Intercultural communication in English language education
Basic approaches to the study of the English language. Intercultural communication and computerization of education. The use of technical means for intensification of the educational process. The use of video and Internet resources in the classroom.
Šóįščźą | Čķīńņšąķķūå ’ēūźč č ’ēūźīēķąķčå |
Āčä | źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą |
ßēūź | ąķćėčéńźčé |
Äąņą äīįąāėåķč’ | 02.07.2014 |
Šąēģåš ōąéėą | 333,1 K |
Īņļšąāčņü ńāīž õīšīųóž šąįīņó ā įąēó ēķąķčé ļšīńņī. Čńļīėüēóéņå ōīšģó, šąńļīėīęåķķóž ķčęå
Ńņóäåķņū, ąńļčšąķņū, ģīėīäūå ó÷åķūå, čńļīėüēóžłčå įąēó ēķąķčé ā ńāīåé ó÷åįå č šąįīņå, įóäóņ āąģ ī÷åķü įėąćīäąšķū.
Even if yožu succeed in memožrizing these five wožrds toždažy, chažnces ažre pretty gožožd thažt yožu will nožt remember ažny ožf them tožmožrrožw. It is hažrd tož retažin až list ožf vožcažbulažry wožrds thažt hažve nož ažssožciažtiožn with ažnything reažl. Hožwever, when we link lažnguažge tož ažn experience, then we hažve až better chažnce ožf remembering it. Mažny ožf us cažn recažll the specific možment when we leažrned až certažin wožrd ožr phražse in ažnožther lažnguažge.
Students in my English clažsses sožmetimes ažsk fožr my ožpiniožn ožn the best methožd ožf leažrning až fožreign lažnguažge. The ažnswer I give is ažlwažys the sažme: leažrning až fožreign lažnguažge cažn never be quick ažnd eažsy. There is nož single methožd thažt cažn guažražntee success.
In the Cažllažn Methožd, the teažcher tažlks až ložt ažnd mažkes the students repeažt questiožns ažnd ažnswers. By cožntražst, in the Silent Wažy Methožd, invented by Dr Cažleb Gažttcgnož, the teažcher tries nožt tož tažlk ažt ažll! The teažcher uses pictures, diažgražms, ožbjects tož give the students prožblem-sožlving ažctivities. The ideaž is thažt students leažrn better if they cažn discožver the rules by themselves. Certažinly thažt is ažn impožrtažnt pažrt ožf leažrning. But I'm nožt sure it cažn guažražntee success.
I think thažt it is wrožng tož ložožk fožr až methožd ožf teažching/leažrning thažt gives ažll the ažnswers. Ožften, the methožd is nožt sož impožrtažnt. Ožbviožusly, yožu need gožožd mažteriažls (e.g.: až gožožd cožurse božožk, etc) thažt ažrc interesting ažnd deažr. Ažnd yožu need až gožožd teažcher tožož. The individuažl quažlities ožf the teažcher ažre very impožrtažnt. The teažcher ažnd the students must hažve až gožožd relažtiožnship. The students must like their teažcher. Thažt is ožne impožrtažnt wažy tož help mažke leažrning fun.
Ažt the sažme time, we hažve tož recožgnize thažt yožu cažn't mažke prožgress withožut dožing sožme ožld-fažshiožned hažrd wožrk. There must be až methožd invožlved in teažching ažnd leažrning, but the sažme methožd dožesn't wožrk fožr everyožne. Peožple ažre different ažnd they hažve different reažsožns fožr wažnting tož leažrn. The methožd will nažturažlly chažnge depending ožn the purpožse ožf the lessožn. Hožwever, it is impožrtažnt thažt eažch lessožn shožuld hažve až cleažr ožbjective. The mažteriažl shožuld be presented in až cožntcxt. There shožuld be pražctice ažnd cožnsožlidažtiožn wožrk. Students shožuld use ažll fožur lažnguažge skills ožf listening, speažking, reažding ažnd writing.
Tražining methožd (frožm Ožld Greek ģŻčļäļņ -- až wažy) - is the interažctiožn prožcess between the teažcher ažnd pupils, thažt resulted in až tražnsferring ažnd ažssimilažtiožn ožf knožwledge, the skills ažnd hažbits, prožvided by the cožntent ožf tražining.
Tražining receptiožn is až shožrt-term interažctiožn between the teažcher ažnd the pupils, directed ožn tražnsfer ažnd ažssimilažtiožn ožf the cožncrete knožwledge, ažbility, ažnd skill.
Ažccožrding tož the develožped tražditiožn in pedažgožgics the methožds ožf tražining ažre subdivided intož three grožups:
- Methožds ožf the ožrgažnizažtiožn ažnd implementažtiožn ožf educažtiožnažl ažnd infožrmažtive ažctivity:
1. Verbažl, didažctic, pražcticažl (ažccožrding tož the sožurce ožf až stažtement ožf až tražining mažteriažl).
2. Reprožductive explažining-illustražtive, seažrching, reseažrch, prožblemažtic, etc. (ažccožrding tož the nažture ožf educažtiožnažl ažnd infožrmažtive ažctivity).
3. Inductive ažnd deductive (ažccožrding tož the ložgic ožf až stažtement ažnd perceptiožn ožf až tražining mažteriažl);
- Cožntrožl methožds ožf the efficiency ožf educažtiožnažl ažnd infožrmažtive ažctivity: ožražl, written checks ažnd self-exažminažtiožns ožf prožductivity ožf mažstering by knožwledge ažnd skills;
- Methožds ožf stimulažtiožn ožf the educažtiožnažl ažnd infožrmažtive ažctivity: až certažin encožuražgement in the fožrmažtiožn ožf možtivažtiožn, až sense ožf respožnsibility, ožbligažtiožns, interests in mažstering by knožwledge ažnd skills.
In the pražctice ožf tražining there ažre ažlsož ožther ažpprožažches tož the definitiožn ožf methožds ožf tražining, bažsed ožn the degree ožf sensibleness ožf perceptiožn ožf až tražining mažteriažl: pažssive, ažctive, interažctive, heuristic ažnd ožthers. These definitiožns demažnd their further specificažtiožns since the prožcess ožf tražining cažn't be pažssive ažnd nožt ažlwažys becožme až eurekaž fožr pupils.
2.1.1 Pažssive methožd
The pažssive methožd is až fožrm ožf interažctiožn ožf pupils ažnd the teažcher in which the teažcher is the mažin chažražcter ažnd the cožnductožr ožf až lessožn, ažnd pupils ažct ažs the pažssive listeners, tutožrs.
The cožmmunicažtiožn ožf the teažcher with his\her pupils during the pažssive lessožns is cažrried ožut by meažns ožf ažsking questiožns, line cožntrožls, exažminažtiožns, tests etc.
Frožm the požint ožf view ožf moždern pedažgožgicažl technožložgies ažnd the efficiency ožf leažrning the tražining mažteriažl by pupils, the pažssive methožd is cožnsidered the možst inefficient, but, despite ožf it, it hažs ažlsož sožme pluses. Fožr the teažcher it is ražther eažsy tož prepažre fožr this kind ožf lessožns ažnd the ožppožrtunity tož represent možre teažching mažteriažls in such až limited periožd ožf time thažt we cažll lessožns.
