Специфіка гротеску та засобів його реалізації в комедійних оповіданнях Едгара По
Сприйняття творчості Едгара По у літературознавчих працях його сучасників. Поетика гумористичних та сатиричних оповідань Едгара По, їх композиція та роль у досягненні письменником творчого задуму. Значення творчості Едгара По для світової літератури.
Рубрика | Литература |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 13.03.2012 |
Размер файла | 114,8 K |
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Classicists, who sought a symmetry and harmony of shapes and images transferred to the region comic grotesque, limited the scope of its use of «low» genres.
The renaissance of the grotesque is associated with romanticism. Romantics noted a large role grotesque and use it to display complex mental processes of individual, as a way of intuitive comprehension of the essence of the world, a means of exposing the imperfect reality and others.
In the era of realism grotesque recedes into the background, but it does not disappear, and is transformed in a special way of deep analysis of reality, its expression of illogical.
Since realism (especially initially) is often interacted with romanticism, it has a fantastic natural expression of this interaction, so grotesque images and situations were seen as part of the real world, a certain form of its expression.
The process of widening of the space and functions of the semantic field of the grotesque can be seen in the modern period. Search of nontrivial images of life (both external and internal) has led writers to create new modernists grotesque forms, able to view the tragedy of reality and the processes of creating a new personality, no less important than the environment, the internal world.
Thus, postmodernism, which «makes the art world with» fragments «of previous cultures, styles, texts» (V. Kuritsin), the grotesque became the foundation of poetics, a leading structure creational principle of works.
On the basis of thorough analysis of the grotesque genesis scientists found that this category has attracted the attention of scholars of ancient art, but studies of the grotesque in literature began only in XVII-XVIII centuries in Germany. A significant contribution to the development of the grotesque theory made German romanticists, which laid the foundations of scientific study grotesque. In the nineteenth century. grotesque was in the focus of writers and critics in Russia. However, fundamental theoretical work of grotesque aesthetics have appeared only in the twentieth century. - both the West (W. Kaiser, F. Dьrrenmatt, F. Hyde, M. Curtis, A. Haydzyk et al.) and Russia (B. Eikhenbaum, J. Zundelovych etc.).
Due to strict censorship restrictions that existed in Soviet times, the study grotesque stayed in Russia for several decades. Already in 1960-1970-ies there were some series of important research papers connected the theory of grotesque (L. Pinsk, M. Bakhtin, Mann, D. Nikolaev), which laid the foundation for the modern understanding of the phenomenon. The problem of grotesque in literature is up to date and in the focus of researchers (T. Lyubimova, I. Smirnov, V. Silyunas, A. Shaposhnikov, etc.). However, despite the significant amount of work accumulated over the history of grotesque study, theoretical approaches to this category has not definitively established. So, the grotesque, as historical category, is directly dependent on the study of the work of different writers and their achievements in the grotesque. In this regard, analysis of Poe's legacy in this aspect is important to address grotesque.
Grotesque in the stories by Edgar Allan Poe
Satirical, funny, parody works in the heritage of Poe's is the most numerous group. And if we add to them those works where whimsical mixed joke and horror, one could argue that the writer - a humorist. However, quite moody, and sometimes cruel. «King Pest», «William Wilson», «The Black Cat», «Hop-Frog» and others like them are impressive works of craftsmanship of grotesque, stays in our consciousness, becoming a kind of sign of Poe's prose.
Thus, in the short story «Berenice» the image of heroine's teeth is underlined, which can be seen by her brother's description: «<…> from the disordered chamber of my brain, had not, alas! departed, and would not be driven away, the white and ghastly spectrum of the teeth. Not a speck on their surface - not a shade on their enamel - not an indenture in their edges - but what that period of her smile had sufficed to brand in upon my memory. I saw them now even more unequivocally than I beheld them then. The teeth! - The teeth! - They were here, and there, and everywhere, and visibly and palpably before me; long, narrow, and excessively white, with the pale lips writhing about them, as in the very moment of their first terrible development. Then came the full fury of my monomania, and I struggled in vain against its strange and irresistible influence. In the multiplied objects of the external world I had no thoughts but for the teeth.» [38]. Such techniques of using grotesque allow us to talk about the mental state of the hero of his imagination aroused disease.
