Причины и типы развития лексических значений слов
Полисемия как средство обогащения словарного состава языка. Анализ типов семантических изменений лексического значения. Характеристика причин наиболее распространенных типов изменения лексического значения слов на примере произведений В.С. Моэма.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | курсовая работа |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 18.04.2011 |
Размер файла | 73,5 K |
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Вильям Сомерсет Моэм использует «money» в своих произведениях в следующих значениях:
· «After all, you can't make money in a bank».(«The Pool»)
-«any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits».
· «I guess we shall all have to fork out money for new dresses».(«The Pool»)
-«an amount or sum of money»
· «Since Mrs Chaplin held the purse-strings, if she wanted a new frock for the occasion she would certainly not ask her husband for the money».(«The Pool»)
-«any article or substance used as a medium of exchange, measure of wealth, or means of payment, as checks on demand deposit»
· «He gave up the struggle, and when for want of money he could not go to the English Club he spent the evening playing hearts with old Brevald and the natives».(«The Pool»)
-«any article or substance used as a medium of exchange, measure of wealth, or means of payment, as checks on demand deposit»
· «He pocketed the young men's money with humour and urbanity».(«The Pool»)
-«paper money»
· «He beamed amiably at the young men whose money he was taking».(«The Pool»)
-«an amount or sum of money»
· «He had no means of repaying the money if he lost, but it never occurred to him that he could lose».(«The Pool»)
-«any article or substance used as a medium of exchange, measure of wealth, or means of payment, as checks on demand deposit»
· «With opportunities to make money he was a poorer man than when he was first appointed to his post, and his only support for his old age was the pension which he expected when at last he retired from official life».(«The Pool»)
-«wealth considered in terms of money»
· «He managed the sweeps, conducted the auctions, collected money for prizes at the sports, got up quoit and golf matches, organized the concert, and arranged the fancy-dress ball».(«Mr. Know-All»)
-«any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits».
· «Can't I? If I get a chance of easy money like that I should be all sorts of a fool not to take it».(«Mr. Know-All»)
-«an amount or sum of money»
· «A bit of money used to come in for him once a quarter and he made a bit more by card-playing». («A Friend In Need»)
-«an amount or sum of money»
· «I knew from my own experience that he could lose money at bridge with a good grace». («A Friend In Need»)
-«an amount or sum of money»
· «He told me that there was no more money coming from home and he wanted to work». («A Friend In Need»)
-«an amount or sum of money»
Необходимо отметить, что в рассказах слово «money» часто используется для обозначения некоторой суммы денег оговоренной в тексте либо подразумевающейся, о которой знают говорящие. Из примеров также видно использование слова для наименования любой валюты или же ценных бумаг, при этом ни в одном из примеров не приводится уточнения, т.к. автор не считает это важным. Таким образом, обобщение (расширение) значения в данном случае очевидно.
Отличным примером сужения лексического значения является слово «hour», которое образовалось от старо французского «hore» - «one-twelfth of a day» (sunrise to sunset), латинского «hora» hour - «time, season» и греческого «hora» - «any limited time». Греки позаимствовали понятие деления дня на часы у Вавилонян, но вавилонский час представлял собой одну двенадцатую часть дня и был вдвое длиннее современного. Греки же делили только дневное время на двенадцать частей, а римляне интерпретировали эту систему по-своему. Т.к. в разное время года длительность дня и ночи неодинакова, долгое время часы обозначали не равные отрезки времени. Ночное время было поделено на часы гораздо позднее. Постепенно под влиянием синонима «time» (под влиянием лингвистических причин) значение слова «hour» конкретизировалось до «a period of time equal to one twenty-fourth of a mean solar or civil day and equivalent to 60 minutes». Однако первоначальные значения не утратились полностью, а остались в качестве дополнительных, таким образом, слово «hour» в современном английском языке многозначное. (Приложение 2)
Проанализируем значения слова «hour» в примерах из рассказов Моэма:
· «The swim shouldn't take you much over an hour and a quarter».(«A Friend In Need»)
-«a period of time equal to one twenty-fourth of a mean solar or civil day and equivalent to 60 minutes»
· «At the hour when Lawson went, there was not a soul and he lingered for a long time, now floating idly in the water, now drying himself in the evening sun, enjoying the solitude and the friendly silence». («The Pool») - «a particular or appointed time»
· «She spent long hours playing with her son». («The Pool»)
-«long period of time»
· «After an hour of this I grew tired and went out. I crossed the road and came to the beach». («The Pool»)
-«a period of time equal to one twenty-fourth of a mean solar or civil day and equivalent to 60 minutes»
· «I did not feel sleepy and I thought I would at all events go along to the club for an hour before turning in». («The Pool»)
-«a period of time equal to one twenty-fourth of a mean solar or civil day and equivalent to 60 minutes»
· «Of course it is the most fascinating game in the world and my hour lengthened out to two, and then to three». («The Pool»)
-«a period of time equal to one twenty-fourth of a mean solar or civil day and equivalent to 60 minutes»
· «I'm fifty, remember, I can't keep these late hours». («The Pool»)
- «customary time of going to bed and getting up»
· «For the better part of an hour then he had us at his mercy». («Mr. Know-All»)
-«a short or limited period of time»
В своих произведениях автор использует слово «hour» в нескольких значениях: и для обозначения некоторого короткого отрезка времени, и для определенного или же назначенного момента, и даже для обозначения длительного времени (hours). Однако по частоте употребления значения час (60 минут) по сравнению с другими значениями можно говорить о сужении значения в общем. Таким образом, следует отметить тот факт, что слово «hour» имеет минимум пассивных значений и максимум общеупотребительных, что значительно расширяет сферу его употребления.
