Методика навчання аудіювання на початковому ступені ЗОШ
Психологічні особливості молодших школярів. Характеристика аудіювання як виду мовленнєвої діяльності. Система вправ для навчання аудіювання школярів з урахуванням послідовності становлення мовних умінь і навичок в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 10.03.2013 |
Размер файла | 1,4 M |
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
На початковому ступені навчання іноземної мови основним шляхом формування важливих базових навичок і вмінь аудіювання є постійне, регулярне та цілеспрямоване тренування усіх компонентів цієї діяльності за рахунок виконання великої кількості комунікативно-спрямованих вправ. Використання інтерактивних форм та прийомів роботи у процесі багаторазового сприймання іншомовних звуків, слів та фраз послідовно формує зазначені механізми та вміння аудіювання; викарбовує в пам'яті акустичні образи фраз, збільшує обсяг оперативної вербальної пам'яті, позитивно впливає на здатність до оперативного запам'ятовування, прискорює діяльність артикуляційного апарату, формує механізми ймовірного прогнозування.
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I am a Bunny
Listen to the Bunny's story and say what Bunny likes to do in spring, summer, autumn and winter.
I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a forest. My house is a hollow tree. In spring I like to listen to bird's songs. They sing so merrily!
In summer I like to pick up some flowers. They look so nice!
In autumn I like to watch the leaves. They fall down from the trees so sadly…
In winter I like to watch the snow. It falls down from the sky beautifully. Then I go to bed in my hollow tree and dream about spring.
a bunny
a hollow tree
to fall down
to dream
1. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). My name is Nicholas. / Nicholas is my name.
2). My house is a hollow tree. / A hollow tree is a house.
3). In spring I like to listen to bird's songs. / I like listen songs in spring
4). In winter I like to watch the snow. / I like to watch the snow in winter.
2. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). My house is a hollow tree.
2). They sing so merrily!
3). They fall down from the trees so sadly…
4). It falls down from the sky beautifully.
3. Listen to the different words and choose which doesn't correspond to the text you've just listened to:
1). Bunny, dog, hollow tree, flowers.
2). Birds, songs, flowers, game, snow, leaves.
4. Listen to the text and give the title.
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). In autumn I like to watch the leaves.
2). My house is a hollow tree.
3). They fall down from the trees so sadly…
4). In summer I like to pick up some flowers.
5). In spring I like to listen to bird's songs. They sing so merrily!
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
Miss Week's story
Listen to Miss Week's story and say what she does on different days of the week.
I am Miss Week. I have 7 days. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I like my days very much. On Saturdays and Sundays I do not work. I read books, watch TV, and go to the park or to the forest, or to the cinema. I ski and skate in winter, play ball and gather snow drops in spring, run and jump in summer, gather berries and mushrooms in autumn. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I work. I go to hospitals, schools, factories and farms. I help doctors, workers, teachers, sailors, farmers. I build new houses, bake tasty bread, and make nice coats and dresses. I think I am a good worker. I help you to learn English, Russian, and Maths. I read and write with you, sing songs and recite poems. I like our work.
to gather
snow drops
to recite
1. Listen to the pairs of words and repeat after the speaker:
Sunday ? Monday
Tuesday ? Thursday
Saturday ? Sunday
Sing ? song
Ski ? skate
2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. / They are Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
2). On Saturdays and Sundays I do not work. / I do not work on Sundays and Saturdays.
3). On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I work. / I do not work on Sundays and Saturdays.
4). I think I am a good worker. / I am a good worker I think.
3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). I ski and skate in winter, play ball and gather snow drops in spring, run and jump in summer, gather berries and mushrooms in autumn.
2). I build new houses, bake tasty bread, and make nice coats and dresses.
3). I read and write with you, sing songs and recite poems.
4. Listen to the different words and choose which doesn't correspond to the text you're just listen to:
1). Week, days, Monday, word.
2). Read, watch, skate, ski, pen.
3). Hospital, berries, mushrooms, snow drops.
5. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). I read books, watch TV, and go to the park or to the forest, or to the cinema. 2). I ski and skate in winter, play ball and gather snow drops in spring, run and jump in summer, gather berries and mushrooms in autumn.
