Деловой английский язык

Визит зарубежного партнёра: встреча в аэропорту, знакомство, профессия, приветствия, благодарность, прощание, формы обращения. Устройство на работу: анкета, сопроводительное письмо, резюме, интервью. В командировку: телефонный разговор с компанией.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 23.03.2012
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«Деловой иностранный язык»

1. Visit of a foreign Partner

Темы и ситуации: Визит зарубежного партнёра (встреча в аэропорту, знакомство, профессия, приветствия, благодарность, прощание, формы обращения)

At the airport.

- Excuse me. Are you Mrs Sarah Nike?

- Right.

- I'm Ann Simon, from Oriflaim Company. How do you do?

- How do you do? Have I kept you waiting?

- You needn't worry. The plain has just landed. Awfully grateful for your coming to meet me.

- It's a pleasure. Did you have a nice trip?

- Yes, I enjoyed it very much. You know, I felt a bit jetlag after the starting of my journey, but I'm quite all right now.

- I'm going to take you to the hotel. It will take us half an hour to get there.

- What hotel may I stay at?

- We reserved for you a single room with private bathroom at a hotel near the city centre.


Как правило, люди обмениваются приветствиями с целью установить кон-такт. Предложения, выражающие приветствия, обычно не имеют буквального значения. Люди говорят: «Good afternoon», даже когда день ненастный, а на приветствие «How are you?» могут ответить: «Fine, thanks» даже если вы себя плохо чувствуете.

На приветствие «How are you?» обычно отвечают так же: How are you?, однако ударение смещается на слово you, например:

How are you? Как поживаете? (как дела?)

Fine, thanks. How are you? Прекрасно, спасибо. Как вы?


How are you? Как поживаете?

Fine, thanks, and you? Прекрасно, спасибо, а вы?

Fine, thanks. Хорошо, спасибо.

Незнание национальных особенностей общения может вызвать культурный шок - особое психологическое состояние дискомфорта. Дело в том, что некоторые проявления национальной специфики общения нередко воспринимается представителями другой культуры как личная обида.

Чтобы свести к минимуму культурный шок или избежать его, необходимо знать особенности английского или американского этикета.

Direct address.

Приветствуя собеседника, или прощаясь с ним, мы либо обращаемся к нему по имени, по фамилии, либо называем его титул или должность.

Люди, малознакомые или имеющие различный социальный статус, используют официальную форму обращения …титул и фамилию, например Dr. (doctor) Brown, Professor Jones.

В некоторых американских университетах придерживаются официальной формы обращения. В других предпочитают менее официальные формы общения. Американцы нередко употребляют:

Mr при обращении к мужчине, например: Mr. Smith;

Miss при обращении к незамужней женщине или девушке, например: Miss Carnegie;

Mrs. При обращении к замужней женщине, например: Mrs. Black/

Ms (miz) используют при обращении как к замужней, так и к незамужней женщине, например: Mrs. Black

Если вы находитесь в затруднении и не знаете, как обратиться к кому-либо, спросите или послушайте, что говорят американцы в аналогичных ситуациях.

Люди, хорошо знающие друг друга, используют имена при обращении как в официальных, так и в неофициальных ситуациях.

В целом, американцы не любят официального стиля и быстро переходят к обращению по имени. Обычно старший по возрасту или положению предлагает:

Why don't you call me Pete? Называйте меня просто Пит.

В таких случаях следует ответить:

All right, Pete. Хорошо, Пит.

Обращаясь к кому-либо, следует произносить имя и фамилию с восходящим тоном. Использование нисходящего тона считается невежливым.


Официальное представление происходит следующим образом: сначала называют имя и фамилию (иногда также титул человека,) которого представляют, а затем о нм даётся краткая информация, необходимая для того, чтобы завязать разговор.

Обычно младших представляют старшим (по возрасту или социальному положению), мужчин представляют женщинам.

Иногда людям приходится представляться самим. Часто это происходит на вечеринке, в новом классе, на новом месте жительства.

При знакомстве мужчины, как правило, пожимают друг другу руки. Когда мужчину знакомят с женщиной, он ждёт, когда женщина подаст ему руку первой. Рукопожатие становится всё более популярным среди деловых женщин.

Американцы любят твёрдое, крепкое рукопожатие, считая его проявлением открытого и честного характера.

Представление обычно произносится с нисходящим тоном.

Dear friends, I'd like to introduce Pr. Roberts.

Вопросы о профессии и имени человека.

Вопросы типа What are you и What is he, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова What, относятся к профессии, должности либо социальному положению человека. Другие варианты вопросов подобного типа могут быть такими:

What does he do? Чем он занимается?

He is a CEO of a large corporation. Он исполнительный директор (chief executive officer) большой корпорации).

What is your occupation? Чем Вы занимаетесь? (какая у Вас I'm a businessman. профессия) Я бизнесмен.

What is Miss Jane by profession? Кто мисс Джейн по профессии? She is a secretary. Она секретарь.

В отличие от вопросов с вопросительным словом What, вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова Who, относятся к имени (фамилии) человека, степени родства и т.д.

Who is he? He is Mr. Blake.

