Моделирование системы обслуживания с отказами
Построение модели одноканальной системы массового обслуживания с отказами с использованием блоков библиотеки SimEvents. Проведение экспериментов, определение статистических и вероятностных характеристик системы в стационарном режиме; листинг моделей.
Рубрика | Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика |
Вид | лабораторная работа |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 20.05.2013 |
Размер файла | 384,4 K |
Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже
Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
ShowEliminatedStatement off
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InlinedPrmAccess "Literals"
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Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
$BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC"
$ObjectID 10
Array {
Version "1.2.0"
TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_tmw.mat"
TargetLibSuffix ""
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ExtModeTransport 0
ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"
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RTWCAPIStates off
GenerateASAP2 off
PropName "Components"
DES.SimEventsCC {
$ObjectID 11
Version "1.2.0"
Name "SimEvents"
propIdentEvents "0"
propIdentEventSeed "123456789"
propUnconnectedPorts "0"
propLogEventsScheduled 0
propLogEventsExecuted 0
propLogDepartureEvents 0
propDisplayEventCalendar 0
Name "Configuration"
SimulationMode "normal"
CurrentDlgPage "Solver"
PropName "ConfigurationSets"
Simulink.ConfigSet {
$PropName "ActiveConfigurationSet"
$ObjectID 1
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Block {
BlockType Actuator
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Block {
BlockType Assertion
StopWhenAssertionFail on
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType Constant
Block {
BlockType DataTypeConversion
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via back propagation"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
OutScaling "2^0"
LockScale off
ConvertRealWorld "Real World Value (RWV)"
RndMeth "Zero"
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType DigitalClock
SampleTime "1"
Block {
BlockType Display
Format "short"
Decimation "10"
Floating off
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType From
IconDisplay "Tag"
Block {
BlockType Gain
Gain "1"
Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
ParameterDataTypeMode "Same as input"
ParameterDataType "sfix(16)"
ParameterScalingMode "Best Precision: Matrix-wise"
ParameterScaling "2^0"
OutDataTypeMode "Same as input"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
OutScaling "2^0"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Floor"
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType Goto
IconDisplay "Tag"
Block {
BlockType Ground
Block {
BlockType Inport
Port "1"
UseBusObject off
BusObject "BusObject"
BusOutputAsStruct off
PortDimensions "-1"
SampleTime "-1"
DataType "auto"
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SignalType "auto"
SamplingMode "auto"
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Interpolate on
Block {
BlockType Math
Operator "exp"
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SampleTime "-1"
OutDataTypeMode "Same as first input"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
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RndMeth "Floor"
Block {
BlockType Outport
Port "1"
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OutDataType "sfix(16)"
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SignalType "auto"
SamplingMode "auto"
OutputWhenDisabled "held"
InitialOutput "[]"
Block {
BlockType PMComponent
SubClassName "unknown"
Block {
BlockType PMIOPort
Block {
BlockType Product
Inputs "2"
Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
InputSameDT on
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LockScale off
RndMeth "Zero"
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType RelationalOperator
Operator ">="
InputSameDT on
LogicOutDataTypeMode "Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimiza"
LogicDataType "uint(8)"
ZeroCross on
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType Sensor
SubClassName "unknown"
PortType "blob"
Block {
BlockType "S-Function"
FunctionName "system"
SFunctionModules "''"
PortCounts "[]"
Block {
BlockType Step
Time "1"
Before "0"
After "1"
SampleTime "-1"
VectorParams1D on
ZeroCross on
Block {
BlockType Stop
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
ShowPortLabels on
Permissions "ReadWrite"
PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
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SystemSampleTime "-1"
RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
SimViewingDevice off
DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"
MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"
Block {
BlockType Sum
IconShape "rectangular"
Inputs "++"
InputSameDT on
OutDataTypeMode "Same as first input"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
OutScaling "2^0"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Floor"
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Block {
BlockType UniformRandomNumber
