Реферирование специальной литературы, ее аннотирование
Особенности реферирования и аннотирования текста, принципы смыслового свертывания текста на иностранном и родном языках. Речевые клише, используемые в различных видах реферирования и аннотирования. Чтение и перевод коммерческой и деловой информации.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | отчет по практике |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 14.01.2016 |
Размер файла | 209,2 K |
Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже
Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
Healthy self-esteem can be particularly important when you experience a setback or a failure. Instead of blaming yourself or thinking, "I'm just no good," high self-esteem will enable you to persevere and give yourself positive messages like "If I prepare well and try harder, I can do better next time." Putting your self-image and self-esteem together yields your self-concept: your central identity and set of beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of accomplishing. When it comes to communicating, your self-concept can play an important part. You may find that communicating is a struggle, or the thought of communicating may make you feel talented and successful. Either way, if you view yourself as someone capable of learning new skills and improving as you go, you will have an easier time learning to be an effective communicator. Whether positive or negative, your self-concept influences your performance and the expression of that essential ability: communication. In addition to how we view ourselves and feel about ourselves, of course, we often take into consideration the opinions and behavior of others. Charles Cooley's looking-glass self-reinforces how we look to others and how they view us, treat us, and interact with us to gain insight of our identity. We place an extra emphasis on parents, supervisors, and on those who have some degree of control over us when we look at others. Developing a sense of self as a communicator involves balance between constructive feedback from others and constructive self-affirmation. You judge yourself, as others do, and both views count. Now, suppose that you are treated in an especially encouraging manner in one of your classes. Imagine that you have an instructor who continually "catches you doing something right" and praises you for your efforts and achievements. Would you be likely to do well in this class and perhaps go on to take more advanced courses in this subject? In a psychology experiment that has become famous through repeated trials, several public school teachers were told that specific students in their classes were expected to do quite well because of their intelligence. These students were identified as having special potential that had not yet "bloomed. ” What the teachers didn't know was that these "special potential" students were randomly selected. That's right: as a group, they had no more special potential than any other students. Can you anticipate the outcome? As you may guess, the students lived up to their teachers' level of expectation. Even though the teachers were supposed to give appropriate attention and encouragement to all students, in fact they unconsciously communicated special encouragement verbally and nonverbally to the special potential students. And these students, who were actually no more gifted than their peers, showed significant improvement by the end of the school year. This phenomenon came to be called the "Pygmalion effect” after the myth of a Greek sculptor named Pygmalion, who carved a marble statue of a woman so lifelike that he fell in love with her-and in response to his love she did in fact come to life and marry him. In more recent studies, researchers have observed that the opposite effect can also happen: when students are seen as lacking potential, teachers tend to discourage them or, at a minimum, fail to give them adequate encouragement. As a result, the students do poorly. When people encourage you, it affects the way you see yourself and your potential. Seek encouragement for your writing and speaking. Actively choose positive reinforcement as you develop your communication skills. You will make mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from them. Keep in mind that criticism should be constructive, with specific points you can address, correct, and improve. The concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy, in which someone's behavior comes to match and mirror others' expectations, is not new. Robert Rosenthal, a professor of social psychology at Harvard, has observed four principles while studying this interaction between expectations and performance:
1. We form certain expectations of people or events.
2. We communicate those expectations with various cues, verbal and nonverbal.
3. People tend to respond to these cues by adjusting their behavior to match the expectations.
4. The outcome is that the original expectation becomes true.
Effective business communication skills are vital to successful co-worker and customer interactions. Both the speaker and the listener share responsibility of making the message clear, but effective communication goes far beyond simple speech and hearing. Body language, tone of voice, word choice, message clarification and communication style all come into play, and can make the difference between success and failure in interpersonal transactions and interactions.