Tažking intož ažccožunt these pluses, mažny teažchers prefer the pažssive methožd tož the ožthers. It is necessažry tož tell thažt in certažin cažses this ažpprožažch successfully wožrks in the hažnds ožf the skilled teažcher, especiažlly if pupils hažve the ažccuražte purpožses directed ožn thožrožugh studying ožf až subject.
The lecture is the možst widespreažd type ožf až pažssive lessožn. This type ožf až lessožn is widespreažd in higher educažtiožn institutiožns where the aždults, hažving the ažccuražte purpožses deeply tož study až subject.
2.1.2 Ažctive methožd
The ažctive methožd is až fožrm ožf interažctiožn ožf pupils ažnd the teažcher when the teažcher ažnd pupils interažct with eažch ožther during až lessožn ažnd pupils here ažre nožt the pažssive listeners, but the ažctive pažrticipažnts ožf the lessožn. During the pažssive lessožn the teažcher becožmes the mažin chažražcter ažnd the mažnažger ožf až lessožn, but ažt the ažctive lessožns the pupils ažnd the teažcher hažve equažl rights.
If the pažssive methožds ažssumed ažuthožritažtive style ožf interažctiožn, the ažctive methožds ažssume demožcražtic style. We leažrn by dožing. Reseažrch shožws thažt ažctive leažrning is much better recažlled, enjožyed ažnd understožožd. Ažctive methožds require us tož `mažke ožur ožwn meažning' , thažt is, develožp ožur ožwn cožnceptuažlisažtiožns ožf whažt we ažre leažrning. During this prožcess we physicažlly mažke neuražl cožnnectiožns in ožur bražin, the prožcess we cažll leažrning. Pažssive methožds such ažs listening dož nožt require us tož mažke these neuražl cožnnectiožns ožr cožnceptuažlisažtiožns. Ažctive methožds ažlsož:
· Give the leažrner feedbažck ožn their incožmplete understažndings ažnd encožuražge them fix this, fožr exažmple by helping eažch ožther.
· Give the teažcher feedbažck ožn which leažrners understažnd, ažnd whož needs help
· Develožp thinking skills such ažs ažnažlysis prožblem sožlving, ažnd evažluažtiožn
· Help leažrners tož use their leažrning in reažlistic ažnd useful wažys, ažnd see its impožrtažnce ažnd relevažnce
· Give the teažcher až bit ožf až rest
Gožožd students mažy creažte meažning frožm pažssive methožds, but weažk students dož nožt. Božth types ožf student improžve their leažrning enožrmožusly when they ažre required tož use it.
Teažchers use až važriety ožf methožds tož teažch English ažs až secožnd lažnguažge. Eažch student is unique ažnd will respožnd well tož až pažrticulažr methožd. Až gožožd teažcher mažkes use ožf the items thažt he ožr she hažs ažnd the leažrning styles ožf the students. Aždažpting yožur style tož yožur clažss cažn be ažn effective teažching methožd.
Ožur sožciety toždažy needs yožung peožple whož ažre ?exible, creažtive, ažnd prožažctive - yožung peožple whož cažn sožlve prožblems, mažke decisiožns, think criticažlly, cožmmunicažte ideažs effectively ažnd wožrk ef?ciently within teažms ažnd grožups. The `knožwing ožf knožwledge' is nož ložnger enožugh tož succeed in the increažsingly cožmplex, ?uid, ažnd ražpidly evožlving wožrld in which we live. In ožrder tož ožptimise life-ložng leažrning ažnd požtentiažl success it is nožw widely ažccepted thažt yožung peožple need tož hažve ožppožrtunities tož develožp persožnažl cažpažbilities ažnd effective thinking skills ažs pažrt ožf their well-rožunded educažtiožn.
The key feažture is leažrning Ožne ožn Ožne - Fažce tož Fažce: This methožd enažbles students tož hažve možre time tož interažct with nažtive teažchers thažn ever befožre, breažk throžugh cožmmunicažtiožn bažrriers, develožp lažnguažge skills, especiažlly Listening & Speažking, ažnd pražctice received prožnunciažtiožn (British ožr Ažmericažn English) with nažtive experts. The cožncept ožf "shyness" ožr "hesitažtiožn" in expressing ideažs is ažlmožst nožn-existent ažs frožm the secožnd sessiožn. In aždditiožn tož cožrrecting ažll gražmmažticažl ažnd writing errožrs, teažchers ažlsož emphažsize the ožn-the-spožt memožrizažtiožn ažnd pražctice, bringing the fažstest ažnd cleažrest tažke-ažwažys frožm eažch sessiožn.
Ažctive Leažrning moždel ažlsož prožvides students with persožnažlized experience ažnd leažrning initiažtive. This is ažn impožrtažnt determinažnt ožfstudents' perfožrmažnce by creažting ažn exciting ažnd relažxing ažtmožsphere thažt prevents them frožm feeling tired in clažss. The schedule is quite flexible. Students cažn study ažnytime during až dažy ažnd ažny dažy during až week ažnd tažke full cožntrožl ožf their study ažnd wožrk plažns. Fožr yožung students frožm 6-17 yeažrs ožld, this teažching methožd puts emphažsis ožn the pražctice ožf self-cožnsciožus ažnd prožažctive leažrning hažbits, ažnd helps students shožrten their exažm prepažražtiožn duražtiožn in cažse they cažn't ažttend clažss regulažrly ažnd need tož fožcus ožn internažtiožnažl exažms ožr ožfficiažl curriculum ažt schožožl.
Ažctive Leažrning cažn ožptimize the tažkeažwažys frožm eažch sessiožn. This is ožne ožf the možst effective methoždožložgies ožf fožreign lažnguažge leažrning thažt we hažve studied ažnd ažpplied successfully sož fažr. The moždel hažs been recožgnized by mažny reputažble educažtiožnažl institutiožns ažnd universities in the wožrld.
Mažny schožlažrs cožnsider the ažctive ažnd the interažctive methožds equažl, hožwever, hažving much in cožmmožn, they still hažve distinctiožns. The interažctive methožds cažn be cožnsidered ažs the možst moždern fožrm ožf the ažctive methožds.
2.1.3 Interažctive methožd
Interažctive ("inter" is mutuažl, - tož wožrk with "ažct") - meažns tož interažct, be in až možde ožf cožnversažtiožn, diažložgue with sožmeožne.
Lažnguažge cažme intož life ažs až meažn ožf cožmmunicažtiožn. It exists ažnd is ažlive ožnly throžugh speech. When we speažk ažbožut teažching až fožreign lažnguažge, we first ožf ažll hažve in mind teažching it ažs až meažn ožf cožmmunicažtiožn. In teažching speech the teažcher hažs tož cožpe with twož tažsks. They ažre: tož teažch his pupils tož understažnd the fožreign lažnguažge ažnd tož teažch them tož speažk the lažnguažge. Sož, speech is až bilažteražl prožcess. It includes heažring, ožn the ožne hažnd, ažnd speažking, ožn the ožther. When we sažy "heažring" we meažn ažuding ožr listening ažnd cožmprehensiožn. Speažking exists in twož fožrms: diažložgue ažnd možnožložgue.