Who is she? She is my sister.

Вопрос подобного типа, обращённый ко второму лицу Who are you? Звучит не совсем вежливо. Поэтому если в аэропорту, на вокзале или на приме Вас хлопнет по плечу незнакомый вам человек, вопрос о том, кто он, лучше задать в более вежливой форме:

I'm sorry. Do you know me? Простите, мы знакомы?

Вопрос об имени человека можно задать в более конкретной форме:

What is your name? (first name, surname)

Русские слова «имя», «фамилия», «отчество» имеют в английском языке следующие эквиваленты:

Имя name, first name, given name

Фамилия surname, family name, last name, second name

отчество middle name, patronymic

2. Устройство на работу (4 часа) (анкета, сопроводительное письмо, резюме, интервью)

I. Listening: Text «Employment»

It is very difficult to find an interesting and well-paid job. Especially it is hard, if you claim the high position. Requirements for applicants are very strict. They must be capable of independently tackling the tasks, set to them; be able to compile documents, to conform to the company's image, to be responsible for results of their work. Free command of foreign languages will raise your chances. You must be ready to past the attitude test, which will help to access the candidate's suitability for the post. An applicant for a job must be hard on people, but modest. At hiring it's necessary to tell your background, dates about successes in your previously job, reasons of dismissal (you might become redundant or at own will).

You should bear in mind that your revenue and your future position will depend of your track record. For example, you can be worker, self-employed or member of senior management. Your salary will also depend of your employment at the work. Many firms offer a work-flexibility. The information about requirements at hiring to different companies and firms you may find in eye-catching leaflets, in Internet and at people, who are directing mail short.

Every company has own rivals. That's why it's very important to be able to appear clients, to be hard on people at hiring of new personnel and to testify to the company's dependability on the market right. Good workers always receive bonuses. It is necessary to remember, that you can't claim the senior position without high education.

If you have passed probationary period successfully, have come up to the expectations of the company, if you are pleased of salary, of graphic of work, of requirements that the company has offered to you, it means, that this job approaches you.

1. Vocabulary

To size up your own chances - соизмерять свои возможности

Employment agency - агентство по трудоустройству

To be consistent with the level of skills - соответствовать уровню навыков

On behalf of. - от имени.

In general outline - в общих чертах

To be misled by. - быть сбитым с толку.

To be capable of independently tackling the tasks set before smb. - быть способным решать самостоятельно поставленные задачи

Free command of foreign languages - свободное владение ин. языком

To claim the position - претендовать на должность

Require - требовать

To access the candidate's suitability for the post - определить соответствие кандидата должности

An applicant - кандидат, претендент

Concise - сжатый

The lost opportunity - упущенная возможность

An annual report - годовой отчёт

Ex.1. What should you. do to find a job? Find die logical sequences of the steps you should take, get an invitation for an interview

make an appointment with an employment agency counselor

read the classified ads, think what kind of job you want

analyze your, skills, personality traits and accomplishments

get ready for the interview,

find out what employment agency you can use,

find out as much as you can about the company

Ex.2. Read the text.

So, You Are Looking for a Job

What must you begin with? There are several traditional ways of looking for a job.

A civilized and active means of looking for a job is studying the market of offered vacancies to get an idea of necessary demands and size up your own chances.

The best way of doing this is to use the help of employment agencies or to study independently the ads of job opportunities being published.

Announcements of job opportunities can be read in different printed publications. But which of them is worth reading to?

Don't put much trust in ads in the yellow press. Solid companies place ads in prestigious expensive publications with a firm reputation.

Your main task is to understand whether the position being offered is consistent with the levels of your skills, education, and experience in work.

The structure of job opportunities ads is usually the same: the name of the vacant position, the list of the candidate's professional duties, the demands made of the candidate, and the system of compensations and benefits. Ads are often published by employment agencies on behalf of their clients. The address of the office is usually not given - it is suggested that the resume should be sent to a P.O. box or else faxed.

Having carefully studied the demands and duties being offered, an experienced reader may extract information on the activities of the company and prospects of its development.

The phrases often used about «successful work over many years in the Russian market», «New missions being opened» etc., really testify to the company's dependability, serious prospects for its growth, and the durability of its stay in Russia.

First, one must pay attention to the position. To grasp what lurks behind the position's English name, there is a need to visualize at least in general outline the personnel structure at western companies. For instance one may be misled by the incorrect interpretation of the word «Assistant». There is a need to understand that this word does not at all imply secretarial functions. A more exact meaning of this word is: mate, aid. apprentice manager, high-class specialist capable of independently tackling the tasks set to him.

Therefore using all possible means, try to learn as much as possible about this position to prepare yourself as best as possible for a meeting with the employer.

Carefully read the demands made of the given position. The demand to know a foreign language is very important, in most cases there is a need for free command of the language - Fluent English. Free command implies an ability freely to deal with a foreign manager, competently to compile documents and speak on the phone. This demand may prove to be the most important.

