Построение, численное моделирование и анализ одномерной модели гемодинамики

Особенности моделирования гемодинамики. Одномерная модель течения крови в артериях и ее взаимодействия с подвижными стенками. Численное решение дифференциального уравнения с граничными условиями одномерной модели методами прямых и ортогональной прогонки.

Рубрика Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика
Вид курсовая работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 24.09.2012
Размер файла 3,9 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.


sh=t-0.86*fix (t/0.86);

if pr==1

if sh<0.37 c (1) =c (1) +0.001* (max ( (-679.328*sh^2+502.703*sh+7),70));


c (1) =c (1) +0.001* (max ( (387.339*sh^2-666.222*sh+293.476),70));

end; end;

if pr==2

if sh<0.37 c (1) =c (1) +0.01* (max ( (-679.328*sh^2+502.703*sh+7),70));


c (1) =c (1) +0.01* (max ( (387.339*sh^2-666.222*sh+293.476),70));

end; end;

if pr==3

if sh<0.37 c (1) =c (1) +0.1* (max ( (-679.328*sh^2+502.703*sh+7),70));


c (1) =c (1) +0.1* (max ( (387.339*sh^2-666.222*sh+293.476),70));

end; end;

if pr==4

if sh<0.37 c (1) =c (1) + (max ( (-679.328*sh^2+502.703*sh+7),70));


c (1) =c (1) + (max ( (387.339*sh^2-666.222*sh+293.476),70));

end; end;

L= [a (1),b (1),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;

0,0,a (2),b (2),0,0,-a (4),-b (4),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;

0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,a (9),b (9),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];

l= [c (1); c (2) - c (4); c (2) - c (5); 0; c (18) - c (26); c (18) - c (27); 0; c (28) - c (34); c (28) - c (35); 0; c (36) +9; c (37) - c (38); c (37) - c (39); 0; c (40) +9; c (41) - c (42); c (41) - c (43); 0; c (44) - c (46); c (44) - c (47); 0; c (48) +9; c (49) +9; c (45) +9; c (50) - c (52); c (50) - c (53); 0; c (54) +9; c (55) +9; c (51) +9; c (29) - c (30); c (29) - c (31); 0; c (32) +9; c (33) +9; c (19) - c (20); c (19) - c (21); 0; c (22) +9; c (23) - c (24); c (23) - c (25); 0; c (16) +9; c (17) +9; c (3) - c (6); c (3) - c (7); 0; c (10) +9; c (11) - c (12); c (11) - c (13); 0; c (14) +9; c (15) +9; c (8) +9; c (9) +9];

[n_l,n] =size (L);

%*************right boundary condition**************************

for j=1: Nvet,

An (j) =V (1,N+1,j);

Qn (j) =V (2,N+1,j);

a (j) =gamma (j) / (A0 (j) * (sqrt (An (j)) +sqrt (A0 (j))));

b (j) = (rho*Qn (j)) / (2*An (j) ^2);

c (j) =gamma (j) / (sqrt (An (j)) +sqrt (A0 (j)));


R= [a (1),b (1),-a (2),-b (2),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;

a (1),b (1),0,0,-a (3),-b (3),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;


r= [c (1) - c (2); c (1) - c (3); 0; c (4) - c (18); c (4) - c (19); 0; c (26) +9; c (27) - c (28); c (27) - c (29); 0; c (34) +9; c (35) - c (36); c (35) - c (37); 0; c (38) +9; c (39) - c (40); c (39) - c (41); 0; c (42) - c (44); c (42) - c (45); 0; c (46) - c (48); c (46) - c (49); 0; c (47) +9; c (43) - c (50); c (43) - c (51); 0; c (52) - c (54); c (52) - c (55); 0; c (53) +9; c (30) - c (32); c (30) - c (33); 0; c (31) +9; c (20) +9; c (21) - c (22); c (21) - c (23); 0; c (24) +9; c (25) +9; c (5) - c (16); c (5) - c (17); 0; c (6) - c (10); c (6) - c (11); 0; c (12) +9; c (13) - c (14); c (13) - c (15); 0; c (7) - c (8); c (7) - c (9); 0];

