Иностранный язык. Сфера сервиса (английский язык)
Задания и вопросы по овладению студентами навыками чтения, развитию интеллектуальных способностей и навыков логического мышления. Совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции для профессионального общения в деловых поездках в англоязычные страны.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | учебное пособие |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 07.12.2011 |
Размер файла | 249,0 K |
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Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет сервиса и экономики
Кафедра "Межкультурные коммуникации"
Учебное пособие
ББК 81.2Англ
Одобрено на заседании кафедры "Межкультурные коммуникации", протокол № 5 от 11.01.2010 г.
Утверждено Учебно-методическим советом СПбГУСЭ, протокол № 7 от 02.06.2010 г.
Никитина М.А., Ткачева И.А., Леонтьева Т.Н., Льонченко Т.Т., Маслова Л.С., Бонгард Т.А. Иностранный язык. Сфера обслуживания (Английский язык). Учебное пособие для студентов направления 100100.62 "Сервис". - СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУСЭ, 2010. - 220 с.
Рецензент: канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. "Романо-германские языки" СПбГТУ "Военмех" Судиловская В.Г.
ISBN 978-5-228-00415-3 ©Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет сервиса и экономики, 2010 г.
Настоящее учебное пособие по английскому языку является первой частью учебного комплекса по иностранному языку для обучения студентов и бакалавров сервисных специальностей и предназначено для 1-го курса. Оно позволяет систематизировать полученные ранее в рамках средней школы базовые знания, а также способствует дальнейшему совершенствованию языковых навыков и развитию речевых умений.
Данное учебное пособие нацелено на приобретение студентами коммуникативной компетенции, необходимой для делового общения в ситуациях, связанных с деловой поездкой за рубеж и пребыванием в стране изучаемого языка на уровне, позволяющем качественно использовать языковые средства в определенных функциональных целях в соответствии со схемами профессионального взаимодействия. Задачей пособия является подготовка к следующему этапу обучения - приобретению коммуникативной компетенции, достаточной для профессионального общения в сфере изучаемой специальности.
Учебное пособие содержит введение, оглавление, список использованной литературы, заключение и последовательное изложение лексического и грамматического материала в виде 12 разделов, представленных рядом тем в соответствии с Программой по иностранным языкам для вузов неязыковых специальностей.
Каждый раздел содержит один или несколько текстов, список слов и выражений, диалоги, серию заданий и упражнений, грамматический материал. Структура всех разделов унифицирована и включает подразделы, направленные на развитие коммуникативных навыков и умений на основе материалов обсуждаемой тематики. Текстовая информация, обеспечивающая выход на свободное высказывание, затрагивает ситуации официального и неофициального общения в сфере сервиса. В предлагаемой системе заданий и упражнений важная роль отводится принципу ситуативности, который рассматривается как эффективный фактор, стимулирующий речевую деятельность студентов.
В пособие включен грамматический материал, представленный упражнениями и пояснениями к ним. Системность изложения грамматических сведений, а также упражнения, организованные с учетом нарастания трудности и сложности грамматического и методического материала, может позволить студентам достаточно легко систематизировать знания (при необходимости освоить вновь) в области грамматики английского языка.
Учебное пособие также предусматривает работу по овладению студентами основными навыками чтения, развитию интеллектуальных способностей и навыков логического мышления. Каждый текст содержит задания и вопросы для более глубокого понимания содержания прочитанного, а также задачи проблемного характера, направленные на развитие речи, создание базы для дальнейшего расширения лексического запаса и совершенствования разговорных навыков студентов.
Важное место в разделе занимают вопросы для дискуссии. Они разнообразны по тематике и лексико-структурному оформлению и имеют разную степень трудности. Их можно использовать соответственно уровню языковой подготовки студентов. Вопросы проблемного характера способствуют формированию собственных суждений и развитию умений излагать свое мнение и давать оценку прочитанному.
Пособие составлено с учетом имеющегося у преподавательского состава кафедры опыта по изложению учебного материала в области сервиса и может быть использовано широким кругом лиц с целью приобретения иноязычной компетенции, позволяющей уверенно общаться на английском языке в сфере сервиса и профессиональной коммуникации.
Repetition is the mother of learning.
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.
One good head is better than a hundred strong hands.
Task 1. Practice reading the following geographical names and international words.
Saint-Petersburg, the North-Western region, university, economy, economics, economist, service, institute, education, sphere, specialist, specialty, training, management, specialist, philosophy, anniversary, qualification, industry, correspondence , region, engineering.
Task 2. Practice reading the following words combinations. Learn them by heart.
higher education - высшее образование
full-time study - дневная форма обучения
a correspondence form student - студент заочной формы обучения
to enter a university - поступить в университет
to graduate from a university - закончить университет
highly qualified specialist - высококвалифицированный специалист
career ladder - карьерный рост (карьерная лестница)
to climb the career ladder - подниматься по ступеням карьерной лестницы
in the field of service - в области сервиса
service industry - индустрия сервиса
small enterprises - малое предприятие
membership card - студенческий билет
student record book - зачетная книжка
anniversary - годовщина
service enterprise - предприятие сервиса
supplementary issues - дополнительная литература
bachelor - бакалавр
Bachelor's degree - степень бакалавра
Master's degree - степень магистра
Doctorate degree - степень доктора
post-graduate courses - аспирантура
in accordance with Bologna Declaration - в соответствии с Болонской декларацией
Task 3. Give the English equivalents.
Высшее образование, дневная форма обучения, карьерная лестница, сфера услуг, студенческий билет, зачетная книжка, предприятия сервиса, бакалавр, степень бакалавр.
Task 4. Translate underlined words and phrases into English.
1. Система высшего образования в России is undergoing great changes.