Self-concept - самооценка
Clarification - прояснение
Communication proficiencies - навыки общения
Asset-ценный вклад
Оглавление статьи - "Эффективная бизнес коммуникация" ("Effective Business Communication")
Автор статьи Скотт МакЛин (ScottMcLean). Эффективная бизнес коммуникация является жизненно важным навыком для успешного взаимодействия в деловых кругах. Чтобы стать эффективным коммуникатором, необходимо знать факторы, эмоции, окружающую среду, невербальную коммуникацию, которые могут повлиять на собеседника, уметь правильно задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, уметь убеждать, последовательно излагать свои мысли, влиять, внимательно слушать и слышать, иметь обратную связь и избегать конфликтных ситуаций. Коммуникация - это ключ к успеху в жизни человека. Она влияет на отношения с окружающими и в семье, карьеру, самооценку человека и то, как он видит весь мир и каким видят его. Общаясь, человек узнает себя, исследуя все грани своего сознания, одновременно с этим он учится понимать других людей - не только их речь, но и тон голоса, жесты, мысли, цели, культурные ценности и многое другое. Коммуникация создает первое впечатление о человеке. Огромную роль умение эффективно общаться играет в карьерном росте человека. Устные и письменные навыки общения, трудовая этика, командный дух, инициативность и аналитические навыки - эти качества бесценны для рынка труда. Для начала необходимо понять, что такое коммуникация и как она работает. Коммуникация определяется как процесс понимания и обмена информацией. Первым из аспектов процесса является понимание, оно отражает то, как мы воспринимаем речь, интерпретируем ее и соотносим с нашим восприятием. Второй аспект - это разделять с кем-то коммуникацию, обычно в ней участвует два и более человека, но коммуникация возможна и с самим собой, когда вы обдумываете что-то, размышляете или решаете проблему. И третий - смысл, который мы слышим в каждом слове, составляет картину в целом того, как мы понимаем сказанное. Помимо 3 аспектов, коммуникация содержит 8 основных элементов: источник, сообщение, канал, получатель, обратная связь, окружающая среда, контекст, помехи. В статье анализируется каждый аспект и элемент коммуникации с наглядными примерами, объясняя тем самым, что коммуникация невозможна без хотя бы одного элемента и все является взаимосвязанным. В статье также рассматривается пять видов общения: внутриличностное, межличностное, групповое общение, публичное и массовое. Внутриличностное представляет собой коммуникацию человека с самим собой и напрямую влияет на то, как он воспринимает и реагирует на ситуации и коммуникацию с другими. Межличностное общение, в основном, включает в себя два человека и может варьироваться от интимного и очень личного до формального и безличного. Отличаются они уровнем близости. Групповое общение предполагает вовлечение от3 до 8 человек. Публичная коммуникация представляет собой выступление одного человека перед группой людей. Это может быть как устное выступление, так и письменное обращение. Спикер может задавать вопросы, вступать в обсуждение с слушателями. Массовая коммуникация - это передача сообщения такому количеству человек, какое только возможно. В связи с этим не все люди воспринимают его как следует, часто игнорируя. Поэтому необходимо выбрать правильный подход, с помощью которого удастся найти общий язык с аудиторией и повысить уровень привлекательности своего сообщения для них. Когда вы говорите в деловой среде, есть определённая ответственность перед аудиторией, работодателем и вашей профессией. Аудитория приходит к Вам с присущими им ожиданиями, что вы будете выполнять ваши обязанности. Ожидания могут различаться в зависимости от контекста и окружающей среды, но два остаются главными: будьте подготовлены и этичны. Для успешного бизнес-коммуникатора есть определенные клише: организованность, ясность, лаконичность, пунктуальность. Сообщение должно быть логичным, ясным, чтобы каждый мог понять, кратким, чтобы не потерять внимание аудитории, пунктуальным, чтобы не тратить больше времени, чем рассчитано. Тем не менее, отмечается, что во многих культурах особое отношение ко времени, началу бизнес разговора и расписаниям. Помимо этого, необходимо помнить золотое правило - относись к людям так, как хочешь, чтобы относились к тебе. Страсть и энтузиазм также важны для успешной коммуникации. Если сам спикер не заинтересован в своей речи, вряд ли ему удастся заинтересовать других. Людей восхищает, когда человек способен манипулировать аудиторией тем, как он преподносит свое сообщение. Очень важно для хорошего взаимопонимания с аудиторией доверие, которого можно добиться благодаря правдивости своей речи и уверенности в своих словах. Если вам задают вопрос, ответ на который вы не знаете, лучше всего сказать, что вы обязательно его изучите, нежели пытаться делать вид, что вы осведомлены в нем. Успешное деловое общение часто ассоциируется с хорошей устной и письменной речью и умением владеть и четко ее формулировать. В статье затрагивается тема осознания смысла услышанного и сказанного, что помогает понять других и себя. Также оказывает воздействие на коммуникацию точка зрения человека на окружающий мир, поскольку именно она влияет на его восприятие. В свою очередь с самых ранних лет, критика и похвала сказываются на личности и коммуникации ее с людьми. Личность человека, как долго полагалось, не имеет генетического компонента, она, скорее, изменяется в течение жизни и формируется с опытом. Много внимания в статье уделено тому, что мы узнаем наши ценности, убеждения и взгляды путем взаимодействия с окружающими. Взгляд или отношение человека - это его непосредственное расположение к объекту, которое может легко и часто меняться. Убеждения строятся на жизненном опыте и служат основой интерпретации мира, поменять их возможно, однако необходимо время и веские доказательства. Ценности человека занимают центральное место в его самооценке и делают его тем, кем он является. Чтобы их изменить, человеку необходимо пережить событие, которое бы изменило его ценности. Подчеркивается, что Я-концепция человека базируется на двух основах: самооценка и чувство собственного достоинства, которые непременно влияют на умение человека общаться. Чем выше его самооценка, тем больше он уверен, что может освоить новые навыки, чтобы быть эффективным коммуникатором. Самооценку человека также могут менять окружающие, видя в человеке потенциал, вдохновляя его - повышать ее и наоборот. В статье исследуется концепция самоисполняющегося предсказания, основанного на 4 основных пунктах:
1. Мы формируем определенные ожидания относительно людей или событий.
