Теория первичного поля
Рассмотрение идей Максвелла о возможности локализации энергии в пространстве, лишенном "обычной материи". Изучение теории первичного поля как источника специальной теории относительности. Представление элементарных частиц в виде автоволновых процессов.
Рубрика | Физика и энергетика |
Вид | книга |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 13.01.2015 |
Размер файла | 793,6 K |
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2. A literature review on the spin. A.Hezlot. Classical mechanics and the electron spin.[9] "In common textbooks claim that the inadequacy of the naive model" spinning top "excludes the possibility of a classical description of electron spin. In fact, with respect to spin, then it is not associated with relativism and quantum mechanics, but arises from the representations of the rotation group, which plays an important role also in the non-relativistic classical mechanics. " Significant additions:
The above-mentioned group of rotations is a normal subgroup of the Lorentz group, in which you can see the connection of spin with relativism. The lack of articles in the derivation of the spin of the "fact" of the existence of the electron intrinsic magnetic moment.
H.Oganyan. What is spin? [10] "The lack of a visual picture of the spin leaves a sad gap in the understanding of quantum mechanics. The fact that this unsatisfactory situation is almost always ignored, even more surprising when it becomes clear that the way to fill this gap was found in 1939 in thework by Belinfante. He showed that the spin can be regarded as a moment resulting from the circulating flow of energy or momentum density in the wave field of the electron".
This part of the article by Ohanian contains very important information about the nature of the spin. But Ohanian does not mention the difficulties of classical electrodynamics, which will inevitably show up in the present theory of spin. Ohanian prefers the non-relativistic spin. On the other hand, the present theory of spin by Belinfante as well as possible consistent with the theory of the primary field (PFT), contains the required energy-momentum tensor, and devoid of problems of classical electrodynamics. O.S. Kosmachev. Representation of the Lorentz group and the classification of stable leptons [11] "Despite the long life of the concept of spin and its highly successful mathematical formalization for the electron, the nature of the spin can not be considered closed." Kosmachev attracts attention to "... a well-known fact - turn at a fixed angle of one inertial system with respect to the other when they are relativistic motion. In other words, the type of orbital motion generates the relativistic rotation. That is why neither the orbital angular momentum or spin, but only their sum can be an integral of motion for a single particle. "...as it follows from the above, without relativism the generation of relativistic spin rotation is impossible. Therefore, the spin is actually a manifestation of relativism. Of course true to associate spin with well-defined quantum number, if by the quantum numbers mean indices of group representations. But this concept is to grant the properties of a physical quantity actually existing in isolation from the motion of a particle as a whole, is the assumption, which requires proof. Such was not provided in the last 80 years. " Obviously, a purely algebraic method by Kosmachev, model of the phenomenon is absent. Kosmachev defends the thesis: "... the relativity for the description of the microworld there is no alternative." To this hi is leaded to an urgent need: "... the real progress towards unification of strong and weak interactions will be possible in the event that the phenomenological success of the unitary symmetry will have an explanation and the development based on the requirements of relativism in the first place." Kosmachev brilliantly completed the task of a relativistic description of spin, but the alternative is still there. First Kosmachev did not deny the judgment by Hezlot and by Ohanian; Second, Kosmachev little neglected classics, what we find in the famous book by G.A. Sokolik. Sokolik. Group methods in the theory of elementary particles. [12].
"It should be noted an important difference between the quantum numbers, such as spin, describing the internal degrees of freedom of the particle and the quantum numbers of the type of angular momentum. The numbers of the latter type are taken into account in the expansion of the state vector in a series of orthogonal functions forming a basis in Hilbert space, and quantum numbers allow you to classify the pure states of the system corresponding to the basis vectors. As for the quantum numbers like spin, then they can be interpreted in terms of the invariants of the representation of some of the fundamental group or subgroup. In particular, the spin of a particle is defined as the weight of the defining irreducible, finite-dimensional representation of three-dimensional rotation subgroup of the Lorentz group. Spin operators are realized in such a space of the Lorentz group. In other words, the spin along with the mass and charge is characteristic of its own particles, while the other quantum numbers characterize its state at a certain field. " "The existence of a normal subgroup of the Lorentz group reduces it to a direct product of two 3-dimensional rotation groups, given an algebra
[фi фj] = фk; [хi хj] = хk; ijk = cycl; [ф х] = 0
It is known that the presence of a normal subgroup that distinguishes O4 among all orthogonal groups, can provide a full momentum in the orbital and spin
I = L + S ".
