Коммуникативная ситуация собеседования при приеме на работу (грамматический, прагматический, методический аспекты)

Основы теории речевых актов. Прагматические типы предложений. Лексические, грамматические средства актуализации информации в резюме. Психологические особенности работника и работодателя в ситуации собеседования. Элективный курс по английскому языку.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид дипломная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 21.01.2017
Размер файла 2,2 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

3) Meteorologist

d) Knowledge of human anatomy and physiology

Experienced in making a diagnosis and prognosis

4) Physiotherapist

e) A certified in Microsoft Office specialist

Experienced in updating catalogues, datasheets

5) Office manager

f) Knowledge of geology and biology

Knowledge of the ecology of a given territory

6) Publisher

g) Knowledge of stocks, world funds

Specialize in living trusts, insurance

Imagine you are at a job interview. Choose one of the qualifications above and tell the recruiter about the skills that are necessary for your work.

Представленное упражнение состоит из двух частей: первая из них направлена на развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения, вторая - на развитие навыков говорения в рамках беседы об умениях кандидата.

5) Read the following piece of an interview.

a) Underline useful phrases from Jerry's speech which you can use in your own answers to these questions.

Interviewer: What do you consider to be your greatest strengths?

Jerry: I have strengths in the areas of quality improvement, product development, and training. An example of my quality improvement ability is a project that I completed in which I merged several phone line divisions into one unit, resulting in a savings of over $266,000 for the company and 20 percent improved quality reports from customers.

Interviewer: What would your last boss say about you?

Jerry: I believe she would say I'm innovative, reliable, and proactive. One example of an innovation I made at my last company was revising the curriculum for the employee orientation and training programs. The employees ?nished their training 3 days faster, and their work proved to be 15 percent more efficient than that of their predecessors.

b) Work in pairs: ask each other these questions and give answers using the underlined patterns.

Данное упражнение включает две части, каждая из которых направлена на развитие различных навыков: упражнение А развивает навыки изучающего чтения, упражнение В - речевые умения с опорой на подготовленные материалы. Ученик закрепит навыки поиска наиболее важной информации и научится говорить о себе с использованием важных, по его мнению, деталей.

6)Watch the video “Lindi's Logistics coordinator Interview Summer 2014”.

a)Before you watch the video:

· Does body language have an impact on the impression a person creates?

· How can one's body language let a person down in an interview?

· Is it possible to avoid these problems? What are the solutions?

· How can a person prove he/she is the best for the job?

While watching pay attention to the following:

· The first impression: the way Lindi is dressed, her voice, posture, eye contact with the interviewer;

· The way Lindi tells about herself;

· The way Lindi expresses her emotions;

· Lindi's facial expressions;

· Lindi's knowledge about the position she's applying to;

Make notes based on your observations.

Answer the following questions:

· Why did Lindi apply for this job?

· What experience she has in the field of the job she applied to?

· What equipment does she have to fulfill her job?

· What makes Lindi suitable for the job?

· When does the work start?

b)Make a list of “Dos and don'ts at a job interview” based on your notes and answers. What tips do you find useful? Why?

Предложенное упражнение состоит из 2 частей: первая направлена на развитие навыков аудирования, позволяет научиться прогнозировать содержание предлагаемого текста для прослушивания, развивает умение понять основную идею текста, выбрать главное из содержания, перефразировать аудиотекст и обобщить его содержание. Вторая часть упражнения направлена на развитие навыков говорения на основе проанализированного прослушанного текста.

7)Have a look at the following piece of an interview. Fill in the information that is true for you.

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself.

You: I have more than years of experience as a specializing in and . In my last position, I oversaw . I have a B.A. in with honours. I am currently pursuing a with an emphasis in at the University of .

Такое упражнение на заполнение пропусков развивает у учеников навыки письма, а также готовит к составлению собственного высказывания.

8)Use the information from exercises 4-7 to make up a dialogue between an employer and an employee and tell about yourself.

Данное задание направлено на развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи в рамках рассказа кандидата о себе.

Выводы по главе 3

1. Элективный курс - курс по выбору учащегося, обязательный для посещения, направленный на повышение уровня овладения предметом, удовлетворение познавательных интересов. Элективный курс играет важную роль в профильном обучении английскому языку. Курс делового английского поможет ученикам овладеть навыками работы с деловой корреспонденцией, продуктивного общения с будущими деловыми партнерами, а также пополнит словарный запас учащихся бизнес-лексикой.

