Способы передачи многозначности дипломатической терминологии

Понятие и причины возникновения полисемии. Доклад миссии Совета Безопасности в Центральноафриканскую Республику, Эфиопию и Бурунди (в том числе в Африканский союз). Перевод англоязычного документа на русский язык с учетом многозначности терминов.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 08.12.2015
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23. Мэр отметил, что, хотя правительственные здания недавно удалось освободить от членов бывшей «Селеки», обстановка в плане безопасности остается нестабильной. Представители Комитета видных деятелей добавили, что, хотя центр города в настоящее время более безопасен, в его окрестностях ситуация для населения остается не совсем безопасной. Представители женских групп поддержали эту точку зрения. Мэр выразил озабоченность по поводу продолжающегося насилия вооруженных групп в отношении гражданских лиц и подчеркнул необходимость систематического разоружения таких групп. Он особо отметил важность образования для молодых людей и содействия восстановлению местных органов власти в интересах долгосрочной стабильности. Все представители гражданского общества, в том числе женщины и молодежь, согласились с мэром в этом вопросе, подчеркнув необходимость создания рабочих мест для молодых людей, которые иначе могут снова взяться за оружие и заняться бандитизмом. Представители женских групп также настаивали на том, что необходимо начать процессы примирения и покончить с безнаказанностью, а также расширить территорию, подконтрольную государственной власти. Комитет по информационно-просветительской работе кратко сообщил о продолжающейся в Бриа успешной работе по религиозному примирению, объединяющей мусульман и христиан в мечетях и церквях. Заверив Совет в том, что они признают власть центрального правительства и участвуют в политическом процессе примирения, члены бывшей «Селеки» заявили, что они ожидают от переходных органов власти следующего шага навстречу посредством установления контактов и создания благоприятных условий для диалога и примирения.

24. Члены Совета Безопасности выразили признательность местной администрации и гражданскому обществу за откровенный обмен мнениями и заверили, что их голос был услышан. Совет выразил полную поддержку народу Центральноафриканской Республики в решении ключевых задач, стоящих перед страной, в том числе в сфере безопасности, государственной власти, образования и экономического восстановления, а также дал высокую оценку постоянным усилиям в области примирения, предпринимаемым в Бриа Комитетом по информационно-просветительской работе. Члены Совета выразили признательность МИНУСКА за ее усилия по восстановлению безопасности и государственной власти в Бриа. Они также выразили глубокую признательность неправительственным организациям за их важную работу.



«Its primary purpose was to assess the situation on the ground just under a year after the adoption of resolution 2149 (2014) of 10 April 2014, in which the Council established the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA)».

«Главная цель миссии заключалась в том, чтобы оценить ситуацию на месте спустя почти год после принятия резолюции 2149 (2014) от 10 апреля 2014 года, в соответствии с которой была учреждена Многопрофильная комплексная миссия Организации Объединенных Наций по стабилизации в Центральноафриканской Республике (МИНУСКА)».

В соответствии с ранее описанными в работе способами передачи полисемии, имя существительное «resolution» в данном предложении имеет перевод «резолюция», т.к. в контексте оно определяется как резолюция ООН.

«The Head of State of the Transition highlighted the commitment of her Government in addressing the issue of disarmament and pointed out that a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process would be one of the key issues discussed at the Bangui Forum».

«Глава государства в переходный период особо подчеркнула приверженность ее правительства решению вопроса о разоружении и отметила, что процесс разоружения, демобилизации и реинтеграции будет одним из ключевых вопросов, подлежащих обсуждению на Бангийском форуме».

Зачастую значение глаголов определяется грамматическим контекстом. В данном примере глагол «address» не имеет после себя предлога to, однако имеет прямое дополнение «issue». Изучив возможные варианты перевода и обратив внимание также на смысловую нагрузку предложения, находим наиболее точный перевод - «решать».

«On 13 March, the members of the Security Council met with the Head of State of the Transition, Catherine Samba-Panza, and key transitional Government ministers, including the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Reconciliation, Finance, Social Affairs, Justice, and the Prosecutor General».