These arguments is sufficient to consider the spin of its own characteristic particle that does not negate its exceptional properties. For us, it is important to: 1) The combined action of two groups of three-dimensional (non-relativistic) is completely characterized by a bound electron in an atom; 2) there is a relativistic description of bound electron in an atom, while the spin associated with a 3-dimensional subgroup of the Lorentz group. Conclusion: There are equivalent descriptions of spin: relativistic and nonrelativistic, ie, alternative exists.
Question: Is there a non-relativistic explanation of relativism, that is, special theory of relativity (SRT)? Yes! See the Findings.
3. Findings
All four of the author (Hezlot, Ohanian, Kosmachev, Sokolik) recognize more or less explicitly the length of the electron.
Finally, the theory of the primary field (PFT) represents this length of field in the form of a double field (A, ц), and thus materializes a direct product of two 3-dimensional rotation groups in the form of the angular and spin moments. Another example of the same theoretical construct is a photon - a transverse wave in the PFT. Here, the longitudinal motion of the photon and the inner transverse motion materializes again the direct product of two 3-dimensional rotation group. Hence, the mathematical and physical foundations of an inevitable conclusion: Relativism - the effect is a combination of two Newtonian motion. One reason for the creation of the PFT had the confidence in the existence in nature of such a combination of Newton's movements, which were perceived as a named relativisti
1. Introduction
In the chapters (1-2) the theory of the primary field (PFT) is presented in full. Her short content:
1. Field values should explicitly express the momentum and energy of the primary field. 2. PFT is initiated by the Faraday-Maxwell electrodynamics (for electrotonic standing ) and the Lorentz electrodynamics (against the "synthesis of Newton's mechanics and of Maxwell's theory ")
3. Potential theory finds no place in the PFT.
4. Primary field is double (A, ц), to implement the principle by Schutz and leave the Newtonian paradigm about material point.
5. PFT - the source of the special theory of relativity (SRT).
6. In PFT act non-trivial conservation laws - turning momentum - energy (none Noether).
7. As called the "Lorentz condition" is the basic dynamic law at PFT as "a closed dynamical system" of mechanics.
8. All listed forms the basis for models of objects and phenomena from the higher level - of elementary particles and their interactions.
2. Dissipative structure.
If the term "attenuation of A" transfer in "dissipation of A", and the field ц called the "environment", then "dissipative structure" of Prigogine [13] is obtained from the PFT.
Then we follow the advice of Haken [14]: "It is quite obvious that the self-organization can be described, including external forces as part of a complete system" (we mean the field ц).
Perhaps Haken means PFT, as "... now the external force should consider not as a set value, but the variables, which obey the equations of motion." Conclusion: The theory of dissipative structures allows us to study self-organization in the PFT. "What a fundamentally new (as compared with conservative systems) phenomena arise in dissipative systems ... The most important and remarkable of these phenomena - the generation of undamped oscillations whose properties do not depend on whether, when and from which the initial state of the system was launched ... ". [15, p.222]
They are called auto oscillations associated with limit cycles (LC) Poincare. Thus, "the existence of self-sustained oscillations in a dynamical system can possibility only in open systems with dissipation, nonlinear interactions and structure-stable stationary states," [16, p.260]. The role of a dynamical system with dissipation will perform a field of impulses A PFT. The non - linear interaction between parts A and ц of double field are reflected in depending soon impulse A from the " environment ц".