2. Cтуденты дневного отделения attend classes every day except Sunday.
3. Студенческий билет и зачетная книжка are the main documents of the student.
4. Выпускники of our university are engaged mainly в индустрии сервиса.
5. Many of them work на малых предприятиях сервиса.
6. In 4 years we закончим университет и получим степень бакалавра.
7. But I probably продолжу учиться и закончу университет со степенью магистра. And you? What do you think about this? Are you going to продолжать свое образование?
8. As for me, I want подниматься по ступеням карьерной лестницы.
Read and translate the text
St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics
Let me introduce myself. My name is Nikita Maximov. I am 18. This year in August I entered the Saint Petersburg State University of Service and Economics. I am a first-year student. I study on a full time basis. I study Economics. I hope getting higher education will help me to be highly qualified specialist and to climb the career ladder.
The course is difficult but it is very interesting. Our lectures usually start at 9 o'clock and finish at about 4p.m. At university we study various general and special subjects such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, History, Macroeconomics, Foreign Languages etc. The second - and third-year students have thorough training in Management, Accounting, Marketing, Advertising, Statistics, Banking, Business Ethics and other subjects which are useful for specialists of Economics and Service Industry. Personally I am happy to study at this university. After finishing school I wanted to enter this particular university because it offers good career prospects for those who want to make career in service industry.
The University of Service and Economics trains highly-qualified specialists in the sphere of service in Saint Petersburg and the North-Western region.
There are 8 departments at the university:
- Economics and Management of Service Enterprises;
- Regional Economics and Management;
- Tourism and International Economic Relations;
- Social Science and Management of Social Processes;
- Arts, Crafts and Design;
- Motor Transport, Municipal Engineering and Household Facilities Service;
- Trade and Restaurant Business;
- Law.
In accordance with Bologna Declaration, the university provides training in two-level system of higher education: Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree. The university also offers Post-graduate courses.
I study at the Department of Economics and Management of Service Enterprises. In 4 years I hope to get the Bachelor's Degree in Economics. After that I am planning to continue my training and earn the Master's Degree.
The graduates of our department work as managers, financial managers, accountants or stockbrokers. They also work in banks, local government offices or different service enterprises.
Words and expressions
Accounting - бухгалтерский учет, бухгалтерское дело
Statistics - статистика
Regional Economy - региональная экономика
International Economic Relations - международные экономические отношения
Social Science - социология
Municipal Engineering and Household Facilities Service - сервис коммунальной и бытовой техники
Banking - банковское дело
Arts and crafts - прикладное искусство
Municipal engineering - эксплуатация и ремонт бытовой техники
Trade - торговля
two-level system - 2-уровневая система
graduates - выпускники
accountant - бухгалтер высокого ранга ( ср. book keeper - обычный бухгалтер)
stockbroker - биржевой брокер
scientist - ученый, научный работник
Task 5. Answer the following questions.
1. Where does Nikita study?
2. Is he a full-time or a part-time student?
3. What department is he in?
4. How many departments are there at the university?
5. What subjects does he study?
6. Are you a full-time or a part time student?
7. Where do you study?
8. How long will you study at the university?
9. Do you want to receive the Master's degree?
10. Do you take part in work of student scientific society?
11. Where do the graduates of your department work?
12. Where do you want to work?
Task 6. Match the English and Russian equivalents.
1.graduatesa.высшее образование
2.bachelor degreeb.реклама
3.higher educationc.степень бакалавра
5.bankinge.банковское дело
6.sales managerf.бухгалтерский учет
9.accountingi.менеджер по продажам
10. scientistj.биржевой брокер
Task 7. Translate into English.
1. Я учусь в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете сервиса и экономики на факультете "Экономика и управление предприятиями сервиса". 2. Наш факультет находится в учебном корпусе на улице Седова, дом 55. 3. Это старейшее здание нашего университета. 4. Именно здесь началась его история. 5. Недавно университет отпраздновал 40-летие своего существования. 6. Это самый молодой государственный вуз Санкт-Петербурга. 7. Он развивается быстрыми темпами и успел стать к настоящему времени ведущим университетом в области сервиса в Санкт-Петербурге и Северо-Западном регионе России. 8. Наши выпускники работают в различных областях сферы сервиса. 9. Факультет, на котором я учусь, выпускает специалистов области бухгалтерского учета, банковского дела, менеджмента, налогообложения (Taxation) и прикладной информатики (Applied Computer Science). 10. Я хочу стать специалистом по бухгалтерскому учету и анализу. 11. По-моему, это очень перспективная (promising) специальность и в ней возможен карьерный рост, что для меня важно. 12. Поэтому я стараюсь не только усвоить программный материал, но и быть в курсе (to keep abreast of) всего нового в области экономики. 13. Я вступила (joined) в студенческое научное общество (Students' Scientific Society) (СНО) и хочу подготовить доклад к студенческой научной конференции, которые обычно проходят у нас в университете два раза в год. 14. Материал я хочу взять из зарубежных источников (from foreign sources), поэтому изучению английского языка я уделяю большое внимание. 15. Это и интересно и очень полезно (useful) для будущей карьеры (for future career).
Task 8. Fill in the missing remarks in the dialogue.
Kate: Alice, I'd like to introduce my friend Nikita Maximov.
Alice: How do you do?
Nikita: ___
A.: I've heard so much about you. Do you study at the University too?
N.: ___
A.: No, I study Social Science. I am fascinated by the study of social Processes and their management. My hobby is English. And what about you? Do you like to study foreign languages?
N.: ___
Read and translate the text
Service industry
Economists divide the products of all economic activity into two broad categories, goods and services. Industries that produce goods (tangible objects) include agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and construction. Service industries (tertiary sector of the economy) include everything else.
