Информационно-экскурсионная деятельность предприятий туризма на иностранном языке

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Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 03.04.2014
Размер файла 19,9 K

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Информационно-экскурсионная деятельность предприятий туризма на иностранном языке

Задание №1

английский язык экскурсионный

1. The Last Romanovs are buried in………..

A. The UralsC. Kremlin

B. Alexander Nevsky monasteryD. Peter and Paul Cathedral

2. The Central Naval museum is situated in ………

A. The Spit of Vasilevsky islandC. Peter and Paul fortress

B. Nevsky AvenueD. The Senate square

3. Madonna with a flower was painted by………

A. Leonardo da VinchiC. Michelangelo

B. TitianD. Raphael

4. Peter and Paul Cathedral was designed by……………….

A) RastrelliC) Trezzini

B) MontpherandD) Rossi

5. Most of the Romanovs are buried in……………………….

A) KremlinC) Kazan Cathedral

B) Alexander Nevsky monasteryD) Peter and Paul Cathedral

Задание №2

Sphinxes, Commemorates, Governor, Mint, Confinement

1. Alexander Menshikov was the first Governor of St. Petersburg.

2. Flanking the river stairs outside the Academy of Fine arts there are two Sphinxes, discovered in ancient Egypt.

3. The Lieutenant Shmidt Bridge Commemorates Lieutenant Pyotr Shmidt, who led an uprising of the Black Sea fleet in 1905.

4. From 1872-1921 the dark, damp, solitary Confinement cells in Trubetskoy Bastion served as a grim prison for enemies of the state.

5. The Mint founded in 1724, still produces coins, medals and badges.

Задание №3

Relieves, Italian, Castle, Vestibule, Mahogany

1. Egyptian Castle

2. The bas- Vestibule

3. Italian Hall

4. The Mahogany writing table

5. Engineer's Relieves

Задание №4

1. The Arts square is surrounded/is faced with buildings revealing the city's impressive cultural heritage.

2. The gardens stretch down/go along to the Moikia River.

3. The foundation stone was opened/laid.

4. The Armenian church was bought/was financed by Lazarev.

Задание №5

1. Have you ever been in the Hermitage?

2. The Hermitage is situated opposite in the spit of Basil Island.

3. At the right there are the buildings of the former Synode and Senate.

4. The Nevsky prospect was named by Alexander Nevsky.

5. At the beginning of the 18th century the Peter and Paul Fortress was built from earth and wood.

Задание №6

1. What is the main square of St.Petersburg? What buildings and monuments are decorated it?

Dvortsovaya Square is the main square of St.Petersburg. This area form a historical and cultural monuments of federal significance: the Winter Palace, headquarters building Guards Corps, General Staff building the Arc de Triomphe, the Alexander Column.

2. What buildings and monuments are formed the ensemble of St.Isaac's square?The ensemble of St.Isaac's square are formed: Mariinsky Palace, St. Isaac's Cathedral, hotels "Astoria" and "Angleterre".

3. What buildings are surrounded the monument to Catherine II?

Alexandrinsky Theatre, National Library, Anichkov Palace, the building of the Ministry of National Education and the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters Rossi Street, the building of the St. Petersburg Municipal Credit Society.

4. What buildings are situated on Square of Arts?

Ensemble area consisting of buildings of the Mikhailovsky Palace (now it is the State Russian Museum), the Mikhailovsky Theatre (formerly Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Mussorgsky), home Golenishcheva-Kutuzov, Musical Comedy Theatre, the Russian Ethnographic Museum, Great Hall Philharmonic Shostakovich and hotel "Europe".

5. In which building is housed the largest collection of Russian art?

At the State Russian Museum is housed the largest collection of Russian art.

Задание №7

1. The Senate and Synod was conceived by Peter the Great.

2. Catherine the Great was bought her first collection of art in 1764 yet and order to set up the special building to keep it.