2. Мы связываем эти ожидания с различными сигналами, вербальными и невербальными.
3. Люди, как правило, реагируют на эти сигналы, регулируя их поведение, чтобы соответствовать ожиданиям.
4. Результат - то, что оригинальное ожидание становится верным.
Данный материал является очень актуальным, потому как умение вести коммуникацию остается актуальным всегда. Руководителям и менеджерам организаций, и просто рядовым сотрудникам очень важно развить в себе умения и навыки эффективной коммуникации и межличностного общения, способность к концентрации внимания. Также необходимо улучшать работу своей памяти, для того чтобы преуспеть в работе с большими потоками данных и управлять информацией, повысить свою работоспособность и использовать скрытые ресурсыинтеллекта для решения задач бизнеса. Текст рассчитан для людей делового круга и для тех, кто планирует работать в сфере бизнеса и должен уметь конструктивно вести переговоры и преодолевать кросс культурные барьеры.
2. Аннотирование
Аннотация статьи "Язык тела и этикет в бизнесе"
В статье излагаются основные правила невербальной коммуникации и секреты языка тела для построения доверительных отношений с партнерами, а также бизнес этикет, знание которого обеспечит максимально положительное расположение к себе и успех в деловом общении.
Ключевые слова: язык тела, невербальная коммуникация, поведение, аура, осанка, рукопожатие, зрительный контакт, улыбки, бизнес этикет, визитка, бизнес-письмо, бизнес-ланч, манеры, телефонный бизнес - разговор.
Tilt - наклонять
Standoffish - сдержанный
Demeanor - поведение
Slouch - сутулиться
Rectangle - прямоугольник
Grip - хватка
Upbeat - оживленный
Pristinecondition - идеальное состояние
King Regards - Суважением
Commonsensical - разумный
Goblet - бокал
Thoughtlessness - недомыслие
Jeopardize - рисковать
Pleasurable - доставляющий удовольствие
Body language and etiquette in business
Has it ever occurred to you how much you are saying to people even when you are not speaking? Unless you are a master of disguise, you are constantly sending messages about your true thoughts and feelings whether you are using words or not. Studies show that your words account for only 7% of the messages you convey. The remaining 93% is non-verbal. 55% of communication is based on what people see and the other 38% is transmitted through tone of voice. So think about it. In the business setting, people can see what you are not saying. If your body language doesn't match your words, you are wasting your time. Eye contact is the most obvious way you communicate. When you are looking at the other person, you show interest. When you fail to make eye contact, you give the impression that the other person is of no importance. Maintain eye contact about 60% of the time in order to look interested, but not aggressive. Facial expression is another form of non-verbal communication. A smile sends a positive message and is appropriate in all but a life and death situation. Smiling adds warmth and an aura of confidence. Others will be more receptive if you remember to check your expression. Your mouth gives clues, too, and not just when you are speaking. Mouth movements, such as pursing your lips or twisting them to one side, can indicate that you are thinking about what you are hearing or that you are holding something back. The position of your head speaks to people. Keeping your head straight, which is not the same as keeping your head on straight, will make you appear self-assured and authoritative. People will take you seriously. Tilt your head to one side if you want to come across as friendly and open. How receptive you are is suggested by where you place your arms. Arms crossed or folded over your chest say that you have shut other people out and have no interest in them or what they are saying. This position can also say, "I don't agree with you." You might just be cold, but unless you shiver at the same time, the person in front of you may get the wrong message. How you use your arms can help or hurt your image as well. Waving them about may show enthusiasm to some, but others see this gesture as one of uncertainty and immaturity. The best place for your arms is by your side. You will look confident and relaxed. If this is hard for you, do what you always do when you want to get better at something - practice. After a while, it will feel natural. The angle of your body gives an indication to others about what's going through your head. Leaning in says, "Tell me more." Leaning away signals you've heard enough. Adding a nod of your head is another way to affirm that you are listening. Posture is just as important as your grandmother always said it was. Sit or stand erect if you want to be seen as alert and enthusiastic. When you slump in your chair or lean on the wall, you look tired. No one wants to do business with someone who has no energy. Control your hands by paying attention to where they are. In the business world, particularly when you deal with people from other cultures, your hands need to be seen. That would mean you should keep them out of your pockets and you should resist the urge to put them under the table or behind your back. Having your hands anywhere above the neck, fidgeting with your hair or rubbing your face, is unprofessional. Legs talk, too. A lot of movement indicates nervousness. How and where you cross them tells others how you feel. The preferred positions for the polished professional are feet flat on the floor or legs crossed at the ankles. The least professional and most offensive position is resting one leg or ankle on top of your other knee. Some people call this the "Figure Four." It can make you look arrogant. The distance you keep from others is crucial if you want to establish good rapport. Standing too close or "in someone's face" will mark you as pushy. Positioning yourself too far away will make you seem standoffish. Neither is what you want so find the happy medium. Most importantly, do what makes the other person feel comfortable. If the person with whom you are speaking keeps backing away from you, stop. Either that person needs space or you need a breath mint. You may not be aware of what you are saying with your body, but others will get the message. Make sure it's the one you want to send. Your body language, i. e your demeanor, impacts your success. It's vital that you know how to act when you get to a conference, after-hours, meeting or trade show to make the most effective and efficient use of your time. and to attract those people whom you want to do with business with and add to your network. The success of any encounter begins the moment someone lays eyes on you. One of the first things they notice about you is your aura, that distinctive atmosphere that surrounds you. You create it, and you are responsible for what it says about you and whom it attracts. Your aura enters with you and starts speaking long before your open your mouth. Since body language conveys more than half of any message in any face-to-face encounter, how you act is vital to your aura.