%*************assignment ************************************

n_od=n-n_l; % number of linealy independent solutions homogeneous left boundary condition for one vessel

Z_0=zeros ([n,n_od,N+1]);

Z_f=zeros ([n,N+1]);

Y_0=zeros ([n,n_od,N+1]);

Y_f=zeros ([n,N+1]);

Ort=zeros ([n_od+1,n_od+1,N]); %orthogonalising matrices

U=zeros ([Nfun,N+1,Nvet]); %solution

beta=zeros ([n_od+1,N+1]); %coefficients of return marching

%*************processing of left boundary condition****************

[Q,R_left] =qr (L');


RR= (R_left (1: n_l,1: n_l)) ';

Y_f (1: n_l,1) =inv (RR) *l;

Y_f (:,1) =Q*Y_f (:,1);

Y_0 (:,:,1) =Q (:,n_l+1: n);

Z_0 (:,:,1) =Y_0 (:,:,1);

Z_f (:,1) =Y_f (:,1);

%**************straight marching********************************

for j=1: Nvet;

q=V (2,1,j);

a=V (1,1,j);

c= (gamma (j) *sqrt (a)) / (2*rho*A0 (j));

G1 (:,:,j) =-znak (j) /tau* [2*q/ (q^2/a-c*a), 1/ (- (q/a) ^2+c);


f1 (:,j) =znak (j) * [q* (1/tau+Kr/a) / ( (q/a) ^2-c);



%**************dimensional segmentation loop*********************

for i=1: N,

% vessels loop

for j=1: Nvet

q=V (2, i+1,j);

a=V (1, i+1,j);

c= (gamma (j) *sqrt (a)) / (2*rho*A0 (j));

G2 (:,:,j) =-znak (j) /tau* [2*q/ (q^2/a-c*a), 1/ (- (q/a) ^2+c);


f2 (:,j) =znak (j) * [q* (1/tau+Kr/a) / ( (q/a) ^2-c);


% solution of Cauchy problem

del=h (j) /M;

del_mat= (G2 (:,:,j) - G1 (:,:,j)) /M;

del_fun= (f2 (:,j) - f1 (:,j)) /M;

z_0=Z_0 ( (j-1) *Nfun+1: j*Nfun,:, i);

z_f=Z_f ( (j-1) *Nfun+1: j*Nfun, i);

% integration

for jj=1: M,

A=G1 (:,:,j) + (jj-1/2) *del_mat; % intermediate matrix

ff=f1 (:,j) + (jj-1/2) *del_fun; % intermediate right part


z_0=z_0+del_0; %solution of homogeneous equations

del_f= (A*z_f+ff) *del;

z_f=z_f+del_f; %solution of nonhomogeneous equations


% new value

Y_0 ( (j-1) *Nfun+1: j*Nfun,:, i+1) =z_0;

Y_f ( (j-1) *Nfun+1: j*Nfun, i+1) =z_f;


% orthogonalizaiton

Y= [Y_0 (:,:, i+1),Y_f (:, i+1)];

[Qpr,Rpr] =qr (Y);

Z_f (:, i+1) =Qpr (:,n_od+1) *Rpr (n_od+1,n_od+1);

Rpr (n_od+1,n_od+1) =1;

Z_0 (:,:, i+1) =Qpr (:,1: n_od);

Ort (:,:, i) =Rpr (1: (n_od+1),1: (n_od+1));


%***************inversion of right boundary condition**************

alpha=inv (R*Z_0 (:,:,N+1)) * (r-R*Z_f (:,N+1));

%***************return marching********************************

beta (:,N+1) = [alpha; 1];

