Professional sea English language

Acquisition of skills of oral and written speech in sphere of professional sea English language. Communication at sea. The basic classes of ships. Parts of a ship and her measurement. Pilotage and pilots. Buoys and beacons. Tides and tidal streams.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.02.2012
Размер файла 4,9 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

3/0 (on deck, on radio):

"Arabiyah" Third Mate to Captain. Rig pilot ladder on starboard side one metre above the water. Have a lifebuoy and heaving line ready. Г1 come up to the bridge when all is ready, Sir.

Pilot (to Master):

Captain, when I've left, keep steering zero zero three. This will take you to the fairway buoy. Pass the buoy, then you can set course to the east.

Master (to Pilot):

Alter course at the fairway buoy. Thank you, Pilot.

3/0 (to Pilot):

The Pilot boat is approaching, Sir.


Please, sign my papers, Captain.


Certainly, Pilot.


Thank you. Good-bye, Captain.


Thank you, Pilot. Third Mate, please take the Pilot down.


Yes, Sir.

Master (to 2/0):

Stop Engines.

2/0 (to Master):

Engines stopped, Sir.

Master (to helmsman):

Steady. Let me know when she does not answer the wheel.

Helmsman (to Master):

Steady on zero zero three, Sir.


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

Practise these words orally and learn them by heart

Light - огонь fa Alternating I. - переменный огонь fa Anchor I. ~ якорный огонь fa Fixed I - постоянный огонь fa Flashing I - проблесковый огонь fa Front I. - передний огонь fa Group-flashing I. - группо-проблесковый огонь fa Group-occulting I - группо-затмевающийся огонь fa Leading I. - створный огонь fa Masthead I. - топовый огонь fa Navigation I. - ходовой огонь fa Occulting I. - затмевающийся огонь fa Rear I. - задний огонь fa Revolving I - вращающийся огонь fa Riding I. - штаговый огонь fa Stern I - гакабортный огонь fa Unwatched I. - необслуживаемый огонь fa Isophase light I. - изофазный огонь fa Eclipse - затмение fa Elevation - высота (над уровнем моря) fa Exhibit показывать, выставлять, зажигать (огонь) fa Flash - вспышка, проблеск; подавать световой сигнал fa Height - высота (объекта) fa Lantern - фонарь fa To obscure - затемнять fa Show - показывать, выставлять (огонь) fa Visibility - видимость fa Visible ~ видимый fa Structure - постройка, сооружение fa Pile - столб, свая fa Pillar- стойка, столб fa Pole ~ столб, шест fa Post - столб, веха fa Staff- шест, шток fa Tower ~ башня fa Mast- мачта

Exercise 1. Scan the text and complete the chart

Lights are used to ensure safe navigation. There are several types of lights. The main of them are the following:

The Fixed light is a light that shines continuously. Its abbreviation is F. All lights are indicated by abbreviations on nautical charts.

The Flashing light is a light with a short light interval anda long dark interval. Its abbreviations is FI, but in nautical charts the abbreviations of the corresponding rhythms

Q (quick - 50-80 flashes per minute) or VQ (very quick - 80-160 flashes per minute) are used.

The characteristic of the Occulting light is contrary to that of the flashing light: the occulting light has a long light interval and a short dark interval. In other words: it

is an interrupted light.

Its abbreviation is Oc/Occ.

Group lights are flashing or occulting lights in which the light-intervals are exhibited in groups that are repeated at regular intervals, for example F (3) or Oc (2).

The Isophase light has a light interval and a dark interval of equal durations. Its abbreviation is ISO.

All lights are mostly of white (W), red (R), blue

(BVBu) and green (Gt) colour. In case a light changes its colour it is called alternating.

The Alternating light (Al) is a light that shows different colours alternately, for example ALWGR (Alternating light White/ Green/ Red).

The Morse Code light is a light in which appearances of light of two clearly different durations are grouped to represent a character or characters in the Morse Code.

The applications of the types of light are determined by the fact whether a light is conspicuous or not.

The most conspicuous light by far is the Flashing light. Therefore it is always used to indicate danger.

The least conspicuous light is the Fixed light Therefore it should merely be used to illuminate an object or an area.

Lights are exhibited from different conspicuous structures, such as towers, poles, posts, buoys, beacons, staffs, masts and lighthouses.