«Члены Совета Безопасности 13 марта встретились с главой государства в переходный период Катрин Самба-Панзой и основными министрами переходного правительства, в том числе с министром иностранных дел, министром по вопросам примирения и министрами финансов, социальных дел и юстиции, а также с генеральным прокурором».

Имя существительное «Head» имеет большое количество значений, которые проявляются в зависимости от контекста. В данном случае оно переводится как «глава», так как словосочетание «Head of State» соответствует словосочетанию «глава государства» в русском языке.


В целом, на основании представленных точек зрения можно сделать вывод о том, что лексико-семантические варианты полисеманта связаны на основе общих признаков. В роли предполагаемого содержательного ядра многозначного слова может выступать инвариант, существующий в сознании носителя языка, и, являющийся «представителем» семантической структуры слова в ментальном лексиконе человека. Такой инвариант носит предположительно абстрактный характер, но непременным его условием должна быть узнаваемость семантических особенностей слова.

Исследование семантической структуры слова предопределило обращение к таким фундаментальным вопросам семантики, как природа его лексического значения на уровне языка, семантической структуры многозначного слова, содержательного ядра слова, соотношения и функционирования семантических инвариантов и их речевых реализаций.

Анализ лингвистической литературы по проблемам полисемии показал, что полисемия внутренне присуща слову, и слова естественных языков легко развивают многозначность. Приведенные точки зрения доказывают, что, хотя многозначность слов и осложняет процесс коммуникации, она дает возможность стать эффективным средством передачи бесконечного многообразия мыслей и чувств человека. Создание для каждого отдельного объекта, факта, явления или класса объектов, фактов, явлений отдельного обозначения повлекло бы непомерное раздувание лексической системы, что весьма затруднило бы ее использование.

При таком подходе значения формируются и взаимодействуют как бы сами по себе, без участия сознания человека. А сама полисемия базируется на логико-понятийном, теоретическом моделировании связи языка и познания.

Для решения проблем, связанных с исследованием семантики многозначных слов чрезвычайно важным является понятие семантической структуры, которая понимается как целое, образованное взаимосвязанными элементами, где в качестве составных единиц выступают лексико-семантические варианты или набор элементарных смыслов или смысловых признаков (сем). Семантические структуры являются удобным средством упрощения исследуемого объекта. Значения многозначных слов образуют своеобразные семантические поля (понятийные сферы), компоненты которых связаны каким-то общим смысловым стержнем. Это позволяет изучать многозначное слово как полевую семантическую структуру, характеризующуюся специфической организацией.


mission (n.) - 1. миссия; делегация 2. постоянное дипломатическое представительство 3. призвание, предназначение 4. задача, задание 5. командировка, поручение

representative (n.) - 1. образец, типичный представитель 2. представитель, делегат, уполномоченный 3. член палаты представителей 4. наследник по праву представления

resolution (n.) - 1. решительность, решимость, твердость 2. решение, резолюция, постановление 3. разрешение (проблемы)

mandate (n.) - 1. мандат, поручение 2. доверенность, поручение 3. распоряжение, приказ суда

forum (n.) - 1. суд 2. форум, съезд, слёт 3. заседание, конференция, собрание 4. дискуссия, диспут

reconciliation (n.) - 1. мир, согласие, примирение, восстановление дружественных отношений 2. улаживание, урегулирование (споров, разногласий и т.п.) 3. взаимодействие, согласование, согласованность

operation (n.) - 1. действие, работа, функционирование 2. процесс 3. действие, воздействие 4. разработка, эксплуатация 5. операция, бой, сражение

head (n.) - 1. голова 2. верх, верхушка 3. заглавие, заголовок 4. перелом, кризис, результат 5. глава, руководитель, начальник 6. ведущее, руководящее, лидирующее положение 7. продвижение вперед, прогресс