3). I build new houses, bake tasty bread, and make nice coats and dresses.
4). I read and write with you, sing songs and recite poems.
6. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
I am Miss Week. I have 7 days. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I like my days very much. On Saturdays and Sundays I do not work.
7. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). On Saturdays and Sundays I do not work.
2). I like my days very much.
3). I am Miss Week.
4). They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
8. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
9. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
10. Listen to the text and give the title:
Peter's Story
Listen to Peter's story and say how Peter did his homework yesterday.
This is a boy. His name is Peter. He is 9. And he goes to school. Yesterday he had 4 lessons. He came home from school and sat at the table to do his homework. The doorbell rang and his friend Bob came to see him. They played games, watched TV and read books. Then the telephone rang and Peter talked with Mary, his school friend. Later they met in the street and went to the park. In the evening Peter sat at the table but soon he fell asleep.
a doorbell
to ring
to fall asleep
1. Listen to the pairs of words and repeat after the speaker:
1). This ? his.
2). Bell ? fell.
3). Had ? set.
4). Read ? rang.
2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). This is a boy. / He is a boy.
2). He came home from school and sat at the table to do his homework. / He sat at the table to do his homework when he came home from school.
3). In the evening Peter sat at the table but soon he fell asleep. / Peter fell asleep at the table in the evening.
3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). He came home from school and sat at the table to do his homework.
2). The doorbell rang and his friend Bob came to see him.
3). Then the telephone rang and Peter talked with Mary, his school friend.
4). In the evening Peter sat at the table but soon he fell asleep.
4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). He came home from school and sat at the table to do his homework.
2). Then the telephone rang and Peter talked with Mary, his school friend.
3). Later they met in the street and went to the park.
4). In the evening Peter sat at the table but soon he fell asleep.
5. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
This is a boy. His name is Peter. He is 9. And he goes to school. Yesterday he had 4 lessons. He came home from school and sat at the table to do his homework. The doorbell rang and his friend Bob came to see him….
6. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). Later they met in the street and went to the park.
2). He came home from school and sat at the table to do his homework.
3). Then the telephone rang and Peter talked with Mary, his school friend.
4). Yesterday he had 4 lessons.
5). His name is Peter.
6). And he goes to school.
8. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
9. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
10. Listen to the text and give the title:
It Doesn't Matter
Listen to the story and say what Betsy wanted to write.
Betsy is a little girl. She is only five. She doesn't know how to read and write. But her sister Mary is a schoolgirl. She is ten.
One day Mary sees her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and a big white sheet of paper in front of her.
“What are you doing?” Mary asks her sister.
“I am writing a letter to my friend Kitty,” says Betsy. “But you don't know how to write,” says her sister.
“Well,” she says, “it doesn't matter, because Kitty doesn't know how to read.”
it doesn't matter ? це не має значення
only ? лише
doesn't know ? не вміє
sheet of paper ? аркуш паперу
in front of her ? перед нею
What are you doing? ? Що ти робиш?
I am writing ? Я пишу
1. Answer the following questions:
1). Why can't Betsy read and write?
2).What does Mary see on day?
3). Whom is Betsy writing a letter?
4). What does Betsy answer to her sister?
2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). Betsy is a little girl. / Mary is a little girl.
2). But her sister Mary is a schoolgirl. / Her sister Mary is a schoolgirl.
3). One day Mary sees her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and a big white sheet of paper in front of her.
3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). She doesn't know how to read and write.
2). One day Mary sees her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and a big white sheet of paper in front of her.
3).“Well,” she says, “it doesn't matter, because Kitty doesn't know how to read.”
4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). One day Mary sees her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and a big white sheet of paper in front of her.
2). “But you don't know how to write,” says her sister.
3).“Well,” she says, “it doesn't matter, because Kitty doesn't know how to read.”
5. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
Betsy is a little girl. She is only five. She doesn't know how to read and write. But her sister Mary is a schoolgirl. She is ten.
One day Mary sees her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and a big white sheet of paper in front of her.
7. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). One day Mary sees her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and a big white sheet of paper in front of her.
