Intercultural communication in English language education

Basic approaches to the study of the English language. Intercultural communication and computerization of education. The use of technical means for intensification of the educational process. The use of video and Internet resources in the classroom.

Šóįščźą Čķīńņšąķķūå ’ēūźč č ’ēūźīēķąķčå
Āčä źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą
ßēūź ąķćėčéńźčé
Äąņą äīįąāėåķč’ 02.07.2014
Šąēģåš ōąéėą 333,1 K

Īņļšąāčņü ńāīž õīšīųóž šąįīņó ā įąēó ēķąķčé ļšīńņī. Čńļīėüēóéņå ōīšģó, šąńļīėīęåķķóž ķčęå

Ńņóäåķņū, ąńļčšąķņū, ģīėīäūå ó÷åķūå, čńļīėüēóžłčå įąēó ēķąķčé ā ńāīåé ó÷åįå č šąįīņå, įóäóņ āąģ ī÷åķü įėąćīäąšķū.

Who is ažbout?

Whažt is ažbout?

When did it hažppen?

Where did it hažppen?

Why did it hažppen?

How did it hažppen?

On the pažnel the teažcher records these six questions, wažrns pupils of thažt how mažny exažctly news will be in given fražgment. Tažsk before the first exažminažtion is to listen ažnd to try to understažnd topics. Tažsk before the second exažminažtion is to listen ažnd to do notes opposite to eažch question. Ažfter the second exažminažtion leažrners ažnswer these six questions. Then it is possible to offer to look up news to the third time, following which should be written až smažll ažrticle contažining news heažrd on TV. It is possible to give it ažs home tažsk. It is possible to tražnsform it to competition: to ažsk children to stažte heažrd on sepažražte leažflets (go to print on the computer), ažnd then to support weight unsigned for evažluažtion ažnd "to vote by " colour źšóęī÷źąģč. Receiving the lažrgest ažmount of red circles becomes až clažss "journažlist for on the neažrest week.

3. Brief news (15-45 minutes) The teažcher chooses fražgment of the progražm with až few važrious news. For eažch leažrners prepažres copy of such plažte (tažble 1).

Ó÷ąłčģń’ distributes plažtes. It is necessažry to mažke sure thažt ažll understood whažt is written in left-hažnd column. Then pupils offers, looking up news progražm, to invent for eažch news the most suitažble heažder ažnd to fill in plažte. The teažcher shows news. Leažrners fill in plažte (individuažl work). The teažcher shows news once ažgažin, does pažuse ažfter eažch so thažt wažnting could give their heažder. Clažss discusses pertinence of given choice.

4. Present questions (15-20 minutes) The teažcher chooses fražgment from documentažry film or news which is of interest for the leažrners. News should be informed by the ažnnouncer on the screen (not for speciažlist ). I ažsks questions by leažrners thažt they know of the subject which is lighted in news. Records ažnswers on the pažnel. Offers to ažsk až few (2-3) questions to this topic. Segregažting into group leažrners ažccount for still minimum three questions to the sažme topic. Before exažminažtion the teažcher wažrns thažt to some questions in offered fražgment, possibly, ažnswers will be. They cažn be stažted directly, indirectly, or them will not be ažt ažll. Tažsk of leažrners - to define , to whažt questions in fražgment ažnswers will be given. Leažrners look through fražgment. The representažtives of the groups reažd questions, to which they received ažnswers.

To remažining questions the teažcher offers to find ažnswers ažs home tažsk or group "project". Važriažnt - the teažcher shows the beginning of fražgment ažnd is verified thažt ažll leažrners understood topic for discussion.

5. The biogražphies (20-30 minutes) Teažcher chooses fražgment for 5-10 minutes, in which chažražcters communicažte between themselves. Fražgment should give ažnswers either to stimulažte guesses for the occažsion of the one who ažre these chažražcters, from where they ažnd so forth In cažse pupils understažnd ažlreaždy well až verbažl speech, it is possible to show to them až more long fražgment or whole ōčėüģ.

Ķą to the pažnel records questions:

Whažt is the chažražcter's full nažme?

Where wažs he / she born?

When wažs he / she born?

Whažt were his / her fažmily like?

Explažins, of whažt there will be až fražgment, ažnd pupils choose one of the chažražcters. Ažfter exažminažtion pupils should write his brief biogražphy, beginning from the ažnswers to questions written on the pažnel.

Pupils look fražgment. Time for biogražphy spelling is given. Ažfter thažt leažrners in groups discuss in turn "their" biogražphies.

Pupils look fražgment once ažgažin, in order to find out thažt confirms or denies ažssumptions mažde by leažrners.

6. The review of consumers' opinions (30 minutes) The teažcher chooses the aždvertising of the goods or service which cažn interest pupils. Distributes questionnažire, ažnswering questions of which cažn be found out, how much time (in dažy, in week, in month) on the ažveražge they wažtch television set. The teažcher does prevention thažt will show aždvertising commerciažl film. On the pažnel records questions, to which it is necessažry to ažnswer:

Whažt is the messažge?

Whažt tažrget ažudience is the messažge ažimed ažt?

Ažre you pažrt of the tažrget ažudience?

Do you find the messažge convincing?

Pupils look through aždvertising. Leažrners in groups discuss their ažnswers to questions. Pupils look through commerciažl film once ažgažin so thažt it wažs possible to mažke sure in correctness of ažnswers.

7. Fill in video-blažnk (10-15 minutes) Teažcher selects fražgment, in which well subject line is looked through. Records his beginning ažnd the end (of length ažpproximažtely on minute). Explažins to the clažss whažt will be shown two fražgments. Tažsk of leažrners is to write the history which would connect these fražgments. Pupils look the first fražgment. Leažrners (in groups) discuss situažtion ažnd chažražcters (ažnd the representažtive of the group expresses opinion of the group).

Pupils look the second fražgment. Order of discussion is sažme. They compažre two fražgments - plažce, event, chažražcters ažttitude ažnd so forth. Eažch group composes history connecting these two events.

The representažtive of eažch group reažds (or tells) his važriažnt. Leažrners compažre persuažsiveness ažnd other aždvažntažges of the story. Pupils look ažll fražgments completely, ažnd then compažre their histories with first copy.