Exercise 2. Before completing the table watch the CD-ROM pro-gram "International Maritime English Programme " (Lights)

Types of lights


Exercise 3. Answer the questions

What types of lights are mentioned in the text?

What light shines continuously?

What is the characteristic of Fl?

What do abbreviations Q and VQ mean?

What is the difference between Fl and Oc?

Which light has light intervals equal to dark intervals?

What is Al?

What are group lights?

What light is the most conspicuous?

10. What is a fixed light used for?

Exercise 4. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

Изофазный огонь

хорошо видимый (приметный)

шест, шток

столб, шест

постоянный огонь


затмевающий огонь

столб, стойка

переменный огонь

морская карта

показывать (выставлять) огонь

проблесковый огонь

огонь Морзе

группо-затмевающийся огонь

очень быстрый проблесковый огонь

Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer

1. A light which is constantly visible.

a flashing light

a fixed light

an occulting light

an isophase light

2. A light which changes its colour is ...





3. A light which has a light and a dark interval of equal durations is ...

constantly invisible




4. A light which has a longer light interval and a shorter dark one.

an occulting light

an isophase light

a fixed light

a flashing light

5. The duration of eclipse is longer than that of light.

a flashing light

a fixed light

an occulting light

an isophase light

6. The most conspicuous light by far is ...

a fixed light

a flashing light

an isophase light

an occulting light

Exercise 6. Read andtranslate passages from Pilot Books. Check yourself by finding the corresponding Russian translation

1. K. light is exhibited, at an elevation of
28 feet (8m5), from a black metal
structure with a red lantern, 24 feet
(7m3) in height, situated on the west
ern side of the entrance to the harbour

2. A white group-flashing light showing
two flashes every ten seconds is shown
westward from L. point.


3. A light is exhibited on each side of the
entrance to D.

a) Два огня, расположенные по вер
тикали на высоте 20 и 26 футов
(6,1 и 7,9м), установлены на белой
бетонной мачте с черными поло
сами 16 футов (4,9 м) высотой,
расположенной на оконечности
мола Б.

b) Огонь К. установлен на высоте 28
футов (8,5 м) на чёрной металли
ческой конструкции с красным
фонарём высотой 4 фута (7,3 м),
расположенной на западной сто
роне входа в гавань (51°26'N.

c) Белый группопроблесковый огонь,
показывающий два проблеска ка
ждые десять секунд, зажигается
западнее мыса Л.

4. В. and N. lights in line, bearing 149°, 1
lead to the harbour.

5. Two lights, disposed vertically at ele
vations of 20 and 26 feet (6ml and
7m9), are exhibited from a white con
crete mast with black bands, 16 feet
(4m9) in height, situated on the head

6. A fixed yellow light is exhibited from
the western mole.

7. An alternating light is exhibited, at an
elevation of 67 feet (20m4), from an
octagonal stone tower, 62 teet (18m9)
in height, situated on K. point (Lat.
44°44"N, Long. 14°11'E).

d) Переменный огонь установлен на
высоте 67 футов (20,4 м) на вось
миугольной каменной башне вы
сотой 62 фута (18,9 м), располо
женной на мысе К. (44°44,N,

e) Огонь установлен по обе стороны
входа в D.

f) Огни Я и Я. в створе по пеленгу 149° ведут в гавань.

g) Постоянный жёлтый огонь уста
новлен на западном молу.

Exercise 7. Work in pairs. Answer the questions to exercise 6

From what structure is K. light exhibited? What is the height of the structure with a red lantern?

How many flashes in a group does a light show? Is a light shown westward or south-westward from L. point?

Where is a light exhibited?

Where do B. and N. lights when in line, bearing 149°, lead?

How are lights disposed? At what elevation are the lights exhibited?

What type of light is exhibited from the western mole? What colour is the light?

At what elevation is an alternating light exhibited? Where is the tower situated? What is the height of the tower?

Exercise 8. Translate from Russian into English

Огонь выставлен на высоте 76 футов над уровнем моря на треугольной железной башне высотой 60 футов, расположенной на западной стороне гавани,

Створные огни выставлены на высоте 52 и 59 футов(15,8 м и 18м) над уровнем моря на знаках, каждый состоящий из белого треугольного щита, вершиной вниз с черной полосой на белой деревянной мачте высотой 20 фу-тов(6,1 м) на юго-запад от берега.

