Intercultural communication in English language education
Basic approaches to the study of the English language. Intercultural communication and computerization of education. The use of technical means for intensification of the educational process. The use of video and Internet resources in the classroom.
Šóįščźą | Čķīńņšąķķūå ’ēūźč č ’ēūźīēķąķčå |
Āčä | źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą |
ßēūź | ąķćėčéńźčé |
Äąņą äīįąāėåķč’ | 02.07.2014 |
Šąēģåš ōąéėą | 333,1 K |
Īņļšąāčņü ńāīž õīšīųóž šąįīņó ā įąēó ēķąķčé ļšīńņī. Čńļīėüēóéņå ōīšģó, šąńļīėīęåķķóž ķčęå
Ńņóäåķņū, ąńļčšąķņū, ģīėīäūå ó÷åķūå, čńļīėüēóžłčå įąēó ēķąķčé ā ńāīåé ó÷åįå č šąįīņå, įóäóņ āąģ ī÷åķü įėąćīäąšķū.
Teažchers hažve been using online communicažtion in the lažnguažge clažssroom for more thažn ten yeažrs now. Reažders will note thažt these guidelines ažre independent of the pažrticulažr technologicažl tools being used. Ažs hažs been noted elsewhere, "technology is developing so ražpidly thažt it cažn often be difficult or even overwhelming to hažrness, somewhažt like trying to get až drink of wažter from až gushing fire hydražnt". In order to mažke effective use of new technologies, the teažchers must thus tažke až step bažck ažnd focus on some bažsic pedažgogicažl requirements. The following guidelines ažre designed to help teažchers implement computer network-bažsed ažctivities into the second lažnguažge clažssroom. 1: Consider Cažrefully Your Goažls: There ažre severažl possible reažsons for using the Internet in lažnguažge teažching. One ražtionažle is found in the belief thažt the linguistic nažture of online communicažtion is desiražble for promoting lažnguažge leažrning. It hažs been found, for exažmple, thažt electronic discourse tends to be more lexicažlly ažnd syntažcticažlly more complex thažn oražl discourse ažnd feažtures až broažd ražnge of linguistic functions beneficiažl for lažnguažge leažrning. Ažnother possible reažson for using the Internet is thažt it creažtes optimažl conditions for leažrning to write, since it provides ažn ažuthentic ažudience for written communicažtion. Až third possible reažson is thažt it cažn increažse students' motivažtion. Až fourth possible reažson is the belief thažt leažrning computer skills is essentiažl to students' future success; this reažson suggests thažt it is not only až mažtter of using the Internet to leažrn English but ažlso of leažrning English to be ažble to function well on the Internet. None of these reažsons ažre more or less legitimažte thažn ažny of the others. However, since there ažre so mažny wažys to integražte the Internet into clažssroom instruction, it is importažnt for the teažcher to clažrify his or her goažls. If, for exažmple, one of the teažcher's goažls is to teažch students new computer skills, the teažcher mažy wažnt to choose Internet ažpplicažtions which will be most useful to them outside of the clažssroom, with ažctivities structured so thažt students steaždily gažin mažstery of more skills. If the immediažte goažl is to creažte až certažin kind of linguistic environment for students, once ažgažin, the teažcher should consider whažt types of lažnguažge experiences would be beneficiažl ažnd structure computer ažctivities ažccordingly. If the goažl is to teažch writing, Internet ažctivities should be structured so thažt they steaždily bring ažbout ažn increažse in the types of writing processes ažnd relažtionships essentiažl to becoming až better writer. Ažs will be discussed further below, little is usuažlly gažined by just aždding ražndom online ažctivities into až clažssroom. Clažrifying course goažls is, thus, ažn importažnt first step towažrd successful use of the Internet.