In the novels «The Black Cat», «William Wilson» the author gives a grotesque, clinical picture of manic state, which leads to outbreak of violent crime and madness. In the novel «The Black Cat» Edgar Poe portrays the main character who commits horrible acts, because of his alcohol consumption: «But my disease grew upon me - for what disease is like Alcohol! - and at length even Pluto, who was now becoming old, and consequently somewhat peevish - even Pluto began to experience the effects of my ill temper.» [38].
A bright example of Poe's variation by the theme of a split personality is a «William Wilson», where the Edgar Poe thin and mercilessly examined the gradual spiritual and moral fall of man. To succeed in life, the narrator muted the weak voice of his «second», not listening to the whisper of conscience: «I have already more than once spoken of the disgusting air of patronage which he assumed toward me, and of his frequent officious interference withy my will. This interference often took the ungracious character of advice; advice not openly given, but hinted or insinuated. I received it with a repugnance which gained strength as I grew in years. Yet, at this distant day, let me do him the simple justice to acknowledge that I can recall no occasion when the suggestions of my rival were on the side of those errors or follies so usual to his immature age and seeming inexperience; that his moral sense, at least, if not his general talents and worldly wisdom, was far keener than my own; and that I might, to-day, have been a better, and thus a happier man, had I less frequently rejected the counsels embodied in those meaning whispers which I then but too cordially hated and too bitterly despised» [38].
In the portrait, dialogue, situations, the main ideas in a work detail in the description, it sounds grotesque tone - open or in implication, fun or annoying. In addition, in some lines there is a grotesque stories In very witty and venomous. By means of grotesque Edgar fights against evil and the everyday world, philistine, against pseudo-science and pseudo-against fear and helplessness. Grotesque in it can be comprehensive, shattering, and cause just laugh, entertain as a means of humor.
The author very skillfully used the facilities in the grotesque story «King Pest». The sharp humor is found in descriptions of appearance protagonists: «The one who appeared to be the elder and whom his companion addressed by the characteristic appellation of» Legs, «was at the same time much the taller of the two. He might have measured six feet and a half, and a habitual stoop in the shoulders seemed to have been the necessary consequence of an altitude so enormous. - Superfluities in height were, however, more than accounted for by deficiencies in other respects. He was exceedingly thin; and might, as his associates asserted, have answered, when drunk, for a pennant at the mast-head, or, when sober, have served for a jib-boom. But these jests, and others of a similar nature, had evidently produced, at no time, any effect upon the cachinnatory muscles of the tar. With high cheek-bones, a large hawk-nose, retreating chin, fallen under-jaw, and huge protruding white eyes, the expression of his countenance, although tinged with a species of dogged indifference to matters and things in general, was not the less utterly solemn and serious beyond all attempts at imitation or description» [38].
In the story the author organically combines the comical and horrible. Thus, next to the adventures of two friends of the sailors he tells of the terrible disease that spreads at this time the city: «At the epoch of this eventful tale, and periodically, for many years before and after, all England, but more especially the metropolis, resounded with the fearful cry of «Plague!» The city was in a great measure depopulated - and in those horrible regions, in the vicinity of the Thames, where amid the dark, narrow, and filthy lanes and alleys, the Demon of Disease was supposed to have had his nativity, Awe, Terror, and Superstition were alone to be found stalking abroad» [38].
Grotesque forms in the story «King Pest», as well as other works of Edgar Allan Poe, based on the synthesis of relevancy and fabrications, combining the comic and tragic, real and illusory intersection: « «The noble lady who sits opposite is Queen Pest, our Serene Consort. The other exalted personages whom you behold are all of our family, and wear the insignia of the blood royal under the respective titles of 'His Grace the Arch Duke Pest-Iferous' -' His Grace the Duke Pest-Ilential '-' His Grace the Duke Tem-Pest ' - and' Her Serene Highness the Arch Duchess Ana-Pest» [38].
