Английский язык
Порядок слов в английском предложении. Множественное число имен существительных. Применение артиклей, местоимений, глагола "to be", оборота "there is/are". Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Выражения, которые используются в ситуациях знакомства.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | методичка |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 17.12.2013 |
Размер файла | 40,2 K |
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высшего профессионального образования
«Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет
имени академика М.Ф. Решетнева»
Иностранный (английский) язык
Методические указания и контрольные задания
для студентов заочной формы обучения
Красноярск 2012г.
УДК 802.0(07)
Рецензент: ст.преп. С. Н. Панкина
Печатается по решению Редакционно-издательского совета академии
Английский язык: Метод указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочной формы обучения экономических специальностей Сост. Е. В. Астапенко. СибГАУ. Красноярск, 2010. - с.
© Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева, 2012
Основной целью заочной формы обучения студентов иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе является формирование умения читать несложные прагматические тексты и тексты по широкому профилю специальности, переводить тексты со словарем, составлять резюме (биографию), владеть лексическим минимумом в объеме 2500 учебных лексических единиц общего и терминологического характера и грамматическим минимумом, включающим грамматические структуры, обеспечивающие коммуникацию без искажения смысла при письменном и устном общении общего характера, а также основные грамматические явления, характерные для профессиональной речи.
Заочная форма обучения предусматривает, главным образом, самостоятельную работу студентов с учебной литературой.
Обучение иностранному языку на заочном отделении неязыкового вуза предполагает следующие формы занятий:
- аудиторные установочные лекции, проводимые преподавателем в начале каждого семестра;
- самостоятельная работа студентов с учебно-методической литературой, рекомендуемая вузом в соответствии с рабочей программой по иностранному языку (см. библиографический список);
- выполнение промежуточных контрольных работ;
- групповые практические занятия в течение сессии в соответствии с расписанием учебного процесса;
- итоговый контроль в форме зачетов в конце каждого семестра и экзамена по окончании курса обучения иностранному языку.
Приступайте к выполнению контрольной работы только после того, как изучите весь материл, включенный в перечень тем перед контрольной работой. Изучите грамматические явления, которые представлены перед каждой контрольной работой и выполните тесты для самоконтроля и итоговый тест, выложенные на сервере ДО СибГАУ.
Выполнять контрольные работы следует письменно на скрепленных листах формата А4. На титульном листе укажите факультет, курс, номер группы, фамилию, имя и отчество, дату, номер контрольной работы.
Контрольные работы должны быть выполнены в напечатанном виде с соблюдением полей (30…40 мм) справа для замечаний, объяснений и методических указаний преподавателя.
Внимание! Все упражнения должны быть выполнены в соответствии с требованиями, данными перед каждым заданием.
Контрольные работы следует выполнять в той последовательности, в которой они даны. Перед выполнением работы внимательно прочитайте задание и четко следуйте ему.
Контрольная работа, выполненная не полностью или не отвечающая предъявляемым к ней вышеперечисленным требованиям, не зачитывается.
Полученная от преподавателя проверенная контрольная работа с замечаниями и методическими указаниями должна быть переработана (только та часть, где содержатся ошибки или неточности перевода) на отдельном листке, который затем прилагается к контрольной работе.
К защите контрольной работы допускаются студенты, сдавшие её преподавателю не менее чем за неделю до зачета и исправившие ошибки в проверенной работе.
В ходе защиты контрольной работы студент должен устно перевести тексты, приведенные в контрольной работе, знать слова и выражения, выделенные в текстах, и сделать монологическое высказывание по темам, приведенным в контрольной работе.
Все контрольные работы с исправлениями и дополнениями необходимо сохранять до зачетов и экзамена, так как они являются важными учебными документами. Помимо этого, они необходимы для подготовки к зачету и экзамену.
Контрольная работа
Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы Вы должны изучить следующий материал:
1. Порядок слов в английском предложении.
2. Множественное число имен существительных.
3. Артикль.
4. Местоимения.
5. Глаголы to be, to have.
6. Оборот there is/are.
7. Время Present Simple (Indefinite).
8. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
Лексика по темам:
1. "Meetings. Introductions."
2. "About myself."