1) Posture One of the first key things people notice is how you carry and present yourself. Do you walk and stand with confidence like your mother taught you?
· Stomach in
· Chest out
· Shoulders back
· Head up
Or do you slouch, perhaps with your shoulders drooping, your head forward and your stomach protruding? Are you saying to people that you are not sure of yourself are not poised and, therefore, not the one they should seek out and get to know? You may be turning people away without even being aware of it.command respect by standing tall and claiming the space to which you are entitled. Plant your feet about six to eight inches apart with one slightly in front of the others. My workshop attendees always remark about how this positioning makes them feel "grounded," "rooted" and "balanced". great ways to start any encounter! You also tell people through your posture if you are want others to approach you. For instance, if you are talking with one other person and the two of you are forming a rectangle, you will give the message that you have "closed off" your space and don't want to be interrupted. If you doubt me, stand by two people who are in the rectangular position and see how long you go unacknowledged. The two will see you out of their peripheral vision, but won't include you until they have finished their "private" conversation. If, on the other hand, the two of you stand with your feet pointed outward like two sides of an incomplete triangle, you will be inviting others into the conversation. You can make that all-important eye contact.
2) Handshakes Another vital component you need to bring to any interpersonal encounter is a firm handshake. Again, those few seconds you "shake" can empower or weaken a relationship. Men's handshakes are typically strong and firm because they naturally have a stronger grip. Women, get a grip and be noticed! I once got a client because the man I shook hands with remarked about my strong handshake and asked what I did. He decided it was time to hire me to teach his people how to shake hands, too! Being familiar with the following handshakes will help you immensely in your relationship-building activities:
Controller A person extends his hand to you, web-to-web, and as soon as your hands are linked, he purposely maneuvers his hand onto the top. He's telling you he wants to be in charge. Keep that in mind as the interaction continues.
Sandwich Use this one only with people you know. When you envelop another person's hands, you are invading their private space. where you are to be only when invited. Society promotes the standard handshake but is not as tolerant of using both hands. By the way, this handshake is also known as the politician's handshake. which may be cause enough for most people to avoid it!
Imagine rubbing a scaly, dead fish in your hands. and you got the picture. Your hands typically are wet for two reasons: You are nervous or you have been holding a cold beverage in your right hand and move it to your left just before you shake hands. In either case, it is extremely unpleasant for the receiver. If you experience anxiety, wipe your hands on a napkin, the tablecloth or even lightly on your clothes. What you spend at the dry cleaners will be paid for quickly by the better impression you make. As for the beverage, use common sense.
Women, far more than men, extend their fingers rather than their entire hand. It can be painful for the extender, when she is greeted by a man who shakes with his forceful grip. Men tell me this frequently leads to their giving women a lighter handshake. Professional women respond that they want to be treated equally. One of the ways to combat this syndrome is to always extend you full hand (never cup it) horizontally, even if your grip is light.
Ingredients of a good handshake
· Hold the person's hand firmly.
· Shake web-to-web, three times maximum.
· Maintain constant eye contact.
· Radiate positive aura.
3) Eye contact Make it and keep it! Not only does focused eye contact display confidence on your part, it also helps you understand what the other person is really saying verbally.
When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first. - RalphWaldo Emerson
Looking someone in the eye as you meet and talk with him/her also shows you are paying attention. Listening is the most important human relations skill, and good eye contact plays a large part in conveying our interest in others. Begin as soon as you engage someone in a conversation. However, you may wish to start even earlier if you are trying to get someone's attention. Continue it throughout the conversation. Be sure to maintain direct eye contact as you are saying "good-bye." It will help leave a positive, powerful lasting impression. Imagine an inverted triangle in your face with the base of it just above your eyes. The other two sides descend from it and come to a point between your nose and your lips. That's the suggested area to "look at" during business conversations. Socially, the point of the triangle drops to include the chin and neck areas. When people look you "up and down," it's probably more than business or a casual social situation they have in mind! I suggest about 80 - 90 percent of the time. Less than that can be interpreted as discomfort, evasiveness, lack of confidence or boredom. When you stare longer, it can be construed as being too direct, dominant or forceful and make the other person uncomfortable. It's okay to glance down occasionally as long as your gaze returns quickly to the other person. Avoid looking over the other person's shoulders as if you were seeking out someone more interesting to talk with.
