiable, justified, lacking, legitimate, likely, logical, male, misguided, misleading, misplaced, missing, mistaken, naked, negative, new, normal, objective, occupied, one-sided, opposed, optional, plausible, pointless, positive, possible, practical, pragmatic, predictable, preoccupied, preventable, proper, random, rational, reasonable, reliant, respectable, responsible, rigid, safe, secular, self-contained, self-sufficient, selfish, sensible, separable, separate, serious, silent, sincere, sober, subject, subjective, suitable, superficial, supportive, sympathetic, transparent, typical, unacceptable, unaffected, unaware, understandable, unfounded, united, unknown, unnecessary, unnoticed, unprecedented, unreasonable, unscathed, unsuitable, useless, voluntary, worthy, wrong.
Verbs used with entirely:
abandon, abolish, agree, base, cease, concentrate, concur, confine, consist, cover, depend, destroy, devote, disagree, disappear, discard, dismiss, dominate, eliminate, endorse, eradicate, erase, exclude, fill, finance, focus, fund, gear, ignore, lack, neglect, obliterate, omit, overlook, rebuild, rely, remove, replace, rest, rule, surround, transform, vanish.
5. Adjectives used with extremely:
able, abstract, abusive, accurate, active, adaptable, addictive, adept, advanced, advantageous, afraid, aggressive, aggrieved, agitated, agreeable, alarmed, alarming, alert, ambitious, ambivalent, amiable, amused, amusing, ancient, angry, annoyed, annoying, anxious, apologetic, appealing, apprehensive, appropriate, articulate, artificial, attractive, authoritarian, awkward, backward, bad, bad-tempered, battered, beautiful, beneficial, biased, big, bitter, bizarre, bleak, bold, bored, boring, brave, breathless, brief, bright, broad, bureaucratic, businesslike, busy, calm, capable, careful, careless, casual, cautious, challenging, chaotic, charming, cheap, cheerful, chilly, civil, claustrophobic, clean, clear, clever, close, cloudy, cold, comfortable, comforting, comical, committed, common, compelling, competent, competitive, complacent, complex, complicated, complimentary, composed, comprehensive, concerned, confident, confused, confusing, conscious, conservative, consistent, conspicuous, content, contentious, contrived, controversial, convenient, conventional, convincing, cool, cordial, costly, courageous, courteous, coy, creative, creepy, critical, cross, crowded, cruel, curious, cynical, damaging, damp, dangerous, dark, dated, decorative, dedicated, deep, defensive, delicate, demanding, dependable, depressed, depressing, deprived, desirable, desperate, despondent, destructive, detailed, determined, detrimental, devoted, difficult, dignified, direct, dirty, disadvantaged, disappointed, disappointing, disconcerting, disillusioned, dismal, dismissive, disorganized, disruptive, dissatisfied, distant, distasteful, distinctive, distraught, distressing, disturbing, diverse, divisive, dominant, doubtful, dramatic, drunk, dry, dubious, dull, dumb, dynamic, eager, early, easy, eccentric, economical, eerie, effective, efficient, elaborate, elegant, eloquent, elusive, embarrassed, embarrassing, emotional, emphatic, encouraging, energetic, enigmatic, enjoyable, entertaining, enthusiastic, envious, erotic, erratic, evident, excitable, excited, exciting, exclusive, exhausting, expensive, experienced, explicit, explosive, exposed, expressive, faint, faithful, familiar, famous, far-fetched, fashionable, fast, favourable, fearful, feminine, fertile, fickle, fine, firm, fit, flammable, flat, flattered, flattering, flexible, fluid, flushed, fond, foolish, formal, formidable, forthright, fortunate, fragile, fragrant, frail, frank, frequent, fresh, friendly, frightened, frightening, fruitful, frustrated, frustrating, full, funny, fuzzy, generous, gentle, gifted, glad, glamorous, good, good-looking, grateful, gratifying, gregarious, gruesome, guilty, handsome, handy, haphazard, happy, hard, harmful, harsh, hazardous, hazy, healthy, heavy, helpful, hierarchical, hoarse, honest, honoured, hopeful, hostile, hot, humorous, hungry, hurt, ignorant, ill