2). Betsy is a little girl.
3). She doesn't know how to read and write. But her sister Mary is a schoolgirl.
4). She is ten.
5). “I am writing a letter to my friend Kitty,” says Betsy. “But you don't know how to write,” says her sister.
8. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
9. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
10. Listen to the text and give the title:
Spot and the Chickens
Listen to the story about Frisk and Tom and say why Spot doesn't want to play with chickens any more.
Spot is a little dog. He is black and white. He lives in a little doghouse. Spot likes to play. He wants to have somebody to play with.
He sees three little yellow chickens. He wants to play with the chickens. Spot runs after the chickens. The chickens run away from Spot and say, “Peep, peep, peep…”
Spot runs and jumps, but the chickens don't want to play with Spot. They say, “Peep, peep, peep…”
Mother Hen sees Spot. She runs up to Spot and pecks him on his black nose. Little Spot says, “Bow, wow-ow…!”
Now Spot doesn't want to play with the chickens.
Doghouse ? конура
somebody ? кто-нибудь
away from ? от
peck ? клевать
1. Chose which sentences are right:
Spot is brown.
Spot is gray.
Spot is black and white.
Spot wants to play with the kittens.
Spot wants to play with the chickens.
Spot wants to play with the puppies.
The chickens want to play with a cat.
The chickens want to play with Spot.
The chickens don't want to play with Spot.
Mother Hen plays with Spot.
Mother Hen doesn't peck Spot on his nose.
Mother Hen pecks Spot on his nose.
2. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). He wants to have somebody to play with.
2). Spot runs and jumps, but the chickens don't want to play with Spot.
3). She runs up to Spot and pecks him on his black nose.
3. Listen to the different words and choose which doesn't correspond to the text you're just listen to:
1. Dog, chicken, hen, cow.
2). Yellow, black, white, pink.
4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). The chickens run away from Spot and say, “Peep, peep, peep…”
2). Spot runs and jumps, but the chickens don't want to play with Spot.
3). She runs up to Spot and pecks him on his black nose.
4). Now Spot doesn't want to play with the chickens.
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). She runs up to Spot and pecks him on his black nose.
2). The chickens run away from Spot and say, “Peep, peep, peep…”
3). Spot runs and jumps, but the chickens don't want to play with Spot.
4). He wants to have somebody to play with.
5). Now Spot doesn't want to play with the chickens.
6). Mother Hen sees Spot.
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
8. Listen to the text and give the title:
A Football Match
Listen to the story and say what Tommy wrote about football match.
At the English lesson the teacher goes to the blackboard, takes a piece of chalk and writes, “The last football match.” Then the teacher says, “Open your exercise-books, take your pens and write a composition on the topic “The last football match.”
All the pupils begin to write. One boy writes a few words, closes his exercise-book and raises his hand. “Well, Tommy, why don't you write? Show me your exercise-book. I want to see your composition,” says the teacher. “Here it is,” says Tommy and gives teacher his exercise-book.
The teacher takes the exercise-book and reads: “Rain, no game.”
a football-match ? футбольний матч
a piece of chalk ? шматок крейди
a few words ? кілька слів
closes ? закриває
here it is ? ось
rain no game ? йшов дощ, гри не було
1. Answer the following questions:
What does the teacher tell pupils to do?
What does Tommy write in his exercise-book?
2. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1. Open your exercise-books, take your pens and write a composition on the topic “The last football match.”
2. One boy writes a few words, closes his exercise-book and raises his hand.
3. “I want to see your composition,” says the teacher.
4. “Here it is,” says Tommy and gives teacher his exercise-book.
5. The teacher takes the exercise-book and reads: “Rain, no game.”
3. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1. At the English lesson the teacher goes to the blackboard, takes a piece of chalk and writes, “The last football match.”
2. “Well, Tommy, why don't you write? Show me your exercise-book. I want to see your composition,” says the teacher.
3. The teacher takes the exercise-book and reads: “Rain, no game.”
4. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
At the English lesson the teacher goes to the blackboard, takes a piece of chalk and writes, “The last football match.” Then the teacher says, “Open your exercise-books, take your pens and write a composition on the topic “The last football match.”