4) Smiles are an important facial expression. They show interest, excitement, empathy, concern; they create an upbeat, positive environment. Smiles can, however, be overused. Often, men smile when they are pleased; women smile to please. You know which is the most powerful! To gain and increase respect, first establish your presence in a room, then smile. It is far more professional than to enter a room giggling or "all smiles. "As you review and tweak your body language for your next interpersonal encounter, I suggest you keep in mind another Emerson saying: "What you are stands over you the while and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary".
Business etiquette is about building relationships with other people. Etiquette is not about rules & regulations but is about providing basic social comfort and creating an environment where others feel comfortable and secure, this is possible through better communication. Social media communication platforms (i. e. Facebook, LinkedIn) are evolving rapidly day by day, as the concept of social media etiquette becomes a crucial part of business. Business etiquette consists of two things. Firstly, thoughtful consideration of the interests and feelings of others and secondly, being able to minimize misunderstandings. These are influenced by individual behavior & demeanor. Business etiquette instructs this behavior. Business etiquette differs from region to region and from country to country. This creates a complex situation for people as it is hard to balance the focus on both international business etiquette and other business activities at the same time. Therefore, a wise step is to focus on some key pillars of business etiquette. When doing business abroad it is important to understand the local culture. Culture includes areas such as a country's norms, values, behaviors, food, architecture, fashion and art. However, one area of culture that is important for the international business person is etiquette. Understanding business etiquette allows you to feel comfortable in your dealings with foreign friends, colleagues, customers or clients. Knowing what to do and say in the right places will help build trust and open lines of communication. One aspect of etiquette that is of great importance internationally is the exchanging of business cards. Unlike in North America or Europe where the business card has little meaning other than a convenient form of capturing essential personal details, in other parts of the world the business card has very different meanings. For example, in Japan the business card is viewed as a representation of the owner. Therefore proper business etiquette demands one treats the business card with respect and honor. Below we have provided you with a few examples of international business card exchange etiquette that may help you on your business trips abroad.
· Business cards are an internationally recognized means of presenting personal contact details, so ensure you have a plentiful supply.
· Demonstrating good business etiquette is merely a means of presenting yourself as best you can. Failure to adhere to foreign business etiquette does not always have disastrous consequences.
· When travelling abroad for business it is advisable to have one side of your business card translated into the appropriate language.
· Business cards are generally exchanged at the beginning of or at the end of an initial meeting.
· Good business etiquette requires you present the card so the recipient's language is face up.
· Make a point of studying any business card, commenting on it and clarifying information before putting it away.
Business card etiquette in China
· Have one side of your business card translated into Chinese using simplified Chinese characters that are printed in gold ink since gold is an auspicious colour.
· Ensure the translation is carried out into the appropriate Chinese dialect, i. e. Cantonese or Mandarin.
· Your business card should include your title. If your company is the oldest or largest in your country, that fact should be highlighted on your card.
· Hold the card in both hands when offering it.
· Never write on someone's card unless so directed.
Business card etiquette in India
· If you have a university degree or any honour, put it on your business card.
· Always use the right hand to give and receive business cards.
· Business cards need not be translated into Hindi as English is widely spoken within the business community.
Business card etiquette in Japan
· Business cards are exchanged with great ceremony.
· Invest in quality cards.
· Always keep your business cards in pristine condition.
· Treat the business card you receive as you would the person.
· Make sure your business card includes your title. The Japanese place emphasis on status and hierarchy.
· Business cards are always received with two hands but can be given with only one.
· During a meeting, place the business cards on the table in front of you in the order people are seated.
· When the meeting is over, put the business cards in a business card case or a portfolio.
Business card etiquette in the UK
· Business card etiquette is relaxed in the UK and involves little ceremony.
· It is not considered bad etiquette to keep cards in a pocket.
· Business cards should be kept clean and presentable.
· Do not feel obliged to hand out a business card to everyone you meet as it is not expected.