2. Для занятий в рамках элективного курса «Деловой английский» был выбран УМК «The Business. Intermediate», так как он позволяет задействовать все виды учебной деятельности благодаря разнообразию форм работы над материалом, включающих задания для развития различных видов речевой деятельности, а также самостоятельной работы ученика. Проблемная форма представления материала стимулирует активность учащихся. Все элементы учебника взаимосвязаны и образуют целостную структуру, что позволяет комплексно развивать речевые навыки и компетенции учащегося.

3. Разработанные упражнения для использования в теме «Careers» направлены на развитие грамматических и лексических навыков, что позволяет сформировать языковую компетенцию и подготовить ученика к коммуникации в ситуации делового общения. Упражнения на развитие навыков говорения формируют речевую компетенцию, умение выбрать нужные лексические единицы и грамматические формы для достижения целей коммуникации. Развитие дискурсивной компетенции происходит в результате отработки стратегий самопрезентации на примере диалогов-собеседований. Ознакомление с особенностями речевого поведения участников собеседования и его имитация способствуют развитию социокультурной компетенции.


В данной работе при рассмотрении коммуникации в ситуации собеседования при приеме на работу был выделен ряд особенностей вербального и невербального поведения участников диалога.

Отправка и рассмотрение письменного резюме является первым этапом отбора: кандидат кратко представляет свои профессиональные и личные качества в соответствии с требованиями работодателя, а наниматель заочно оценивает полученные сведения о потенциальном работнике. Резюме не имеет установленной формы заполнения, но предполагает емкое указание достоверной информации о соискателе.

В ходе исследования было установлено, что целями соискателя при написании резюме являются краткое изложение информации, демонстрация своих положительных качеств, успешности, компетентности в вопросах, связанных с выбранной сферой деятельности. Они достигаются путем использования ряда грамматических, а также лексических средств.

Собственно собеседование является вторым этапом отбора при приеме на работу. Паралингвистические средства общения играют важную роль в формировании впечатления о кандидате, задача нанимателя - правильно интерпретировать его поведение. В ситуации собеседования цели соискателя остаются прежними, за исключением отсутствия необходимости представлять информацию о себе кратко, что объясняет использование сложноподчиненных предложений, вводных слов и сочетаний. Целью нанимателя в ситуации собеседования является составление наиболее точной картины личности соискателя.

Подбор кадров через изучение резюме и проведение собеседования является устоявшейся схемой отбора сотрудников на работу. Несмотря на достаточную эффективность данного механизма, с целью наиболее объективной оценки личности, современные специалисты в сфере подбора персонала дополняют его другими технологиями: тестами, задачами практического характера, психологическим анализом личности кандидата. Изучение лингвистических особенностей разнообразных технологий, используемых в ситуации собеседования, является перспективным направлением работы в контексте исследования данной проблемы.

Результаты, полученные в ходе работы могут быть использованы для дальнейшего исследования проблемы, а также при подготовке к собеседованию при приеме на работу и обучении специалистов по найму персонала.


1. Кобозева, И.М. «Теория речевых актов» как один из вариантов теории речевой деятельности / И.М. Кобозева // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике: Теория речевых актов. - 1986. - № 17. - C. 7-21.

2. Серль, Дж.Р. Что такое речевой акт? / Дж.Р. Серль // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике: Теория речевых актов. - 1986. - № 17. - С. 151-169.

3. Остин, Дж.Л. Слово как действие /Дж.Л. Остин // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике: Теория речевых актов. - 1986. - № 17. - С. 22-129.

4. Сусов, И.П. Лингвистическая прагматика: учебник для студентов, магистрантов и аспирантов (докторантов) / И.П. Сусов. - Москва: Восток--Запад, 2006. - 272 с.

5. Серль, Дж.Р. Классификация иллокутивных актов /Дж.Р. Серль // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике: Теория речевых актов. - 1986. - № 17. - С. 170-194.

6. Stein, M. Fearless Interviewing: How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence / M. Stein. - New York City: McGraw-Hill Education, 2003. - 208 p.

7. Формановская, Н.И. Речевое общение: коммуникативно-прагматический подход : учеб. пособие для вузов по специальности рус. яз. и лит. / Н.И. Формановская. - Москва: Русский язык, 2002. - 216 c.

8. Сухих, С.А. Личность в коммуникативном процессе / С.А. Сухих. - Краснодар: Издательство Южного института менеджмента, 2004. - 156 с.

9. Бороздина, Г.В. Психология делового общения: учебник / Г.В. Бороздина. - Москва: Инфра-М, 2006. - 224 с.