, illuminating, imaginative, immature, immoral, impatient, impersonal, impertinent, implausible, important, impractical, imprecise, impressed, impressionable, impressive, improbable, inaccurate, inadequate, inappropriate, inconvenient, indignant, ineffective, inefficient, inexpensive, inexperienced, inflexible, influential, informal, informative, infrequent, ingenious, inhibited, insecure, insensitive, instructive, insulting, intelligent, intense, interested, interesting, intolerant, intricate, intriguing, intrusive, intuitive, inventive, involved, ironic, irresponsible, irritated, irritating, isolated, jealous, keen, kind, knowledgeable, lame, large, late, lazy, lengthy, lenient, liberal, light, light-headed, likeable, likely, limited, literate, logical, lonely, long, long-lived, loud, low, loyal, lucky, lucrative, luxurious, mad, marked, marketable, masculine, mature, mean, mellow, memorable, menacing, mild, militant, minor, miserable, misleading, mixed, mobile, modest, motivated, muddled, muddy, mundane, muted, naive, narrow, nasty, neat, negative, nervous, nice, noisy, noticeable, novel, nutritious, obscure, observant, obvious, odd, off-putting, offensive, oily, old, old-fashioned, opaque, open, optimistic, organized, original, ornate, orthodox, overcrowded, overgrown, overweight, painful, pale, passive, patchy, patient, patriotic, patronizing, peaceful, peeved, perceptive, permissive, perplexed, persistent, personal, persuasive, pertinent, perverse, pessimistic, plain, plausible, pleasant, pleased, pleasing, pleasurable, poignant, poisonous, polite, popular, positive, possessive, potent, powerful, practical, pragmatic, precious, precise, predictable, prejudiced, preoccupied, prestigious, pretty, privileged, productive, professional, proficient, profitable, prolific, prolonged, prominent, promising, prone, pronounced, prosperous, proud, provocative, puzzled, questionable, quick, quiet, radical, rapid, rare, reactionary, readable, realistic, reasonable, reassuring, refreshing, regrettable, relaxed, relevant, reliable, relieved, religious, reluctant, remote, repellent, repetitive, repressed, repulsive, reputable, resentful, reserved, resilient, resistant, resourceful, respectable, responsible, responsive, restrained, restricted, restrictive, revealing, rewarding, rich, rigid, risky, romantic, rude, rural, sad, safe, sarcastic, satisfied, satisfying, scarce, scared, sceptical, secretive, secure, seductive, selective, self-conscious, self-contained, selfish, sensible, sensitive, serious, severe, sexy, shaken, shaky, shallow, sharp, shocked, shocking, short, shy, sick, significant, silly, similar, simple, simplistic, sincere, sinister, skilful, skilled, skinny, slack, sleepy, slender, slight, slim, slippery, slow, small, smart, smooth, smug, soft, solemn, solid, sombre, sophisticated, sorry, sound, sour, spacious, spicy, stable, staid, stale, startled, steady, steep, sticky, stiff, stimulating, straightforward, strained, strange, stressed, stressful, striking, strong, stupid, subdued, subjective, subtle, successful, suggestive, superficial, supple, supportive, surprised, surprising, susceptible, suspect, suspicious, sweaty, sweet, swift, swollen, sympathetic, talented, tall, tame, tasteful, taxing, technical, tedious, temperamental, tender, tense, thankful, thick, thin, threadbare, threatening, tidy, tight, tiny, tired, tolerant, touched, tough, toxic, traditional, tranquil, traumatic, treacherous, trivial, troubled, typical, ugly, unbalanced, uncertain, uncomfortable, uncommon, undesirable, undignified, uneasy, unfair, unfortunate, unfriendly, unhappy, uninhibited, unlikely, unlucky, unnatural, unorthodox, unpleasant, unpopular, unreasonable, unstable, unsuitable, unsure, untidy, unusual, unwell, up to date, upset, uptight, urgent, useful, vague, valid, valuable, variable, varied, versatile, viable, vicious, vigilant, vigorous, violent, vivid, vocal, volatile, vulnerable, warm, wary, weak, wealthy, weary, weird, welcome, wet, white, wide, widespread, wild, worried, worrying, worthwhile, wrinkled, young.