Business etiquette is fundamentally concerned with building relationships founded upon courtesy and politeness between business personnel. Etiquette, and especially business etiquette, is a means of maximizing your potential by presenting yourself positively. Writing a business letter is not simply a matter of expressing your ideas clearly. The way you write a letter and the etiquette you employ may have a significant impact on your success or failure in business. Failure to observe correct business letter etiquette can result in you adopting an inappropriate tone, causing offense or misunderstandings, lack of clarity or purpose and hostility or soured relations. The foundation of good business letter etiquette is 'Think before you write'. You should be considering who the letter is addressed to, how and why? This will then influence style, content and structure. Here we cover some of the main issues relating to good business letter etiquette:
Always make sure you have spelt the recipient's name correctly. It may sound simple, but you would be surprised at how many people fail to do so. The recipient's name should include titles, honors or qualifications if deemed necessary. Many people use the 'Dear Sir/Yours Faithfully' formula when addressing the receiver. Although this is acceptable for routine matters it is impersonal and should not be used when dealing with those you know, queries or complaints. With these the 'Dear Mr…. /Yours Sincerely' formula should be adopted. Once a certain level of familiarity is reached it is not considered bad etiquette to use phrases such as 'Kind Regards' or 'All the best' at the end of the letter. If the content of the letter is sensitive, personal or confidential it must be marked appropriately. Marking the letter 'confidential' will suffice in highlighting this fact. If you only want the letter read by the receiver without the interception of a secretary or PA, mark it as 'Private', 'Personal' or 'Strictly Confidential'. If you have received such a business letter it is good etiquette to reciprocate and ensure that all future correspondence is kept at that level of confidentiality. Proper business letter etiquette requires that a consistent and clear approach, combined with courtesy, be employed. As a rule of thumb, aim to keep all business letters formal in style. Even when the receiver is familiar to you, it is advisable maintain a certain level of business etiquette as the letter may be seen by others or referred to by a third party in the future. However, this does not mean you should use long or uncommon words to express yourself. This merely looks odd and makes the letter unreadable. It is best to read a letter first and consider whether you would speak to that person face to face in the same way. If not, then re-write it. Letters should be signed personally. It looks unprofessional, cold and somewhat lazy if a letter is left unsigned. However, having a secretary or PA sign on your behalf is not considered a breach of business etiquette. Humor can be used in business letters but only when the writer is completely positive the recipient will understand the joke or pun. From a business etiquette perspective it may be wise to avoid humor. This is because firstly, the letter may be read during a crisis, after receiving bad news or on a somber occasion. Any other time the humor may have been appreciated but under these circumstances it may dramatically backfire. Secondly, the written word is open to misinterpretation. Your sarcastic or ironic remark may be taken the wrong way. Thirdly, it is possible that the letter may be read by a third party who may deem the humor inappropriate and pursue a complaint of some sort. Good business letter etiquette calls for letters to be responded to promptly or within certain guidelines. This may normally be considered as 5 working days. If this is not possible then some sort of acknowledgement should be sent either by letter, fax, phone or e-mail. Always use reference numbers or clearly state the purpose of the letter at the top, for example, 'Re: Business Letter Etiquette Enquiry'. This allows the receiver to trace correspondence and immediately set your letter within a context. When replying to points or questions the proper etiquette is to respond in the same order as they were asked. Letters are often an arena for conflicts or disputes. Even in these circumstances there are rules of business letter etiquette that should be adhered to.
If you initiate the dispute then,
1) Explain and set out your case simply and clearly to the most appropriate person,
2) Offer information that may be required by the other party to help answer questions,
3) Indicate a time scale by which you expect a reply or the matter to be resolved.
If you are receiving the dispute then 1) inform senior colleagues who may be affected or who may be able to offer assistance,
2) Submit all replies in draft form for a senior colleague to check,
3) Stick to the facts and the merits of the case and do not allow emotions to become involved,
4) Be polite, patient and courteous.
Using business etiquette in all matters and especially in business letters will ensure you communicate effectively, avoid misunderstandings and maximize your business potential. Knowing what to do when meeting a prospective client for lunch, or going to lunch with the boss or colleague can be confusing at times. Here is a quick list of items to remember:
1. Be in the present moment with whoever you are with. Limit glancing around the room. It's a sign that you are looking for something better. There is nothing worse than having a conversation with someone who is half there.
2. Being on time. This sounds so commonsensical. The percentage of people being late is over 65 percent. Don't push your time to the last minute before leaving the office so you will be late. Take some reading or work with you, arrive early, sit in the lobby, and work. Or give yourself some space to think over how you want to approach the time together. You introduction, tone, style, or even plan a quick get away if the union isn't working. The memory implant of your lateness will always override any request for forgiveness.
3. Turn off your cell phone before entering the restaurant. No one around you wants to hear your conversation. Even if you let it ring, pick it up and then take it outside. Did you leave your lunch companion alone? This is just plain rude. If you have an "I don't care attitude" about this, I'll tell you a story about a lunch guest of mine who did this and the three prospects she was meeting didn't even sit down. They saw her talk, she waved a 1-minute finger single to them, and they turned around and walked out. They wouldn't even answer her phone calls or emails afterwards.
4. If you are woman and this is business, it's appropriate now to stand up and shake the hand of a male. This overrides the old rule of staying seated. If the meeting is for your spouse's business and you are coming along because other spouses are coming, then you stay seated as your spouse stands up. This rule applies for either gender.
5. Offer your hand and give a firm handshake. Sometimes, people who don't like to shake hands will not meet yours. Don't think anything of it if they don't, this is just their preference. And particularly don't say something cute or funny.
6. Think of an opening statement to make as you are shaking hands. This is part of your first impression, so make it good. Always use the guest's first name either at the beginning or at the end of the statement. For example, "Thank you for taking the time to get together today, Catherine." When needing to complete a group of introductions, highest rank rules over gender.
7. Small talk is important--don't leave it out. The length of time for small talk depends on many factors. If you are in the presence of famous or very rich people and not in a social setting, then the small talk, if any, is going to be quick and short. It could be as short as one or two sentences. People who know how much their time is worth, or who are doing you a favor by being there, also fall into this category.