3. Elizabeth I is requested Rastrelli to rebuilt the Catherine Palace.

4. The walls of Small Throne Room or Peter's Room were decorated with velvet panels.

5. It took forty years to create St.Isaac's Cathedral.

Задание №8

1. Raphael created the painting Danae/ Madonna Conestabile.

2. The famous Amber Room is decorated the Catherine Palace/ the Winter Palace.

3. The Great Cascade in Peterhof is devoted to the Russian victory over Sweden/ Turkey.

4. The Madonna Litta was painted by Rembrandt/ Leonardo da Vinci.

5. The Rostral Columns were built as lighthouses/ to commemorate the Russian victory over Napoleon.

Задание №9

1. The Catherine Palace is the perfect sample of later Baroque style designed by Johann Friedrich Braunstein in 1717 by the order of Catherine 1.

2. Mikhailovsky Palace was the residence of Paul I, the son of Catherine 2 it was built by Сarlo Rossi in 1825.

3. Рetropalovsky Cathedral is the burial place of almost all the emperors and empresses started from Peter the Great up Alexander III all graves are similar except two ones which belonged to Peter 2 and Ivan 4 .

4. The Smolny Cathedral was commissioned by Elizabeth Petrovna to monastery but later Catherine II turned it into odeum.

5. The Grand Palace in Pavlovsk is built in .. style by .. and contains the collections of ..

Задание №10

1. Коллекция испанского искусства в Эрмитаже невелика, но интересна, в залах выставлены полотна знаменитых художников Веласкеса, Риберы, Мурильо, Эль Греко и других.

Collection of Spain Art in Hermitage not toо big, but so interesting - there are pictures of the famous painters - Veleskes, Ribera, Murilio, El Greco and others.

2. Годом основания Эрмитажа считается 1764 г., когда Екатерина Великая приобрела 225 полотен голландских и фламандских мастеров, сейчас коллекция насчитывает около трех миллионов экспонатов.

Hermitage was created in 1764, when Catherine the Great in 1764 had acquired 225 pictures of holland and flamand masters. Nowdays, collection contain near 3 milliards exhibits.

3. Эрмитаж- один из крупнейших музеев мира, коллекция которого располагается в архитектурном комплексе, состоящем из Зимнего дворца, Малого Эрмитажа, Старого Эрмитажа, Нового Эрмитажа и Эрмитажного театра.

Hermitage one of the biggest museums from all in the world, which collection locate in arhitecture complex that consist from Winter Palace, Small Hermitage, New Hermitage, Old Hermitage and Hermitage Theatre.

4. Одним из величайших мастеров голландской живописи был Рембрандт, который представлен в Эрмитаже портретами, картинами на мифологические и библейские сюжеты.

Rembrand was one of the famous masters of holland art which introdact in Hermitage by portrial, pictures with mythological and biblian plot.


