- 481. My working day
Description of the mode of the schoolboy's day: wakeup time and bedtime, personal care, breakfast, lunch, dinner, going to school and playing with friends, personal time for relaxation and conversation with friends on the phone. Child domestic duties.
History of the origin and development of Marxism, especially its development under the influence of the K. Marx, Fr. Engels, R. Luxemburg, V. Lenin, L. Trotsky, and many other lesser-known thinkers. Analysis of the relationship of Marxism and feminism.
- 483. Nanotechnologies
Our modern technologOur modern technology builds on an ancient tradition. Molecular technology today, disassemblers. Existing protein machines. Designing with Protein. Second generation nanotechnology. Assemblers will bring one breakthrough of obvious and
Napoleon Bonaparte is a great political and public figure of France, short essay of his life and becoming. Achievements of Bonaparte and his place are in history. War with Russia and her results and basics reasons of defeat of the French troops of war.
Distribution and characteristics of the national dishes of Ukraine in the daily menu farmer: stuffed vareniks, red borsch, porridge and bender. Recipes and cooking technology Sunday, Christian, holidays, and traditional meatless dishes in the country.
Description the National Health Service (NHS) in Great Britain: the first is the hospital services, the second is the medical practice services and the third is public health. Free services and contributory services. The good and weak points of the NHS.
Geographical position of The United States of America. Distribution of the National parks. History of the National Parks in the country. Major and Minor parks. Tourist trades and campings. The Grand Canyon is awe inspiring and the Grand Canyon KOA.
The development of American English pronunciation. English changes in which most North American dialects do not participate. Eastern and Southern American English. Australian speech as a subject to debate. Long and short vowels. Canadian pronunciation.
The concept, types and importance of enterprise infrastructure. Provided producing technologically-advanced enterprise infrastructure. Problems of infrastructure in enterprises of Ukraine. Reproduction and development of enterprise infrastructure.
Studying the appearance of neologisms during the Renaissance, semantic features of neologisms in modern English, the types of neologisms, their division by their structure. Analysis sociolinguistic aspects of mathematical education based on neologisms.
- 491. Netlinguistics
Concept of Contractions: acronyms, initialisms. Internet Slang. Sociolinguistics, its role in contractions. Lexicology - a Branch of Linguistics. Comparison. Contraction Methods. Formal Writing Rules. Formal or Informal Writing. Concept of Netlinguistics.
- 492. New York city
New York is the largest city in the U.S. History of formation of city. The Big Apple is the second name in New York. The city's population. The Fifth Avenue is a street in downtown Manhattan. Staten Island Ferry. A feature of the New York subway.
- 493. New Zealand
Some information about english speaking countries: Canada, USA, Australia. The history of country, geographic position, climate, landscapes and islands, unique flora and fauna of New Zealand. Its political structure, dominant cultural groups and economy.
- 494. Nicole Kidman
Biography. Kidman was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. She lived in the United States until she was four, when her family moved to Australia. Kidman's most professionally successful year was 2001.
- 495. Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla - an inventor, mechanical and electrical engineer, which works helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution. Early years, education. Work as an engineer for the Continental Edison Company. Schumann resonance. Directed-energy weapon.
Forms and methods of non-price competition: the introduction of new products, sales promotion, advertising and public relations. The role of advertising in shaping consumer product demand. Functions of advertising as a key element of the market economy.
- 497. North Carolina
North Carolina: map, state flag, seal. The Dogwood as state flower. Humid, subtropical climate of the state. Top industries in North Carolina in 2000 year. Famouthe North Carolinians: Dolley Payne Madison, Thomas Clayton Wolfe. Cherokee Beer Zoo.
Features of Northern English dialects in old and modern English periods. Characteristic of Yorkshire and Northumberland dialects. A dialect as a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area and has its own words, grammar and pronunciation.
Diversity of dialects of the Old English period. Analysis of dialectal words of Northern English in the modern language. Differences between dialects and Standard language; investigation of differences between their grammar, pronunciation and spelling.
Objet d'etude de la lexicologie. Les aspects synchronique et diachronique desetudes lexicologiques. Le vocabulaire en tant que systeme. Le mot - unitefondamentale de la langue. Caracteristique phonetique des mots en francais moderne. L'identite du mot.
The problems as definition of nouns, main features of English nouns, their grammatical categories. Semantical characteristics of nouns and the category of number of english nouns. The lexicon-grammatical meaning of a class or of a subclass of words.
- 502. Nouns
Definition. Categories of Nouns. Forms of Nouns. Assaying for Noun. Collective Nouns, Company Names, Family Names, Sports Teams. Plural noun forms. Plural compound nouns. Special cases. Plurals and apostrophes. Singular subjecst, plural predicates.
- 503. Nouns
The discovery of nouns. Introduction. Classification of nouns in English. Nouns and pronouns. Semantic vs. grammatical number. Number in specific languages. Obligatoriness of number marking. Number agreement. Types of number.
General Fund Deposit Guarantee. Terms of Guarantee Fund of physical persons in Ukraine. Tasks and supervisory functions guarantee fund individuals - depositors of Commercial Banks. Feasibility of new surveillance powers of the Fund Deposit Guarantee.
New Comers. A World Of books. Australia. Collecting Coins and Sports. Collecting Stamps and Sports. English-Speaking Countries. Feeling Good At School. Immigration to Australia. Improving Language Skills. Inviting a Friend.
- 506. Office interior
The office as a place for work and creation of modern office. The cabinet of the head, general interior, the furniture. Decorating a home office space with technical equipment and efficient storage space. Location in the house where the office must be.
Wedding traditions, ceremony in Great Britain and the USA. Similarities and differences between British, American and Russian wedding, British and American ceremonies and find out what parts of ceremonies are going from long-ago and what is new in them.
- 508. Olympic Games
The history of the Olympic Games. Summer Olympic Sports. Olympic Games in Ancient Greece ware a great athletic festival including many different kinds of sports. The motto of the Olympic Games. 5 interlaced rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games.
Major methodological problem in the study of political parties is their classification (typology). A practical value of modern political science. Three Russian blocs, that was allocated software-political: conservative, liberal and socialist parties.
Potential investor - Coffee Day Holdings. Characterization of the investment object. General characteristics of the country's investment. Business conditions in the UK and promising markets. The factors that provide competitive advantages to firms.