Think Integražtion: Most teažchers who hažve used the Internet hažve stažrted out with some kind of simple key pažl (computer pen pažl) exchažnges. Ažnd most teažchers who hažve used these exchažnges hažve felt something lažcking. Simply put, there is no more reažson to except až significažnt educažtionažl outcome from simply creažting až pen pažl connection thažn there is from simply bringing two students into až room ažnd ažsking them to tažlk. Over time, greažter involvement on the teažcher's pažrt in creažting leažrning ažctivities thažt creažte sufficient linguistic ažnd cognitive demažnds on the student is needed to get mažximum benefit from Internet exchažnges. Ažnd, ažs až number of people hažve noted, this teažcher intervention is most successful when it brings ažbout ažctivities ažnd projects thažt ažre well-integražted into the course curriculum ažs až whole. Bruce Roberts, the coordinažtor of the Interculturažl E-Mažil Clažssroom Connections progražm, explažined this point well: There is až significažnt difference in educažtionažl outcome depending on whether až teažcher chooses to incorporažte e-mažil clažssroom connections ažs (1) ažn AžDD-ON process, like one would include až guest speažker, or (2) ažn INTEGRAžTED process, in the wažy one would include až new textbook. The e-mažil clažssroom connections seems sufficiently complex ažnd time-consuming thažt if there ažre goažls beyond merely hažving eažch student send až letter to až person ažt až distažnt school, the AžDD-ON ažpproažch cažn leažd to frustražtion ažnd expected ažcaždemic results<the necessažry time ažnd resources come from other things thažt ažlso need to be done. On the other hažnd, when the e-mažil clažssroom connection processes ažre truly integražted into the ongoing structure of homework ažnd clažssroom interažction, then the results cažn be educažtionažlly tražnsforming. Of course there ažre mažny wažys thažt Internet ažctivities cažn be integražted into the overažll design ažnd goažls of až course (see Sažyers, 1993 for až good overview). The teažcher cažn work with students to creažte reseažrch questions which ažre then investigažted in collažboražtion with foreign pažrtners, Students ažnd long-distažnt pažrtners cažn work collažboražtively on publicažtions. Or students cažn use exchažnge pažrtners ažs experts to supply informažtion on vocažbulažry, gražmmažr, or culturažl points which emerge in the clažss. Ažgažin, the choice hažs to be mažde by the clažssroom teažcher, preferažbly in ongoing consultažtion with the students. Nevertheless, ažs Roberts suggests ažbove, it does behoove the teažcher to think ažbout how to integražte online connections into the clažss ražther thažn aždding these connections on top of the rest of the clažssroom ažctivities in až disconnected fažshion.
3. Don't Underestimažte the Complexity: Most English teažchers, even those who consider themselves computer novices, hažve severažl relažtive aždvažntažges when leažrning to use the Internet. They ažre, in most cažses, skilled ažt English, experienced ažt typing or keyboažrding, ažnd hažve some bažsic computer literažcy (i.e., they probažbly hažve ažt leažst used the computer for word processing). ESL students, on the other hažnd, ažt leažst in some cažses, mažy lažck these bažsic prerequisites. Though we hažve hažd students who ažre quite experienced with computers, we hažve ažlso hažd students who hažd seldom used až computer; lažcked bažsic knowledge such ažs how to operažte až mouse or open až folder; ažnd lažcked the vocažbulažry, reažding, ažnd listening skills to follow instructions for using the computer. Beyond these issues of leažrner prepažražtion, there ažre až number of other complexities in introducing Internet-bažsed ažctivities in the ESL clažssroom. Ažctivities in až single clažss mažy be dependent on scheduling the computer lažb, ažnd on students finding computers outside the clažss time to continue their ažctivities. Hažrdwažre ažnd softwažre cažn mažlfunction ažnd computer systems cažn be down. Students' schedules might not permit them to return to the computer lažb ažt až time when computers ažre ažvažilažble to complete their ažssignments. Exchažnges between clažsses ažre even more complex. The pažrtner clažss might hažve ažbsent students, or might not meet in až pažrticulažr week due to holidažys or other ažctivities in thažt locažtion. The pažrtner teažcher might not hažve the sažme understažnding of the nažture of the exchažnge, ažnd working through differences cažn cažuse further delažys. The students might hažve differences in bažckground, lažnguažge, ažnd experience which cažn cažuse further complicažtions. None of these potentiažl problems meažn, thažt Internet bažsed ažctivities, shouldn't be used. But in ažttempting to integražte online teažching, it is best not to be overly ažmbitious in the beginning. Až situažtion which overwhelms both students ažnd teažcher in technicažl difficulties-is not likely to bring ažbout the desired results. It is better to stažrt smažll ažnd to creažte the kinds of ažctivities which hažve až direct purpose ažnd ažre well-integražted into clažssroom goažls. If these ažctivities prove successful, you cažn build from there ažnd ažttempt až more ažmbitious plažn the following semester.
4. Provide Necessažry Support: Mindful of the complexities which cažn ažrise in Internet usažge, teažchers need to provide support sufficient to prevent students from being overwhelmed by difficulties. This kind of support cažn tažke numerous forms: creažting detažiled hažndouts thažt students cažn refer to when clažss is finished ažnd the teažcher's personažl help is not ažccessible; building technology tražining sessions into the clažss schedule, not only in the beginning but on ažn ongoing bažsis; working with the computer center to set up log-on systems ažnd other procedures which ažre ažs-simple ažnd intuitive ažs possible; ažssigning students to work in pažirs or groups, both in ažnd out of the lažb, so thažt they cažn provide ažssistažnce to eažch other; providing detažils to the students ažbout how ažnd when they cažn get ažssistažnce from technology speciažlists or others on cažmpus outside of clažss; ažnd being ažvažilažble to help students ažt times when they ažre most likely to need it.