Although he service industry is most commonly associated with luxury spending, such as tourism, entertainment venues, restaurants and retail stores, a multitude of other vital public services are included in this sector of the economy. Medical professionals, law enforcement officers, social workers, firefighters, and postal workers all contribute to a vast service industry that ultimately improves the lives of the people who benefit from it.
Travel and tourism is also a very important part of the service industry and the economy as a whole. Airlines, railways, cruise lines and rental car agencies ensure that most people can explore virtually any part of the world or quickly visit a sick loved one who lives hundreds of miles away. Hotels and resorts provide accommodations for transient guests who are made to feel like they are home, even when traveling abroad. Restaurants offer meals to hungry travellers at virtually all price points and cuisine varieties to please just about every palate.
Each of the businesses and providers within the service industry generally strive to offer impeccable customer service. For example, retail establishments, airlines, restaurants and hotels rely on their abilities to provide outstanding service in order to win repeat business from consumers. Medical professionals are required to provide a high standard of care while treating patients with respect and dignity at a time of vulnerability. Police officers are bound by an oath to serve and protect others.
In fact, essentially all areas of the service industry are geared toward providing a better way of life in a variety of ways.
Words and expressions
to divide - делить, разделять
activity - деятельность
goods - товар; товары
service - услуги, сервис
to produce - производить, выпускать
tangible - вещественный, материальный
object - предмет
to include - включать, содержать
luxury - предмет роскоши, роскошь
spending - расходы, затраты
entertainment - развлечение
venue - место проведения (мероприятия)
retail store - магазин розничной торговли
multitude - множество
vital - (жизненно) важный, необходимый
law enforcement- правоохранительные органы
to contribute - вносить вклад, содействовать
to improve - улучшать, совершенствовать
to benefit - помогать, приносить пользу
price points - ценовой ориентир
cuisine - кухня, стол (кулинарное искусство)
to please - радовать, доставлять удовольствие
palate - вкус
to strive - стремиться, прилагать усилия
to offer - предлагать
impeccable - безупречный, совершенный
establishment - учреждение, организация
to rely - надеяться, полагаться
outstanding - выдающийся; знаменитый
consumer - потребитель, клиент, покупатель
to require - требовать
to treat - обращаться, обходиться
care - забота, уход
respect - уважение, почтительное отношение
dignity - достоинство
vulnerability - уязвимость
to be bound - быть обязанным
oath - клятва; присяга
to protect - защищать
area - область, сфера деятельности
to gear - соотносить, приспосабливать
Task 9. Answer the following questions to the text.
1. According to the text, how many industries are there in the economy?
2. How are they different?
3. What is another name for service industries?
4. Which public services belong to service industry?
5. Why are travel and tourism sectors important for people? In which way do these sectors help people?
Task 10. Fill in the gaps, using the words given.
agriculture sector total slight people
The service ______ dominates the Russian economy contributing slightly more than 58 percent of the _______ GDP with 45 million people working in this sector. The ________ employed in various service industries of Russia are growing each year though those in _______ and manufacturing sector are on a _______ decline.
Task 11. Translate into English.
Вплоть до 20 в. сфера услуг вообще исключалась из сферы производства. Знаменитый английский экономист Адам Смит прямо указывал, что богатство общества зависит лишь от производительного труда - работы по созданию материальных благ. К непроизводительным занятиям, когда ничего не производится, а лишь потребляется ранее созданное общественное богатство, он относил услуги таких профессий, как "юристы, врачи, писатели... актеры, музыканты, оперные певцы, танцовщики и пр.".
В развитых странах уже в 19 в. начали понимать, что сфера услуг хотя и не производит непосредственно материальных благ, однако создает основополагающие условия для этого производства.
Поэтому в современной статистике (включая российскую) сфера услуг (третичный сектор) рассматривается как полноценная часть производства, равнозначная сельскому хозяйству (первичный сектор) и промышленности (вторичный сектор).
Многие конкретные виды сервиса соединяют сразу оба подсектора. Поэтому до сих пор среди специалистов нет единства по поводу того, каков же отраслевой состав сферы услуг. Например, транспорт одни причисляют к сфере услуг, а другие считают нужным рассматривать как особую сферу экономики, равнозначную сельскому хозяйству, промышленности и собственно сфере услуг.
Наряду с традиционным делением сферы услуг на подсектора материального/нематериального производства встречаются и другие классификации.
Read and translate the text
Which are personal qualities required for working in the service industry?
When you do a service to others, there is some amount of nobility attached to it, even if it is a customer service which has a business motive behind it. Working in a customer service industry will not be a cake walk for all. One requires the right mental makeup, interpersonal skills, technical knowledge, problem-solving skills and so on, to be successful in a customer service industry.
Even if one lacks such qualities while joining such an industry, a sincere and committed working over a period of time definitely helps one to learn, gain and hone the specific skills needed in customer service.
Here are some skills that you can learn from working in the customer service industry:
Patience. Patience and controlling of anger are great virtues even from a spiritual point of view. Angry customers who happen to get disappointed over the problems they faced in the product / service provided by your firm will at times be too harsh in their words and too hard to please. "Customer is always right" is the first statement in the rule books of customer service and patience is the prime requisite in handling such customers.
Diplomacy. All said and done, you may not be practically in a position to meet your promised service deadlines or may not be 100% successful in resolving a problem. At times, the customer's demands may be far beyond your legal and moral commitments. Many times you will not be permitted to state certain factual and obvious things black and white by your higher-ups in the interest of not antagonizing a customer. You will then naturally develop diplomatic skills (sugar coating the bitter realities, stating the obvious in the most round-about way etc!).
