Visions of the future
Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся при помощи информационно-коммуникационных технологий и интерактивных упражнений. Анализ текста о предсказаниях по поводу будущей жизни. Отработка грамматических навыков по теме Verb+noun collocations.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | конспект урока |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 23.03.2014 |
Размер файла | 18,4 K |
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Урок №11-12
Класс 10
Дата 26.04.2013
Тема урока: Our future
Подтема: Visions of the future
Цель: формирование коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся при помощи информационно-коммуникационных технологий и интерактивных упражнений.
· Практические:
1) Активизирование в речи учащихся лексического материала по данной теме
2) Отработка грамматических навыков по теме Verb+noun collocations
3) Ознакомление с основными предсказаниями по поводу будущей жизни
4) Анализирование прочитанного текста и извлечение необходимой информации
5) Развитие навыков аудирования путем просмотра фильма
· Обучающие:
1) Обучение применению новой грамматической темы на практике
2) Обучение новым лексическим единицам и употреблению их в речи
3) Ознакомление учащихся с разными видами устойчивых словосочетаний
4) Обучение правильной организации работы после просмотра фильма
· Развивающие:
1) Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи
2) Развитие навыков аудирования, языкового предположения и реакции учащихся
3) Совершенствование грамматических навыков
4) Развитие творческого мышления и воображения
· Воспитывающие:
1) Воспитание культуры общения, ответственного отношения к будущему планеты, развитие интереса к научным достижениям, новейшим технологиям
2) Воспитание желания общения на английском языке
3) Развитие навыков корректного, вежливого общения учащихся
4) Воспитание умения работать в парах, самостоятельно
Тип урока: комбинированный
Оборудование: доска, мел, учебник (SB, WB), аудио-проигрыватель, раздаточный материал (упражнения)
Схематический план урока
I. Организационная часть.
1) Приветствие2 мин.
2) Целеполагание 2 мин.
II. Актуализация опорных знаний
1) Речевая зарядка 7 мин.
2) Проверка домашнего задания 7 мин.
III. Основная часть
1) Работа с текстом7 мин.
2) Объяснение нового материала 7мин.
3) Закрепление нового материала на практике 12 мин.
4) Развитие умений и навыков устной речи 7 мин.
5) Развитие навыков аудирования 35 мин.
IV. Заключительная часть
1) Подведение итогов урока 2 мин.
2) Информация о домашнем задании, инструкция о его выполнении 2 мин.
Ход урока
I. Организационная часть
1) Приветствие
T: Good morning, everybody! I am very glad to see you at today's lesson.
How are you?
P: We are fine thanks. And how are you getting on?
T: I'm fine too. Thank you. What day is it today?
P: Today is…
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is…
T: Who is absent?
P: All are present.
2) Целеполагание
Our today's lesson is devoted to discussing our future life and visions of the future fifty years from now. We'll find out what collocations are and how many types do they have. Also we'll start to watch fiction film “The Day After Tomorrow”. So we have a lot to do. Let's start.
II. Актуализация опорных знаний
1) Речевая зарядка
Write SCIENCE FICTION on the board.
Elicit the names of some science fiction films and write them on the board.
Independence Day Gattaca
Star Trek Men in Black
The Fifth Element
All right! Now you are to answer the following questions:
- What aspects of life in the future do these films show? (journeys into space and time, aliens, technological progress, robots, different climates, etc.)
- Will life in the future really be like this?
Discuss them in pairs, please.
2) Проверка домашнего задания
Ok! Let's check your home task. You were to do in a written form exercises 1 and 2 (5.3) on page 115 (SB). So don't forget to hand in them for checking at the end of the lesson.
Also, you were to read the text “Fifty Years On” and do exercise 1 on page 44 in your WB and exercises 2 and 3 on page 49 in your SB. Am I right?
But first of all let's focus on the pictures on page 48 which show visions of the future fifty years from now and try to describe them. Who can?
So, let's read it again and then answer the question:
- Which one do you think is the most likely to come true?
Don't forget to give the reasons for your choice.
Now we'll check exercise 1 on page 44 in your WB. You were to match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
1. c 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. g6. b 7. d
And the last exercise that you have done at home is exercise 3 on page 49 (SB). You were also to match opinions with expert 1-6. There was one opinion that you do not need.