Z (:,N+1) = [Z_0 (:,:,N+1),Z_f (:,N+1)] *beta (:,N+1);

if N>1,for i=1: N,


beta (:,m) =inv (Ort (:,:,m)) *beta (:,m+1);

Z (:,m) = [Z_0 (:,:,m),Z_f (:,m)] *beta (:,m);



beta (:,1) =inv (Ort (:,:,1)) *beta (:,2);


Z (:,1) = [Y_0 (:,:,1),Y_f (:,1)] *beta (:,1);

%***************vessels loop***********************************

for j=1: Nvet,

U (:,:,j) =Z ( (j-1) *Nfun+1: j*Nfun,:); %solution


%***************reserved operators for output result****************

UUL= [U (:,1,1)];

for i=1: Nvet-2,UUL= [UUL (1: 2*i); U (:,1, i+1)];


UUL= [UUL (1: 2*Nvet-2); U (:,1,Nvet)];

UUR= [U (:,N+1,1)];

for i=1: Nvet-2,UUR= [UUR (1: 2*i); U (:,N+1, i+1)];


UUR= [UUR (1: 2*Nvet-2); U (:,N+1,Nvet)];



Lbound (k) =norm (WL);

Rbound (k) =norm (WR);

%***************move to next step******************************


% saving results

% for j=1: Nvet

% OA (k,:,j) =U (1,:,j);

% OQ (k,:,j) =U (2,:,j);


p (k) =gamma (5) * ( (sqrt (U (1,round (N/2),5)) - sqrt (A0 (5))) /A0 (5));



for i=1: Kmax

mas (i) =tau*i;






% graphing middle of 2 vessel area and flux

%figure (F); hold;

%plot (mas,p (:,2),'red'); hold; pause;

%figure (F1); hold;

%plot (mas,p (:,3),'blue'); hold; pause;

% graphing middle of 5 vessel area and flux

%figure (F2); hold;

%plot (mas,p (:,4),'red'); hold; pause;

figure (F3); % hold;

plot (mas,p (:),'blue'); %hold; pause;


disp (max (Lbound));

disp (max (Rbound)); pause;


2. Пример сгенерированного Java кода

public class HemodynamicsModelSolver

implements TreeTraversal


private int [] sign;

protected ArterialBinaryTreeModel atm;

private double [] vesselAreas;

private Matrix [] flux;

public double [] vesselBeta;

private double [] vesselLegths; // static

double [] An, Qn, a, b, c;

Matrix [] OA, OQ;

final int NumberOfUnknownFunction = 2;

int SegmentationForIntegrating = 10, NumberOfSegmentation = 20, rho = 1;

double nu = 0.035, gamma = 265868.077635827404094

double tDelta = 0.02, tMin = 0, tMax = 40;

public void solve (ArterialBinaryTreeModel atm, Matrix [] flux, double [] heartPressure)


this. atm = atm;

int NumberOfVessels = atm. size ();

vesselAreas = new double [atm. size ()];

vesselBeta = new double [atm. size ()];

vesselLegths = new double [atm. size ()];

sign = new int [atm. size ()];

atm. traverseTree (this);

for (int i = 0; i < atm. size (); i++)


vesselBeta [i] = vesselBeta [i] * 1000;


double [] An = new double [NumberOfVessels];

double [] Qn = new double [NumberOfVessels];

double [] a = new double [NumberOfVessels];

double [] b = new double [NumberOfVessels];

double [] c = new double [NumberOfVessels];

Matrix [] Y_0 = new Matrix [NumberOfSegmentation + 1];

Matrix [] Z_0 = new Matrix [NumberOfSegmentation + 1];

Matrix [] Ort = new Matrix [NumberOfSegmentation];

Matrix [] G1 = new Matrix [NumberOfVessels];

Matrix [] G2 = new Matrix [NumberOfVessels];

Matrix [] U = new Matrix [NumberOfVessels];

Matrix [] U0 = new Matrix [NumberOfVessels];

Matrix [] V = new Matrix [NumberOfVessels];