10. Аминов, И.И. Особенности речевого поведения партнера: учебное пособие / И.И. Аминов. - Москва: Омега-Л, 2009. - 304 с.

11. Горанчук, В.В. Психология делового общения и управленческих воздействий. Теория и практика: учебное пособие / В.В. Горанчук. - Санкт-Петербург: Издательский Дом «Нева», 2003. - 288 с.

12. Никифоров, Г.С. Психология менеджмента: учебник для вузов / Г.С. Никифоров. - Москва: Речь, 2010. - 512 с.

13. Матвеева, Т.В. Полный словарь лингвистических терминов / Т.В. Матвеева. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2010. - 562 с.

14. Косолапова, Т.В. Типологические классификации англоязычного резюме как основного документа при устройстве на работу / Т.В. Косолапова Филология и лингвистика в современном обществе: материалы конференции. 2012. - С.69-72.

15. Полина, А.В., Каримова, Н.А., Торопчин, И.И. Психологические основы профессионального трудоустройства: учебно-методическое пособие. А.В. Полина, Н.А. Каримова, И.И. Торопчин.- Волгоград: Волгоградское научное издательство, 2008. - 82 с.

16. Валинуров, И. Я - идеальный кандидат! Справочник джобхантера / И.Я. Валинуров. - Москва: Синергия, 2015. - 102 с.

17. Лоренц, М., Роршнайдер, У. Собеседование при приеме на работу / М. Лоренц, У. Роршнайдер. - Москва: Омега-Л, 2007. - 144 с.

18. Уильямс, Л. Собеседование без проблем / Л. Уильямс. - Москва: ФАИР, 2008. - 256 с.

19. Грэхем, X.T., Беннетт, Р. Управление человеческими ресурсами: учебное пособие для вузов / Х.Т. Грэхем, Р. Беннетт. -- Москва: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2003. - 598 с.

20. Баженова, Е.В. Как оценить работника за одну встречу / Е.В. Баженова. Санкт-Петербург: Сова, 2009. - 192 с.

21. Гак, В.Г. Теоретическая грамматика французского языка / В.Г. Гак. - Москва: Добросвет, 2000. - 832 с.

22. Балли, Ш. Общая лингвистика и вопросы французского языка / Ш. Балли. - Москва: Эдиториал УРСС, 2001. - 416 с.

23. Шахматов, А.А. Синтаксис русского языка: научное издание / А.А. Шахматов. - Ленинград: Российская государственная академическая типография, 1925. - 441 с.

24. Кузнецов, В.Г. Научное наследие Женевской лингвистической школы / В. Г. Кузнецов. - Москва: Знак, 2010. - 368 с.

25. Hillery, M., Reed, S., Gaw, K. Resume Sample Packet / M. Hillery, S. Reed, K. Gaw. - Atlanta: Georgia State University Center, 2014. - 25 p.

26. Noble, D. F. Gallery of Best Resumes: A Collection of Quality Resumes by Professional Resume Writers (Fourth Edition) / D. F. Noble. -Indianapolis: JIST Works, 2007. - 433 p.

27. Career Services. Resume Handbook. La Crosse: Western Technical College. 29 p.

28. Mercy College Career Development. Resume Writing Handbook. New York City: Mercy College. - 22 p.


Accounting intern interview

Interviewer: Hello, how are you?

Interviewee: Good morning, how are you? I'm fine, thank you!

Interviewer: Have a seat.

Interviewee: Sure.

Interviewer: Okay. Had a hard time to get here?

Interviewee: Actually, this place is easy to find.

Interviewer: Oh, easy to find? That's good, good to hear that. Okay, yeah. Did you send us a photo before the interview?

Interviewee: Yes.

Interviewer: I was like you 3 years ago.

Interviewee: I'm a little bit nervous.

Interviewer: Don't be, don't be. Oh, let me introduce myself. My name is John Tink, I'm the manager in the accounting department in HGCPA Corporation. Okay, and obviously, I will be your interviewer today. So, it'll be just me. Don't be nervous, okay? As usual, tell me about yourself.

Interviewee: Right now I'm a senior in brokerage and I'm graduating next year, spring semester of 2014.

Interviewer: Okay.

Interviewee: And my major is in accounting and my minor is in Management. I'm looking for accounting internship in your company.

Interviewer: Nice.

Interviewee: Right now I'm taking several accounting courses such as Principal of Accounting, course of Accounting, Accounting Information Systems and other some kind of Management course.