Let's check. During checking, ask what these words mean, their definitions:
lifespan - how long a person lives
limbs - arms or legs
to melt - to make or become liquefied by heating
to prevent - to keep (something) from happening
Key: a-3b-6c --d-2e-1f-4g-5
III. Основная часть
1) Работа с текстом
We are going to continue our discussing this text and do exercise 4 on this page. You are to match the verbs and nouns to make phrases from the texts. Work individually, please.
Pay your attention to the next word combination: to suffer from illnesses, not just to suffer illnesses.
Key: 1. e2. g3. a4. f5. c6. b7. d
The next you task is to complete the sentences with phrases from exercise 4. It is exercise 5 on page 49 (SB). You can compare your answers with a partner.
1. replace damaged parts
2. treat illnesses
3. provide information
4. make important discoveries
5. reduce carbon emissions
6. suffer a catastrophe
7. start a colony
In your opinion, which expert's prediction is (write predictions on the board):
1. the most optimistic?
2. the most pessimistic?
3. the most interesting?
4. the most likely to come true?
Give your reasons. Also, you can highlight parts of the text and make notes to back up your opinions.
2) Объяснение нового материала
All right! Now we'll talk about the collocations. Follow me, and make notes.
So, what is a collocation? Who knows?
A collocation is made up of two or more words that are commonly used together in English.
There are several different types of collocation. Collocations can be adjective + adverb, noun + noun, verb + noun and so on. There are seven main types of collocation in sample sentences.
1. adverb + adjective
Invading that country was an utterly stupid thing to do.
We entered a richly decorated room.
Are you fully aware of the implications of your action?
2. adjective + noun
The doctor ordered him to take regular exercise.
The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage.
He was writhing on the ground in excruciating pain.
3. noun + noun
Let's give Mr Jones a round of applause.
The ceasefire agreement came into effect at 11am.
I'd like to buy two bars of soap please.
4. noun + verb
The lion started to roar when it heard the dog barking.
Snow was falling as our plane took off.
The bomb went off when he started the car engine.
5. verb + noun
The prisoner was hanged for committing murder.
I always try to do my homework in the morning, after making my bed.
He has been asked to give a presentation about his work.
6. verb + expression with preposition
We had to return home because we had run out of money.
At first her eyes filled with horror, and then she burst into tears.
Their behaviour was enough to drive anybody to crime.
7. verb + adverb
She placed her keys gently on the table and sat down.
Mary whispered softly in John's ear.
I vaguely remember that it was growing dark when we left.
When is a collocation NOT a collocation?
The term "collocation" in its linguistic sense is relatively new (dating from the 1950s) and not all linguists agree on its definition. In fact there is considerable disagreement and even some confusion. Some linguists treat fixed phrases as extended collocations (as far as I'm concerned, not on your life, rather you than me, under the weather, if you've got the time). Others suggest that when a sequence of words is 100% predictable, and allows absolutely no change except possibly in tense, it is not helpful to treat it as a collocation. Such sequences they generally treat as fixed expressions ("prim and proper") or idioms ("kick the bucket").
* see appendix 1: collocation list
3) Закрепление нового материала на практике
So let's practice. Open your SB on page 133, 5.3. verb+noun collocations exercise 1. You are to choose the correct words to make sentences about ideas that would help the environment. Do it in pairs, please.
1. avoid
2. promote
3. improve
4. discuss
5. ban
6. increase
7. prevent
8. achieve
To make sure that you understand everything clear, let's do one more exercise. It is on your copies.
You should fill the gaps with appropriate word.
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
2. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
3. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
4. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
5. I 've tried telling him that I don't want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ….. the message.
6. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
7. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
8. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
1. keep
2. make
3. do
4. take
5. getting
6. reached
7. losing
Well done!
4) Развитие умений и навыков устной речи
We should develop your communication skills, so let's practice your speaking abilities and do the next exercises.
Exercise 7 on page 49 (SB)
Work in pairs. Make three predictions about the world in fifty years' time. Use the ideas in the box to help you.
Make notes, please in your copybooks.
Exercise 8 on page 49 (SB)
Tell the class your predictions. Let's do it one by one. Do you agree or disagree? Also, let's decide if they are optimistic, pessimistic or likely.
