Arguing your case (10 кл)

Совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи и навыков восприятия иностранной речи на слух. Обучение правильному аргументированию своего мнения. Повторение и расширение лексического минимума по теме: "Money" и формирование заключения.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид конспект урока
Язык русский
Дата добавления 23.03.2014
Размер файла 21,1 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

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Урок № __5-6____ Класс __10_____дата _16.04.2013__

Тема урока: Money

Подтема: Arguing your case

Цель: совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи и навыков восприятия иностранной речи на слух; обучение правильному аргументированию своего мнения.


· Практические:

1) Умение приводить доводы в чью-либо пользу / против чего-либо

2) Закрепление полученных знаний по новой теме с помощью выполнения упражнений

3) Систематизирование и закрепление знаний лексического и фактического материала по данной теме

4) Закрепление грамматических навыков по темам: а) Conditional 3, б) конструкции

have smth done

· Обучающие:

1) Обучение употреблению конструкций I'd rather; we'd be better off

2) Обучение новым лексическим единицам и употреблению их в речи

3) Обучение различным видам выражения предложения (совета) и аргументации

· Развивающие:

1) Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи

2) Развитие навыков аудирования, языкового предположения и реакции учащихся

3) Развитие умения высказывать свою точку зрения и формировать заключение

· Воспитывающие:

1) Воспитание желания общения на английском языке

2) Воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу

3) Расширение кругозора учащихся и познавательной активности

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оборудование: доска, мел, учебник (SB, WB), аудио-проигрыватель, раздаточный материал (упражнения)

Схематический план урока

I. Организационная часть.

1) Приветствие 2 мин.

2) Целеполагание 2 мин.

II. Актуализация опорных знаний

1) Речевая зарядка 5 мин.

2) Проверка выполнения домашнего задания 7 мин.

III. Основная часть

1) Развитие навыков аудирования 10 мин.

2) Объяснение нового материала и его закрепление 18 мин.

3) Развитие диалогической речи 7 мин.

4) Повторение и расширение лексического минимума по теме 20 мин.

5) Закрепление знаний по темам Conditionals и конструкции have smth done 15 мин.

IV. Заключительная часть

1) Подведение итогов урока 2 мин.

2) Информация о домашнем задании, инструкция о его выполнении 2 мин.

Ход урока

I. Организационная часть.

1) Приветствие

Т: Good morning, dear friends!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: I am glad to see you.

P: We are glad to see you, too.

T: Are you ready for the lesson?

P: Yes, we are. We are ready for the lesson.

T: Sit down, please. What day is it today?

P: Today is :.

T: What date is it today?

P: Today is:..

T: Who is absent?

P: All are present.

2) Целеполагание

All right! Today we are going to learn how to argue your case. Also, we'll learn new words and word-combinations, repeat previous grammatical themes and learn new one. So we have a lot to do.

Let's begin.

II. Актуализация опорных знаний

1) Речевая зарядка (фронтальный опрос)

Let's talk about backpacking.

- When young people go on a backpacking holiday, what kind of accommodation do they stay in? (youth hostel, cheap hostel)

- Let's talk about advantages and disadvantages of these forms of accommodation.

2) Проверка выполнения домашнего задания

So, what was your home assignment for today? Remind me, please.

Let's check it.

Ex 1 p 80.

You were to write the numbers and dates in words. Let's check.

1. six hundred and twenty-two

2. one thousand, eight hundred and three

3. one million four hundred (and) twelve thousand six hundred (and) five

4. nineteen hundred

5. the first of December

6. twenty-seventh birthday

Ex 2 p 80.

Have you read the text? Ok. So you were to match the headings with the paragraphs. Which heading don't you need?

1. b 2. d 3. g 4. e 5. a 6. c

Ex 3 p 80.

You were to match the two halves of the sentences.

1. f 2. b 3. d 4.a 5. c 6. e

Well done!

Основная часть

1) Развитие навыков аудирования

Exercise 1 page 90.

Sophie and Lydia are backpacking. You see them on the picture.

Let's focus on the photo.

What are they carrying?

What are they doing?

Where do you think they are?

You are to read and listen to their conversation and answer the questions:

1. What do they disagree about?

2. Who get her own way in the end?

How do you understand `get her own way'?

делать по-своему, добиться своего, настоять на своем -- get one's own way, do as one pleases / chooses / feels


1. They disagree about where to stay.

2. Sophie gets her own way.

Exercise 2 page 90.

Who uses these facts and opinions to argue their case? Write Sophie or Lydia.

Do it individually.

Let's check.


1. Lydia

2. Sophie

3. Sophie

4. Lydia

5. Sophie

6. Sophie

Exercise 3 page 90.

You are to listen to three conversations. Match the speaker with the disagreements.


1.B 2.C 3.A

Exercise 4 page 90.

We are going to listen again. You should write who gets their own way in each disagreement.


