Functional words in the English language. Prepositions. Linking words

Function words, they characterization. Determiners as inflected function words employed. Preposition "at": using, phrases, examples from "The White Monkey" (by John Galsworthy). Translation, using, examples in literature preposition "in", "of".

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В этот первый день состязаний Итона с Хэрроу все скрытое тепло прохладного лета вдруг вспыхнуло и сейчас заливало Майкла, ехавшего на империале автобуса; жара заливала соломенные шляпы и бледные, потные лица, бесконечные вереницы автобусов, дельцов, полисменов, лавочников у дверей, продавцов газет, шнурков для ботинок, игрушек, бесконечные повозки, и автомобили, вывески и провода - всю гигантскую путаницу огромного города, невидимым инстинктом слаженную почти до предельной точности.

The pictures in this gallery, if he didn't mistake, were worth from seventy to a hundred thousand pounds; and, with the profits on his sales from time to time, they stood him in at no more than five-and-twenty thousand-not a bad result from a life's hobby, to say nothing of the pleasure!(p.257)

По его вычислениям, собрание в этой галерее стоит от семидесяти до ста тысяч фунтов; и если считать, что он иногда продавал очень выгодно, то вся коллекция обошлась ему тысяч в двадцать пять, не больше. Неплохой результат увлечения коллекционерством, уже не говоря об удовольствии.

It seemed that he could not rely, after all, on this fellow with his twenty-five knots.(p.256)

Оказывается все же, что нельзя полагаться на этого француза с его двадцатью пятью узелками.

Though he still felt only on the threshold of Fleur's heart, and was preparing to play second fiddle to `the eleventh baronet,' he was infinitely easier in mind since Wilfrid had been gone.(p.219)

Хотя он все еще чувствовал, что не проник дальше порога в сердце Флер, и готовился играть вторую скрипку при "одиннадцатом баронете", все же после отъезда Уилфрида ему стало много легче.

And he watched, with a sort of amused adoration, the way in which she focussed her collecting powers on an object that had no epoch, a process that did not date.(p.219)

Его забавляло и трогало, что Флер сосредоточила все свои коллекционерские инстинкты на чем-то, не принадлежащем ни к какой эпохе, одинаково свойственном всем векам.

The young man fulfilled with increasing success the function for which he had been engaged, on trial, four months ago.(p.209)

Молодой человек с неизменно возрастающим успехом выполнял должность, на которую был взят на пробу четыре месяца назад.

On the giant merry-go-round under its vast umbrella the thirty chain-hung seats were filled with girls and men.(p.206)

Тридцать подвесных кресел гигантской карусели под огромным зонтиком были заняты девушками и молодыми людьми.

Preposition “to”

To /tu:/-1) к, в, на


3) у

4) для, под

5) с

6) по отношению к, в соответствии с

To can be used in the following ways:

before the basic form of a verb to form the infinitive: I want to go home. ¦ It's nice to see you again.

as a preposition (followed by a noun): We drove to Newport.

as an adverb (without a following noun): I pulled the door to.

Used as part of an infinitive.

Used for forming an infinitive that is the subject, object or complement of a verb, or is the complement of an adjective, noun or pronoun: Easy to sit still in front of that thing!

Used for showing the purpose of an action: he was accustomed to regard himself as worn out by his long travel

Used instead of an infinitive in order to avoid repeating the verb: Elderson won't mention it; nor young Butterfield, if you tell him not to.

Going somewhere

Used for saying the place where someone or something goes: This three-day run to Washington was the last straw, and he was supporting it very well.

Used for showing that someone goes somewhere for a particular event or activity: even if you went out to dinner, it was always the same: lobster-cocktails, shad, turkey, asparagus, salad, and ice cream.

When you tell, give or show somebody something. Used for saying who is told, given, or shown something: Why shouldn't he speak to her himself?

Facing or pointing towards something or somebody. Used for saying in which direction someone or somebody is facing or pointing: The young man was standing bare-headed, as if in reverence to the statue.

face to face/back to back (facing each otherfacing away from each other): They stood face to face, glaring at each other.

Used for saying were somebody or something is. Used for saying where someone or something is in relation to the position of another person or thing: That great greenish bronze figure of seated woman within the hooding folds of her ample cloak seemed to carry him down to the bottom of his own soul.

When somebody is affected by something.

Used for saying who or what is treated in a particular way: The individual-said the candidate-was in every respect superior to the nation of which he formed a part.

Used for saying who or what is affected by a situation: It was mysterious to him.

