- 31. Big Bang theory
A cosmological model to explain the origins of matter, energy, space, time the Big Bang theory asserts that the universe began at a certain point in the distant past. Pre-twentieth century ideas of Universe’s origins. Confirmation of the Big Bang theory.
- 32. Big Data
Проблемы оценки клиентской базы. Big Data, направления использования. Организация корпоративного хранилища данных. ER-модель для сайта оценки книг на РСУБД DB2. Облачные технологии, поддерживающие рост рынка Big Data в информационных технологиях.
Russian Federation Political and Economic relations. Justice and home affairs. German-Russian strategic partnership. The role of economy in bilateral relations. Regular meetings make for progress in cooperation: Visa facilitations, Trade relations.
Analysis of the publishing content. Relationship of international relations and the complexity of editorials in periodicals wider audience. The similarity between international relations and newspaper editorials in the western and communist countries.
I.E. Slutskaya Russian figure skater. The story of her ascent to the Olympic victory. Slutskaya winning championships in Russia and Europe, has won first place in the Grand Prix and second in the World Cup. Silver, gold and bronze medal athletes.
- 36. BIOS Setup
Основные понятия и функционирование BIOS. Затенение ROM-памяти. Работа системной BIOS при включении компьютера. Программа CMOS Setup Utility настройки BIOS. Содержание основных разделов программы BIOS Setup. Настройка параметров компьютера.
Назначение BIOS, определение хода запуска, первоначальное тестирование и первичная загрузка интерфейсов компьютера. Опции и базовые установки BIOS Setup, редактирование опций разделов Primary Master, Primary Slave, Secondary Master и Secondary Slave.
Система BIOS как базовая система ввода и вывода и важнейший компонент персонального компьютера. Программное обеспечение, используемое в BIOS материнских плат. Основные функции BIOS, порядок загрузки системы. Проверка стабильности работы компьютера.
Device, constructive – technological features, circuit of insert. Conditions of insert of the transistor. Static parameters. Physical processes. Differential coefficient of transmission of a current. Condition a splitting contact. Condition of saturation.
Характеристика основных свойств Bitcoin как одноранговой, децентрализованной системы с одноименной виртуальной валютой. Описание ключевых преимуществ и недостатков системы, ее роли в общемировой экономике. Оборотная сторона децентрализации системы.
Black English как продукт системы подневольного труда и африканской работорговли, его появление в результате смешения рабовладельцами африканских этнических групп. Синтаксис, семантика и фонетика - смесь афроамериканских и английских языковых традиций.
The general outline of word formation in English: information about word formation as a means of the language development - appearance of a great number of new words, the growth of the vocabulary. The blending as a type of modern English word formation.
- 43. Blue Cross
It seems that Aristide Valentin takes the same place in the stories of G.K.Chesterton as Sherlock Holmes takes in the books by Arthur Conan Doyle and Hercule Poirot takes in Agata Christy's novels.
Bluetooth - производственная спецификация беспроводных персональных сетей: принцип действия, устойчивость к широкополосным помехам, схемы кодирования. Технология обмена информацией между ПК и мобильными телефонами на доступной частоте для ближней связи.
Історія створення і розвитку Bluetooth. Створення невеликих локальних мереж і безпровідного об'єднання пристроїв. Принцип роботи за принципом "крапка-крапка" та багатоточковий радіоканал, керований багаторівневим протоколом мобільного зв'язку GSM.
История открытия BNP, обзор семейства натрийуритических пептидов. Химическая природа BNP: биосинтез, хранение и секреция. Транспорт рецепторов натрийуретических пептидов. Клиническое значение и физиологическое действие BNP. Терапия с использованием BNP.
European capitals as the centers of tourism. Bonn, Madrid, Rome tourist information about eating and drinking, sightseeing, music, theatre, transport, hotels of cities. The role in the tourism in Europe is a tourist exchange between European peoples.
Операционная система DOS. Boot Record блок начальной загрузки. Расположение, назначение. Команды DOS. Команды копирования. Norton Commander. Файлы, каталоги. Windows. Создание папок и ярлыков.
- 49. Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov (about 1552 - 1605) was the Russian tsar since 1598; came to power in the time of "oprichnina"; was the tsar Fedor Ivanovich's wife's brother and actually rulled the state instead of him.
Работа в Borland C++ Builder. Среда разработки и компоненты C++ Builder. Свойства компонентов. Менеджер проектов. Создание приложений в C++ Builder. Выбор компонентов для групповых операций. Работа с базами данных в Borland C++ Builder.
Background of borrowed words in the English language and their translation. The problems of adoptions in the lexical system and the contribution of individual linguistic cultures for its formation. Barbarism, foreignisms, neologisms and archaic words.
Modern English vocabulary from the point of view of its etymology (origin) may be divided into 3 great groups. Words belonging to the set of native word-stock are for the most part. Periods of French borrowings. Assimilation of borrowings and their types.
- 53. Botkin’s disease
Infectious hepatitis - a widespread acute contagious disease. Botkin’s Disease is a viral disease that destroys the liver and bile ducts. Anatomy of the liver. The value of the liver to the body. Causes and signs of the disease. Treatment and prevention.
- 54. Botkin’s disease
Anatomy of the liver. Botkin’s disease is a viral disease that destroys the liver and bile ducts. Causes and treatment of the disease. Vaccinations and personal hygiene are the main means of prevention. Signs and symptoms of the Botkin’s disease.
Origins of and reasons for product placement: history of product placement in the cinema, sponsored shows. Factors that can influence the cost of a placement. Branded entertainment in all its forms: series and television programs, novels and plays.
Bread is more than just a food. Just think of how the word is used: A person's "bread and butter" is his or her main source of sustenance, while bread or dough can be cash, plain and simple. When people "break bread" they share more than just a meal.
Essence of the lexicology and its units. Semantic changes and structure of a word. Essence of the homonyms and its criteria at the synchronic analysis. Synonymy and antonymy. Phraseological units: definition and classification. Ways of forming words.
- 58. Brighton Beach
Many immigrants from the former USSR are great patriots of the United States, and these people sincerely love their new motherland. But their feeling of America is of a little strange kind; it is like a love of a parasite worm to the body of its host.
- 59. British Army
Acquaintance with history of creation of the British army, its fighting achievements in wars in the Gulf, Afghanistan, Northern Ireland. The characteristic of a modern condition of Army: formation, structure, categories, distinctions, special forces.
British education. My future profession. Art gallereys of London. British theatres. Moscow theatres. My favorite painter. Art in Moscow. Theatres, music halls and cinemas. The use of computers. Exploration. Learning languages.