Красный постоянный огонь, показывающий воздушное препятствие, выставлен на верху, а другой - посередине белой круглой башни, расположенной около 10 кабельтовых к северо-востоку от островка А.

Затмевающий огонь выставлен на высоте 204 фута (62,2 м) над уровнем моря на белой квадратной постройке высотой 21 фут (6,4 м), расположенной на внешней оконечности мола.

Exercise 9. Read and translate passages from Pilot books

Two leading lights are exhibited, the front light, at an elevation of 12 feet, from a light-structure, situated on the northern side of Zamalin Harbour close to the coast and about 8 cables northward of Crew Point of the northern extremity of Alan Island; and the rear light at an elevation of 20 feet from a circular hut, situated about three-quarters of a cable northward of the front light. These lights in line, bearing 346°, lead into Zamalin Harbour.

A fixed and flashing green light is exhibited at an elevation of 89 feet from a white octagonal tower 84 feet in height, situated on the head of Reydovy Mole, on the eastern side of the entrance to Odessky port and about IV4 miles northward of Mys Lanzheron. A fog signal is sounded from the light structure.

A light is exhibited, at an elevation of 98 feet, from a white flat-roofed building with black horizontal band, situated on the eastern side of Bearcove Point about 3 cables southward of its northern extremity.

An unwatched light is exhibited at an elevation of 39 feet from a red circular tower and dwellings, 40 feet in height, situated on Cape Saint Mary. See sketch on Chart 290. Vessels can communicate, by day, with this light-tower by means of the International Code of Signals.

An alternating light is exhibited at an elevation of 141 feet (43m0) from a white circular tower with a red band, 136 feet in height, situated near the shore.

A group flashing light is exhibited at an elevation of 37 feet (10m4) from an iron framework structure on a tower, 22 feet (6m7) in height, situated on Dirk head.

A green and red fixed light is exhibited at 65 feet above high water, from the top of the beacon on Drum Rock, and it should be seen from the distance of 6 miles in clear weather. The light is unwatched.

On the eastern side of Drum Harbour Ъ1!2 cables within the entrance is a hexagonal tower, 36 feet in height, from which a light is exhibited at an elevation of 85 feet above the sea, forming the rear leading light.

9. A fixed light is occasionally exhibited at an elevation of 18 feet from a mast 34 feet in height, situated on Duck Wharf and a similar light is occasionally exhibited at an elevation of 7 feet, at the head of ferry pier..

10. An occulting light is exhibited, at an elevation of 149 feet (135m5) from a round metal tower, 39 feet (1 Im9) in height, situated on Ash point. The lighthouse is connected with the telephone system for lifesaving purposes. A fog signal is sounded from the lighthouse.

Exercise 10. Work in pairs. Write 10 questions (one to each passage from the text above) and ask your partner to answer them

Exercise 11. While watching the CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme " (Lights) get acquainted with the demonstration of the Lateral and Cardinal Lights. Listen, take notes and draw in colour

Flashing lights are used on the lateral buoys, cardinal buoys, special marks, landfall buoys and isolated danger buoys. At night the Cardinal buoy is identified by the number of white flashes (Q or VQ).

The N Cardinal carries a continuously flashing light ("Q or VQ"); the W Cardinal has 9 flashes ("Q9 or VQ9"); the E Cardinal has 3 ("Q3 or VQ3"),

the S Cardinal has 6 flashes, followed by 1 long flash in order not to mistake with the W Cardinal (Q6 + 1LFL or VQ6 + 1LFL).

On Cardinal buoys a white flashing light is fitted. Lights fitted on lateral buoys may be FL. Red or green

Oc. Red or green ISO. Red or green F. Red or green

Exercise 12. Memorize the following charted abbreviations


Light, Lights

Огонь, огни


Fixed 1.

Постоянный огонь

Oc Occ

Occulting 1.

Затмевающийся огонь



Проблесковый огонь

Iso Bint

Isophase Equal interval 1.

Изофазный огонь, огонь с одинаковым интервалом


Very quick flashing 1.

Очень быстрый проблесковый огонь


Quick flashing 1.

Быстрый проблесковый огонь

Al Alt

Alternating 1.

Переменный огонь

IQfat QkFl

Interrupted quick flashing 1.

Прерывистый быстрый проблесковый огонь

Gr(2)Gp Occ (2)

Group occulting 1. (two eclipses)

Группо-затмевающийся огонь (2 затмения в группе)

Fl(3)Gp ЩЗ)

Group flashing (three flashes in a group)

Группо-проблесковый огонь (3 проблеска в группе)


Fixed and flashing 1.