6. Adjectives used with perfectly:
able, acceptable, accurate, adequate, agreeable, amiable, appropriate, attainable, audible, aware, balanced, beautiful, calm, capable, charming, circular, civil, clean, clear, coherent, comfortable, compatible, competent, composed, comprehensible, conceivable, conscious, consistent, content, contented, correct, decent, dry, efficient, erect, evident, explicable, fair, feasible, fine, fitting, flat, frank, friendly, genuine, good, grammatical, groomed, happy, harmless, healthy, honest, honourable, immobile, innocent, innocuous, intact, intelligible, justifiable, justified, kosher, lawful, legal, legitimate, logical, lovely, motionless, natural, neutral, nice, normal, obvious, OK, ordinary, oval, permissible, plain, plausible, pleasant, poised, polished, polite, possible, practicable, predictable, presentable, proper, quiet, rational, reasonable, regular, relaxed, reliable, respectable, right, ripe, rounded, safe, sane, satisfactory, satisfied, secure, sensible, serene, serious, shaped, silent, sincere, smooth, sober, sound, splendid, square, stable, steady, still, straight, straightforward, suitable, suited, symmetrical, tailored, tanned, tranquil, transparent, true, understandable, upright, valid, viable, welcome, willing, wonderful.
Verbs used with perfectly:
align, arrange, balance, behave, blend, capture, coincide, complement, conform, contrast, convey, cook, execute, exemplify, fit, function, illustrate, judge, match, mimic, mirror, place, position, prepared, preserve, streamline, suit, sum, synchronize, time, trim, tune, understand, work.
7. Adjectives used with totally:
abhorrent, absent, absorbed, absurd, acceptable, accurate, addicted, adequate, alien, amazed, anonymous, arbitrary, artificial, awesome, baffled, bald, believable, bemused, bewildered, bewildering, bizarre, blank, blind, bogus, bonkers, brilliant, broke, clean, comfortable, committed, compatible, comprehensive, concentrated, confident, confidential, confused, contrary, convinced, convincing, cool, corrupt, covered, crazy, creepy, cynical, deaf, dedicated, defenceless, dejected, dependent, deprived, deserted, detached, devoid, devoted, different, disgusted, disgusting, disillusioned, disorganized, disproportionate, dissimilar, distinct, dominant, dry, effective, empty, engaged, engrossed, evil, exempt, exhausted, exposed, extinct, fair, false, fearless, fed up, fictitious, fine, foreign, free, friendless, frustrated, futile, genuine, groundless, happy, harmless, helpless, honest, hooked, hopeless, hostile, humiliating, hysterical, ignorant, illegal, illiterate, illogical, immobile, immoral, immune, impartial, impassable, impassive, impersonal, impervious, implausible, impossible, impracticable, impractical, impressed, inaccessible, inaccurate, inactive, inadequate, inappropriate, inaudible, incapable, inclusive, incompatible, incompetent, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incongruous, inconsistent, incorrect, incredible, indefensible, independent, indifferent, inedible, ineffective, inexperienced, inexplicable, inflexible, inhuman, innocent, innocuous, insane, insecure, insensitive, inseparable, invisible, irrational, irrelevant, irresponsible, isolated, justified, lacking, lame, legitimate, lost, loyal, ludicrous, mad, meaningless, misguided, misleading, misplaced, missing, mystified, naked, natural, negative, normal, novel, nude, objective, oblivious, obscure, obsolete, OK, one-sided, opposed, organic, outrageous, painless, passive, penniless, perfect, pointless, powerless, predictable, preoccupied, professional, random, ready, reasonable, relaxed, reliable, reliant, relieved, remote, repulsive, responsible, ridiculous, safe, satisfactory, satisfied, secure, self-contained, self-sufficient, selfish, separate, serious, shattered, shocked, silent, sincere, sober, soluble, speechless, spontaneous, static, straight, stressed, stunned, stupid, subjective, submerged, superfluous, supportive, sure, surprised, surprising, thrilled, transparent, true, unable, unacceptable, unaffected, unaware, unbearable, unbelievable, unchanged, uncharacteristic, unconcerned, unconscious, uncontrollable, understandable, undesirable, unexpected, unfair, unfamiliar, unfit, unforgettable, unfounded, unheard-of, uninhibited, unintelligible, uninterested, unique, united, unknown, unmoved, unnecessary, unnoticed, unprecedented, unprovoked, unqualified, unreal, unreasonable, unscathed, unsuitable, unsure, unwarranted, useless, vulnerable, weird, worthless, wrong.