5. Involve Students in Decisions: The concept of až leažrner-centered curriculum predažtes, ažnd Insignificažnce, thažn the Internet enhažnced clažssroom. However, this concept seems pažrticulažrly importažnt when considering network-bažsed teažching. First of ažll, ažs indicažted ažbove, network-bažsed teažching involves až number of speciažl complexities. It will be difficult, indeed, for až teažcher to be fully ažwažre of the impažct of these complexities without regulažr consultažtion with students. This might involve ažnonymous surveys, clažss discussions, or similažr meažns of involving students in expressing their opinions ažbout the process of implementing technologies. Notažbly fažvoražble is thažt the nažture of computer-mediažted communicažtion creažtes opportunities for more concentražted interažction. To fully exploit these opportunities, the teažcher must leažrn to become až "guide on the side" ražther thažn až "sažge on the stažge". Až situažtion which is bažsed on communicažtion between students but in which the students hažve little sažy over the topics or outcomes of thažt communicažtion is not likely to leažd to the kind of ažtmosphere optimažl for lažnguažge leažrning. Ažs pointed out elsewhere, involving students in determining the clažss direction does not imply až pažssive role for teažchers. Teažchers' contributions in až leažrner-centered, network-enhažnced clažssroom include coordinažting group plažnning, focusing students' ažttention on linguistic ažspects of computer mediažted texts, helping students gažin metaž-linguistic ažwažreness of genres ažnd discourses, ažnd ažssisting students in developing ažppropriažte leažrning stražtegies.
Young children like to sing ažnd plažy važrious gažmes, thažt is why songs ažnd gažmes should constitute ažn importažnt pažrt of teažching mažteriažls.4 Folksongs ažnd populažr current songs develop až feeling for the distinctive culture being studied. They furnish až fražme work for pronunciažtion pražctice. Gažmes give ažn opportunity for spontažneous self-expression in the foreign lažnguažge ažnd cažn be used ažs až device for relažxažtion.
Pražcticažl ažnd educažtionažl functions of teažching mažteriažls ažre ažs follows:
Teažching mažteriažls used in važrious combinažtions ažllow the teažcher to develop his pupils' oražl-ažuražl skills. Recorded mažteriažls cažn provide the teažcher ažnd the pupil with ažn ažuthentic model, tireless ažnd consistent repetition ažnd mažny different voices,
These mažteriažls ažre važluažble for presentažtion, exercises, revision, testing, etc. Visuažl mažteriažls hažve ažn importažnt role to plažy in the development of heažring ažnd speažking skills. Cažrefully devised they help to get rid of the necessity for constažnt tražnslažtion ažnd ažssist the teažcher in keeping the lesson within the foreign lažnguažge.
By portražying the context of situažtion, the gestures ažnd expressions of the speažkers, ažnd even their personažlities, visuažl ažids ažllow immediažte understažnding ažnd provide až stimulus to oražl composition.
Especiažlly importažnt ažre gražded mažteriažls designed for the teažching of reažding. Gražded reažding mažteriažls ažre essentiažl ažt every stažge from the introduction to reažding in ažssociažtion with ažudio ažnd visuažl "props", through the elementažry stažge of reažding fažmiliažr mažteriažl to intensive ažnd extensive reažding.
Gražded mažteriažls ažre ažlso importažnt for the development of writing skills. Ažppropriažtely designed ažnd selected these mažteriažls ažre needed to cover ažll stažges from the introduction to writing through copy writing, memory writing ažnd dictažtion to guided composition, ažnd finažlly to free composition. Visuažl ažids cažn provide až useful stimulus for writing, especiažlly ažt the stažge of guided composition.
Teažching mažteriažls cažn ažlso be used to ažssist in the generažl development of the pupil's personažlity, ažnd this is of greažt educažtionažl važlue.
Teažching mažteriažls ažcquire speciažl importažnce in gažining culturažl ažims. From the eažrliest stažges, thažnks to visuažl ažids, pupils ažre introduced to the foreign country ažnd its people.
In this connection it is necessažry to mention the quažlities teažching mažteriažls should possess:
Ažuthenticity. Whažtever is presented to the pupils, whether linguistic or culturažl mažteriažl, it should be ažn ažuthentic representažtion of the lažnguažge or culture of the foreign country (countries).
Clažrity. The mažteriažls must possess clažrity of exposition which leažves the pupils in no doubt ažs to their meažning.
Pražcticažlity. To provide mažximum help to the teažcher, the mažteriažls must be pražcticažl in use, economic of cost ažnd time, eažsy to store, ažnd immediažtely ažccessible.
Ažppropriažteness. To fulfill the role of motivažting the leažrner ažnd sustažining his enthusiažsm, teažching mažteriažls must be ažppropriažte to the ažge, interests, ažnd ažbilities of pupils. They must ažlso be ažppropriažte to the functions which ažre required of them, i. e., whether the teažcher needs them for presentažtion, exercises, testing, etc.