Diplomacy is one great skill that will keep you in good stead in any job or situation you are put into in the course of your life.
Problem analysis and solving skills. When a service problem is assigned to you for solution, it is your responsibility to solve it amicably. The quicker you are in analyzing the problem, the better you are in solving it. If you are a customer care manager, through handling several similar and diverse problems, you will develop good experience in quickly analyzing and reaching to the root cause of a problem. "What is the quickest and easiest way to solve the problem?" is one constant thinking that will always remain at the back of your mind and this skill, when acquired, will be very helpful right through your life.
Commitment to time. People generally have the tendency to procrastinate any work. Such a mentality cannot work in customer service. Any problem reported by customer will carry a time tag to solve it and if it is missed, you will be at the firing end, not only from the customer but also from your higher-ups.
Procrastination is one bad quality that you will be able to get rid of if you work in customer service industry.
Thus working in a customer service industry is definitely very advantageous for one to improve one's personality, humane qualities as well as technical skills. Such a person will gain lots of confidence in handling people as well as problems and he/she will be a good managerial material that corporate houses would love to recruit.
Words and expressions
nobility - благородство, великодушие
cakewalk - то, что легко сделать
makeup - состав, структура
interpersonal skills - навыки межличностных отношений
technical knowledge - технические знания
skills - навыки, умение
customer - покупатель. потребитель, клиент
to lack - испытывать недостаток
sincere - искренний, чистосердечный
committed - преданный, приверженный чему-л.
to gain - получать, приобретать
to hone - оттачивать, совершенствовать (мастерство)
virtue - добродетель, достоинство
harsh - резкий, грубый
requisite - то, что необходимо
to handle - обходиться, обращаться
to assign - давать, поручать
to keep in good stead - пригодиться, оказаться полезным
amicably - дружески, дружелюбно
procrastinate - откладывать, отсрочивать
confidence - уверенность
Grammar Revision:
· The Structure of the English sentence
· Types of questions
· Personal and administrative pronouns
· Nouns
Exercise 1. Put the words in the sentences into the correct order.
1. study / faculty / at / of / I / the / economics
2. to / the / students / the / lecture / is / delivering / The / professor
3. to / I / went / the / last / Sunday / library
4. a / computer / bought / My / new / brother /week /last
5. at / seaside / do / They / not / their / spend / summer / the
Exercise 2. Add the correct tag to the questions below.
1. You were at the meeting, ___?
2. You'd graduated from the institute by that time, ___?
3. He's working on his report just now, ___?
4. He's got a promotion this month, ___?
5. You didn't like the job in the office, ___?
6. You haven't met them before, ___?
7. You've been trying to get another job,___?
8. You paid for the bill last time, ___?
9. The goods were delivered yesterday , ___?
Exercise 3. Make subject questions to ask about the missing information.
1. You and a friend are watching a good film on TV when the phone rings, and you miss the end. What do you ask your friend when you come back into the room?
What was in the end?
2. You hear a crash. You go into the living room and find your two children near a smashed vase. What do you ask them?
Who ___?
3. You want to know how many people in your class come to school by car. What do you ask the class?
Who ___?
4. All your friends are talking about something that happened at a party last night. You don't know anything about it. What do you ask?
What ___?
5. You are with a lot of children when you get to an ice cream shop. They can have either an ice-cream or a cake. What do you ask them?
Who ___?
Exercise 4. Read the newspaper article and then ask the questions.
Dennis Heal is a politician .He went to Oxford University in 1970, and in 1977 he became a Member of Parliament for the Labour Party. He has been an MP since then. He was Defence Minister from 1978 -1984. He has written three books including his autobiography The time of my life and a spy story called The time to run. He is married to the artist, Edna Heal, and they have two children. They lived in Oxford for 15 years, then moved to London in 1990. They now live in a house in Cabogan Square in central London.
1. When _____? `In 1970.'
2. When _____? `In 1977.'
3. How long ____? `Since 1977.'
4. When _____? `From 1978-1984.'
5. How many _____? `Three.'
6. What ____? `She's an artist'
7. ______he ever ____a spy story? `Yes, he has.'
8. Where ______? `In a house in London.'
Exercise 5. Put an appropriate pronoun in each blank.
1. Nobody except____ knows where the key is kept, and I will not tell you. 2. John's two years younger than Alice, but ____'s nearly as tall as ____. 3. Who bought these flowers? - It was ____. I thought you'd like them. 4. I haven't met Mark yet. Is ___ here? - That's ____ over there. 5. Who said that? - It was ____, the man in glasses. 6. You may be older than ____, but I don't have to do what you say.
Exercise 6. Put in the right pronouns.
1. Is this Alice's book or (your / yours), do you know? - It's (her / hers). 2. Take (your / yours) feet off the table. (It / Its) legs are not very strong. 3. No one is going to help us, so we will have to do it (our / ourselves). 4. Veronica always cuts her hair (her / herself), and she always looks great. 5. The Whartons are spending August in (our / ours) flat, and we're borrowing (their/ theirs). 6. Helen hurt (her / hers) foot very badly yesterday. 7. Robert (his / himself) is quite friendly, but the rest of his family is very cold. 8. That's (my / mine) coat, and the scarf is (my / mine) too. 9. I do not trust anyone else to do my accounts, I always do them (my / myself).
Exercise 7. They / them / their / theirs or another pronoun?
1.Someone's left me a note, but ____ haven't signed it. 2. The person who phoned wouldn't give ____ name. 3. Nobody in the club has paid ____ annual subscription yet. 4. Judy says somebody took ___ lecture notes. 5. If anybody can fill in this form, ____ is brighter than me. 6. Nobody will believe me unless I show ____ the picture. 7. I can not help anybody unless ____ bring all the right documents with ____. 8. Someone has taken my bag and left me ____.