Minimum "-1"
Maximum "1"
Seed "0"
SampleTime "-1"
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System {
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ZoomFactor "100"
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Block {
BlockType Display
Name "Absolute Bandwidth"
Ports [1]
Position [660, 365, 750, 395]
Decimation "1"
Lockdown off
Block {
BlockType Sum
Name "Add"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [160, 242, 190, 273]
Inputs "+-"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"
OutScaling "2^-10"
Block {
BlockType Sum
Name "Add1"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [860, 437, 890, 468]
Orientation "left"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"
OutScaling "2^-10"
Block {
BlockType Sum
Name "Add2"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [335, 277, 365, 308]
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"
OutScaling "2^-10"
Block {
BlockType Constant
Name "Constant"
Position [15, 85, 45, 115]
Value "1"
VectorParams1D on
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OutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"
OutScaling "2^0"
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
Block {
BlockType Constant
Name "Constant1"
Position [310, 820, 340, 850]
Value "1"
VectorParams1D on
SamplingMode "Sample based"
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"
OutScaling "2^0"
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
Block {
BlockType Constant
Name "Constant2"
Position [260, 20, 290, 50]
Value "1"
VectorParams1D on
SamplingMode "Sample based"
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"
OutScaling "2^0"
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
Block {
BlockType Constant
Name "Constant3"
Position [50, 200, 80, 230]
ShowName off
Value "11"
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SamplingMode "Sample based"
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"
OutScaling "2^0"
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
Block {
BlockType Constant
Name "Constant4"
Position [50, 250, 80, 280]
ShowName off
Value "5"
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SamplingMode "Sample based"
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"
OutScaling "2^0"
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Departures from \nthe System1"
Ports [1]
Position [500, 663, 585, 717]
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag0"
SourceBlock "simeventssink1/Signal Scope"
SourceType "Signal Scope"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
PlotType "Stair"
InputType "Signal"
NumInputs "1"
AttributeNameY "Count"
XInputOptionSignal "Event time"
XInputOptionEntity "Event time"
AttributeNameX "Count"
EnableEntityOutport on
XMin "0"
XMax "10"
XLimitExceededOption "Stretch axis limits"
YMin "0"
YMax "10"
YLimitExceededOption "Stretch axis limits"
AxisGrid on
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Title " "
YLabel " "
XLabel "Time"
FigurePosition "des_figposition([5 60 25 25])"
AxisZoom off
StatNumberArrived "Off"
ShowCountPlotted on
ShowToolbar on
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Departures to\n the System"
Ports [1]
Position [710, 13, 795, 67]
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag1"
SourceBlock "simeventssink1/Signal Scope"
SourceType "Signal Scope"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
PlotType "Stair"
InputType "Signal"
NumInputs "1"
AttributeNameY "Count"
XInputOptionSignal "Event time"
XInputOptionEntity "Event time"
AttributeNameX "Count"
EnableEntityOutport on
XMin "0"
XMax "10"
XLimitExceededOption "Stretch axis limits"
YMin "0"
YMax "10"
YLimitExceededOption "Stretch axis limits"
AxisGrid on
AxisLegend "off"
LineDisables " "
LineColors "b"
LineStyles "-"
LineMarkers "."
OpenScopeAtSimStart on
Title " "
YLabel " "
XLabel "Time"
FigurePosition "des_figposition([5 60 25 25])"
AxisZoom off
StatNumberArrived "Off"
ShowCountPlotted on
ShowToolbar on
Block {
BlockType DigitalClock
Name "Digital Clock"
Position [920, 443, 985, 467]
Orientation "left"
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [765, 435, 800, 470]
Orientation "left"
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"
OutScaling "2^-10"
RndMeth "Floor"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Enabled Gate"
Ports [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
Position [590, 72, 675, 128]
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag2"
SourceBlock "simeventsgates1/Enabled Gate"
SourceType "Enabled Gate"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
SpecifyEventPriority off
PriorityGateEnableOpenClose "2000"
StatNumberDeparted "Off"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Entity Sink"
Ports [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
Position [305, 738, 390, 792]
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag3"
SourceBlock "simeventssink1/Entity Sink"
SourceType "Entity Sink"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
AvailableForArrivals on
StatNumberArrived "On"
Block {
BlockType DataTypeConversion
Name "Int2Dbl"
Position [520, 64, 575, 96]
NamePlacement "alternate"
OutDataTypeMode "double"