All the pupils begin to write…..
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). Then the teacher says, “Open your exercise-books, take your pens and write a composition on the topic “The last football match.”
2). All the pupils begin to write.
3). At the English lesson the teacher goes to the blackboard, takes a piece of chalk and writes, “The last football match.”
4). “Well, Tommy, why don't you write? Show me your exercise-book.
5). One boy writes a few words, closes his exercise-book and raises his hand.
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
8. Listen to the text and give the title:
Frisk and Tom
Listen to the story and say why Tom was proud of his dog.
Frisk is a young dog. He is light brown. He has no dog-house, he has no bed. He has only one friend. His friend is little Tom. Tom is a schoolboy. He goes to school every day.
Every morning Frisk sees Tom. Frisk is happy when he sees Tom. He says, "Bow, wow, bow, wow."
And Tom says, "Good morning, Frisk."
One morning Tom's book falls out of his bag. Frisk sees it and runs to take it.
He takes the book and gives it to Tom. Tom is very happy. He likes his dog very much. He is proud of his dog.
He says, "Oh, Frisk, you are a very good dog. Come with me, I have a good dog-house for you."
Frisk is very, very happy. He jumps and jumps near Tom, and says, "Bow, wow, wow, bow, wow, wow!"
A dog-house
To fall out
To be proud
1. Listen to the pairs of words and repeat after the speaker:
1). Bow ? wow.
2). Wow ? wow.
3). Wow ? bow.
2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). Frisk is a young dog. / Tom is a young dog.
2). He has no dog-house, he has no bed. / He has no bed, he has no dog-house.
3). He goes to school every day. / Every day he goes to school.
4). He likes his dog very much. / His dog likes him very much.
5). Oh, Frisk, you are a very good dog. / Oh, you are a very good dog Frisk.
3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). He is light brown.
2). He has no dog-house, he has no bed.
3). Tom is a schoolboy.
4). One morning Tom's book falls out of his bag.
5). He is proud of his dog.
4. Listen to the different words and choose which doesn't correspond to the text you're just listen to:
1). A dog, a mouse, a dog-house, a schoolboy.
2). Tom, friend, brown, bow-bow.
3). Jumps, runs, falls down, rains.
5. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). One morning Tom's book falls out of his bag.
2). He says, "Oh, Frisk, you are a very good dog.”
3). He jumps and jumps near Tom, and says, "Bow, wow, wow, bow, wow, wow!"
6. Listen two identical parts of the story and find what is different:
1). One morning Tom's book falls out of his bag. Frisk sees it and runs to take it. He takes the book and gives it to Tom.
2). One morning Tom falls out of his bag. Frisk sees it and runs to take it. He takes the book and gives it to Tom.
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). Frisk sees it and runs to take it.
2). One morning Tom's book falls out of his bag. Frisk sees it and runs to take it.
3). He takes the book and gives it to Tom.
4). He jumps and jumps near Tom, and says, "Bow, wow, wow, bow, wow, wow!"
5). He takes the book and gives it to Tom.
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
8. Listen to the text and give the title:
The Gnome's Story
Listen to the gnome's story and say what he did on Sunday.
I am gnome Did. I have 6 brothers. Their names are What, When, Who, Where, Why and How. We live in a small house in the forest. Every day we do morning exercises and go to work. We like to ask and answer questions very much. Yesterday was Sunday. My brothers left me at home. I played with my dog Rex. We ran and jumped. I caught Rex and Rex caught me. Then I cooked soup and baked a big cake. Then the door opened and I saw a beautiful lady. Three boys were with her: September, October and November. The lady smiled, came to me and gave me a big red apple. It was like magic.
A soup
To bake
1. Listen to the pairs of words and repeat after the speaker:
1). What ? when.
2). Who ? where.
3). Why ? how.
2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). We live in a small house in the forest. / We live in the forest in a small house.
2). Every day we do morning exercises and go to work. / Every day I do morning exercises and go to work.
3). We like to ask and answer questions very much. / We like answer questions very much.
3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). Their names are What, When, Who, Where, Why and How.
2). Every day we do morning exercises and go to work.
