Creating informational website for deployment hybrid infrastructure

Review of development of cloud computing. Service models of cloud computing. Deployment models of cloud computing. Technology of virtualization. Algorithm of "Cloudy". Safety and labor protection. Justification of the cost-effectiveness of the project.

Рубрика Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика
Вид дипломная работа
Язык английский
Дата добавления 13.05.2015
Размер файла 2,3 M

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Melisuly D.

Creating informational website for deployment hybrid infrastructure


Major 5B070400 - Computer science and software engineering

Almaty 2015




Department of Computer Science, Software Engineering and Telecommunication


Head of the Department,

Dr.Sc.Eng., Professor

_________R.Muhamediyev «_____» ___________2015


Topic: Creating informational website for deployment hybrid infrastructure

STUDENT: CSSE111, Melisuly D.

SUPERVISOR: assoc. prof.,

Khassenova G.I.

REVIEWER: assoc. prof.,

Abdullina V.Z

Almaty 2015




Department of Computer Science, Software Engineering and Telecommunication

Major 5B070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering


Head of the Department,

Dr.Sc.Eng., Professor

___________R.Muhamediyev «_____» ___________201_



(student name)

1. Diploma project topic


Approved by IITU order № dated «____» _______________ 201

2. Assignment submission deadline _____________________________

3. Initial data ______________________________________________


4. List of issues to be developed _______________________________


5. Laser disc containing the diploma paper text with attachments _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Project consultants, by sections



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Economic part

Berdykulova G.M

Occupational safety and health

Nurmuhanbetova G.A

English translation

Zhaparova A.A

Standardized control

Abdullina V.Z

Date of issuing the assignment ___________________________________



Received by__________________________________________________



Diploma work stage

Date of submission









Review of literature and works on the subject of cloud computing

Review and analysis of work on cloud computing

Review of the theoretical part

Developing applications for cloud computing

The economical part of the project

Writing sections of labor protection

Explanatory work of diploma project

12.01.2015 - 20.01.2015

12.01.2015 - 06.02.2015

06.02.2015 - 20.02.2015

20.02.2015 - 15.03.2015

20.03.2015 - 15.04.2015

20.03.2015 - 15.04.2015

15.03.2015 - 10.05.2015

Assignment date _______________________________________________



Received by_____________________________________________



of compliance with the Professional Code of Ethics

I, _____________________________, student majoring in 5В070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering, IITU JSC, am stating that my diploma paper on the topic: «___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________», submitted to the State Attestation Committee for public defence, complies with the Professional Code of Ethics and does not contain plagiarism, falsified data or incorrect citations.

I am fully aware of the fact that in accordance with the IITU Regulation on preparation and defence of graduation papers (diploma projects) detection of plagiarism, data falsification and incorrect citations in my diploma paper shall constitute ground for lowering my grade or a “Failure”.




Department of Computer Science, Software Engineering and Telecommunication


of the diploma project by ________________________________________

majoring in 5В070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering

Diploma Project Supervisor _____________________________________

Diploma Project topic: __________________________________________


Qualification requirement

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Recommended grade



Relevance and significance


min:0 - max:15



Not topical




min: 0- max:15



Practical value


min: 0- max:10



Correspondence to the specialist's training profile


min: 0- max:10

Not corresponds


Independence of the work done


min:0- max:10



Provision of conclusions and recommendations


min:0- max:10



Problem-solving quality


min: 0- max:15




Degree of research completion


min:0- max:15




Comments on the diploma project:



В дипломном проекте разработано веб-приложение по созданию гибридной инфраструктуры. Для этого проведен сравнительный анализ существующих на рынке веб-приложении. Изучены понятия облачных вычислений, классификации, модели развертывания, структура гибридного облака. Также были проанализированы методы работы платформы Windows Azure, Microsoft Hyper-V 2008/2012 , VMWare. Основываясь на собранных сведениях было разработано веб-приложение которое помогает при использовании технологии виртуализации при создании гибридного облако.

Ключевые слова: облачные вычисления, гибридное облако, частное облако, публичное облако, модели и методы развертывания.

Дипломная работа содержит 70 страниц, 31 иллюстраций, 8 таблицы, 15 использованных источников.


Дипломды? жобада буданды инфра??рылымды ?зірлеуге арнал?ан web-?осымшасы ?зірленген. Осы ?шін ?лемдегі бар б?лтты есептеулермен айналысатын web-?осымшалары салыстырмалы анализі ?ткізілген. Б?лтты есептеулерді? ??ымы, сыныптамалары, ?рістетуді? т?рлері мен ?дістері, б?данды б?лтты? ??рылымы танып білінген. Сондай-а? Windows Azure Microsoft Hyper-V 2008/2012 , VMWare платформаларыны? ж?мыс істеу ?дісі ?арал?ан. Жина?тал?ан а?параттар негізінде буданды инфра??рылымды ?зірлеуге ?шін арнал?ан web-?осымшасы ?зірленген.