RndMeth "Floor"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "NumOfQueries"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [395, 819, 450, 851]
SourceBlock "simulink/Math\nOperations/Slider\nGain"
SourceType "Slider Gain"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
low "1"
gain "20"
high "50"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "NumOfQueries1"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [350, 18, 410, 52]
SourceBlock "simulink/Math\nOperations/Slider\nGain"
SourceType "Slider Gain"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
low "1"
gain "20"
high "50"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Output Switch"
Ports [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
Position [475, 427, 575, 483]
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag4"
SourceBlock "simeventsrouting1/Output Switch"
SourceType "Output Switch"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
NumberOutputPorts "1"
SwitchingCriterion "First port that is not blocked"
InitialSeed "34567"
AttributeName "Attribute1"
SpecifyEventPriority off
PriorityOutputSwitchSelectPort "4100"
StatNumberDeparted "Off"
StatLastDeparturePort "Off"
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [255, 272, 285, 303]
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"
Block {
BlockType Display
Name "Query's Average \nRound Time1"
Ports [1]
Position [295, 679, 380, 711]
Decimation "1"
Lockdown off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Query's Full\nRound Time1"
Ports [1]
Position [330, 588, 415, 642]
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag5"
SourceBlock "simeventssink1/Signal Scope"
SourceType "Signal Scope"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
PlotType "Continuous"
InputType "Signal"
NumInputs "1"
AttributeNameY "Count"
XInputOptionSignal "Event time"
XInputOptionEntity "Event time"
AttributeNameX "Count"
EnableEntityOutport on
XMin "0"
XMax "10"
XLimitExceededOption "Stretch axis limits"
YMin "0"
YMax "10"
YLimitExceededOption "Stretch axis limits"
AxisGrid on
AxisLegend "off"
LineDisables " "
LineColors "b"
LineStyles "-"
LineMarkers "None"
OpenScopeAtSimStart on
Title " "
YLabel " "
XLabel "Time"
FigurePosition "des_figposition([5 60 25 25])"
AxisZoom off
StatNumberArrived "Off"
ShowCountPlotted on
ShowToolbar on
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Read Timer"
Ports [0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
Position [120, 539, 205, 606]
Priority "0"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag6"
SourceBlock "simeventstiming1/Read Timer"
SourceType "Read Timer"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
TimerTag "T1"
TimerModeOption "Error"
TimerStop off
StatNumberDeparted "On"
StatTimerNumberDeparted "Off"
StatTimeElapsed "On"
StatAverageTimeElapsed "On"
Block {
BlockType RelationalOperator
Name "Relational\nOperator"
Position [460, 62, 490, 93]
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
InputSameDT off
LogicOutDataTypeMode "Boolean"
Block {
BlockType RelationalOperator
Name "Relational\nOperator2"
Position [475, 757, 505, 788]
Operator ">"
InputSameDT off
LogicOutDataTypeMode "Boolean"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Server Utilization"
Ports [1]
Position [320, 353, 405, 407]
Orientation "left"
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag7"
SourceBlock "simeventssink1/Signal Scope"
SourceType "Signal Scope"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
PlotType "Continuous"
InputType "Signal"
NumInputs "1"
AttributeNameY "Count"
XInputOptionSignal "Event time"
XInputOptionEntity "Event time"
AttributeNameX "Count"
EnableEntityOutport on
XMin "0"
XMax "10"
XLimitExceededOption "Stretch axis limits"
YMin "0"
YMax "10"
YLimitExceededOption "Stretch axis limits"
AxisGrid on
AxisLegend "off"
LineDisables " "
LineColors "b"
LineStyles "-"
LineMarkers "None"
OpenScopeAtSimStart off
Title " "
YLabel " "
XLabel "Time"
FigurePosition "des_figposition([5 60 25 25])"
AxisZoom off
StatNumberArrived "Off"
ShowCountPlotted on
ShowToolbar on
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Single Server"
Ports [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
Position [320, 426, 405, 484]
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag8"
SourceBlock "simeventsserver1/Single Server"
SourceType "Single Server"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
ServiceTimeFrom "Signal port t"
ServiceTime "1"
AttributeName "Weight"
PermitPreemption off
SortingAttributeName "PriorityAttributeName"
SortingDirection "Ascending"
WriteToAttribute off
ResidualAttributeName "ResidualServiceTime"
CreateAttribute on
StatNumberDeparted "Off"
StatNumberInBlock "Off"
StatNumberPreempted "Off"
StatPendingEntity "Off"
StatAverageWait "Off"
StatUtilization "On"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Start Timer"
Ports [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
Position [785, 77, 870, 133]
Priority "0"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag9"
SourceBlock "simeventstiming1/Start Timer"
SourceType "Start Timer"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
TimerTag "T1"
TimerStartedOption "Warn and continue"
StatNumberDeparted "On"
Block {
BlockType Step
Name "Step"