In a particular relationship with someone or something.

Used for explaining a relationship with people or things: Well, I'm glad of that, it must be a relief to your mind. Related/married to: him if he's related to old Butterfield the gardener?

Used for saying which person or organization someone does a particular job for: She is personal assistant to the Managing Director.

When something is connected or fastened. Used for saying where something is fastened or where a connection is: The carpet had been nailed to the floor.

when something changes or develops

used for saying what condition or state someone or something is in after a change: He saw that the lights had changed to green.

used for saying what stage of development is reached: When will all this suffering come to an end?

as far as a limit. As far as a particular point or limit: The cancer had spread to his lungs.


until a particular time or date: To the end of her life, she was a tireless campaigner for peace. The shop stays open from 7 am to 9 pm.

used for saying how much time passes before a particular date, time, or event: Sales increased during the 13 weeks to September 30th.

before the hour. Used when telling the time, for saying how many minutes it is before the hour: It's twenty-five to twelve.

used for saying someone's opinion. Used for saying whose opinion, attitude, or knowledge is being referred to: To most of us, work is an unpleasant necessity.

it seems/looks to someone

to my mind/to my way of thinking

to someone's knowledge

causing a particular reaction. Used for saying what your reaction is when something happens

to someone's surprise/delight/horror etc: To her surprise, she saw that he was crying.

used for showing how numbers are related

used for showing the relationship between two numbers or amounts: The new model will do 60 miles to the gallon in town.

used for showing that a number of smaller units is equal to a larger unit: There are 10,000 square centimetres to a square metre.

used for giving the score in a game. Used for saying what the score is in a game: Our team won by five goals to three.

closed or almost closed. If you push or pull a door to, you close it or almost close it: The door swung to behind her as she went out.

used for showing a possible range

used when showing the whole range of numbers between and including the two that you mention: a toy suitable for children aged three to five

from...tot: he numbers from one to ten

used when showing how large a range of people or things is: I've written articles about everything from sexual morality to gardening.

used when you say that a number is within a particular range because you are not sure of the exact number: Only about 20 to 25 per cent of the population voted for this government.

needed for something. Used for showing that something is an important or necessary part of something else: the answer to an important question

while there is a sound. Used for saying the particular sound that can be heard at the same time that something happens: I awoke to the sound of birds singing.

touching something. Used for saying what something else is touching or pressing against: Clasping the child to her breast, she began to weep.


(all) to yourself. If you have someone or something to yourself, you do not have to share them with anyone else: My parents were away, so I had the house to myself.

Ten to one/a hundred to one etc. Used for saying how likely it is that something will happen: It's ten to one that the murderer will never be caught.

Examples from “The White Monkey” (by John Galsworthy):”to”

Returning to the copper floor, Michael said: “All right, sir!” and stood back. (p.299)

- Сойдя на медный пол, Майкл сказал: ”Вот и хорошо, сэр”, - и отступил посмотреть.

When his father-in-law bowed to the Chairman and withdrew, Michael had restrained a strong desire to shout: “Bravo!”(p.290)

- Когда его тесть поклонился председателю и вышел, Майкл еле удержался, чтоб не крикнуть "Браво! ".

And as to young Michael-the fellow had been there that afternoon and witnessed the whole thing; he'd no wish to go over it again. (p.289)

- Что же касается молодого Майкла - он сам все видел и слышал; нечего еще раз пережевывать.

4) Ten to one Fleur would not be down.(p.289)

-Флер, наверно, не выйдет из своей комнаты.

5) The men to whom a pound was a pound, and not a mess of chance and paper.(p.286)

- Настоящие людей - это люди, для которых фунт есть фунт, а не слу-

чайный клочок бумаги.

6) I do not tender my resignation to the meeting; I resign.(p.285)

- Я не прошу собрание принять мою отставку - я ухожу!

7) I shall be happy to carry it to the House of Lords, if necessary. (p.285)

- Я с удовольствием доведу это дело до Палаты лордов, если нужно.

8) I am not prepared to go on giving my services to people who don't value them.(p.284)

- Я не считаю возможным отдавать свои услуги людям, которые их не ценят.

9) And you owe it to me that you were called together today to pass judgment on the matter.(p.284)

- Я добился того, что вас сегодня созвали для обсуждения этого вопроса.

10) I am not conscious of having done anything but my duty from beginning to end of this affair.(p.284)

- Я полагаю, что от начала до конца выполнял только свой долг.