3). The lady smiled, came to me and gave me a big red apple.
4). It was like magic.
4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). Then the door opened and I saw a beautiful lady.
2). Three boys were with her: September, October and November.
3). The lady smiled, came to me and gave me a big red apple.
5. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
I am gnome Did. I have 6 brothers. Their names are What, When, Who, Where, Why and How. We live in a small house in the forest. Every day we do morning exercises and go to work. We like to ask and answer questions very much. Yesterday was Sunday. My brothers left me at home….
6. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). We like to ask and answer questions very much.
2).Their names are What, When, Who, Where, Why and How.
3).I am gnome Did.
4). We live in a small house in the forest.
5). Every day we do morning exercises and go to work.
6). I have 6 brothers.
7. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
8. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
9. Listen to the text and give the title:
A cat wants to have a friend
Listen to the story and say who cat's friend was.
A cat wants to have a friend. It looks at everyone who passes by. Everyone who passes by asks, "Little cat! Little cat! What do you want?"
And the little cat says, "I want to have a friend."
A dog passes by and says, "Do you want me?"
"Sing me a song," says the cat.
"Bow, wow, wow," says the dog. "I don't like your song," says the cat. "I don't want to be your friend."
A hen passes by and says, "Little cat! Little cat! Do you want me?"
"Sing me a song," says the cat.
"Cluck, cluck," says the hen.
"I don't like your song," says the cat. "I don't want to be your friend."
Then a mouse passes by and says, "Little cat! Little cat! Do you want me?"
"Sing me a song," says the cat.
"Ziu, ziu," says the mouse. "Oh! I like your song," says the cat. "Let us be friends."
"Yes, yes," says the little mouse, "Let's be friends."
What a funny little mouse! It wants to play with the cat!
To pass
don't want to be
let's be
1. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1. It looks at everyone who passes by. / He looked at everyone who passes by.
2. "Sing me a song," says the cat. / The cat say's, "Sing me a song."
3. What a funny little mouse! / It was a funny little mouth.
2. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1. It looks at everyone who passes by.
2. A hen passes by and says, "Little cat! Little cat! Do you want me?"
3. "Let us be friends."
3. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
A cat wants to have a friend. It looks at everyone who passes by. Everyone who passes by asks, "Little cat! Little cat! What do you want?"
And the little cat says, "I want to have a friend."
4. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). "Sing me a song," says the cat.
2). It looks at everyone who passes by.
3). Everyone who passes by asks, "Little cat! Little cat! What do you want?"
4). And the little cat says, "I want to have a friend."
5). A cat wants to have a friend.
6). "Bow, wow, wow," says the dog.
7). "I don't like your song," says the cat.
8). A dog passes by and says, "Do you want me?"
9). "I don't want to be your friend."
5. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
6. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
7. Listen to the text and give the title:
Rex and Picture
Listen to the story and say why Nick laughed of the Rex.
Nick likes to draw. He draws well. He can drew trees, flowers, buses, cars, dogs and cats. Every day after school Nick sits down at his table and begins to draw.
One day the door opens and a big dog comes into the room. The dog's name is Rex. Rex and Nick are good friends.
Rex comes up to Nick and sees the picture. He looks at the picture and sees a big cat. Rex does not like cats. So he begins to bark.
Nick looks at the picture then he looks at the dog and begins to laugh.
“It is not a cat Rex,” he says. “It is only a picture of cat.”
to draw ? малювати
to laugh ? сміятися
only ? лише
to bark ? гавкати
Answer the following questions:
1). What does Nick like to do?
2). What can he draw?
3). Who is Nick's friend?
4). Why does Rex begin to bark when he comes into Nick's room?
2. Listen to the pairs of words and repeat after the speaker:
1). Door ? drew.
2). Draw ? drew.
3). Cat ? cats.
4). Begins to bark ? begins to laugh.
2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). Nick likes to draw. / Noodle likes to draw.
2). Rex and Nick are good friends. / Rex and Nick were good friends.
3). Rex comes up to Nick and sees the picture. / Nick comes up to Rex and sees the picture.
4). It is only a picture of cat. / Is it only a picture of cat?