Quite often the ads do not decipher other demands in detail. For example, the ability to type in Russian/Latin. According to international standards, an adequate level of typewriting is a speed of 60 words per minute. Therefore, when claiming the given position, you need to check your speed or bring it up to the required level. Besides, a secretary is usually required to be able to work on a personal computer. In general, if the ads meticulously enumerate the software products, systems, languages, etc., which the candidate must necessarily know, remember that these demands have a strictly binding force.

Such special demands set the level of the candidate's indispensable qualifications.

Thus you have decided to find a job, buy «Moscow News ', carefully study the ads given by employment agencies. Now you will be faced with the labor-consuming procedure of writing and circulating your resume.

Ex. 3. You are looking for a job. Analyze your interests and abilities. Answer the following questions. I. What are my abilities?

2. What special talents do I have?

3. What are my special interests?

4. What are my physical abilities and limitations?

5. What are my attitudes and values?

6. How do I see myself, or what is my self-concept?

7. What is my previous experience?

8. What are my educational plans for the future?

9. Am I the kind of person who works well in a large group, or do 1 work better with only one or two people?

10. Am I willing to accept change?

Exercise 4. Read the rules and discuss them.

DOs and DON'Ts For Job Seekers.

DO learn ahead of the time about the company and its product.

Do your homework.

DO apply for a job in person.

DO let as many people as possible know you are «job hunting.»

DO stress your qualification for the job opening.

DO recount experience you have had which would fit you for the job.

DO talk and think as far as possible about the future rather than the past.

DO indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience.

DO assume an air of confidence.

DO approach the employer with respectful dignity.

DO try to be optimistic in your attitude.

DO maintain your poise and self-control.

DO try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath.

DO hold yourself erect.

DO answer questions honestly and with straitforwardness.

DO have a good resume.

DO know the importance of getting along with people.

DO recognize your limitations.

DO make plenty of applications.

DO indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn.

DO be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.

DON'T keep stressing your need for a job. DON'T discuss past experience which has no application to the job.

DON'T apologize for your age. DON'T be untidy in appearance.

DON'T display «cocksuredness.»

DON'T cringe or beg for consideration.

DON'T speak with muffled voice or indistinctly.

DON'T be one of those who can do anything.

DON'T hedge in answering questions.

DON'T express your ideas on compensation, hours, etc. early in the interview.

DON'T hesitate to fill out applications, give references, take physical examination or tests on request.

DON'T hang around, prolonging the interview, when it should be over.

DON'T go to an interview without a record of your former work connection.

DON'T arrive late and breathless for an interview.

DON'T be a «know it all» or a person who can't take instructions.

DON'T isolate yourself from contacts that might help you find a job.

DON'T feel that the world owes you for a living.

DON'T make claims if you cannot «deliver» on the job.

DON'T display a feeling of inferiority.

Exercise 5. Write a few mini-dialogues using the following questions:

Should I or? Do you think I ought to or? Wait for the bus or take a taxi? Take bus or taxi to work? Vacation: stay home or go abroad? This evening: go out or watch TV? This weekend: stay home and study or visit a friend?

Exercise 6. Read the text and discuss the advice, given in the text.

Information, which indicates your suitability to the job, should be highlighted. If you have had previous experience in various phases of employment. It may be to your advantage to have two-three different resumes, each emphasizing a different area of competence.

It is a standard practice to begin the resume with personal data, essentials such as your name, address, social insurance number, home phone number and business phone number (recommended only If your present employer is aware of your job search, facts, such as your date of birth, marital status, and number of dependents, you may also be included.

An option, which may be included in your resume, is a brief explanation of your career objective or goals. This Is usually included following personal data. If you have only one version of your resume, it may be best to include this section in a covering letter so that you can tailor it to the specific position for which you are applying.,

The structure of the next portion of your resume will depend a great deal on the extent of your «work history. If you are a recent graduate with limited business experience begin with your education first. Highlight achievements and honours, and note extracurricular.-activities. Expand on any courses you took which are relevant to the position, you desire, or specialized training you may have participated in. Progress to your part-time or summer employment., and indicate responsibility and achievements.

If you posses a strong background n the work world, you should begin with your work experience first. Information provided here will include) ob title, name of employer address, date of employment, and a brief summary of duties. Emphasize responsibilities and highlight personal achievements, advancement and recognition! Your list of position should be in reverse chronological order, so begin with your current employer.,

Next, your resume could include a brief section designed to give employers an insight into your leisure and non-work activities. You might include: - clubs or professional associations

community volunteer work

sports and hobbies.

Уcmpoйcтвo на работу


Dr., Mr., Ms Title

Company, Institution) Address

Dear Sir/Madam:

State your reason for writing.

You will either inquire whether any positions are available or you will say which position you are applying for. If you are applying for a specific position identify the source of the information (a person, a newspaper, including date, etc.)


Describe your educational background and professional experience. Focus on those things from your resume that best relate to the position you are applying for.

Say you are enclosing your resume and/or other supporting material. State your willingness to provide more information and to be interviewed.

Thank them for their consideration. Say you look forward to hearing from them.