11) No more would old Gradman follow him with eyes like an old dog's, grudging sometimes, but ever submitting to infallibility.(p.282)

- Не будет больше старый Грэдмен следить за ним глазами преданной собаки, иногда ворча, но всегда подчиняясь непогрешимому хозяину.

12) The country drives you to the wall, skins you to the bone, and expects you to give 'em public service gratis.(p.282)

- Государство прижимает вас к стенке, обирает до нитки и еще ждет, чтобы вы ему служили без всякого вознаграждения.

13) Damn it, sir, you put the chestnuts in the fire; it's up to you to pull 'em out.(p.282)

- Черт возьми, сэр! Ведь это вы заварили всю кашу, теперь ваше дело ее расхлебывать!

14) Now, as to this particular case, we've had no reason to distrust the Board, so far; and, as I take it, the Board had no previous reason to distrust the late manager. (p.280)

- В нашем частном случае у нас пока что нет оснований не доверять правлению; и, как я сужу, у правления не было в прошлом никаких причин не доверять бывшему директору-распорядителю.

15) I think it's going too far, at present, to propose anything definite like a vote of no confidence; it seems to me that we should call the Board in and hear what assurances they have to give us against a repetition of anything of the sort in the future.(p.280)

- Мы зашли бы слишком далеко, если бы в настоящее время предложили что-нибудь определенное, вроде вотума недоверия; мне кажется, мы могли бы предложить правлению вернуться в зал и выслушать, какие они нам дадут гарантии против повторения чего-либо подобного в будущем.

16) As to the policy of foreign insurance, it has been before us at two general meetings; and we have pocketed the profit from it for nearly two years.(p.279)

- Что же касается страхования иностранных операций, то нам об этом сообщали на двух заседаниях, и мы в течение двух лет преспокойно получали с них дивиденды.

17) The voice, which had not varied an iota, ceased its recital; and Michael saw his father-in-law return to his detachment-stork on one leg, about to apply beak to parasite, could have inspired no greater sense of loneliness.(p.275)

- Голос, не изменившийся ни на йоту, замолк; и Майкл увидел, как его тесть вернулся в свое одиночество. Аист на одной ноге, собирающийся клю- нуть насекомое, и тот не казался бы таким одиноким.

18) His neighbours to right and left were the same stout shareholders between whom he had slipped in; they both had thick lobes to their ears, and necks even broader than the straight broad backs of their heads.( p.272)

- Справа и слева от него сидели те самые толстяки, с которыми он проскользнул в зал; у них были пухлые ушные мочки, а шеи были еще шире, чем плоские, широкие затылки.

19) Michael heard the old fellow mutter through his beard half buried in a drawer to which he was returning the draft, and followed Soames out.(p.262)

- Майкл услышал, как старик что-то пробормотал в бороду, почти утонувшую в ящике стола, куда он прятал документы, и вышел вслед за Сомсом.

20) Entering the room to which he had been ushered, he saw an old and pug-faced fellow with a round grizzled beard, a black alpaca coat, and a roomy holland waistcoat round his roomy middle, who rose from a swivel chair. (p.260)

- Его провели в комнату, где он увидел старичка с лицом мопса, с окладистой седой бородкой, в черном люстриновом пиджачке и объемистом пикейном жилете на объемистом животике. Он привстал со своего стула-вертушки навстречу ему.

Linking words

Linking devices vary in three ways:

1. Position in the text.

Some linking words normally form a link between clauses WITHIN a sentence. It is bad style to start a sentence with these words:

And but so because then until such as

are examples of this type of linking word.

Another type of linking device is used to form a link BETWEEN sentences. These words must start with a capital letter and are usually immediately followed by a comma:

Furthermore, Moreover, However, Nevertheless, Therefore, In conclusion, are used in this way.

Most linking words, however, can either start a sentence or form a link between sentences. The choice is up to the writer.

2. The function of linking words

Linking devices are neither nouns, nor verbs. They provide a text with cohesion and illustrate how the parts of the text relate to each other. Here are some of the functions which linking words provide.

Adding extra information to the main point, contrasting ideas, expressing cause and effect, showing exactly when something happened (narrating), expressing purpose (why?) and opinion, listing examples, making conclusions and giving emphasis.

3. Grammatical differences

Some linking words must be followed by a clause (Subject + Verb + Object).

E.g.. while why because although so where as when

Other linking words should be followed by a noun phrase (Linking word + (the) + Noun/Pronoun or gerund)

E.g.. because of despite during in spite of

The majority of linking devices can be followed by either a noun phrase or a clause.