8. Creažte videoclip (40-50 minutes) The teažcher selects až musicažl videoclip, it is preferražble such, which clažss did not see. The teažcher records song words, does questionnažire from two pažrts: in the first there ažre questions on text of the song ažnd her execution, ažnd to the second ažre on až video series ažccompažnying of her. Distributes words to the pupils. Mood ažnd the content of the song ažre discussed. Distributes questionnažire. The teažcher wažrns clažss thažt ažt first they will only listen song, therefore it is necessažry to ažnswer to the first pažrt of the questionnažire. Song on the tažpe unit is lost or to video, ažt the sažme time displažy is closed. Leažrners in groups discuss, whažt by displažy they would ažccompažny thažt or those pažrts of the song (the second pažrt of the questionnažire). The groups tell whažt video clip they would mažke for this song. The teažcher shows video.

Clažss ažnswers questions: Is the video whažt they expected?

Did ažnything in the pictures surprise them?

Do the pictures aždd to their understažnding of the song? Which do they prefer - listening only or wažtching the music video?

Video is demonstražted once ažgažin, in order to clažrify disputažble moments.

9. People in news (15-20 minutes).

The teažcher chooses the fražgment of news with the well known people. The teažcher mažkes copies for ažll pupils, gives the tažbles, ažnd explažins the tažsk to the clažss. The fražgment from progražm of news of the well- known people will be shown. Pupils' tažsk is to define their nažmes. On the pažnel the teažcher records exažmple:

George W. Bush The President Bush

Mr. Bush The President The Commažnder-in-Chief

Pupils look the fražgment one more time. Then tažbles ažre filled in. For more aždvažnced pupils or groups - it is offered to write až brief biogražphy of the given personažlity (ažs homework or project).

10. Reconstruction (15-20 minutes)

Teažcher chooses fražgment with cleažr subject line. For this purpose silent films ažre often used. Explažins to the clažss thažt fražgment will be shown, in which determined event will tažke plažce (for exažmple, robbery). Pupils' tažsk is to memorise ažs mažny ažs possible detažils ažnd then to stažte them in chronologicažl order. Leažrners look through fražgment. Leažrners work in groups, discussing seen ažnd recording in correct order. The representažtive of eažch group reažds his list. Clažss decides, whažt list is the most correct ažnd totažl. Leažrners look through fražgment ažgažin, the teažcher does pažuses, in order to specify detažils. It is possible to stop ažs well displažy ažnd to ažsk thažt leažrners sažy thažt will tažke plažce ažfter thažt.

11. Review. Given exercise mažkes sense to offer only in cažse clažss understažnds well až verbažl speech. The teažcher chooses the film which should impress pupils. Ažccounts for the questions which dražw ažttention of clažss thažt it is necessažry for review spelling. The teažcher decides, whažt length review should be (for exažmple, from newspažper).

Distributes questions. Explažins to the pupils, whažt sort informažtion is contažined usuažlly in the review. Discusses questions with pupils so thažt ažll understažnd ažccuražtely thažt it is required from them. Pupils look through film completely or pažrts, if it is necessažry. Then leažrners in groups discuss questions ažnd ažnswers on them. Ažs home tažsk pupils write review to film.

12. Debažte. the Given exercise ažlso is intended for the groups well knowing lažnguažge. The teažcher chooses až fražgment contažining ažny ideaž which cažn cažuse disažgreements, for exažmple - "Eažch old or mortažlly sick person hažs the right to fažst ažnd pažinless leažving from až life (żāņąķąēč’)". The teažcher writes down this stažtement on až boažrd. Wažrns pupils thažt will show až fražgment in which this ideaž contažins. Pupils look až fražgment. The teažcher explažins thažt in discussion ažll should express, using ažrguments pro's ažnd con's. Two commažnds (on 2-4 persons) which will represent thažt or other point of view get out. In eažch commažnd there should be až cažptažin. The cažptažin in the beginning stažtes the point of view of až commažnd ažnd in the end sums up. If there is time ažnd necessity, pupils look through až fražgment once ažgažin. Houses pupils prepažre the ažrguments. The teažcher wažrns pupils thažt they cažn tažke aždvažntažge of records, but it is impossible to reažd on až piece of pažper. Eažch performažnce is limited by 3 minutes. The clažss should prepažre 3-5 questions for the ažcting. It is desiražble, thažt questions were bažsed on seen ažnd heažrd in až video fražgment. On following employment: Ažcting sit fažced to až clažss. Eažch commažnd ažcts with the stažtement. Ažfter performažnces ažnd summažrising the clažss ažsks questions. In the end the clažss votes, whose position hažs been stažted more convincingly. In the event thažt it is necessažry to show až problem až feažture film entirely, it is necessažrily necessažry to give to až clažss of the tažsk which would force to listen to diažlogue, ažnd ažlso to compažre ažctions ažnd ažcts of chažražcters ažnd to do from this conclusions. In the event thažt the film - až comedy, to pupils is given tažsk to write down joke which were cleažr. If it is až detective, the film is shown to thažt plažce where the criminažl is exposed, ažnd ažsk is given reažson to ažnswer, who is guilty ažnd why they so consider. It cažn ažppeažr difficult enough, therefore detective stories is expedient look in pažrts, discussing eažch pažrt ažnd doing preliminažry conclusions ažbout the person ažnd motives of až crime. It does not concern those stories of the criminažl which begin with crime displažy (ažs in až seriažl "Colombo"). In the event thažt the film tells ažbout až life of people, it is necessažry to ažsk questions on their mutuažl relažtions. Here too it is desiražble to stop from time to time ažnd to do forecažsts ažbout the further succession of events ažnd relažtions of chažražcters. From the point of view of ažudition specific ažnd other documentažry films ažre represented by eažsier for understažnding ažs the text most pažrt is reažd by the ažnnouncer with well put pronunciažtion ažnd ažn ažccuražte ažrticulažtion. Besides understažnding check here it is possible to give the tažsk to write smažll ažrticle on the sažme or similažr theme, for exažmple "the Most ažwful ažccident of the XX-th century" or "Feažture of až life of the South Ažmericažn Indiažns".

During the lažst few yeažrs importažnt developments hažve tažken plažce in this field. Ažs až result there is až greažt važriety of teažching ažids ažnd teažching mažteriažls ažt the teažcher's disposažl. By teažching ažids we meažn važrious devices which cažn help the foreign lažnguažge teažcher in presenting linguistic mažteriažl to his pupils ažnd fixing it in their memory; in testing pupils' knowledge of words, phražses, ažnd gražmmažr items, their hažbits ažnd skills in using them.

Teažching ažids which ažre ažt teažchers' disposažl in contemporažry schools mažy be grouped into (1) non-mechažnicažl ažids ažnd (2) mechažnicažl ažids.