1. Прочтите, переведите письменно и выучите следующие слова
Be afraid, be-was/were-been, before, better, busy, company, department, enjoy, exactly, fine, finish, first, flight, get-got-got, good, hear-heard-heard, hello, here, hi, introduce, know-knew-known, last, later, leave-left-left, meet-met-met, meeting, morning, people, pleased, speak-spoke-spoken, software, tell-told-told, think-thought-thought, this, time, very, weekend, work for.
2. К словам и выражениям из левой колонки подберите соответствующие эквиваленты на русском языке из правой колонки. Запишите получившиеся пары и выучите словосочетания
personnel department |
бухгалтерия |
accounts department |
отдел контроля за качеством продукции |
technical support department |
отдел маркетинга |
quality control department |
отдел кадров |
sales department |
отдел технической поддержки |
marketing department |
отдел маркетинга |
research and development department |
производственный цех; производственный отдел |
production department |
экспортный отдел |
export department |
научно-исследовательский отдел |
purchasing department |
отдел снабжения |
planning department |
отдел планирования |
finance department |
финансовый отдел |
distribution department |
отдел сбыта |
3. Заполните пропуски в диалогах подходящими по смыслу словами, данными ниже. Переведите диалоги письменно
finish know fine later good busy morning very better Hi weekend meet introduce (2) met this first heard think Pleased (2) Hello before software exactly
1. - Do you … Martina Polensky?
- No, I don't think we've been introduced.
2. - What time do you usually … work?
- It depends how busy we are. Usually after seven.
3. R.: …, Jane.
J.: Hi, Rashid. How are you?
R.: … thanks, and you?
J.: Oh, not too bad. Did you have a good…?
R.: Yes, it was…relaxing. I was in the theatre on Saturday.
4. F.: …morning, Mrs. Jansen.
Mrs. J.: … Frank. How are you?
F.: Oh, very … as usual. There's a letter for you.
Mrs. J.: Thanks very much, Frank. Well, I'd…be going. I've got a lot of work to do.
F.: Bye.
Mrs. J.: See you…, Frank.
5. E.: Gina, have you … Thomas Goldman?
G.: No, I don't … so.
E.: Well, let me …you. Tom, … is Gina Piccolo. Gina's head of our marketing department.
T.: … to meet you, Gina. I've … a lot about you.
G.: All good, I hope!
6. H.: … I'm Hashim Kamil.
T.: … to meet you. I'm Trudi Peters. Is this your … trip to Canada?
H.: No, I've been here once … .
7. Lisa: Let me … myself. My name's Lisa Moran. I'm marketing director with BDT Products.
Louise: Pleased to … you. I'm Louise Swan.
Lisa: So, you're in marketing too.
Louise: Not … . I work more on the product development side. I'm Research and Development director with Hilmex. We're a small … company.
4. Из данных слов составьте выражения, которые используются в ситуациях знакомства. Переведите предложения письменно
1. Wilson/ I'm / Hello / Tom
2. you / last / It's / meet / at / good / to
3. we / I / we've / before / don't / met / think
4. call / Wilson / I'm / Please / me / Tom / Tom
5. much / so / you / heard / I've / about
5. Заполните пропуски информацией о себе
Paula: Let me introduce myself. My name's Paula Winter. I'm with WTR.
You: …
Paula: Pleased to meet you. So you're in management training too?
You: …
Paula: Really? Who do you work for?
You: …
Paula: Oh. What kind of company is that?
You: …
Paula: That sounds very interesting.
6. Прочтите текст и переведите его письменно
My name's Gabrielle Meier. I work for GRC Transport, a medium-sized, transport firm based in Groningen, Holland. At the moment I work in the personnel department. I enjoy my work because it gives a chance to meet people and to deal with problems on an everyday basis. It's a friendly company and there's a good working atmosphere. We all know each other and we get on well. The other thing I like about my job is that it gives me the opportunity to travel.
7. Заполните пропуски выделенными курсивом словосочетаниями из текста
1. In my job I … problems which come up in the export department.
2. I … very well with my boss. In fact we're more friends than colleagues.
3. I took the job because it gives me … to five or six different countries every year.
4. No, I'm afraid Mrs. Ellis is in a meeting … .
5. I spend most of my days working alone with the computer. My job doesn't give me much of … to get out and … .
8. Заполните пропуски в тексте информацией о себе
I work for … . It's a … company/organization based in … . Our main products/services are … . I work in the … department, and I deal with … . I enjoy my work because … .