Position [920, 385, 950, 415]
Orientation "left"
Before "1"
After "0"
SampleTime "0"
ZeroCross off
Block {
BlockType Stop
Name "Stop Simulation"
Position [555, 757, 590, 793]
Block {
BlockType UniformRandomNumber
Name "Uniform Random\nNumber"
Position [55, 299, 85, 331]
Minimum "0"
Seed "1000"
SampleTime "0"
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "___DES_SL_IF___"
Ports []
Position [15, 15, 15, 15]
ForegroundColor "[0.910000, 0.910000, 0.910000]"
ShowName off
InitFcn "des_support('desSolverInitFcn',gcbh)"
OpenFcn "des_support('desSolverSubsystemOpenFcn',gcb)"
ErrorFcn "des_solver_error_redirect"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RequestExecContextInheritance on
MaskHideContents on
System {
Location[480, 93, 1060, 386]
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Block {
BlockType From
Name "From_SS_ec_1"
Position [50, 880, 260, 910]
GotoTag "simeventstagaf66c62fb0450a7"
Block {
BlockType From
Name "From_SS_ec_2"
Position [50, 930, 260, 960]
GotoTag "simeventstagdbc13581fdf0508f"
Block {
BlockType From
Name "From_SS_mr_1"
Position [50, 130, 260, 160]
GotoTag "simeventstaga16f24ffe3f2070e"
Block {
BlockType From
Name "From_SS_mr_2"
Position [50, 180, 260, 210]
GotoTag "simeventstage4c3f29d83f3b63f"
Block {
BlockType From
Name "From_SS_mr_3"
Position [50, 230, 260, 260]
GotoTag "simeventstag393c2e71a468762"
Block {
BlockType From
Name "From_SS_mr_4"
Position [50, 280, 260, 310]
GotoTag "simeventstag8ae185563cbabb4"
Block {
BlockType From
Name "From_SS_mr_5"
Position [50, 330, 260, 360]
GotoTag "simeventstag1c5db8bb6045b7e1"
Block {
BlockType Goto
Name "Goto_SS_ec_1"
Position [400, 480, 610, 510]
GotoTag "simeventstag2d2cb5f53746c881"
TagVisibility "global"
Block {
BlockType Goto
Name "Goto_SS_ec_2"
Position [400, 530, 610, 560]
GotoTag "simeventstag2d8317011a7e3b3a"
TagVisibility "global"
Block {
BlockType Goto
Name "Goto_SS_ec_3"
Position [400, 580, 610, 610]
GotoTag "simeventstagd4d58db8f2ed867d"
TagVisibility "global"
Block {
BlockType Goto
Name "Goto_SS_ec_4"
Position [400, 630, 610, 660]
GotoTag "simeventstag1dec61d9a6b93ab1"
TagVisibility "global"
Block {
BlockType Goto
Name "Goto_SS_ec_5"
Position [400, 680, 610, 710]
GotoTag "simeventstaga678993e48b2feba"
TagVisibility "global"
Block {
BlockType Goto
Name "Goto_SS_ec_6"
Position [400, 730, 610, 760]
GotoTag "simeventstag3777289921711818"
TagVisibility "global"
Block {
BlockType Goto
Name "Goto_SS_ec_7"
Position [400, 780, 610, 810]
GotoTag "simeventstag19abf540d0e48912"
TagVisibility "global"
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground"
Position [15, 15, 35, 35]
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground_last_mr"
Position [50, 380, 260, 410]
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___cec_sfun_d2s_1__"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [300, 480, 360, 510]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_CEC-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "0"
numOutPorts "1"
idxBlockCEC "0"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___cec_sfun_d2s_2__"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [300, 530, 360, 560]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_CEC-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "0"
numOutPorts "1"
idxBlockCEC "1"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___cec_sfun_d2s_3__"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [300, 580, 360, 610]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_CEC-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "0"
numOutPorts "1"
idxBlockCEC "2"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___cec_sfun_d2s_4__"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [300, 630, 360, 660]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_CEC-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "0"
numOutPorts "1"
idxBlockCEC "3"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___cec_sfun_d2s_5__"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [300, 680, 360, 710]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_CEC-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "0"
numOutPorts "1"
idxBlockCEC "4"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___cec_sfun_d2s_6__"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [300, 730, 360, 760]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_CEC-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "0"
numOutPorts "1"
idxBlockCEC "5"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___cec_sfun_d2s_7__"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [300, 780, 360, 810]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_CEC-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "0"
numOutPorts "1"
idxBlockCEC "6"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___ed_sfun_s2d_1__"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 880, 360, 910]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_ED-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
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numOutPorts "0"
idxBlockCEC "0"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___ed_sfun_s2d_2__"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 930, 360, 960]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_ED-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "1"