Exercise 8. Put in this / that / these / those.
1. Why am I living in _____country? 2. Get me ____box from the table. 3. Ugh, ____ potatoes taste burnt! 4. What was____ noise? 5. Who are people over there? 6. Come____ way, please. 7. Isn't ____weather great? 8. Did you hear ____ rain in the night? 9. Tell her to stop ____shouting. 10. ____was a nice meal - thanks. 11. Who said____? 12. Why did she marry____ idiot? 13. Do it ____way, not like ____.
Exercise 9. Write the plurals.
Apple, boss, box, brush, cat, chair, church, class, dress, garden, gas, glass, hotel, plane, ship, table, time, tree, watch, wish. |
Exercise 10. Write the plurals.
Boy, city, copy, country, family, guy, holiday, key, party, way. |
Exercise 11. Form plural nouns from the words in brackets .
1. Our _____ play a lot of football. (child)
2. Those _____ don't look English. (student)
3. There were mostly old ___at the meeting.(man)
4. Big _____ are always dirty. (city)
5. Their _____ are traveling with them . (wife)
6. Those _____ are my colleagues.(woman)
7. My _____ are giving me trouble. (tooth)
8. Those _____ cost too much. (watch)
9. Most _____ cry at night. (baby)
10. The _____ are all wet. (match)
11. Who are those _____ ? (guy)
12. How many _____ live here? (person)
Exercise 12. Group nouns or not?
Army, audience, beach, class, police, club, party, company, crowd, idea, information, lunch, question, room, school, train, news. |
Exercise 13. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
dark glasses, silk pyjamas, scissors, shorts, black trousers.
1. I can't see very well with these _____.
2. It's hot today. I'm going to put on _____.
3. These _____ don't cut very well.
4. You'd better put on your best _____ for the interview.
5. She always sleeps in _____.
Exercise 14. Put in suitable nouns from the list.
Travel, work, furniture, advice, baggage, information, news, spaghetti
1. Can you give me some____ about the school.
2. `Have you got much _____?' `No, just one small bag.'
3. This _____ isn't very good. You cooked it for too long.
4. I've stopped reading the papers. The _____ is always bad.
5. I don't know what to do. Can you give me some _____?
6. All this _____ is from my mother's house.
7. I've got too much _____ and not enough free time.
Things to do
Task 1. Translate and comment on the following.
- I hope getting higher education will help me to be highly qualified specialist and to climb the career ladder.
Task 2. Work in small groups. Role-play the situation:
You want to take part in the activities of students' scientific society.
Discuss with your friends the following points:
· theme and the plan of your project
· students you want to work with
· your aims and ambitions
Remember to:
· discuss all the options
· take an active part in the conversation and be polite
· come up with ideas
· give reasons
· ask for your friend's opinion and agree or disagree with him\her
· come to an agreement
Task 3. Talk on one of the topics
- Service industries.
- Personal qualities required for working in the service industry.
"It isn't the place that graces the man, but man the place."
(English proverb)
"Stay, stay at home, my heart, and rest: Home-keeping hearts are happiest." - Longfellow (USA, 1807-1882)
Task 1. Practice reading the following words.
palace, architect, architecture, tsarist, centre, mansion, museum, heritage, the Hermitage, cathedral, theatre, square, spire.
Read and translate the text
St. Petersburg is one of the world's most beautiful cities and one of the most important cultural centers in Europe. St. Petersburg is also called the "Northern capital of Russia", the "Venice of the North" and the "Window to Europe".
The population of the city is over 6 million people. Saint Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia, after Moscow, and the world's most northern city with more than one million residents.
Laying the foundation stone for St. Petersburg in 1703, tsar Peter the Great, who was very fond of Europe, had two purposes in view: first, to establish the civilized European lifestyle in Russia and, second, to show the world that his countrymen were not just peasants and barbarians. Thousands of workers gave their lives building the magnificent city on a swampland.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons why St. Petersburg also has this somewhat depressive atmosphere which one can clearly feel reading Dostoevsky novels.
From the 18th till the beginning of the 20th century St. Petersburg was the capital of the Russian empire. The historic centre of Saint Petersburg and related groups of monuments were included in UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990.
The Sights
The city's oldest building is the fortress of Peter and Paul (1703).Peter and Paul Cathedral (1712-1733) is the main building in the fortress. Its gilded spire, 122.5 meters high, is one the symbols of St. Petersburg. Russian tsars and members of the royal family are buried in the cathedral and in the nearby Grand Dukes Mausoleum.
St. Petersburg is one of Europe's most beautiful cities. As the former capital of imperial Russia and the residence of its tsars, the city has many splendid architectural treasures.
Many of the glorious mansions are now home to museums and none come more impressive than the famous State Hermitage Museum. One of the largest and oldest museums of the world, it was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and open to the public since 1852. Its collections, of which only a small part is on permanent display, comprise nearly 3 million items, including the largest collection of paintings in the world. The collections occupy a large complex of six historic buildings along Palace Embankment, including the Winter Palace, a former residence of Russian emperors.
The other museums which attract thousands of tourists from all over the world include the Kunstkammer, the first Russian museum, the Smolny Cathedral, the Russian Museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral and Savior-on-the-Spilt-Blood and the Admiralty.
Nevsky Prospekt, the main street in St. Petersburg, is one of the best-known streets in Russia. Being in the historical center of the city, the prospect runs from the Admiralty to the Moscow Railway Station and then, after a slight turn, to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. In the very first days of St. Petersburg it was originally called the Great Perspective Road and was simply the beginning of the road to the ancient city of Novgorod, but it quickly became adorned with beautiful buildings, squares and bridges and became the very center of the bustling, rapidly growing city. It is 4.5 kilometers long and 25-60 meters wide. It was planned by the French architect Alexandre Jean Baptiste LeBlond, who at that moment was working for the city's founder Peter the Great.