3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). Every day after school Nick sits down at his table and begins to draw.
2). He looks at the picture and sees a big cat.
3). It is only a picture of cat.
4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). He can drew trees, flowers, buses, cars, dogs and cats.
2). Every day after school Nick sits down at his table and begins to draw.
3). One day the door opens and a big dog comes into the room.
4. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). He draws well.
2). Nick likes to draw.
3). He can draw trees, flowers, buses, cars, dogs and cats.
4). He looks at the picture and sees a big cat.
5). One day the door opens and a big dog comes into the room.
6). Rex and Nick are good friends.
7). Every day after school Nick sits down at his table and begins to draw.
8). The dog's name is Rex.
9). Rex comes up to Nick and sees the picture.
10). Rex does not like cats.
5. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
6. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
7. Listen to the text and give the title:
Why Hares Have Split Lips
Listen to the text and say why hares have split lips.
All the hares met under a big tree. The oldest hare said: “Our life is very unhappy. We are afraid of everybody, but nobody is afraid of us.”
“Oh, yes!” said the other hares. “We are afraid of dogs, and we run away from them. We are afraid of cats and run away from them. We run away from all the animals. ”
“Our life is very unhappy. It is better to go to the river and get drowned.”
Near the river there were many goats. When the goats saw many hares, they run away.
The hares began to laugh. They understood that the goats were afraid of them. The hares laughed and laughed. They laughed so much that their lips split.
And that is why hares have split lips now.
hares ? зайці
split lips ? роздвоєні губи
the oldest ? найстарший
unhappy ? нещасливий
we are afraid of everybody ? ми боїмося всих
nobody ? ніхто
to run away ? утікати
better ? краще
get drowned ? утопитися
to laugh ? сміятися
so much ? так багато
understood ? зрозуміли
1. Answer the following questions:
Why was the hares' life unhappy?
What did they decide to do?
Whom did they see near the river?
What did the goats do when they saw hares?
Why did the hares begin to laugh?
2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). All the hares met under a big tree. / All the bears met under a big tree.
2). We run away from all the animals. / All the animals run away.
3). They laughed so much that their lips split. / Their lips split as they laughed so much.
3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). We are afraid of everybody, but nobody is afraid of us.
2). It is better to go to the river and get drowned.
3). They laughed so much that their lips split.
4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). We are afraid of dogs, and we run away from them.
2). When the goats saw many hares, they run away.
3). They understood that the goats were afraid of them.
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). All the hares met under a big tree.
2). “Oh, yes!” said the other hares.
3). The oldest hare said: “Our life is very unhappy. We are afraid of everybody, but nobody is afraid of us.”
4). “Our life is very unhappy. It is better to go to the river and get drowned.”
5). We are afraid of cats and run away from them.
6). Near the river there were many goats.
7). When the goats saw many hares, they run away.
8). “We are afraid of dogs, and we run away from them. We run away from all the animals. ”
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
8. Listen to the text and give the title:
The Dog and His Bone
Listen to the story and say what had happened with Dog's bone.
Look at this dog! Do you know his name? His name is Noodle. He isn't big, he is little. He is white, black, brown and gray. He is a nice funny little dog.
Noodle likes Bones very much. One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone. He wants to take the bone home. He takes the bone and goes home.
Noodle comes up to a river. In the river he sees a dog. That dog has got a bone, too. He wants to have two bones.
Noodle jumps into the river. His bone falls into the river. Noodle looks for his bone, but he can't find it. Then he looks for the other dog's bone ? he can't find it.
Now Noodle hasn't got a bone. Why? I think he is greedy. And what do you think?
A bone
he goes for a walk ? він відправився на прогулянку
river ? річка
to fall ? падати
to look for ? шукати
to find ? знаходити
greedy ? жадний
1. Listen to the pairs of words and repeat after the speaker:
1). He is ? he isn't.
2). Bones ? falls.
2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). Look at this dog. / Look at the dog.
2). He isn't big, he is little. / He is little, he isn't big.
3). He takes the bone and goes home. / He goes home with the bone.
4). In the river he sees a dog. / He sees a dog at the river.
3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone.
