Government of Howard and his conservative supporters. Attacking trade unions through the so-called reform of the industrial system. The educational program is in labour motion. Dangers of conservative industrial suggestions, historical precedents.
Стратегический менеджмент: теоретические подходы к исследованию. История возникновения стратегического менеджмента, его функции и принципы. Start-up как стратегия развития бизнеса. Реализация start-up проектов в России, анализ самых успешных из них.
- 123. State of Texas
Geographical position, climate, flora and fauna of the U.S. state of Texas. State politics and administrative system. The modern constitution of Texas. The level of economic development, industry and agriculture in Texas. Cities and towns of Texas.
Consideration of sovereignty as a basic constitutional principles of state law (for example, the countries - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States). Legislative support in Ukraine national development in the socio-cultural (spiritual) sphere.
- 125. States of America
Introduction to geographical location, population size, state of the industry, energy resources, transportation infrastructure in Alaska. Study location, swimming pools, demographics, and the main attractions of California - one of the states of America.
Lack of protection and increased vulnerability. Refusal to grant asylum to citizens of the CIS countries and China. Abduction, deportation and extradition. Asylum seekers and refugees from Uzbekistan - a group at risk. Migration Policy in Kazakhstan.
- 127. Steinway Pianos
Introduction to the history of the Steinway piano - an uncompromising standard of sound, beauty and investment value. History and development of the company Steinway & Sons. The study of competitiveness, strengths and weaknesses of the marketing company.
- 128. STEP и GAP анализ
Стратегический анализ социальных, технологических, экономических и политических факторов. Комплексное аналитическое исследование, изучающее несоответствия, разрывы между текущим состоянием компании и желаемым. Повышения эффективности работы компании.
Stereotypes that influence on economic relations between the European Union countries and Russia. Consequences of influence of stereotypes on economic relations between EU and Russia. Results of first attempts solving problem. General conclusion.
- 130. Strategic Planning
The corporate development history and current situation strategy of the Computacenter. Opportunities and threats for Computacenter on the analysis of IT-industry and macro-environmental analysis. The recommendations for the future strategic direction.
Organizational structure of the company. Analysis of the external and internal environment. Assessment of the company's competitive strength. Company strategy proposal. Structure of implementation and creation of organizational structure of management.
Вуличне тренування — масовий рух, заснований на заняттях фізичною культурою із застосуванням тренувального обладнання в громадських об'єктах. Походження та історія розповсюдження Street workout в країнах СНД. Види та напрямки розвитку дворової гімнастики.
Таксономия возбудителей. Их морфологические, тинкториальные, культуральные и ферментативные свойства, резистентность. Антигенная структура рода стрептококков. Источники инфекции и механизм ее передачи. Диагностика, профилактика и лечение заболеваний.
- 134. Stress reasons
The definition of stress as the body's way of responding to any kind of stimuli. Consideration of positive and negative emotions, which may cause stress. External and internal causes of stress. The role of consciousness in the assessment of events.
Features of English Nouns. The Category of Case. The Category of Number of English Nouns. Structural Semantic Characteristics of English, morphological, syntactical Characteristics of Nouns. The Use of Articles with Nouns in Some Set Expsessions.
The structure and purpose of the council of Europe. The structural and semantic features of the texts of the Council of Europe official documents. Lexical and grammatical aspects of the translation of a document from English to ukrainian language.
Contextual and functional features of the passive forms of grammar in English. Description of the rules of the time in the passive voice. Principles of their translation into Russian. The study of grammatical semantics combinations to be + Participle II.
The problems as the types of sentences in English, their construction, parts of the sentence. Structure of sentence, parts of the sentence. The development of transform grammar and tagmemic grammar. Semi-notional words connecting two words or clauses.
How important is vocabulary. How are words selected. Conveying the meaning. Presenting vocabulary. How to illustrate meaning. Decision - making tasks. Teaching word formation and word combination. Teaching lexical chunks. Teaching phrasal verbs.
Оценка сильных и слабых сторон конкурентоспособности предприятия. Разработка плана маркетинга. Анализ потребительского рынка и возможных угроз для него. Техническое оснащение, организационная структура и правовое обеспечение деятельности организации.
Consideration of the mass media as an instrument of influence on human consciousness. The study of the positive and negative aspects of the radio, television, press, magazines, Internet. Advantages and disadvantages of the media in the Great Britain.
Structure (composition) of advertisements is determined by their purpose and tasks referred to. A very common feature of any advertisement is the advertising claims which possesses certain peculiarities and is of great interest to a translator.
What is Civilization. Ancient Western Asia, before Civilization. Who Were the Hurrians. Mesopotamian Civilization, ancient Sumer. Digging in the Land of Magan. The Code of Hammurabi. Laws of Babylon, Egyptian Civilization, the Akkadian Kingdom.
The definition of the terms "style" and "stylistics". Discussion of the peculiarities of scientific style and popular scientific prose, their differences and what they have in common. Style shaping properties: expressive means and stylistic devices.
Daphne Du Maurier. The novel "Rebecca" is among the most memorable in twentieth-century literature. Stylistic morphology, stylistic syntax, stylistic semasiology. Parenthetic sentences/arenthesis. Parallelism. Nominative sentences. Rhetorical question.
General considerations of stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. Neutral, common literary and common colloquial vocabulary, special literary vocabulary, colloquial vocabulary, poetic, highly literary words, archaic, obsolescent and obsolete.
Charles Dickens and his autobiography. Charles Dickens as the most popular and productive novelist combined social Critism with comedy and sentiment, creating a tone that the world identifies as Victorian lake chancer and Shakespeare before him.
The ways of expressing evaluation by means of language in English modern press and the role of repetitions in the texts of modern newspaper discourse. Characteristics of the newspaper discourse as the expressive means of influence to mass reader.
The subjects of stylistic phonetics, implemented by Percy Bysshe Shelley in his works. General morphology treats morphemes and grammatical meanings in language without regard to their stylistic value. The phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices.
The background of the research of stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms. The analysis of stylistic potential of tense-aspect verbal forms in modern English. Methodological recommendations for teaching of tense-aspect verbal forms in English.