president (n.) - 1. председатель 2. президент 3. директор, главный управляющий

authority (n.) - 1. власть 2. полномочие, право, компетенция 3. начальство, администрация, правительство 4. орган, отдел, управление, департамент 5. авторитет, вес, влияние 6. авторитет, крупный специалист 7. документ, договоренность, ордер, грамота 8. полнопочный орган, орган власти

transition (n.) - 1. перемещение, переход 2. развитие 3. переходный период 4. смена, перемена

force (n.) - 1. сила, мощь 2. воздействие, фактор, сила 3. действенность, действительность 4. войска, вооруженные силы 5. авторитет, престиж

challenge (n.) - 1. вызов 2. сложная задача, проблема 3. сомнение, постановка под вопрос 4. возражение в ходе процесса, оспаривание

commitment (n.) - 1. обязательство, заинтересованность 2. арест, заключение под стражу 3. ордер на арест 4. приверженность, убеждения 5. введение, ввод в бой 6. ориентация, линия, политика

resource (n.) - 1. средства, ресурсы, запасы 2. возможность, средство, способ 3. шанс, возможность

to assist (v.) - 1. помогать, содействовать, способствовать, оказывать помощь 2. принимать участие, ассистировать

to conduct (v.) - 1. вести, сопровождать, сопутствовать 2. вести, руководить, проводить, осуществлять

to address (v.) - 1. адресовать, направлять 2. выбирать официальную форму обращения к кому-либо, обращаться, адресоваться 3. выступать 4. принимать меры, реагировать, направлять усилия, решать 5. обращать внимание, задумываться, исследовать 6. отправлять, передавать, перепоручать, предназначать

to establish (v.) - 1. основывать, учреждать, создавать, организовывать 2. укреплять, утверждать 3. выяснять, определять 4. издавать (закон), устраивать (на должность), вводить (систему) 5. доказывать, обосновывать 6. постановлять, устанавливать (законом)

cooperation (n.) - 1. сотрудничество 2. совместное действие, взаимодействие 3. взаимодействие, кооперация 4. товарищество, общество, объединение

session (n.) - 1. заседание, собрание, совещание 2. судебное заседание 3. парламентская сессия

community (n.) - 1. община, местное сообщество, население 2. общество, общественность, народ, граждане 3. сообщество, объединение, содружество

movement (n.) - 1. движение, перемещение, передвижение 2. переезд, переселение 3. движение, общественная деятельность 4. изменение, динамика 5. передвижение, переброска, марш


1. Арнольд, И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка /И. В. Арнольд. - М, 1959. - 284 с.

2. Виноградов, В. В. Основные типы лексических значений слова // Вопросы языкознания. - 1953.-№2. - С. 3-3. Гронская, Н.Э. Семантическая структура русского многозначного слова (опыт контрастив. анализа прилагательных вкуса)/ Н.Э. Гронская. - Н.Новгород, 1995. - 17 с.

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7. Патейчук, Н.Ф. связующие компоненты, типы и свойства семантических структур многозначных слов/ Н.Ф. Патейчук. - Мн., 2010. - 180 с.

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1. Гераскин Н.П., Журавченко К.В. Англо--русский словарь дипломатических терминов. -- М.: Изд-во Флинта, 2008. -- 724 с.

2. Словарь иностранных слов. - М.: Русский язык, 1989. - 621 с.

3. Оксфордский словарь [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа https://oxforddictionaties.com : - Дата доступа : 29.11.2015.



I. Introduction

1. In his letter dated 5 March 2015 (S/2015/162), the President of the Security Council informed the Secretary-General that the Council had decided to send a mission to the Central African Republic, Ethiopia (African Union) and Burundi from 9 to 13 March 2015. The mission was co-led led by the Permanent Representative of Angola to the United Nations, Ismael Abraгo Gaspar Martins, and the Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, Franзois Delattre. They were joined by the Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, Samantha Power, in leading the Burundi segment of the visit. The composition of the mission and its terms of reference are set out in annexes I and II to the present report.