Рисктерді? т?р ?серін жою ма?сатында б?л ?осымша кез келген де?гейдегі компанияларды? пайдалануына жарамды.

Ма?ызды с?здер: б?лтты есептеулер, б?данды б?лт, дербес б?лт, к?пшілік б?лт, ?рістетуді? т?рлері мен ?дістері.

Диплом ж?мысы 70 бет, 31 т?рлі- т?сті, 8 кесте, 15 зерттеу к?здерінен т?рады.


At the diploma project the web-application for create a hybrid infrastructure is developed. To achieve this, a comparative analysis of the existing web-application on the market is done. Concepts of cloud computing, classification, deployment model, the structure of the hybrid cloud is examined. Also the working methods of the platform Windows Azure, Microsoft Hyper-V 2008/2012, VMWare are analyzed. Based on the collected information a web application that helps when you use virtualization technology to create a hybrid cloud was developed

Keywords: cloud computing, hybrid cloud, private cloud, public cloud models and methods of deployment.

Diploma project contains 70 pages, 31 illustrations, 8 tables, 15 references.



1. Technology of cloud computing

1.1 Review of development of cloud computing.

1.2 Service models of cloud computing.

1.3 Deployment models of cloud computing.

1.4 Safety of information.

2. Technology of virtualization

2.1 Virtualization of resources.

2.2 Virtualization of platforms.

2.3 Hypervisor.

3. Algorithm of “Cloudy”

3.1 Functional of website.

3.2 Software tools.

4. Safety and labor protection

5. Justification of the cost-effectiveness of the project




Despite the fact that the term ,which familiar to us, "cloud" services appeared in the 70s of the last century, the last 10 years, the term has become very popular. Just at that time, software developers have proposed a model of the application, in which all calculations and data processing are carried out not on the user's computer and on remote servers.

First who seriously interested in this technology was Amazon company. Amazon introduced his “invention” to its customers which called like extensive system of web services. The principal difference of the new infrastructure was that users receive in order not only for hosting storage but also to computing power of servers owned by Amazon. Just a year later similar services offered other companies IT-industry: Google, Sun and IBM. A year later, Microsoft announced not just an app - an entire operating system built on the basis of "cloud" computing model.

The goal of diploma project is to construct of an informational web site where placed the theoretical material and arranged laboratory works which will helps to users in deployment of a hybrid cloud which based on Windows Azure and Microsoft Server 2012 R2. And also to improve the knowledge on a practical basis for technology, services, and services provided by "cloud computing". To accomplish goal it is necessary to:

The goal of diploma project is to improve information security in cloud infrastructures. To accomplish goal it is necessary to:

1) Get acquainted with the term of “cloud computing” and make review to existing cloud solutions;

2) Classification of Cloud Computing by expansion models and web-services;

3) Define the hypervisor-based virtualization technology theory;

4) Consider the use of cloud technologies provided by Windows Azure and Windows Server 2008/2012;

5) Development of the algorithm of laboratory works;

6) Implementation of the program set.

1. Technology of cloud computing

Cloud computing - is a model of ensuring universal network access on demand to a shared pool of the configured computing resources which can be provided and introduced quickly with a minimum of administrative efforts or interactions about service provider. Now usually understand possibility of obtaining necessary computing capacities as cloud computing on demand from a network, and to the user details of realization of this mechanism aren't important and he receives from this "clouds" all necessary.

Emergence cloudy calculation is directly connected with development of computer facilities, systems and networks of data storage, consolidation of infrastructures. Because the centralized data processing on the basis of mainframes solves many problems of information systems of scale of the enterprise more simply and cheaper than the distributed processing used in personal computers, in 1994 growth of interest in cloudy technologies began again.

1.1 Review of development of cloud computing

The main trends in the development of infrastructure solutions which contributed to the emergence of cloud computing:

· Increased productivity of computers. The advent of multi-processor and multi-core computing systems.Development of blade-systems.

· The appearance of storage systems and storage networks.

· Consolidation of infrastructure.

Tasks of service of a large number of users (the distributed databases, Internet services, hosting) and difficult resource-intensive (scientific tasks, mathematical modeling) calculation always demanded high concentration of computing means which needed development. Producers of processors reached reasonable restriction of accumulation of power of the processor, and it led to emergence of the multiprocessor and multinuclear computing systems. According to Figure 1.1, the emergence of a universal computer system IBM System / 360 in 1864, went down in history as the first mainframe. Mainframe - a host computer center with large internal and external memory.

To increase performance computing center was effective to increase the number of individual computing modules, it created new types of servers - known as Blade-servers.