9. Составьте, напишите на английском языке рассказ о себе и о своей работе. Используйте лексику из упражнений 2, 7, 8
Контрольная работа
Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы Вы должны изучить следующий материал:
1. Времена английского глагола: Active Voice (Simple (Indefinite) Tenses, Continuous tenses, Perfect Tenses, Perfect Continuous Tenses).
2. Времена английского глагола: Passive Voice (Simple (Indefinite) Tenses, Continuous tenses, Perfect Tenses, Perfect Continuous Tenses).
3. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.
Лексика по теме:
"Applying for a job."
1. Прочтите, переведите письменно и выучите следующие слова
Advertise, advertisement, advertiser, applicant, application, apply for a job, appointment, backgrounds, be unemployed, checkout, conduct, deadline, earn, employed, employee, employer, employment, fill in an application form, get unemployment benefit, go for an interview, identity, interview, interviewee, interviewer, look for a job, make redundant, offer (someone) a job, promote, resign, resignation, resigned, shortlist, system, train, write a CV.
2. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу словами. Переведите предложения письменно.
got gave me offered me made redundant resigned
was promoted looking for applied for moved to
1. I … a job with Megabooks. They … an interview, and I … the job.
2. After six months, I … to sales manager and I … the Cambridge branch.
3. Megabooks started losing money, so they closed the Cambridge branch, and all the staff were … .
4. Online Books in Glasgow … a job, so I started working there.
5. I had to work 10 hours a day for very little money, so I … .
6. Now I'm unemployed and I'm … a job.
3. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу словами. Обратите внимание, что предложений больше, чем предлагаемых слов. Переведите предложения письменно
employer interview applicant shortlist employment application advertise employee advertiser advertisement interviewer apply for resignation resigned emploied interviewee
1. We have received … for this job from 3,000 people.
2. I saw the … for this post in the Sunday Times.
3. OK, I think we've said enough about Mr. Downing. Can you call the next … ?
4. When she was offered the new job, she sent a letter of … to her old … .
5. Were you … for the job?
- No, I didn't even get a first … .
6. Nobody in the company … for the job, so they had to … the post in the newspaper.
7. His recent history of … is very strange. He had six jobs between 1990 and 2000, and he … from all of them.
4. Распределите вопросы в две колонки - вопросы, задаваемые работодателем и вопросы, задаваемые соискателем на должность.
Employer |
Applicant |
1. What is your current salary?
2. What is the salary range on offer?
3. What is your work experience?
4. Where is your company located?
5. What did you study in school?
6. What languages can you speak?
7. Is there a chance for promotion?
8. What are the benefits of working here?
5. Из данных слов составьте вопросы, которые могут быть заданы во время собеседования при приеме на работу. Переведите вопросы письменно.
1. details contact your confirm I could?
2. can you software package use this?
3. speak languages any other you can?
4. about tell you job us your present more could?
5. tell your current salary me you could?
6. would you as soon as possible your decision let us know?
7. start you when can?
6. Подберите к вопросам из задания 5 соответствующие ответы, приведенные ниже
a) It's 43 thousand.
b) Yes, I use it a lot in my current job.
c) I can let you know next week.
d) Yes, the address is the same, but my e-mail has changed.
e) Well, I'm currently responsible for European sales.
f) Yes, I can speak French and Spanish.
g) My notice period is two months.
7. Расставьте предложения в тексте в правильном порядке
a) for an interview. But he said the job was
b) My friend, Jez, is unemployed at the moment. He
c) benefit at first because he decided to take a holiday. But now he's looking
d) was working for a multinational company and he was
e) job. He didn't get unemployment
f) find a job soon.
g) for about three jobs every week. He saw an interesting
h) for a new job. I helped him to write his CV and he applies
i) advert in the newspaper last week. He filled in the
j) earning a lot of money. But last month he lost his
k) application form and went
l) terrible - the people were really unfriendly. I'm sure he will
8. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст, содержащий рекомендации по составлению CV/Resume. Выполните задание после текста
Effective Resumes
All resumes you create will include the following:
1. Your name, mailing address, and phone number where you can be reached during working hours.
2. Your work experience. This category will, of course, list any jobs in the same field in which you are now seeking employment. But any related work experience should also be cited.