Sincerely yours, (signature)

Your name Address Phone Enclosure

Exercise 8. Tick the items you would state in your CV and write your own CV:

__The title and reference number of the job you wish to have

__Your surname, first name, address and telephone number

__Your date of birth

__Your marital status

__Your hobbies and leisure interests

__The sports you play

__The name and address of present or last employer

__Details of all the jobs you have had

__Details of your achievements and responsibilities in your working carrier

__The languages you speak or write

__Details of the examinations you passed at a secondary school __Details of the examinations you had at a higher school __Details of the professional diplomas or degrees you have __Details of training courses you have attended __Your suitability for the job advertised __Your reasons for applying for this job


An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dreams and a poor resume may mean a lost opportunity.

Since this is the first piece of information a company will receive about you, it is critically important that your resume be well-written.

It should be presented at the beginning of any interview that you have with a company. Ideally, resume should not be longer than one page.

The contents of a resume can be roughly categorized as: 1) PERSONAL INFORMATION (address and telephone number), 2) JOB OBJECTED, 3) EDUCATION, 4) EXPERIENCE 5) SKILLS, 6) EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, 7) REFERENCES.

The resume begins with PERSONAL INFORMATION, name, address, telephone number centered at the top page. After your address, a statement of intent or JOB OBJECTIVE should be written This objective should be well thought one from the very beginning since it will influence how you will write the rest of the resume. It should not be too general, e.g.: 'To obtain a managerial position in a Western company.»

Think about your job search and career goals carefully, write them down in a way that shows you have given this much thought.

For example: «Objective: To obtain a position in telecommunication that will allow me to use my knowledge of engineering and take advantage of my desire to work in sales.''

Notice that your desire to have a well-paid job is not included in this statement. A focus on money in your resume's first sentence will not make the best impression anywhere in the world, not just in Russia.

After the statement of intent, describe your EDUCATION

List the universities and college:; you have attended in reversed chronological order.

Any studying you have done abroad should be included and courses that you have taken that are relevant.

If you graduated with honors, you should definitely include this. A «red diploma» can be called «graduated with high honors' in English. Do not include your high school.

Your working EXPERIENCE is the next section. List your experience starting with your most recent place of employment and work backwards.

Spell out the exact dates of employment, your position, and the name of the company you worked for.

Following experience, you should list your special SKILLS.

These include your language skills, computer abilities, and any other talent that relates to your statement of intent

When describing your language abilities, it is best to be honest about assessing your level, «Fluent English», «native Russian», «intermediate German», and «beginning French» are all ways to describe your language abilities

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES should be included in the next section. Student or professional organizations you belong to, travel, sports and hobbies should be listed here.

Do not list «reading» or «writing» as an activity It is assumed most people with a higher education do this things

The last section of your resume is the REFERENCE section. List at least two people, not related to you, who can describe your qualification for a job.

Then names, titles, places of work, and telephone numbers should be included, If you do not have space on your resume for this, write «Available upon request». You will then be expected to give this information to a prospective employer if it is requested.

The style and format of a resume are extremely important. Your resume must be typed, preferably on a computer in order to format it most effectively A neat and well-written resume with no spelling mistakes will give an employer the impression that you are accurate and take care of details

A resume will not get you a job. An interview with a company will get you a job




From To




Name Address 3, Phone 22.1-1834

b. Write the reasons why Stephen wanted to have the post of the sales representative in this area.

Crystal Danziger's interview

I: Come in, Ms Danziger. Did you have a good trip?

C: It was OK. I got in on the early flight this morning.

I: Ah, you're from Los Angeles, aren't you?

C: I live in L.A. at the present time, but I'm originally from

New York. Of course, I'm not often in L.A. I travel a lot. I: Tell me about your present job. C: I'm a sales representative for a book publisher. We sell guide

books and maps. I travel around Latin America. You see from

my resume that I speak Spanish and Portuguese. I majored

in Spanish for my Bachelor's degree. I: Where did you get your degree? C: I got it from the University of Chicago. Then, after that, I

did my Master's at the University of New Mexico. I: And do you speak any Asian languages? C: No, but I learn fast. I majored in languages.

3. В командировку (телефонный разговор с компанией, заказ места в гостинице, покупка билета на самолёт)

аэропорт работа командировка партнер

Speaking over the telephone.

- Good morning, CPT. How may I help you?

- It's Phillippa Knight here. Could you put me through to extension 281, please?

- Certainly, putting you through.

- Hello, Maria Bonetty speaking.

- Hello, Maria. It's Philippa Knight from The Fashion Group in New York.

- Hi, Philippa. How are things?

- Fine, thanks. I'm calling because I`ll be in London next week and I'd like to make an appointment to see you. I want to tell you about our new collection.

- Great. What day would suit you? I/m fairly free next week, I think.

- How about Wednesday? In the afternoon? Could you make it then?

- Let me look now. Let me check my diary. Oh yes, that'd be no problem at all. What about 12 o'clock? Is that OK?

- Perfect. Thanks very much. It'll be great to see you again. We'll have plenty to talk about.

- That's for sure. Se you next week then.

- Right. Bye.

- Bye.

- Good morning, CPT. How may I help you?

- I'd like to speak to Maria a Bonetty, extension @81, please.

- Thank you, who is calling please?