Stories often have a double bottom, for example, «The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether», where everything seems concentrated on all the most noticeable for the style, themes and the gallery of author's images. The work marks a swift action, there is no unnecessary details, but from the very beginning there is an atmosphere of mystery, helped by unusual scene. Naive and gullible narrator goes through its interest in science (this time medicine) to the old ruined castle, where the private clinic for the insane. During a luxurious dinner guest meets with strange company of friends and girlfriends owner and chief physician of the clinic. He sees a cabinet of curiosities and stupid monsters, also in unusual clothing (as, in particular, the description of the participants in the «King Pest» reviews or masquerade in «Hop-frog», etc.), which further reinforces their grotesque behavior: «My nerves were very much affected, indeed, by these yells; but the rest of the company I really pitied. I never saw any set of reasonable people so thoroughly frightened in my life. They all grew as pale as so many corpses, and, shrinking within their seats, sat quivering and gibbering with terror, and listening for a repetition of the sound. It came again-louder and seemingly nearer-and then a third time very loud, and then a fourth time with a vigor evidently diminished. At this apparent dying away of the noise, the spirits of the company were immediately regained, and all was life and anecdote as before. I now ventured to inquire the cause of the disturbance» [38].
The grotesque effect in this story not the least arising from the fact that the reader guesses the truth before the naive narrator. It turns out that these guests are all the crazy headed patients of the doctor who is crazy too. They seized power in a hospital jailed guards on bread and water, covered them in tar and feathers, and now enjoying life drinking alcohol and giving vent to their manias. The idea that the difference between mental health and madness is unpredictably slight occur in Poe's stories more than once. But the deeper story of the only edifying ideas. Madness is ruling the world, craziness considers itself the only form of health - are also possible to read the hidden meaning of the work, which is ridiculous and terrible mixed in the most whimsical way: «» Ah, ha! «said at length the infuriated jester. «Ah, ha! I begin to see who these people are now!» Here, pretending to scrutinize the king more closely, he held the flambeau to the flaxen coat which enveloped him, and which instantly burst into a sheet of vivid flame. In less than half a minute the whole eight ourang-outangs were blazing fiercely, amid the shrieks of the multitude who gazed at them from below, horror-stricken, and without the power to render them the slightest assistance.
At length the flames, suddenly increasing in virulence, forced the jester to climb higher up the chain, to be out of their reach; and, as he made this movement, the crowd again sank, for a brief instant, into silence. The dwarf seized his opportunity, and once more spoke:
«I now see distinctly.» he said, «what manner of people these maskers are. They are a great king and his seven privy-councillors, - a king who does not scruple to strike a defenceless girl and his seven councillors who abet him in the outrage. As for myself, I am simply Hop-Frog, the jester-and this is my last jest. "» [38].
The important role in formation of various grotesques in the works of writer gives the subjective impression dreams, the processes of «internal creation» of a new reality that exists beyond obvious and imaginary, actual and phantom. In particular, in the short story «The Angel of the Odd», by successfully using the techniques and grotesque irony, depicts the reality that exists beyond the reality. He also leads readers to believe that any case of human life is not random, it is rather some regularity caused by concrete deeds.
The story skillfully built on fixing psychological sensations that arise on the border of dream and reality. Angel, who visits the hero is a symbol. Thanks to him, the author attempts to prove that despite the fact that human life prevails over some weird, most people can avoid trouble if guided by common sense.
Clean humor, jocularity without much depth is the main thing in Poe's whimsical and playful stories, such as: «Four Beasts in One: The Homo-camelopard», «Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling», «The Sphinx», «Three Sundays a Week», «Never Bet the Devil Your Head», «How to write a Blackwood article» etc. These funny and witty works - another facet of varied Poe stories, light, bright colors of his palette. In these stories the writer shows his generous imagination, prone to exaggeration, grotesque, ingenuity and erudition.
Some humoresques and parodies are closely related to the realities of American life, they heard a sharp critic of certain manifestations of social life of the United States: the pursuit of money, the cult of success at any cost or institutions like the press, advertising and more. In painted humor and irony novelistytsi By germs find many topics that will be subsequently widely covered in the work of Mark Twain and other writers from the U.S. - from O'Henry to Woody Allen.