OA = new Matrix [NumberOfVessels];

OQ = new Matrix [NumberOfVessels];

int i, j, k, jj;

int Kmax = (int) Math. round (tMax / tDelta);

double sh = 0.0;

for (i = 0; i < NumberOfSegmentation + 1; i++)


Y_0 [i] = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels);

Z_0 [i] = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels);

if (i < NumberOfSegmentation)


Ort [i] = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels + 1, NumberOfVessels + 1);



for (i = 0; i < NumberOfVessels; i++)


U [i] = new Matrix (2, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

U0 [i] = new Matrix (2, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

V [i] = new Matrix (2, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

OA [i] = new Matrix (Kmax + 1, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

OQ [i] = new Matrix (Kmax + 1, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

G1 [i] = new Matrix (2,2);

G2 [i] = new Matrix (2,2);


Matrix L = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels * 2);

Matrix L1 = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels * 2);

Matrix Right = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels * 2);

Matrix Q = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels * 2);

Matrix Q1 = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels * 2);

Matrix R_left = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels * 2);

Matrix Rr = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels);

Matrix Y_f = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

Matrix Z_f = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

Matrix z_f = new Matrix (2, 1);

Matrix z_0 = new Matrix (2, NumberOfVessels);

Matrix Y = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels + 1);

Matrix Y1 = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels * 2);

Matrix Qpr = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels * 2);

Matrix Rpr = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels + 1, NumberOfVessels + 1);

Matrix f1 = new Matrix (2, NumberOfVessels);

Matrix f2 = new Matrix (2, NumberOfVessels);

Matrix ff = new Matrix (2, 1);

Matrix del_mat = new Matrix (2,2);

Matrix del_fun = new Matrix (2, 1);

Matrix A_ = new Matrix (2,2);

Matrix alpha = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels, 1);

Matrix Beta = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels + 1, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

Matrix Z = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

Matrix Z_ = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels + 1);

Matrix r = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels, 1);

Matrix l = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels, 1);

Matrix Zero = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfVessels + 1);

Matrix ZeroY_f = new Matrix (NumberOfVessels * 2, NumberOfSegmentation + 1);

for (i = 0; i < NumberOfSegmentation + 1; i++)


for (j = 0; j < NumberOfVessels; j++)


V [j]. set (0, i, vesselAreas [j]);



for (j = 0; j < NumberOfVessels; j++)


OA [j]. setMatrix (0, 0, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, V [j]. getMatrix (0, 0, 0, NumberOfSegmentation));

OQ [j]. setMatrix (0, 0, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, V [j]. getMatrix (1, 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation));


for (k = 0; k < Kmax; k++)


tMin += tDelta;

// experiment repeat marching

for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 1; k2++)


for (j = 0; j < NumberOfVessels; j++)


if (k2 == 0)


An [j] = V [j]. get (0, 0);

Qn [j] = V [j]. get (1, 0);




An [j] = U0 [j]. get (0, 0);

Qn [j] = U0 [j]. get (1, 0);


a [j] = vesselBeta [j] / (vesselAreas [j] * (Math. sqrt (An [j]) + Math. sqrt (vesselAreas [j])));

b [j] = (rho * Qn [j]) / (2 * An [j] * An [j]);

c [j] = vesselBeta [j] / (Math. sqrt (An [j]) + Math. sqrt (vesselAreas [j]));


if (k < Kmax / 2)


System. out. println ("tMin " + tMin);


c [0] +=heartPressure [k] * (1 - Math. exp ( - (tMin) * (tMin) / 100));

double [] flux1 = new double [NumberOfVessels];

int col = flux [0]. getColumnDimension ();

int fluxLength = flux. length;

if (k < Kmax / 2)


System. out. println ("a " + a [0] + " b " + b [0] + " c " + c [0]);


// resolve left matrix {7}

MatrixResolver leftResolver = new MatrixResolver (atm, a, b, c, true, vesselAreas, flux1, tMin);