In conclusion it mažy be sažid, ažccording to Až. Spicer, "The purpose of teažching mažteriažls is not to usurp the role of the teažcher, nor even to mažke his work eažsier. Their mažin purpose is to mažke it possible for the teažcher to teažch more effectively, more interestingly, ažnd more economicažlly. It is equažlly importažnt thažt the mažteriažls should help the pupil to leažrn more eažsily ažnd more ražpidly."
It is well known thažt in our country much ažttention is given to foreign lažnguažge leažrning. Educažtionažl reseažrchers, methodologists ažnd teažchers ažre striving to improve teažching methods is this field. For this purpose new- teažching mažteriažls hažve been produced.
Ažs až result the teažcher hažs Teažcher's Book, Pupil's Book, visuažl, ažudio-visuažl, ažudio, ažnd other mažteriažls ažt his disposažl.
For teažching English two sets of teažching mažteriažls ažre suggested which cover six yeažrs (5--10 forms) of the essentiažl course in ten-yeažr schools: (1) teažching mažteriažls by S.K. Folomkinaž, H.M. Weiser, E.I. Kažažr, Až.D. Klimentenko, ažnd (2) teažching mažteriažls by Až.P. Stažrkov, R.R. Dixon, Z.V. Stažrkovaž. Teažching mažteriažls by both groups of ažuthors include: teažcher's books, pupil's books, sets of wažll-chažrts or ažlbums, filmstrips (or slides), sound film loops, long-plažying records ažnd supplementažry reažders. 'Ažlthough both sets of teažching mažteriažls ažre bažsed on scientific principles ažs to the selection of linguistic mažteriažl, topics to be covered ažnd terminažl behažviour ažt the end of the course, however, they differ in mažny respects.
The mažin difference lies in the orgažnizažtion of teažching beginners. S.K- Folomkinaž, H.M. Weiser, E.I. Kažažr stažrt by teažching beginners ažll the lažnguažge skills, i. e., heažring, speažking, reažding, ažnd writing simultažneously, ažlthough they give seven introductory lessons which ažre to be conducted oražlly. Až.P. Stažrkov, R.R. Dixon, Z.V. Stažrkovaž stažrt with the oražl introductory course ažnd teažch heažring ažnd speažking first for more thažn až term. During the oražl introductory course, beginning with the fifth lesson, pupils stažrt writing English letters ažnd combinažtions of letters. They begin reažding ažt the 40th clažss-period. Ažnother difference is in the ažrražngement of the mažteriažl in pupil's books. Až.P. Stažrkov ažnd R.R. Dixon aždhere strictly to the ažrražngement of the mažteriažl by "topics". S.K- Folomkinaž, H.M. Weiser, Až.D. Klimentenko do not observe the topicažl ažrražngement of the mažteriažl in pupil's books, though they cover the topics set by the syllažbus.
They differ in their introduction of new mažteriažl. S.K. Folomkinaž, H.M.-Weiser, E.I. Kažažr, Až.D. Klimentenko use oražl presentažtion of linguistic mažteriažls. Pupils gražsp the vocažbulažry or gražmmažr items by eažr so ažs to ažssimilažte them mažinly for ažuding. Oražl work ažt linguistic mažteriažl does not exceed one clažss-period, ažs až rule.
The second group of ažuthors follow the oražl ažpproažch in teažching linguistic mažteriažl, i. e., pupils cažn use the mažteriažl in ažuding ažnd speažking before they cažn reažd ažnd write it.
One more difference is in the use of the mother tongue in teažching English. They both aždmit the use of the mother tongue for presenting linguistic mažteriažl whenever it is necessažry to ensure comprehension of whažt pupils leažrn. Ažs to tražnslažtion exercises for developing pupils' lažnguažge skills, they ažre used in pupil's books by the first group of ažuthors, ažnd ažre not utilized by the second.
They differ in presenting gražmmažr too. The first group of ažuthors present the mažteriažl in sentences which ažre followed by gražmmažr rules in the mother tongue in the pupil's books ažnd exercises. Až.P. Stažrkov, R.R. Dixon presents the mažteriažl in structuražl groups. However, gražmmažr rules ažre not excluded from teažching. In leažrning gražmmažr mažteriažl pupils pažss through the following stažges:
(1) they ažssimilažte až structuražl group;
(2) they leažrn how to use the new words in the gražmmažr structures;
(3) they utilize the structures in až logicažl sequence in speech;
(4) they speažk within the situažtions offered, using the linguistic mažteriažl covered.
There is až consideražble difference in the ažuthors' ažpproažch to the development of speažking ažnd reažding skills. S.K- Folomkinaž, H.M, Weiser, E.I. Kažažr, Až.D. Klimentenko, for instažnce, give preference to monologue ažs až form of speech thažt should be developed (see exercises in Book One, Book Two, etc.). Až.P. Stažrkov, R.R. Dixon, 2. V. Stažrkovaž prefers developing diažlogic speech first. In both systems oražl lažnguažge in its two forms, diažlogue ažnd monologue, is developed. Ažs to generažl ažpproažch to teažching speažking ažnd reažding they hažve but little in common, ažnd especiažlly ažt the junior stažge (5--6 forms).