Here is a list of the principal linking words in English, their function and if their position is usually fixed.

Linking words

Adding and


Expressing cause / reason


as well as




What is more,

In addition,

not only.... but also

another point is that

relative clauses



whoseto whom







In spite of


On the contrary,

on the one hand

on the other hand,



but while

In contrast,





This is why

because of

Due to

Owing to

For this reason,

Expressing effect / result



such a...that




As a result,


not enough...for/to


Expressing purpose

First (of all)

At first

At the beginning

In the beginning





After that






prior to




As soon as


No sooner....than




At the end

In the end

At last

To begin with,



so as to

in order that

so that

for (Non-specific)


Expressing opinion

I would say that

In my opinion,

I think (that)

I believe (that)




Giving examples

Summing up / concluding


for example,

for instance,

For one thing,

this includes

such as e.g.. (for example)

i.e. (that is)

All in all



In conclusion,

on the whole

in the main

To sum up,




exactly because

above all



too / enough

The more....

* Avoid starting a sentence with these words.

The linking words beginning with a capital letter often start a sentence, For those without, position in a sentence is optional.

Linking word “however”

However -1) как бы ни


3) тем не менее

However can be used in the following ways:

as a way of showing how a sentence is related to what has already been said: Prices have been rising. It is unlikely, however, that this increase will continue.

as an adverb (before an adjective or adverb): However hard he tried, he could not control his feelings. (before `much' or `many'): However much they earn, they will never be satisfied. (starting a question): However did you manage to make him change his mind?

as a conjunction (joining two clauses): You can arrange the furniture however you want. ¦ However you look at it, it's an enormous problem.

However-adverb, conjunction

1) used for giving surprising information used when you are saying something that seems surprising after your previous statement, or that makes your previous statement seem less true:

The president was confident of success. His advisers were not so sure, however.

2) used for changing the subject used when you are changing the subject:

I'm delighted I could be here today. However, I didn't come here to talk about myself.

3) when the amount or degree does not make a difference used for saying that it makes no difference how good, bad, difficult etc something is or how much there is of something

however good/well/bad/badly/hard etc: She would still love him however badly he behaved.

however much/many: We're determined to have a wonderful holiday, however much it costs.

however long something takes: We are determined to solve this problem, however long it takes.

4) used for emphasizing `how' (spoken) used instead of `how' in questions for emphasizing that you think something is surprising`: The original documents got lost.' `However did that happen?'

5) in whatever way in whatever way someone chooses: We let the kids decorate their rooms however they want to.

“However” as linking word can be used in concession (indicates that the previous view is accepted with reservations).

Examples from “The White Monkey” (by John Galsworthy): “however”

They had come, however, to a policeman holding up his hand against the nose of a van horse, so that everything marked time.(p.6)

Но тут они оказались рядом с полисменом, поднявшим руку перед мордой ломовой лошади, так что еe движение разом остановилось.

Fleur, however, had established immediate contact with the architect-an element which Soames himself had never quite got over-and decided not to have more than three styles in her house: Chinese, Spanish, and her own.(p.7)

Однако Флер немедленно вошла в контакт с архитектором - сам Сомс так и не примирился с этой категорией людей - и решила, что в доме будут только три стиля: китайский, испанский и еe собственный. Комната налево от парадной двери, проходившая во всю глубину дома, была китайской: панели слоновой кости, медный пол, центральное отопление и хрустальные люстры.

His `junk,' however, was not devoid of the taste and luxury which overflows from the greater houses of England.(p.30)

Однако его "берлога" была обставлена со вкусом, с изысканностью, которая свойственна аристократическим английским семействам.

He was seldom to be found, however, in his nest, and was felt to be a rare bird, owing his rather unique position among the younger writers partly to his migratory reputation.(p.30-31)

Впрочем, его редко можно было застать в его гнезде, да и вообще его считали редкой птицей, и он занимал совершенно обособленное положение среди молодых литераторов, отчасти благодаря своей репутации постоянного бродяги.

Two more wakeful early mornings had screwed him to the pitch of bringing his doubts to a head and knowing where he stood in the matter of the P.P.R.S.; and this sudden reminder that he was spending money here, there and everywhere, when there was a possibility, however remote, of financial liability somewhere else, sharpened the edge of a nerve already stropped by misgivings.(p.44)

Ещe две бессонные ночи до того взвинтили его, что он решил больше не скрывать своих подозрений и выяснить, как обстоят дела в ОГС. И неожиданное напоминание о том, что он тратит деньги как попало, когда в будущем, пусть отдаленном, придется, чего доброго, выполнять финансовые обязательства, совершенно натянуло его и без того напряженные нервы.