numOutPorts "0"
idxBlockCEC "1"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___mr_sfun_s2d_1__"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 130, 360, 160]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_MR-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "1"
numOutPorts "0"
numInPortsSL "-1"
numOutPortsSL "-1"
idxBlockMR "0"
IsMonitorOnly on
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___mr_sfun_s2d_2__"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 180, 360, 210]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_MR-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "1"
numOutPorts "0"
numInPortsSL "-1"
numOutPortsSL "-1"
idxBlockMR "1"
IsMonitorOnly on
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___mr_sfun_s2d_3__"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 230, 360, 260]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_MR-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "1"
numOutPorts "0"
numInPortsSL "-1"
numOutPortsSL "-1"
idxBlockMR "2"
IsMonitorOnly on
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___mr_sfun_s2d_4__"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 280, 360, 310]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_MR-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "1"
numOutPorts "0"
numInPortsSL "-1"
numOutPortsSL "-1"
idxBlockMR "3"
IsMonitorOnly off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___mr_sfun_s2d_5__"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 330, 360, 360]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/z_MR-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "1"
numOutPorts "0"
numInPortsSL "-1"
numOutPortsSL "-1"
idxBlockMR "4"
IsMonitorOnly on
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "___vs_sfun___"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 30, 360, 60]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/VS-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numBlocksMR "5"
sl2desCEC_numBlks "2"
des2slCEC_numBlks "7"
numBlocksFC "0"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "zzzzzzz-last_MR-S-Function"
Ports [1]
Position [300, 380, 360, 410]
SourceBlock "des_sfun_lib/last_MR-S-Function"
SourceType ""
IsProcessed on
numInPorts "1"
numOutPorts "0"
numInPortsSL "-1"
numOutPortsSL "-1"
idxBlockMR "5"
Line {
SrcBlock "Ground"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "___vs_sfun___"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "From_SS_mr_1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "___mr_sfun_s2d_1__"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "From_SS_mr_2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "___mr_sfun_s2d_2__"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "From_SS_mr_3"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "___mr_sfun_s2d_3__"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "From_SS_mr_4"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "___mr_sfun_s2d_4__"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "From_SS_mr_5"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "___mr_sfun_s2d_5__"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "___cec_sfun_d2s_1__"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Goto_SS_ec_1"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "___cec_sfun_d2s_2__"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Goto_SS_ec_2"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "___cec_sfun_d2s_3__"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Goto_SS_ec_3"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "___cec_sfun_d2s_4__"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Goto_SS_ec_4"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "___cec_sfun_d2s_5__"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Goto_SS_ec_5"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "___cec_sfun_d2s_6__"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Goto_SS_ec_6"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "___cec_sfun_d2s_7__"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Goto_SS_ec_7"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "From_SS_ec_1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "___ed_sfun_s2d_1__"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "From_SS_ec_2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "___ed_sfun_s2d_2__"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Ground_last_mr"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "zzzzzzz-last_MR-S-Function"
DstPort 1
Block {
BlockType SubSystem
Name "Генератор времени\nмежду заявками"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [205, 71, 295, 129]
List {
Location"Subsystem Initialize Function"
Middle" setCanModuleFloatingPointCallback "
" \n(&GlobalModuleCAN_A, CAN_IRQ_ERROR, can_irq_CAN_A_CAN_"
"IRQ_ERROR );\n"
Bottom"enableCanModuleCallback(&GlobalModuleCAN_A, C"
MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
RTWSystemCode "Auto"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
MaskHideContents off
System {
Name"Генератор времени\nмежду заявками"
Location[410, 355, 878, 672]