Задание №1

1. St. Nicholas' Cathedral was designed by …………..

A. ChevakinskiyC. Montferrand

B. Rossi D.Trezzini

2. New Holland was called so because ……………….

A. Dutch people lived there.

B. There were many canals there.

C. The Dutch method of storing timber was used there.

D. Shipbuilders spoke Dutch.

3. Catherine the Great presented Prince Potemkin with …………….

A. Tauride PalaceC. Anichkov Palace

B. Marble PalaceD. Gatchina Palace

4. Smolnyy Convent was designed by ……………………

A. ZemtsovC. Quarenghi

B. RastrelliD.Rossi

5. The museum of Anna Akhmatova is housed in…………

A. Smolnyy InstituteC. Sheremetiev Palace

B. Marble PalaceD. Stroganov Palace

Задание №2

Easter, Lapis lazuli, Angel, Equestrian, Heighten

1. The magnificent Equestrian statue of Peter the Great was unveiled in Decembrists' square in 1782.

2. Malachite and Lapis lazuli columns frame the iconostasis of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

3. In 1885 Alexander III commissioned the Faberge brothers to create an Easter egg for Tsarina Maria Fyodorovna.

4. The Alexander Column is topped with a bronze angel

5. Henri Matisse used strong tones of three colors to heighten the drama.

Задание №3

Scenery, Reforms, Mansion, Trip, Monastery

1. The economic Reforms

2. Beautiful Scenery

3. The Kshesinskaya Mansion

4. Alexander Nevsky Monastery

5. a boat Trip

Задание №4

1. The Sennaya Square's name, meaning Haymarket, derives/starts from the original market of livestock and fodder.

2. Dostoevsky was punished/exiled to hard labor in Siberia.

3. The citizenz of Leningrad were killed/died in vast numbers from starvation.

4. On the night of 3 April 1917, the exiled Lenin arrived/left at Finland Station on a sealed train.

Задание №5

1. The Hermitage houses is the wonderful collection of art. It numbers about nearly 3 mln. items.

2. At the back of the square there is the Mariinsky Palace.

3. The architect Trezzini was Swiss by his origin.

4. At the opposite side of the Hermitage there is the Peter and Paul Fortress.

5. Next after the Zoological Musuems stands the Chamber of Curiosities.

Задание №6

1. What ship is the symbol of Soviet Russia? What political events are connected with her?

Cruiser "Avrora" became a significant vehicle for the Soviet era, after all of it was made volley. During the Russian-Japanese War, participated in the campaign of the Second Pacific Squadron, ending the Battle of Tsushima. Cruiser also participated in the First World War. Blank shot with "Aurora" was the signal for the storming of the Winter Palace, the cruiser became a symbol of the October Revolution.

2. What is the birthplace of St.Petersburg? What buildings are situated on the grounds of it? Who are buried there?

St. Petersburg start construction began on Zayachy Island. On this island is the Peter and Paul Fortress. The cathedral is the burial place of all Russian tsars from Peter I to Alexander III, with the exception of Peter II and Ivan VI.

3. Where is the burial place of Romanovs?

Novospassky Monastery served as their burial vault of Romanovs.

4. For what purposes was St.Peter and St.Paul Fortress used before 1917?

St.Peter and St.Paul Fortress used like a fortification and a prison for political prisoners.

5. Why St.Petersburg is known as Venice of the North?

Petersburg as Venice was built on a swamp. Also it is called Venice of the North because of the plurality of channels, rivers, and bridges.

Задание №7

1. The Lower Garden in Peterhof has an area 102.5 hectares.

2. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan was designed by the architect Andrei Voronikhin.

3. The Palace of Alexander Menshikov situated on on the Basil (Vasilievsky) Island and designed by the architects Fontana and Schedel.

4. Elizabeth I ordered the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli built (designed) The Grand Palace in Peterhof.

5. The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt based on the Old Testament Story.

Задание №8

1. St.Isaac's Cathedral is operated as the museum/ an active church.

2. The main building of St.Petersburg State University is located in the Building of 12 Collegiums/ the Anichkov Palace.

3. The monument to Catherine the Great is installed in front of the Mariinsky Theatre/ Alexandrinsky Theatre.

4. The monument to Alexander Pushkin is decorated the Square of Arts/ the Field of Mars.

5. Monplaisir Palace was constructed for Peter I/ Peter III and it is situated in the Summer Garden/ the Lower garden in Peterhof.

Задание №9

1. The collection of the Hermitage was started by Ekaterina the Great in 1764 when she acquired 225 paintings from Gortsovsky .

2. St/Peter and Paul cathedral was built by the architect Trezzini 1713 in, its height is 123 m, its golden spire is topped with holding a cross.

3. The iconstand of St/ Isaac's cathedral is decorated with ten malachite collumns and mosaic panel, it was built by Montferrand in 1818-1858.

4. The monument to Peter the Great is known under the name The Bronze Horseman commissioned by Peter The Great to the sculptor Rastrelli in 1768-1770.

5. The famous Amber Room is decorated the decoration of amber panels backed with gold leaf and mirrors built by Rastrelli in 1755 in sumptuous Borocco style.

Задание №10

1. Иконостас Исаакиевского собора- просто великолепен, он украшен мозаичными панно, живописными полотнами, скульптурой и десятью малахитовыми колоннами.