Matrix leftMatrix = leftResolver. resolveMatrix ();

L = leftResolver. getMatrix (leftMatrix);

l = leftResolver. getVector (leftMatrix);

for (j = 0; j < NumberOfVessels; j++)


if (k2 == 0)


An [j] = V [j]. get (0, NumberOfSegmentation);

Qn [j] = V [j]. get (1, NumberOfSegmentation);




An [j] = U0 [j]. get (0, NumberOfSegmentation);

Qn [j] = U0 [j]. get (1, NumberOfSegmentation);


a [j] = vesselBeta [j] / (vesselAreas [j] * (Math. sqrt (An [j]) + Math. sqrt (vesselAreas [j])));

b [j] = (rho * Qn [j]) / (2 * An [j] * An [j]);

c [j] = vesselBeta [j] / (Math. sqrt (An [j]) + Math. sqrt (vesselAreas [j]));


// resolve right matrix {8}

MatrixResolver rightResolver = new MatrixResolver (atm, a, b, c, false, vesselAreas, flux1, tMin);

Matrix rightMatrix = rightResolver. resolveMatrix ();

Right = rightResolver. getMatrix (rightMatrix);

r = rightResolver. getVector (rightMatrix);

// experiment repeat marching was here

System. out. println ("k2 " + k2);

// null matrixes Y_f,Z_f,beta, Z_0, Y_0, Ort, U

Y_f. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, ZeroY_f);

Z_f. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, ZeroY_f);

Beta. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, ZeroY_f. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 0,NumberOfSegmentation));

for (int i1 = 0; i1 < NumberOfSegmentation + 1; i1++)


Z_0 [i1]. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, Zero. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0,NumberOfVessels - 1));

Y_0 [i1]. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, Zero. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0,NumberOfVessels - 1));

if (i1 < NumberOfSegmentation)


Ort [i1]. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 0, NumberOfVessels, Zero

. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 0, NumberOfVessels));



for (int i2 = 0; i2 < NumberOfVessels; i2++)


U [i2]. setMatrix (0, 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, ZeroY_f. getMatrix (0, 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation));


// end of null matrixes

L1. setMatrix (0, 2 * NumberOfVessels - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, L. transpose ());

Q = new QRDecomposition (L1). getQFull ();

R_left = new QRDecomposition (L. transpose ()). getR ();

Rr = (R_left. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1)). transpose ();

Y_f. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels - 1, 0, 0, (Rr. inverse ()). times (l));

Y_f. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, 0, Q. times (Y_f. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, 0)));

Y_0 [0]. setMatrix (0, 2 * NumberOfVessels - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, Q. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1,NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1));

Z_0 [0] = Y_0 [0];

Z_f. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, 0, Y_f. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, 0));

for (j = 0; j < NumberOfVessels; j++) // straight marching


double q, a_, q_k, a_k;

if (k2 == 0)


q = V [j]. get (1, 0);

a_ = V [j]. get (0, 0);

q_k = 0;

a_k = 0;




q = U0 [j]. get (1, 0);

a_ = U0 [j]. get (0, 0);

q_k = V [j]. get (1, 0);

a_k = V [j]. get (0, 0);


double c_ = (vesselBeta [j] * Math. sqrt (a_)) / (2 * rho * vesselAreas [j]);

G1 [j]. set (0, 0, ( - sign [j] / tDelta) * 2 * q / (q * q / a_ - c_ * a_));

G1 [j]. set (0, 1, ( - sign [j] / tDelta) / ( - (q / a_) * (q / a_) + c_));

G1 [j]. set (1, 0, - sign [j] / tDelta);

G1 [j]. set (1, 1, 0);

if (k2 == 0)


f1. set (0, j, sign [j] * (q * (1/tDelta + (8 * Math. PI * nu) / a_) / ( (q / a_) * (q / a_) - c_)));

f1. set (1, j, sign [j] * a_ / tDelta);




f1. set (0, j, sign [j]