TiledPaperMargins[0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000]
Block {
BlockType Inport
Name "Rate"
Position [35, 43, 65, 57]
IconDisplay "Port number"
Block {
BlockType Assertion
Name "Assertion"
Position [350, 167, 410, 213]
Enabled on
Block {
BlockType Assertion
Name "Assertion1"
Position [350, 232, 410, 278]
Enabled on
Block {
BlockType Constant
Name "Constant"
Position [45, 80, 75, 110]
ShowName off
Value "1"
VectorParams1D on
SamplingMode "Sample based"
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'"
OutDataType "sfix(16)"
ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"
OutScaling "2^0"
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [175, 27, 205, 58]
ShowName off
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"
OutScaling "2^-10"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Lower Bound\non Arrival Rate"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [250, 175, 280, 205]
SourceBlock "simulink/Logic and Bit\nOperations/Compare"
"\nTo Constant"
SourceType "Compare To Constant"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
relop ">"
const "0"
LogicOutDataTypeMode "uint8"
ZeroCross off
Block {
BlockType Math
Name "Math\nFunction"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [185, 120, 215, 150]
Operator "log"
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [260, 92, 290, 123]
ShowName off
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Sum
Name "Subtract"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [115, 117, 145, 148]
ShowName off
Inputs "+-"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"
OutScaling "2^-10"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Unary Minus"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [335, 95, 365, 125]
ShowName off
SourceBlock "simulink/Math\nOperations/Unary Minus"
SourceType "Unary Minus"
DoSatur off
Block {
BlockType UniformRandomNumber
Name "Uniform Random\nNumber"
Position [45, 124, 75, 156]
Minimum "0"
Seed "97531"
SampleTime "0"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Upper Bound \non Arrival Rate "
Ports [1, 1]
Position [235, 241, 295, 269]
SourceBlock "simulink/Logic and Bit\nOperations/Compare"
"\nTo Constant"
SourceType "Compare To Constant"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
relop "<="
const "20"
LogicOutDataTypeMode "uint8"
ZeroCross off
Block {
BlockType Outport
Name "InterTime"
Position [390, 103, 420, 117]
IconDisplay "Port number"
BusOutputAsStruct off
Line {
SrcBlock "Unary Minus"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "InterTime"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Product"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Unary Minus"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Math\nFunction"
SrcPort 1
Points [10, 0; 0, -20]
DstBlock "Product"
DstPort 2
Line {
SrcBlock "Subtract"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Math\nFunction"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Uniform Random\nNumber"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Subtract"
DstPort 2
Line {
SrcBlock "Constant"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0]
Branch {
Points [0, 30]
DstBlock "Subtract"
DstPort 1
Branch {
Points [0, -60]
DstBlock "Divide"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Rate"
SrcPort 1
Points [85, 0]
Branch {
DstBlock "Divide"
DstPort 2
Branch {
Points [0, 140]
Branch {
DstBlock "Lower Bound\non Arrival Rate"
DstPort 1
Branch {
Points [0, 65]
DstBlock "Upper Bound \non Arrival Rate "
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Divide"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0; 0, 55]
DstBlock "Product"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Lower Bound\non Arrival Rate"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Assertion"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Upper Bound \non Arrival Rate "
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Assertion1"
DstPort 1
Annotation {
Name "Attention: The arrival rate \nshould not ex"
"ceed the service \nrate, which is 1 in this model."
Position [15, 284]
HorizontalAlignment "left"
ForegroundColor "red"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Интенсивность потока заявок"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [100, 84, 155, 116]
SourceBlock "simulink/Math\nOperations/Slider\nGain"
SourceType "Slider Gain"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
low "0"
gain "10"
high "20"
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Формирование заявок"
Ports [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
Position [330, 72, 415, 128]
Priority "1"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag10"
DialogController "des_ddg_create"
DialogControllerArgs "DataTag11"
SourceBlock "simeventsgenerators1/Entity Generators/Time-Bas"
"ed\nEntity Generator"
SourceType "Time-Based Entity Generator"
ShowPortLabels on
SystemSampleTime "-1"
FunctionWithSeparateData off
RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
GenerateEntitiesUpon "Intergeneration time from port t"
Distribution "Constant"
Minimum "0"
Maximum "2"
Mean "1"
InitialSeed "97531"
Period "1"
PriorityEntityGeneration "300"
GenerateEntityAtSimulationStart on
ResponseWhenBlocked "Pause generation"