Interviewer: Well, of course it all is very important in business, most our applicants take accounting and finance, why did you take accounting?

Interviewee: Well, first of all, I think accounting is a solid-base knowledge for every kind of profession, and if you know the accounting, I think you can, like, do most kind of job to apply your knowledge. And, obviously, I love numbers, I love calculations.

Interviewer: Yes.

Interviewee: I think that's why I took accounting as my major.

Interviewer: Oh. Why don't you tell me about your struggles?

Interviewee: Personally, I am a very responsible person and I do things very carefully and I always… and I can do multiple tasks, yeah.

Interviewer: Oh, nice, nice. So, what makes you think you're this sort of person, why do you think you can handle this job?

Interviewee: In the past I had some experience doing the job in real accounting, I had to, like, be a cashier, as a cashier in a restaurant. What I was doing there was first of all taking reservations from customers every day, I had experience handling the cash, balance. I also dealt with customers as well: when they had problems, I always came and solved their problems.

Interviewer: Nice, nice.

Interviewee: In addition, I worked as a hotel (carrier?) for like 3 months. As for that job, I took reservations as well, and I helped customers to check in and also check out. Also I was in charge of booking, processed customer information and helped them book their hotels.

Interviewer: Nice.

Interviewee: Also, I worked with cash as well as credit cards every day.

Interviewer: Nice. I see that you're very experienced. What about your skills?

Interviewee: Oh, I know how to use Microsoft, I know how to use Power Point. In addition, I know your company requires that you know how to deal with the journal, how to deal with the invoice. And definitely, I know how to use Quickbook, that's one of my skills: I know how to do the invoice, how to process the payroll, how to do payment by either using a hand-written check or a computer check.

Interviewer: I see, that's good. Sounds nice. Okay, then. Well, do you have any questions to us?

Interviewee: Oh, yeah, definitely, I have some questions for you.

Interviewer: You're welcome.

Interviewee: One of the questions is what kind of expectations you have.

Interviewer: Well, we… Okay, of course, we are looking for somebody competent that can do the job but we never look for more, we want somebody nice. Let's say we look for somebody stead, somebody willing to achieve more, willing to improve themselves.

Interviewee: Yeah, definitely it's important.

Interviewer: That's what we are looking for.

Interviewee: Yes, as a full-time student I'm available for next…like… winter break as well as next semester for my scale job on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'm available and I have a question about my schedule, is it okay with you?

Interviewer: Oh yes, we believe that if you are what we are looking for, of course we're going to sit down and negotiate on possible schedules.

Interviewee: Okay.

Interviewer: If you're what we look for, yes, we're going to make anything possible so that you have much free time.

Interviewee: Sure. And pretty much I think that's all my questions for you.

Interviewer: Nice, that's nice. Alright then, well, very nice meeting you, Mister Linn.

Interviewee: Yes, very nice meeting you.

Interviewer: Have a nice day.

Interviewee: Yeah, thank you.

Interviewer: As for the formal things, we are going to inform you about the results in one or two weeks. So what is the most preferable way of reaching you?

Interviewee: Oh, I think you can reach me through my e-mail or either you can call me. It's always fine.

Interviewer: Alright, thank you, Mister Linn.

Interviewee: Thank you very much. Have a nice day!

Interviewer: You too, goodbye.


Nathan and Ashley Human Resource Job Interview

Interviewer: Hello, I'm Nathan.

Interviewee: Hi, I'm Ashley.

Interviewer: Nice to meet you! I see you're applying for the sports facility manager position that we have opened.

Interviewee: Yes I am.

Interviewer: Why don't you start and tell us… tell me a little bit about yourself?

Interviewee: Um, well, I got Master's at Manchester college, and I've got Managing as major, I'm currently getting minor in Marketing and, I play baseball, I think that goes with this, because, if you work with a team you could work with other people, and how to manage your time with school and sports, so, a little bit of this and that.

Interviewer: um, who invited you to pursue your career and how?

Interviewee: I would say, definitely it was my mom. She's a lawyer but she impacted me in instructing things and pushed me in this direction after I saw what she goes through I kind of want to take a different role and when I see the way she manages people in like her clients and I always thought that the work of manager is perfect for me I get to work around sports but yeah I wanna manage people in a different way than she does.

Interviewer: Would you describe your strengths and weaknesses?

Interviewee: Um, so my strengths are… I'm a really good person to counteract with people, talk to anybody, some of my weaknesses are, I'm strong headed, I like to take charge of everything, projects, rather than letting anybody else do them, I like to do my way but, yeah I like to do things for others, people's ideas also doing it in a different way and working by myself.

