Особливості ранньої неонатальної адаптації, обміну вітаміну D3 і кальцієвого гомеостазу у новонароджених при хронічному пієлонефриті у матері

Медична допомога новонародженим, які народились у жінок з хронічним пієлонефритом, на підставі вивчення клінічних проявів порушень адаптації, стану кальцієвого обміну, забезпеченості вітаміном D3, функціонального стану серцево-судинної і нервової систем.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 04.04.2009
Размер файла 41,5 K

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Ключевые слова: новорожденные, адаптация, витамин D3, кальциевый гомеостаз.


Bondarenko N.Y. Peculiarities of the early neonatal adaptation, vitamin D3 metabolism and calcium homeostasis in newborns from mothers with chronic pielonephritis (clinical and experimental study).- Manuscript.

Thesis for the obtaining the degree of the candidate of medical sciences by specialty 14.01.10 - “Pediatrics”. National Medical Academy named after O.O.Bogomolets Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2008.

The disorders of the early neonatal adaptation were revealed in 58 % newborns from mothers with chronic pielonephritis. In these newborns more often, than in neonates from healthy mothers, were stated the disorders of central and periphery hemodynamics, the signs of cerebral and other organs hypoxia took place. The hypocalcaemia and insufficient supplement of the vitamin D3 was presented in pregnant with chronic pielonephritis at the end of the gestation, the vitamin D3 and calcium deficiency although were stated in their newborns. It was showed, that in experimental kidneys insufficiency the levels of the vitamin D3 metabolites, total calcium and non-organic phosphorus decreased in the blood samples of pregnant rats, their fetuses and newborn rats.

It was created the background for the utilization of the vitamin D3 during the antenatal period, it was proved the efficacy of the prescription of the preparations of the metabolic activity (vitamins of group B, by the indications - mildronat) for the newborns from mothers with chronic pielonephritis. This treatment promoted the health state of their health and period of early neonatal adaptation.

Key words: newborns, adaptation, vitamin D3, calcium homeostasis.

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