Verbs used with totally:
abandon, abolish, absorb, agree, appreciate, backfire, change, clear, confine, confuse, contradict, cut, defeat, deny, deserve, destroy, disagree, disappear, disrupt, dominate, drain, eliminate, enclose, eradicate, exclude, exhaust, fail, focus, forbid, forget, gut, humiliate, ignore, immerse, incapacitate, lie, love, mislead, misread, neglect, obliterate, obscure, oppose, overwhelm, paralyse, prepared, rebuild, relax, reorganize, replace, reverse, ruin, rule, subordinate, surround, transform, trust, underestimate, undermine, understand, vanish, wipe, wreck.
8. Adjectives used with utterly:
abhorrent, absorbed, absurd, alien, alone, amazed, amazing, appalling, baffled, beautiful, bewildered, boring, brilliant, charming, compelling, confused, confusing, contemptuous, content, conventional, convinced, convincing, cynical, dedicated, defenceless, dejected, dependent, desperate, despicable, despondent, determined, devoid, devoted, disastrous, disgraceful, disgusting, disillusioned, distraught, empty, exhausted, exhausting, faithful, false, fantastic, fascinating, fearless, foolish, foreign, forlorn, friendless, fruitless, futile, gorgeous, helpless, hopeless, humiliating, ignorant, immobile, immoral, implausible, impossible, impotent, impracticable, impractical, inadequate, inappropriate, incapable, incompatible, incompetent, incomprehensible, inconceivable, incongruous, incredible, indifferent, inhuman, insane, insignificant, irrelevant, irresistible, irresponsible, ludicrous, mad, meaningless, mistaken, mundane, obscene, opposed, peaceful, perfect, perplexed, pointless, powerless, pragmatic, predictable, reliable, repellent, repulsive, ridiculous, selfish, serene, shocked, silent, sincere, stunned, stupid, terrified, thrilled, trivial, unable, unacceptable, unaware, unconcerned, unfair, uninhibited, uninterested, unknown, unnecessary, unreasonable, useless, worthless, wrong.
Verbs used with utterly: absorb, condemn, confuse, destroy, dominate, drain, exhaust, humiliate, ignore, refuse, reject, transform.
9. Adjectives used with very:
able, absorbed, abstract, abusive, acceptable, accessible, accomplished, accurate, active, adaptable, addictive, adept, adequate, admirable, advanced, advantageous, afraid, aggressive, aggrieved, agitated, agreeable, alarmed, alarming, alert, alien, alike, alive, ambiguous, ambitious, ambivalent, amiable, amused, amusing, ancient, angry, annoyed, annoying, anxious, apologetic, apparent, appealing, applicable, apprehensive, appropriate, articulate, artificial, ashamed, assured, astute, attached, attractive, authoritarian, aware, awkward, backward, bad, bad-tempered, bare, barren, battered, beautiful, believable, beneficial, best, bewildered, bewildering, biased, big, bitter, bizarre, black, bleak, blonde, bold, bored, boring, brave, breathless, breezy, brief, bright, broad, brown, bureaucratic, businesslike, busy, calm, candid, capable, careful, careless, casual, cautious, central, certain, challenging, chaotic, characteristic, charming, cheap, cheerful, chilly, civil, claustrophobic, clean, clear, clever, close, cloudy, coherent, cold, comfortable, comforting, comical, commendable, committed, common, commonplace, comparable, compassionate, compatible, compelling, competent, competitive, complacent, complete, complex, complicated, complimentary, composed, comprehensive, concentrated, concerned, confident, confused, confusing, congested, conscious, conservative, consistent, conspicuous, constipated, contagious, contemporary, content, contented, contentious, contrived, controversial, convenient, conventional, convincing, cool, cordial, corrosive, corrupt, cosmopolitan, costly, courageous, courteous, coy, creamy, creative, credible, creditable, creepy, critical, cross, crowded