- It's Philippa Knight, from The Fashion Group.

- Thank you. I'm putting you through. Hello, I'm afraid she is engaged at the moment. Will you hold on or can I take a message?

- I'll leave a message please. The thing is I should be meeting Ms. Bonetty at 2 p.m., but smth. `s come up. My plane was delayed. And I've got to reschedule me appointment. If possible, I'd like to meet you tomorrow. Prefe-rably in the morning. Could she call me back here at the hotel please?

- Certainly. What's the number, please?

- It's 020 7585 3814. I'll be leaving the hotel soon, so if she cant't call me back within, say, within the next quarter of an hour. I'll call her again this mor-ning. Is that OK?

- Right. I've got that. I/l make sure she gets the message.

- Thanks for help. Goodbyu.

- Goodbye.


Once the client has signed the booking form, you must collect the appropriate deposit payment. If the client pays in cash or by cheque, you should issue a receipt according to office procedure and then forward this payment to the tour operator concerned.

However, if the client pays with a credit card, you should make sure he or she has completed and signed the credit card section on the booking form. You may find also that from time to time the operator may want the client to sign a Standard Sales Voucher instead.

Of course, it is important for the client to take out insurance. If the tour operator's insurance is chosen, make sure the booking form is correctly completed and then add the premium to the deposit.

Should the client decide on the alternative insurance policy or perhaps no insurance at all (not to be advised), make sure this is properly noted on the booking form. Remember that if you sell our own group's travel insurance, you can earn up to 45 per cent commission.

Once the booking has been signed, it should been sent to the tour operator immediately. If the option expiry date is coming up soon, it is best to telephone and make arrangements to extend the option so as to avoid any risk at the booking arriving too late. When the tour operator receives the booking form, all the details such as flight reservations or hotel rooms will be confirmed.

Read the text «Hotel Contracting» and answer these questions.

A Who is Gary David?

B What does his job involve?

C In his opinion, how cooperative are the hoteliers he has been working with?


Hotel contracting is one of the most crucial activities of any holiday company's business - it is also one of the most demanding with endless round of resorts and hotels and the inevitable negotiations of next season's rates.

«We need hotels as much as they need us, said `Cadogan Travel's tour operations general manager Gary David, who has made thirty-four visits to nine destinations featured in the winter brochure. «But they play games; there's a lot of bluffing going on.»

He claims this year to have toured 170 hotel and self-catering properties, viewed 500 bedrooms and visited sixty-five handling agents. This is an addition to briefing couriers, inspec agents. This is an addition to briefing couriers, inspecting hotel noticeboards to make sure material is well displayed (it often isn't), visiting the tourist offices for each destination and dealing with forty airlines that serve the resorts.

«There are all sorts of politics,» said Mr David. «It is a question of attitude as well because some hoteliers like bigger operators while others do not.»

At Gibraltar's Rock Hotel, the manager agreed to contributions for advertising and brochures, whereas in Tangier, the Rif Hotel manager to move from his 20 per cent hike in rates.

However, bartering for room rates is only one aspect of Gary David's work. Others cover increases in room allocations, upgrades, added extras such as wine, fruit or flowers, afternoon tea, improved child reductions, long-stay deals and contributions towards advertising, which are all used to improve overall deal.

Another way of getting a better deal from hoteliers is to introduce a new section to the brochure which promotes a top hotel in each resort, and use this a bargaining tool, or give out awards to tempt them to give better discounts.

«In Gibraltar I've had to drop two hotels because of poor standards so I've got a shortfall in capacity. I've got now to push for increased room allocation, but I'm dealing with hoteliers who don't need me because most cater for business traffic.»

Read the dialogue

Good morning. Monarch Hotel. How may I help you?

Good morning, my name is Sarah Smith; I'd like to talk to manager of your hotel.

Yes, certainly, I'm putting you through.

Thank you.

Hello, my name is Mary Jackson. I am a manager of Monarch Hotel.

Hello, my name is Sarah Smith, I want to speak to you about arranging of accommodation in your hotel. I'd like to find out what is location of your hotel and how far is city center from it?

Our hotel is right in city center. Moreover, Monarch Hotel is 18th century, it's very old, but it has a perfect outlook with beautiful fa9ade. Near there are top restaurants, for those who like opera there are Opera House; and a lot of shopping centers around.

Great. Another question is how are we going to get there? Is there some transport for travelers to get to the hotel and back to airport?

Of course. We have a hotel «shuttle» cars and it will always be in your order.

The next question: touches facilities of hotel.

We have health club, gym, pool, sauna, shop, but all this you will share with other hotel guests.

Ok. And what about meals?

We have magnificent outstanding cooking. I'm sure you will like it.

I hope so. Is that all included in the prices quoted to you?

Yes, certainly.

How much is that and when do we need to pay?

It is about $2000 and you can carry out your payment by 31 December.

All right. Thank you. We'll think about it. Good Bye.

Dialogue: Hotel charges

Jessica is going on speaking with the front desk clerk.

- Will you be paying by credit card?

- Yes, Master card. Here you are.

- I'll just take an impression of your card…. Here is your credit card, and your room key.