"It is interesting to note that the introduction of time delay leads to an appearance of sustainable and the only solution with limit cycle, with its abnormal neutral stable cycles are replaced by regular oscillations." [16, p. 261] Hence, the equations in PFT must be of delay argument equations
that allows us to formulate a new quantum hypothesis: in the primary field, the response is delayed.
LC or stable state of equilibrium is called attractors (from the word attract - "pull").
Roughness of the system corresponds to the stability of elementary particles. "The transition from one crude portrait to another happens through uncrude condition, called a bifurcation."
Bifurcations "corresponds to the birth (in the change of the parameter) of the LC from the state of equilibrium (in the reverse change of the parameter LC "adheres"to the state of equilibrium, and thus disappears).
Bifurcation - a way to transform of the particles. "... bifurcation possible not only in the phase plane, but also in the phase space of higher dimension." [15, p.241]
Attractors fundamentally impossible in the conservative (Hamiltonian) systems. [17, p. 176]
3. Prospects.
In the presence of spatial displacement and time delay of the field ц with respect to the field A in the equation (9), applied to models of positive and negative charges, we obtain hysteresis loop of the double field for the neutral system of an atom. Displacement and the delay are so small that the amount of hysteresis loop corresponds to the gravitational interaction as compared to electric.
Due to the counter nature of components A and ц of the primary field (electricity), we let to consider as the complete measure of the primary field (gravitation), and - as measure of "unconversation" of the primary field.
Let values of and are so, that
On definition, soon of the wave , where - length of wave and - period of wave.
Then, we obtain from (9)
, i.e. , (11)
where ,
where - displacement, - delay of wave for primary field, and moreover .
Hence, the theory of the primary field will carry out the hypothesis by Zellner - Moccotti about gravitation.
"... The formation of dissipative structures due to the energy flow in nonlinear systems can be regarded as an entirely new paradigm of the dynamics." [18, p.18]
Waiver of potential theory in the theory of the primary field (Sec. 1.3) entails the combination of: tensors field and the energy - momentum, of the canonical and mechanical momentums, Hamilton and movement equations. "Many problems of mechanics expressions for the generalized momenta can easily be obtained directly from physical considerations" [19, p. 246].
"Using space QTPH creates the greatest opportunity for the general treatment of dynamics." [20, p. 203]
"The dynamics of a conservative system in the space of PQ with the Hamiltonian function H (q, p) is mathematically identical to the dynamics in space QTPH with function of the energy Щ (x, y)" [20, p. 335]
Here, y = yr = (pi, H) -- vector momentum - energy. He is responsible 4-vector (A, ц) = цм primary field theory (Chapter 1).
Then the Hamiltonian action [20, p.221, 405] takes the form
energy equation can be taken с2А2-ц2 = 0
The canonical Hamiltonian equations have the familiar form
т.е. (13)
The Hamiltonian H in (12) - the fourth component of the 4-vector, not a relativistic invariant. Invariant с2А2-ц2 reduces to the station, which can serve as a function of energy. Then [21, p.228]: "Any transformation which leaves invariant the canonical expression under of the integral (12), also leaves invariant and the canonical equations." ... "The role of the Hamiltonian assumes the identity" [21, p. 362]
с2А2-ц2 = inv or (14)
Finally, as an invariant that defines the shift and the delay in the primary field, we adopt a Hamiltonian action (12). "In contrast to classical physics, which required for the integral of Hamilton (12) extreme, Sommerfeld defines the value of this integral is equal to h/2р [22, p. 509]." This confirms the author's quantum hypothesis, proposed in (Ch. 3), and opens up new opportunities for the analysis of the universal constants by the PFT. Equation (14) - one of the dyadic tensor invariants. Dyadic tensor communicates coordinate QT and impulse PH subspaces from space QTPH. Metrics QT and PH are the same - a postulate. The primary field is characterized by length, duration, impulse and energy (QTPH).