Sadovaya Street got its name from a lot of gardens once facing the street. Moskovsky Prospect is the longest street in the city and Architect Rossy Street is the shortest one. It was in Saint Petersburg that the tradition to number streets appeared. One still can find 5th Line or 27th Line on Vasilyevsky Island. Line is one side of the street.
Cathedrals, Churches and Monasteries
The Savior on the Blood Church (1907). This beautiful church was modeled after St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. It was built on the place where Tsar Alexander II was mortally wounded by terrorists in 1881.
St. Isaac's Cathedral (1858) is one of the biggest cathedrals in the world. Decorated with marble, gemstones and gold, the St. Isaac's Cathedral is the most splendid church in St. Petersburg. The colonnade around the cupola offers an absolutely wonderful view over the city.
The Kazan Cathedral was built in 1811. This impressive building resembles St. Peter's Dome in Rome.
Alexander Nevsky Monastery (1710-1790s) is one of the most prominent monasteries in Russia. In 1797 it was given the title "Lavra" which is held by only four Russian monasteries. The Trinity Cathedral is the most important church of the monastery. World famous artists are buried at the cemetery. Among them are Fyodor Dostoevsky, Peter Tchaikovsky, Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Mikhail Glinka.
Smolny Convent and Cathedral (1748-1835). The magnificent white-and-blue convent is one of the most beautiful architectural complexes in Russia. It is a masterpiece of the brilliant Italian architect Rastrelli, who also designed the Winter Palace. The convent and an institute for young women of noble origin were established there in 1764. This institute was the first educational centre for women in Russia.
Exploring the city, you'll cross a lot of bridges--342 of them, many exquisitely designed and adorned with statues.
The bridges across the Neva are raised at night, when the Neva River isn't frozen over, to let ships pass through.
There are lots of theaters to suit all tastes. One can hear an opera or watch a ballet in the Mariinsky Theater or the Maly Opera House. Theatergoers can enjoy the dramatic art in the Bolshoi Drama Theater or in the Alexandrinsky Theater. Chamber and symphony music can be enjoyed in the Shostakovich Philharmonic Society. And, finally, those who prefer pop singers and rock stars can visit their shows at concert halls or sport palaces like the SKK or the Ledovy Palace. Two circuses are at people's disposal as well.
Saint Petersburg is also famous for its legendary white nights. Different festivals take place at this time. It has also been a tradition for graduates of all kinds to celebrate their graduation and make marry in the night city.
The suburbs
Tsarskoye Selo (Pushkin) used to be the main summer residence of the Russian tsars. It is one of the most beautiful places just outside St. Petersburg. It is situated 25 km south of the city. The major attraction of the ensemble is the gorgeous Catherine Palace built in the style of Russian baroque. The world-famous Amber room, which was extensively restored for the 300th birthday of St. Petersburg in 2003, is located in the palace. Tsarskoye Selo is also famous for its Imperial Lyceum, an education institution for young aristocrats. Alexander Pushkin was among the first graduates of the Lyceum.
Peterhof, another the summer residence of the Russian tsars, is located 29 km west of St. Petersburg and is famous for its wonderful park ensemble. The highlight of Peterhof is the Great Palace with the magnificent Great Cascade.
Words and expressions
to lay (laid, laid) ? класть
peasant ? крестьянин, сельский житель
magnificent ? великолепный, величественный
swampland ? болотистая местность
UNESCO ? United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - ЮНЕСКО
heritage ? наследство; наследие
list ? список, перечень, реестр
fortress ? крепость
cathedral ? кафедральный собор
gilded ? позолоченный
spire ? шпиль
to be buried ? быть похороненным
duke ? князь, герцог
treasure ? сокровище
glorious ? знаменитый, прославленный
mansion ? большой особняк, дворец
permanent ? постоянный
display ? показ, демонстрация
to comprise - включать, содержать
item ? предмет
to occupy ? занимать
embankment ? набережная
former ? бывший
residence ? жильё; дом, резиденция
emperor ? император
to adorn ? украшать
rapidly ? быстро
marble ? мрамор
cemetery ? кладбище
convent ? монастырь (преим. женский)
to raise ? поднимать
chamber music ? камерная музыка
suburbs ? пригород, пригородные районы
Task 2. How much do you know about the city you study at? How many of these questions can you answer?
1. When was St. Petersburg founded?
2. Who is the founder of the city?
3. What is the city's oldest building?
4. What is the State Hermitage Museum famous for?
5. How big is the collection of the Hermitage?
6. Which other museums are there in St. Petersburg?
7. How long is Nevsky Prospect, the main thoroughfare of the city?
8. What are the best known cathedrals in St. Petersburg?
9. How many bridges does St. Petersburg have?
Task 3. Translate into Russian.
1. Одна из достопримечательностей Петербурга - фонтаны. Наиболее знаменитый из них - фонтанный комплекс Петергофа.
2. В черте города находится около 100 водоёмов (озёр, прудов, искус- ственных водоёмов), через которые перекинуто около 800 мостов, в том числе 218 пешеходных.
3. Собственно городских мостов - 342, остальные в пригородах (Кронштадт - 5, Пушкин - 54, Петергоф - 51, Павловск - 16, Ломоносов - 7); из них 22 моста разводные.
4. Самый длинный мост - Большой Обуховский (вантовый) мост через Неву (2824 метров), самый широкий мост - Синий мост на реке Мойке (99,5 м).