1. Cameron 2. Chloe 3. Leo

Exercise 5 page 90.

You should put the expressions from the dialogues into the correct group: A (doubting a suggestion), B (giving an alternative suggestion), C (conceding the argument) or D (refusing to concede=уступать (что-л.) ; отказываться (от чего-л.)).

You can do it in pairs.

! I want to point out that I suppose shows reluctance.

So, I suppose you could be right is much more reluctant than Yes, you're right

Key A 4,8 B 3, 5 C 1, 6 D 2, 7

2) Объяснение нового материала и его закрепление

Exercise 6 page 90.

You are to find phrases in Ex 1 to add to the groups in Ex 5.

You can work in pairs or alone.

Let's check.


A. Really? I'm not sure that's a good idea.

B. Personally, I'd rather we found…, True, but…, I really think we'd be better off staying…

C. Well, if that's what you really want to do, then OK.

D. I'm not convinced.


· After I'd rather we use past

e.g. I'd rather we found.

The verb is in the past tense, but the situation is in the present.

When we want to talk about a course of action we would prefer someone else to take, we use I'd rather + past tense:

I'd rather you went

He'd rather you called the police

I'd rather you didn't hunt elephants.

NOTE: the stress can be important in these sentences, to show what our preference is:

I'd rather you went = not me,

I'd rather you went = don't stay

He'd rather you called the police = he doesn't want to

He'd rather you called the police = not the ambulance service

· After we'd be better off we use verb+ -ing

e.g. we'd be better off leaving


British people tend to be less direct than many other nationalities. When arguing they tend to say:

Do you really think so?Are you sure about that?I'm not sure it's a good idea.

rather than

I don't agree

unless they are speaking to somebody they know well. It seems strange but it is important for them to be aware of it as they could easily come across as impolite if they are too direct.

3) Развитие диалогической речи

Exercise 7 page 90.

Work in pairs. Choose one of the ideas below and think of suggestions and alternative suggestions. Include reasons.

- where to go on holiday

- what to watch on television

- who to invite to a party

- which computer to buy

Exercise 8 page 90.

Now work in pairs. Make up your dialogues like the one in Ex 1.

Include your ideas from exercise 7 and expression from Ex 5.

Your time is up. Who wants to act out your dialogue to the class?

4) Повторение и расширение лексического минимума по теме

Ex 9.

Now let's check your vocabulary knowledge. You are to translate words one by one. At first, from English into Russian, than otherwise.

(be) broke (adi)

(ex) change


afford (v)


bargain(n ,v )


borrow (v)

brand (n)



cash banknote

cash (n)


cheque (n)

cheque book



consumer (n)



credit card


debit card (n)


discount (v,n)





firm (n)

fortune (n)


holiday pay

income (n)







loan (n)



note (n)


overcharge (v )

overtime pay



pay back


pester (v)

PIN number (n )

pocket money

promote (v)

purchase( v)



refugee (n)





sate (n)

save (v)

save up (phrv)

saving account

savings ( n pl)


sick pay


sponsor (v, n)


supply ( v)

target (v)




voucher (n )


waste (v)


withdraw money

Well done! You were great! Now the next task:

Ex 10.

Great! People have created different proverbs and sayings about money. Look at the halves of the proverbs and join them correctly.

Match the items on the right with the items on the left

1. Money spent on the brain..... b) is never spent in vain.

2. No money,.... e) no honey.

3. A fool and his money..... a) are soon parted.

4. Time is.... c) money.

5. Lend your money ...... d) and loose your friend

Keys: 1-b, 2-e, 3-a, 4-c, 5-d

Read these proverbs, explain how you understand them and give their Russian equivalents of the proverbs.


1. деньги, истраченные на образование, всегда окупаются

2. «вечером деньги, утром стулья»

3. у дурака деньги долго не держатся

4. время - деньги

5. хочешь потерять друга, одолжи ему деньги

Ex 11.

Imagine that you have just got one million hrivnias. What would you do with the money?

Let's make a kind of minding map.(учні на дошці і в зошитах записують схему)

· Exotic holidays

· Spent on computer games

· Fast car

· mummy

· charity

· a research organization

· a cancer research organization

· a fund for veterans of war

· Buy presents for my family

· things I like, for example

· lots of designer clothes

· a big house with a swimming-pool

Ex 12.

What is the difference between the mottoes: "money is for life" and "life is for money"? Which of them do you support? Why?

Well done! Thank you.

Ex 13.

I'd like you to answer some questions.

1. Do you like to spend money?

2. What sum of money do you need every day?

3. Is money very important in your life? Why?

4. What is the best way to earn money?

Ex 14.

Let's play a lexical game “Anagrams”. Make up the words given in jumbled letters.

neomy (money)

qehuce (cheque)

inoc (coin)

vsinasg (savings)

temark (market)

recuncyr (currency)

tonkenba (banknote)

лескический монологический речь иностранный

Ex 15.