Linking word “in fact”

In fact-1) фактически

2)на самом деле



5) действительно

In (actual) fact

1) used for saying what is really true, when this is surprising or different from what people think:

He was paid money for a job that did not in fact exist.

2) used when you are adding something to what you have just said, especially something surprising:

I haven't seen him for years. In fact, I can't even remember what he looks like.

“In fact” as linking word can be used to contrast smth.

Examples from “The White Monkey” (by John Galsworthy): “in fact”

“Thank you,” he said, “I have just had a bun-two, in fact. Excuse me!”(p.156)

Спасибо, - сказал он, - я только что съел пирожок, нет, даже целых два. Извините меня!

In fact, if I only knew you were interested in the future, I should make more provision. (p.160)

Вообще, если бы я видел, что вы оба больше думаете о будущем, я бы сделал ещe кое-какие распоряжения.

In fact, just like a Government, you confused the issues, and made the best case you could for yourselves.(p.173)

Словом, совершенно как правительство, путать карты и стараться выйти сухим из воды.

“H'm! Well-he-er-did his duty-quite against his interest-in fact, it's ruination for him. He seems to be married and to have two children.”(p.182)

М-м-гм. Видите ли, он... он исполнил свой долг, вопреки своим интересам, и действительно для него это - разорение. Кажется, он женат и имеет двоих детей.

Or do anything, in fact, but alter the incidence of possession a little? (p.4)

Разве они вообще могут что-нибудь сделать, кроме как переменить немного распределение собственности?

Linking word “indeed”

Indeed-1) в самом деле

2) действительно

Indeed can be used in the following ways:

as an adverb (following `very' and an adjective or another adverb):

The results were very good indeed.

as a way of showing how a sentence or phrase is related to what has already been said:

It would be difficult. Indeed it would be almost impossible.

as a sentence adverb (with an auxiliary verb or the verb `to be', to emphasize the meaning of a whole sentence or clause): It is indeed an honour to have such an important guest with us today. ¦ `Mr Benson wants to make a complaint.' `Does he, indeed?'

1) used for emphasizing the meaning of `very':

Thank you very much indeed.

2) (formal) used for adding a statement that supports and increases the effect of what you have just said:

Brendel is certainly a fine musician. Indeed, I regard him as one of the greatest pianists of our time.

3) (formal) used for emphasis in statements, questions, and short answers:

`Do you remember Miss Hawkings?' `I do indeed.

4)(formal) used for emphasizing that something is true when there is some doubt about it:

It was later proved that three of the pictures were indeed genuine Rembrandts.

5) (spoken) used for showing that you are surprised or annoyed by what someone has told you:

`He says he's too busy to see you now.' `Does he, indeed?'

“Indeed” as linking word can be used in reinforcement (includes confirmation).

Examples from “The White Monkey” (by John Galsworthy): “indeed”

Ting-a-ling came, indeed, but only because he couldn't go, bristling and snuffling and turning his head back.(p.36)

И Тинг-а-Линг пошел: вырваться все равно было нельзя; но он все время оборачивался, фыркая и скаля зубы.

Indeed, only that tendency, inherited from his father, James, to lie awake between the hours of two and four, when the chrysalis of faint misgiving becomes so readily the butterfly of panic, had developed his uneasiness. (p.40)

И в самом деле, только привычка, унаследованная Сомсом от своего отца Джемса, - привычка лежать без сна между двумя и четырьмя часами ночи, когда из кокона смутного опасения так легко вылетает бабочка страха, - заставляла его беспокоиться.

She knew she was not playing the game according to `La Garconne' and Amabel Nazing; that, indeed, she was in danger of going away without having added to her sensations.(p.67)

Она знала, что ведет себя не так, как "La garconne" ["Холостячка" В. Маргерита] или Эмебел Нэйзинг; что ей даже угрожает опасность уйти, ничего не прибавив к своим "переживаниям".

Nesta Gorse, indeed, had once attended, but one legal and two literary politicos who had been in contact with her, had complained of it afterwards.(p.68)

Правда, Неста Горз раз попала к Элисон, но один юрист и два литератора-политика, которые с ней там познакомились, впоследствии на неe жаловались.