The scheme of stages of development cloud computing is given in figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Scheme of stages of development cloudy calculation

cloud computing algorithm virtualization

Blade-server - is a modular single-board computer-system, containing CPU and RAM which are inserted into the special chassis. These chassis with several blades is Blade-system. At present, leaders in production of blade-servers are companies like: Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Dell, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Sun.

Another feature of modern history of development of computing systems, along with the appearance of blade servers became appearance of specialized storage systems and storage area networks.

In the conditions of rapidly increasing volumes of processed information internal storage servers often could not provide the required level of scalability and performance with the rapid increase the volume of processed information. As the result, external storage systems were invented, which were especially focused on the solution of data storage tasks and providing interface of access to data which stored in external storage systems. Storage Area Networks (SAN) - is hardware and software solution for organizing secure storage of information resources and providing secure access to them. SAN - is high-performance network whose primary purpose is to enable storage devices to communicate with computer systems and with each other.

In modern corporate IT-infrastructure SAN, usually are separated from main computing servers, adapted and adjusted for various specialized tasks. SAN realize various quantities of functions, which plays important role in building systems of online backup, data recovery, failover of clusters and virtualization farms with high level of availability.

The driving force for the development of storage area network became explosive growth in the volume of business information(such as e-mail, databases , and highly loaded file servers)which require a high-speed access to disk devices . To solve this problem SAN was created which allow to transmit information quick and guaranteed over a distance of up to several hundred kilometers. SAN is based on fiber optic connection interface devices, which provide data transfer rate between the objects up to 8mbit/sec. SAN raise efficiency of use because they give the opportunity to allocate a resource to any node on the network.

Topologies of Storage area network can be divided into:

· Single-switch fabric;

· Cascaded fabric;

· Meshed fabric;

· Ring fabric.

Consolidation of IT infrastructure - is the first step to "the cloud". To move to use cloud technologies , companies need to first solve the problem of non-consolidated IT. "Without consolidation is impossible to build an effective process-oriented management, because there is no single point of service delivery."

Consolidation -- is association of cloud resources or structure of management in a single center. Figure 1.2 shows the types of consolidation.

Рисунок 1.2 - Types of consolidation

According to Figure 1.2 consolidation is divided into the following types:

· Server Consolidation - Move decentralized applications distributed on different servers of the company, in one centralized cluster of homogeneous servers;

· * Consolidation of storage systems - sharing a centralized storage system several heterogeneous nodes;

· Application consolidation - accommodation of multiple applications on the same host.

In accordance with Figure 1.3 ,a cloud is based on consolidated at least one server and at least one data storage system combined with the help of topologies of SAN.

Figure 1.3 - Server and system of data storage.

1.2 Service models of cloud computing

Cloud computing - hardware and software available to users through the Internet or a local area network in the form of different types of service (web service), allowing the use of user-friendly interface for remote access to selected resources. In accordance with Figure 1.4 shows the services provided by cloud computing.

Рисунок 1.4 -- Типы облачных вычислении

According to Figure 1.4, cloud computing provides the following web services:

· IaaS - Infrastructure as a service;

· Paas - Platform as a service;

· SaaS - Software as a service;

· HaaS - Hardware as a Service;

· WaaS - Workplace as a Service;

· DaaS - Data as a Service;

· SECaaS - Security as a Service;

1.2.1 Infrastructure as a service(IaaS)

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) - is a service of rent virtual servers are cost-effective way to provide modern and efficient enterprise computing resources.

Available in the data center cloud solutions “IaaS” provide customers with the development and maintenance, rapid expansion or reduction of the required IT-systems according to the needs of the enterprise without investing in the development and maintenance of the server system.

IaaS vendors provide components of the following levels:

· Virtualization platforms for launching virtual machines

· Hardware (usually Grid with massive horizontal scalability);

· A computer network (including routers, firewalls, load balancing, etc.);

Instead of buying space in data centers, servers, software, network equipment, etc. Clients of IaaS rent the resources that are on the side serving providers IaaS. Payment for services is usually done on a monthly basis. User pays only for consumed resources. The main advantages of this type includes:

· Free access to a pre-configured environment;

· Using the infrastructure of the last generation;

· Protected and isolated computing platforms;

· Reduced risk through the use of third-party resources maintained by third parties;

· The ability to manage peak loads;

· Less time, cost and complexity is added or enhanced functionality.

Modern technologies of virtualization of infrastructure (in our case IaaS) allow you to implement all the functionality on a single platform that allows the necessary IT infrastructure outsourcing business units. This may be a virtual server for hosting several dozen sites, and can be a full-fledged corporate infrastructure of dozens of servers including virtual employees' desktops, mail server, IP-telephony, CRM system and document management server databases, and etc.

