Economic bases of innovative activity in public health services
Theoretical bases of the economic and legal substantiation of realization of innovative activity. The technique of the estimation of the innovative project in public health services. Personnel management in scientific organizations, and life safety.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.06.2010 |
Размер файла | 70,4 K |
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The conclusion
So, the innovative project considered in the present degree research consists in the organisation of manufacture and sale of the diagnostic device? The biotest?, for a finding points, carrying out the express train of diagnostics of a condition of a human body by results of measurements of parametres of biologically active points, testings of preparations and therapy according to R.Follja's technique. The Scope? The diagnostic device of the doctor of the therapist, the homeopathist, the anaesthesiologist, etc. Novelty of the project (innovation, an innovation) consists what release of the product, analogue not having to in Russia, abroad is supposed? The device very cheap and reliable. Besides questions theoretical (economic and legal) the bases of innovative activity, questions of management the personnel in the scientific organisations and safety issues of ability to live, the central part of the present degree work was:? Working out of own model of an estimation of efficiency of the innovative project;? The comparative description of two techniques (traditional and offered) estimations of efficiency of the innovative project;? Carrying out of an estimation of efficiency of the innovative project of manufacture of the device? The biotest? By both techniques;? Comparison of results of an estimation of efficiency of the project by both techniques. We will short formulate conclusions on these positions. Existing (standard, classical) the technique of an estimation of efficiency of the innovative project includes: 1. Calculation of factor of the pure resulted cost (NPV); 2. Calculation of an index of profitability of investments (PI); 3. Calculation of internal rate of return or norm of profitability of the investment (IRR); 4. Decision-making on project realisation. The Offered model of an estimation of efficiency of the innovative project will include: 1. An estimation of competitive advantages of the goods (service) offered by the considered project; 2. Estimation of a market capacity of sale on which the considered project, including as the basic indicator the sales volume forecast is focused; 3. Calculation of the capacity necessary for realisation of the project, and its comparison to a predicted sales volume; 4. Calculation of the project of volume of investments necessary for realisation; 5. Calculation? Break-even points?, i.e. critical for a recoupment of the project of volume of output; 6. Summarising calculation of the basic indicators of the project, such as profit (total and pure); profitability of production; profitability of funds; the full cost price; labour input; the predicted price for production; a critical sales volume and release; efficiency of capital investments; a time of recovery of outlay; a stock of financial durability; 7. Decision-making on realisation (or to a deviation) the project. How it has been noted in degree work, the standard model is less labour-consuming in the application? In it, undoubtedly, there is an advantage of standard model before offered model. However, the basic difference between standard and offered models what the offered model gives more information on the concrete project? And in it the big advantage of offered model before the standard. For example, the standard model of an estimation of efficiency of the project cannot answer on a question, in what volume it is necessary to make production that the project was profitable? The standard model uses this indicator, but does not count it whereas the offered model at first counts it, and then uses. So, both those and other models can tell that, for example, as a result of three years of realisation the project will be profitable whereas the offered technique can tell that the project will pay off in 7 months. The offered model also has one essential lack? All basic indicators pay off on the basis of the sales volume forecast. But it is the forecast, obviously, can be only approximate. Hence, all basic indicators of offered model will be approximate. We will describe results of application of these models to an estimation of efficiency of the concrete innovative project. 1. On the importance for an estimation of efficiency of the project in two considered models are comparable factor of the pure resulted cost (NPV) from standard model and an indicator of net profit plus size of initial investments. That is in standard model an indicator
Whereas in offered model a similar indicator 2209 + 14011 = 16220 c.u., where 2209 c.u.? Profit at the disposal of the organisation (a difference between net profit and returned investments). A difference in the sum here that the offered model in calculations uses the predicted size of a sales volume. It is the forecast becomes on the basis of linear approximation which, as it is known, yields approximate results. It is necessary to notice, what the divergence of values of these factors makes all .
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