II. Central African Republic

A. Background

2. The Security Council mission was the first Council visit to the Central African Republic. Its primary purpose was to assess the situation on the ground just under a year after the adoption of resolution 2149 (2014) of 10 April 2014, in which the Council established the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). The mission was aimed at assessing progress in key areas of resolution 2149 (2014), notably the political process, the security situation, the restoration of State authority, the protection of civilians, the humanitarian and human rights situations, the threat posed by armed groups and their disarmament, and security sector reform, as well as the deployment of MINUSCA and progress on the implementation of its mandated tasks. The visit provided an opportunity for the Council to reiterate to Central African interlocutors its call for the protection of civilians and the implementation of the Brazzaville Agreement, in particular the holding of the Bangui Forum on National Reconciliation and the elections in an inclusive and transparent manner.

B. Meetings in Bangui

3. Upon arrival in Bangui, on 12 March, the members of the Council received detailed briefings from the MINUSCA leadership on the implementation of resolution 2149 (2014), as well as a briefing by the acting Humanitarian Coordinator on the dire humanitarian situation across the country. The serious threats to civilians and the continuing occupation of large areas in the east by armed groups were also highlighted. The Council was briefed by MINUSCA on the improved security situation in Bangui and efforts to enhance security across the country, including operations to expel armed groups occupying major towns and the redeployment of local government authorities and gendarmerie to those areas. The Council was also briefed on the Mission's efforts to protect civilians and communities at risk, with a focus on women, children and internally displaced persons. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Central Africa and Head of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa, Abdoulaye Bathily, briefed the Council on the internal and regional dynamics surrounding the political process and highlighted critical challenges such as the establishment of a representative republican army, the urgent need to move forward on economic recovery and the importance of addressing marginalization to ensure long-term stability. The members of the Council also had the opportunity to meet and discuss various issues with the United Nations country team and the diplomatic corps in Bangui.

4. On 13 March, the members of the Security Council met with the Head of State of the Transition, Catherine Samba-Panza, and key transitional Government ministers, including the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Reconciliation, Finance, Social Affairs, Justice, and the Prosecutor General. The President of the National Electoral Authority, Dieudonnй Kombo Yaya, participated in the meeting with the Head of State of the Transition. The mission also met with the President of the National Transitional Council, Alexandre-Ferdinand Nguendet, and members of the Transitional Parliament. The Council members visited the Benzi-vi camp in Bangui and spoke to internally displaced persons at the site. They also met with members of civil society in the capital, including the religious platform that includes the Imam of Bangui, Oumar Kobine Layama, and the Pastor, Girekoyamet Cibangou. They also paid visits to the European Union military operation in the Central African Republic (EUFOR-RCA) and Operation Sangaris headquarters and received briefings by their respective commanders.

C. Key issues raised during the meetings with the Head of State of the Transition, the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, the National Transitional Council and civil society

1. Political process

5. In their meeting with the Head of State of the Transition, the members of the Security Council reiterated their strong support for the political process in the Central African Republic and called for the implementation of the Brazzaville process, notably the holding of the Bangui Forum and the legislative and presidential elections. The Council called upon the Head of State of the Transition to ensure that the political process was conducted in an inclusive and transparent manner and included the participation of women, internally displaced persons and refugees. The Council commended MINUSCA for its efforts in supporting the transition and informed the Head of State of the Transition that the Council was currently considering increasing the Mission's resources so that it could further support the Central African authorities. Council members also commended the international forces (MINUSCA, Operation Sangaris and EUFOR-RCA) and the African-led International Support Mission in the Central African Republic, MISCA, for having prevented a genocide in the Central African Republic.

6. The Head of State of the Transition assured the members of the Security Council that the political process would continue to be conducted in a fully inclusive manner. She noted progress in a number of areas in the past year, including the security situation in Bangui, the redeployment of government representatives to some of the regions, the return of some internally displaced persons and refugees, and the fight against impunity. She also noted that many challenges remained to be addressed, highlighting the financial challenges facing the transitional authority in successfully concluding the transition.

