Use of context approach in the foreign language teaching in the senior grades
Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.06.2016 |
Размер файла | 574,3 K |
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Teachers have to be creative and plan interesting lessons instead of having fixed textbook activities that have no relation with real life and that are not going to be useful to students. Teacher attitudes toward the students, as well as the physical environment where students learn have an important relation to the motivation students demonstrate toward the subject. It is important to take into account the suggestions students give because they are the most important part of the learning process so they are the ones that know what they need and want to learn.
Context approach as a concept that helps the teachers and students relate the meaning through prior and new knowledge to get new understanding. So, it is an expectation that the approach can give benefits for teacher and students in teaching learning process. According to Elaine B. Johnson, Context approach motivates the learner to take a charge of their own learning and to relate between knowledge and its application to the various contexts of their lives [1,34]. The other benefits are it can produce the process of learning more meaningful because the students can enjoy their own learning by doing the practical activity. The last benefit is it can strengthen students' memory and understanding of the concept because the students are learning through the material that has taken from their experience and new knowledge. In other words, they relate their prior and new knowledge to get new understanding. So, they will easily remember, recall, and comprehending the material.
Building upon this understanding, contextual learning theory focuses on the multiple aspects of any learning environment, whether a classroom, a worksite, or a wheat field. It encourages educators to choose and/or design learning environments that incorporate as many different forms of experience as possible-social, cultural, physical, and psychological-in working toward the desired learning outcomes.
It has five components comprising constructivism, inquiry, questioning, learning community, modelling, reflection and authentic assessment and based on three basic principles as principles of interdependence, the principles of differentiation, and the principles of self-regulation.
Various scientists defined different strategies used in Context approach. Jonson delivers six strategies of Context approach in teaching English language. They are problem based, using multiple contexts, drawing upon student diversity, supporting self-regulated learning, using interdependent learning groups, employing authentic assessment.
The present study was administered to investigate the advantages of using Context approach in teaching writing, especially recount text and the way the approach improves the ninth grade students' writing ability. The data in this study were obtained through observations, students' interviews and written documents. It was found that this approach was beneficial for the students in learning writing. It was proven from the teaching strategies used in the classroom that are based on contextual teaching theory. These teaching strategies are relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating and transferring. In addition, authentic material was also used to assess the students' writing.
There were some benefits of using Context approach in writing class: (1) engaging students in writing activity; (2) increasing students' motivation to participate actively in the writing class; (3) helping students to construct their writing; (4) helping students to solve their problems; (5) providing ways for students to discuss or interact with their friends; (6) helping the students to summarize and reflect the lesson.
In addition, the use of Context approach in a writing class was responded to positively by the students. This contention is proved by the students' writing improvement through two tests' results. Three of eleven students scored in the proficient range on the pre-test, eight students had a proficient score on the first post-test and nine - on the second post test. The overall mean score on the pre-test was 4.72; on the first post-test the mean score was 6, the second post-test's mean score was 6,4. There was a significant difference between the mean scores on the pre-test and two post-tests; therefore, the hypothesis that Context approach would improve the writing skills of students was supported.
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