Підготовка та укладання зовнішньоторговельної угоди на експорт цукру
Динаміка ринку цукру, його роль в зовнішньоторговельній діяльності України. Аналітична маркетингова оцінка ринку. Правове обґрунтування можливостей здійснення даної зовнішньоекономічної угоди. Зовнішньоекономічний контракт, його предмет та загальна сума.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
Вид | курсовая работа |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 20.01.2012 |
Размер файла | 604,9 K |
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2. Козик В.В., Панкова Л.А. “Світове господарство та міжнародні економічні відносини" Львів2010
3. Мазур Є. // Агробізнес сьогодні. - 2008. - № 13-14. - С.18-21.)
4. Матвеєв М.Е., Дідович І.І. Регулювання зовнішньоекономічної діяльності. Навчальний посібник. - К.: "Видавничий дім "Професіонал", 2008. - 192 с.
5. Наказ Міністерства аграрної політики України від 20.02.2006 № 69 „Про розробку Комплексної державної програми реструктуризації і розвитку буряково-цукрової галузі на період до 2010 р.".
6. Наказ Міністерства аграрної політики України „Про розробку Комплексної державної програми реструктуризації і розвитку буряково-цукрової галузі на період до 2010 р." від 20.02.2006 № 69
7. Основи економічної теорії - Дзюбик С., Ривак О. - К.: Основи, 2008р.
8. Ореленко, В.І. Ефективність інтенсифікації у цукробуряковому виробництві // Економіка АПК. - 2008. - № 5. - С.85-88.
9. Постанова Верховної Ради України „Про законодавче забезпечення розвитку бурякоцукрового комплексу в Україні та заходи щодо його покращення” від 03.03.2005 № 2465-IV
10. Рішення Кабінету Міністрів України №1977 “Про державне регулювання виробництва та реалізації цукру”, від 25 грудня 2002 (зі змінами).
11. Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України, щодо схвалення Концепції Комплексної державної програми реструктуризації і розвитку буряково-цукрової галузі на період до 2010 р від 24.12.2005 №566
12. Рафальська В.А. Конкурентоспроможність українського цукру на світовому ринку // Науковий вісник Національного аграрного університету. - К.: НАУ, 2010, - Вип. № 97. - С.337 - 341
13. Розміщення продуктивних сил України - С.І. Дорогунцов, Ю.І. Пітюренко. - К.: КНЕУ, 2009.
14. Саллі В.І., Трифонова О.В., Швець В.Я. Основи зовнішньоекономічної діяльності: Навчальний посібник. К.: ВД "Професіонал" 21.08.2008
15. Фіалко А. Проблеми та перспективи співпраці України з ЄС // Національнабезпека і оборона, №9, 2006р. - с.15-19
16. Юхименко П.І., Безпечна І.В. Інституційні передумови ринкової трансформації агросектору економіки України. - Біла Церква: Білоцерківський держ. аграрний ун-т, 2009. - 176 с.
17. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.fas. usda.gov
18. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua
19. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://sugarua.com/ua
20. [Електроннийресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.londonstockexchange.com
21. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.ukrsugar. kiev.ua
22. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.fibo.ru/
23. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.proagro.com.ua/
24. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.ukrsugar. kiev.ua/
25. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.indexmundi.com/
26. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.rubiz.ru/
27. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.ukrsugar. kiev.ua/
28. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.fese. be/en
29. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://gost. kiev.ua/
30. [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://friedman.com.ua/
Додаток А
Ukraine has a long tradition of producing and exporting sugar. For many Ukrainian there is no doubt that sugar should and will play a crucial role in the agriculture of the country. In recent years, however, sugar production in Ukraine significantly decreased. Sugar factories are at a loss, while revenues from sugar exports went down to almost nothing. Market granulated sugar from sugar beets - one of the most important sectors of the food market of Ukraine. The economy of the state of sugar pidkompleks always had a strategic importance.