Постоянный и проблесковый огонь


Fixed and group flashing 1.

Постоянный и группо-проблесковый огонь

Mo (A)

Morse Code light (with flashes grouped as in letter "A"

Огонь Морзе (с проблесками, сгруппированными, как в букве «А»)





Visible (range)

Дальность видимости














Yellow, amber, orange

Жёлтый, янтарный, оранжевый


Un watched 1.

Необслуживаемый, автоматический

Occasl Occas


Редкий, случайный, по требованию

Exercise 13. Decipher the following abbreviations of lights, using the example Example: Gr. Fl (2) 5 sec. 105 ft. 20 M

A group flashing light, two flashes in a group, the period of flash is 5 seconds, the elevation is 105 feet, the distance of visibility is 20 miles.

Группопроблесковый огонь, два проблеска в группе, период 5 секунд, высота 105 футов, и дальность видимости 20 миль.

Gr. Осе. (4) WR 5 sec. 110 ft. 10 М (U)

Alt. W. R. 50 ft. 10 M

F1.4sec. 120 ft. 15 M

Iso R 2 sec.

F. R.45ft 12 M


Navigation lights

Exercise 14. Different types of lights must be used aboard the ship. Read and translate Rule 21 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972, match types of lights with their definitions before:

1. "All-round light"

2. "Towing light"

3 "Masthead light"

4. "Flashing light"

5. "Stem light"

6. "Sidelight"

a) ... means a white light placed over the fore and aft centerline
of the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on either side of the vessel.

b) .. means a green light on the starboard side and a red light
on the port side each showing an unbroken light over an arc
of the horizon of 112.5 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on its
respective side. In a vessel of less than 20 metres in length
the side lights may be combined in one lantern carried on the
fore and aft centerline of the vessel.

c) ... means a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the
stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon
of 135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light 67.5 degrees
from right aft on each side of the vessel

d) ... means a yellow light having the same characteristics as
the "stern light" defined in paragraph (c) of this Rule.

e) ... means a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of
the horizon of 360 degrees.

f) ... means a light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of

120 flashes or more per minute.

Exercise 15. Different types of ships have certain lights on board. By these lights -we can get a lot of information about a ship. What information can we get?

Exercise 16. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

буксировочный огонь

непрерывный свет

дуга горизонта в 360°

топовый огонь

бортовые огни

диаметральная плоскость судна

кормовой огонь

круговой огонь

скомбинировать в одном фонаре

установленный таким образом

позади траверза каждого борта

соответствующий борт

светить от направления прямо по носу

насколько это практически возможно ближе

Exercise 17. То learn more about navigation lights get acquainted with Part С of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (Rides 20 -31) and be ready to answer the following questions

What are the minimum ranges of lights on vessels of different lengths to be visible?

What lights shall a power-driven vessel exhibit

when underway?

when towing?

when pushing ahead or towing alongside?

3. What lights shall fishing vessels exhibit

when underway?

when engaged in trawling?

What lights shall a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre exhibit?

If a vessel is at anchor or aground. What lights shall be used?

professional sea english language

PART3. Vocabulary and reading

Practise these words orally. Repeat them after your teacher. Learn them by heart

ft* Lighthouse - маяк, маячное здание ft* Light-ship - плавучий маяк ft* Light-vessel - плавучий маяк

Ф* Lattice work - ажурная постройка

Light structure - маячная постройка Р^ Truncated structure - пирамидальная постройка Р* Brick - кирпич; кирпичный Р" Concrete - бетон; бетонный Р^ Iron - железо; железный ^ Steel - сталь; стальной Р5" Stone - камень; каменный Р^ Wood-дерево Р5' Wooden деревянный Р" Angle - угол Р^ Circular - круглый Р" Hexagonal - шестиугольный Р5" Octagonal - восьмиугольный Р" Pyramidal пирамидальный Р^ Quadrangular - четырёхугольный ^Rectangular прямоугольный Р=" Square квадратный Р^ Triangular - треугольный

Exercise 18. Read the text and answer the questions


A lighthouse is a structure exhibiting a light. This light serves as an aid to navigation. Lighthouses are always conspicuous.

They are built on land and at sea. In most cases lighthouses are erected on solid foundations.