- Thank you.

- This is your room charge card. You'll need this if you charge anything in the restaurant or lobby shops. Could you sign it here?… Thank you.

Exercise 28

a. Answer these questions:

Did anything seem strange in the check-in procedure?

Dialogue: Reserving an airline Ticket.

Travel agent Good morning. Can I help you?

Nancy Lee Yes, I'd like reserve a seat for a flight to Hong Kong.

Travel agent Hong Kong? Would that be a round trip ticket or one way?

Nancy Lee Round-trip, please.

Travel agent And for what date?

Nancy Lee The eighteenth, if possible.

Travel agent Friday, the eighteenth? Yes. That's fine. Do you have a fixed date in mind, or do you want an open ticket?

Nancy Lee An open ticket.

Travel agent OK. Do you want a morning flight or an afternoon flight?

Nancy Lee What's available?

Travel agent Well, there is a Cathay Pacific flight at ten-thirty and a US Air one at twelve-thirty.

Nancy Lee I `ll take the Cathay Pacific one.

Travel agent OK. If you `ll just wait a minute, I'll check to see if there's room. Yes, that's fine.

Nancy Lee Oh, good. How much is it?

Travel agent One thousand, eight hundred and seventy dollars.

Nancy Lee Ok. Thanks.

Travel agent Now, can I have your details, please?

4. Прибытие в страну

(6 часов) 1. Таможенный и паспортный контроль. В аэропорту. На вокзале, расписание. Городской транспорт.

Read the text:


Every day many people travel throughout the world either on business or for pleasure. Those who cross the frontier of the state have to go through customs.

The customs service is designed for carrying out customs control to regulate import and export of goods and currency. The place where customs or duties are paid is called a customs house.

Every country has its own customs legislation, and if you are going abroad you are 'supposed to learn the rules of leaving and entering the foreign state. To be on the safe side, you should know what is allowed or prohibited to be brought in or taken out. Before packing your luggage consult the prohibited articles list which is available at the customs.

Among the articles that are prohibited for taking out of the country in accordance with customs legislation of ail the states you will find works of art. different types of prints, manuscripts, valuable musical instruments, cancelled securities, numismatics. stamps and other articles of artistic, historical and cultural value.

Though strict prohibition applies to antiques, you may be allowed to take some original painting or drawing out provided you got a special licence for it and paid duties. The list of prohibited commodities both for bringing in and taking out also includes arms, explosives, military equipment and narcotics.

It`s necessary to know that there can be articles liable to duty and duty free. As a rule, personal belongings, gifts and souvenirs (the cost of the latter must not exceed a certain limit stipulated by the customs regulation) are duty free. Money not declared and therefore concealed from the customs control is liable to confiscation as smuggling. Prohibited or restricted articles though declared are usually detained, and the traveler can collect them on his way back.

When the passenger enters or leaves the country, he must fill in an entry or exit declaration which is to be produced to the customs office]'. The passenger is to fill in his name, citizenship, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and duration of his visit in block letters. He must also declare all dutiable articles.

To make a trip to most countries every traveler must have a visa, single, multiple or transit, which is issued by the foreign Embassy or Consulate. The visa may be prolonged in case of necessity, but the time for which it is valid must not expire, otherwise the traveler will not be allowed to leave the country. The overseas passport is also necessary. All the documents are carefully studied by the customs officer.

To go through customs means to have your luggage inspected by customs men. The traveler puts his bags and suitcases on the moving conveyer belt for checking. To prevent smuggling, modern methods and techniques have been developed which help customs officers examine the inside of the luggage. TV-cameras and monitors are installed everywhere at the customs house. When the passenger puts his hand luggage on the conveyer belt, special monitors are scanning the enclosure. They are able to detect every thing, even if it has been concealed in the very secret corner. Customs men know from experience the exact places of concealment of goods. It may be a double bottom or cover of the suitcase, a hollowed book, an inside pocket, a tooth-paste tube, a stick; even toys and dolls can be used for that. Customs officers are trained to recognize travelers who are carrying illegally

to know that there can be articles liable to duly and duty free. As a rule, personal belongings, gifts and souvenirs (the cost of the latter must not exceed a certain limit stipulated by the customs regulation) are duty free. Money not declared and therefore concealed from the customs control is liable to confiscation as smuggling. Prohibited or restricted articles though declared are usually detained, and the traveler can collect them on his way back.

When the passenger enters or leaves the country, he must fill in an entry or exit declaration which is to be produced to the customs office]'. The passenger is to fill in his name, citizenship, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and duration of his visit in кblock letters. He must also declare all dutiable articles.

To make a trip to most countries every traveler must have a visa, single, multiple or transit, which is issued by the foreign Embassy or Consulate. The visa may be prolonged in case of necessity, but the time for which it is valid must not expire, otherwise the traveler will not be allowed to leave the country. The overseas passport is also necessary. All the documents are carefully studied by the customs officer.