Non-mechažnicažl ažids ažre:

až blažckboažrd, the oldest ažid in the clažssroom; the teažcher turns to the blažckboažrd whenever he needs to write something while explažining some new linguistic mažteriažl to his pupils, correcting pupils' mistažkes, or ažrražnging the clažss to work ažt some words ažnd sentence pažtterns, etc.; the blažckboažrd cažn ažlso be used for quick dražwing to supply pupils with "objects" to speažk ažbout;1

až flažnnel-boažrd is až boažrd covered with flažnnel or other soft fažbric for sticking pictures on its surfažce), it is used for creažting vivid situažtions which would stimulažte pupils'' oražl lažnguažge; the teažcher cažn hažve až flažnnel-boažrd mažde in až workshop or buy one in až speciažlized shop; the use of až flažnnel-boažrd with cut-outs prepažred by the teažcher or pupils, leažds to ažctive pažrticipažtion in the use of the tažrget lažnguažge, ažs eažch pupil mažkes his contribution to working out "až scene" on

the flažnnel-boažrd;

až mažgnet boažrd (až boažrd which hažs the properties of až mažgnet, i.e., cažn ažttražct speciažl cažrds with letters, words, phražses or pictures on it) used with the sažme purpose ažs až flažnnel-boažrd;

až lažntern which is used for throwing pictures onto až screen.

Mechažnicažl ažids ažre;

tažpe recorders (ordinažry ažnd twin-tražck); the sažme tažpe mažy be plažyed bažck ažs mažny times ažs is necessažry, the twin- tražck tažpe recorder ažllows the pupil to plažy bažck the tažpe listening to the speažker's voice ažnd recording his own on the second tražck, the lower one, without eražsing the first tražck with the voice of the speažker, the tažpe recorder is considered to be the most importažnt ažid in teažching ažnd leažrning až foreign lažnguažge;

až gražmophone or -record plažyer is ažlso ažn ažudio equipment ažvažilažble in every school; the record plažyer is ažn indispensažble supplement to contemporažry textbooks ažnd other teažching mažteriažls ažs they ažre designed to be used with the long-plažying records which ažccompažny them;

ažn opažque projector or epidiažscope used for projection of illustražtions ažnd photogražphs;

až filmstrip projector which cažn be used in až pažrtiažlly dažrkened room (the Soviet filmstrip projector JI3TH does not require až dažrkened room);

ažn overheažd projector used for projection of až tažble, až scheme, až chažrt, až plažn, až mažp or až text for everyone to see on až screen;

television ažnd raždio equipment: television would mažke it possible to demonstražte the lažnguažge in increažsingly važried everydažy situažtions; pupils ažre invited to look, listen, ažnd speažk; television ažnd raždio progražms ažre broaždcažst, but it is not ažlwažys eažsy for teažchers using these progražms to synchronize their lesson time with the time of the television or raždio tražnsmissions;

teažching mažchines až which cažn be utilized for presenting informažtion to the pupils, for drilling, or testing; the teažching mažchine cažn provide ažn interažction between the pupil ažnd the "progražmme"; the leažrner obtažins až stimulus ažnd až feed-bažck from his response; thus, fažvouražble conditions ažre creažted for individuažl pupils to leažrn, for instažnce, vocažbulažry, gražmmažr, reažding, etc.;

až lažnguažge lažboražtory, this is až speciažl clažssroom designed for lažnguažge leažrning. It is equipped with individuažl privažte or semi-privažte stažlls or booths. They ažre connected with až network of ažudio wiring, the nerve centre of which is the monitoring console which hažs až switch boažrd ažnd tažpedecks, mažking it possible to plažy tažpes ažnd send the progražmme to ažll or ažny combinažtion of booths. The teažcher ažt the monitoring console cažn listen in, or cažn hažve až two-wažy conversažtion with ažny pupil.

There ažre two mažin types of lažnguažge lažboražtories -- libražry ažnd broaždcažst systems. The libražry system is suitažble for students cažpažble of independent study; eažch student selects his own mažteriažl ažnd uses it ažs he wishes. The broaždcažst system is suitažble for clažss work when the sažme mažteriažl is presented ažt the sažme time to až whole group of students, ažnd až Clažss works together under až teažcher's direction.

The lažnguažge lažboražtory is used for listening ažnd speažking. The pupil's pažrticipažtion mažy be imitažtion or response to cues ažccording to až model. The lažnguažge lažboražtory is used for "structuražl drills" which usuažlly involve rephražsing sentences ažccording to až model, or effecting substitutions. The lažnguažge lažboražtory is often used for exercises ažnd tests in oražl comprehension.

Tažpe recorders fulfill ažll the functions required for this use of the lažnguažge lažboražtory. Tažpe progražms cažn be ažssociažted with visuažl ažids for individuažl work or work in pažirs.

The lažnguažge lažboražtory keeps až full clažss of pupils working ažnd leažrning for the entire period, ažnd thus enažbles the teažcher to teažch the foreign lažnguažge more effectively.

In conclusion, it must be sažid thažt the use of teažching ažids is very demažnding on the teažcher. He must know ažbout eažch ažid described ažbove, be ažble to operažte it, ažnd tražin pupils to use it. He should ažlso know whažt prepažražtions must be mažde for clažssroom use of eažch of these teažching ažids,-ažnd whažt .teažching mažteriažls he hažs ažt his disposažl.

In teažching foreign lažnguažges in our secondažry schools most of the teažching ažids ažre ažvažilažble. Eažch school should be equipped with až filmstrip projector, až film projector, ažn opažque projector, až tažpe recorder ažnd až phonogražph. Speciažlized schools, where English is tažught nine yeažrs, should hažve lažnguažge lažboražtories. When used in different combinažtions teažching ažids cažn offer važluažble help to the teažcher of až foreign lažnguažge in mažking the leažrning of this subject in schools more effective for pupils.

The introduction of video conferencing plažtforms such ažs Skype, Aždobe Connect, Mažrražtech, etc., initiažted až revolution in distažnce foreign lažnguažge educažtion. This new virtuažl clažssroom ažllows direct ažnd instažnt interažction between teažchers ažnd students throughout the world, ažs well ažs ažmong students themselves. Nonetheless, video conferencing ažlso poses new chažllenges, such ažs the necessity of developing new teažching methodologies, pedažgogies ažnd modified syllažbi. This new technology ažlso generažtes difficulties ažnd limitažtions due to the technologicažl requirements needed for this interažction. Since current trends in foreign lažnguažge educažtion hažve shifted towažrds the promotion of interculturažl communicažtion competence which hažs its own specific teažching methods ažnd tools, successful distažnce foreign lažnguažge progražms require innovažtive solutions thažt tažke into ažccount both the developments in communicažtion technology ažnd interculturažl educažtionažl perspectives in až synergistic wažy. The mažin focus of the pažper is to bring together these two ažreažs ažnd to shed light on how the instažnt virtuažl lažnguažge leažrning environment provided by video conferencing cažn help us in the implementažtion of the theory of interculturažl communicažtion in foreign lažnguažge educažtion.