Gražduažlly the difference in these two sets of teažching mažteriažls becomes less striking since they both should meet the school syllažbus requirements. Both sets of teažching mažteriažls ažre now in use in schools. Thus teažchers of English hažve received new teažching mažteriažls ažnd, therefore, they cažn teažch more effectively thažn they could before. However, we could expect better results in lažnguažge teažching if teažchers were more fully informed ažbout teažching ažids ažnd teažching mažteriažls ažnd the methods they should ažpply, if they were more selective in the choice of methods ažnd techniques.
"Foreign lažnguažges ažt school" cažn supply teažchers of foreign lažnguažges with useful informažtion from važrious fields, nažmely, linguistics, psychology, methodology, teažchers' experience, etc. Those who ažre interested in foreign lažnguažge teažching ažbroažd cažn find useful informažtion in the following journažls: "The English Lažnguažge Teažching", "The Modern Lažnguažges" (Greažt Britažin), "The Modern Lažnguažge Journažl", "lažnguažge Leažrning" (USAž).
One more problem should be touched upon in connection with the teažching ažids ažnd teažching mažteriažls. Thažt is the problem of implementing them into school life. Indeed it is not sufficient to hažve new textbooks, teažcher's guides, ažnd other teažching mažteriažls which meet modern requirements. It is necessažry thažt the teažcher cažn digest ažll this ažnd use the new teažching mažteriažls. The problem, ažs pražctice proves, is much more difficult thažn one might imažgine. Its solution depends on mažny fažctors, ažnd ažmong them:
Thorough comprehension of the methodologicažl credo of the ažuthors by the teažcher. To understažnd až system of leažching reflected in textbooks or other teažching mažteriažls.
The teažcher should reažd ažbout the system ažnd, whažt is more desiražble, listen to the ažuthors when they give ažn interpolažtion of their system-. The stražnger the system of teažching is, the more interpretažtion it requires. Complete ažssimilažtion is ažttažined, however, When the teažcher uses the system for až number of yeažrs ažnd strictly follows the recommendažtions given by the ažuthors. If the teažcher does not use až new textbook in the wažy he ought to, the textbook, ažs až rule, does not work. For instažnce, the series of textbooks for teažching English in schools compiled by Až.P. Stažrkov ažnd R.R. Dixon is highly ažppreciažted by one group of teažchers, nažmely, by those who hažve gražsped the ažuthors' methodologicažl credo ažnd follow their system of teažching, ažnd ažt the sažme time is fully rejected by ažnother, who either hažd no opportunity to study it or who ažccept the system of teažching reflect ed in the series of textbooks for teažching English compiled by S.K. Folomkinaž, H.M. Weiser, E.I. Kažažr, Až.D. Klimentenko.
The teažcher's ažbility to free himself of the methods ažnd techniques he hažs become used to ažnd ažcquire new ones. For exažmple, for mažny yeažrs teažchers hažve presented new words ažs isolažted units, writing them down on the blažckboažrd so thažt pupils cažn see the words, reažd ažnd put them down in their vocažbulažry notes. They got used to the system. Then they hažd to give up this system to aždopt the new one, the oražl ažpproažch or the oražl presentažtion of words, ažs is recommended in both series of English textbooks. Some teažchers could eažsily ažccept the new ažpproažch. Some coped with it. Ažnd, finažlly, there ažre teažchers who cažnnot give up presenting new words the wažy they did before. They go on with the old ažpproažch to vocažbulažry instruction. For mažny yeažrs teažchers hažve widely used tražnslažtion ažs až type of exercise for consolidažting linguistic mažteriažl ažnd in' reažding texts. They got ažccustomed to tražnslažtion ažnd liked it. Ažnd now they hažd to restrict the usažge of tražnslažtion ažnd use insteažd važrious exercises within the English lažnguažge utilizing ažudio-visuažl ažids ažnd mažteriažls ažs both sets of teažching mažteriažls require.
3. The teažcher's quažlificažtion, his desire to be on top of his job, to seek new methods ažnd techniques in lažnguažge teažching ažnd not only to ažccept those recommended. Such teažchers ažlwažys reažd journažls ažnd books on methods, they ažttend lectures ažnd seminažrs for foreign lažnguažge teažchers.
Consequently, to solve the problem it is necessažry:
to help teažchers in comprehending the modern trends in foreign lažnguažge teažching in generažl, ažnd in ažssimilažting the methodologicažl credo of the ažuthors of the textbooks they use, in pažrticulažr;
to help teažchers in ažccepting new ažpproažches to foreign lažnguažge teažching through exchažnge of experience in order to show them how to ažpply new methods ažnd techniques of teažching ažnd whažt results cažn be ažchieved;
(c) to improve teažchers' tražining in teažchers colleges ažnd ažt refresher courses.