In contrast to the hydrodynamic-type systems - a soliton with a phase space QP, the PFT as a dissipative system requires the extended phase space QTPH
"Hamilton - apologist of dynamics. [22, p.109]. " "It is interesting to note that Hamilton has not given his canonical equations of any application ..." [22, p. 167].
In my opinion, he could not think of a mechanical model of the "plenum'a", in which the principal must be continuous, rather than occupancy (as thought).
Next, Jacobi moved from Hamilton, as Lorenz from Maxwell.
- 1. Particle, the charge and field
Opinion de Broglie: "Is it possible to restore the concept of a localized particle-based description of the wave and return to the concept of corpuscles thus only the exact value" [23, p. 3]. "... The relation W = hх, applied to the particle, implies the existence of the internal vibrations of the particles with the frequency х, and from the works of Planck and Einstein we know that х is the frequency of the wave which carries the particle" [24, p. 30]. Even more clearly expressed this idea of de Broglie disciples: "... the movement corpuscular area is controlled by an extended element "[23, p. 149]. In the whole subsequent history of physics continuum model particles are absent. According to Pauli " Einstein comes from the field representations of continuum physics of Faraday-Maxwell" [25, p. 177]. Faraday himself did not come to a final judgment: "he can not imagine the difference between the solid particles and the surrounding field".
Maxwell has never defined what is the charge. Hertz considered, that Maxwell arrived his equations, based on long-range forces.
Weil vacillated between "field theory of matter" [26, p. 261] and "Never the less it is charged material points are, apparently, the last elementary constituents of matter, in particular, these are the electrons." [26, p. 352] Physics and physicists have become hostages of the defect model, the concept of the field was inadequate because the inherited worthless, but historically an emergency, temporary model of the field from the electron theory by Lorentz. But Lorentz himself acknowledged that he was forced to retreat from the Maxwell theory to introduce a charge . However, the Lorentz's field has become a classic, and about it Pauli in 1956, said: "There is still a very controversial question as to whether satisfactory classical notion of the field. We talked a lot with Einstein on this subject, and I - as well as Born - inclined to regard it merely as a heuristic concept, but poor for a deeper approach "[25, p.200]. The belated recognition. Even in 1953, Einstein stated: "... the gravitational equations for empty space are the only ... the case of field theory, which can lay claim to the severity of ...". [44] And: "In the usual field theory, where the particles are considered as point, we can not construct any satisfactory theory of quantum gravity, despite the emergence of theories of supergravity.
Currently, high expectations of superstring theory.
In principle, one can consider the surface instead of strings, called membranes, and is already considered supermembrane ... "[45, p. 139].
Supporters of supersymmetry, "it must be assumed [45, p. 115] the existence of a whole family of new elementary particles ... they can be detected by a new generation of accelerators ..." Such a multiplication of particles - is a negative feature of the theory.
Lost opportunity
In the Treatise [Volume 1, p. 60], Maxwell wrote, "If we could get a clear idea of the mechanical nature of the building, in conjunction with the representation of the energy it would allow us to determine that the physical category, which include" electricity ""
The potentials by Maxwell - is a shadow formed by the currents and charges from the impulse and energy of the primary field. Therefore, the Maxwell equations in tune with the equations of PFT.
Maxwell himself (it's amazing), explaining his theory of the equivalence (mathematical) with theory of action at a distance, and saw the advantage of his theory in the possibility of a mechanical analogy.
Armed with potential theory, Maxwell missed the opportunity to create a theory of physical field.
It is because of its conventionality potential theory is incompatible with the mechanical (i.e., real) models. She is to blame for the problem of self-energy, divergences, indeterminacy of the gravitational "field" and strange cosmology, based on GR.
Dirac in 1936, searching for the correct model of a classic, no doubt the correctness of quantum theory. But he remained within the Newtonian paradigm together with his three forms of dynamics and his theory of relativistic electrons.
All other missed opportunities tied to the first. These include a "field theory of matter," by Mi, summarizing its work of by Hilbert, "Foundations of Physics", many works of the 30 s.