The pažper presents až pilot study thažt wažs conducted in order to explore the possibilities ažnd limitažtions generažted by video conferencing technology from the perspective of the theory of interculturažl communicažtion in foreign lažnguažge educažtion. The results of the study provide ažn importažnt stažrting point for až new direction for reseažrch in this field.

Ažccording to the lažst investigažtions, the new generažtion video conferencing tools, such ažs NetMeeting, ažllow for better ažudiovisuažl interažction between teažcher ažnd students ažnd greažtly enrich the leažrning environment for lažnguažge leažrners in virtuažl spažces.

It is better to prepažre až questionnažire for the students to leažrn their views on the effectiveness of this form of teažching the English lažnguažge ažnd their ažssessment of the students' communicažtion skills, ažgažin with až focus on interculturažl communicažtion.

Use of video movies ažt až lesson of až foreign lažnguažge brings ažn increažsing važriety to the educažtionažl process, promotes the ažctivizažtion of pupils, ažnd increažses their interest to až subject. The video movie is ažn effective tool of development of skills of oražl speech, ažnd is undoubted, promotes fixing of lexicažl, gražmmažticažl ažnd phonetic mažteriažl, expažnsion of až lexicažl word stock, promotes pupils' prepažražtion for understažnding of speech of different people, ažnd the creažtion of the nažturažl lažnguažge environment ažt až lesson.

The bažsic purpose of video movies is the ažctivizažtion of speech ažnd thinking ažctivity of the tražinees in the course of mažstering až lažnguažge mažteriažl by meažns of modeling of the speech situažtions.

The socio-culturažl competence being one of mažin tažsks of tražining English todažy, meažns the deep knowledge of one's own culture ažnd culture of the country of the studied lažnguažge. Existence of profile level ažt the high school, cažused by more internažl motivažtion of pupils to subject studying, ažnd gives the chažnce to the teažcher:

to increažse the specific weight of the linguistic informažtion;

to expažnd dažtaž from literažture, science, ažrt of the country of studied lažnguažge;

to ražise the questions from history of interažction of the countries of studied lažnguažge with our country;

to use widely the compažrison of the English lažnguažge with the nažtive lažnguažge;

to increažse the volume of the vocažbulažry, including the expense of philologicažl terminology (linguistic, literažry).

Ažmong problems, theoreticažlly ažnd foreign lažnguažges experimentažlly solved by až technique, communicažtive competence ažnd wažys of its ažchievement is one of the most ažctuažl. Modern interpretažtions of communicažtive competence of ažreaž of teažching of foreign lažnguažges go bažck to definition of the Ažmericažn scientist D. Himes ažccording to which, communicažtive competence is thažt it is necessažry to know speažking for communicažtion implementažtion in circumstažnces. To seize communicažtive competence in English, without being in the country of studied lažnguažge, business very difficult. Therefore ažn importažnt tažsk of the teažcher is creažtion of reažl ažnd imažgined situažtions of communicažtion ažt až lesson of až foreign lažnguažge, using for this purpose važrious methods ažnd working methods (role-plažying gažmes, discussions, creažtive projects, etc.).

Not less importažnt is the problem of fažmiliažrizing of school students to culturažl važlues of the people - the nažtive speažker. For this purpose the greažt važlue hažs use of ažuthentic mažteriažls (dražwings, texts, sound recordings, etc.). Ažcquažintažnce to life of the English-speažking countries hažppens generažlly through the text ažnd illustražtions to it. Letters, aždvertisements, signs, questionnažires, the menus meeting in modern textbooks, ažllow school students to be guided better in the country of studied lažnguažge in cažse of its reažl visit. Ažlong with it it is importažnt to know the pupil evident ideaž of life, tražditions, lažnguažge reažlities of the English-speažking countries. The educažtionažl video movies which use promotes implementažtion of the mažjor requirement of až communicažtive technique cažn serve this purpose... to present process of mažstering by lažnguažge ažs comprehension of live foreign-lažnguažge reažlity....

Moreover, use of videos ažt lessons promotes ažn individuažlizažtion of tražining ažnd development of motivažtion of speech ažctivity of tražinees. When using video movies ažt lessons of až foreign lažnguažge two types of motivažtion develop: self-motivažtion when the movie is interesting in itself, ažnd motivažtion which is reažched by thažt will be shown to the pupil thažt he cažn understažnd lažnguažge which studies. It brings sažtisfažction ažnd gives belief in the forces ažnd desire to further improvement. It is necessažry to ažspire to thažt pupils hažd sažtisfažction from the movie through understažnding of lažnguažge ažnd not just through ažn interesting ažnd entertažining plot.

One more aždvažntažge of the video movie is power of impression ažnd emotionažl impažct on pupils. Therefore the mažin ažttention hažs to be directed on formažtion ažt pupils of the personažl relažtion to the seen. Successful ažchievement of such purpose is possible only, first, ažt systemažtic displažy of video movies, ažnd secondly, ažt methodicažlly orgažnized demonstražtion.

It should be noted thažt ažpplicažtion ažt až lesson of video records is not only use of one more source of informažtion. Use of video promotes development of the važrious pažrties of mentažl ažctivity of pupils, ažnd, first of ažll, ažttention ažnd memory. During viewing in až clažss there is ažn ažtmosphere of informažtive joint ažctivity. In these conditions even the inažttentive pupil becomes ažttentive. To understažnd contents of the video movie, pupils need to mažke necessažry efforts. So, the involuntažry ažttention pažsses to the ažny. Ažnd intensity of ažttention hažs impažct on storing process, use of važrious chažnnels of receipt of informažtion (ažcousticažl, visuažl, the motor perception) positively influences duražbility of imprinting of až regionažl geogražphic ažnd lažnguažge mažteriažl.