ResponseWhenUnblocked "Immediate restart"
EntityType "Blank"
StatNumberDeparted "On"
StatPendingEntity "Off"
StatAverageIntergenerationTime "Off"
Line {
LineType "Connection"
SrcBlock "Enabled Gate"
SrcPort RConn1
Points [80, 0]
DstBlock "Start Timer"
DstPort LConn1
Line {
LineType "Connection"
SrcBlock "Формирование заявок"
SrcPort RConn1
DstBlock "Enabled Gate"
DstPort LConn1
Line {
SrcBlock "Формирование заявок"
SrcPort 1
Points [25, 0]
DstBlock "Relational\nOperator"
DstPort 2
Line {
SrcBlock "Интенсивность потока заявок"
SrcPort 1
Points [30, 0]
DstBlock "Генератор времени\nмежду заявками"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Генератор времени\nмежду заявками"
SrcPort 1
Points [0, 0]
DstBlock "Формирование заявок"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Constant"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Интенсивность потока заявок"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Start Timer"
SrcPort 1
Points [30, 0; 0, -85; -210, 0]
DstBlock "Departures to\n the System"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Constant2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "NumOfQueries1"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "NumOfQueries1"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0; 0, 35]
DstBlock "Relational\nOperator"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Relational\nOperator"
SrcPort 1
Points [10, 0]
DstBlock "Int2Dbl"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Int2Dbl"
SrcPort 1
Points [0, 5]
DstBlock "Enabled Gate"
DstPort 1
Line {
LineType "Connection"
SrcBlock "Read Timer"
SrcPort LConn1
Points [0, -60; 485, 0]
DstBlock "Output Switch"
DstPort RConn1
Line {
LineType "Connection"
SrcBlock "Single Server"
SrcPort RConn1
Points [40, 0]
DstBlock "Output Switch"
DstPort LConn1
Line {
SrcBlock "Single Server"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0; 0, -60]
DstBlock "Server Utilization"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Divide"
SrcPort 1
Points [-115, 0]
DstBlock "Absolute Bandwidth"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Read Timer"
SrcPort 1
Points [610, 0; 0, -105]
DstBlock "Divide"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Digital Clock"
SrcPort 1
Points [-10, 0]
DstBlock "Add1"
DstPort 2
Line {
SrcBlock "Add1"
SrcPort 1
Points [-40, 0]
DstBlock "Divide"
DstPort 2
Line {
SrcBlock "Step"
SrcPort 1
Points [-10, 0]
DstBlock "Add1"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Constant3"
SrcPort 1
Points [30, 0; 0, 35]
DstBlock "Add"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Constant4"
SrcPort 1
Points [0, 0; 35, 0]
Branch {
Branch {
Points[0, 70; 200, 0]
Line {
SrcBlock "Add"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, 20]
DstBlock "Product"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Uniform Random\nNumber"
SrcPort 1
Points [75, 0; 0, -20]
DstBlock "Product"
DstPort 2
Line {
SrcBlock "Product"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0; 0, -5]
DstBlock "Add2"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Add2"
SrcPort 1
Points [0, 50; -120, 0; 0, 95]
DstBlock "Single Server"
DstPort 1
Line {
LineType "Connection"
SrcBlock "Start Timer"
SrcPort RConn1
Points [5, 0; 0, 230; -590, 0; 0, 120]
DstBlock "Single Server"
DstPort LConn1
Line {
SrcBlock "Entity Sink"
SrcPort 1
Points [0, 0; 15, 0]
Branch {
Branch {
Points[0, -75]
DstBlock"Departures from \nthe System1"
Line {
SrcBlock "Read Timer"
SrcPort 3
Points [15, 0; 0, 90; 55, 0]
DstBlock "Query's Average \nRound Time1"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Read Timer"
SrcPort 2
Points [60, 0; 0, 75; 45, 0]
DstBlock "Query's Full\nRound Time1"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "Relational\nOperator2"
SrcPort 1
Points [0, 0]
DstBlock "Stop Simulation"
DstPort 1
Line {
SrcBlock "NumOfQueries"
SrcPort 1
Points [5, 0]
DstBlock "Relational\nOperator2"
DstPort 2
Line {
SrcBlock "Constant1"
SrcPort 1
Points [0, 0]
DstBlock "NumOfQueries"
DstPort 1
Line {
LineType "Connection"
SrcBlock "Read Timer"
SrcPort RConn1
Points [55, 0; 0, 170]
DstBlock "Entity Sink"
DstPort LConn1
Annotation {
Position [710, 209]
UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
Annotation {
Position [712, 220]
UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
MatData {
NumRecords 12
DataRecord {
Tag DataTag11
Data " %)30 . 0 8 ( ! % "
"\" $ / 0 0 #P %1I;65\"87-E9$5N=&ET>0 "
DataRecord {
Tag DataTag10
Data " %)30 . F P 8 ( @ % "
"\" $ ! 0 % 0 #P $ !+ 8VAI;&1.86UE :6Y?:6YI"
"= :6Y?8FQO8VMU<&1A=&4 ;6%S:W9A;'5E<P ;6%S:VYA;65S "
" . 4 8 ( ! % \" $ ? 0 0 'P "
"%]?5&EM92U\"87-E9 I%;G1I='D@1V5N97)A=&]R7U\\ #@ #@ & \" 8 "
" !0 @ ! 0 $ \"0 @ X X !@ @ "
"& 4 ( 0 $ ! D ( . 8 4 8 "
" ( 0 % \" !4 ! 0 . 6 8 ( ! "
" % \" $ F 0 0 )@ %=I=&@@:6YT97(M9V5N97)A=&EO"
";B!T:6UE(&9R;VT@9&EA;&]G . . 8 ( ! % \" $ '"
" 0 0 !P %5N:69O<FT #@ # & \" 0 !0 @ "
" ! 0 $ $ ! # . , 8 ( ! % \" "
" $ ! 0 0 $ ,0 X P !@ @ $ 4 ( "
"0 $ ! ! 0 Q #@ #@ & \" 0 !0 @ ! "
" !0 $ $ 4 Q,C,T-0 X P !@ @ $ 4 "
" ( 0 $ ! ! 0 Q #@ # & \" 0 !0 "
"@ ! @ $ $ \" \"TQ . , 8 ( ! % "
"\" $ ! 0 0 $ , X X !@ @ $ 4 ("
" 0 8 ! ! & 4FES:6YG . , 8 ( ! "
" % \" $ ! 0 0 $ ,0 X P !@ @ $ "
" 4 ( 0 , ! ! P!O9F8 #@ # & \" 0 !"