Of particular interest are the work by Born on the "principle of reciprocity," 1936-1939 period, which examines connection of coordinate and momentum spaces, and the momentum space is curved. This idea was tested by Tamm and Kadyshevsky in Quantum Field Theory, but the results did not give singular (Newtonian paradigm).
I applied the principle of reciprocity in the theory of the primary field, which is exempt from the Newtonian paradigm, and realized this missed opportunity in the dyadic tensor.
3. PFT becomes GTR 2, and saves GTR from the trouble of energy field. We identify the tensor Kмv (PFT) with Rмv by Eddington. [48, p. 485] In Eddington [49 s. 328] as in the PFT , where the first (second) term represents a symmetric (antisymmetric) part (Chapter 1). Since the in the Riemannian case =0, Eddington suggested that play the role of the electromagnetic field, and we, along with Eddington put =, where is the cosmological constant. The analogue of this equation is our equation
But in contrast to the Eddington and Einstein which use the signature (--- +) in the PFT needs a positive definite metric as the release of potential theory and the emergence of a real field instead of the actual electromagnetic and gravitational fields.
I refer to Weil ... "metric, one of which is associated with a degenerate form, the other - with non-degenerate, despite their formal similarity, shared the abyss." [41, s. 407]
It may be objected to Einstein that mathematics is indifferent to the physical interpretation of the formula: differential equations with partial derivatives and tensor analysis equally well serve as for short-range as for long-range.
Maxwell did not create the theory of real fields, and Hertz saw not what Maxwell has created, but what is hidden behind it. At Hertz is reality, at Maxwell is theory (the potential). Such doubts have been at Weil [41, p. 348]: "We no longer consider it absolutely precise Maksvell's understanding of localization of energy." Interesting and useful for us to monitor said Recami [48 p. 108]: "Staying in a 4-dimensional space ... Fantappie in 1954 showed that there is an unique new group ... which is reduced to the Poincare group in the, and which can not be the limit of what else other than her group. This new group is a group of internal motions of space-time de Sitter space, ... ". In view of Chapter 2 is probably the action of this group in the primary field. (I accept as a hypothesis). De Sitter space [50, c. 221] a special case of Einstein spaces [1, c. 123], including both Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian manifold. It turns out [51, c. 250], that for the Laplace and d'Alembert are two natural definitions coincide in any metric: = It should be understood as the proximity of the mathematical description (wave) phenomena in GR and GR-2 (PFT). As for the "principle of the irreducibility of" Pauli "that divided the god, not given to connect the man" [52, p. 223], it seems God is merciful, for a single source was found to gмv and Fмv.
CONCLUSION Primary field theory and received with the new interpretation of GR and GR-2 allows us to give an initial axioms of physics:
1. Field contains these and only these attributes: the length, duration, impulse and energy.
2. Matter is organized field, having properties of the whole, different from the properties of its parts.
3. Duality of field and matter is absent in nature, but he may be in the theory.
4. Nature has no jumps and dips, the concept Discreteness belongs to the theory. 5. Laws of Nature are local, integral laws - the subject of the theory. Consequences of the axioms:
1. Physical field and the particle can not be objects of one theory, that is, in a dualistic theory both components are fictitious.
2. In the dualistic theory there is no short-range.
3. Discussion about the primacy of space and matter - the idle. 4. Matter has many levels of the organization. One level of organization of matter can answer a few theories, but not vice versa. 5.United field theory in the traditional sense does not make sense. This is the new paradigm of physics. In this article, the author used the publication [34.35].
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Раздел 8. О соотношении силы тяготения к силе электрического отталкивания
В работах [1.2] построена теория первичного поля путем расширения формализма Гамильтона [3] за рамки теории потенциала. Хотя в теории первичного поля только одно векторное поле, зато оно носитель энергии - импульса, и необходимость в традиционном тензоре поля отпадает, что означает отказ от теории потенциала. Благодаря диадному тензору решается проблема Эйнштейна о форме связи материи с геометрией, т.к. они входят в диадный тензор симметрично.