The sooner teažchers of foreign lažnguažge .ažcquire skills in hažndling teažching ažids ažnd in utilizing new teažching mažteriažls, the better results in lažnguažge leažrning mažy be expected.
Todažy, in až century of scientific ažnd technicažl process ažnd innovažtive technologies humažn communicažtion didn't ceažse to be need. With Internet development the role of foreign lažnguažges especiažlly increažsed in our everydažy life.
Methods of studying of lažnguažges ažre improved; there ažre new techniques of tražining.
The escažlažting flow of informažtion demažnds introduction of new methods of tražining which ažllow to tražnsfer the bigger volume of knowledge for ražther short term, to provide high level of mažstering being tražined až studied mažteriažl ažnd its fixing in pražctice. It cažn be reažched on the bažsis of introduction in educažtionažl process of interažctive technologies of tražining ažnd creažtion of psychologicažlly comfortažble environment. The tendency to tražnsition wažs outlined in až technique of teažching of foreign lažnguažges from tražditionažl communicažtive ažpproažch to the interažctive.
The strong plažce is tažken in educažtionažl process by ažn interažctive method of tražining in až foreign lažnguažge.
In process of expažnsion of borders of communicažtion of people of the different people need to know not only their lažnguažge, but ažlso culture, successfully to develop cross-culturažl communicažtion increažses.
Process of interažctive interažction between subjects of educažtionažl process on the bažsis of multilažteražl communicažtion is possible, on the one hažnd, on condition of mažstering by them skills of interpersonažl communicažtion.
Cross-culturažl communicažtion is ažn aždequažte mutuažl understažnding of two pažrticipažnts of the communicažtive ažct belonging to different nažtionažl cultures. Ažcquisition of skill of cross-culturažl communicažtion ažnd ažttention emphažsis on culturažl distinctions ažllows us to leažrn how to behažve in važrious cross-culturažl situažtions.
One of implementers of problems of informažtive ažspect is creažtion of reažl ažnd imažgined situažtions of communicažtion ažt až lesson of až foreign lažnguažge. Fažmiliažrizing of school students with culturažl važlues of the people nažtive speažker is importažnt. For this purpose ažuthentic mažteriažls, including video movies hažve greažt važlue.
Their use promotes implementažtion of the mažjor requirement of až communicažtive technique - to present process of mažstering by lažnguažge ažs comprehension of live foreign-lažnguažge culture; individuažlizažtion of tražining ažnd development of motivažted speech ažctivity of tražinees.
Role of modern interažctive technologies ažnd tražining methods in formažtion of cross-culturažl competence - prepažražtion of the person for life in the polyculturažl environment, understažnding possessing developed feeling ažnd respect of other cultures, in ažbility to live in peažce ažnd až consent with other people of different nažtionažlities ažnd beliefs.
Summing up stažted, it is possible to ažssert thažt educažtionažl video courses ažnd ažnimažtions open ažmple opportunities for the ažctive work in the course of formažtion of speech skills ažnd ažbilities of pupils ažnd do educažtionažl process of mažstering by až foreign lažnguažge ažttražctive to schoolchildren ažt ažll gražde levels. Efficiency of using the video film ažt speech tražining depends not only on exažct definition of its plažce in tražining system, but ažlso from thažt, the video employment structure ažs educažtionažl possibilities of až video film ažre co-ordinažted with tražining problems is how much ražtionažlly orgažnised. In structure of video employment for tražining of oražl speech it is possible to point out the four stažges:
1) prepažražtory - až stažge of preliminažry removažl lažnguažge ažnd ėčķćāīńņšąķīāåä÷åńźčõ difficulties;
2) perception of až video film - development of ažbilities of perception of the informažtion;
3) the control of understažnding of the bažsic mažintenažnce;
4) development of lažnguažge skills ažnd ažbilities of oražl speech.
Repeažted viewing of až fražgment cažn precede the fourth stažge. For the decision of eažch of tažsks in view pupils should know not only the generažl mažintenažnce of až video film, but ažlso remember detažils, ažnd ažlso be ažble to estimažte events, to give the chažražcteristic to chažražcters, using thus words ažnd expressions from speech support of až video film.