Lighthouses vary in shape. They can be circular, pyramidal, quadrangular, square, cylindrical triangular, rectangular, hexagonal and octagonal. They are built of stone, brick, concrete, iron, steel, wood, etc.

Lighthouses are painted white, yellow, red, etc. Sometimes they are painted in horizontal and vertical stripes of different colours. (A band is a horizontal line, a stripe is a vertical line). The lights may be fixed, flashing, occulting, alternating, group-flashing.

When leading lights are exhibited, the front light is always lower than the rear light.

Lighthouses may be connected to the telephone system for life-saving purposes.

What purpose does a lighthouse serve?

Where are lighthouses built?

What shape can lighthouses be?

What material are lighthouses built of?

What types of lights may be exhibited from lighthouses?

What does the Odessa lighthouse look like?

Which light is exhibited higher, the front or the rear one?

Exercise 19. Translate from Russian into English

Маяк - постройка, на которой выставлен огонь.

Маяки устанавливаются на берегу и в море.

Маяки могут иметь ажурное основание.

Имеются различные формы маячных построек.

Для постройки маяков используются различные материалы: камень, фпич, железо, сталь.

Огни бывают разного цвета: зелёные, белые, красные, жёлтые.

На маяках выставляются постоянные, переменные, проблесковые, задевающиеся и другие огни.

На плавучий маяк нельзя полагаться.

Находится ли маяк на своём штатном месте?

На каком расстоянии от порта находится этот маяк?

Плавучий маяк окрашен в красный цвет со словом «Санкт-1етербург» на его бортах.

Какой пеленг этого маяка? - Пеленг этого маяка 85°.

Exercise 20. Ask questions using the model

Model 1: This light is exhibited at an elevation of 10 feet. What elevation is this light exhibited at?

A red light is exhibited at an elevation of 9 feet.

An alternating light is shown at an elevation of 141 feet.

A fixed light is placed at an elevation of 50 feet.

A group flashing light is exhibited at an elevation of 37 feet.

Model II: Castle harbour is situated on the eastern coast. Where is Castle harbour situated?

This lighthouse is built on land.

A metal tower is situated westward of Drum point.

A flashing green light is exhibited at the head of a breakwater.

Exercise 21. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions

1. A light is exhibited an iron column, 7 feet height, situated the

head of the jetty.

The lighthouse is connected the telephone system life-saving purposes.

A fixed light is exhibited an elevation 10 feet, black and white

wooden post, situated the outer extremity the mole the entrance A.


Lighthouses are located land or __ sea.

A lightboat, painted red is moored the edge the shoal.

Lighthouses vary appearance. They are built steel, stone, wood,

What is the height the tower?

What are the leading lights exhibited ?

Exercise 22. Translate from English into Russian

Shambles lighthouse, painted red, with the name "Shambles" in white on the sides, is moored nearly half a mile eastward of the 10 fathoms edge of the bank. The vessel has a tower amidships from which a revolving light is exhibited at an elevation of 40 feet. A fog signal is sounded from the light-vessel.

A Kghtboat painted red and from which a red flashing light every four seconds is exhibited is moored near the edge of the shoal that extends off Khersonese point, about one quarter of a mile south-westward of the point.

The old lighthouse, a framework tower, is situated close southeastward of the new one, and in 1929 was still conspicuous.

The light-vessel is off the station.

"Stripes" is the term used to indicate markings which are vertical, unless stated to be diagonal.

"Bands" is the term used to indicate horizontal marking.

Exercise 23. Which word is the odd one out? Why? Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary

1. square




2. pillar




3. cable




4. hut




5. green




6. brick




7. flash




8. hexagonal




9. exhibited








Exercise 24. Use your dictionary and match the opposites

northern black short horizontal westward band eastward

dark land southern fixed white rear eclipse

sea front flash alternating light vertically stripe long

Exercise 25. Translate the text from Russian into English

Воронцовский маяк

Маяк основан в 1845 году. Он установлен на оконечности карантинного мола Одесского порта по инициативе известного русского флотоводца, первооткрывателя Антарктиды адмирала Михаила Петровича Лазарева.

Первая башня была деревянной. В 1863 году сооружается стальная баш-w, которая была взорвана в 1941 году во время героической обороны Одессы. Также был сильно повреждён мол.