First who use IaaS was Amazon company.

Among the companies providing IaaS can be noted GoGrid which has a very user friendly interface to manage the VPS, and cloud storage with support for protocols SCP, FTP, SAMBA / CIFS, RSYNC.

“Enomaly” is a solution for deploying and managing virtual applications in the cloud. Among the supported virtual architectures: Linux, Windows, Solaris and BSD Guests. Virtualization is used not only Xen, and KVM, and VMware.

Cloud computing environment can be created on the basis of cloud solutions Amazon EC2, IBM x86, Microsoft Azure, EMC, VMware, based on open-SOURCE solutions OpenStack, RackSpace based on OpenStack et al., Which allow to transform the data center into a dynamic IT environment. Moreover, cloud computing cloud database used, i.e. databases that run on cloud computing platforms. As a cloud-based database used as an SQL-oriented model and data model NoSQL.

1.2.2 Software as a service (SaaS)

SaaS (software as a service also software on demand) - business model of using and selling of software where supplier develop web-application and manage by herself, providing customers with access to the software via the Internet. The main advantage of the SaaS model for the consumer is the absence of costs associated with installing, upgrading and support of the equipment and working on it software. In other words SaaS applications are installed and run on the server SaaS-provider, and users can access them through a web browser and entering the data, the user is ready results through the Internet and use them.

SaaS delivered the following types of cloud applications and services: Business Apps, Office Web Apps, Management Apps, Communications, Security and etc. The most popular cloud applications are: CRM (Customer Relationship Management), HRM (Human resources management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, for example: 1С), office application, communication tools and etc. is the world's largest provider of cloud-based CRM. Along with services whih is describes above, SaaS services include data backup “Online Backup”. At a certain time service automatically encrypts data on a computer or other device and send them to a remote server. Thanks to this, the data can be accessed from anywhere on Earth. This service now provides a variety of companies, including such as Nero and Symantec.

Main software application:

§ Office Web Apps (Google Docs, Office Online/Microsoft OneDrive, etc.),

§ Business Apps (CMR, FRM, IBM® B2B Cloud Services, Axway Cloud B2B, amoCRM SaaS service for B2B, Google Apps for Business),

§ Management Apps (ERP/АРЕНДА 1С, HRM, SCM, MRP),

§ Communications (Gmail, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Lync Online, Cloud PBX or cloudy АТС, MDM),

§ Security (Panda Cloud Email Protection, Panda Cloud Internet Protection, McAfee SaaS Email Protection & Continuity, Сomfortway Mobile Security), and etc.

1.2.3 Platform as a Service (PaaS)

The development of "cloud" computing has led to platforms that allow you to create and run a web application. Platform as a Service (PaaS) -- is to provide an integrated platform for development, testing, deployment and support of web applications as a service organized on the basis of the concept of cloud computing.

In this model, the entire information technology infrastructure, including computer networks, servers, storage, entirely controlled by the provider. Provider defines a set of available types of consumer platforms, and a set of controlled parameters platforms, and the consumer is given the opportunity to use the platform to create their virtual copies, install, develop, test, operate on them, application software, and the dynamically changing the amount of consumed computing resources. PaaS model envisages that a provider of cloud services provides customers with programming languages, development environment, libraries, services and tools, with which the end user develops and deploys the application. Figure 1.5 shows services which provide PaaS.

Figure 1.5 -- Services offered by PaaS

According to figure 1.5 PaaS provides a software platform and maintenance as a service composed of:

§ OS - network operating system (Unix-systems, including Ubuntu Server, BSD/OS Family, Solaris/SunOS and etc. or Windows Server)

§ Database - database management system(DBMS) (MySQL, Microsoft SQL, SQL Database, PostgreSQL, Oracle and etc.)

§ Middleware - software middle layer or binding (intermediate) software, which is designed to ensure interoperability between different applications, systems and components.

§ Software development tools and testing - software tools for developing and testing web applications (software development environment: software frameworks, libraries, etc. programming languages to create a web application: Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, JS for Node.js, etc.).

§ App server - application server for developing, testing, debugging and web applications.

Similar services provide a large number of companies such as Microsoft,, Google. PaaS model based on the license or subscription model so users only pay for what they use. PaaS include workflows for creating, development, testing, deployment and placement of application. Also, application services, virtual offices, database integration, security, scalability, storage, wealth management, tools, dashboards, and more.

Platform Microsoft Windows Azure- a group of "cloud" technologies, each of which provides a specific set of services for application developers. Computing services of Windows Azure works on basis of Windows. In addition to applications which developed on the platform ".NET Framework" Windows Azure also allows developers to run applications in the languages of Windows - C #, Visual Basic, C ++ and other - using Visual Studio or other development tools. Developers can create web applications using technologies such as ASP.NET and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), applications that run as independent background processes or applications that combine both.