В 1965 г. Р. Фейман писал "Тяготение относится к электрическому отталкиванию, как 1 к числу с 42 нулями. Это вызывает глубочайшее недоумение. Откуда могло взяться такое огромное число? Если бы у нас когда-нибудь появилась общая теория для двух этих явлений, то как она давала бы такую диспропорцию для двух электронов:
Каким должно быть общее уравнение, если, решая его для двух видов сил - гравитационного притяжения и электрического отталкивания, мы приходим к такому фантастическому отношению?". [3, с. 281].
Данная статья, продолжая работы [1,2], отвечает на вопросы Р.Феймана.
Введем в пространство Минковского 4-вектор энергии-импульса А, . С импульсом связано 3-векторное поле А, с энергией связано скалярное поле .
Вследствие встречного характера компонент A и ц первичного поля, мы должны считать за полную меру первичного поля (электричество), и - за меру "несохранения" первичного поля (гравитация).
Пусть величины и таковые, что
По определению скорость волны , где - длина волны и - период волны. Тогда мы получим из (1)
, т.е. , (2)
где ,
где - сдвиг, - запаздывание волны первичного поля, и более того .
Таким образом, теория первичного поля реализует гипотезу Цельнера - Моссотти о гравитации.
Пусть является (равно) . Тогда с увеличением уменьшается .
Этот эффект наблюдается как в микромире, так и в космологии.
Таким образом, теория первичного поля кроме внутреннего совершенства получает внешнее оправдание.
1. Рудый Л.А. Актуальные проблемы современной науки. 2008 г, №5, с. 158; №6, с. 101; 2009 г, №1, с. 100, №3, 2012 г., с. 180
2. Рудый Л.А. Естественные и технические науки. 2009г, №5 с.52; 2010г №1 с. 55.
3. Томилин К.А. Фундаментальные физические постоянные в историческом и методологическом аспектах. М.: Физматлит, 2006 г., 368 с.
Раздел 9. Что такое первичное поле?
В статье "Притяжение" Максвелл делает вывод, что поле есть вполне самостоятельная несводимая к механической физическая реальность. Плодотворность идеи Максвелла в том, что она указывает на возможность локализации энергии в пространстве, лишенном "обычной материи". Очевидное логическое продолжение этих представлений - возможность распространения энергии в пространстве.
Теория Первичного Поля (ТПП) реализует идею Максвелла в форме, невозможной в 19 веке. Это пространство, созданное Минковским, (4-мерное псевдоэвклидовое) и энергия расширяется до 4-х вектора импульса-энергии.
Затем, новейшее развитие физики - диссипативные структуры ( после солитонов) - позволило рассматривать поле в 8 -мерном фазовом пространстве QTPH (Синг), создав для этой цели в ТПП новую физическую структуру - диадный тензор
Так как теория поля Максвелла реализует теорию потенциала (Максвелл), то новая физика в расширенном фазовом пространстве QTPH с диадным тензором становится альтернативной к старой, основанной на теории потенциала. заменяет сразу два тензора электродинамики Максвелла и (поля и энергии-импульса); электродинамика реформируется, полевые переменные имеют механический смысл (электротоническое состояние), понятие заряда на этом 1-м уровне отсутствует вовсе, а с ним исчезают понятия напряженностей. Эта реформация касается только теории поля и не затрагивает электродинамику. Например, монополь Дирака не мог избавиться от нитей (топология не в счет), а за рамками теории потенциала приобрел понятную и полезную реальность (см. ст. автора).
Теория Первичного Поля разрушила многовековую идею Единства физики, т.к. теория физики имеет многоуровневую структуру, со своими моделями и теоретическими методами. Эта ложная идея (геометризация физики, стандартная модель, большое объединение и т.д.) загубила значительную часть материальных и интеллектуальных ресурсов нашей цивилизации.
Все выдающиеся ученые 19, 20 веков впустую тратили свой ресурс для достижения этой цели.
1. Эйнштейн вытеснял материальную точку из поля; ОТО Эйнштейна лишена им самим динамики; поэтому космология из ОТО не имеет смысла.
2. Единая теория элементарных частиц за 100 лет не улучшила понимание электрона, протона и т.д., нагромождая бессмысленные теории и бесполезные колайдеры (псевдо Хигс).
3. Фейман отказался от понятия поля в пользу теории прямого нечастичного взаимодействия, не поняв фиктивный характер поля в ТП.
4. Фарадей говорил, что он не может представить себе границу между частицей и окружающим ее полем.
5. ТПП построена на постулате, что в Природе нет соседства вещества и поля. Поэтому в ТПП поле в теории потенциала провозглашается фиктивным (но не лишенным практической пользы).
Мы настаиваем на новом мировоззрении: Первичной реальностью Космоса является импульс и энергия с их неотемлемое свойство протяженность и длительность.
Эту реальность мы назвали Первичным полем. Мы открыли законы ПП:
Это превращение импульса и энергии ПП друг в друга
Все законы ПП содержатся в инвариантах диадного тензора , а также вытекают из интегрального инварианта Пуанкаре-Картанакоторый становится на место прежнего вариационного принципа Гильберта-Нётер в соответствии с расширенным фазовым пространством PQ PQTH.
Второй уровень организации Космоса составляют элементарные частицы и их взаимодействия - и это продукт Автоволновых процессов в ПП.
Теория автоволновых процессов разработана группой Колесова, Мищенко, Розова, Садовничего.
Третий уровень прикладной: Здесь снова можно применять ТПП, памятуя об условном смысле понятий. Здесь справедлива классическая механика (КМ). Модель ТПП и КМ не совместимы. Это объясняет все неудачи механических моделей классической электродинамики.
Тезисы по теории первичного поля
1. Предложения
2. Электродинамика, стандартная модель, общая теория относительности (ОТО) есть реализация теории потенциала (ТП).
3. В теории потенциала поле (и, следовательно, частицы) фиктивны (постулат).
4. Математический аппарат (дифференциальные уравнения) безразличны к реальности или фиктивности поля.
5. Классический вариационный формализм адекватен теории потенциала (механика точки с фазовым пространством PQ , фиктивное поле).
6. Реальное поле требует расширенного фазового пространства PQTH, нового вариационного принципа - интегральный инвариант Пуанкаре - Картана, новой модели механики - теории диссипативных структур (ТДС) и ее применения - теории автоволновых процессов (АП).
7. На базе PQTH открыта новая физическая структура - диадный тензор (невырожденный), где - 4-вектор импульса-энергии Первичного поля (ПП) с его неотъемлемым свойством протяженности и длительностью .
8. - заменяет прежние а) тензорные поля классической электродинамики и б) конструируемый из тензор импульса-энергии
9. Так называемое условие Лоренца выражает превращение импульса и энергии ПП друг в друга (постулат).
2. Результаты
1. Первичное поле есть электротоническое состояние Фарадея-Максвелла.
2. В форме телеграфных уравнений ПП образует одну из моделей для автоволновых процессов.
3. Автоволновые процессы в Первичном поле есть элементарные частицы.
4. Вследствие затухания и сдвига в Первичном поле реализуется гипотеза Цельнера-Моссотти о гравитации как вторичной к электричеству, что подтверждается получением в теории ПП отношения силы электрического отталкивания к силе тяготения для электрона и других частиц равном 1042.
5. Решена проблема магнитного монополя вне теории потенциала.
6. Теория ПП доказала отсутствие понятия энергии поля в электродинамике и ОТО.
7. Диадный тензор по определению включает пространство и материю симметрично вместо их потенциалоподобной связи в электродинамике и ОТО.
8. Квантовая механика получает от теории ПП новые физические переменные и, что устраняет парадоксы и решает проблемы, существующие в настоящее время в квантовой механике.
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