В 1954 году после восстановления мола, получившего название Рейдо-зый, установлена новая цилиндрическая башня маяка высотой 26 метров. Башня белого цвета, фонарное сооружение красного. Дальность действия огня красного цвета достигает 15 миль.

Воронцовский маяк является передним маяком створа, ведущего в акваторию порта с моря. Задним маяком этого створа служит задний одесский створный маяк, береговая четырёхгранная башенка которого установлена на крыше белого многоэтажного здания на высоте 20 метров на расстоянии 1,2 мили от Воронцовского переднего маяка. Дальность действия огня заднего маяка, также красного цвета, составляет 18 миль.

В настоящее время Воронцовский маяк с соседними Ильичевским и Григорьевским маяками обеспечивает безопасное плавание в сложном и с интенсивным судоходством районе, обеспечивает подход к трём крупнейшим Черноморским портам - Одессе, Ильичёвску и Южному.


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

Practise these words and expressions orally and learn them by heart

Beacon - знак на берегу или на воде r^ Conical b. - конический знак Ф* Floating b. - плавучий знак ^ Leading b. - створный знак ^ Light b. - светящийся знак ^ pile b. - знак на сваях Ф* Buoy - буй; (гл. ограждать буями) \^ Buoyage system - система ограждения ^ Barrel b. - бочкообразный буй fc* Bell and whistle b. - буй с колоколом и свистком Р* Сап Ь. -- цилиндрический буй, тупоконечный \Ь* Cask b. - бочкообразный буй

^ Chequered b. - буй, раскрашенный в шахматном порядке 9s- Conical b. конический буй fa" Fairway b. - буй, ограждающий фарватер $> Horizontally striped b. - буй с горизонтальными полосами Р* Light b. - светящийся буй ^ Mooring b. - швартовная бочка

Ъ* Nun b. - буй в виде усеченного конуса; двойной буй (с конусами с обеих сторон)

Р" Pillar b. - столбовидный буй

$*¦ Spar b. - веха

$* Spherical b. - сферический буй

^ Spindle b. - веретенообразный буй

fa" Unlit b. - несветящийся буй

Р* Vertically striped b - буй с вертикальными полосами

$* Wreck b. - буй, ограждающий затонувшее судно

Р>* Drum b. - цилиндрический буй

fc" To indicate - указывать

^ 7b employ - применять

Words concerning buoys and beacons

$* Ball -шар

fy* Band- полоса

P* Broom голик, метла

fc* Downturnedb. - голик раструбом вниз

ft>- Upturned b. - голик раструбом вверх

Р=" Buoyage - ограждение фарватера

Cage - клетка на знаках ограждения " Cone - конус

Inverted с. - конус, повёрнутый вершиной вниз

Cross - крест

Cylinder - цилиндр

Disk - диск

То erect - устанавливать (буй)

То establish - устанавливать (буй)

Mark - знак, отметка; (гл. отмечать, ограждать) =* Тор т. - топовая фигура

*¦ То moor - устанавливать (буй) =* Painted - окрашенный *¦ Point - вершина

p. downwards - вершиной вниз

p. upwards - вершиной вверх

points apart - вершинами врозь

points together - вершинами вместе ^ Shape - фигура

** Diamond s. - ромбовидная фигура

^ Stripe полоса

^ То surmount увенчивать, помещать над чем-либо

^* Steep to - приглубый, отрывистый


fc* a shoal awash - омываемая мель

ft" J 8 feet patch - 18-футовая отличительная глубина

ft* 20 feet least water - минимальная глубина 20 футов

ft* two brooms bases apart - два голика раструбами врозь

ft* two brooms bases together - два голика раструбами вместе

ft" a black and white spar buoy - чёрно-белая веха

ft* a bank with 4 to 5 fathoms over it - банка с глубиной от 4 до 5 саженей

ft* offshore - на некотором расстоянии от берега.

Memorize the translation of the following sentences

ft* The fairway is buoyed. - Фарватер обставлен (ограждён).

ft* The fairway is unbuoyed. - Фарватер не обставлен (не огражден).

ft* Leave this buoy to starboard (to port). - Оставьте этот буй справа ва).

ft' This buoy marks the inner part ofT. shoal. Этот буй отмечает внутрен э часть мели Т.

ft-- A spar buoy in 5 fathoms marks the western side. ~ Веха над 5-саженной Зиной ограждает западную сторону.