With a help of grotesque in Poe's stories, the motives of apocalypse, values of duality, which reveal the loss of moral foundations, the spiritual degradation of the individual and society is actualised. The creation of grotesque forms in stories promote techniques «mirror» writing, hallucinations, dreams, heroes, and sabotaging a «mask», move to the level of serious and comic contrast, the effect of «stringing» of various descriptions, admission substitution contrasts, the combination of hyperbole and litoty, the transformation of animals on humans and vice versa and so on.
As a result there are images of people, phantoms, masks, ghosts, puppets, doubles, servants of the devil, who inhabit the grotesque world of Poe's stories, which is inverted reflection of real world values, necrosis of the human soul and life itself. In grotesque writer connected not only fantastic and real, but also domestic and sacred, temporal and eternal, high and low, comic and tragic. By grotesque in stories is a source of comic, but it laid the idea of catastrophic world, the tragedy of a man who lives in conditions of total violence. As the analysis works, Poe's grotesque content is enhanced by the symbolism, so grotesque forms are often symbolic, revealing the hidden nature of phenomena.
Therefore, variations of extremely grotesque and definitely a relief embodied in the diverse works of Edgar Poe. His desire for full disclosure of conscious and unconscious desires, thoughts, feelings heroes finds expression in the successful use of grotesque elements. Grotesque in his works range from self-irony to the grotesque, and performs various functions: combination of humor and horror (mainly in psychological stories), diatribe, clean humor, jocularity without much depth, funny or caustic irony and so on.
3.2 Семінарське заняття на тему «Поетика прози Е. По»
Edgar Allan Poe - the master of psychological narrative:.
a) Poe's works in the context of American literature of the XIX century.
b) the features of Poe's stories;
c) the notion of a psychological story.
Grotesque as a terrible combination of beautiful:
a) a grotesque kind of artistic imagery;
b) grotesque in a different era;
c) contribution to the development of scientific theory grotesque.
Grotesque in Poe's stories:
a) The tone of grotesque in Poe's stories;
b) means of a satirical grotesque in Poe's stories;
c) exposing the everyday world and evil in the works of E. Poe in means of grotesque.
The Synopsis:
Psychologism - is a quality work of art, through which the writer conveys the inner world of his characters. This folklore reception then used creatively by writers since the days sentimental, as in prose and in poetry. In the literature, sentimental images of the interior world of man becomes mandatory, but the inner sentimentalist writers tried to convey through outward signs: to see such joy man described a joyful expression of her face. Description feeling was shared, it lacked depth. Romantic psychology deeper, but it covered only the image of strong, vivid feelings, their delicate shades have remained outside the attention of romanticism.
Psychologism - one of the most important characteristic properties of Poe's prose. His romantic heroes who can be anything but ordinary people, but states in which they are too far from normal. Therefore, with such delight we read highly detalised descriptions of their experiences, watching the often paradoxical transition from one psychological state to another. At the heart reveals dialectics in limiting situations, following the least wriggle thoughts and emotions.
The term «Romanticism» originally applied to literature, this concept later spread to the music and art. In contrast to classicism, which relied on well-developed theory, the system is strictly regulated rules, romanticism was not such a theory. Already contemporaries and later scholars often put in the term another meaning. Variety of events, which were consolidated this concept, controversy aesthetic, philosophical and political nature inherent in the views of the Romantics, gave reason to question the necessity and authority of such a unifying term. Sharp criticism really means to be romantic grotesque, satire, irony.
Grotesque - a type of artistic imagery based on the whimsical combination of fantastic and real, beautiful and ugly, tragic and comic, caricature and zhyttyepodibnoho. With grotesque artist creates a specific «grotesque» peace, the anomalous and bizarre world in which real and unreal suddenly appear in organic unity.