Рассмотрим один из видов лингвистической метафоры, основанной на сходстве позиции, на примере слова «foot». Слово произошло от прото-германского «fot», значение которого было «foot, the part of the leg». Однако еще в староанглийский период слово стало также обозначать «a unit of length, 12 inches equal to 30.48 centimeters», конечно данная величина была основана на средней длине человеческой стопы. А в 1300г. оно впервые было использовано в словосочетаниях «the foot of a bed» и «the foot of a grave» в значении «the end of a bed, grave, toward which the feet are placed», и постепенно приобрело метафорическое значение «any part or thing resembling a foot, as in function, placement, shape». Необходимо отметить тот факт, что в английском языке ни одно из указанных значений не было утрачено и все широко используются как в устной речи, так и в письменном языке. Кроме того, в современных словарях у слова «foot» гораздо большее число значений. (Приложение 3)
· «The little man, excitable and often tipsy, was terrified of her, and the stranger soon heard of domestic quarrels in which she used her fist and her foot in order to keep him in subjection». («The Pool»)
-«the terminal part of the leg, below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves».
· «But Lawson, driven forth blindly, stumbled through the plantation and suddenly exhausted, weak as a child, flung himself on the ground at the foot of a tree». («The Pool»)
-«any part or thing resembling a foot, as in function, placement, shape, etc».
· «Three coconut trees grew there, like three moon maidens waiting for their lovers to ride out of the sea, and I sat at the foot of one of them, watching the lagoon and the nightly assemblage of the stars». («The Pool»)
-«any part or thing resembling a foot, as in function, placement, shape, etc».
· «Lawson was four inches shorter than the American and he was slightly built, frail and weakened not only by illness and the enervating tropics, but by drink. He fell like a log and lay half dazed at the foot of the bar». («The Pool»)
-«any part or thing resembling a foot, as in function, placement, shape, etc».
· «He came down to the beach, passed me sitting at the foot of the tree, and looked down».-(«The Pool»)
· -«any part or thing resembling a foot, as in function, placement, shape, etc».
Таким образом, в выбранных нами рассказах частота употребления метафорического значения слова «foot» преобладает. На сегодняшний момент «foot» может сочетаться с огромным количеством слов, приобретая новые значения, обозначая разные понятия благодаря сходству функции, позиции либо формы.
В качестве примера метонимии рассмотрим использование слова «paper». В английском языке слово появилось после нормандского завоевания из французского языка в период господства двух языков. В старофранцузский в свою очередь оно было заимствовано из латинского языка со значением «paper, paper made of papyrus stalks». С 1680г. слово стало применяться в метонимическом значении «a newspaper or journal», т.е. материал из которого сделан объект (газета) стал использоваться для наименования самого объекта. В данном случае семантическое изменение произошло вследствие эллипсиса (опущения «news»), т.е. под влиянием лингвистических причин, тот же случай и со значением «wallpaper». На этом разнообразие современных значений слова «paper» не ограничивается. (Приложение 4)
· «It was good to play golf once more, and to fish-to fish properly, that was poor fun in the Pacific when you just threw in your line and pulled out one big sluggish fish after another from the crowded sea-and it was good to see a paper every day with that day's news, and to meet men and women of your own sort, people you could talk to; and it was good to eat meat that was not frozen and to drink milk that was not canned».(«The Pool»)
-«a newspaper or journal».
· «He took up a paper and saw that there was a boat sailing for Australia next morning».(«The Pool»)
-«a newspaper or journal».