The objective is an objective study of the competitiveness of the sugar industry in Ukraine, opportunities and prospects of its development, analysis of problems and possible solutions.
Based on the analysis of the world sugar market, studying the experience of export and import in major producing countries and consuming beet and cane sugar, the legislative framework governing the production and sale of sugar in Ukraine, in this paper substantiates the feasibility of compiling foreign trade contract with the export of Ukrainian sugar.
The process of compiling foreign trade agreement is one of the most important stages of International Business. This course work provides an opportunity to model and gain practical experience in foreign trade contract drafting and management of foreign trade operations. Subject course work is very important because it allows to generalize the theoretical knowledge and turn them into practical skills.
The largest producers of cane sugar in Asia are India, China, Thailand, Pakistan, followed by Indonesia and the Philippines, North and Central America - United States, Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, South America is dominated by Brazil, Africa produces the largest amount of sugar surfactants and Egypt and Sudan, Mauritius, Kenya, Swaziland and Zimbabwe, in Oceania, most of the sugar producing Australia.
The world sugar market - quite specific. In most of the world sugar or consumed in the producing countries under government price controls, or exported from one country to another under previous agreements. That part of the sugar produced in the world, which is not subject to such agreements, provides free circulation between individual countries. Free sugar market is classified as "residual." Its share is 20-25 % of world production. Even minor changes in production can lead to significant fluctuations in supply in the spot market. This is one of the main causes of instability in the free market price of sugar - for major contracts and stock quotes.
The world price is the opportunity cost for consumer goods in any country. In other words, this is the costs of goods that consumers paid if this product is not produced in the country. The same applies to sugar. The economic costs of border protection can be calculated by comparing with the corresponding import price parity. However, there is no such term as "a single market price" in the sugar world. Most often used indicator of world sugar prices - the so-called price of an international organization of sugar (ISA), is the average of several prices for raw sugar
Wholesale of sugar in the domestic market by entities if they have special permission (license). Licenses are issued by the body authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, within quota "A" subject to quarterly and monthly volumes. Number of licenses for wholesale sugar is not limited. Retail sale of sugar can be made solely by persons who are registered as business entities, in the manner prescribed by law. These entities are entitled to receive is intended to implement sugar only from persons who are licensed to carry out wholesale trade in sugar. For the stable supply the domestic sugar market during the year and prevent significant seasonal fluctuations in prices for it are determined quarterly and monthly volumes of sugar. Implementation of sugar from Ukraine in accordance with international agreements by companies that have special permissions (licenses) for exports of sugar. Licenses are issued by the body authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, within the quota of "B" subject to quarterly and monthly volumes. Implementation of sugar quota of "B" is at prices determined by international treaties. Implementation of the sugar quota of "B" quotas and "C" on the domestic market of Ukraine is prohibited. Sugar production in Ukraine with imported raw materials is allowed only if the re-exportation of finished goods in full from Ukraine in terms prescribed by law.
Purchase of sugar for state needs, both internal and for commitments under international treaties is exercised by the (firms), authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. He also determined each year and the volume of purchases. The relationship between specified bodies (companies) and producers of sugar are regulated by law and agreements that are concluded between them. Purchase of sugar to meet the needs of the state shall be subject to pre-financing costs of sugar and sugar beets in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law. Within the pre-financing of these costs may apply state logistics of sugar and sugar beet. Monetary payments between bodies (companies) that buy sugar to meet public needs, and sugar and sugar beets are carried out through the State Treasury of Ukraine.
The law establishes pricing features in beet-sugar complex. The minimum price for sugar beets for sugar production quota "A" quota and "B", and the minimum price for sugar quota "A" shall be determined annually by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, using monthly inflation rates. The minimum price for sugar and sugar beets are set at a level that ensures the profitability of the relevant products.
The relationship between sugar factories, farms and other buryakosiynymy beet-sugar complex subjects are based on commercial contracts to be concluded between them according to law. Typical conditions for commercial contracts approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine or the authorized body is required to use between specified entities of all forms of property.