8. Aha, who picks up the tab? If you did the inviting, you are responsible for the check. No matter how more well-off they are. If a joint meeting, ask at the beginning or when scheduling the lunch on check splitting. Waiting until the check arrives to state the check splitting is a sign of professional weakness. If you are meeting with someone who is giving you valuable advice, you must pick up the tab. A personal handwritten follow-up note is also appropriate. If they have saved or helped you make more money, send them a gift or gift certificate. If you don't you will never get any more of their time again. This has occurred to me, and the person never gets any time again.
9. Where does the napkin go? Immediately after sitting, place the napkin in your lap. If you notice the napkin is in the goblet, this is usually a signal from the restaurant that the server will place the napkin into your lap. If you excuse yourself during the meal, place the napkin on the left hand side of your plate or on the chair. This signals the server that you aren't done. When done, place napkin on the right of the plate and your fork and knife horizontally across the plate to signal the server.
10. What to eat and use first? Which glass or which fork can be confusing? Bread and salad plates always to the left, drinking glasses to the right. Utensils start from the outside in and the dessert fork is by the dessert plate. Lay your fork and knife across your plate to signal the server you're finished.
Today's job applicants are encountering a lack of courtesy from job interviewers that is all too common. Businesses are flooded with applicants for every opening, and many are showing a lack of respect for job seekers by failing to respond to their applications. Most employers request resumes and other documentation be sent by e-mail. Occasionally they use the old-fashioned method-the anonymous post office box. The huge volume of applications makes it seem difficult to respond personally to each one. However, the technology is there to reply to all. Most e-mail programs have the ability to send an automatic response letting applicants know that their information has been received and how and when they will be notified of an interview or the lack of one. If the application is handled through postal mail, a generic letter can be generated and sent out with the same details. There is no excuse for leaving applicants in the dark. Following an interview, employers continue their thoughtlessness. Applicants are told they will be contacted within a certain time, but it never happens. With the search narrowed, the number of calls or letters should be manageable. People who reach this level in the interview process deserve a follow-up. They need to know if the position has been filled or if the process is continuing. Consider it public relations for the organization. The person who applies for the job and is treated shabbily by an organization has friends and acquaintances whom they are likely to tell. Furthermore, that applicant may one day be an influential businessperson with a long memory when it comes to choosing business connections. Job seekers are customers, too, and should receive the same level of customer service as everyone else. Doing business over meals is a ritual that has existed for centuries. Taking clients to breakfast, lunch or dinner has long been an effective way to build relationships, make the sale or seal the deal. These business meals are essentially business meetings. Knowledge of your product or your service is crucial to the success of the meeting, but so are your manners. Too many people jeopardize an opportunity because they fail to use good dining etiquette. Here are a few basic rules to make the experience pleasurable and profitable. Know your duties as the host. You are in charge-it is up to you to see that things go well and that your guests are comfortable. You need to attend to every detail from extending the invitation to paying the bill. Plan ahead when you issue the invitation. Allow a week for a business dinner and three days for lunch. Be certain that the date works for you. This might sound obvious, but if you have to cancel or postpone, you can look disorganized and disrespectful of your clients' time. Select a restaurant that you know, preferably one where you are known. This is no time to try out the latest hot spot. Being confident of the quality of the food and service leaves you free to focus on business. Consider the atmosphere. Does it lend itself to conversation and discussion? If you and your clients can't hear each other over the roar of the diners and dishes, you will have wasted your time and money. When you make your reservation, let the staff know that you will be dining with clients. If your guests suggest a restaurant new to you (perhaps you are hosting clients out-of-town), call ahead and speak with the maоtre d'. Make it clear that you will be having an important business meal and will be picking up the check. Confirm the meal appointment with your clients the day before if you are meeting for breakfast or that day if you are having lunch or dinner. Things do happen and mix-ups occur. Arrive early so you can attend to last minute details. This is the perfect time to give your credit card to the maitre d' and avoid the awkwardness that seems to accompany the arrival of the bill. Take charge of the seating. Your guests should have the prime seats-the ones with the view. As the host, take the least desirable spot-the one facing the wall, the kitchen or the restrooms. Beyond being polite, where you seat your guests is strategic. When you are entertaining one client, sit at a right angle to him rather than across the table. With two clients, put one across from you and the other to your side. If you sit between them, you will look as if you are watching a match at Wimbledon as you try to follow the conversation. Allow your guests to order first. You might suggest certain dishes to be helpful. By recommending specific items, you are indicating a price range. Order as many courses as your guests, no more and no less, to facilitate the flow of the meal. It is awkward if one of you orders an appetizer or dessert and the others do not. As the host, you are the one who decides when to start discussing business. That will depend on a number of factors, such as the time of day and how well you know your clients. At breakfast, time is short, so get down to business quickly. At lunch, wait until you have ordered so you won't be interrupted. Dinner, the more social occasion, is a time for rapport building. Limit the business talk until after the main course is completed. When you know your clients well, you have more of a basis for small talk. However, because you have established a business friendship, you can eliminate some of the chitchat when time is an issue. When you don't know your clients well, spend more time getting acquainted before launching your speech. Sometimes you simply need to use your own judgment about when to get down to business, realizing that if you wait too long, your clients may start to wonder why they were invited. If you begin too early in the meal, your guests might suspect that you are more interested in their money than you are in them. Keep an eye on the time, but don't let your guests see you checking your watch. Breakfast should typically last an hour; lunch an hour and a half. Wrap up your business dinner in two hours. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink at the business meal. Modest consumption of cocktails and wine may be part of the business dinner, but stick to one or two glasses. When guests are drinking liberally and you sense trouble, excuse yourself and discreetly ask the server to hold back on refilling the wine glasses or offering another cocktail. Handle any disasters with grace. With all your attention to detail, things can still go wrong. The food may not be up to your standards, the waiter might be rude or the people at the next table boisterous and out of control. Whatever happens, make sure you are not the one to lose control. Excuse yourself to discuss any problems with the staff. Your guests will feel uncomfortable if you complain in front of or to them. Your conduct during the meal will determine your professional success. If you pay attention to the details and make every effort to see that your clients have a pleasant experience, they will assume that you will handle their business the same way. Before long, you may have clients eating out of your handyman a business meal starts with a soup course. Unless you have already begun by munching on the bread, this is your first opportunity to demonstrate your table manners-to impress or unimpress your dining companions. Choosing the right spoon is step number one. If the table has been preset, your soup spoon will be the large round or oval one to the far right of your place setting. If the table has not been fully set, the server will bring your spoon with the soup. I recently found myself on a hunt for my soup spoon after the waiter had brought the bowl. There was no soup spoon to the right of the place setting and it didn't seem to be anywhere else close by. Just before confessing that I was without a spoon, I spotted a handle sticking out from under the oversized soup bowl. So check the plate first before you give up. With soup spoon in hand, spoon the soup away from you towards the opposite side of the bowl. If a bit of the liquid should fall from the spoon this will ensure that it will drop into the bowl and not on the front of your nice business attire. Sip your soup quietly from the side of the spoon. Slurping is never acceptable. No matter how hot the soup, at no point should you blow on it to cool it off. You may lift a spoonful slightly level with the bowl and hold it for a few seconds while it cools off. Be patient and grateful that your soup is hot. If the soup is not heated to your liking, don't make a fuss during your meal. If you send it back to be reheated, everyone else will feel obliged to wait on you. Then they will end up with the cold soup instead of you. If you want the last drop of soup, you may tip the bowl away from you to spoon this last bit. Just try to avoid looking as if you are not sure where your next meal is coming from. If oyster crackers come with your soup, as they do with chowder, you can put them in your bowl. However, larger crackers are to be eaten with your fingers and never crumbled into the soup. That's only okay when eating in private. Between mouthfuls; rest the spoon in the bowl. When you have finished, place it on the under plate on the right hand side. That is a signal to the server that you have finished. If you'd like to have a piece of bread with your soup, put your spoon on the under plate and use the same hand that held your spoon for the bread. Never go at your meal two-fisted. Every detail of the business meal, including how you eat your soup, contributes to your overall professional image. Etiquette is in essence about proper conduct and presenting yourself favorably. Demonstrating good etiquette is important if one seeks to be successful. An area in which this is essential is the business phone call.millions of business phone calls are made every hour and day. Business people that interact solely over the phone yet never meet still form strong opinions of one another. Practicing good business phone etiquette helps encourage clear lines of communication, build rapport and avoid misunderstandings. Most of us can recollect a phone call that left us feeling frustrated or irritated. How much of this could have been attributed to poor phone etiquette? Here we explore a few simple examples of areas within business phone etiquette that should be employed when making or receiving calls. All successful business interaction needs preparation. The phone call is no exception. It is important to know who you are calling, the most convenient time to do so, the reason for your call and what you can do for them. Be structured, short and sharp. If the caller is not known to the receiver it is important that the purpose of the call and the caller's credentials are established immediately. A simple introduction followed by a sentence or two not only shows good phone etiquette but allows the receiver to set the forthcoming information within a context. Particularise your intention behind the call. Do not assume the receiver understands why you are calling them and what you expect of them. Expand upon information and specify the purpose of the call. Pass on information that the receiver will understand, appreciate and find useful. Waffling and speaking generically will lose attention and generally reflect poorly on the caller. Good business phone etiquette demands professionalism at all times. When speaking to someone you do not know avoid informal speech or personal questions. Once a relationship has been built it is considered polite to enquire about weekends, children or other non-sensitive personal matters. Privacy and security around furtive issues must always be born in mind on the phone. If it is imperative that sensitive discussions take place over the phone, business etiquette requires that you confirm with the receiver whether this is appropriate. Be patient. Demonstrating good business etiquette relies on your staying calm, cool and collected under pressure or when facing a testing situation. Your ability to stay patient earns respect and avoids rash actions or decisions. Although there is much more to business phone etiquette than the above guidelines, you will find they can go a long way in contributing to an improved understanding of how to use the phone effectively in the business world.
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