7. Highlighting her commitment to an inclusive political process, the Head of State of the Transition informed the Security Council that local consultations had been concluded in all 16 prefectures and emphasized the importance of that achievement, given that the process had allowed the voices of Central Africans across the country, including internally displaced persons and refugees in neighbouring countries, to be heard. The Head of State of the Transition informed the members of the Council that according to the preliminary outcome of the consultations, Central Africans had expressed concerns mainly with respect to security, disarmament, peace, justice and economic development. Those grievances, she assured, would be considered by the four thematic working groups established to prepare the Bangui Forum, expected to take place at the end of April. She also expressed concern about the lack of resources and called upon the international community to assist in funding the outcomes of the Bangui Forum.

8. Civil society groups welcomed the local consultations and the upcoming Bangui Forum, emphasizing their appreciation for the international community's support in ensuring that the political process moves forward in an inclusive manner. On the next steps, representatives of women's groups urged the further inclusion of women in the political and reconciliation processes, in accordance with resolution 1325 (2000), including in the ongoing preparations for the Bangui Forum. Representatives of civil society also expressed criticism regarding any parallel processes that could undermine and derail the political process in the country and urged the Security Council to ensure that the transition continued to move forward in a transparent manner.

2. Elections

9. Concerning the planned referendum on the Constitution and presidential and legislative elections, the Head of State of the Transition informed the Security Council that while the transitional authorities were doing their utmost to prevent an extension of the transition, the current electoral timetable was facing delays owing to the decision to hold the local consultations as well as operational and financial challenges, including the lack of funding for voter registration. The President of the National Election Authority and the President of the National Transitional Council echoed that statement, while reassuring the Security Council that their efforts were currently fully focused on the electoral process. In terms of the timeline, the President of the National Transitional Council informed the members of the Security Council that according to his assessment, elections could realistically take place in early 2016. The Head of State of the Transition emphasized that it would be important to conduct the elections properly in order to avoid contestation and possible further violence.

10. Representatives of civil society groups in Bangui pointed to the importance of extending State authority throughout the country before conducting the elections, in order to ensure free and fair elections in a secure environment for the population. In that regard, civil society groups commended MINUSCA for its efforts and support to the transitional authorities to restore the presence of the State in and outside Bangui and called for further operations similar to those conducted in February in Bria, particularly in advance of the elections.

11. Security Council members commended the Central African authorities for their commitment to holding elections in a timely manner, stressing the importance of ensuring that the process remained inclusive. They also stressed the importance, for the transitional authorities, of focusing on the redeployment and extension of State authority throughout the country, with the support of MINUSCA.

3. Disarmament and security

12. In meetings with all interlocutors, the members of the Security Council firmly called upon all armed groups to lay down their weapons without delay and participate in the ongoing political process. Armed groups were encouraged to voice their concerns through the Bangui Forum and to participate in a disarmament process. The members of the Council commended MINUSCA and the international forces for the improved security situation in Bangui, encouraging further efforts to ensure that security was also enhanced in the regions, including in the east of the country.

13. The Head of State of the Transition highlighted the commitment of her Government in addressing the issue of disarmament and pointed out that a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process would be one of the key issues discussed at the Bangui Forum. She explained that a general agreement on the format and approach of a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process would need to be achieved, in order for the transitional authorities to move forward on that issue. Meanwhile, while acknowledging the importance of ethnically balanced and professional security forces, the Head of State of the Transition emphasized the need for the Central African armed forces to be rehabilitated and rearmed, in order to provide security for the Central African people.

