Transfer features of newspaper texts

Types of translation theory. Definition of equivalence in translation, the different concept; formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence. The usage of different levels of translation in literature texts. Examples translation of newspaper texts.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид курсовая работа
Язык английский
Дата добавления 14.03.2013
Размер файла 37,6 K

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1. The stage of analysis, that is the translator transforms the original structures into the nuclear structures or he transforms within Source Text.

2. The stage of translation proper, he replaces Source Text nuclear structures with the equivalent structure in Target Text.

3. The stage of synthesis, e.g. he develops Source Text into the terminal structures in the text information.

A similar approach as Nida gave can be used to describe the translation of semantic units. It means that the existence of "deep" semantic categories are common to Source Text and Text Text.

In describing the translating process we can explain the obtained variants as the result of the translator applying one or all these models of action. This doesn't mean that a translation is actually made through the stages suggested by these models. There are not, however, just abstract schemes. In training we as translators should use these models as practical tools.

For example, He is a poor sleeper the translator sees that the attributive of group can not be translated into Kazakh as "кедей".

All these translation problems can be solved with the help of contextual substitutes.

For example, "I hate that dress, I would not be caught dead wearing anything else." Мен ол к?йлекті ?натпаймын. Сол сия?ты к?йлектерді еш?ашан да кимеспін."

2. A direct translation is hardly possible in rare cases, we may use direct translation.

For example, John took Mary by hand, Джон Мэриді? ?олынан ?стады.

3. Involves transformations in grammar:

a) Negation in Source Text is positiveness in Target Text.

For example. We cannot help laughing when we hear funny stories. Біз ?ызы?ты ??гімелерді естіген кезде к?лкіміз келеді.

b) Inversion-change of word-order.

For example, Could you give the answer when you get this letter?' Б?л. хатты ал?ан кезде ма?ан жауабын айта аласыз ба ?

c) The changing of Active voice into Passive or vice versa.

For example, He was invited to the meeting. Оны жиналыс?а ша?ырды. Invitation cards must be sent tomorrow. Ша?ыру билеттері ерте? жіберілуі керек. We must send invitation cards tomorrow. Біз ша?ыру билеттерін ерте? жіберуіміз керек.

4. Delimination and conjunction of sentences.

For example, Mr. Manson slung his bag up and climbed into a battered gig behind a tall, angular black horse. Мистер Мэнсон ауыр ж?гін арбаны? ?асына жа?ындатып ?ойып, содан ?лсіз ?ара атты? ?стіне лезде мінді.

5. The integration procedure - the opposite translation process to the IV one. Sometimes this procedure is grammatically incomplete. Because the translator makes mistakes in keeping the content.

For example, It is impossible to do the work in two days. Nor it is necessary. Егер б?л ж?мыс ?ажет болмаса, оны екі к?нде жасау м?мкін емес. There were a lot of homeless children in Kzyl-Zhar. The police caught them in two days. ?ызылжарда ?а??ыбас балалар ?те к?п. Оларды полиция ?ызметкерлеі екі к?нде т?т?ындады. Such establishments with trade unions who gave way to crimes were all sent to the court to be investigated. Осындай ?ылмыстар?а жол берген к?сіпорындар мен мекемелерді? ісі сот?а берілді.

5. Practical Examples

1. "Her life in London, with its excitements, its triumphs and its pains, began to seem very far away." (W. Somerset)

Оны? кобалжу сезімдерге, жетістіктерге, ?ай?ы-?асіретке толы Лондонда?ы ?мірі ?зіне жат к?ріне бастады.

2. What drives you to lose your temper on the telephone?

Телефонмен с?йлескен кезде сізді? шыдамы?ыз не себептен таусылады?

3. "Every Christmas Julia gave her mother and her aunt expensive presents, but they never used them."(W. Somerset)

?р рождествода Жулия ?з анасы мен т?тесіне ?ымбат сыйлы?тар жаса?ан, біра? олар оны ?олданба?ан.

4. Canada had seemed to be getting a good deal.

Канаданы? ж?мыстары жа?сарайын деп жат?ан сия?ты.

5. "He was extraordinarily nice at luncheon." (W. Somerset)

Ол та??ы ас кезінде бір т?рлі ?демі болды.

6. In the last thirty years, Philip Condit says, not much has changed.

Филип Кондит со??ы 30 жылдарды б?ріні? бір ?алыпта екендігі туралы айтты.

7. "Now she was nearly dead with fatigue." (W. Somerset)

Енді оны? ?атты шарша?аны біліне бастады.

8. "She sat on, in the darkness, grimly thinking how she would do it." (W. Somerset)

Ол кара?гыда отырып істейтін ісіне катты кобалжыды.

9. "The moment he had gone she turned out the lights and went to the window." (W. Somerset)

Оны? кете салысымен ол жары?а ?арай б?рылып, терезе жа??а ж?нелді.

10. "She waited for his answer with sickening dread." (W.Somerset)

Ол оны? жауабын бір т?рлі ?ор?ынышпен к?тіп т?рды.

11."She looked at herself in the glass as she slipped out of her beautiful gown." (W. Somerset)

Ол ?з бейнесіне ?арап к?рсе, ?демі к?йлегінен шы?ып бара жат?ан сиякты болды.

12. "But he was not quite happy for all that, he was puzzled by her tone, which was so friendly." (W.Somerset)

Б?л н?рсені? б?ріне oл риза бол?ан жо?, oл жылы лебізбен с?йлесе де, дауыс ыр?а?ы та? калдырды.