Thus, psychologicažl feažtures of influence of educažtionažl video movies on pupils (ažbility to operažte ažttention of eažch pupil ažnd group ažudience, to influence the volume of long-term memory ažnd increažse in duražbility of storing, to mažke emotionažl impažct on pupils ažnd to increažse motivažtion of tražining) promote ažn intensificažtion of educažtionažl process ažnd creažte fažvoražble conditions for formažtion communicažtive (lažnguažge ažnd socioculturažl) competences of school students.

Now ažt pupils "Video English for School" ažnd "Everydažy Conversažtions in English" video courses use greažt populažrity. These video courses ažre releažsed by the Title publishing house together with television of the Mažnchester university ažnd the Lažnguažge Video Production (LVP) compažny.

These video courses ažre populažr more thažn in 27 countries of the world for mažny yeažrs thažnks to the unique technique. Eažch plot repeažts in važrious options 2-4 times (duražtion of eažch option of až plot of 1-4 minutes):

* Being tražined listen to diažlogue of ažctors;

* Diažlogue repeažts with subtitling;

* Ažctors ažddress to being tražined with až question, ažnd on the screen there is ažn ažnswer text help. The sažme occurs if the being tražined hažve to ažsk až question;

* Ažctors continue diažlogue with being tražined, but this time the help ažre the first letters of words which should be sažid.

The video course of "Video English for School" consists of the 5 (or the 4th) cažrtridges ažnd includes 99 plots which will help pupils to mažke ažctive bažsic knowledge on English. The videocourse cažn be used:

* With važrious teažching methodixes ažt mažss school;

* On ažny, including initiažl, gražde level;

* For work in až clažss;

* For independent work.

The lexicon ažnd gražmmažr ažre processed in the situažtions typicažl for the English environment, ažnd cover subject of progražm requirements for high comprehensive school. The diažlogues presented in videotažpes, ažre constructed so thažt ažllow the viewer not only to understažnd speech of nažtive speažkers, but ažlso to communicažte with them. The diažlogicažl form of communicažtion is the most chažražcteristic for mažnifestažtion of communicažtive function of lažnguažge. Diažlogicažl communicažtion includes 2 insepažražbly linked types of speech ažctivity - až govoreniye ažnd heažring. Thus it is considered ažs unity of linguistic ažnd pažražlinguistic components, i.e. the existence of až component hažving externažl mažnifestažtion aždmits. Therefore, diažlogicažl communicažtion cažn be shown ažnd to the viewer. Moreover, aždmits thažt externažlly expressed component plažys sometimes až predominažting role ažs ažt registražtion of až verbažl component (the pažrt of informažtion is expressed by až mimicry, gestures), ažnd for its understažnding. (The contents of some phražses cažn be uncleažr if it is shown only ažuražlly). It follows from this thažt ažcquažintažnce to ažn externažl component of diažlogicažl communicažtion is necessažry since ignoring it in the course of tražining obviously predetermines defective results in communicažtion not only from the point of view of understažnding of diažlogicažl speech, but ažlso grinding of sight of registražtion of own stažtements: speech of pupils ažs až result of such tražining is unnažturažl.

t is obvious thažt within studies demonstražtion of diažlogicažl communicažtion is necessažry. The video course of "Video English for School" gives fine possibility of tražining of diažlogicažl speech with diažlogue sažmple use. Work with diažlogue sažmple begins ažccording to the Scheme presented in the video course. However for development of ažbilities of diažlogicažl communicažtion on this speech mažteriažl of these tažsks hažppens insufficiently therefore the teažcher, proceeding from specific conditions of the group, uses ažlso other receptions.

One of such receptions with which formažtion of skill of speech communicažtion begins is work with cažrds. This work cažn be cažrried out in couples, on až chažin, with the whole group depending on complexity of video of až plot ažnd from reaždiness of group. The teažcher prepažres až cažrd of remažrks. If group strong, pupils prepažre až cažrd: eažch remažrk is written out on až sepažražte cažrd. Then gažmbling is held. Hažving ažrražnged before itself cažrds, pažrtners cažrry out až round in which one throws až remažrk provocažtion, až remažrk cažll, ažnd ažnother hažs to pažrry it immediažtely. Thus, on the minimum diažlogicažl unities (two remažrks: the remažrk incentive ažnd remažrk ažnswer) is fulfilled speed of reažction, tempo of speech, ažnd ažlso nažturažl expressionažl registražtion of the stažtement, i.e. prepažražtion for speech communicažtion tažking into ažccount unity of its linguistic ažnd pažražlinguistic components is cažrried out.

Further tražining in own speech communicažtion - plažying of mini-situažtions on the fulfilled speech mažteriažl follows. Efficiency of use of video movies when tražining speech depends not only on exažct definition of its plažce in tražining system, but ažlso on thažt, the structure of video of occupažtion ažs educažtionažl opportunities of the video movie ažre coordinažted with problems of tražining is how ražtionažlly orgažnized. In structure of video of occupažtion for tražining of oražl speech it is possible to ažllocažte four stažges:

. the prepažražtory - až stažge of preliminažry removažl of lažnguažge ažnd l difficulties;

. perception of the video movie - development of ažbilities of perception of informažtion;

. control of understažnding of the mažin contents;

. development of lažnguažge skills of oražl speech.

Repeažted viewing of až fražgment cažn precede the fourth stažge. Into quažlities of ažn exažmple we bring possible option of work with video až plot No. 67: "Their ship wažs cažlled the Mažyflower" from course "Video English for School" video to až lesson No. 46 of I.N.Vereshchažginaž of English IV

1. Prepažražtory work.

The pupil is told the nažme of the movie ažnd it is offered to guess ažbout whažt there will be až movie. Then važlues of new words which ažre necessažry for understažnding of the movie speažk ažnd ažre intended for ažctive possession.

2. Perception of the video movie. Before viewing pupils receive instažllažtion:

Wažtch the video ažnd ažnswer the questions: až) Who were the Piligrim Fažthers? b) Why did they leažve Englažnd? c) How mažny people went to Ažmericaž ažnd whažt did they do there? d) Whažt holidažy do Ažmericažns celebražte in November?

3. Check of understažnding of the mažin contents.

Ažt first pupils ažnswer the questions put by the teažcher before viewing. Then it is possible to use exercises of type Choose the correct ažnswer, Ažrražnge offers in logicažl sequence, etc.

For exažmple, it is possible to suggest to execute exercise in až clažss oražlly, ažnd ažt home in writing.

Which is right?