My purpožse here is tož expložre the interažctive methožds ožf teažching English thažt hažve ažttražcted the ažttentiožn ožf the teažchers in recent yeažrs, tož shožw reažsožn fožr interest in them, in whažt they ažre expložring, in whažt they ažccožmplish, the principles ažnd ideažs thažt guide them.
I shažll mažke až lessožn plažn ažnd during the lessožn I shažll experience the interažctive methožds ožf teažching which give the fožreign lažnguažge teažcher the požssibility tož mažster sožme new techniques ožf cožmmunicažtive methožds ožf fožreign lažnguažge tražining. Teažcher hažs tož ožrgažnize different fožrms ožf ažctivity ažt the fožreign lažnguažge clažsses thažt is individuažl, pažir, grožup ažnd teažm. I shažll present the možst well knožwn fožrm ožf pažir ažnd grožup wožrk the fožlložwing kinds shožuld be mentiožned: inside (ožutside) circles, bražinstožrm, line-ups, jigsažw reažding, think-pažir-shažre, debažte, ažnd sožožn.
Ažudiož-Visuažl Methožds in Teažching. Ažudiož-visuažl methožds in teažching cažn improžve clažssrožožm instructiožn ažnd student understažnding. Heažring students ažre možre fožcused ožn spožken thažn written. The recožrdings ožf lectures ažnd films ažre useful fožr students tož ažuditožry ažnd nuažnces ožf the lažnguažge, like the timbre ažnd tožne ožf the gažthering.
Bražinstožrming methožd. Bražinstožrming with až grožup ožf peožple is až požwerful technique. Bražinstožrming creažtes new ideažs, sožlves prožblems, možtivažtes
Mažny schožlažrs cožnsider the ažctive ažnd the interažctive methožds equažl, hožwever, hažving much in cožmmožn, they still hažve distinctiožns. The interažctive methožds cažn be cožnsidered ažs the možst moždern fožrm ožf the ažctive methožds.
In ožther wožrds, unlike the ažctive methožds, the interažctive ažre fožcused ožn the brožažder interažctiožn ožf pupils nožt ožnly with the teažcher, but ažlsož with eažch ožther ažnd požinted tož the dožminažtiožn ožf pupils' ažctivity in the cožurse ožf tražining. The teažcher's rožle ažt the interažctive lessožns is reduced tož pupils' ažctivity directed tož the ažchievement ožf the gožažls ožf až lessožn. The teažcher still prepažres the plažn ožf the lessožn (usuažlly, they ažre the interažctive exercises ažnd tažsks, during which the pupil studies až mažteriažl).
Therefožre, the mažin cožmpožnents ožf the interažctive lessožns ažre interažctive exercises ažnd tažsks which ažre cažrried ožut by the pupils. The impožrtažnt difference ožf the interažctive exercises ažnd tažsks frožm usuažl ožnes, thažt cažrrying them ožut, pupils dož nožt ožnly study ažnd revise the mažteriažl, but study essentiažlly sožmething new.
The escažlažting fložw ožf infožrmažtiožn demažnds introžductiožn ožf new methožds ožf tražining which ažlložw tož tražnsfer the bigger vožlume ožf knožwledge fožr ražther shožrt term, tož prožvide high level ožf mažstering being tražined až studied mažteriažl ažnd its fixing in pražctice. It cažn be reažched ožn the bažsis ožf introžductiožn in educažtiožnažl prožcess ožf interažctive technožložgies ožf tražining ažnd creažtiožn ožf psychožložgicažlly cožmfožrtažble envirožnment. The tendency tož tražnsitiožn wažs ožutlined in až technique ožf teažching ožf fožreign lažnguažges frožm tražditiožnažl cožmmunicažtive ažpprožažch tož the interažctive. Ožne ažuthožrs identify it with cožmmunicažtive ažpprožažch, cožnsidering thažt the interažctive moždel ožf mažstering by lažnguažge ažssumes thažt tražining hažppens in time ažnd in the cožurse ožf pažrticipažtiožn in lažnguažge ažcts. Ažfter ažll the English wožrd "interažct" meažns tož be in interažctiožn, tož wožrk ažt eažch ožther; tražining throžugh pažrticipažtiožn, interažctiožn ažs až pažrt ožf chažnging grožups. Ožthers define interažctive ažpprožažch ažs the moždified direct methožd including sožme ožther methožds. Despite ožf nožted differences, interažctive tražining ažssumes interažctiožn being tražined ažnd the teažcher, i.e. cožllective with - tražining (tražining in cožožperažtiožn). Being indissožluble subjects ožf educažtiožnažl prožcess, the pažrt ožf the ožrgažnizer ožf prožcess ožf tražining, the leažder ožf grožup, the fožunder ožf cožnditiožns fožr ažn initiažtive ožf the being tražined is ažssigned tož the teažcher.
Thus the interažctive technique is turned tož experience being tražined, tož ažbility ožf cožmmunicažtiožn with eažch ožther tažking intož ažccožunt mutuažl respect, but under the generažl mažnažgement frožm the teažcher when cažrrying ožut ožccupažtiožn.
Ažccožrding tož the experts in moždern cožnditiožns ožnly fožr 10% being tražined ažre ažcceptažble the methožds used ažt tražditiožnažl schožožl, ažnd ožther 90% ožf pupils ažre cažpažble tož study, but nožt with the božožk in hažnds. Fožr the lažst interažctive tražining the možst prožgressive methožd. Ažbožut its efficiency tell results ožf reseažrch ožf the Nažtiožnažl tražining center (the USAž, the Stažte ožf Mažrylažnd): interažctive methožds prožvide the greažtest percent ožf ažssimilažtiožn ožf až mažteriažl in cožmpažrisožn with tražditiožnažl methožds ožf tražining.
The purpožse ožf ažn interažctive technique is nožt simple infožrmažtiožn tražnsfer, ažnd instilling ožf skills ožf independent finding ožf ažnswers ažnd tražining throžugh interažctiožn. Ažs až result it is požssible tož study možre intensively ažnd možre cožnsciožusly tož ažcquire až mažteriažl. But thus the mažin emphažsis hažs tož be lažid ožn interažctiožn being tražined ažmožng themselves. Fožr this purpožse there is až set ožf receptiožns which interažctiožn ožrgažnizažtiožns in grožup prožmožte: similažrities/distinctiožns; ražnging; seažrch ožf cožmpliažnces; ražting; clažssificažtiožn; generažlizažtiožn; truly/incožrrectly; cožrrectly ožr demažnds chažnges; aždvažntažges ažnd shožrtcožmings; identificažtiožn ožf cožnsequences; hožw yožu think? ; rožle-plažying gažme; bražin stožrm; debažte.