What was the most interesting prediction today?
5) Развитие навыков аудирования
All right! Now we are going to watch a movie about what can happen to our planet in the future. “The Day After Tomorrow” is a 2004 American science-fiction disaster film depicting catastrophic effects of global warming in a series of extreme weather events that usher in global cooling and leads to a new ice age. A climatologist tries to figure out a way to save the world from abrupt global warming. He must get to his young son in New York, which is being taken over by a new ice age.
I'd like you to watch it very attentive, make a plan on which you'll base during your retelling of it. We'll watch not the whole movie, because we have not enough time for this, that's why you have to watch it till the end at home and do the tasks on the copies (* see appendix 2).
IV. Заключительная часть
1) Подведение итогов урока
Friends, our lesson is coming to the end. I'm happy to say we've done a good bit of work during the lesson. So,
- What have you learned today?
- What can you do now?
- Can you understand and react to experts predictions for the future?
- Have you learned anything about collocations?
All right!
2) Информация о домашнем задании, инструкция о его выполнении
Please, open your daybooks and write your home-assignment:
Firstly, you are to retell the movie and do exercise which can help me to check your understanding of the movie.
Secondly, you are to read the text “Brave New World” and do exercise 2 on page 44 (WB).
Thank you. The lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye.
коммуникативный интерактивный грамматический компетенция
Appendix 1
Collocation Lists
On this page you can find a few short lists of collocations to give you more of an idea about them. Many good learner's dictionaries show collocations associated with specific words. There are also dictionaries of collocations, though these are more difficult to find.
Some common verbs
have a bath
have a drink
have a good time
have a haircut
have a holiday
have a problem
have a relationship
have a rest
have lunch
have sympathy
do business
do nothing
do someone a favour
do the cooking
do the housework
do the shopping
do the washing up
do your best
do your hair
do your homework
make a difference
make a mess
make a mistake
make a noise
make an effort
make furniture
make money
make progress
make room
make trouble
take a break
take a chance
take a look
take a rest
take a seat
take a taxi
take an exam
take notes
take someone's place
take someone's temperature
break a habit
break a leg
break a promise
break a record
break a window
break someone's heart
break the ice
break the law
break the news to someone
break the rules
catch a ball
catch a bus
catch a chill
catch a cold
catch a thief
catch fire
catch sight of
catch someone's attention
catch someone's eye
catch the flu
pay a fine
pay attention
pay by credit card
pay cash
pay interest
pay someone a compliment
pay someone a visit
pay the bill
pay the price
pay your respects
save electricity
save energy
save money
save one's strength
save someone a seat
save someone's life
save something to a disk
save space
save time
save yourself the trouble
keep a diary
keep a promise
keep a secret
keep an appointment
keep calm
keep control
keep in touch
keep quiet
keep someone's place
keep the change
come close
come complete with
come direct
come early
come first
come into view
come last
come late
come on time
come prepared
come right back
come second
come to a compromise
come to a decision
come to an agreement
come to an end
come to a standstill
come to terms with
come to a total of
come under attack
go abroad
go astray
go bad
go bald
go bankrupt
go blind
go crazy
go dark
go deaf
go fishing
go mad
go missing
go on foot
go online
go out of business
go overseas
go quiet
go sailing
go to war
go yellow
get a job
get a shock
get angry
get divorced
get drunk
get frightened
get home
get lost
get married
get nowhere
get permission
get pregnant
get ready
get started
get the impression
get the message
get the sack
get upset
get wet
get worried
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
2. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
3. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
4. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
5. I 've tried telling him that I don't want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ….. the message.
6. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
7. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
8. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
2. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
3. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
4. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
5. I 've tried telling him that I don't want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ….. the message.
6. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
7. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
8. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
2. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
3. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
4. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
5. I 've tried telling him that I don't want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ….. the message.
6. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
7. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
8. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
2. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
3. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
4. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
5. I 've tried telling him that I don't want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ….. the message.
6. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
7. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
8. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
Verb/Noun Collocations
1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?
2. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out
3. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?
4. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.
5. I 've tried telling him that I don't want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ….. the message.
6. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.
7. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.
8. You should try to .......... more attention in class.
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