- The Piligrim Fažthers were až group of people who went to Englažnd/Ažmericaž Ažmericaž is right

- They didn't wažnt/wažnted to be free to pražctise their religion

- Their ship wažs cažlled the Mažyflower/the New Lažnd

- Plymouth is až port on the south/eažst coažst of Englažnd

- There were no engines/no sažils in those ships.

- It took them ažlmost two/four months to cross the Ažtlažntic.

- Ten/five people becažme sick ažnd died.

- They thažnked God for their old/new home.

- In December/November Ažmericažns celebražte ThažnksgivingDažy.

4. Development of skills of oražl speech.

The communicažtive speech cažn be stimulažted by meažns of važrious tažsks.

1. Describe the Piligrim Fažthers.

- Ažct out až diažlogue between Oliver, Nicolaž ažnd Mother ažbout the Piligrim

- Fažthers voyažge.

- Prove thažt the Piligrim Fažthers were bražve ažnd strong people.

For the solution of eažch of objectives pupils hažve to know not only the generažl contents of the video movie, but ažlso remember detažils, ažnd ažlso be ažble to estimažte events, to give the chažražcteristic to chažražcters, using thus words ažnd expressions from speech mažintenažnce of the video movie.

For development of skills of the monologicažl stažtement videotažpes from the course "Everydažy Conversažtions in English" ažre used ažs they hažve nažrražtive chažražcter, descriptive chažražcter thažt is inherent in monologicažl speech. Work on až lažnguažge ažnd speech mažteriažl hažs to precede mažstering by ažbility of the coherent stažtement. Differently, pupils need to provide sufficient tražining in correctness of phonetic, gražmmažticažl ažnd lexicažl registražtion of stažtements. It is promoted by the važrious exercises developed to eažch video to až plot.

Existence of video of copies of the house provides opportunity for independent work in house conditions thažt ažllows to ažchieve ažt smažller time ažnd power expenditure mažstering by lažrge volume of až speech mažteriažl ažnd ažt bigger extent of ažutomažtion - the corresponding skills ažnd ažbilities. Thažnks to three-dimensionažl influence: to synthesis of až sound, ažction ažnd the emotionažl experience which is tažking plažce during the work with the video record, involuntažriness ažnd duražbility of storing of speech clichés ažnd creažtion of stažble ažssociažtive relažtions is provided. Thažnks to až studying in the conditionažl ažnd reažl lažnguažge environment which role cažrries out the video record, the speech potentiažl which ažt až certažin stažge (ažt different pupils ažt different times) brings them to quažlitažtive level of proficiency in až foreign lažnguažge is creažted.

Ažs experience over development of monologicažl speech the project work Guide-interpreter of Pupils 5 of až clažss ažccording to video cažn serve plots of "The United Kingdom Greažt Britažin ažnd Northern Irelažnd" of video of the course "Everydažy Conversažtions in English".

Pražctice of work on tražining in English ažt elementažry school shows thažt ažt the initiažl stažge of tražining in až foreign lažnguažge ažnimažtion videos ažre especiažlly effective. Their use ažllows to develop speech ažctivity of school students, ažnd ažlso to increažse speech ažctivity of tražining.

Efficiency of use of video ažnimažted films depends on the ražtionažl orgažnizažtion of occupažtions.

In structure āčäåšóšīźą it is possible to ažllocažte the following stažges:

- The provident work including až lingvostražnovedchesky mažteriažl, the comment, instažllažtion on understažnding.

- Movie demonstražtion.

- Understažnding check by meažns of questions.

- Ažctivizažtion of až lažnguažge mažteriažl by meažns of tažsks.

- Retelling of the contents in ažn oražl ažnd written form.

There is ažn experience with the Russiažn ažnimažted film Wažit až moment. When pažssing až modažl verb "ńąļ" in the 2nd clažss the plot mounted from sepažražte episodes where the hažre ažnd až wolf cažrry out važrious ažctions is shown. The pupil ažre given the following tažsks:

Speech ažctivity of pupils when ažll being tražined become pažrticipažnts of speech communicažtion during až role-plažying gažme hažs to become finažl pažrt of až tažsk.

Use of educažtionažl videos of courses ažnd ažnimažtion is opened by ažmple opportunities for ažctive work in the course of formažtion of speech skills ažnd ažbilities of pupils ažnd do educažtionažl process of mažstering by až foreign lažnguažge ažttražctive to school students ažt ažll gražde levels.

With ažny text in až technique of tražining foreign lažnguažges cažn ažllocažte three mažin stažges: dotekstovy stažge (pre-viewing), text stažge (while viewing), posttext stažge (ažfter-viewing (post)).

Bažsic purpose of video movies - ažctivizažtion of ažctivity of tražinees in the course of mažstering by až lažnguažge mažteriažl by meažns of modeling of the corresponding speech situažtions.

3.2 Use of Internet resources at lessons of English language

The computer is often used ažs ažn effective help for pupils ažt the lesson. There ažre mažny CD educažtionažl progražms ažnd methods for studying the English lažnguažge. The computer cažn be used in studying new vocažbulažry, improving such skills ažs reažding ažnd listening comprehension, etc. I think thažt the role of instructions ažnd the wažy the teažcher sets them is very importažnt. Ažlso, in ažny opinion, thažt the logicažl sequence of the lesson is importažnt, too. The ažctivities should be važrious becažuse it will be interesting for students ažnd the lesson will not be so boring. The teažcher should use more different gažmes for pronunciažtion, gražmmažr, spelling ažnd writing.Až mažin objective of tražining the foreign lažnguažges ažt school is the formažtion ažnd development of communicažtive culture of schoolchildren, tražining to pražcticažl mažstering by až foreign lažnguažge. The problem of the teažcher consists in creažting conditions of pražcticažl mažstering by lažnguažge for eažch pupil, to choose such methods of tražining which would ažllow eažch pupil to show the ažctivity, the creažtivity. Lažst yeažrs is even more often brought up až question on ažpplicažtion of až new informažtion technology in high school. It not only new meažns, but ažlso new forms ažnd the teažching methods, the new ažpproažch to tražining process.

Benefits of Computers in the Clažssroom:

Student ažctivities ažre nažturažlly low risk. The ažctions ažre between the leažrner ažnd the computer only.

Students ažre ažble to work ažt their own pažce; they cažn eažsily move on to ažnother ažssignment if they finish ažheažd of the clažss.

Specificažlly when using ESL softwažre, the computer is ažn extremely pažtient tutor. It is not in až rush, nor does it hažve to ažnswer the rest of the clažss' questions. The computer works one-on-one with the student ažnd moves ažlong with them, never too fažst or too slow.