* ( (1/tDelta) * (q_k + (8 * Math. PI * nu) * tDelta * q / a_) / ( (q / a_) * (q / a_) - c_)));

f1. set (1, j, sign [j] * a_k / tDelta);



for (i = 0; i < NumberOfSegmentation; i++) // dimensional

// segmentation loop


for (j = 0; j < NumberOfVessels; j++) // vessel loop


double q, a_, q_k, a_k;

if (k2 == 0)


q = V [j]. get (1, i + 1);

a_ = V [j]. get (0, i + 1);

q_k = 0;

a_k = 0;




q = U0 [j]. get (1, i + 1);

a_ = U0 [j]. get (0, i + 1);

q_k = V [j]. get (1, i + 1);

a_k = V [j]. get (0, i + 1);


double c_ = (vesselBeta [j] * Math. sqrt (a_)) / (2 * rho * vesselAreas [j]);

G2 [j]. set (0, 0, ( - sign [j] / tDelta) * 2 * q / (q * q / a_ - c_ * a_));

G2 [j]. set (0, 1, ( - sign [j] / tDelta) / ( - (q / a_) * (q / a_) + c_));

G2 [j]. set (1, 0, - sign [j] / tDelta);

G2 [j]. set (1, 1, 0);

if (k2 == 0)


f2. set (0, j, sign [j] * (q * (1/tDelta + (8 * Math. PI * nu) / a_) / ( (q / a_) * (q / a_) - c_)));

f2. set (1, j, sign [j] * a_ / tDelta);




f2. set (0, j,

sign [j]

* ( (1/tDelta) * (q_k + (8 * Math. PI * nu) * tDelta * q / a_) / ( (q / a_)

* (q / a_) - c_)));

f2. set (1, j, sign [j] * a_k / tDelta);


// solution of Cauchy problem

double del = vesselLegths [j] / (NumberOfSegmentation * SegmentationForIntegrating);

del_mat. setMatrix (0, 1, 0, 1, (G2 [j]. minus (G1 [j])). times (1.0/SegmentationForIntegrating));

del_fun. set (0, 0, (f2. get (0, j) - f1. get (0, j)) / SegmentationForIntegrating);

del_fun. set (1, 0, (f2. get (1, j) - f1. get (1, j)) / SegmentationForIntegrating);

z_0 = Z_0 [i]. getMatrix (j * 2, j * 2 + 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1);

z_f = Z_f. getMatrix (j * 2, j * 2 + 1, i, i);

for (jj = 0; jj < SegmentationForIntegrating; jj++)


A_. setMatrix (0, 1, 0, 1, G1 [j]. plus (del_mat. times (jj + 0.5))); // intermediate

// matrix

ff. setMatrix (0, 1, 0, 0, (f1. getMatrix (0, 1, j, j)). plus (del_fun. times (jj + 0.5))); // intermediate

// right

// part

z_0. plusEquals (A_. times (z_0. times (del)));

z_f. plusEquals ( ( (A_. times (z_f)). plus (ff)). times (del));


// new value

Y_0 [i + 1]. setMatrix (j * 2, j * 2 + 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, z_0);

Y_f. setMatrix (j * 2, j * 2 + 1, i + 1, i + 1, z_f);

for (int i3 = 0; i3 < NumberOfVessels; i3++)


G1 [i3] = G2 [i3]. copy ();

f1 = f2. copy ();



// orthogonalizaiton

Y. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, Y_0 [i + 1]);

Y. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels, Y_f. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1,i + 1, i + 1));

Y1. setMatrix (0, 2 * NumberOfVessels - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels, Y);

Qpr = new QRDecomposition (Y1). getQFull ();

Rpr = new QRDecomposition (Y). getR (); // k==1 +

Z_f. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, i + 1, i + 1, Qpr. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, NumberOfVessels,

NumberOfVessels). times (Rpr. get (NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels)));

Rpr. set (NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels, 1);