, crucial, cruel, curious, curly, cynical, damaging, damp, dangerous, daring, dark, dated, debatable, decent, deceptive, decorative, dedicated, deep, defensive, degrading, delicate, demanding, dependable, dependent, depressed, depressing, deprived, descriptive, deserving, desirable, desperate, despondent, destructive, detached, detailed, determined, detrimental, developed, devoted, different, difficult, dignified, direct, dirty, disabled, disadvantaged, disappointed, disappointing, disapproving, disconcerting, dishonest, disillusioned, dismal, dismissive, disorganized, disreputable, disruptive, dissatisfied, dissimilar, distant, distasteful, distinct, distinctive, distracted, distraught, distressing, disturbed, disturbing, diverse, divisive, domesticated, dominant, doubtful, dramatic, drunk, dry, dubious, dull, dumb, dynamic, eager, early, easy, eccentric, economical, edgy, educated, eerie, effective, efficient, elaborate, elated, elegant, eloquent, elusive, embarrassed, embarrassing, emotional, emotive, emphatic, empty, encouraging, energetic, engrossed, enigmatic, enjoyable, entertaining, enthusiastic, envious, erect, erotic, erratic, essential, even, evident, evil, exceptional, excitable, excited, exciting, exclusive, exhausting, expensive, experienced, explicit, explosive, exposed, expressive, extravagant, extreme, faint, fair, faithful, false, familiar, famous, far-fetched, fascinating, fashionable, fast, fat, favourable, fearful, fed up, feminine, fertile, fickle, fine, firm, fishy, fit, fitting, fixed, flammable, flat, flattered, flattering, flexible, fluid, flushed, fond, foolish, foreign, forlorn, formal, formidable, forthright, fortunate, fragile, fragrant, frail, frank, frequent, fresh, friendly, frightened, frightening, frosty, fruitful, frustrated, frustrating, full, fundamental, funny, fuzzy, generous, gentle, genuine, gifted, glad, glamorous, gloomy, good, good-looking, grateful, gratifying, great, gregarious, grey, gruesome, guilty, handsome, handy, haphazard, happy, hard, harmful, harsh, hazardous, hazy, healthy, heavy, helpful, heroic, hierarchical, hoarse, homesick, homogeneous, honest, honourable, honoured, hopeful, hostile, hot, humiliating, humorous, hungry, hurt, hurtful, ignorant, ill, illuminating, imaginative, immature, immoral, impatient, imperfect, impersonal, impertinent, implausible, important, impractical, imprecise, impressed, impressionable, impressive, improbable, inaccurate, inadequate, inappropriate, inclined, incomplete, inconsistent, inconvenient, independent, indifferent, indignant, ineffective, inefficient, inexpensive, inexperienced, infectious, inferior, inflexible, influential, informal, informative, infrequent, ingenious, inhibited, innocent, inquisitive, insecure, insensitive, insignificant, insistent, inspiring, instructive, instrumental, insulting, intelligent, intense, intensive, interactive, interested, interesting, intolerant, intricate, intriguing, intrusive, intuitive, inventive, inviting, involved, ironic, irregular, irresponsible, irritated, irritating, isolated, jealous, junior, keen, kind, knowledgeable, lame, large, late, lazy, legitimate, lengthy, lenient, liberal, light, light-headed, likeable, likely, limited, limp, literate, loaded, logical, lonely, long, long-lived, lost, loud, lovely, low, low-key, loyal, lucky, lucrative, luxurious, lyrical, mad, magical, male, manageable, marked, marketable, masculine, mature, mean, mellow, memorable, menacing, mild, militant, minor, miserable, misleading, mixed, mobile, moderate, modest, moist, motivated, moving, muddled, muddy, mundane, muted, naive, narrow, nasty, natural, neat, needy, negative, nervous, new, nice, noisy, normal, noticeable, novel, numerous, nutritious, objective, obscure, observant, obvious, odd, off-putting, offensive, oily, old, old-fashioned, one-sided, opaque, open, opposed, optimistic, orderly, ordinary, organized, oriented, original, ornate, orthodox, overcast, overcrowded, overgrown, overweight, painful, pale, partial, passive, patchy, patient, patriotic, patronizing, peaceful, peculiar, peeved, perceptive, permissive, perplexed, persistent, personal, persuasive, pertinent, pervasive, perverse, pessimistic, philosophical, plain, plausible, pleasant, pleased, pleasing, pleasurable, poetic, poignant, poisonous, polite, political, popular, portable, positive, possessive, possible, potent, powerful, practical, pragmatic, precious, precise, predictable, pregnant, prejudiced, preoccupied, presentable, prestigious, pretty, privileged, probable, productive, professional, proficient, profitable, progressive, prolific, prolonged, prominent, promising, prone, pronounced, proper, prosperous, protective, proud, provocative, prudent, puzzled, questionable, quick, quiet, radical, rapid, rare, rational, reactionary, readable, ready, real, realistic, reasonable, reassuring, recent, red, reflective, refreshing, regrettable, regular, relaxed, relevant, reliable, relieved, religious, reluctant, remarkable, reminiscent, remote, repellent, repetitive, representative, repressed, repulsive, reputable, resentful, reserved, resilient, resistant, resourceful, respectable, responsible, responsive, restrained, restricted, restrictive, revealing, rewarding, rich, rigid, ripe, risky, romantic, rude, rural, sad, safe, sarcastic, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfying, savage, scarce, scared, sceptical, secluded, secret, secretive, secure, seductive, selective, self-conscious, self-contained, selfish, senior, sensible, sensitive, separate, serene, serious, settled, severe, sexy, shaken, shaky, shallow, sharp, shocked, shocking, short, shy, sick, significant, silly, similar, simple, simplistic, sincere, sinister, skilful, skilled, skinny, slack, sleepy, slender, slight, slim, slimy, slippery, slow, small, smart, smooth, smug, soft, solemn, solid, soluble, sombre, soothing, sophisticated, sorry, sound, sour, spacious, specialized, specific, spectacular, spicy, spiritual, spooky, square, stable, staid, stale, startled, static, steady, steep, sterile, sticky, stiff, still, stimulating, straightforward, strained, strange, stressed, stressful, striking, strong, stupid, subdued, subjective, subtle, subversive, successful, suggestive, suitable, suited, sunny, superficial, supple, supportive, sure, surprised, surprising, susceptible, suspect, suspicious, sweaty, sweet, swift, swollen, symbolic, sympathetic, talented, tall, tame, tanned, tasteful, taxing, tearful, technical, tedious, temperamental, temporary, tender, tense, terrible, thankful, thick, thin, threadbare, threatening, tidy, tight, tiny, tired, tolerant, touched, tough, toxic, traditional, tragic, tranquil, transparent, traumatic, treacherous, trivial, troubled, true, truthful, typical, ugly, unbalanced, uncertain, uncharacteristic, uncomfortable, uncommon, understandable, undesirable, undignified, uneasy, unexpected, unfair, unfamiliar, unfashionable, unfit, unfortunate, unfriendly, unhappy, uninhibited, unlikely, unlucky, unnatural, unorthodox, unpleasant, unpopular, unreal, unreasonable, unstable, unsuitable, unsure, untidy, unusual, unwell, up to date, uplifting, upset, uptight, urgent, used to, useful, usual, vague, valid, valuable, variable, varied, versatile, vicious, vigilant, vigorous, violent, visible, vital, vivid, vocal, volatile, vulnerable, warm, wary, weak, wealthy, weary, weird, welcome, wet, white, wide, widespread, wild, willing, wise, wobbly, worried, worrying, worthwhile, worthy, wrinkled, wrong, young.
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