Means of grotesque in Poe's short stories, excerpts from texts:
- «Berenice»:»…. But from the disordered chamber of my brain, had not, alas! departed, and would not be driven away, the white and ghastly spectrum of the teeth. Not a speck on their surface - not a shade on their enamel - not an indenture in their edges - but what that period of her smile had sufficed to brand in upon my memory. I saw them now even more unequivocally than I beheld them then. The teeth! - The teeth! - They were here, and there, and everywhere, and visibly and palpably before me; long, narrow, and excessively white, with the pale lips writhing about them, as in the very moment of their first terrible development. Then came the full fury of my monomania, and I struggled in vain against its strange and irresistible influence. In the multiplied objects of the external world I had no thoughts but for the teeth. «»;
- «The System of Dr. Tarr and Pr. Fether»: «» My nerves were very much affected, indeed, by these yells; but the rest of the company I really pitied. I never saw any set of reasonable people so thoroughly frightened in my life. They all grew as pale as so many corpses, and, shrinking within their seats, sat quivering and gibbering with terror, and listening for a repetition of the sound. It came again-louder and seemingly nearer-and then a third time very loud, and then a fourth time with a vigor evidently diminished. At this apparent dying away of the noise, the spirits of the company were immediately regained, and all was life and anecdote as before. I now ventured to inquire the cause of the disturbance «».
- «William Wilson»: «I have already more than once spoken of the disgusting air of patronage which he assumed toward me, and of his frequent officious interference withy my will. This interference often took the ungracious character of advice; advice not openly given, but hinted or insinuated. I received it with a repugnance which gained strength as I grew in years. Yet, at this distant day, let me do him the simple justice to acknowledge that I can recall no occasion when the suggestions of my rival were on the side of those errors or follies so usual to his immature age and seeming inexperience; that his moral sense, at least, if not his general talents and worldly wisdom, was far keener than my own; and that I might, to-day, have been a better, and thus a happier man, had I less frequently rejected the counsels embodied in those meaning whispers which I then but too cordially hated and too bitterly despised.».
- «The Black Cat»: «But my disease grew upon me - for what disease is like Alcohol! - And at length even Pluto, who was now becoming old, and consequently somewhat peevish - even Pluto began to experience the effects of my ill temper.».
Questions for self-control:
Describe work of Edgar Allan Poe in the context of nineteenth century literary epoch.
Why is he called the master of psychological story?
Which groups of works can be singled out in Poe's works?
What does the term «grotesque» mean?
Find quotations from Poe's comic stories, which, on your opinion, most clearly reveal grotesque features and write an essay, choosing one of them (creative task).
Комедія, як жанр літератури та художні риси та особливості американської комедії зокрема, а також сатиричних оповідань, дають змогу розкрити всю багатомірність та жанрове різноманіття американської літератури. Особливо важливу роль в дослідженні даного аспекту відвграють гумористичні та сатиричні оповідання Едгара По, як яскравого представника американської літератури першої половини ХІХ ст.
У своїх працях науковці звертали увагу на різні аспекти світоглядних та естетичних позицій, принципів американського романтика Е. По, досліджували особливості його поетики (наприклад, роботи Ю. Ковальова «Эдгар Аллан По: новеллист и поэт» та В. Парінгтона «Основные течения американской мысли», в яких автори розглядають філософсько-етичну, моральну проблематику як поетичної, так і прозаїчної спадщини Е. По).
Проаналізувавши праці дослідників літератури, ми дійшли висновку, що репрезентуючи світовий романтизм, його пізню американську гілку, Е. По був романтиком у повному розумінні цього слова. Наскрізь романтичними була його доля і його творчість. Оригінальність його творчості і особистості обумовлена їх неоднозначністю з точки зору оцінки сучасників і подальших дослідників творчості Едгара По. Складні духовні пошуки знайшли своєрідне втілення як в теоретичному, так і в художньому доробку письменника. Жанр короткого оповідання, оповідання дозволив художнику повною мірою втілити романтичний погляд на сучасне життя, розкрити проблему взаємовідносин особистості і суспільства, як трагічну несумісність вільної людини з суспільством невільників моралі, релігійних забобонів, станових та расових упереджень.
У багатьох його творах дія відбувається або у Європі або в умовній, часто екзотичній країні в неозначений час. Тобто, просторово-часова структура творів цілком умовна. Героям притаманні загальнолюдські, а не конкретно-історичні риси. Все це виділяє особистість і творчість Е. По у загальному розвитку американського романтизму, надає своєрідної неповторності; дає змогу говорити про особливе місце і роль письменника в літературному процесі першої половини ХІХ століття.