Interviewer: Leadership is definitely a big thing in this position so what are the some good qualities of a leader that it may be of use…

Interviewee: Um, I…

Interviewer: what comes to your mind?

Interviewee: I have to say confidence and communication are probably the two biggest qualities of a good leader, you need to be confident in what you do and so you need to have the communication with the people you work with, because you always work with people and if you don't communicate with them your projects are never gonna succeed. Also I think… okay, I need some more time to think about that.

Interviewer: Alright, describe the time in your previous jobs when you made important decisions and how you made them.

Interviewee: Um, I have to say I worked in a factory last summer and I worked in a line where you have to communicate with other people and you wanna get something done like you go some double line, like you do part and another person does a part and I worked on where my skills were not strong enough and I just let it go and thought: “oh, I'll be fine”. You never know how small something really is and how everything is important to communicate to others.

Interviewer: Tell me about another time you took charge as a leader in situations when you were to sign that leadership rule.

Interviewee: I'm going to get back to sports because as being a junior in college I'm not necessarily a captain though I was going to be a captain in the senior I`ve take charge I had to take charge every day because I'm a guard and I have to be… have to follow that role and communicate with others and make sure everything is okay, everyone understands what's going on.

Interviewer: Team work is very important in this job too, so, was there a time when you worked as a team and solved a problem or came up with a solution or a better project?

Interviewee: Um… I mean, every day at work as a team you have to solve a problem…

Interviewer: And also along with that have you established credibility with the team, did you become more productive?

Interviewee: Trust is a big thing, if somebody doesn't trust you and your team doesn't trust you or fail to understand what you're trying to do then you're never gonna have credibility with anybody um… when you go out make sure you're honest with everyone when you're confident and you know exactly what you're doing and also being an expert in your field like if you don't make the greens then you're not gonna be an expert if there's nobody to follow you so it's like every day you have to show something to work hard you have to do your work in school you have to do it to get your job or you're not gonna get credibility with anybody so credibility is actually all the hard work that you put in everything.

Interviewer: Okay, give us some ideas on how you individualize space and resources for a new building or reorganizing current buildings?

Interviewee: Location's a big thing I would use the best location for a new building to put a new building in and around it, what's the town like, what's the city like, what are the people like what are the people looking for, say, you're putting a new sports complex somewhere, you're gonna pick the best location for everyone. It's gonna be in a walking distance to the biggest fans who are gonna come and it's gonna be nice and you wanna also go by it and you're gonna use people's ideas and do definitely what they want and you wanna see people come back whatever, because what people want is what will make them gonna come.

Interviewer: If we end up hiring you, what ideas would you come up with for the better of our organization? Interviewee: What I deal with having palls in the community like giving events and taking palls like what they would like for this game or if we are to make a new building what they want the building to be like when we have a game we're trying to raise money for something and ask how can we raise money and have them come out and they're gonna give their money to raise it because we want it to succeed we're gonna see what the idea will be like I had that idea and threw it out there and we can introduce it in a game or other event that we have. Interviewer: Yeah, thanks for your time, we'll be in touch with you. Interviewee: Thank you.


Interview for teaching assistant at Kiddie Cove Child Care Center

Interviewer: Hello, Kristin, my name is Brian, I'm the Child Care director here at the Kiddie Cove, so how are you today?

Interviewee: I'm wonderful, how about yourself?

Interviewer: I'm doing great, pleasure to meet you.

Interviewee: You as well.

Interviewer: How is the weather out there?

Interviewee: Beautiful, obviously.

Interviewer: Have plans for the rest of the day?

Interviewee: Oh, you know, a little this, a little that.

Interviewer: Alright, that's good. Well, I'm gonna ask you some questions… Well, I ask you questions and you answer the best way you can and I'm making some general notes here. And the interview should take 4 to 5 minutes.

Interviewee: Okay, sounds perfect.

Interviewer: Great, so let's start, shall we?

Interviewee: Absolutely.

Interviewer: Great. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Interviewee: Well, I'm currently a student at Oklahoma State University, I'm very excited, I pursue my career in Elementary education, I am taking a lot of on-line classes, also classes at campus. I'm just really excited to be working with kids and learning how to better educate them.

Interviewer: Awesome! Awesome! Now what qualifications do you, Kristin, have that would complement the position you're applying for?