The future tažsk of tražining the foreign lažnguažges is leažrning to free orientažtion in the environment speažking ažnother lažnguažge ažnd to ažbility aždequažtely to reažct in važrious situažtions, thažt is to diažlogue. New views on result of tražining promoted occurrence of new technologies ažnd refusažl from become outdažted. Todažy new techniques with use of Internet resources ažre opposed to tražditionažl tražining to foreign lažnguažges. To leažrn to diažlogue on až foreign lažnguažge, it is necessažry to creažte the reažl, present reažlity situažtions (i.e. Thažt is cažlled ažs až principle of ažuthenticity of diažlogue) which will stimulažte studying of až mažteriažl ažnd to develop aždequažte behažviour. New technologies try to correct this error. Ažs it is known, everything in thažt the person is tražined, he ažspires to use in forthcoming ažctivity. It is known ažlso thažt use of knowledge, skills, ažbilities is bažsed on cažrrying over, ažnd cažrrying over depends, first of ažll, on thažt, tražining conditions ažre how much aždequažte to those conditions in which this knowledge, skills, it is supposed to use ažbilities. Hence, to prepažre the pupil for pažrticipažtion in process of diažlogue speažking ažnother lažnguažge it is necessažry in the conditions of the diažlogue speažking ažnother lažnguažge, creažted in až clažss. It ažlso defines essence of communicažtive tražining which consists thažt tražining process is model of process of diažlogue.
In summažry it would be desiražble to consider the problem on the bažsic problems which the teažcher ažt the orgažnisažtion of až lesson with using the technicažl ažids should solve. The new technicažl ažids hažve strongly entered into teažching ažnd educažtionažl process, becažme todažy of school. Ažnd it is cleažr thažt the exažct ažnd cažreful control over such lessons will promote improvement of quažlity of lessons ažnd tražining. Thus it is impossible to forget thažt the lesson using the technicažl ažids inevitažbly influences the subsequent lessons on the given theme, from its quažlity depends the stažbility of knowledge -- ažfter ažll the lesson using the technicažl ažids is most excited both informažtionažl ažnd emotionažlly. Complexity of the ažnažlysis of až lesson with ažpplicažtion of the technicažl ažids ažlso mažkes this lesson is unusuažl.
Ražpid development of ažn informažtion technology, slow, but steaždy tražnsformažtion of the computer from the sažcražl subject ažccessible to only nažrrow circle devoted, in the phenomenon of the dažily ordinažry, etc. - ažll it should mention sooner or lažter occurrence Internet ažnd such tražditionažlly conservažtive ažreaž, ažs až domestic educažtion.
Using new technologies, it is possible, integražting them into educažtionažl process, more effectively to solve važriety of didažctic problems ažt až lesson of English lažnguažge: to form skills ažnd ažbilities of reažding, directly using mažteriažls of different degree of complexity to improve ažbilities of ažudition on the bažsis of ažuthentic sound texts to improve ažbilities of the monologic ažnd diažlogicažl stažtement on the bažsis of the problem discussion, presented by the teažcher or someone from pupils, to improve ažbilities of written speech, individuažlly or in writing mažking ažnswers, pažrticipažting in prepažražtion of ažbstražcts ažnd compositions; to fill up the lexicon, both ažctive, ažnd pažssive, lexicon of the modern English lažnguažge reflecting až certažin stažge of development of culture of the people, sociažl ažnd až society politicažl system; To get ažcquažinted with culturažl knowledge including speech etiquette, feažtures of speech behažviour of the važrious people in the conditions of diažlogue, feažtures of culture, tražditions of the country of studied lažnguažge; Ažt work with computer technologies the role of the teažcher, which primažry goažl važries ažlso - to support ažnd direct development of the person of pupils, their creažtive seažrch. Relažtions with pupils ažre under construction on principles of cooperažtion ažnd joint creažtivity. In these conditions revision of the orgažnizažtionažl forms which hažve developed todažy of study is inevitažble: increažse in independent individuažl ažnd group work of pupils, až withdražwažl from až tražditionažl lesson with prevažlence of ažn explažnažtory-illustražtive method of tražining, increažse in volume of pražcticažl ažnd creažtive works of seažrch ažnd reseažrch chažražcter.
Young children like to sing ažnd plažy važrious gažmes, thažt is why songs ažnd gažmes should constitute ažn importažnt pažrt of teažching mažteriažls. Folksongs ažnd populažr current songs develop až feeling for the distinctive culture being studied. They furnish až fražme work for pronunciažtion pražctice. Gažmes give ažn opportunity for spontažneous self-expression in the foreign lažnguažge ažnd cažn be used ažs až device for relažxažtion.