14. This message was echoed by nearly all Central African interlocutors, including civil society groups and internally displaced persons. While appreciation was widely expressed regarding the positive impact of the deployment of MINUSCA and the international forces on the security situation, Central African interlocutors reiterated that a functioning national army was urgently needed to support and ensure the restoration of security, safety and the protection of civilians. Women's groups in Bangui added that women, along with children, still found themselves in a vulnerable position and requested further protection, which could be provided by the Central African armed forces along with MINUSCA. The President of the National Transitional Council assured the Security Council members that once re_established, the Central African armed forces would be ethnically and regionally balanced and would be subject to democratic oversight mechanisms. The members of the Council suggested that, in view of the arms embargo, the Head of State of the Transition bring requests for the provision of equipment to national security forces to the attention of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013) concerning the Central African Republic.

15. The Head of State of the Transition also made an appeal for the resumption of the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme in the Central African Republic in order to enhance the income and self-sustainment of the transitional authorities and future elected government. Civil society groups, however, voiced hesitation about the timing, stressing the need to extend State authority and establish security beforehand in those areas in order to prevent armed groups from further benefiting from the illegal exploitation of natural resources.

4. Urgent temporary measures and fighting impunity

16. The fight against impunity was highlighted by the members of the Security Council as one of the most important challenges for securing peace and stability in the Central African Republic. In that regard, Council members commended the Head of State of the Transition for her leadership on justice issues and for the transitional authorities' cooperation with the International Criminal Court, in particular with regard to the transfer of the commander of the Lord's Resistance Army, Dominic Ongwen, to The Hague. The Council emphasized the critical need to fight impunity and called upon the National Transitional Council to pass the law on the Special Criminal Court without delay. Civil society groups, and in particular representatives of women's groups and religious leaders, echoed that view, pointing out that the establishment of the Special Criminal Court and the start of its work would send a strong message on accountability to perpetrators of human rights violations.

17. The Head of State of the Transition assured the members of the Security Council that since the signing of the memorandum of intent on the urgent temporary measures, efforts were under way to establish the Special Criminal Court. The President of the National Transitional Council informed the Security Council that the draft law would be adopted during the ordinary session of the National Transitional Council in March. In addition, the Head of State of the Transition asked for further support by the international community in building the capacity of the penal chain and thanked the United Nations for its support in arresting and holding perpetrators of serious crimes accountable. She also made an appeal to the members of the Security Council to add further names to the sanctions list established and maintained by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013) concerning the Central African Republic and to ensure that those under United Nations targeted sanctions did not move around freely in violation of the sanctions regime.

5. European Union military operation in the Central African Republic and Operation Sangaris

18. The members of the Security Council visited EUFOR-RCA and Operation Sangaris at their headquarters in Bangui and received briefings from their respective commanders. Council members commended the international forces for their critical role in enhancing security and protecting civilians and for playing a crucial role in bridging the gap ahead of the deployment of MINUSCA. Recognizing the additional tasks and challenges for MINUSCA with the departure of EUFOR-RCA and the drawdown of Operation Sangaris, the Council called upon MINUSCA and the international forces to ensure a smooth transition and handover, with a particular focus on ensuring continued protection to communities at risk. Council members also welcomed the decision of the European Union to establish a one-year military advisory mission in the Central African Republic to support the security sector reform of the Central African armed forces and underlined the importance of close coordination in that regard between the European Union Military Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic and MINUSCA.

6. Humanitarian situation

19. The members of the Security Council reiterated their deep concern about the dire humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic with all interlocutors. They expressed hope that the nearly 440,000 internally displaced persons and more than 425,000 refugees in neighbouring countries could soon return, adding that it would be important to address that issue at the Bangui Forum. In their meeting with the Head of State of the Transition, the members of the Council expressed concern about the living conditions of over 36,000 people, mostly Muslims, confined to seven enclaves across the country. The situation of the nearly 500 internally displaced Fulanis in Yalokй was raised with the Head of State of the Transition, with an appeal to ensure that families and individuals could exercise their right of freedom of movement, in accordance with human rights law and international humanitarian law.