5. Центральная часть города находится с 1990 г. под охраной ЮНЕСКО; сохранность исторической архитектурной среды в центре города до начала XXI века была достаточно высока.
6. Под охраной государства в Санкт-Петербурге находится около 8 тысяч памятников архитектуры.
7. Ряд новых строительных проектов, нарастающий объём сноса зданий фоновой застройки центра и появление в центре новых зданий, разрывающих ансамбли и искажающих виды, вызывают возражения у общественности.
8. Всё чаще звучат мнения, что такие действия могут разрушить уникальную городскую среду петербургского центра.
Task 4 Practice the following dialogue.
- Добрый вечер, мистер Браун. Как дела? Хорошо провели время?
- It's everything all right. I had an appointment with my business partner at 9 o'clock. I'm on business here, you know, but whenever I find an hour to spare I go sightseeing. I'm so full of impressions. And what about you, Mr. Rodgers, did you enjoy the afternoon walk?
- О, конечно! Петербург - поистине удивительный город! Здесь на каждом шагу есть что-то, что привлекает ваше внимание. Я здесь уже третий день. Завтра я хочу сходить в Эрмитаж.
- It's a good idea. The Hermitage, like all museums, needs to be taken a little at a time.
- Я слышал, что Эрмитаж занимает шесть великолепных исторических зданий с протяжённостью коридоров более чем 30 км. Художественная коллекция насчитывает около 3 миллионов экспонатов. Сначала я хочу осмотреть старейшее здание Эрмитажа - Зимний дворец. Это далеко отсюда?
- No, it's no distance at all, only 20-minute walk.
Task 5.Read the text and answer the question.
The 900-day Siege of Leningrad
In September 1941, less than two and a half months after the Soviet Union was attacked by Nazi Germany, German troops were already approaching Leningrad. By 8 September, German forces had largely surrounded the city, cutting off all supply routes to Leningrad and its suburbs, and the Siege began. It lasted for a total of 900 days, from September 8, 1941 until January 27, 1944. The city's almost 3 million civilians (including about 400,000 children) refused to surrender and endured rapidly increasing hardships in the encircled city. Food and fuel stocks were limited to a mere 1-2 month supply, public transport was not operating and by the winter of 1941-1942 there was no heating, no water supply, almost no electricity and very little food. In January 1942 in the depths of an unusually cold winter, the only food available to the citizens was 125 grams of bread per day. In just two months, January and February of 1942, 200,000 people died of cold and starvation. Despite these tragic losses and the inhuman conditions, the city's war industries still continued to work and the city did not surrender.
Several hundred thousand people were evacuated from the city across Lake Ladoga via the famous "Road of Life" - the only route that connected the besieged city with the mainland. During the warm season people were ferried to the mainland, and in winter - carried by trucks that drove across the frozen lake under constant enemy bombardment.
Meanwhile, the city lived on. The treasures of the Hermitage and the suburban palaces of Petrodvorets and Pushkin were hidden in the basements of the Hermitage and St Isaac's Cathedral. Many of the city's students continued their studies and even passed their finals exams. Dmitry Shostakovich wrote his Seventh "Leningrad" Symphony and it was performed in the besieged city.
In January 1943 the Siege was broken and a year later, on January 27, 1944 it was fully lifted. At least 641,000 people died in Leningrad during the siege (some estimates put this figure closer to 800,000). Most of them were buried in mass graves in different cemeteries, with the majority in the Piskariovskoye Memorial Cemetery, resting place to over 500,000 people and a timeless reminder of the heroic deeds of the city.
The Siege was undoubtedly the most tragic period in the history of the city, a period full of suffering and heroism.
1. When did the siege start?
2. How long did it last?
3. How many people were there in the city when the siege started?
4. How big was the city's daily ration in winter of 1941-1942?
5. When was the siege broken?
6. In which month was the siege lifted?
6. How many people died during the Siege?
7. In which way are the Siege victims commemorated?
Grammar Revision:
· Construction There is / There are
· Articles
· Indefinite pronouns some / any and their derivatives
· Little / a little / few / a few
Exercise 1. Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use is /isn't or are /aren't.
1. (it / hot today)
2. (it / windy today)
3. (my hands / cold)
4. (Russia / a very big country)
5. (The Neva River / wide)
6. (The Neva / frozen now)
Exercise 2. Translate these sentences into Russian.
1. There are twenty pence in a pound sterling . 2. There is one hundred cents in a US dollar. 3. There are 1.6 kilometers in a mile. 4. There are many talented students in this group. 5. Is there a car park near here? 6. Is there a swimming pool in the town?
Exercise 3. Translate these sentences into English.
1. В этой аудитории много современных компьютеров . 2. Сейчас в городе тысячи туристов из разных стран Европы и Америки. 3. На столе лежат книги, журналы и газеты. 4. В этом тексте много сложных слов. 5. На Невском проспекте много соборов и церквей. 6. В этом журнале есть несколько интересных рассказов. 7. В этой группе много студентов. 8. В нашем университете 8 факультетов 9. В Санкт-Петербурге 5 миллионов жителей. 10. В Государственном Эрмитаже свыше 3 миллионов экспонатов. 11. В нашем городе более 400 мостов.
Exercise 4. Explain the use of the indefinite article a/an.
1. I'd like to have a dog. 2. She lives in a small flat somewhere in Paris. 3. `What do you do?' `I'm a student.' 4. `What's that?' `It's a photo camera.' 5. `Is he an architect?' `No, he isn't. He is an engineer.' 6. `Does Los Angeles have a subway system?' `No, there are only buses and street cars in the city.' 7. `If you need any city transport in Los Angeles you can get a transfer.' `What is a transfer?' `With a transfer you can change to another bus or street car without having to pay another fare.' 8. `What's a taxi fare?' `It's from eighty cents to a dollar a mile.'