Додаток Б
Contract №1306
Ukraine, Poltava September 28, 2011
Ltd. "Trade-Hick", Egypt, hereinafter "Buyer", represented by Director Mohamed Hussein, on the one hand, and the firm "SunCore Ltd", the Ukraine, the "Seller" represented by Director, Silantyev Oleg, - on the other hand, have concluded this contract on such conditions:
1. The subject and the total contract
Seller sold and Buyer bought tulips (hereinafter - goods) in the number 1800 (one thousand eight hundred) tons at a cost of 652 (Six hundred and fifty two) U. S. dollars per 1metric t. total value - 1,173,600 (One million one hundred seventy-three thousand six hundred) U. S. dollars.
2. Basic conditions of supply
By this contract Goods supplied by the agreed parts in compliance with CPT Kremnenchuk port terminal "Kremenchuk port." Term of delivery - November-December 2011
3. The quality of the product
The quality of the product confirmed by a certificate of quality by the manufacturer.
4. Terms and delivery date
Delivery of the goods under this Contract shall be made within 10 days of notification the Buyer about the receipt money to the seller's account.
The delivery date is the date of arrival of the goods under CIP Warsaw. If receive from a Buyer a written application about a change in any position of this contract, the Seller reserves the right to view the prices and delivery times caused by modification of the Purchaser.
5. Terms of payment
Payment for goods is made by 100% prepayment cost of goods.
Day of payment consider a day when funds will debited from the account of Buyer. All costs associated with the mutual payments and payments shall be borne by Buyer.
6. Guarantees
Seller warrants that the delivered under this contract for goods made in accordance with the standards of country of origin. In confirmation of the Seller provides the Buyer Certificate as a manufacturer.
Buyer must provide Seller claims as to the quality and quantity of the goods within 10 days from the date of delivery.
The buyer must take and pass to the Seller Act of claims confirmed by Chamber of Commerce, which will be identified the character of the defect, the day of its discovery and reason.
7. Force Majeure
The circumstances of force majeure (fire, flood, earthquake and other natural disasters, war, embargo on exports and imports, other circumstances which do not depend on the parties) proportionate to overshadow the time of delivery, as they greatly affect the performance in term of the Contract or parts.
Seller shall notify Buyer within days of the beginning and the end event of Force Majeure, with notice of the existence and duration of the circumstances of force majeure should be confirmed by the Chamber of Commerce.
In default of a contract of more than 2 months, Buyer shall have the right to cancel the entire contract or part thereof.
8. Arbitration
Any dispute arising hereunder or in connection with it, subject to referral to arbitration.
If the parties can't resolve the dispute through negotiation, competent to resolve disputes is the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (Kyiv) under the rules of its production.
This contract is governed by the laws of Ukraine.
9. Other conditions
Since the signing of this Contract, all previous negotiations and correspondence with him expire.
Rights and obligations of the Parties under this contract can not be transferred to any person or entity without the written consent of both Parties.
The contract takes effect on the date of its signing.
10. Liability
Seller undertakes supply goods according to specifications discussed in the above terms and guarantees the quality, packaging and shipment of the validity of documents and required certifications.
All duties related to customs clearance in Poland lie on the Purchaser.
"SanCoreLtd "“Trade-Hick Ltd" st. G. Stalingrad 7, 215Abtsdrif 97, 2940
OKPO code 31423617, Bank: IBAN BE 61410064999117 ITN 314236123014, BIC KREOBEBB Sv-in number 32137366, Kay BySy Bank, Stabrok, Egypt tures. Number 26007011552 E-mail: Hick@mail.com OJSC "Raiffeisen Bank Aval" Tel: +20 (564) 644-11-79 E-mail: Sun-Core@mail.comFax: +20 (564) 644-11-79 Tel: +38 (044) 654-15-24 Fax: +38 (044) 654-15-24
CEO _____________O.I. Silantev
CEO____________ MA Hussain
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