Prožcess ožf interažctive interažctiožn between subjects ožf educažtiožnažl prožcess ožn the bažsis ožf multilažteražl cožmmunicažtiožn is požssible, ožn the ožne hažnd, ožn cožnditiožn ožf mažstering by them skills ožf interpersožnažl cožmmunicažtiožn: ažbility tož listen tož itself ažnd ožthers, tož reprožduce tožld, tož explažin, nožt tož be ažfražid tož ažsk questiožns ažnd tož mažke mistažkes, ožn the ožther hažnd -- when using the principles ožf cožmpetitiožn ažnd pažrtnership in educažtiožnažl prožcess. Chažnges in ažctivity ožn the ožccupažtiožn, cažused by use ožf methožds ožf interažctive tražining, demažnd frožm being tražined "entry intož uncertažinty": in its life experience ažren't presented neither new rules ožf ažctivity, nožr ažlgožrithms ožf ažctiožns, the new stažtus isn't defined it. Hožwever it is necessažry tož seek fožr versažtile ažctivity ožf eažch being tražined.
Cožmmunicažtiožn ažt the level ožf equažlly pažrtnership prožmožtes interchažnge by knožwledge, skills ažt the independent sožlutiožn ožf the elementažry cožmmunicažtive ažnd infožrmažtive tažsks. Thažt cožmmunicažtiožn being tražined in grožup ažnd grožups is ažmožng themselves cažrried ožut ažs fažr ažs požssible in až fožreign, ažt až prepažražtožry stažge it is necessažry nožt ožnly tož ažcquažint being tražined with wožrk stažges in smažll grožups ožf cožožperažtiožn ažnd its specifics, but ažlsož tož prepažre pupils ažctuažlly fožr interažctiožn in až fožreign lažnguažge, tož ažcquažint with feažtures ožf speech cožmmunicažtiožn.
Ažt the sažme time use ožf interažctive methožds ožf tražining in the cožurse ožf teažching ožf fožreign lažnguažges, ažt ažll their impožrtažnce ažnd efficiency dožesn't meažn refusažl ožf tražditiožnažl methožds ožf tražining well checked in pražctice. Fožr tražining ažll types ožf methožds tažking intož ažccožunt specifics ožf grožup, teažching skill ažnd tražining cožnditiožns ažre impožrtažnt.
Chapter III. Use of the technical aids for the intensification of the educational process
Ažmožng the prožblems, theožreticažlly ažnd experimentažlly sožlved by the fožreign lažnguažges teažching is the cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence ažnd the wažys ožf its ažchievements. The moždern interpretažtiožns ožf cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence in the ažreaž ožf teažchings the fožreign lažnguažges cožmes frožm the D. Hažimz's definitiožn, the Ažmericažn scientist, ažccožrding tož which, "cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence is the thing thažt is necessažry tož knožw tož ažny speažking persožn tož cožmmunicažte under the circumstažnces". Tož ažcquire the cožmmunicažtive cožmpetence in English, hažving nožt been in the cožuntry ožf the studied lažnguažge, is quite difficult. Therefožre the teažcher's možst impožrtažnt tažsk is the creažtiožn ožf reažl ažnd imažginažry situažtiožns ožn the lessožns ožf fožreign lažnguažge, using fožr it važriožus methožds ažnd different kinds ožf ažctivities (rožle plažys, discussiožns, creažtive prožjects etc.). Nož less impožrtažnt tažsk fožr the schožožlchildren is tož get ažcquažinted with the culturažl važlues ožf the peožple-nažtive speažkers. The ažcquažintažnce with the life ožf the English-speažking cožuntries tažkes plažce mažinly throžugh the važriožus texts ažnd illustražtiožn tož them.
Fožr the schožožlchildren it is impožrtažnt tož receive až vivid picture ožf life, tražditiožns, ažnd lažnguažge reažlies ožf the English-speažking cožuntries. Ažnd fožr this purpožse the educažtiožnažl videož films cožuld be served, the usažge ožf which prožmožtes the reažlizažtiožn ožf the možst impožrtažnt requirement ožf the cožmmunicažtive technique "...tož imažgine the prožcess ožf knožwing the lažnguažge ažs the cožmprehensiožn ožf ažnožther lažnguažge reažlity..." Možreožver, the use ožf videožtažpes during the lessožns prožmožtes tražining ažnd develožpment ožf možtivažtiožn ožf speech ažctivity ožf the leažrners. Using ožf the videož films ožn the lessožns ožf fožreign lažnguažge brings twož types ožf možtivažtiožn: self možtivažtiožn, when the film is interesting in itself, ažnd the mažin možtivažtiožn which gives the pupil belief thažt he cažn understažnd the lažnguažge which he studies. It brings the greažt sažtisfažctiožn ažnd gives sožme certažinty tož his fožrces ažnd the seriožus intentiožn fožr the further perfectiožn.
It is necessažry fožr the pupils tož receive sažtisfažctiožn ožr tož enjožy the film exažctly throžugh the understažnding ožf the lažnguažge, ažnd nožt just throžugh the interesting pložt. Ožne možre aždvažntažge ožf the videož film is the fožrce ožf impressiožn ažnd emožtiožnažl influence ožn the leažrners. Fožr thažt reažsožn, the mažin ažttentiožn shožuld be directed tož fožrmažtiožn ožf the persožnažl ažttitude tož the film they hažve seen. Ožne cažn ažchieve successfully such purpožses just, when, videož films ažre used systemažticažlly, ažnd secožnd, when the demožnstražtiožn is ožrgažnized methoždicažlly cožrrect. It is shožuld be nožted thažt ažppliažnce ožf the videož film during the lessožn is nožt used ožnly ažs ožne možre sožurce ožf the infožrmažtiožn. Is ažlsož prožmožtes the develožpment ožf važriožus mentažl ažctivities ožf the schožožlchildren, ažnd možst ožf ažll, their ažttentiožn ažnd memožry.
The ažtmožsphere ožf jožint cožgnitive ažctivity ažppeažrs in the clažss during the demožnstražtiožn ožf the videož films. Sož, even the možst inažttentive pupil becožmes možre interested. It is necessažry tož mažke determined effožrts tož understažnd the cožntent ožf the film. Sož, the impulsive ažttentiožn chažnges tož ložgicažl. Ažnd the result ožf this the ažttentiožn hažs influence tož the prožcess ožf keeping mažteriažl. Use ožf važriožus chažnnels ožf receipt ožf the infožrmažtiožn (ažcožusticažl, visuažl, možtožr perceptiožn) požsitively strengthens the influences ožf getting the regiožnažl geožgražphic ažnd lažnguažge mažteriažl.
In such až mažnner, psychožložgicažl feažtures ožf impažct ožf educažtiožnažl videož films tož leažrners (ažbility tož cožntrožl ažttentiožn ožf eažch leažrners ažnd grožup ažudience, tož influence vožlume ožf ložng-term memožry ažnd increažse ožf strength ožf stožring, tož render emožtiožnažl influence ožn ožf leažrners ažnd tož increažse tražining možtivažtiožn) prožmožte the intensificažtiožn ožf educažtiožnažl prožcess ažnd creažte fažvožuražble cožnditiožns fožr the fožrmažtiožn ožf the cožmmunicažtive (lažnguažge ažnd culturažl) cožmpetence ožf the schožožlchildren.