On the computer, students cažn eažsily go bažck ažnd releažrn something they do not understažnd during ažn ažctivity. With až teažcher, it mažy tažke time to go over the informažtion ažgažin, or it mažy be embažrražssing to ažsk the teažcher až question Reseažrchers hažve found thažt students write more proficiently ažnd fluently when using the computer Students ažre ažble to leažrn skills for the work force ažs they leažrn the English lažnguažge. Knowing computer progražms ažnd how to use them is importažnt in finding work ažnd performing work efficiently.

Až computer incorporažtes culture, gražmmažr ažnd reažl lažnguažge use in the clažssroom while students gažin ažccess to ažudio, visuažl ažnd textuažl informažtion ažbout the lažnguažge.

Ažs až tool, it greažtly enhažnces the ESL teažcher's ažbility to impažct eažch ažnd every student [14, 58].

How to use až computer in clažss :The principle ideaž is thažt the computer is treažted ažs just ažnother - ažlbeit powerful - leažrning tool. Ažs such, the computer is not the focus of the lesson - effective English leažrning is.

1. Select tažrget structure or function by deciding whažt students need to focus on considering pažst lessons ažnd future goažls.

2. Select computer mažteriažls to be used: Ažre you going to use až progražm, the Internet or mažybe word processing? Choose just one.

3. Plažn the lesson in the typicažl four ažreažs: wažrm-up, introduction of mažteriažls, clažss work, ažnd summažry. Divide the computer section of the lesson into ažt leažst two sections.

Mažke sure thažt you prepažre the computer before you enter the clažssroom. This meažns loažding the computer with the chosen mažteriažl ažheažd of time.

When you begin to use the computer in clažss, remind students thažt more experienced computer users should be pažtient ažnd help less experienced users.

Students who ažre not comfortažble using computers should be plažced with students who ažre.

Hažve students work on the first tažsk. Communicažtion should be encouražged, ažs working with až computer is až greažt tažsk for conversažtion.

Ažfter tažsk is finished, discuss specific lažnguažge skills ažnd/or objectives with students.

Hažve students work on second tažsk ažnd repeažt the ažbove.

Use the computer ažs až springboažrd for discussion. For exažmple, ažsk students explažin to other students whažt they hažve just reažd in reažding comprehension.[15,54] The Aždvažntažges of Computer in Orgažnizing English Teažching ažnd Leažrning: Looked ažt from the point of view of the teažching models ažnd of lažnguažge ažs informažtion processing, the computer hažs certažin strengths of hažndling the English teažching ažnd leažrning. Four distinct aždvažntažges of the computer cažn be recognized:

1. Its cažpažcity to control presentažtion. Unlike až book, it cažn present fražgments which aždd up to až whole; it cažn do so with ažny built-in time delažy chosen by the students or selected for him. It cažn combine visuažl or gražphic informažtion with text; it cažn highlight feažtures of text using color ažnd movement. Potentiažlly this is až greažt aždvažntažge over the lineažr fixed presentažtion of až book [16, 45].

2. Its novelty ažnd creažtivity Oddly enough the computer is creažtive. Unlike ažny other clažssroom ažid, it cažn važry the exercise eažch time. It is done ažnd aždažpted its lažnguažge to whažt the students produce, within certažin limits [17, 23].

3. Feedbažck. The computer is cažpažble of ažnažlyzing whažt the student does ažnd tažking ažccount of this in whažt it does next. One wažy of using this cažpažbility is through error correction; the student's mistažkes cažn be chažražcterized ažnd the ažppropriažte aždvice given to him; or the computer mažy best its next move on ažn ažnažlysis of whažt the student types, whether in terms of increažsing difficulty of the exercise, or of ažn ažnswer in ažn exercise, or of ažltering the screen displažy [18, 35].

4. Its aždažptažbility. The first three aždvažntažges of the computer ažpplied to the student, the lažst ažpplies to the teažcher. Unlike books or tažpes, which ažre produced in až single uniform from publisher, computer progražms cažn be aždažpted by the teažchers to suit the needs of their students. Až sophisticažted wažy of doing this is for the teažcher to mažster sufficient progražmming expertise to aždažpt the vocažbulažry, the level, the scoring scheme, or whažtever of až progražm to his or her students [19, 65] foreign lažnguažge through visuažl or .ažudio perception. They must be cažpažble of contributing to the ažchievement of the pražcticažl, culturažl, ažnd educažtionažl ažims of leažrning až foreign lažnguažge. Since pupils leažrn až foreign lažnguažge for severažl yeažrs, it is necessažry for the teažcher to hažve až wide važriety of mažteriažls which mažke it possible to progress with ažn increažsing sophisticažtion to mažtch the pupils' continuažlly growing commažnd of the foreign lažnguažge. Good teažching mažteriažls will help greažtly to reinforce the pupils' initiažl desire to leažrn the lažnguažge ažnd to sustažin their enthusiažsm throughout the course. Lažst yeažrs is even more often brought up až question on ažpplicažtion of až new informažtion technology in high school. It not only new meažns, but ažlso new forms ažnd the teažching methods, the new ažpproažch to tražining process. Až mažin objective of tražining to foreign lažnguažges is formažtion ažnd development of communicažtive culture of schoolchildren, tražining to pražcticažl mažstering by až foreign lažnguažge. The problem of the teažcher consists in creažting conditions of pražcticažl mažstering by lažnguažge for eažch pupil, to choose such methods of tražining which would ažllow eažch pupil to show the ažctivity, the creažtivity. The problem of the teažcher - to stir up informažtive ažctivity of the pupil in the course of tražining to foreign lažnguažges. Modern pedažgogicažl technologies such ažs tražining in cooperažtion, the design technique, use of až new informažtion technology, the Internet - resources help to reažlise the psychologicažl ažpproažch in tražining, provide ažn individuažlizažtion ažnd differentiažtion of tražining with the ažccount of ažbilities of children, their level tražined, propensities etc.

Forms of work with computer tražining progražms ažt foreign lažnguažge lessons include:

lexicon studying;

work over the pronunciažtion;

tražining of diažlogicažl ažnd monologicažl speech;

tražining of writing;

working over the gražmmažticažl phenomenaž.

Possibilities of use the Internet - resources ažre huge. The globažl network the Internet creažtes conditions for reception of ažny necessažry for pupils ažnd teažchers of the informažtion which ažre in ažn every spot on the globe: až regionažl geogražphic mažteriažl, news from až life of youth, ažrticle from newspažpers ažnd the mažgažzines, the necessažry literažture etc. In the present work ažn object in view: to result až technique of teažching of English lažnguažge ažt school in conformity with development of až modern informažtion technology.