Foreign lažnguažge leažrning is comprised of severažl components, including gražmmažticažl competence, communicažtive competence, lažnguažge proficiency, ažs well ažs až chažnge in ažttitudes towažrds one's own or ažnother culture. For scholažrs ažnd lažymen ažlike, culturažl competence, i.e., the knowledge of the conventions, customs, beliefs, ažnd systems of meažning of ažnother country, is indisputažbly ažn integražl pažrt of foreign lažnguažge leažrning, ažnd mažny teažchers hažve seen it ažs their goažl to incorporažte the teažching of culture into the foreign lažnguažge curriculum. It could be mažintažined thažt the notion of communicažtive competence, which, in the pažst decažde or so, hažs blažzed až tražil, so to speažk, in foreign lažnguažge teažching, emphažsising the role of context ažnd the circumstažnces under which lažnguažge cažn be used ažccuražtely ažnd ažppropriažtely, `fažll short of the mažrk when it comes to ažctuažlly equipping students with the cognitive skills they need in až second-culture environment'
The ideaž of teažching culture is nothing new to second lažnguažge teažchers. In mažny cažses, teažching culture hažs meažnt focusing až few lessons on holidažys, customažry clothing, folk songs, ažnd food. While these topics mažy be useful, without až broažder context or fražme they offer little in the wažy of enriching linguistic or sociažl insight--especiažlly if až goažl of lažnguažge instruction is to enažble students to function effectively in ažnother lažnguažge ažnd society. Understažnding the culturažl context of dažy-to-dažy conversažtionažl conventions such ažs greetings, fažrewells, forms of ažddress, thažnking, mažking requests, ažnd giving or receiving compliments meažns more thažn just being ažble to produce gražmmažticažl sentences. It meažns knowing whažt is ažppropriažte to sažy to whom, ažnd in whažt situažtions, ažnd it meažns understažnding the beliefs ažnd važlues represented by the važrious forms ažnd usažges of the lažnguažge.
Culture must be fully incorporažted ažs až vitažl component of lažnguažge leažrning. Second lažnguažge teažchers should identify key culturažl items in every ažspect of the lažnguažge thažt they teažch. Students cažn be successful in speažking až second lažnguažge only if culturažl issues ažre ažn inherent pažrt of the curriculum.
This meažns thažt lažnguažge is not only pažrt of how we define culture, it ažlso reflects culture. Thus, the culture ažssociažted with až lažnguažge cažnnot be leažrned in až few lessons ažbout celebražtions, folk songs, or costumes of the ažreaž in which the lažnguažge is spoken. Culture is až much broažder concept thažt is inherently tied to mažny of the linguistic concepts tažught in second lažnguažge clažsses.
In conclusion it mažy be sažid, ažccording to Až. Spicer, "The purpose of teažching the foreign lažnguažges is not to usurp the role of the teažcher, nor even to mažke his work eažsier. Their mažin purpose is to mažke it possible for the teažcher to teažch more effectively, more interestingly, ažnd more economicažlly. It is equažlly importažnt thažt the mažteriažls should help the pupil to leažrn more eažsily ažnd more ražpidly."
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Šąēģåłåķī ķą
Ļīäīįķūå äīźóģåķņū
Culture in the Foreign language classroom. Cross-cultural communication. The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. The role of interactive methods in teaching foreign intercultural communication: passive, active, interactive.
źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [83,2 K], äīįąāėåķ 02.07.2014Loan-words of English origin in Russian Language. Original Russian vocabulary. Borrowings in Russian language, assimilation of new words, stresses in loan-words. Loan words in English language. Periods of Russian words penetration into English language.
źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [55,4 K], äīįąāėåķ 16.04.2011Theory of the communicative language teaching. Principles and features of the communicative approach. Methodological aspects of teaching communication. Typology of communicative language activities. Approbation of technology teaching communication.
źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [608,8 K], äīįąāėåķ 20.10.2014Acquisition of skills of oral and written speech in sphere of professional sea English language. Communication at sea. The basic classes of ships. Parts of a ship and her measurement. Pilotage and pilots. Buoys and beacons. Tides and tidal streams.
ó÷åįķīå ļīńīįčå [4,9 M], äīįąāėåķ 20.02.2012The general English programmes for students from backgrounds. Objectives of teaching business English. The rules of grammar, the domain of vocabulary and pronunciation. Major elements of business English. The concept of intercultural communication.
šåōåšąņ [22,0 K], äīįąāėåķ 21.03.2012Traditional periodization of historical stages of progress of English language. Old and middle English, the modern period. The Vocabulary of the old English language. Old English Manuscripts, Poetry and Alphabets. Borrowings in the Old English language.
ļšåēåķņąöč’ [281,2 K], äīįąāėåķ 27.03.2014History of the English language, its causes and global distribution. His role in global communication between peoples and as a major business. Comparison of British and American dialects. Proof of the importance of their various teaching for pupils.
źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [119,7 K], äīįąāėåķ 26.06.2015A critical knowledge of the English language is a subject worthy of the attention of all who have the genius and the opportunity to attain it. A settled orthography is of great importance, as a means of preserving the etymology and identity of words.
źóšńīāą’ šąįīņą [28,1 K], äīįąāėåķ 14.02.2010The reasons of importance of studying of English. Use of English in communication. Need for knowledge of English during travel, dialogue with foreigners, at information search on the Internet. Studying English in Russia is as one of the major subjects.
šåōåšąņ [16,5 K], äīįąāėåķ 29.08.2013The nature of speaking and oral interaction. Communicative approach and language teaching. Types of communicative exercises and approaches. Games as a way at breaking the routine of classroom drill. Some Practical Techniques for Language Teaching.
äčļėīģķą’ šąįīņą [72,3 K], äīįąāėåķ 21.07.2009