Interviewee: I'm very qualified for this position; not only have I worked in child care facilities in the last 10 years, I have worked in all different sidings and rooms, I've worked in a pre-school room and also a toddler room, so I've a variety of knowledge and experience, and I also am trained in CPR first-aid, so I have a lot of experience in these areas. I took courses for teaching children with special needs, and applying my knowledge in a group is what I enjoy. Okay, I guess, it's more about special education in general.

Interviewer: Okay, alright. Alright. So, in the next 3 to 5 years , where do you see yourself?

Interviewee: That's a great question. In the next 3 to 5 years I see myself, well, of course successfully employed, I would love to be employed in either a childcare facility or also in elementary school district, so that I would conduct classes someday and make a difference in the lives of many young people.

Interviewer: Okay, it's a very good answer, very impressive. Kristin, could you share with me what you enjoy the most about working with children, what inspires you?

Interviewee: Absolutely, that's an easy question, because what inspires me most about working with the youth and little children is their laughter and their smiles and that I could make a difference in their lives. I don't know, obviously, as a director of a childcare center you see in every day, and that is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things is to hear that laughter and know that you're helping the children to build their self-esteem, their confidence and just helping them learn and grow, that's just one of the best things to be a part of.

Interviewer: That's a very good answer, and since you answered that question, may I also ask you this: what was on inspirational moment for you with children?

Interviewee: Oh, my inspirational moment with children. Probably, the birth of my own children. Nothing like having your own children is the hardest job and rewarding job. I can't imagine anything that could be better than becoming a parent. I don't know if you yourself are a parent of not…

Interviewer: Oh yes, I am.

Interviewee: But, obviously, as a parent you know what it's like to get those hugs and those smiles and those “I love you”s and all this just…I don't think anything can be more rewarding than working with children.

Interviewer: What motivates you and makes you want to work with children? And what could you bring to the table if we chose to bring you aboard here at the Kiddie Cove?

Interviewee: Oh, I like the questions you asked me, Brian. What really motivates me in work with children is their laughter and knowing that I'm a part of that, that's probably one of the biggest motivators for me. And also as for the second part of your question what I could bring to the table here if I was a part of your team, well, I'm a great team-player, I'm very creative, and kids love pens, so I don't think you could go wreck.

Interviewer: I don't think so either. Alright, that should be all the questions that we have for now. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Interviewee: Just thank you so much for your time and thank you for an opportunity to sit down with you today, I really appreciate it.

Interviewer: Alright, it was my pleasure al well. And you should be hearing from me shortly.

Interviewee: Sounds wonderful.

Interviewer: Alright, Kristin, thank you.

Interviewee: Have a great time.


Lindi's Logistics Coordinator Interview Summer 2014

Interviewer: Hey, Lindi! Thanks for coming for the interview for the logistics coordinator job this summer. I'm interested to know why you actually applied for this job.

Interviewee: The reason why I applied for this job is because I'd like to be a part of an organization that helps other people get closer experience with nature and interact with nature more `cause I think our society drastically needs that, as well as I'd really love to work with my hands and certain type of people.

Interviewer: Alright! Definitely, it makes sense why you would chose this job because you will be doing…um…a lot of work with your hands and you'll get to one-and-one mentoring with other people in logistics coordinator position, so you'll have probably 2 assistants underneath you that you'll be daily working with to delegate tasks and to get larger projects done.

Interviewee: Okay.

Interviewer: What's your reaction to hearing that you'll be mentoring others as well as fulfilling your own job responsibilities?

Interviewee: I definitely don't expect much of the others, could you explain a little more what it looks like?

Interviewer: Yes, so, daily you'll be looking at the jobs that need to get done, and you'll be figuring out how to best delegate it to those two assistants that are working beside you and…um…figure out a schedule using their skills and your skills and also teaching them on the way how to do the different jobs that you already know how to do.

Interviewee: And they are full-time employees as well and they just a little do less…they just do the work that I'm telling them to do or what?

Interviewer: Yeah, basically, they have a supportive role for you this summer.

Interviewee: Okay. Yeah, I think mentoring 2 people and learning how to effectively have people do what I need to do is something I'll grow in and I'm capable of doing it.

Interviewer: Alright, good to know. Um…so, thinking about coming to work for summer, what are some things that you bring to the table, that you bring to the community and to the work environment?

Interviewee: I think I bring a sense of faithfulness and joy to the environment that I enjoy being in so if it's outdoors and working with the hands and just…doing a lot of things that helps other people will make me personally happy, so I think my spirit will be just more cheerful. And as for my personality hard work I think I can bring that to the table as well.