3. Your educational background, including any college and advanced degrees and fields of specialization.
4. Any volunteer experience, hobbies, or special skills you have that are pertinent to the job you are applying for.
5. References. It is current practice not to list the names and addresses of people willing to supply references. On your resume, instead, supply a line reading “References supplied on request”, “References available upon request”, or similar wording.
In addition, you may want to include a line indicating the type of job you are seeking.
In the past many people included personal statistics on their resumes - birth date, height and weight, marital status, and physical condition. This information is no longer considered relevant. In fact, legislation forbidding discrimination against women, against the handicapped, and so forth makes it inadvisable to include such data. The two principal ways of setting up the information in the resume are chronological and functional. In a chronological resume the separate categories of education and work experience are listed backward in the order of occurrence-most recent job first, then the one preceding it, and so forth; latest degree earned or latest school attended first, and so on. In a functional resume, work experience is divided not by time but by the kind of work performed-administrative, for example, or work requiring the operation of certain machinery or equipment, and the like. The other categories (such as hobbies) follow the same pattern established for each type of resume. Your resume will also vary somewhat depending on whether you are seeking work for the first time or have a background of related work experience to offer. If you are seeking work for the first time, list your educational background first and in the greatest detail. If you have had jobs in the field in which you are seeking employment, supply your work experience first and make it highly specific. You then may summarize your educational background in a few lines.
9. Руководствуясь правилами написания резюме, данными в тексте задания 8, заполните его информацией, данной ниже, расположив ее в нужном порядке.
1. |
19 .... - 1989 |
University of London Hospital Research scientist in Pharmacology unit |
1989 - 1991 |
European Commission, Brussels Participated in European Community Drug Development Programme, co-ordinating and financing projects between hospitals and European pharmaceutical companies. |
1991 - 1998 |
AVRC Pharmaceuticals, Milan, Italy As Head of Research ( years), I was responsible for the development of a new range of anti-depressant drugs. I then worked as Marketing Manager for Italy (4 years). |
1998 - present |
Pharmaline, Paris Pharmaline sells pharmaceutical products over the Internet. I joined the company as a product consultant. Since I have been Marketing Manager for Europe. |
2. |
Andrea Paganini |
3. |
Married |
4. |
English / Italian (native speaker) fluent) |
5. |
Skiing, tennis, Modern European literature, architecture |
6. |
1987 |
Obtained Degree in Pharmacology. University of London |
1994 |
Obtained Diploma in Marketing Studies - London Institute of Marketing (…- year correspondence course) |
7. |
British / Italian |
Name: |
Date of birth: |
Nationality: |
Marital status: |
10. Составьте и напишите резюме, используя информацию о себе.
Контрольная работа
Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы Вы должны изучить следующий материал:
1. Согласование времен - Sequence of Tenses.
2. Неличные формы глагола - Non-finite Forms of the Verb:
- инфинитив (формы и функции инфинитива) - The Infinitive;
- конструкции с инфинитивом - Infinitive Constructions;
- причастие I, причастие II - Participle I, Participle II.
3. Условные предложения - Conditional Sentences.
Текст: "Business Across the Language Gap."
1. Прочтите, переведите письменно и выучите следующие слова и выражения
According to, agenda, assessment, benefit from, cancel, casings, coherently, delay, faced the, problem, frustrated, increasingly, language course, monitor the progress of, personnel, pick up, place an order, proper facilities, rely on, resolve a problem, set up, supplier.
2. Прочитайте статью, переведите ее устно. Выполните задания, данные после статьи
Business Across the Language Gap
Communications today between companies are becoming faster and faster. But there is still one problem that has not been completely resolved: the problem of language. In the United States or Britain, for example, most companies are used to dealing in English. This is fine if you are buying from a German, Indian or Nigerian company. However, when it comes to selling abroad, American and British companies are finding that things are not so simple.
Take the case of a London-based supplier of plastics. Managers were delighted when they landed a multi-million pound contract to supply casings for computers and other electronic equipment to a factory in Iran. Everything went well at first. However, problems began to develop after a few months. The British company had received a large quantity of correspondence in Farsi. But there was no-one in the London office who could read the faxes and letters. So they were sent out to a firm of translators and there was a long delay in replying to them. The Iranian company grew increasingly frustrated at the delays and finally cancelled the contract. It placed its orders instead with a French firm employing a number of Farsi speakers.