Протиставлення образів правлячої верхівки та простого народу в оповіданнях Едгара По дало змогу проаналізували умови використання гротескних образів, окреслили особливості гротеску та засобів його реалізації і дійшли висновку, що гротеск відіграє важливу роль в першу чергу як засіб художнього узагальнення і типізації явищ дійсності, використання гротескних образів автором відбувається за певною схемою, за якою зображення оточуючої дійсності, подій, діючих осіб набуває найбільш фантасмагоричних, гіперболізованих та гротескних рис саме під час кульмінації, яка досить часто спричинена посиленням гіпертрофованих психічних станів головних героїв (як, наприклад, в оповіданнях «The Black Cat», «The Tell-tale Heart», «Berenice»).
Завдяки гротеску в оповіданнях Едгара По актуалізуються мотиви штучності, механістичності життя, апокаліптичності буття, фальшивих цінностей, двійництва, які розкривають втрату людьми моральних основ, духовну деградацію особистості та суспільства. Створенню гротескних форм у оповіданнях сприяють прийоми «дзеркального» письма, окарикатурення персонажів, галюцинації, сни героїв, створення та зривання «масок», переміщення серйозного на рівень комічного і навпаки, ефект «нанизування» різноманітних характеристик, прийом підміни, контрасти, поєднання гіперболи та літоти, перетворення тварини на людину і навпаки тощо. Внаслідок цього з'являються образи людей-фантомів, масок, примар, маріонеток, двійників, служителів «дияволіади», котрі населяють гротескний світ оповідань Едгара По, який є віддзеркаленням переверненої системи цінностей світу реального, омертвіння людської душі та самого життя.
У гротеску письменника з'єднуються не тільки фантастичне і реальне, але й побутове і сакральне, тимчасове і вічне, високе і низьке, комічне і трагічне. Гротеск в оповіданнях По є джерелом комедійності, але у ньому закладено думку про катастрофічність світу, трагедію людини, яка живе в умовах тотального насильства. Як показав аналіз творів, зміст гротесків Едгара По посилюється за рахунок символіки, тому гротескні форми нерідко стають символічними, виявляючи приховану сутність явищ.
Велику роль у створенні різноманітних гротесків у творах письменник відводить суб'єктивному враженню, снам, процесам «внутрішнього творення» героєм нової реальності, яка існує на межі явного та уявного, дійсного та примарного.
Отже, різновиди гротеску надзвичайно виразно та рельєфно втілені у розмаїтій творчості Едгара По. Його прагнення до повного розкриття свідомих і підсвідомих бажань, думок, переживань героїв знаходить вияв у вдалому використанні гротескних елементів. Гротеск у його творах видозмінюється від самоіронії до гротеску, і виконує різноманітні функції: поєднання гумору і жаху (здебільшого в психологічних оповіданнях), гостра критика, чистий гумор, жартівливість без особливої глибини, весела або ущиплива іронія тощо.
Письменник показав себе як талановитий майстер, котрий створив розмаїття гротескних форм. У творах митця виявилися характерні для нього прийоми створення гротесків (прийом «дзеркального» письма, реалістичне зниження фантастичного образу, суміщення оніричного та постоніричного простору, підкреслена суб'єктивність оповіді, синтез протилежних начал - життя та смерть, верх і низ, реальність і фантастика, смішне та потворне та ін.), які будуть використовуватися письменником у подальшому.
Гротеск у малих жанрах Едгара По став одним із основних засобів соціального та психологічного аналізу, він допомагає людині пізнати істину, відрізнити правду від неправди, але для цього він, немов Янгол Дивовижного, повинен розкрити внутрішні протиріччя в самому предметі висміювання, порушуючи звичні зв'язки між явищами, поставити їх у несподівані положення і тим самим відкриває нові сторони звичного.
В нашій роботі ми намагалися висвітлити питання специфіки гротеску та засобів його реалізації в комедійних оповіданнях Едгара По і нам, безперечно, вдалося досягти певних результатів, але обрана нами тема дослідження є настільки широкою та багатоплановою, що не може бути повністю розглянутою в рамках магістерської дипломної роботи і потребує подальшої розробки та поглиблення у проблему.
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