To go through customs means to have your luggage inspected by customs men. The traveler puts his bags and suitcases on the moving conveyer belt for checking. To prevent smuggling, modern methods and techniques have been developed which help customs officers examine the inside of the luggage. TV-cameras and monitors are installed everywhere at the customs house. When the passenger puts his hand luggage on the conveyer belt, special monitors are scanning the enclosure. They are able to detect everything, even if it has been concealed in the very secret corner. Customs men know from experience the exact places of concealment of goods. It may be a double bottom or cover of the suitcase, a hollowed book, an inside pocket, a tooth-paste tube, a stick; even toys and dolls can be used for that. Customs officers are trained to recognize travelers who are carrying illegally

1. Таможенный и паспортный контроль.

At the airport.

Check-in clerk Your ticket, sir, please.

Jeff There you go.

Check-in clerk Flight UA 755 to Denver, then you are going on to Aspen, on

Flight RM 002?

Jeff That's right.

Check-in clerk Do you have any baggage to check?

Jeff Yes, I do. Just one piece.

Check-in clerk. And did you pack it yourself?

Jeff Yes, I did.

Check-in clerk Are any of the articles on his list in your bag?

Jeff Um… No.

Check-in clerk Would you like me to tag this bag through to Aspen? Hen you won't have to pick up in Denver.

Jeff That would be great. Thanks

Структура делового письма.

Business correspondence.

1. Letter structure.

Деловое письмо международного образца имеет чёткую структуру, определённый набор реквизитов и стандартное расположение каждого из них.

5. Быт и сервис (гостиничный сервис, питание, рестораны, прокат автомобиля). Письмо-запрос

Гостиничный сервис

Гостиницы в Англии можно условно разделить на несколько категорий. Самыми дорогими являются гостиницы класса люкс., проживание в которых по карману лишь арабским шейхам и миллионерам. Следующие за ними идут Charming Town House, сочетающие в себе хорошее обслуживание с относительно невысокой ценой.

Следующая категория - это относительно недорогие гостиницы, которые в Лондоне расположены главным образом, в районе крупных вокзалов. К четвёртой категории можно отнести пансионы Boarding Houses, Bed and Breakfast (под вывеской B & B) - дословно переводится - постель и завтрак, а также небольшие сельские гостиницы - Inns. Наиболее дешёвый вариант проживания - молодёжные общежития - Youth Hostels, Youth Holiday Centres, Country Guest Houses.

К плате в английских гостиницах добавляется НДС. (VAT - value added tax), составляющий - 17,5%. В стоимость проживания в гостиницах Англии часто включается стоимость завтрака. Встречаются 2 его варианта - скромный - continental breakfast (чай или кофе и булочка с джемом или маслом) и основательный - English breakfast (starter - cornflakes with milk and cream and sugar, juice and a main course - eggs and bacon, tomatoes, white bread, etc.

В США и Канаде цены на проживание несколько выше чем в Англии. Крупные гостиницы находятся чаще всего в центре города Кроме местных гостиниц имеется также ряд компаний с общенациональной сетью гостиниц и ресторанов (Hilton, Sheraton). Плата за проживание более высокая в крупных городах типа НьюЙорка, Чикаго и т.д. Многие отели предоставляют скидки на командированных (бизнес тариф). При наличии автомобиля значительно дешевле останавливаться в мотелях. В гостиницах и мотелях рестораны встречаются редко, поэтому стоимость завтрака в стоимость проживания обычно не включается.

В Англии чаевые (tips) как правило, включаются в счёт в гостиницах и ряде ресторанов (графа - Service Charge). В Северной Америке чаевые обычно не включаются в счёт. Если чаевые в счёт не включены, в Англии и в Америке следует давать на чай» около 10-15% от суммы счёта. В пабах чаевые давать не принято.


Hello, John White speaking.

Good morning. I'd like to speak to Head of Corporate Travel.

I'm listening to you.

I'm a manager of IDP's travel service.

Can I help you?

I would like to organize the work seminar in or near Vienna, Austria.

There are no problems. How many participants would you like to invite?

There would be 20 senior managers: 12 male and 8 female of the ages from 25 to 48.

What nationality are they?

Most of them are from America and others are German, Spanish, French, Swiss.

There are two hotels, which I think, would be suitable for your needs: The first is

Monarch Hotel (5 stars). The second is Dorfmann Hotel (4 stars).

Ok, we are choosing the Monarch Hotel. If it can suggest us the cars from airport to hotel.

Yes, I think it's possible. Now I need to know about time you are coming to.

We are arriving at 5 p.m. Friday, 12 November. And we need for our conference overhead projector, flip chart, Power Point, VCR.

How about meals: when? how many?

We need on Friday diner. On Saturday - breakfast, lunch and dinner. And on

Sunday - breakfast and lunch.

Do your guests have any special habits?

Yes, they have. Two participants are vegetarians. Four persons do not drink alcohol.

One participant uses a wheelchair. Six participants are smokers.

Ok, we will do all that you need.

Thanks for your help. Good Bye.


At the hotel.

- Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?

- Good evening. I have a room, reserved at your hotel.

- What is your name, please?

- Brown, - John Brown.

- Just a moment. I'll check. Yeah… A single room with private bath and English breakfast for three nights. Is that right, sir?

- Yes, that's right.