Ф* You can pass that buoy on either side. - Можно пройти этот буй с любой стороны.

fa* These buoys cannot be relied upon. - На эти буи нельзя полагаться.

fa* Uncharted reef rock/ shoal reported in position - не нанесённый на карту риф/ скала/ отмель находится, по донесению, в точке ...

9* Dangerous wreck/' obstruction located in position is marked by - опасное затонувшее судно в точке, ограждено буем

Exercise 1. Read the text and try to retell it

Buoys and Beacons

Buoys and beacons are used for marking dangers at sea, for marking approaches to entrances, for defining channels, fairways and their positions etc.

Buoys and beacons may be of various shapes and colours. The shape is more important than colour, as certain shapes are used for particular purposes. Buoys may be lit and they may have topmarks.

There are pillar shaped buoys, can buoys, spar buoys, spindle buoys, nun buoys, spherical buoys etc.

Their colour may be green, red, black, yeDow etc.

At night many buoys exhibit lights: green, red, white, yellow etc.

They may be checkered or painted in horizontal bands or vertical stripes.

Buoys may be surmounted by top marks, such as a can, a cone, a sphere, cones points upward, cones points downward, cones base to base, cones point to point, a ball, a staff, a cross, downturned brooms, upturned brooms etc. Topmarks may be painted in green, red, black and other colours.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions

What are buoys and beacons used for?

What do they mark?

What do you know about the shapes and colours of buoys and beacons?

How are buoys and beacons painted?

What topmarks do you know?

What may buoys be surmounted by?


Exercise 3. Retell the text, using the expressions listed below
a) The text is headlined

The text deals with

The aim of the text is to provide some information on

The text describes Further it is said that In conclusion


Exercise 4. Scan the text

Buoyage systems and types of buoys

The main buoyage systems that are employed world-wide are the Lateral buoyage system and the Cardinal buoyage system. Buoys in the Lateral system are used to indicate the port and starboard sides of the fairways.

The Lateral system is subdivided into two separate systems: the IALA-A system and IALA-B system (IALA stands for International Association of Aids to Lighthouse Authorities).

Most countries in the world employ the A-system; the starboard side of the fairway is indicated by the green-coloured conical shape, and the port side is indicated by the red-coloured can-shape.

America and some oriental countries employ the B-system: starboard is indicated by a red-coloured cone, and the port is indicated by a green-coloured can.

Buoys in the Cardinal system are used to indicate how to pass a danger (e.g. a wreck) in a certain quadrant or area.

The position of the danger is indicated by North-, South-, East-, and West-Cardinal buoys. They will give the navigator information regarding the vessel's position in reference to the position of the danger. Cardinal buoys are pillar- or spar-shaped.

Special buoys indicate special features in the fairway that can be looked up in the Pilot book. They may have any shape and are fitted with a yellow light

Landfall marks mark safe water of sufficient depth and indicate that one approaches the coast. They are pillar-, spar-, or spherical-shaped and are fitted with a white light.

Isolated danger marks are pillar- or spar- shaped and are fitted with a white light.

Shapes of buoys

can buoy conical buoy pillar buoy spar buoy spherical buoy (cone) (sphere)

Exercise 5. Answer the questions

What buoyage systems are employed worldwide?

What are buoys in the Lateral system used to indicate?

What subsystems is the Lateral system subdivided into?

How is the starboard side of the fairway indicated in the A-system?

How is the port side of the fairway indicated in the A-system?

What subsystem is employed in America and some oriental countries?

What are buoys in the Cardinal system used to indicate?

How is the position of the danger indicated?

What will give the navigator information regarding the vessel's position in reference to the position of the danger?

What colour light are special buoys fitted with?

What do landfall marks mark?

What colour light are isolated danger marks fitted with?

Where can you read about buoys and beacons?

Exercise 6. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

основные системы ограждения буями

латеральная система ограждений

кардинальная система ограждений

конус красного цвета

цилиндр зелёного цвета


достаточная глубина

подходы к побережью

правая сторона фарватера

информация относительно местоположения судна

местонахождение опасности

восточные страны


Exercise 7. Watch the International Maritime English Programme (Lectures. Buoyage) and get acquainted with the Lateral and Cardinal Buoyage System) Listen, take notes, and draw in colour Cardinal Buoys and Cardinal Buoyage around a wreck

Exercise 8. Outline their main characteristics


Exercise 9. Scan the text

Topmarks (Daymarks)

Buoys are not only distinguished by their shapes and colours, but also by their topmarks (daymarks). The shapes of these topmarks may be a can, a cone, a sphere or a cross.