Most companies faced with problems like this have little idea of how to set up a language training programme. Some companies then rely on managers' individual efforts. Others hope that secretaries picked up enough French at night school to be able to deal with correspondence.
These responses are not good enough according to a report from the University of London Language in Business Programme (ULLBP). The report suggests that personnel and training managers need to think more carefully about the way they plan language training in a company.
An effective language training programme must begin with an assessment of language needs in a company. One approach is to make a list of the company's main overseas customers and suppliers. This gives a clear idea of which languages are necessary. If your main markets are in South America, then Spanish, and possibly Portuguese, should be high on the agenda.
The next step is to look at the linguistic abilities of employees in a company. A "language awareness test" can help trainers to select those workers who will benefit most from spending time on a new language. A ULLBP study suggests that English speakers who have never studied a language before learn more slowly. They can take three or even four times longer to reach intermediate level in French or German than experienced language learners.
This type of language audit can help company to plan its training coherently and, in the long run, to make large cost savings.
Закончите предложения.
1. Most American and British firms
a) are happier to deal with English speaking customers.
b) do not have problems with languages.
c) may find it difficult to export to some countries.
2. A British company
a) employed a French firm to do its translating.
b) lost an important contract.
c) employed several translators.
3. The University of London Language in Business Programme
a) is designed to teach a language in a few months.
b) helps personnel managers to make decisions.
c) may save a company money.
4. Companies need to know which of their employees
a) can benefit from a language course.
b) studied French at school.
c) have been to night school.
5. Experienced language learners:
a) usually know French and German.
b) can usually learn a new language more quickly.
c) should be paid more than other employees.
Отметьте следующие предложения как верные (True) или неверные (False), основываясь на информации, представленной в статье.
1. There are no problem concerning communications between companies.
2. A British company didn't have problems translating correspondence from Farsi.
3. The Iranian company placed its orders with a French firm.
4. To have an effective language training programme it is necessary to assess language needs in a company.
5. All the employees in a company have the same linguistic abilities.
3. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу словосочетаниями. Переведите текст письменно
proper facilities language course more money
enough time language teachers monitor the progress of
Training managers need to ask themselves a number of questions before implementing a language policy:
- Do staff have … to study a new language? Should they have time off work to learn?
- How can we … individual students? Should there be regular tests, for example?
- Do we have the … for language training? Is there a classroom available? Do we need to buy a video?
- Are … sufficiently aware of the needs of the business world? How much do they need to know about the activities of our company?
- What type of … is best for my company? Are modern methods always best or do employees prefer a more traditional approach?
- Can I justify spending … on language training? Does this represent good value for money?
4. Заполните пропуски подходящими глаголами из текста в задании 2, переведите письменно и выучите полученные словосочетания
1. … in English
2. … a contract
3. … up some French
4. … on managers' efforts
5. … the case of ...
6. … frustrated
7. … with correspondence
8. … language needs
5. Определите, какое предложение точнее всего передает содержание текста в задании 2
1. British companies should spend a lot more money on language training.
2. Companies should deal only with companies who speak their language.
3. British people find it difficult to learn foreign languages.
4. Companies who want to export more should pay more attention to their employees' language needs.
Контрольная работа
Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы Вы должны повторить изучить следующий материал:
1. Simple (Indefinite) Tenses, Continuous Tenses, Perfect Tenses, Perfect Continuous Tenses - Active and Passive Voice.
2. Согласование времен - Sequence of Tenses,
3. Косвенная речь - Reported Speech.
4. Условные предложения - Conditional Sentences.
Текст: "Travel Expenses."
1. Прочтите, переведите письменно и выучите следующие слова
Account for, afford, assure, be responsible for, chief accountant, claim, cost savings, deal with, executive, expense claims, feasible option, frequently, involve, major clients, multi-national, operating costs, regular trips abroad, spend, take account of, travel and entertainment budget, travel and entertainment costs, travel consultant, travel expenses, travel manager, travel suppliers, trip abroad, vital.
2. Прочтите статью, переведите ее устно
Travel Expenses.
How much does your company spend on travel? Even small firms are finding that their travel and entertainment budget can account for between five and six per cent of operating costs. For large multi-national companies the costs can be even higher.