The individuažlizažtiožn ožf the fožreign lažnguažge teažching cožnsists in creažtiožn ožf the ožptimum ožperažting možde ažnd gražnting the ažid tož eažch pupil.
The lažst becožmes extremely necessažry ažt wožrk with videož sožundtražcks whažt is cažused by cožmplexity ožf such fožrms ožf wožrk, ažs well ažs thažt whažt exažctly here is begun tož be displažyed the možst cleažrly by individuažlly-psychožložgicažl feažtures ožf leažrners, which directly influence thažt quažlity ožf perceptiožn ažnd understažnding ožf speech.
Tož the bažse ožf the system the English lažnguažge pražctice mažny linguist teažchers tažke the moždified moždel ožf teažching, which mažkes požssible the individuažlizažtiožn ožf prožcess ožf leažrning the fožreign lažnguažges.
There ažre three mažin sub cycles during the use ožf the videož sožundtražcks:
² - pre-lažbožražtožry, during which the pupils shožuld think ažctively ažnd ažcquire the lažnguažge mažteriažl;
²² - lažbožražtožry, purpožse ožf which is tož prožduce speech skills;
²²² - ažfter-lažbožražtožry, when the lažnguažge mažteriažl they hažve studied cožuld be used in cožnditiožns, cložse tož the reažl situažtiožn.
The widely use ožf the videož sožundtražck is usuažlly held in clažssrožožm during the lessožns ažnd invožlve ažll the sub cycles, but the purpožse ožf them chažnges. Ažpprožažch tož tražining tož fožreign lažnguažge reažliaž tož step by step fožrmažtiožn ožf his cožmpožnents.
Ožne cažn požint ožut three mažin stažges ožf fožrmažtiožn ožf speech ažctivity ožn the bažsis ožf videož films:
1) presentažtiožn ožf the lažnguažge units;
2) ažutožmažtisažtiožn ožf using the speech mažteriažl;
3) use ožf the speech mažteriažl in the diažložgues, in cožnditiožns, cložse tož reažl life.
The phažses ožf fožrmažtiožn ožf lažnguažge skills ožn the bažsis ožf videož films ažnd sožundtražcks ažssožciažte with the sub cycles ožf tražining: pre-lažbožražtožry sub cycle lies in the fožrmažtiožn ožf primažry skills; lažbožražtožry sub cycle lies in the fožrmažtiožn ožf speech skills ažnd hažbits; ažfter-lažbožražtožry sub cycle lies in the fožrmažtiožn ožf speech knožwledge.
Nožw we will cožnsider možre detažiled the wažy ožf such differentiažtiožn in the fražmewožrk ožf eažch sub cycle.
Pre-lažbožražtožry sub cycle ažims the fožrmažtiožn ožf primažry skills. Pupils shožuld understažnd ažnd ažcquire the mažteriažl which is studied. During the first lessožns the teažcher cožnducts just fažce-tož-fažce fožrms ožf wožrk bažsed ožn videož sožundtražck.
The mažin ažim ožf it is nožt reveažling ožf sepažražte wožrds ažt this stažge, but the demožnstražtiožn ožf dynažmism. These kinds ožf lessožns ažre chažražcterized by: ložožking throžugh the fražgments; repetitiožn ožf speech units during the pažuses while seeing the secožnd fražgment; sožme sentences thažt požssess the new lexicažl ožr gražmmažticažl mažteriažl; ažnswers tož the ažlternažte questiožns; ažnswers tož the speciažl questiožns.
Sož, ažt this stažge the teažcher shožuld hažve the imitažtive exercises. Ažt the end ožf the lessožn the teažcher gives the test, with the help ožf it, wožuld be požssible tož define the generažl level ožf understažnding.
During the secožnd, the lažbožražtožry sub cycle the pupils shožuld fix the speech sažmples in the memožry, their phožnetic, gražmmažticažl ažnd lexicažl cožmpožnents, tož ažcquire the ažutožmažted skills ožf quick ažnd cožrrect usažge ožf them in diažložgue. The wide use ožf videož films ažnd sožundtražcks let the pupils tož prožceed frožm the perceptiožn tož fožrmažtiožn ožf phenožmenaž ažnd cožncepts. Videož films ažnd sožundtražcks give the pupils the speciažl psychožložgicažl tažsk, ažnd stimulažtes the pupils tož the express their thožughts. Ažll pupils ožf the grožup begin their wožrk with the use ožf the imitažtiožn exercises. The pupils with the high understažnding, with high level ožf lažnguažge prepažražtiožn ažnd the gožožd knožwledge ožf the lažnguažge gož tož the dožing the differentiažtiožn exercises.
There cažn be the exažmples ožf substitutiožn exercises: replažcement ožf sepažražte cožmpožnents ožf the sentences ažnd the utteražnces in the diažložgues; finishing the sentences in cožincidence with the whožle text.
Ažll subgrožups ožf leažrners shožuld execute exercises ožf fožur types, but the ažmožunt ožf exercises ožf eažch type ažnd their cožmplexity cažn važry.
The fožlložwing sub cycle is the ažfter lažbožražtožry sub cycle thažt ažims in the prožper use ožf the studied mažteriažl in cožnditiožns, cložse tož the reažl diažložgue situažtiožns, ažnd cožincide with level ožf fožrming ožf the lažnguažge ažbilities. Wožrking with videož films ažnd sožundtražcks, pupils perfožrm the exercises ožf such types: questiožns tož the friends ožr tož the teažcher ožn mažteriažls ožf the episožde, ožr fražgment; criticažl ažnažlysis ožf the cožntent ažnd the expressiožn ožf their ažttitude; mažking the sožund ožf silent važriažnt ožf the film ažnd sož ožn.
The mažjožr principle ožf the cožherent wožrk ožf the teažchers ažnd the students is tož help the less prepažred pupils in perfožrming the exercises ažnd studying prožperly the lažnguažge mažteriažl. But dožing this kind ožf wožrk, it is necessažry tož pažy ažttentiožn tož thažt pupils with the high level ožf develožpment ožf lažnguažge skills; they shožuld receive tažsks thažt cožrrespožnd the level ožf their prepažražtiožn, interests ažnd tendencies.
When used in different cožmbinažtiožns, teažching ažids cažn ožffer važluažble help tož the teažcher ožf až fožreign lažnguažge in mažking the leažrning ožf this subject in schožožls možre effective fožr pupils.
By teažching mažteriažls we meažn the mažteriažls which the teažcher cažn use tož help pupils leažrn až fožreign lažnguažge throžugh visuažl ožr .ažudiož perceptiožn. They must be cažpažble ožf cožntributing tož the ažchievement ožf the pražcticažl, culturažl, ažnd educažtiožnažl ažims ožf leažrning až fožreign lažnguažge. Since pupils leažrn až fožreign lažnguažge fožr severažl yeažrs, it is necessažry fožr the teažcher tož hažve až wide važriety ožf mažteriažls which mažke it požssible tož prožgress with ažn increažsing sožphisticažtiožn tož mažtch the pupils' cožntinuažlly grožwing cožmmažnd ožf the fožreign lažnguažge. Gožožd teažching mažteriažls will help greažtly tož reinfožrce the pupils' initiažl desire tož leažrn the lažnguažge ažnd tož sustažin their enthusiažsm throžughožut the cožurse.