1.3 Deployment models of cloud computing

In addition to the various ways of providing services as SaaS, PaaS and IaaS, and others, there are several options for the deployment of cloud systems, as shown in Figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6 - Deployment models and Web services of cloud computing

cloud computing algorithm virtualization

According to Figure 1.6 deployment models of cloud computing are divided into:

· Private cloud

· Public cloud

· Hybrid cloud

1.3.1 Private cloud

Private cloud - cloud infrastructure intended for use by a single organization. Private cloud covers the need for IT services organization, its divisions or departments , clients, contractors and others. Private cloud (usually) physically located and is in the ownership, management and operation of the organization of the owner.

Figure 1.7 - Private cloud

According to the needs private cloud allows to flexibly redistribute computing capacity and a load of shared infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and required reliability. Tools for monitoring and control allow IT professionals to track the use of hardware resources within the organization, predict and optimize the load.

As well as other types of clouds, private clouds have their advantages and disadvantages which we can see in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of private cloud



Control, management and configurability cloud environments

Significant costs

High performance

The risk of losing working capacity services because of physical threats


Limited resources

Efficiency of the IT department

As shown in Table 1.1 private clouds have their own advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of private clouds include the following features:

· More control in comparison with public cloud at the expense of that all the components of the IT infrastructure placed in the organization of consumer. Thus, companies can monitor and manage cloud environments more efficiently. High level of security provided by the fact that the service consumer is one single organization, so that the entire infrastructure can be optimally configured for the existing data protection requirements.

· High performance private cloud associated in particular with the fact that they operate within the framework of internal firewalls and protection perimeter of the corporate network, so data transfer is much faster. Configurability of private clouds also remains at a high level.

· Implementation of private cloud increases the efficiency of the IT department - at any time at the request of the business can deploy the necessary service for 5-10 minutes. IT team only raise a virtual machine from a template and install the necessary service, at a time when companies with traditional IT infrastructure would have to order a server, install it on software and applications, and connect it to the network. Only one installation of equipment sometimes takes 6-8 weeks.

Disadvantages of private cloud are following factors:

· Significant costs at all stages of the life cycle of clouds, from implementation to supporting the working capacity. At the stage of deployment requires investment in equipment and software. Also need to manage a private cloud, which also entails administration costs and attract qualified IT professionals.

· In comparison with the public cloud there are risks of loss of working capacity of cloud services and data loss because of physical threats of infrastructure.

· Sooner or later, organization which use private cloud may face when resourses of cloud infrastructure may be not enough.

1.3.2 Public cloud

Public cloud -- infrastructure for free use by the public. Public cloud may be in the ownership, management and operation of commercial, academic and government organizations (or any combination thereof). Public cloud physically exists in the jurisdiction of the owner - the service provider.

On the structure, as well as private clouds, public clouds have advantages and disadvantages.

Table 1.2 Main characteristics of public clouds



The simplicity and efficiency of use.

Lack of opportunities for the control by organization.

Access to applications requiring only an Internet connection.

In some cases, data transmission may be slow.

Absence of expenditures on "iron" and software.

Weak data security

Flexibility and Scalability

Reduced time for maintenance of infrastructure

According to the Table 1.2 pros my include following:

· Public cloud services are characterized by a great ease of use and efficiency,

· Access to the application does not require anything other than a stable internet connection,

· The use of public cloud - a real opportunity to reduce IT budget due to lack of spending on "hardware" and software,

· Flexibility and scalability: a model pay-as-you-go allows you to pay just as many resources as you want at the moment, and quickly adjust this setting upward or downward,

· Abbreviation of time for service of infrastructure: standard, not a cloud, environment change the settings of applications or servers can take hours, days or even weeks, in a virtual environment is much faster - in a matter of minutes,

· server applications are in the cloud, that`s why there are no risk of downtime of business processes due to server crashes. Virtual server providers often configured on a powerful physical base, located in large data centers where possible downtime counted in minutes per year,

· The use of public clouds and no contact users with complex computer equipment allows you to refuse the services of IT professionals in your organization,

· Lack of long-term contracts and mutual obligations with IT companies allows you to change the cloud provider as needed.

By cons of public clouds include:

• The main disadvantage of public cloud is the lack of options for the control of the organization: performance of services is completely subordinated to the provider that provides cloud technology.

· Slow speed: performance of public cloud services depends on the stability and breadth of Internet connection bandwidth, in some cases, data transmission may be slow. When operating with large volumes of data public clouds can not compete with private performance.

· Investments in IT infrastructure among others are also an investment in the case of public cloud investment with the future in mind is simply impossible, tangible assets are not purchased.