· «His pile of chips increased in size and he had a neat little paper in front of him on which he had marked various sums lent to players in distress».(«The Pool»)
-«a piece, sheet, or leaf of paper».
· «There had been in the papers a good deal of talk about the culture pearls which he cunning Japanese were making, and the doctor remarked that they must inevitably diminish the value of real ones».(«Mr. Know-All»)
-«a newspaper or journal».
· «These reflections have occurred to me because I read in this morning's paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe». («A Friend In Need»)
-«a newspaper or journal».
Большинство примеров показывают склонность автора к использованию слова именно в метонимическом значении. Кроме художественной литературы данное значение слова также часто употребляется в разговорной речи. Метонимия, основанная на смежности (неразлучности) объектов не редкость в языке, она также как и метафора является отличным выразительным средством, которое украшает язык любого произведения.
Выводы по главе
1. В произведениях художественной литературы слова чаще используются в переносном значении с целью достижения большей выразительности.
2. Среди рассмотренных нами примеров подавляющее большинство изменений лексических значений слов (75%) произошло вследствие лингвистических причин. Экстралингвистические факторы послужили основанием для изменения значения лишь 25% слов.
В ходе нашего исследования мы еще раз доказали, что лексика - это самая гибкая часть языка, которая быстрее всего реагирует на изменение условий существования и использования языка его носителями. Появление новых понятий и развитие старых, связанное с преобразованием любой из сфер общественной жизни, неизбежно влечет за собой развитие и изменение лексических значений, являющихся их реализацией.
Однако, как показали результаты проведенного нами анализа примеров семантических изменений, на современном этапе главную роль играют лингвистические факторы развития значений, которые приводят к многообразным вариантам изменения лексических значений слов.
В целом, именно подвижность лексических значений ведет к многозначности слов, которая удваивает выразительный потенциал языка и успешно используется в художественной литературе с целью создания комического эффекта.
1. Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка: Учеб. пособие для студентов. -- М.: Дрофа, 1999. -- 288с.
2. Апресян Ю.Д. Лексическая семантика. Синонимические средства языка. М., 1974.
3. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка: Учеб. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. -- 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. -- М.: Высш. шк., 1986. -- 295с.
4. Блумфилд Л. Язык. - М., 1968.
5. Виноградов В.В. Основные типы лексических значений слова // Виноградов В.В. Избранные труды: Лексикология и лексикография. -- М., 1977.
6. Дубенец Э.М. Лексикология английского языка М.:Дрофа, 1999.
7. Елисеева В.В. Лексикология английского языка. - СПб.: СПбГУ, 2003. - 58с.
8. Заботкина В.И. Новая лексика современного английского языка. М., 1989.
9. Звегинцев В.А. Семасиология. М., 1957.
10. Минаева Л.В. Лексикология и лексикография английского языка. - М.: СТУПЕНИ, 2003. - 224с.
11. Никитин М.В. Лексическое значение слова. М., 1983.
12. Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка. - М., 1956.
13. Уфимцева А.А. Лексическое значение. М., 1986.
14. Харитончик З.А. Лексикология английского языка: Учеб. пособие. - Мн.: Выш. шк., 1992. - 229с.
15. Языкознание. Больщой энциклопедический словарь/Гл. ред. В.Н. Ярцева. - 2-е изд. - М.:Большая российская энциклопедия, 1998 - 685с.
16. Arnold I.V. The English Word. M., 1986.
17. Cruise. “Lexical semantic” Cambridge University press, 1995.
18. Griberg S.I. “Exercises in Modern English”. Moscow, 1980.
19. Mednikova E.M. “Seminars in English Lexicology” Moscow “Vyshaja shkola”, 1978.
20. Nida, Eugene. Componential Analysis of Meaning. An Introduction to Semantic Structures. The Hague --Paris, 1975.
21. Rinaburg R. “A course in Modern English”. Moscow, 1976.
22. Zagoruiko A.Y. Lectures on Modern English Lexicology, 2005.
23. http://www.etymonline.com/
24. http://dictionary.reference.com/
25. W. Somerset Maugham. Sixty-Five Short Stories. 1988
Приложение 1
Происхождение и развитие значений слова «money» по этимологическому словарю:
c.1290, "coinage, metal currency," from O.Fr. moneie, from L. moneta "mint, coinage," from Moneta, a title of the Roman goddess Juno, in or near whose temple money was coined; perhaps from monere "advise, warn" (see monitor), with the sense of "admonishing goddess," which is sensible, but the etymology is difficult. Extended early 19c. to include paper money. To make money "earn pay" is first attested 1457. Highwayman's threat your money or your life first attested 1841. Phrase in the money (1902) originally meant "one who finishes among the prize-winners" (in a horse race, etc.). The challenge to put (one's) money where (one's) mouth is is first recorded 1942. Moneybags "rich person" is from 1818; money-grub "one who is sordidly intent on amassing money" is from 1768.