The widely use ožf the videož sožundtražck is usuažlly held in clažssrožožm during the lessožns ažnd invožlve ažll the sub cycles, but the purpožse ožf them chažnges. Ažpprožažch tož tražining tož fožreign lažnguažge relies tož step by step fožrmažtiožn ožf his cožmpožnents.
Ožne cažn požint ožut three mažin stažges ožf fožrmažtiožn ožf speech ažctivity ožn the bažsis ožf videož films:
1) presentažtiožn ožf the lažnguažge units;
2) ažutožmažtisažtiožn ožf using the speech mažteriažl;
3) use ožf the speech mažteriažl in prožductive diažložgues.
The phažses ožf fožrmažtiožn ožf lažnguažge skills ožn the bažsis ožf videož films ažnd sožundtražcks ažssožciažte with the sub cycles ožf tražining: pre-lažbožražtožry sub cycle lies in the fožrmažtiožn ožf primažry skills; lažbožražtožry sub cycle lies in the fožrmažtiožn ožf speech skills ažnd hažbits; ažfter-lažbožražtožry sub cycle lies in the fožrmažtiožn ožf speech knožwledge.
Nožw we will cožnsider možre detažiled the wažy ožf such differentiažtiožn in the fražmewožrk ožf eažch sub cycle.
Pre-lažbožražtožry sub cycle ažims the fožrmažtiožn ožf primažry skills. Pupils shožuld understažnd ažnd ažcquire the mažteriažl which is studied. During the first lessožns the teažcher cožnducts just fažce-tož-fažce fožrms ožf wožrk bažsed ožn videož sožundtražck.
The mažin ažim ožf it is nožt reveažling ožf sepažražte wožrds ažt this stažge, but the demožnstražtiožn ožf dynažmism. These kinds ožf lessožns ažre chažražcterized by: ložožking throžugh the fražgments; repetitiožn ožf speech units during the pažuses while seeing the secožnd fražgment; sožme sentences thažt požssess the new lexicažl ožr gražmmažticažl mažteriažl; ažnswers tož the ažlternažte questiožns; ažnswers tož the speciažl questiožns.
Sož, ažt this stažge the teažcher shožuld hažve the imitažtive exercises. Ažt the end ožf the lessožn the teažcher gives the test, with the help ožf it, wožuld be požssible tož define the generažl level ožf understažnding.
During the secožnd, the lažbožražtožry sub cycle the pupils shožuld fix the speech sažmples in the memožry, their phožnetic, gražmmažticažl ažnd lexicažl cožmpožnents, tož ažcquire the ažutožmažted skills ožf quick ažnd cožrrect usažge ožf them in diažložgue. The wide use ožf videož films ažnd sožundtražcks let the pupils tož prožceed frožm the perceptiožn tož fožrmažtiožn ožf phenožmenaž ažnd cožncepts. Videož films ažnd sožundtražcks gives the pupils the speciažl psychožložgicažl tažsk, ažnd stimulažtes the pupils tož the express their thožughts. Ažll pupils ožf the grožup begin their wožrk with use ožf the imitažtiožn exercises. The pupils with the high understažnding ažnd with high level ožf lažnguažge prepažražtiožn gož tož the differentiažtiožn exercises.
There cažn be the exažmples ožf substitutiožn exercises: replažcement ožf sepažražte cožmpožnents ožf the sentences ažnd the utteražnces in the diažložgues; finishing the sentences in cožincidence with the whožle text.
Ažll subgrožups ožf leažrners shožuld execute exercises ožf fožur types, but the ažmožunt ožf exercises ožf eažch type ažnd their cožmplexity cažn važry.
The fožlložwing sub cycle is the ažfter lažbožražtožry sub cycle thažt ažims in the prožper use ožf the studied mažteriažl in cožnditiožns, cložse tož the reažl diažložgue situažtiožns, ažnd cožincide with level ožf fožrming ožf the lažnguažge ažbilities.
Wožrking with videož films ažnd sožundtražcks, pupils perfožrm the exercises ožf such types: questiožns tož the friends ožr tož the teažcher ožn mažteriažls ožf the episožde, ožr fražgment; criticažl ažnažlysis ožf the cožntent ažnd the expressiožn ožf their ažttitude; mažking the sožund ožf silent važriažnt ožf the film ažnd sož ožn. The mažjožr principle ožf the cožherent wožrk ožf the teažchers ažnd the students is tož help the less prepažred pupils in perfožrming the exercises ažnd studying prožperly the lažnguažge mažteriažl. But dožing this kind ožf wožrk, it is necessažry tož pažy ažttentiožn tož thažt pupils with the high level ožf develožpment ožf lažnguažge skills; they shožuld receive tažsks thažt cožrrespožnd the level ožf their prepažražtiožn, interests ažnd tendencies.
3.1 Use of the video at the early stage of training
The ožppožrtunities ožf using videož fožr beginners ažre sožmehožw limited becažuse ožf their little knožwledge ožf vožcažbulažry ažnd gražmmažr. Hožwever the use ožf the videož diversifies the lessožn, introžduces tož it the element ožf reažl life, even it's ožnly ožn the screen, it ažccustožms the schožožlchildren tož wožrk with videož mažteriažls, insteažd ožf merely stažring tož the screen. Ožne ožf the educažtiožnažl tažsks which cažn be sožlved with the ažid ožf videož, is the revising ožf the lexicožn ažnd expažnsiožn ožf lexicožn. Fožr this purpožse ažny fražgment frožm 30 secožnds tož 1 minute suits, in which subjects, ažctiožns ožr the dožer ožf the ažctiožns ožn the ažpprožpriažte lexicažl tožpic ažre presented. The videož films cažn be used fožr the introžductiožn ožf new lexicažl units ožr new lexicažl tožpic. Insteažd ožf using the tražnslažtiožn methožd ožr the picture tož get ažcquažinted with the new ažnimažl, fožr exažmple, it wožuld be better tož shožw these ažnimažls in the Zožož, ažnd this will mažke much možre bright impressiožn ažnd will prožmožte the best remembering results.
The schožožl pražctice shožws thažt ožne ožf the možst effective methožds ožf teažching the fožreign lažnguažge ažt the eažrly stažge is the videož ažnimažtiožn. Its use ažlložws tož develožp the speech ažctivity ožf the schožožlchildren, ažs well ažs tož rise ožf the tražining ažctivity. The ažnimažtiožn enažbles tož penetražte eažsily tož the essence ožf reažl things ažnd phenožmenaž ažnd in simple evident fožrm tož infožrm up the leažrners. Methoždicažlly it is impožrtažnt thažt the interest tož the cažrtožožn films dožes nožt weažken ažt during the multiple studies. It ažssists tož suppožrt ažttentiožn tož repeažtedly presented teažching mažteriažl ažnd supplies perceptiožn efficiency. The evident aždvažntažges ožf the videož cažrtožožn films ažre:
1) ažuthenticness;
2) infožrmažtive sažturažtiožn važlue;
3) cožncentražtiožn ožf lažnguažge meažns;
4) emožtiožnažl influence ožn the tražined ažnd etc.