Z_0 [i + 1]. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, Qpr. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1,0, NumberOfVessels - 1));

Ort [i]. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 0, NumberOfVessels, Rpr. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 0, NumberOfVessels));


alpha. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels - 1, 0, 0, ( (Right. times (Z_0 [NumberOfSegmentation])). inverse ())

. times (r. minus (Right. times (Z_f. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, NumberOfSegmentation,


// return marching

Beta. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels - 1, NumberOfSegmentation, NumberOfSegmentation, alpha);

Beta. set (NumberOfVessels, NumberOfSegmentation, 1);

Z_. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, Z_0 [NumberOfSegmentation]. getMatrix (0,NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1));

Z_. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels, Z_f. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1,NumberOfSegmentation, NumberOfSegmentation));

Z. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, NumberOfSegmentation, NumberOfSegmentation, Z_. times (Beta. getMatrix (0,NumberOfVessels, NumberOfSegmentation, NumberOfSegmentation)));

if (NumberOfSegmentation > 1)


for (i = 0; i < NumberOfSegmentation; i++)


int m = NumberOfSegmentation - i;

Beta. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, m - 1, m - 1, (Ort [m - 1]. inverse ()). times (Beta. getMatrix (0,NumberOfVessels, m, m)));

Z_. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, Z_0 [m - 1]. getMatrix (0,NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1));

Z_. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels, Z_f. getMatrix (0,NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, m - 1, m - 1));

Z. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, m - 1, m - 1, Z_. times (Beta. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, m - 1,m - 1)));






. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 0, 0, (Ort [0]. inverse ()). times (Beta

. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 1, 1)));


Z_. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, NumberOfVessels - 1, Y_0 [0]. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0,NumberOfVessels - 1));

Z_. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, NumberOfVessels, NumberOfVessels, Y_f. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0,0));

Z. setMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels * 2 - 1, 0, 0, Z_. times (Beta. getMatrix (0, NumberOfVessels, 0, 0)));

// vessels loop

for (j = 0; j < NumberOfVessels; j++)


U [j]. setMatrix (0, 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, Z. getMatrix (j * 2, j * 2 + 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation)); // solution


for (i = 0; i < NumberOfVessels; i++)


U0 [i] = U [i]. copy ();


if ( (k2 == 0) && (tMin < 2))




} // end of experiment repeat marching

for (i = 0; i < NumberOfVessels; i++)


V [i] = U [i]. copy ();


for (j = 0; j < NumberOfVessels; j++)


OA [j]. setMatrix (k + 1, k + 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, U [j]. getMatrix (0, 0, 0, NumberOfSegmentation));

OQ [j]. setMatrix (k + 1, k + 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation, U [j]. getMatrix (1, 1, 0, NumberOfSegmentation));


} // end of general loop


public void setTDelta (double value)


tDelta = value;


public double getTDelta ()


return tDelta;


public void setTMin (double value)


tMin = value;


public void setTMax (double value)


tMax = value;


public void setNumberOfSegmentation (int value)


NumberOfSegmentation = value;


public void setSegmentationForIntegrating (int value)


SegmentationForIntegrating = value;


public Matrix [] getArea ()


return OA;


public Matrix [] getFlux ()


return OQ;


public void visit (Vessel v)


int i = v. index;

System. out. println (atm. size ()); // for debug

vesselLegths [i] = v. length;

vesselAreas [i] = v. area;

vesselBeta [i] = v. getBeta ();

if (atm. isEvenNode (v))

sign [i] = 1;


sign [i] = - 1;

if (v. left! = null)

visit (v. left);

if (v. right! = null)

visit (v. right);


public static class MatrixResolver

implements TreeTraversal


public Matrix getMatrix (Matrix m)


Matrix resultMatrix = new Matrix (atm. size (), atm. size () * 2);

resultMatrix = (m. getMatrix (0, 2 * atm. size () - 1, 0, atm. size () - 1)). transpose ();

return resultMatrix;


public Matrix getVector (Matrix v)