The iconostand of St. Isaac's cathedral is gorgeous, it is decorated with mosaic panel, paintings, sculptures, and ten malachite columns.

2. Инженерный замок был построен в 1797-1800 гг. как резиденция императора Павла I по проекту архитекторов Баженова и Бренны, сейчас это филиал Государственного Русского Музея.

The Engineers' Castle was built in 1797-1800 as a residence for Emperor Paul I, by architects Bazhenov and Brenna, now it is branch of the Russian Museum.

3. Интерьеры Екатерининского дворца украшают позолоченная резьба, стены затянуты шелком, наборные паркеты, в залах выставлены предметы изобразительного и прикладного искусства.

Catherine Palace interiors are decorated with gilded carvings, silk wall tightened, inlaid parquet floors, halls exhibited objects of fine and applied art.

4. Летний сад, который простирается вдоль набережной Невы, был разбит по приказу Петра Великого в начале 18 в., в саду находится Летний дворец царя.

Summer garden which stretches along the banks of the Neva, was defeated by the order of Peter the Great in the early 18th century., In garden is situated the Summer Palace of the king.

Задание № 11









"The Tsar Carpenter"



Bronze, granite

Admiralty embankment

Monument to Ivan Krylov in the Summer Garden

Peter Clodt



Kutuzovsky embankment (Summer garden)

Monument to Admiral von Krusenstern

Shredder, Monigetti


Bronze, red granite

Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment, 17

Monument to Alexander Suvorov




Suvorov square

as youthful Mars, the Roman god of war

The monument at Pushkin's Duel



Granite, bronze

Kolomyazhskiy pr. 10

Alexander Column




Palace Square

Obelisk memorable floods on the Moika River (gauging post)




River Moika embankment

Next to buld. 38


“Along Nevsky prospect”


When it was built

Who was it built by




Peter the Great

Alexander Nevsky Lavra



Kazan cathedral



Lutheran Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul



Catholic Church of St. Catherine


Vallin de la Monthe, Rinaldi

The Passage



Anichkov palace



Gostiny dvor



Monument to Ekaterina II



Stroganovsky palace



Singer house



Moskovsky railway station



Nicholaevsky, Oktyabrsky

Saint Petersburg City Duma



Leningrad Hero City Obelisk



Eliseyev Emporium






When it was built




Mariinsky Theatre



Theater sq. 1

Aleksandrinsky theatre



Ostrovsky sq. 2

Hermitage theatre



Palace embankment, 32

Mikhailovsky theatre



Square of Art, 1




When it was built





Peter and Paul Cathedral

between 1712 and 1733


Petrine Baroque

Peter and Paul Fortress, Cathedral Square, 1.

St. Isaac's cathedral



Late classicism

Isaac Square, 4

Kazan cathedral




Nevsky prospect, 25

Church of the Savior on Blood



"Russian style" (Romantic Nationalism)

Griboyedov Canal Embankment, 2

Alexander Nevsky Lavra




Alexander Nevsky Square

Smolny cathedral




Rastrelli square, 1

St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral



Russian baroque

Nicolsky square

Vladimirskaya Church



From baroque to classicism

Vladimirsky Prospect 20

Catholic Church of St. Catherine


Vallin de la Monthe, Rinaldi


Nevsky prospect, 32-34

Lutheran Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul



Classicism, Gothic Revival

Nevsky prospect, 22-24

Список использованной литературы

1. Горбачевич К., Хабло Е. Почему так названы? О происхождении названий улиц, площадей, островов, рек и мостов Санкт - Петербурга;

2. Кабакчи В.В.Практика гида-переводчика: In English About St.Petersburg.- СПб.: Союз Part I: Tests and Exercises.- 2004.- 309 с;

3. Костылев Р.П. Петербургские архитектурные стили (XYIII - начало XX века)/ Р.П. Костылев, Г.Ф. Пересторонина.- СПб: Паритет, 2007.- 256 с;

4. Памятники архитектуры Ленинграда. -- 4-е изд. -- Л.: Стройиздат, 1976. -- С. 138--143.

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