Exercise 5.Put in the or a/an where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.
1. Where did you have ___lunch?
2. We spent ___ month ___Black Sea.
3. ___Hermitage stands on ___bank of ___Neva river.
4. ___London is one of ___most beautiful cities in ___world.
5. When they come to ___ city they always stay in ___'Ritz'
6. He spent ___whole day preparing for ___test.
7. ___Moon moves around ___Earth.
8. He named her Lisa by ___mistake.
9. ___Mississippi flows into ____Mexican Gulf.
10. Can you tell me where ___Room 25 is?
11. Tim lives in ___small village in ___country.
12. Peru is ___country in South Africa. ___capital is Lima.
13. Ann didn't go to____work yesterday.
14. Will you be at ___home tomorrow afternoon?
Exercise 6. Insert some, any or no.
1. Are there _____ letters for me? No, there aren't ____ letters for you.
2. You have _____ very nice water-colors here. 3. I have got ____ interesting books to read. 4. There aren't ____ magazines here. 5. There are ___ coat-hangers in the wardrobe. 6. I have got ____ interesting news to tell you. 7. There isn't ___ butter on the table. Take ____ fresh butter from the fridge. 8. Will you have a cup of tee? There is ____ hot water in the kettle. 9. I have got ____ time to speak to you now. I am very busy. 10. Have you got ____ English records at home? 11. You may read ____ book you like. 12. Where can I buy _____ flowers? 13. I am interested in _____ information you can give me on this question. 14. May I have ____water, please? 15. Give me ___ money if you have ____ . 16. If you have ___ idea about it, please tell it to me.
Exercise 7. Insert somebody, someone, anybody, something, anything, everything, nothing, anyone, everybody, nobody, no one, none.
1. I see ____ in the window. 2. Is there ____ new? 3. There is ____in the next room who wants to speak to you. 4. ____ knows about it. 5. Will you give me ____to eat, I am hungry. 6. If ____calls while I am out, ask him to wait. 7. If there is ____ else you want, please let me know. 8. I haven't any more money about me, so I cannot buy ____else. 9. Where can I get ____ to eat? 10. When can I find ____here who can give me some information on this question? 11. Let me know if ____ happens. 12. I know ___ about your town. Tell me ____about it. 13. I can see ____. It is too dark here. 14. I understand ____ now. Thank you for your explanation. 15. ____ of them speak English well. 16. "Where is the book?" "It's on the table." "But there is ____there. 17. Please tell us the story. ____ knows it yet. 18. Is there ____ in your group who lives in the hostel? 19. ____can answer this question. It is too difficult. 20. ____can answer this question. It is very easy. 21. The room is empty. ____ is in. 22. ____ likes to go out for a walk when it is raining. 23. Can you see ____ through the fog?
Exercise 8. Insert much, many, little, few.
1. There are ___ students in the hall. 2. There is ___ furniture in this room. 3. I haven't ___ time today. I am very busy. 4. She has ____ Russian but ___English books. 5. Please don't make so ___ noise. 6. I have _____ mistakes in my dictation. 7. Are there ___ rooms in your flat? 8. I have ____ water in my cup. Give me ____, please. 9. Are there ____ new houses in your street? 10. There isn't ____ paper in the drawer.
Exercise 9. Insert a few, a little.
1. I have got _____ pictures in the room, but not many. 2. There is _____ bread in the cupboard. Take it. 3. There are only _____ cigarettes in the box. 4. ______books are lying on the table, but there are no magazines there. 5. I have ____ money in my pocket. 6. Give me ____ water, please. I am very thirsty. 7. I have just ____ prints, but they all are very good.
Things to do
Task 1. Speaking.
A delegation of students and teachers from Britain are on their visit at your university. They want to go sightseeing on the weekend. You are asked to guide the gests around the St. Petersburg's central squares and avenues.
It is never too late to learn.
Do not teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Learn to walk before you run.
Education plays a great role in the modern life. Well educated person is respected and has more opportunities to realize his ambitions. Education is considered to be some kind of a service, because it provides people with information about important issues. The mission of education is training of highly qualified professionals who would meet requirements of modern changing environment, brining up the youth capable of working and developing their creative possibilities in any country of the world.
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Особенности формирования технике чтения на начальном этапе обучения, выявление и развитие необходимых способностей. Освоение навыков чтения вслух и про себя в иностранном языке. Система упражнений для формирования умений чтения: тесты и комплекс заданий.
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курсовая работа [184,2 K], добавлен 18.12.2014Современная проблема мотивации в отечественной и зарубежной методике преподавания иноземных языков. Говорение как один из способов формирования коммуникативной компетенции. Использование лингвострановедческого материала при обучении иностранному языку.
дипломная работа [84,6 K], добавлен 16.06.2015Психолого-педагогические подходы к обучению детей чтению. Опыт работы отечественных педагогов по совершенствованию навыков чтения младших школьников. Организация опытно-экспериментальной работы по развитию динамики чтения учеников 2 класса средней школы.
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дипломная работа [69,6 K], добавлен 23.06.2010Актуальность использования игры для развития речевых способностей. Мотивация к овладению иностранным языком у младших школьников, использование игровых приемов в обучении. Особенности формирования коммуникативных универсальных учебных умений у детей.
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дипломная работа [193,3 K], добавлен 29.12.2014Изучение коммуникативной компетенции, как цели обучения иностранному языку. Определение понятия и основные формы дискуссии. Психологические особенности старшего школьного возраста. Практические аспекты использования дискуссии на уроке немецкого языка.
курсовая работа [62,0 K], добавлен 25.07.2017