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" !0 @ ! #0 $ $ T !$969A=6QT16YT:71Y #@ "
"#@ & \" 0 !0 @ ! \" $ $ @ !$:7-A"
"8FQE9 X X !@ @ $ 4 ( 0 4 ! ! % "
" 0V]U;G0 . 4 8 ( ! % \" $ ? 0 "
" 0 'P $%C8V]R9&EN9R!T;R!S;W)T960@8FQO8VL@;W)D97( #@ #@ & \" "
" 0 !0 @ ! \" $ $ @ !$:7-A8FQE9 X X !"
"@ @ $ 4 ( 0 @ ! ! ( 1&ES86)L960. "
" . 8 ( ! % \" $ ( 0 0 \" $1I<"
"V%B;&5D#@ ,@% & \" $ !0 @ 5 0 $ #@ "
"$ & \" 0 !0 @ ! # $ $ P !I;G1E<"
"D=E;E1I;64 #@ $ & \" 0 !0 @ ! # $ "
" $ P !D:7-T<FEB=71I;VX #@ #@ & \" 0 !0 @ "
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Подобные документы
Served Time Generator как генератор интервалов времени обслуживания, общая характеристика. Способы построения модели многоканальной сети массового обслуживания с отказами с использованием блоков библиотеки SimEvents, рассмотрение особенностей сетей.
лабораторная работа [176,8 K], добавлен 20.05.2013Понятие, назначение и классы систем массового обслуживания. Создание имитационной модели вычислительного центра коллективного пользования в среде Matlab Simulink. Построение многоканальных СМО с отказами каналами; расчет показателей их эффективности.
курсовая работа [864,6 K], добавлен 26.06.2014Определение назначения и описание функций имитационных моделей стохастических процессов систем массового обслуживания. Разработка модели описанной системы в виде Q-схемы и программы на языке GPSS и C#. Основные показатели работы имитационной модели.
курсовая работа [487,4 K], добавлен 18.12.2014Основные понятия теории моделирования. Виды и принципы моделирования. Создание и проведение исследований одной из моделей систем массового обслуживания (СМО) – модели D/D/2 в среде SimEvents, являющейся одним из компонентов системы MATLab+SimuLink.
реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 02.05.2012Разработка решения задачи имитационного моделирования системы массового обслуживания (СМО), на примере склада продукции. Построение концептуальной модели системы. Сравнение результатов имитационного моделирования и аналитического расчета характеристик.
курсовая работа [75,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2011Моделирование системы массового обслуживания. Анализ зависимости влияния экзогенных переменных модели однофазной одноканальной СМО на эндогенные переменные. План машинного эксперимента множественного регрессионного анализа и метода наименьших квадратов.
лабораторная работа [107,5 K], добавлен 15.06.2010Система GPSS World как мощная универсальная среда моделирования как дискретных, так и непрерывных процессов, предназначенная для профессионального моделирования самых разнообразных процессов и систем. Системы массового обслуживания. Листинг программы.
курсовая работа [499,6 K], добавлен 25.12.2013Построение модели системы массового обслуживания с помощью ЭВМ с использованием методов имитационного моделирования. Моделирование проводилось с помощью GPSS World Student version, позволяющего достоверно воссоздать систему массового обслуживания.
курсовая работа [555,7 K], добавлен 29.06.2011Характеристика системы массового обслуживания, куда поступают заявки обслуживания. Особенности моделирования системы массового обслуживания. Имитация работы системы массового обслуживания с относительными приоритетами. Отчеты полного факторного плана.
курсовая работа [1,1 M], добавлен 14.07.2012Основное назначение систем массового обслуживания (СМО): обслуживание потока заявок. Моделирование СМО для стоянки такси, определение характеристик эффективности работы в качестве статистических результатов моделирования. Схема процесса функционирования.
курсовая работа [1,2 M], добавлен 27.12.2011