Matrix resultVector = new Matrix (atm. size (), 1);

resultVector = (v. getMatrix (2 * atm. size (), 2 * atm. size (), 0, atm. size () - 1)). transpose ();

return resultVector;


private double [] a;

private double [] b;

private double [] c;

private Matrix result = null;

private int index = 0;

private boolean left = true;

private double [] vesselAreas;

private int k;

private ArterialBinaryTreeModel atm;

private double [] flux;

private double t;

public MatrixResolver (ArterialBinaryTreeModel atm, double [] a, double [] b, double [] c, boolean left, double [] vesselAreas,

double [] flux, double t)


this. atm = atm;

this. a = a;

this. b = b;

this. c = c;

this. left = left;

this. vesselAreas = vesselAreas;

this. flux = flux;

this. t = t;

result = new Matrix (2 * atm. size () + 1, atm. size ());


public Matrix resolveMatrix ()


if (left)


double flux0 = flux [0];

double fluxFin = flux [0];

Matrix singlePressureFirstCondition = resolveSinglePressureEndCondition (0, a, b, c, flux0, fluxFin, t);

result. setMatrix (0, 2 * atm. size (), index, index, singlePressureFirstCondition);



atm. traverseTree (this);

return result;


public void visit (Vessel v)


vesselAreas [v. index] = v. area;

if (atm. isEvenNode (v) == left)


if (v. left! = null && v. right! = null)


Matrix singlePressureConditionLeft = resolveSinglePressureCondition (v, v. left. index, a, b, c);

result. setMatrix (0, 2 * atm. size (), index, index, singlePressureConditionLeft);


Matrix singlePressureConditionRight = resolveSinglePressureCondition (v, v. right. index, a, b, c);

result. setMatrix (0, 2 * atm. size (), index, index, singlePressureConditionRight);


Matrix singleFluxCondition = resolveSingleFluxCondition (v. index, v. left. index, v. right. index, a, b, c);

result. setMatrix (0, 2 * atm. size (), index, index, singleFluxCondition);





double flux0 = flux [0];

double fluxFin = flux [v. index];

Matrix singlePressureEndCondition = resolveSinglePressureEndCondition (v. index, a, b, c, flux0, fluxFin, t);

result. setMatrix (0, 2 * atm. size (), index, index, singlePressureEndCondition);




private Matrix resolveSinglePressureCondition (Vessel vessel, int childIndex, double [] a, double [] b, double [] c)


Matrix result = new Matrix (2 * atm. size () + 1, 1);

int parentIndex = vessel. index;

result. set (2 * parentIndex, 0, a [parentIndex]);

result. set (2 * parentIndex + 1, 0, b [parentIndex]);

result. set (2 * childIndex, 0, - a [childIndex]);

result. set (2 * childIndex + 1, 0, - b [childIndex]);

result. set (2 * atm. size (), 0, c [parentIndex] - c [childIndex]);

return result;


private Matrix resolveSingleFluxCondition (int i, int j, int k, double [] a, double [] b, double [] c)


Matrix result = new Matrix (2 * atm. size () + 1, 1);

result. set (2 * i + 1, 0, 1);

result. set (2 * j + 1, 0, - 1);

result. set (2 * k + 1, 0, - 1);

return result;


private Matrix resolveSinglePressureEndCondition (int vesselIndex, double [] a, double [] b, double [] c, double flux0,double fluxFin, double t)


Matrix result = new Matrix (2 * atm. size () + 1, 1);

result. set (2 * vesselIndex, 0, a [vesselIndex]);

result. set (2 * vesselIndex + 1, 0, b [vesselIndex]);

if (vesselIndex == 0)


result. set (2 * atm. size (), 0, c [vesselIndex]);




result. set (2 * atm. size (), 0, c [vesselIndex] + 70 * (1 - Math. exp ( - (t * t) / 100)));


return result;




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