- Just sign the register. Thank you. Here' your key. Room three - o-seven, it's on the third floor. The lift is over there. I'll have your things sent up. You'll find information about room services, a coffee shop and restaurants in the directory. There's also a hairdresser, a newsstand and a boutique just to the left of the reception desk. We also have a revolving cocktail bar on the top floor, and laundry, a swimming pool, and a sauna in the basement.

- Well, I see. That's very much. What is the time for breakfast?

- Any time between 7 and 9.30. Where are you going to have your breakfast, sir? In your room or in the restaurant?

- I'd rather have it in my room.

- What time, sir?

- At 8 o'clock.

- OK, anything else, sir?

- I'd like to eat here this evening. When is the restaurant closing?

- At 9.30, so you've got two hours to have your dinner, sir.

- Fine, thank you. Here is your tips.

- Thanks.

2. Питание. Рестораны. Закусочные.

Завтрак в Америке напоминает обильный English Breakfast: сок, либо фрукты, кукурузные хлопья, жареные сосиски, либо яйца, яичница - болтунья (scrambled eggs), яичница-глазунья - sunnyside up, жареное сало, ветчина, тосты, молоко, чай или кофе.

Lunch в промежутке 12 и 14 часами довольно прост: В Англии чаще всего сэндвичи, в Америке сэндвичи либо чизбургеры, хотдоги, жареный картофель и т.п. Поздний обильный завтрак в Америке называется brunch - breakfast + lunch.

Dinner - (ужин или обед) это основной приём пищи в промежутке между 18 и 20 часами, который состоит из первого блюда - starter - англ. И appetizer - American), включающее суп либо закуску, и основное блюдо - main course - English, entrees - American)

Основной напиток в Англии - чай, который пьют в промежутке между основными приёмами пищи. Во время еды пьют соки либо пиво. В Америке наибольшей популярностью пользуются soft drinks - различные современные виды колы и лимонада.

В ресторанах и кафе, где вывешены таблички Licenced» продаются алкогольные напитки.

Перекусить дёшево в Англии можно в о встречающихся на каждом шагу в больших городах кафе (Caffs) в которых обычно подают сосиски с картофельным пюре (Sausages & mash), в закусочных типа Fast Food Shops, которые продают пищу и горячие сосиски либо в маленьких забегаловках, предлагающих сэндвичи нескольких видов. Обед в ресторанах обычно очень дорог (основные блюда, в зависимости от категории ресторана стоят от 15-20 до 90-100 фунтов).

В Америке очень популярно завтракать, обедать и ужинать вне дома: в кафе и ресторанах. Известны американские рестораны быстрого самообслуживания, самыми распространёнными блюдами в которых являются гамбургеры, жареный картофель и кола. В больших городах распространены закусочные - snack bars. Кроме того, закусочные имеются во многих аптеках (Drug Stores), которые продают не столько лекарства, сколько различные канцтовары, конфеты, мороженое. Небольшие ресторанчики у шоссе обычно называются Diners/

At the restaurant.

- How may I help you?

- I'd like to have dinner at your restaurant. Is this table vacant?

- Sorry, sir. It has been reserved by telephone. You may sit over there by the window.

- Thanks. Could you bring me the menu, please?

- Yes, here you are. Will you chose a'la cart, or will you have the table d'hot?

- I'd rather take a'la cart. What is your specialty?

- You know, the specialty of the day is a steak in vine sauce. What would you like as a starter?

- Some cold fish I think. And some salad.

- What about the main course? I'd recommend you fried salmon with red currant jelly and Brussels sprouts. It's very delicious.

- I don't care for Brussels sprouts, I'd prefer it with mashed potatoes.

- What would you like to drink?

- A tankard of beer, please and a small bottle of mineral water.

- What about dessert?

- No, thanks. It will do.

- OK, sir. Your order will be in no time.

Прокат автомобилей.

В Англии автомобиль выдаётся напрокат лицам не моложе 21 года, имеющим водительские права и водительский стаж не менее 1 года. Такие крупные фирмы, специализирующиеся на прокате автомобилей как Avis, Hertz & Mitchells и т.п. имеют сеть агентств по прокату автомобилей по всей Великобритании.

В Америке также автомобиль выдаётся лицам не моложе 21 года. В агентстве по прокату машин необходимо предъявить национальные водительские права. При аренде автомобиля необходимо что-нибудь оставить в залог, например кредитную карточку Master Card or American Express.

At a car rental agency.

- Yes, sir. What can I do for you?

- I `m on a business trip here and I need a car. Could you let me a car out on hire?

- What sort of a car would you prefer, sir? Big or small? A limousine or a roadsrer?

- I'd like a small one, say, a sort of a sports car.

- How long are you going to rent a car?

- Until the end of the week, I believe.

- Just a minute, I'll check. Yes, there is a car you need available. To my mind it will perfectly suit you.

- It's new, fast and reliable. We `d like to offer you this model of a Volvo. May I see your driving licence, sir?

- Yes, here you are. Can I sign an agreement?

- Sure. How are you going to pay, by credit card or by cash?

- By credit card if you don't mind. Where is the cash register?

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