In fact many firms have no clear idea of how much they are spending on sending executives to international conferences (1).
Claudio Rossi, a Milan-based travel consultant, has spent the past year looking at the ways companies deal with their travel expenses. "Very few of the companies I studied could tell me exactly how much they were spending on travel. Only one or two had thought about introducing a system to control expenses."
Mr Rossi gives the example of TransEurop ASP, a Danish transport company. "Everyone I spoke to in the firm assured me that regular trips abroad were a vital part of the work of senior executives. Nobody asked themselves if all this travel was necessary and nobody seemed to know how much it was costing the firm."
In fact when Mr Rossi sat down with TransEurop's chief accountant they found that travel and entertainment costs together came to a staggering $2.2m in a year (2).
Mr Rossi claims that every medium-sized and large company needs a clear policy on controlling its travel costs. He proposes a four-point plan which companies can introduce over a period of six months to a year.
* Travel expense audit. Begin by asking yourself how the company spends its travel budget at the moment. How much are we spending? How are expense claims processed? (3) Where can we make the biggest cost savings?
* Setting up a policy. Once you have decided how much the company can afford to spend you can begin putting your ideas into action. The plan should involve the company's main travel suppliers - travel agents and airlines - as well as those executives who have to travel most frequently.
* Managing the policy. For larger firms this could mean appointing a full-time travel manager who would be responsible for controlling travel costs and for communicating the policy to other people in the company. This is not a feasible option for most small companies.
* Policy review. From time to time you might need to change your policy to take account of any new offers in the travel market. Many airlines now offer special deals for companies with frequent travellers (4).
3. Поставьте предложения в подходящее по смыслу место в тексте в задании 2
A. This was over seven per cent of the company's total operating costs.
B. These programmes can help to cut costs.
C. or on inviting their major clients to expensive meals in restaurants.
D. Which trips are essential to promote sales?
4. Выберите правильный заголовок к статье в задании 2
A. Spend More on Travel
B. Travel Policy Cuts Costs
C. Danish Travel Plan
D.Travel Managers to Meet
5. Отметьте следующие утверждения о Claudio Rossi как верные (True) или неверные (False), основываясь на информации, представленной в статье в задании 2
1. He wants large companies to spend more on travel.
2. He thinks that a lot of companies do not really know how much they spend on travel.
3. He used to work for a Danish firm.
4. He thought that a Danish company was spending too much on travel.
5. He thinks it is almost impossible to control travel costs.
6. His travel plan can be introduced in a few weeks.
7. He believes that people outside the company should be involved in the plan.
8. He feels that all companies should have a travel manager.
6. Заполните пропуски в определениях словами или словосочетаниями из статьи в задании 2
1. A company's… is the money which it plans to spend on meals with customers, trips abroad, visits etc.
2. A … is a large firm which operates in a number of different countries.
3. A company's … are its most important customers.
4. An executive who makes … abroad goes there fairly often.
5. If a company considers a practical alternative, it looks at a … .
7. Используйте эти же фразы, чтобы заполнить пропуски в предложениях
1. Last year we lost two of our … to the competition. This year we'll be looking more carefully at our pricing structure.
7. I'm afraid that moving to a new office is not … for our company. It would cost us far too much money.
8. IBM, BP and Coca-Cola are some of the world's largest … .
9. In my job I have to make … . Next month I'll be visiting Japan, Korea and China.
10. We've had instructions from Head Office to reduce our … by 20% this year. Senior executives will now have to fly economy class.
английский предложение местоимение глагол
Использованная литература
1. Face2Face Pre-intermediate Student's Book by Chris Redston&Gillie Cunningham, Cambridge, 2008.
2. Face2Face Pre-intermediate Work Book by Chris Redston&Gillie Cunningham, Cambridge, 2009.
3. English for Life Beginner Student's Book TomHutchinson, Oxford University Press, 2007.
4. Business Basics Student's Book by David Grant and Robert McLarty, Oxford University Press, 2009.
5. Business Basics Work Book by David Grant and Robert McLarty, Oxford University Press, 2009
6. Market Leader Pre-Intermediate Course Book New Edition by David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Pearson. Longman, 2007.
7. Business Language Practice by John Morrison Milne, Heinle, Cengage Learning,1994.
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