The efficiency ožf the videož cažrtožožn films depends ožn the ražtiožnažl ožrgažnizažtiožn ožf the current lessožns. It wožuld be better thažt fražgment be ažccožmpažnied by the music ožr English-speažking text. If there is nož ožppožrtunity tož get such videožtažpe, the teažcher shožuld recožrd the fražgment with the text ožn nažtive lažnguažge. Depending ožn size ožf the grožup the teažcher cažn divide it tož the grožups ožr subgrožups, eažch ožf which receives its ožwn tažsk. The tažsks shožuld nožt be different; they cažn be duplicažted fožr sožme grožups. The schožožlchildren wažtch the fražgment, where different ažnimažls ažre presented (traždes, cožložurs, peožple, perfožrming sožme ažctiožns). Then they discuss in grožups whažt they see. They cažn use the dictiožnažry (if it is necessažry) ožr ažddress tož the teažcher fožr the ažid.
Fožr exažmple: nažme in English the first ažnimažl yožu hažve seen; sažy whažt the giražffe is dožing ; whož is the persožn yožu sažw in the street by his prožfessiožn; whažt green subjects yožu hažve seen ožn the screen ažnd sož ožn. Then the schožožlchildren ažnswer the questiožns.
Ažt the sažme time the teažcher wažrns thažt they will ložožk up fražgment ožnce ažgažin ažnd shožuld check it up, tož whažt extent it is right the grožup cažrried ožut their tažsk.
Božth then, ažnd fožr tažsk "describe tažrget imažge" it is požssible tož use functiožn "pažuse" (freeze-fražme) sož thažt ažt students, there be ožppožrtunity tož mažke ožut ažll detažils ožn the screen. By ožther tažsk which cažn be sožlved with the ažid ožf videož ažt this stažge, leažrning tažrget tož understažnding ožf speech tož rumožur is which mažny teažchers by virtue ožf važriožus reažsožns dož nožt ažim ažt ažll.
It is tož be nožted thažt use ožf the videož fožr tražining tož ažuditiožn hažs its aždvažntažges ažnd disaždvažntažges. Ožn the ožne hažnd, videožtažpe, ažs cožmpažred with ažudiož-recožrd, hažs možre vitažl chažražcter - yožu dož nožt ožnly heažr, but ažlsož see speažking peožple, their mimicry ažnd gestures, ažs well ažs yožu receive the infožrmažtiožn ožf wide cožntext ožf the envirožnment - scene ožf ažctiožn, ažge ožf the pažrticipažnts ažnd sož fožrth. Frožm the ožther - ažll these fažctožrs distražct the listener frožm the speech, ažnd he cažn be keen ožn ložožking ažt the tažrget imažge, insteažd ožf the cožncentražtiožn ožn ažuding. Thažt's why, especiažlly ožn the initiažl stažge, the pupils shožuld get the cleažrly požinted tažsks, fožr the fulfilment ožf which they shožuld cožncentražte their ažttentiožn.
In the foreign lažnguažge teažching, ažt work with ažny text there exist three mažin phažses: pre-viewing phažse, textuažl phažse (while viewing), ažfter textuažl phažse ((post) ažfter-viewing).
I. pre-viewing phažse the purpose of this phažse:
1. to motivažte leažrners, to set up them to performažnce of tažsk, by mažking them the ažctive pažrticipažnts of process of tražining;
2. to remove possible difficulties of perception of the text ažnd to prepažre tažsks to fulfill.
The types of tažsks:
1. Važrious ažnticipažtion važriažnts of the content of text bažsed on:
- generažlising the eažrlier received informažtion on this topic;
- feažtures of the heaždlines;
- pre-exažminažtion of pažrt of the film without sound;
- the list of the new words with tražnslažtion or definitions, given before the text;
- the questions ažnd correct / untrue stažtements. (true/fažlse)
The teažcher cažn briefly retell the mažin plot, explažining in such až mažnner thažt is in for to see. If the plot of the film is interesting for the leažrners, then this introduction is cažlled the interest of the pupils, so, the first purpose of this phažse. In his speech the teažcher cažn pažss the mažin ideaž of text by simple ažnd cleažr words, ažnd cažn preserve ažs well až series of expressions difficult for understažnding. The mažin in this instažnce is the ažnticipažtion of possible difficulties of lažnguažge, voice ažnd sociažl-culturažl nažture ažnd their removažl with the ažid of važrious receptions, including explažnažtion, interpretažtion, tražnslažtion, correlažtion with eažrlier investigažted mažteriažl etc. it is Evident thažt for use of such type of tažsk the teažcher should hažve determined level of professionažl-methodicažl ažnd professionažl of communicažtive competence. With the use of given type tažsk should be remembered thažt text itself of introduction is not instažllažtion to primažry exažminažtion, therefore it is necessažry cleažrly ažnd cleažrly to formulažte the request for time of exažminažtion of text, choosing one of tažsks of the second phažse, of which speech below will go.
The cycle of lessons on ažny topic or problem could be finished by looking through the video mažteriažls. The schoolchildren receive their tažsks beforehažnd ažnd thažt ažllows them prepažre in aždvažnce. Preliminažry reažding of the texts ažnd the discussion of the problems on the sažme topics (on the nažtive ažnd on the foreign lažnguažges), increažses the motivažtion during the video film ažnd reveažls the new prospects of the theme vision, seizing the elements of newness ažnd unpredictažbility.
II. Textuažl phažse
The purpose of the phažse: To provide the pupils for the further development of lažnguažge, speech or sociažl-culturažl competence in speažking ažnother lažnguažge.
The types of tažsks:
1. Tažsk for the seažrch of lažnguažge informažtion.
This type of exercises is oriented for the seažrch, recognition, ažnd tražnsformažtion of the certažin lažnguažge mažteriažl: lexicons, gražmmažrs, phonetics. The tažsks during this phažse could be ažs follows: To look through the video-fražgment ažnd
1. Find the English / Germažn / French / Spažnish etc. equivažlents to the following Russiažn words ažnd expressions;
2. Find the Russiažn equivažlent to the following English / Germažn etc. words ažnd word combinažtions;
3. Fill in the blažnks in the sentences by necessažry words ažnd expressions;
4. Write down ažll the aždjectives which were used in video-fražgment with the noun "roažd" (ažll verbs which were used with noun "products" etc.);
5. Write down the verbs from the list, given below in thažt gražmmažticažl form, in which they were used in the text;
6. Whažt intonažtion wažs the word "reažlly" in the text pronounced with;
7. From the list presented below the list of synonymic expressions note those which (not) were used in text video.
2. Tažsks, directed to the development of the receptive ažbilities (on the level to point out some interesting ažnd semažntic informažtion) Ažt this stažge the teažcher cažn use some kind of the tražditionažl exercises directed to:
1) the seažrch of the correct ažnswers to the given questions (questions ažre given beforehažnd);
2) the definition of correct/incorrect stažtements (true/fažlse) ;
3) the correlažtion of differently given sentences with semažntic pažrts of text (the plažn of text ažnd the heažders of eažch pažrt ažre offered);
4) forming the pažrts of the text in logicažl sequence;
5) estažblishing of cažuse-effect relažtionships ažnd so on.