Значения слова «money» в современном словаре:
1.any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.
2.paper money.
3.gold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public authority and issued as a medium of exchange and measure of value.
4.any article or substance used as a medium of exchange, measure of wealth, or means of payment, as checks on demand deposit or cowrie.
5.a particular form or denomination of currency.
6.money of account.
7.capital to be borrowed, loaned, or invested: mortgage money.
8.an amount or sum of money: Did you bring some money?
9.wealth considered in terms of money: She was brought up with money.
10.moneys or monies, Chiefly Law. pecuniary sums.
11.property considered with reference to its pecuniary value.
12.pecuniary profit: not for love or money.
13.of or pertaining to money.
14.used for carrying, keeping, or handling money: Have you seen my little money purse?
15.of or pertaining to capital or finance: the money business.
Приложение 2
Происхождение и развитие значений слова «hour» по этимологическому словарю:
c.1250, from O.Fr. hore "one-twelfth of a day" (sunrise to sunset),from L. hora "hour, time, season," from Gk. hora "any limited time," used of day, hour, season, year; cognate O.E. gear "year" (see year). Greeks borrowed the notion of dividing the day into hours from the Babylonians, but the Babylonian hour was one-twelfth of the whole day and thus twice as long as a modern hour. The Greeks divided only the period of light into 12 parts, and the Romans adopted the system from them. Night was not similarly divided till much later, and thus the period of time covered by an hour varied according to the season. In 16c. distinction sometimes was made between temporary (unequal) hours and sidereal (equal) ones. The h- has persisted in this word despite not being pronounced since Roman times. Replaced O.E. tid, lit. "time," and stund "period of time." Hourglass is from 1515.
Значения слова «hour» в современном словаре:
1.a period of time equal to one twenty-fourth of a mean solar or civil day and equivalent to 60 minutes.
2.any specific one of these 24 periods, usually reckoned in two series of 12, one series from midnight to noon and the second from noon to midnight, but sometimes reckoned in one series of 24, from midnight to midnight: He slept for the hour between 2 and 3 a.m. The hour for the bombardment was between 1300 and 1400.
3.any specific time of day; the time indicated by a timepiece.
4.a short or limited period of time: He savored his hour of glory.
5.a particular or appointed time.
6.a customary or usual time.
7.the present time: the man of the hour.
a.time spent in an office, factory, or the like, or for work, study, etc.: The doctor's hours were from 10 to 4. What an employee does after hours is his or her own business.
b.customary time of going to bed and getting up: to keep late hours.
c.(in the Christian church) the seven stated times of the day for prayer and devotion.
d.the offices or services prescribed for these times.
e.a book containing them.
9.distance normally covered in an hour's traveling: We live about an hour from the city.
10.Astronomy. a unit of measure of right ascension representing 15°, or the twenty-fourth part of a great circle.
11.a single period, as of class instruction or therapeutic consultation, usually lasting from 40 to 55 minutes. Compare clock-hour.
12.Education. Also called credit hour. one unit of academic credit, usually representing attendance at one scheduled period of instruction per week throughout a semester, quarter, or term.
13.the Hours, Classical Mythology. the Horae.
14.of, pertaining to, or noting an hour.
Приложение 3
Происхождение и развитие значений слова «foot» по этимологическому словарю:
O.E. fot, from P.Gmc. *fot (cf. O.N. fotr, Du. voet, Ger. FuЯ, Goth. fotus "foot"), from PIE *pod-/*ped- (cf. Avestan pad-; Skt. pat, acc. padam "foot;" Gk. pos, Attic pous, gen. podos; L. pes, gen. pedis "foot;" Lith. padas "sole," peda "footstep"). Plural form feet is an instance of i-mutation. Of a bed, grave, etc., first recorded 1300. The linear measurement of 12 inches is first recorded in O.E., from the length of a man's foot. To foot a bill is attested from 1848, from the process of tallying the expenses and writing the figure at the bottom ("foot") of the bill. Theatrical footlights is first attested 1836; footnote is from 1841. Colloquial exclamation my foot! expressing "contemptuous contradiction" is first attested 1923, probably a euphemism for my ass, in the same sense, which dates back to 1796. The metrical foot (O.E., translating L. pes, Gk. pous in the same sense) is commonly taken as a reference to keeping time by tapping the foot. To get off on the right foot is from 1909; to put one's best foot foremost first recorded 1849.