· Weak data security - another characteristic of public cloud environments. Whatever efforts did not make the provider in the field of security, the protection of private cloud will always be an order of magnitude more reliable.

1.3.3 Hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud - is a combination of two or more different cloud infrastructures (private, public) that remain unique entities but linked by standardized or proprietary technology and data applications (eg, short-term use of public cloud resources for load balancing between clouds)

Figure 1.8 -Structure of hybrid cloud

The basic idea of the hybrid cloud is that when their own capacity is not enough, the enterprise may use external resources, without opening the data structures which remain inside. This leads to the fact that the number of resources increases, and internal control applications using those resources considerably increases.

1.4 Safety of information

Companies who are thinking about moving to cloud infrastructure, concerned about the issue of security. On security assurances to construct the whole marketing activity provider. And therefore the company to devote big effort to the case such as data encryption, network traffic, backups. Just to protect data from hackers are network intrusion detection systems, anti-virus protection, different types of data encryption, and etc. When a user or company move to cloud technologies are encouraged to review how the safety standards should be, and which safety procedures performs provider of cloud technology. Safety of stored data is performed via the use of encryption technology. The provider should always encrypt the information stored on their servers customer information for prevention of unauthorized access. Attackers can gain access to information or personal data cloud services in different ways, as shown in Figure 1.9.

Figure 1.9 - Methods of unauthorized access to information

According to the scheme of unauthorized access to information, an attacker can obtain information through:

* unreliable nodes in the network to intercept data

* hacking authorization system

* due to poor insulation of virtual machines

* Due to the lawsuit where the plaintiff has access to all servers belonging to cloud providers.

In order to prevent interception of data over unreliable networks nodes, transmission data must always be encrypted and descrypted only after user authentication. This approach ensures that the data will not be able to edit or read any one person, even if they gain access to them through unreliable nodes in the network. These technologies have been developed for "thousands of man-years" and led to the creation of reliable protocols and algorithms (such as TLS, IPsec and AES). Providers should use these protocols, and not invent your own.

The most common method of authentication is the password protection. However, service providers seeking to offer their customers higher reliability, resort to more powerful tools, such as certificates and tokens. Along with the use of more reliable means of authentication to cracking providers must be able to work with such standards as LDAP and SAML. This is necessary to ensure interoperability provider with the system user authentication client authorization and determining the powers granted to the user. Thanks to this provider will always have current information about the logged in user. Worst case - when the customer provides a specific provider a list of authorized users. As a rule, in this case, when an employee leaves or move it to another position may be difficult. Some providers put data of all clients in a single software environment and due to changes in its code, trying to isolate the data of customers from each other. This approach is reckless and unreliable. First, the attacker can find a gap in the non-standard code that will allow him to gain access to data that he should not see. Secondly, the error code may cause one customer accidentally "see" other data. In recent years, there were also those other cases. Therefore, to distinguish between user data use different virtual machines and virtual networks is a smart move.

The best option when customers use each individual virtual machine and virtual network. Separation between VM and consequently between the users, provides hypervisor. Virtual networks, in turn, are deployed using standard technologies such as VLAN (VirtualLocalAreaNetwork), VPLS (VirtualPrivateLANService) and VPN (VirtualPrivateNetwork).

In incident when the incident involving his clients, such as litigation or processes requiring access to all servers, summons must cover a narrow range of issues and should not affect other users. . But if the user does not know that there is a court summons and a case scenario is that the user can protect only the full data encryption. The agenda may require that the cloud provider is provided by the court data and access to them, but the provider will not be the access key and the key for decryption. To get one, the court will have to ask the user and send him a summons. As a result, the user will have the same level of control over their data in the cloud, as in your own private data center.

To prevent unauthorized access cases, the provider must encrypt stored on their servers the client's information. The provider must also permanently delete data when they are no longer needed and will not be required in the future.

2. Virtualization technology

Virtualization technology is a key element in the concept of "cloud" computing. Virtualization technology is a key element in the concept of "cloud" computing. Due to virtualization technologies physical server can allocate server resources between applications, each application "thinks" that it have a dedicated server,in this case implemented a "one server - multiple applications", but without sacrificing performance, availability, and security server applications.

Virtualization - is to provide a set of computing resources or their logical association abstracted from the hardware implementation, and ensure the logical isolation of computing processes running on a single physical resource. Virtualisation means running on the same physical machine (computer) multiple virtual machines (computers). Figure 2.1 shows a diagram where virtualization on a single physical machine to run multiple virtual computers.

Figure 2.1 - Visualization of virtualization

To date, suppliers of virtualization technologies offer a reliable and manageable platform, and the market for these technologies is booming. According to leading experts, virtualization is now one of the three most advanced computer technology. Figure 2.2 shows the main types of virtualization.