2). Noodle comes up to a river.
3). Noodle looks for his bone, but he can't find it.
4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone.
2). Noodle looks for his bone, but he can't find it.
3). Then he looks for the other dog's bone ? he can't find it.
6. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
Look at this dog! Do you know his name? His name is Noodle. He isn't big, he is little. He is white, black, brown and gray. He is a nice funny little dog.
Noodle likes Bones very much. One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone…..
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). His name is Noodle.
2). He takes the bone and goes home.
3). He isn't big, he is little.
4). He is a nice funny little dog.
5). Noodle likes Bones very much.
6). One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone.
7). Look at this dog!
8). He wants to take the bone home.
9). He is white, black, brown and gray.
10). Noodle comes up to a river.
11). In the river he sees a dog.
12). That dog has got a bone, too.
13). He wants to have two bones.
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
8. Listen to the text and give the title:
Jane's Dream
Listen to the story and say what Jane's dream was about?
Last night Jane went to bed late. She had a nice dream at night. She and her friend Sam were in the magic country. They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates. There was a beautiful garden round the house. But there was a dog near it. And nobody could enter the garden. Suddenly they saw a cloud in the sky. “I say, Mr. Dog! May I enter your garden?” said Jane. “Yes, you may,” answered the dog. “Thank you,” said Jane and they entered the garden. It became dark. They came to the house. There was an old woman on the stairs of the house. “Good evening, Grandmother,” said Sam. “May we enter your house? It is going to rain.” “Yes, you may. I'll put you to bed.” Soon Jane and Sam were in beds. In the morning Jane got up and saw her own room.
a nice dream
It became dark
1. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1. Last night Jane went to bed late. / Last night Jane late went to bed.
2. She had a nice dream at night. / She have a nice dream at night.
3. There was a beautiful garden round the house. / There round the house was a beautiful house.
4. And nobody could enter the garden. / And anybody couldn't enter the garden.
5. There was an old woman on the stairs of the house. / On the stairs of the house was an old woman.
2. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1. They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates.
2. She and her friend Sam were in the magic country.
3. There was an old woman on the stairs of the house.
4. “Good evening, Grandmother,” said Sam. “May we enter your house? It is going to rain.”
3. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1. She and her friend Sam were in the magic country.
2. They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates.
3. Thank you,” said Jane and they entered the garden. It became dark.
4. In the morning Jane got up and saw her own room.
4. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
Last night Jane went to bed late. She had a nice dream at night. She and her friend Sam were in the magic country. They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates. There was a beautiful garden round the house. But there was a dog near it. And nobody could enter the garden. Suddenly they saw a cloud in the sky.
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). “Thank you,” said Jane and they entered the garden.
2). Last night Jane went to bed late.
3). She and her friend Sam were in the magic country.
4). They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates.
5). She had a nice dream at night.
6). There was a beautiful garden round the house.
7). But there was a dog near it.
8). Suddenly they saw a cloud in the sky. “I say, Mr. Dog! May I enter your garden?” said Jane.
9). There was an old woman on the stairs of the house.
10). And nobody could enter the garden.
11). “Yes, you may,” answered the dog.
12). It became dark.
13). They came to the house.
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
8. Listen to the text and give the title:
Pussy And the Red Ball
Listen to the story and say what is happened with Pussy.
The basket stands on the table. A ball is on the basket. It is a big red ball. Pussy, our kitten, sees the ball.
It says, "Mew, mew, I see a big red ball. I want to play with the ball. I can jump, I can run. I can get this ball. Pussy jumps up and up. It wants to get the ball, but cannot catch it. It tries and tries but cannot get the ball. It touches the basket. The basket falls down. The ball falls down. Pussy falls down, too.
"Mew, mew," says Pussy. "I can-not run, I cannot jump, I cannot get the ball. Help me! Help me, please!"
Mother and Nick come into the room. They see Pussy on the floor. It is very angry. Nick takes the ball and gives it to Pussy. Pussy begins to play with the big red ball. Now it runs and jumps after the ball. It is very happy again.
To jump up
To catch
To touch
To be angry
1. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1). The basket stands on the table. / The table stands on the basket.