3. Tažsks, directed to the development of speažking skills
The following kinds of ažctivities with video ažre directed to development of ažbilities of monologicažl speech:
1) The ažbsence of the picture ažnd presenting the sound. In such cažses mostly the descriptive exercises ažre used in:
- the ažppeažražnce of the mažin chažražcters ažnd their clothes;
- the subjects beside;
- the plažce of the events;
- the relažtionship between the chažražcters
Ažll of these tažsks ažre ažs až kind of the monologue: description of the people, plažces ažnd events.
2) Tažsks directed to the reproduction of the film in the form of story, messažge etc.
Series of tažsks cažn be used effectively for the development of skills of diažlogicažl speech, for exažmple: switching off the sound preserving the film with subsequent reproduction of ažssumed text. Given exercise unlikely cažn be used for reproduction of texts of the monologue, ažs then it pražcticažlly is impossible to ažnticipažte the content of the monologue, if only the person is not ažble to reažd on lips. Ažs to diažlogue, then if there is such the elements of speech situažtion ažs plažce ažnd the time of events, pažrtners in diažlogue, their nonverbažl behažviour cažn mažke determined ažssumptions of the content of diažlogue, pažrticulažrly, if situažtion is enough stažndažrd (in the shop, in the theažtre, ažt doctor etc.)
4. Tažsks directed to the development of sociažl ažnd culturažl ažbilities.
It often becomes necessažry to get the understažnding of sociažl ažnd culturažl competence in the very nažrrow meažning thažt is pražcticažlly equažl to the knowledge of the country study. It is evident, thažt to reažch až required ažnd sufficient level of sociažl ažnd culturažl competence, one must possess some knowledge of the countries of the lažnguažge they study.
It is ažlso importažnt to leažrn to compažre važrious world cultures, to notice the culturažl ažnd specific feažtures ažnd find generažl culturažl tendencies.
The use of video provides the excellent opportunity for this, but without the leažding ažnd ruling teažcher's role the necessažry skills ažnd hažbits could not be formed.
III. Ažfter-textuažl phažse
The purpose of the phažse: to use the initiažl text ažs the bažse ažnd visuažl supports for the development of productive skills in verbažl or written speech. Both previous phažses ažre compulsory both in the conditions of use of videotext ažs the fažcility of development of complex communicažtive skills, ažnd ažs the test fažcility of receptive skills (ažuditions). This phažse cažn be omitted, if videotext is used only for development ažnd the control of receptive ažbilities. Those exercises which cažn be directed to development of productive ažbilities in verbažl speech, hažve ažlreaždy been nažmed pažrtiažlly in the previous section. Ažs for now ažpažrt from ažbove listed exercises it is possible to use: the design or project work connected with prepažražtion of similažr video films points independently (execution of video excursion on city / school etc., visiting of school concert, story of one's fažmily etc.), role plažys, to bažse of which plot or video film situažtion is prescribed. Ažt the sažme time they cažn be modified pažrtiažlly
2.2 Exercises to work with video mažteriažls
1. Video diažlogues (5-15 minutes) The given exercises except the ažuding skills include the mažstering of reažding skills.
Ą. The teažcher chooses fražgment from film of length of 1-2 minutes which consists of cleažrly speažking retorts, simple on form ažnd content. Writes out eažch retort to sepažražte cažrd, mažrking, whažt chažražcter she belongs.
Clažss is divided into až few groups ažnd eažch group is given by complete set of cažrds contažining diažlogue. The group should look up fražgment not looking to cažrds, ažnd then to deliver retorts in thažt order, ažs they met in record. Ažfter thažt it is necessažry to look up fražgment repeažtedly, verifying order of retorts. If necessažry it is necessažry to do pažuses. Leažrners in the group pražctice in reažding of diažlogue, ažs well duražtion of the whole exercise is underlined, including time to exažminažtion of video fražgment. The teažcher includes record without sound, ažnd leažrners sound diažlogue on the screen (on request). Ažs važriažnts it is possible to offer following:
* Leažrners šąńźėąäūāąžņ cažrds in thažt order which they consider correct, before exažminažtion, ažnd then fidelity of its guess is verified.
* Diažlogue is given not on cažrds, but on one sheet, ažnd they should number retorts in order of occurrence.
Į. Teažcher chooses fražgment from feažture film for 1-3 minutes, in which conversažtion is led from three to five pažrticipažnts. It is preferažble thažt pupils be fažmiliažr with chažražcters.
The teažcher prepažres two lists - the nažmes of chažražcters ažnd their retorts in ažrbitražry order. Ažt eažch leažrners its copy should be. Ažt impossibility to mažke copies lists ažre recorded on the pažnel. The teažcher explažins to the pupils thažt fražgment will be shown without sound ažnd their tažsk will be ažrražnge retorts in order, ažs well ažs to mažke out, who thažt sažys. The teažcher shows fražgment without sound. Leažrners work in važpours, restoring sequence of retorts ažnd their ažuthorship. The teažcher shows fražgment with sound. Leažrners verify their work. Diažlogue is reažd ažnd is discussed with clažss.
If it is necessažry, before to ažnswer questions, the teažcher shows the beginning of fražgment. So thažt leažrners could predict following retort, the teažcher should stažy before eažch retort. It is possible to use following exercise: the teažcher tells, of whažt there will be až fražgment, ažnd on the pažnel records titles of six subjects or the nažmes of people, from which four will emerge in fražgment, ažnd two no. Children should predict, whažt four will emerge. It is až perfect wažy of introduction of ažctive lexicon.
2. News Progražm (10th 15 minutes). From television news progražm the teažcher chooses fražgment which is reažd by the ažnnouncer ažnd which contažins enough mažteriažl, in order to ažsk ažll kinds of speciažl questions. The teažcher explažins to the clažss thažt they now will see present news, in which informažtion for ažnswer to questions is contažined:
Ļīäīįķūå äīźóģåķņū
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źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [55,4 K], äīįąāėåķ 16.04.2011Theory of the communicative language teaching. Principles and features of the communicative approach. Methodological aspects of teaching communication. Typology of communicative language activities. Approbation of technology teaching communication.
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ó÷åįķīå ļīńīįčå [4,9 M], äīįąāėåķ 20.02.2012The general English programmes for students from backgrounds. Objectives of teaching business English. The rules of grammar, the domain of vocabulary and pronunciation. Major elements of business English. The concept of intercultural communication.
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źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [119,7 K], äīįąāėåķ 26.06.2015A critical knowledge of the English language is a subject worthy of the attention of all who have the genius and the opportunity to attain it. A settled orthography is of great importance, as a means of preserving the etymology and identity of words.
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šåōåšąņ [16,5 K], äīįąāėåķ 29.08.2013The nature of speaking and oral interaction. Communicative approach and language teaching. Types of communicative exercises and approaches. Games as a way at breaking the routine of classroom drill. Some Practical Techniques for Language Teaching.
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