20. The Head of State of the Transition, ministers and representatives of the National Transitional Council all expressed serious concern about the grave humanitarian situation in the country and requested further assistance from the international community. The Head of State of the Transition highlighted that one of the main challenges for the transitional authority was the lack of funds and resources to address poverty and social challenges, which were at the root of the conflict. She highlighted that when thousands of young people were out of work, they were easily manipulated into joining armed groups and resorted to banditry and violence. On Yalokй, the Head of State of the Transition stated that she was not in favour of relocation and preferred focusing on improving living conditions; efforts in that regard were under way, with the assistance of humanitarian groups. Civil society groups highlighted that while non-governmental organizations had done a praiseworthy job in addressing the humanitarian situation and assisting the most vulnerable, civilians were still in need of further support from the international community and the transitional authorities.

21. Security Council members also visited the Benzi-vi site in Bangui, where over 300 internally displaced persons had sought refuge from the violence in December 2013 and had remained owing to the continued insecurity. Many people told the Council members that they lived close by but could not return because of the high level of insecurity. Others added that their homes had been destroyed, urging that the United Nations provide assistance to rehabilitate their homes in order to facilitate their return. Council members assured people at the Benzi-vi site that the return of internally displaced persons and refugees was very high on the Council's agenda. They also noted that the Council would continue to support and urge the transitional authorities, humanitarian groups and MINUSCA to assist displaced civilians, to ensure that they could return home as quickly and safely as possible.

7. Meetings in Bria

22. On 12 March, the members of the Security Council visited Bria in Haute-Kotto prйfecture and met with administration officials, including the mayor, prйfet and sous-prйfet, as well as members of civil society. The meeting was held at Bria city hall, which had recently been liberated from occupation by ex-Sйlйka elements. The meeting provided an opportunity for the Council members to hear from the local administration, women's groups, youth representatives, members of the ex-Sйlйka and others about the impact of the conflict and the improvement of the situation following the deployment of MINUSCA. The members of the Council were briefed in detail on the Mission's efforts to restore State authority in Bria, including assisting the return of local government personnel and gendarmerie. They also visited a labour-intensive construction project in Bria, which had been designed by MINUSCA in support of article 4 of the Brazzaville Agreement to occupy and generate work for young people at risk, women and former combatants. Council members also visited the camp of the Cambodian unit of MINUSCA and received briefings by the Force Commander on the Mission's effort to conduct more flexible and proactive patrols. They also heard the Head of the Bria MINUSCA Office's political assessment on the situation in the prйfecture and ongoing efforts to protect civilians. Representatives of international non-governmental organizations in Bria, who also attended the meeting, urged the Council to maintain security and protection of civilians as key priorities for MINUSCA.

23. The mayor noted that despite the recent expulsion of ex-Sйlйka elements from government buildings, the security situation remained fragile. Representatives from the Comitй des Sages added that while the centre was now safer, the outskirts were still not fully safe for the population. Representatives from women's groups echoed that view. The mayor expressed concern about the continued violence against civilians by armed groups and stressed the need to systematically disarm such groups. He highlighted the importance of education for young people and of assistance in restoring the local authorities, for long-term stability. All representatives of civil society, including women and young people, were in agreement with the mayor on that point, emphasizing the need to create work for young people as critical to avoiding a return to arms and banditry. Representatives of women's groups also insisted on the importance of launching reconciliation processes and the need to end impunity and to extend State authority. The Sensitization Committee briefed on the successful and ongoing religious reconciliation efforts in Bria, bringing together Muslims and Christians in mosques and churches. While the members of the ex-Sйlйka assured the Council that they recognized the central government and were engaged politically to make progress on peace, they were now expecting the transitional authorities to take the next step by reaching out and ensuring a conducive environment for dialogue and reconciliation.

24. The members of the Security Council thanked the local administration and civil society for their frank exchanges and assured them that their messages had been heard. The Council expressed full support to the Central Africans in the key challenges facing the country, including security, State authority, education and economic recovery, and commended the ongoing reconciliation efforts undertaken in Bria by the Sensitization Committee. The members of the Council commended MINUSCA for its efforts to restore security and State authority in Bria. They also expressed deep appreciation to the non-governmental organizations for their important work.

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