Значения слова «foot» в современном словаре:
1.(in vertebrates) the terminal part of the leg, below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves.
2.(in invertebrates) any part similar in position or function.
3.such a part considered as the organ of locomotion.
4.a unit of length, originally derived from the length of the human foot. It is divided into 12 inches and equal to 30.48 centimeters. Abbreviation: ft., f.
5.foot soldiers; infantry.
6.walking or running motion; pace: swift of foot.
7.quality or character of movement or motion; tread; step.
8.any part or thing resembling a foot, as in function, placement, shape, etc.
a.a shaped or ornamented feature terminating a leg at its lower part.
b.any of several short legs supporting a central shaft, as of a pedestal table.
10.a rim, flange, or flaring part, often distinctively treated, serving as a base for a table furnishing or utensil, as a glass, teapot, or candlestick.
11.the part of a stocking, sock, etc., covering the foot.
12.the lowest part, or bottom, of anything, as of a hill, ladder, page, etc.
13.a supporting part; base.
14.the part of anything opposite the top or head.
15.the end of a bed, grave, etc., toward which the feet are placed.
16.Printing. the part of the type body that forms the sides of the groove, at the base.
17.the last, as of a series.
18.that which is written at the bottom, as the total of an account.
19.Prosody. a group of syllables constituting a metrical unit of a verse.
20.Usually, foots.
a.sediment or dregs.
21.Nautical. the lower edge of a sail.
-verb (used without object)
22.to walk; go on foot (often fol. by it):
23.to move the feet rhythmically, as to music or in dance (often fol. by it).
24.(of vessels) to move forward; sail: to foot briskly across the open water.
-verb (used with object)
25.to walk or dance on: footing the cobblestones of the old city.
26.to perform (a dance): cavaliers footing a galliard.
27.to traverse on or as if on foot.
28.to make or attach a foot to: to foot a stocking.
29.to pay or settle: I always end up footing the bill.
30.to add (a column of figures) and set the sum at the foot (often fol. by up).
31.to seize with talons, as a hawk.
32.to establish.
33.Archaic. to kick.
34.Obsolete. to set foot on.
Приложение 4
Происхождение и развитие значений слова «paper» по этимологическому словарю:
mid-14c., from Anglo-Fr. paper, O.Fr. papier, from L. papyrus "paper, paper made of papyrus stalks" (see papyrus). As shortened form of newspaper, first attested 1640s. In plural, "collection of papers to establish one's identity, credentials, etc.," it is attested from 1680s. The verb meaning "to decorate a room with paper hangings" is attested from 1774. Paperless is attested from 1971. Paper chase is British slang from 1932. Paper tiger (1952) translates Chinese tsuh lao fu, popularized by Mao Zedong.
Значения слова «paper» в современном словаре:
1.a substance made from wood pulp, rags, straw, or other fibrous material, usually in thin sheets, used to bear writing or printing, for wrapping things, etc.
2.a piece, sheet, or leaf of this.
3.something resembling this substance, as papyrus.
4.a written or printed document or the like.
5.stationery; writing paper.
6.a newspaper or journal.
7.an essay, article, or dissertation on a particular topic:
8.Often, papers. a document establishing or verifying identity, status, or the like: citizenship papers.
9.negotiable notes, bills, etc., as commercial paper or paper money.
10.a promissory note.
a.Nautical. ship's papers.
b.rolling paper.
13.toilet paper.
14.a sheet or card of paper with pins or needles stuck through it in rows.
15.a set of questions for an examination, an individual set of written answers to them, or any written piece of schoolwork.
16.Slang. a free pass to an entertainment.
-verb (used with object)
17.to cover with wallpaper or apply wallpaper to.
18.to line or cover with paper.
19.to distribute handbills, posters, etc., throughout:
20.to fold, enclose, or wrap in paper.
21.to supply with paper.
22.Informal. to deluge with documents, esp. those requiring one to comply with certain technical procedures, as a means of legal harassment.
23.Slang. to fill (a theater or the like) with spectators by giving away free tickets or passes.
a.to write or set down on paper.
b.to describe in writing.
-verb (used without object)
25.to apply wallpaper to walls.
26.made of paper or paperlike material: a paper bag.
27.paperlike; thin, flimsy, or frail.
28.of, pertaining to, or noting routine clerical duties.
29.pertaining to or carried on by means of letters, articles, books, etc.: a paper war.
30.written or printed on paper.
31.existing in theory or principle only and not in reality: paper profits.
32.indicating the first event of a series, as a wedding anniversary.
33.Slang. including many patrons admitted on free passes, as an audience for a theatrical performance: It's a paper house tonight.
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