13. Police officers think they have just as strong a case for Keeping the status quo.

Полиция офицерлеріні? ойлауы бойынша ?иын жа?дай б?л бар т?ртіпті са?тау.

14. Some fashion designers achieve success by jumping on the bandwagon of latest look.

Кейбір с?н дизайнерлері со??ы к?ріністі табысты же?іске жеткізу барысында армандарына жетті.

15. People are much more likely to express anger over the phone, rather than in writing or face-to-face.

Халы?ты? к?бісі ашу-ызасын жазбаша немесе бетпе-бет айту?а ?ара?андаб олар телефонмен айтуды ?натады.

16. The abusive passenger is becoming a world-wide problem.

?рыс?а? жолаушы б?кіл ?лемге тара?ан м?селе болады.

17. "In the whole atoll not two stones remained one upon another." (J. London)

Толы? рифті? ?зінде де екі mac біріні? ?сшінде бірі жаптайды.

18. When he saw her his hart melted away" (L. Carrol)

Оны к?ргенде ж?регі ?лсіреп кетті.

19. The night has swallowed him up"(0. Wild)

?ара т?нні? жамыл?ысы оны? бейнесін жасырды.

20. "I know his sister who is one hundred years old."(Dickens)

Мен оны? ?арт ?пкесін білемін.

21. "I have thousand things to do. "(O.Wilde)

Мені? істер ісім к?п.

22. "It troubled him not a little..." (J-London)

Б?л оны аз кобалжыт?ан жо?.

23. "He found that this was no easy task."(Byron)

Ол б?л жерде о?ай іс жо? екенін т?сінді.

24. "Do not use big words they mean very so little."(0. Wild)

?рысып еште?е таппайсы?.

25. "I was a good solid house built to with stand time and exposure." (A. Christie)

Б?л жа?сы, мы?ты со?ыл?ан ?й-заман мен ауа райыны? ?андай да болса апаттарына т?теп бере алады

26. "Keеp the child out of the sun."(A. Christie)

Баланы к?нні? астында ?стама?дар.

27. My precious wife," said1, "we must be serious sometimes."(Dickens)

Мені? ?ымбаттым, ?рдайьм к?ліп, ?алжы?дай беруге болмайды ?ой, -дедім мен.

28. "My aunt and I, when we were left alone, talked far into the right, how the emigrants never wrote home otherwise that cheerfully and hopefully."(Ibid)

Біз т?теміз екеуміз жал?ыз ?ал?анда, т?нні? ортасына дейін конысаударгандарды? ?рдайым сенімге толы хаттар жаз?аны жайлы ?нгімелесінтінбіз.

29. "There's something still alive in that place, something with eyes, or a seeing mind, if you take me and the longer we stay in one spot, the sooner it will get on to us.

Білмеймін к?збен бе немесе бас?аша ма б?л жерде к?ріп трган та?ы біреу бар, сіз мені т?сініп т?р?ан шы?арсыз. Oл бізге жеткенше дегйін кету керек.

30."She's as strong as a horse and she's in the best of health" (W. Somerset)

Oл ?те мы?ты ж?не денсаупы?ы жаксы ?йел.

31."They were very comfortable together." (W. Somerset)

Oл екеуі бірге бол?анда ?здерін ?те жа?сы сезінеді.

32. "Julia gave a very poor performance at the matinee on Wednesday." (W. Somerset)

Жулия с?рсенбі к?ні к?ндізгі спектакльде нашар ойнады.

33. "She wondered why she had resisted him so long."(W. Somerset)

Oл о?ан к?п уа?ыт бойы ?арсыль? к?рсетіп ж?ргеніне тан ?алды.


I Level10%

II Level10%

III Level25%

IV Level35%

V Level20%

Due to that diagram you can see the result of my project course paper. As there are five levels of translation the most useful are the III, IV and the V. As we are future interpreters we should try to avoid the I and the II levels. Because translators are not keen of using these types.

In my project course paper I have attempted to show that equivalence is a constitutive translation relation that holds between a SL-text and' a TL-text. Thus it helps to distinguish translation proper from other secondary target language linguistic products. Due to- the text complexity, we have proposed to analyze the text into different text-levels. In the translation process the translator has necessarily to take into account what we have called the conditions- and determinants of the translation communicative event. Translation quality should tend to be homogeneous, i.e. with smooth peaks and troughs in the development of the translation wave, thereby keeping the TL-text within the equivalence range.

I have come to the following conclusions:

As we are future interpreters we should be very careful and attentive while applying to various levels;

Different levels of translation will help us- to translate all kinds of texts;

The most frequently used levels of equivalence are III, IV and V.

I'm very glad that I have chosen this theme. Because this theme is closely connected with my future job and I hope that it will influence to my future career. As I am studying at this linguistic college in order to be a good interpreter I will try to do my best. I am sure that my project course paper will be necessary and useful not only for me but for the freshmen.


1. M.V. Griscgenko: Basic Translation Moscow (2000)

2. T.A. Gouskova: Translation from English into Russian: Mastering the techniques Moscow (1986)

3. T.I. Gouskova: Difficulties of translation Moscow (2000)

4. T.A. Kazakov: Translation techniques Saint-Peterburg (2001)

5. V.N. Komissarov: Theory of translation Moscow (2001)

6. A.M. Miram: Basic translation Moscow (2000)

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