2). A ball is on the basket. / On the basket is a ball.
3). It is a big red ball. / It was a big red ball.
4). Mother and Nick come into the room. / into the room come Nick and mother.
2. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1). It wants to get the ball, but cannot catch it.
2). It tries and tries but cannot get the ball.
3). "Mew, mew," says Pussy. "I can-not run, I cannot jump, I cannot get the ball.
3. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1). Nick takes the ball and gives it to Pussy.
2). Pussy begins to play with the big red ball.
3). Now it runs and jumps after the ball.
4. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
The basket stands on the table. A ball is on the basket. It is a big red ball. Pussy, our kitten, sees the ball.
It says, "Mew, mew, I see a big red ball. I want to play with the ball. I can jump, I can run. I can get this ball. Pussy jumps up and up. It wants to get the ball, but cannot catch it….
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). The basket stands on the table.
2). Pussy falls down, too.
3). A ball is on the basket.
4). It touches the basket.
5). Pussy, our kitten, sees the ball.
6). The basket falls down.
7). It says, "Mew, mew, I see a big red ball. I want to play with the ball. I can jump, I can run. I can get this ball.”
8). Pussy jumps up and up.
9). It wants to get the ball, but cannot catch it.
10). It is a big red ball.
11). It tries and tries but cannot get the ball.
12). The ball falls down.
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
8. Listen to the text and give the title:
Jane, Betty and Ben
Listen to the story and say what is happened with Betty?
Jane is a little girl. She has no brother or sister. But she has two good friends: Ben and Betty.
Ben is a big nice dog. Betty is a big pretty doll. Jane likes to play with them. So every day after dinner she plays with Betty and Ben. They play in the house, they play in the yard, and they play in the field, near the river.
One day Jane goes to the river with Betty and Ben. She sees many red and white flowers there. She likes the flowers very much. She wants to pick up some flowers for her mother.
But she falls into the river. Ben jumps after her. He catches her by the dress. Then he puts her under a big tree. Jane opens her eyes “Oh, Ben,” she cries, "Betty! Where's Betty?"
Ben looks up and down and jumps into the river. Ben is not afraid of the water. Very quickly he comes back and puts Betty under the big tree, too. Jane is happy; she doesn't cry any more.
the field
to pick up
to fall into
to look up
1. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ ? ”if they are different:
1. Jane is a little girl. / Is Jane a little girl?
2. She has no brother or sister. /She has no brother or sister.
3. Betty is a big pretty doll. / Betty is a big pretty dog.
4. They play in the house, they play in the yard, and they play in the field, near the river. / They play near the river, in the house, they play in the yard, and they play in the field.
2. Listen to the sentences and translate them:
1. So every day after dinner she plays with Betty and Ben.
2. They play in the house, they play in the yard, and they play in the field, near the river.
3. She wants to pick up some flowers for her mother.
4. Ben looks up and down and jumps into the river.
5. Very quickly he comes back and puts Betty under the big tree, too.
3. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:
1. One day Jane goes to the river with Betty and Ben.
2. She sees many red and white flowers there.
3. But she falls into the river.
4. He catches her by the dress.
5. Ben looks up and down and jumps into the river.
4. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:
Jane is a little girl. She has no brother or sister. But she has two good friends: Ben and Betty.
Ben is a big nice dog. Betty is a big pretty doll. Jane likes to play with them. So every day after dinner she plays with Betty and Ben. They play in the house, they play in the yard, and they play in the field, near the river.
One day Jane goes to the river with Betty and Ben. She sees many red and white flowers there. She likes the flowers very much. She wants to pick up some flowers for her mother.
But she falls into the river….
5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.
1). She wants to pick up some flowers for her mother.
2). Ben is a big nice dog.
3). Jane likes to play with them.
4). So every day after dinner she plays with Betty and Ben.
5). One day Jane goes to the river with Betty and Ben.
6). Betty is a big pretty doll.
7). She sees many red and white flowers there.
8). They play in the house, they play in the yard, and they play in the field, near the river.
9). She likes the flowers very much.
6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.
7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.
8. Listen to the text and give the title:
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