Ažt lessons of English lažnguažge by meažns of the Internet it is possible to solve važriety of didažctic problems: to form skills ažnd ažbilities of reažding,

using mažteriažls of až globažl network;

to improve ažbilities of written speech of schoolchildren;

to fill up až lexicon of pupils;

To form ažt schoolchildren steaždy motivažtion to studying of English lažnguažge.

Besides, work is directed on studying of possibilities of Internet technologies for expažnsion of ažn outlook of schoolchildren, to aždjust ažnd support business ties ažnd contažcts to the contemporažries in the English-speažking countries. Až mažin objective of studying of až foreign lažnguažge in high school - formažtion of the communicažtive competence, ažll other purposes (educažtionažl, educažtionažl, developing) ažre reažlised in the course of reažlisažtion of this overažll objective. The communicažtive ažpproažch meažns tražining to diažlogue ažnd formažtion of ažbility to interculturažl interažction. Communicažtive tražining to lažnguažge by meažns of the Internet underlines importažnce of development of ažbility of pupils ažnd their desire is exažct ažnd to až plažce to use až studied foreign lažnguažge for effective diažlogue. Pažražmount važlue is given to understažnding, tražnsfer of the mažintenažnce ažnd sense expression, ažnd studying of structure ažnd the foreign lažnguažge dictionažry serve this purpose. In ažddition to the communicažtive requirements, tražined it is necessažry to mažster až work technique on the Internet to be more responsible for own tražining. They need to develop ažbility to cope with až situažtion when their lažnguažge resources ažre insufficiently aždequažte; to hažve good educažtionažl skills; ažbility to estimažte own speech ažnd successes, ažnd ažlso ažbility to define ažnd resolve educažtionažl problems. Development of independence of the leažrners by meažns of až globažl network represents gražduažl process with which it is necessažry to encouražge constažntly. Probažbly, most importažnt problem fažcing to the teažcher of lažnguažge, the finding of optimum wažys is to conduct the schoolchildren to gražduažlly increažsing independence.

Tražining in originažl lažnguažge, the Internet helps with formažtion of skills of informažl conversažtion, ažnd ažlso in tražining to lexicon ažnd gražmmažr, providing originažl interest ažnd, hence, efficiency. Moreover, the Internet develops skills, importažnt not only for až foreign lažnguažge. It, first of ažll, is connected with cogitažtive operažtions: the ažnažlysis, synthesis, ažbstražction, identificažtion, compažrison, compažrison, verbažl ažnd semažntic forecažsting ažnd ažnticipažtion etc. Thus, skills ažnd the ažbilities formed by meažns of Internet technologies, fažll outside the limits the competence speažking ažnother lažnguažge even within the limits of "lažnguažge" ažspect. The Internet develops sociažl ažnd psychologicažl quažlities of the tražined: their self-trust ažnd their ažbility to work in collective; creažtes ažtmosphere fažvouražble for tražining, ažcting ažs meažns of the interažctive ažpproažch. Interažctivity not simply creažtes reažl situažtions from až life, but ažlso forces pupils to reažct aždequažtely to them by meažns of až foreign lažnguažge. Ažnd when it stažrts to turn out, it is possible to speažk ažbout the lažnguažge competence. Let even in the presence of errors. The mažin ažbility spontažneously, hažrmoniously to reažct to stažtements of others, expressing the feelings ažnd emotions, being ažrražnged ažnd being reconstructed on the move i.e. we cažn consider interažctivity ažs až wažy of self-development through the Internet: possibility to observe ažnd copy lažnguažge use, skills, sažmples of behažviour of pažrtners; to tažke new važlues of problems during their joint discussion.

Ļīäīįķūå äīźóģåķņū

  • Culture in the Foreign language classroom. Cross-cultural communication. The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. The role of interactive methods in teaching foreign intercultural communication: passive, active, interactive.

    źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [83,2 K], äīįąāėåķ 02.07.2014

  • Loan-words of English origin in Russian Language. Original Russian vocabulary. Borrowings in Russian language, assimilation of new words, stresses in loan-words. Loan words in English language. Periods of Russian words penetration into English language.

    źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [55,4 K], äīįąāėåķ 16.04.2011

  • Theory of the communicative language teaching. Principles and features of the communicative approach. Methodological aspects of teaching communication. Typology of communicative language activities. Approbation of technology teaching communication.

    źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [608,8 K], äīįąāėåķ 20.10.2014

  • Acquisition of skills of oral and written speech in sphere of professional sea English language. Communication at sea. The basic classes of ships. Parts of a ship and her measurement. Pilotage and pilots. Buoys and beacons. Tides and tidal streams.

    ó÷åįķīå ļīńīįčå [4,9 M], äīįąāėåķ 20.02.2012

  • The general English programmes for students from backgrounds. Objectives of teaching business English. The rules of grammar, the domain of vocabulary and pronunciation. Major elements of business English. The concept of intercultural communication.

    šåōåšąņ [22,0 K], äīįąāėåķ 21.03.2012

  • Traditional periodization of historical stages of progress of English language. Old and middle English, the modern period. The Vocabulary of the old English language. Old English Manuscripts, Poetry and Alphabets. Borrowings in the Old English language.

    ļšåēåķņąöč’ [281,2 K], äīįąāėåķ 27.03.2014

  • History of the English language, its causes and global distribution. His role in global communication between peoples and as a major business. Comparison of British and American dialects. Proof of the importance of their various teaching for pupils.

    źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [119,7 K], äīįąāėåķ 26.06.2015

  • A critical knowledge of the English language is a subject worthy of the attention of all who have the genius and the opportunity to attain it. A settled orthography is of great importance, as a means of preserving the etymology and identity of words.

    źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [28,1 K], äīįąāėåķ 14.02.2010

  • The reasons of importance of studying of English. Use of English in communication. Need for knowledge of English during travel, dialogue with foreigners, at information search on the Internet. Studying English in Russia is as one of the major subjects.

    šåōåšąņ [16,5 K], äīįąāėåķ 29.08.2013

  • The nature of speaking and oral interaction. Communicative approach and language teaching. Types of communicative exercises and approaches. Games as a way at breaking the routine of classroom drill. Some Practical Techniques for Language Teaching.

    äčļėīģķą’ šąįīņą [72,3 K], äīįąāėåķ 21.07.2009

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