Let's pass to your copies, Ex 2. You should match the items on the right with the items on the left.

1. to put money into a) money that is paid to some-one not to tell other people about something embarrassing.

2. funny money b) money paid for murdering someone

3. pocket money c) to marry someone whose family is rich

4. to roll in money d) to make much money

5. for my money e) to be very rich

6. hush money f) money that you earn very easily

7. to coin the money g) in my opinion

8. money for jam h) to use your money in order to make a profit

9. to marry into money i) a small amount of money you can use to buy small things

10. blood money j) money that has been printed illegally, counterfeit

Key: 1. h; 2. j; 3. i; 4. e; 5. g; 6. a; 7. d; 8. f; 9. c; 10. b

Ex 16.

The next task is to match English and Russian equivalents of proverbs about money. It is Ex 3A on your copies.

Money makes the world go round. (Деньги правят миром.)

Money has no smell. (Деньги не пахнут.)

A light purse makes a heavy heart. (Хуже всех бед, когда денег нет. Хлеба ни куска, так в горле тоска.)

A great fortune is a great slavery. (Больше денег - больше хлопот. Богатому не спится, он вора боится.)

Time is money. (Время - деньги.)

Ex 17.

Let's do the next exrecise where you must fill the gaps with a suitable word. Do this in pairs.

Let's check. Read your answers one by one, please.
1)The dress must have cost a fortune - where does she get the money?

2) Oh, no! I've left my money at home! Could you lend me 15$? I promise I'll pay you back tomorrow.

3) I wouldn't give Tom any money. He borrowed 100$ from me last month. The month has passed and he hasn't returned any of it!

4) I had a certain amount of money in dollars and I had to exchange it for pounds.

5) The shop will refund you the full cost of your purchase if you don't like our goods.

6) Each last Wednesday of the month they sell their goods at a great discount. If you visit the shop and buy something, it'll be a good bargain.

7) Each month I buy 2 or 3 books and I spend about 10$ on them, but I don't think I waste my money , I enjoy reading.

5) Закрепление знаний по темам Conditionals и конструкции have smth done And now I am going to check your knowledge in themes: Conditionals and construction have smth done. Take a sheet of paper, write your first name and your last name.

А. Повторение Conditional 3

To make sure that you understand the difference between different types of Conditionals, I propose you to do the next test. You must have in each question 2 answers, for example the 1st one:

Also you are to write the type of conditional.

1. Если у меня будет время, то я приду сегодня. If I have time, I will come today. Conditional 1

a) will have b) have c) would come d) will come

2. Если бы у меня было время, я пришел бы сегодня (мечтатель).

a) had b) had had c) would come d) would have come.

3. Если бы у меня было время, я пришел бы вчера (поезд ушел).

a) had b) had had c) would come d) would have come.

4. Если бы я знал английский язык, то перевел бы текст сам (мечтатель).

a) knew b) has know c) would translate d) would have translated.

5. Если бы я тогда знал английский язык, то перевел бы текст сам (поезд ушел).

a) knew b) had known c) would translate d) would have translated.

6) Если бы он жил в большом городе, то не пропускал бы выставок живописи (мечтатель).

a) live b) lived c) wouldn't miss d) wouldn't have missed.

7) Если я поеду в Вашингтон, то посещу Капитолий.

a) will go, b) go c) visit, d) will visit

8) Если бы я была в Вашингтоне, то посетила бы Капитолий (мечтатель).

a) were b) was c) will visit d) would visit

9) Если бы у меня было свободное время сегодня или завтра, я сделала бы эту работу сама (мечтатель).

a) have b) had c) would have done d) would do


1) b, d; 2)a, c; 3) b, d; 4)a, c; 5)b, d; 6) b, c; 7)b, d; 8)a, d; 9)b,d.

В. Повторение конструкции have smth done

To check your understanding of the grammatical construction have smth done, you are to do next exercises.

Ex 1. Rewrite these sentences using have smth done

Ex 2. Match a word from 1-8 with something that is done by that person or in that place. Then make sentences using all the information and the verb in brackets.

You may have to change the words or add new ones. An example is given.

Заключительная часть

1) Подведение итогов урока

Friends, our lesson is coming to the end. I'm happy to say we've done a good bit of work during the lesson.

What did you learn today?

What can you do now? (Can you express doubts? Can you give alternative suggestions, concede and refuse to concede in an argument?)

Which useful words and phrases have you learned?

2) Информация о домашнем задании, инструкция о его выполнении

Please, open your daybooks and write your home-assignment:

Ex 1 - 5 on page 81 in your WorkBook. Do them in a writer form, because I'll bring them together and check. Also, you are to translate new vocabulary in your WB on page 114 and learn it. For better learning do also exercises 1-3 on page 40 (WB).

Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye!

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