Bicket became full of air. And the girl, his wife, watched with her large eyes and spoke little; but she did not cry again, or, indeed, throw any water, warm or cold, on him who sold balloons.(p.89)

Бикет вдохновлялся все больше и больше. А маленькая его жена смотрела на него своими огромными глазами и молчала. Но плакать она перестала: ни слезами, ни упреками она не стала охлаждать пыл бедного продавца возду

Linking word “besides”

Besides-кроме того

Besides can be used in the following ways:

as a preposition (followed by a noun): Did you talk to anyone else besides Joan?

as an adverb (without a following noun): I've read all the books on the list and a few others besides.

as a way of starting a new statement and connecting it to the previous statement: I don't want to go shopping. Besides, I haven't got any money.

1) in addition to someone or something else that is being mentioned:

A lot of them are studying other things besides Italian.

2) used when you are adding another stronger reason to support what you are saying:

It's too late to invite any more people. Besides, you know how Tim hates parties.

“Besides” as linking word can be used in the following ways:

1)Concession (indicates that the previous view is accepted with reservations).

2) Reinforcement (includes confirmation).

Examples from “The White Monkey” (by John Galsworthy): “besides”

Besides, she saw as little of them as she could-they dated, belonged to the dramatic period, had no sense of life without beginning or end.(p.12-13)

Кроме того, она старалась встречаться с ними как можно реже. Они устарели, были слишком связаны с грустными воспоминаниями, они не умели воспринимать жизнь без начала и конца.

They felt, besides, that Solstis, an Englishman of Russo-Dutch extraction, was one of those who were restoring English music, giving to it a wide and spacious freedom from melody and rhythm, while investing it with literary and mathematical charms.(p.18)

Кроме того, они чувствовали, что Солстис, англичанин русско-голландского происхождения, - один из тех, кто возрождает английскую музыку, великодушно освобождая еe от мелодии и ритма и щедро наделяя литературными и математическими достоинствами.

Besides, he had done things in the war, was a son of Lord Mullyon, would get the Mercer Prize probably, for `Copper Coin.'(p.20)

Кроме того, он выдвинулся на войне, был сыном лорда Мэллиона, вероятно, получит Мерсеровскую премию за "Медяки".

Besides, since Friday I've been thinking. I want nothing, Fleur, except a blessing and your hand. (p.33)

А кроме того, я все время с пятницы думаю об этом. Мне ничего не надо, Флер, - только благословите меня и дайте мне руку.

Besides, Wilfrid was going through torture, and it was not a pleasant thought! (p.101)

Кроме того, Уилфрид мучается - тоже не очень приятно думать об этом.

Linking word “after all”

After all-1) в конце-концов

2) После того, как

After all is used in the following ways:

1)used for saying that something is true despite what was said or planned before: Maybe she was right after all.I'm sorry, but we've decided not to come after all.

2)used when giving a reason to explain what you have just said: She shouldn't be working so hard - she is 70, after all.

As linking word “after all” can be used in concession (indicates that the previous view is accepted with reservations).

Examples from “The White Monkey” (by John Galsworthy): “after all”

Going too far-perhaps-if he intended to remain on the Board-and he had no wish to resign-after all, it was a big thing, and a thousand a year!(p.49)

Пожалуй, не стоит заходить слишком далеко, раз он собирается остаться в правлении; а желания уйти у него нет - в конце концов это прекрасное место - и тысяча в год!

After all, the little chap was-was on the side of Capital, had invested in those balloons!(p.87)

И ведь в конце концов этот бедняга тоже стоит...ну, на стороне капитала, тоже вложил сбережения в эти шарики!

The feeling, that not enough women were passing him here, became less poignant-after all, women knew the value of money, no extra shillings out of them! (p.87)

Сожаление, что мимо проходит мало женщин, значительно ослабело - в конце концов женщины знают цену деньгам, из них лишнего шиллинга не вытянешь!

His reflections sum-totalled in a decision to talk it over with `old Mont' after all. (p.171-172)

В конце концов он пришел к решению переговорить со "Старым Монтом".

After all, the ancients-like Old Forsyte, and his father in a very different way-had an anchor down.(p.230)

В конце концов люди пожилые, вроде его отца и "Старого Форсайта", правда, по-разному, но все же имеют какую-то опору.

Used literature

1. Macmillan English Dictionary For advanced Learners (New edition), 2011.

2. “The White Monkey”, John Galsworthy, 1953.

3. Oxford Russian Dictionary, 2006.

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