Рисунок 2.2 - Types of virtualization

According to Figure 2.2, virtualization divided into two fundamentally different categories:

* Virtualization platforms (creating emulators platforms, OS virtualization and OS instances, application virtualization)

* Resource virtualization (consolidation and aggregation of resources distributed computing, clustering computers, resource sharing, encapsulation).Virtualization platforms or virtualization understand the creation of software systems based on existing software and hardware. System that provides hardware resources and software is called the host (host), and it simulated system - guest (guest). To guest systems can run stably on the platform of the host system, it is necessary that the software and hardware of the host is strong enough to provide the necessary set of interfaces for access to its resources. Each current form virtualization made its approach to the concept of "virtualization". Types of virtualization platforms depend on how well the simulation is carried out hardware.

2.1 Virtualization of resources

Concept of virtualization virtualization platforms considered in the narrow sense, is mainly used in the process of creating virtual machines.

Сoncept of virtualization platforms considered in the narrow sense, is mainly used in the process of creating virtual machines. Virtualization allows you to concentrate, to abstract and simplify the management of groups of resources, such as network, storage, and namespace.

The figure 2.3 shows the types of virtualization of resources.

Figure 2.3 - types of virtualization of resorces

According to Figure 2.3 virtualization of resources can be divided into the foll owing types.

· Association,aggregation and concentration of components;

· Grid computing;

· Partitioning;

· Encapsulation.

Under the guise of virtualization 'Association, aggregation and concentration of components "refers to the organization of multiple physical or logical objects in the resource pools (groups), is a convenient user interface. Examples of this type of virtualization:

· Multiprocessor system appears to us as one powerful system,

· RAID-massives and management tools of volume, which combine a multiple physical discs into form of one logical,

· Storage virtualization used in the construction of storage area network (SAN)

· Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Network Address Translation (NAT) allows you to create virtual space network addresses and names.

Type of virtualization which calls “grid computing include techniques used by combining a plurality of individual computers in the global system (metacomputer) jointly solving the general problem.

Partitioning In the process of virtualization is a division of a single large resource for several similar objects, easy-to-use. In the storage area network is called zoning resources («zoning»).

“Encapsulation” in relation to virtualization, we can say that the process of creating a system that provides a user-friendly interface to work with her and hides the details of the complexity of its implementation. For example, the use of the CPU cache to speed up the computation is not reflected in its external interfaces.

2.2 Virtualization of platforms

Types of virtualization platforms depend on how well the simulation is carried out hardware. There is still no uniform agreement about the terms in the field of virtualization. As shown in Figure 2.4 virtualization of platform is divided into the following categories:

· Full emulation (simulation)

· Paravirtualization

· Application level virtualization

· Operating system-level virtualization

· Virtualization address space

Рисунок 2.4 - Types of virtualization of platform

Operating system-level virtualization - virtualization technique, in which the operating system kernel supports multiple isolated instances of user-space, instead of one. These items (often referred to as containers or zones) from a user perspective is completely identical to the real server. For systems based on UNIX, this technology can be seen as an improved implementation of the mechanism chroot. The kernel provides complete isolation of containers, so the program from different containers cannot affect each other. The essence of this type of virtualization is the virtualization of the physical server at the operating system in order to create a more secure virtualized servers on a single physical. Guest system, in this case, the shared use of the host operating system kernel with other guests. A virtual machine is an environment for applications that run in isolation. This type of virtualization is used in the organization of systems hosting, when a single instance of the need to support multiple virtual servers clients. Examples of OS-level virtualization: Linux-VServer, Virtuozzo, OpenVZ, Solaris Containers and FreeBSD Jails.

When applying no need paravirtualized simulate hardware but instead (or in addition), a special application programming interface (API) for interacting with the guest operating system. This approach requires the modification of the guest code that, in terms of community, Open Source is not so critical. Paravirtualization system also has its hypervisor, and API-calls to the guest system, called «hypercalls» (hypercalls). Currently, providers are paravirtualization of XenSource and Virtual Iron.

“Application-level virtualization” type is not like all the others, if in the previous cases are virtual environments or virtual machines that are used for insulation applications, in this case, the application itself is placed in a container with the necessary elements for its operation: registry files, configuration files, and user system objects. The result is an application that does not require the installation on the same platform. When you transfer this application to another machine and run it, the virtual environment created for the program, resolves conflicts between it and the operating system, as well as other applications. Such a method of virtualization is similar to the behavior of interpreters of different programming languages ??(no wonder the interpreter, virtual machine Java (JVM), also falls into this category). Examples of this approach are: Thinstall, Altiris, Trigence, Softricity.

At full emulation (simulation) virtual machine is fully virtualizes all hardware while maintaining the guest operating system intact. This approach allows you to emulate various hardware architectures.