Interviewer: Alright. Hard work I think is definitely needed as well as the enjoyment of what you're doing. Alright, so what are your two greatest strengths and two greatest weaknesses?

Interviewee: My two greatest strengths are probably honesty and probably to this work is hard work I think and two greatest weaknesses are probably my sociability and…um…I…hahah…sociability I guess that can go hand in hand with being more of an introvert…

Interviewer: Okay.

Interviewee: …Being more quiet or serious…and I think other people can be confused by that.

Interviewer: Okay, so how do you see yourself potentially growing in those areas?

Interviewee: I think the more I am in a certain place and I get used to it and I open up more and socialize, as well as for the last few months being here has been a kind of adventure, I learnt to look at the way…the mood I'm in and tell myself that it's my choice, I can choose to be happy and positive, interactive, outlook and being really engaged to people or I can just be in a more philosophical mindset. I treat it as a choice.

Interviewer: Wow, yeah, that's huge. Alright…um…One thing that is important to what we would like to consider is buying to a job or just a mission of summit, so what do you see as your vision for either improving or adding to summit in summer? Tell me, why should I hire you rather than one of the other candidates?

Interviewee: Well, I would be mainly in the logistics area, and I really enjoy organizing and think I can help improve any systems that are there, just as my creative ideas, make more effective means to organize things or handle things.

Interviewer: Yeah, that is necessary! I mean, you're seen the logistic systems and you know there a lot of things that can really quickly get messed up and unarranged, so it does take someone who enjoys going in and making new systems that can be fulfilled during the entire summer. So, okay. Let's see…um…Do you have any current questions about what we expect in working in Summer Adventure or working in a specific capacity?

Interviewee: I will never be going on any outdoor excursions or trips will I?

Interviewer: Yes, you actually will. Our logistics stuff usually are what we call “Tech group”, so they go in and they…um…help us repel our rock climbs for groups, so that the instructors can work on the instructing portion of it and then the Tech group supports them technically by setting up those sites and having them preparing for them.

Interviewee: And it's just for the rock climbing?

Interviewer: Rock climbing repelling and then when we have longer courses our Tech crew does resupplies. So they pack their backpacks full of extra food and supplies for the group and hiking.

Interviewee: So I need basic knowledge of rock climbing and knots and all that?

Interviewer: Yes, that would be ideal. But if you don't have that, it'll be something to start on the job. Let's see…Do you think you have the equipment that will take to fulfill this part of your job?

Interviewee: The rock climbing?

Interviewer: The climbing and short-time backpacking.

Interviewee: I have no climbing equipment. Just a backpack and stuff.

Interviewer: Okay, okay. It'd be probably a problem in either helping you attain all that if you want to attain your own or allowing you rent somebody's out here. So…What do you think this job will teach you and allow you to grow in order to prepare you for where you're headed?

Interviewee: I think working with two other people and being an overseer is going to help me immensely, as I get older I'll be offered leading positions more often, and in all the little bits of leadership I've been in I'm realizing more and more that it's about commanding these two people under me around and it's about working together and being a group and giving them a chance to speak and give their opinions, not just putting them before myself and not being the ultimate “I know everything, I'm the leader, I have more status than you do”. And that I think will help me as I take on larger responsibilities in the future.

Interviewer: Sure, great. Glad to see that you do see yourself in the learning role as in bringing those two assistants alongside you rather than just commanding their attention and then deciding that “here's what you do, and I'm your boss”. That's definitely more of the mights what we're looking for. Um…Yeah…Two other things that I want to make sure that I've asked are your thoughts on why you think you are good fit for this positions and why should somebody in the Adventure bring you on to part of our community. Um…And after that actually I wanna know any questions that you might have about the position and us.

Interviewee: Okay. I think the reason why I'm a good candidate for this position is like I have already said that I enjoy working hard and I enjoy thinking I know ways to do things. In the past I've been promoted to previous jobs because of how hard I worked, fairly it was the reason I was told, as well as just I was enjoying it so much how here, and hopefully, having an attitude about it that would promote other people.

Interviewer: Okay, what about specifically living in a community of about 20 other people for the entire summer and being a member in our community? Do you think it's a place that you would thrive and in what ways maybe.

Interviewee: Yeah, I think I'd love being with more people, I'll have a chance to have…well, I would like to be a part of a group and changes to be deeper and focus on encouraging and building each other up and really make a goal inside while working and making it the best group of summer stuff there have ever been and going deep and getting close, working together as role models and so we can…um…contractors…what do you call the people who come here?