In the partial emulation (native virtualization) virtual machine virtualizes only the necessary amount of hardware that it can be run in isolation. This approach allows you to run guest operating systems developed only for the same architecture as that of the host. This type of virtualization can significantly increase the performance of guest systems compared with full emulation and is widely used at present. In addition, in order to improve performance in virtualization platforms that use this approach uses a special "layer" (hypervisor) between the guest operating system and hardware that allows the guest direct access to hardware resources. Hypervisor, also called "virtual machine monitor» (Virtual Machine Monitor) - one of the key concepts in the world of virtualization. The use of a hypervisor, is the link between guests and equipment, significantly increases the speed of the platform, bringing it closer to the speed of physical platform. The disadvantages of this type of virtualization can be attributed dependence of virtual machines on the architecture of the hardware platform.

Examples of products for native virtualization: VMware Workstation, VMware Server, VMware ESX Server, Virtual Iron, Virtual PC, VirtualBox, Parallels Desktop, and others.

2.3 Hypervisor

Hypervisor - in some way is minimal operating system. It provides a running under its operating system service virtual machine, virtualizing or emulating the (physical) hardware specific machine and manage virtual machines, allocating and freeing resources for them. The hypervisor provides isolation of operating systems from each other, defense and security division of resources between the various operating systems running and management of resources. The hypervisor provides an isolated environment for each virtual machine, and that it provides a guest OS access to computer hardware, as shown in Figure 2.5.

Рисунок 2.5 - Location of hypervisor

· According to the running method, hypervisors can be divided into three types, as shown in Figure 2.6:
· 1-rst type of hypervisor (established on a "bare metal")
· 2-nd type of hypervisor (installed inside the OS) 2-nd type

· Hybrid hyperisor

Also divided into 2 types by type of architecture:

· Monolithic

· Microkernel

Figure 2.6 - Types of hypervisor

2.3.1 Hypervisors by type of architecture

Hypervisors monolithic architectures include drivers hardware devices in code. Monolithic Hypervisor located in a single layer which also includes most of the desired components, such as core, device drivers and I / O stack. This approach used by VMware ESX and traditional mainframe systems. Figure 2.7 shows the architecture of a monolithic hypervisor.

Figure 2.7 - Architecture of monolithic hypervisor

According to Figure 2.7 in a monolithic model - the hypervisor uses its own drivers to access the hardware . Guest operating systems run on virtual machines over of the hypervisor. When the guest needs access to the equipment, it must pass through the hypervisor and its driver model. Usually one of the guest operating system plays the role of an administrator or a console, which starts a component for provisioning, management and monitoring of all guest operating systems running on the server. The most common example is a monolithic architecture VMware ESX. As shown in Table 2.1, monolithic architecture has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages:

· Increased (theoretically) performance because of the drivers placed in the space of the hypervisor,

· Increased security, as undesired operation of management of the OS (in terms of VMware - «Service Console») will not result in the failure of all running virtual machines.

Disadvantages monolithic architecture following:

· Handle equipment which drivers are available in the hypervisor

· Potentially lower security - due to the inclusion in the hypervisor arbitrary code in the form of device drivers,

· Sustainability - if an updated driver has bug, it cause crash in the whole system, in all its virtual machines.

Table 2.1 - Disadvantages and advantages of hypervisor.



Increased performance

Support only certain equipment

Increased security

Potentially lower security

Poor stability if driver has an error

Micronucleus hypervisor uses a very thin, specialized hypervisor that only performs the core tasks of ensuring partition isolation and memory management. This layer does not include I / O stack or device drivers. This is the approach used by Hyper-V. In this architecture, the virtualization stack and device-specific drivers are located in a special section of the OS,which called the parent partition, as shown in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8 - Architecture of microkernel hypervisor

In microkernel implementation use "thin hypervisor". In this case it does not have drivers. Instead, the drivers work in each individual section to any guest OS was able to get through the hypervisor access to the equipment. With this balance of power, each virtual machine occupies a separate section, which has a positive impact on the security and reliability. In a microkernel hypervisor model (used in the virtualization of Windows Server 2008 R2), one section is the parent (parent), the rest - a subsidiary (child). Section - is the smallest isolated unit, supported by the hypervisor. Size Hyper-V hypervisor less than 1.5 MB, it can fit on one 3.5-inch floppy disk. Each partition is assigned a specific hardware resources - share of CPU time, memory, and other devices. The parent partition creates child partitions and manage them, and also contains a stack virtualization (virtualization stack), used to control the child partition. The parent partition is created first and owns all resources that do not belong to the hypervisor. Possession of all the hardware resources means that it is the root (ie, parent) section controls the supply connected Plug and Play device in charge of hardware failures and even controls the loading of the hypervisor.

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