Interviewer: Uh-huh…Students.

Interviewee: Yeah, students who come here we can be a part of changing their lives.

Interviewer: Nice, thanks! Um…And I mean, that's something that, hopefully, the entire of our stuff is coming into an experience thinking of how can we really make it an experience for us and also how can we feed into these students that we're bringing in in a positive way. What questions do you have for me either about this job or about something? What do you expect?

Interviewee: I just have one question and that is for this position. What would you consider to be some important characteristics for a successful worker in this position?

Interviewer: Great question, and um…this might sound like I'm going to hire you because I definitely think that willingness is huge and eagerness and it goes tied in the desire to be here and to do the work that you've been given and also the hard work, I think, it is incredibly important, because there are going to be times when you just give in a set of tasks and there's not going to be anybody standing beside you telling you when to do them and how to do them, you just have to take the initiative to do them. So I say along with the hard work goes the initiative. Um…so being able to see something that needs to be done and figuring out how to do it or asking whether it is to be done or it should be done. And as equally important as that are the community that you're part of at summit and the work that you do in the field of groups. So being a positive influence on the community and being a positive influence on our students. So, like you mentioned some of them seeing somebody who's actually excited to be there and glad to have them and wants to be a positive example for them. Willingness and readiness to invest in the community here as a summit community. It's a small group, no more than 20 folks, so it takes pretty much the entire group to invest in order for it to be cohesive. So that's equally as important as getting the job done from a big one.

Interviewee: So that's it for me.

Interviewer: Alright, so I think I got all the information that I need and I'll be in touch with the answer to let you know out final decision.

Interviewee: Thank you.


Job Interview (Basketball Coach)

Interviewee: Hello!

Interviewer: Hey! Christine, right?

Interviewee: Yes. How are you doing?

Interviewer: Nice to meet you, please, have a seat. So, we've got a couple of questions for you today. You're applying for the high school basketball coach…

Interviewee: Actually, college basketball coach!

Interviewer: My mistake. Oh. Yes, college basketball coach. Ah, so tell me why you want to be the college basketball coach.

Interviewee: Well, because I'm going to train with my players, like become better athletes and achieve their dreams of higher basketball levels, and I am really competitive, so I can make them…like…more like…better players and so on.

Interviewer: I see. Oh. All other coaches use harsh tactics to get results. Tell me about the times you used harsh tactics to get results.

Interviewee: Actually, I've never used harsh tactics to…like…for my players to become better, I just like…you know, I apply basic techniques of…like…how to become better, I don't like forcing them into doing anything, I just …like...teach them.

Interviewer: Let's talk about competitions. Your rival's score is bigger than you can match. You know the coach is tough, you know the coach yells and uses rough language; it's rougher than other teams'. And they win a lot of games. Would you shift to other of tactics, too, in your competition?

Interviewee: Well, I wouldn't be really that aggressive on my teammates using…like… bad language to make them play better because I don't think it helps the team that well, just…

Interviewer: And now there are some questions from the college team you're going to be coaching.

Interviewee: Okay.

Interviewer: If a kid takes a ball and puts you straight in the head, what are you going to do and if it was make intentionally?

Interviewee: I would say “Why would you throw this in my face?”. Go out and run.

Interviewer: I threw it in your face because I don't like running a marathon all the time.

Interviewee: Well, I make you run because you should meet the standard for playing.

Interviewer: I'm frustrated and I demonstrate you my repulsion.

Interviewee: If you don't like exercising hard, you should leave the team.

Interviewer: But I'm the captain, you can't kick me off.

Interviewee: Maybe you're the captain, but you have the wrong attitude, so I don't think you shouldn't be any longer in the team.

Interviewer: I'm sorry, it was about my attitude.

Interviewee: That's fine, thank you.

Interviewer: Oh! that's the kind of approach we need here, because sometimes the kids come up here and say “I have a test in the mid-term”, “I have a French project”, school takes priority as well as the team and we can't drop any of them. Interviewee: Sure.

Interviewer: Tell me one basketball story that you would tell your team to inspire them to play better? Tell me about another time you took charge as a leader in situations when you were to sign that leadership rule.

Interviewee: Okay. Well, I would say, the level of many teams is high, like the one back in my high school years, and we played with one of these teams that usually casts us out and stuff like that so…like…when they're defending us they would all these words, like bring us down. But I told them “just don't let these people get in your head, just stay in the game, play your game, just focus”.

Interviewer: We have no more questions.

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