Lateral pillar- or spar- buoys are fitted with red or green can-shaped or conical topmarks. When the buoys are can- or conical-shaped themselves they are not fitted with any topmarks.

Cardinal buoys are fitted with two black cones.

North is indicated by two cones points up;

South is indicated by two cones points down;

West is indicated by two cones point to point;

East is indicated by two cones base to base.

The special buoy, whose meaning is indicated in the pilot book, carries a yellow cross.

The safe water buoy (landfall buoy) is fitted with a single red sphere.

The isolated danger buoy carries two black spheres.

Exercise 10. Watch the International Maritime English Programme ((Lectures. Topmarks) and get acquainted with the Lateral and Cardinal Buoyage System) Listen, write down, draw in colour and outline the main characteristics

of the Lateral buoys;

of the Cardinal buoys;

Be ready to describe orally any of them and answer the following questions

Exercise 11. Complete the chart




























Shape *





Topmarks: Light:

Topmarks: Light:




Topmarks: Light:



Shape: Colour:

Shape: Colour:


* !

* Topmarks: Light: Number:





Shape Colour: Topmarks: Light.























Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light:











Exercise 12. Answer the following questions

What systems is the buoyage system divided into?

What is the lateral system used for?

What is the Cardinal system used for?

How are the North Cardinal buoys indicated?

How are the South Cardinal buoys indicated?

How are the West Cardinal buoys indicated?

How are the East Cardinal Buoys indicated?

What information does a pillar buoy provide itself?

What are the Yellow Spherical buoys used for?

What are the spherical buoys painted in vertical stripes used for?

How is direction of the ship marked in a I ALA -A system?

What are the odd numbers used for in a Lateral System?

What are the even numbers used for in a Lateral System?

What lights may be exhibited from Lateral buoys?

What are the cardinal colours? What do they mean? Draw the picture.

What lights are used on Safe water buoys?


Exercise 13. Read the paragraphs from Pilot - book and translate them into lussian


There are three buoys in the harbour marking the channel.

A red bell buoy with a staff is moored close off the north-eastern extremity )fDoboy.

A black nun buoy is placed at the western end of the channel in a depth of 15 feet. Vessels must pass northward of it

A black spar buoy, with conical topmark, is moored in a depth of 10 feet, on he shoal extending off the western entrance point of the bay.

A green wreck buoy lies close eastward of the black beacon buoy and on he south side of a sunken wreck, on which there is a least depth of 26 feet.

A red spar buoy, surmounted by a ball, is moored in a depth of 5 V2 feth-Dms, at 6 cables eastward from the old lighthouse, to mark the extremity of the -ocky ledge extending in that direction.

A can buoy and red spar buoy lie on the south-eastern side of the shoals on he northern side of the approach, at a distance of 16 miles, 82° true, from Zumber Lighthouse.

A spherical buoy painted in black and white horizontal stripes, surmounted by an iron staff and cross, lies close south-eastward of Cabretta.

A black spindle buoy with cylindrical topmark is moored off the extreme of the shallow ree? extending about 1 /3 cables southward from rocky ledges, one of which dries 9 feet.

A pillar shaped whistle buoy, painted in black and white horizontal bands, marked "L. P.", surmounted by a staff, and exhibiting a white occulting light is placed in 12 fathoms about 1V4 miles north-eastward of the northern extremity of Tybee Bank.

A black and red vertically striped conical buoy marked "S. M.", with a topmark consisting of a cone point down surmounted by a cross, is established off the entrance to Stingray, and about l3/4 miles eastward of Saldera light-and-whistle buoy.

The fairway buoy, situated about 4 miles north-westward of Cora Lighthouse, is a red and black chequered conical buoy with a topmark consisting of a double cross over a cone point down. No. 1 red and No. 2 black, situated about 8 cables southeastward of the fairway buoy have a cage and a truncated cone topmark respectively.

A light-buoy, exhibiting a fixed red light, established southward of Auts Bank in a position about 13/4 miles east-north-eastward of Colpoys Point. A light-buoy exhibiting a fixed green light is established near the anchorage in a position about 5 cables north-north-eastward of Range Point. The position of the light buoys are not to be depended upon.

In difficult parts of the river the channel is marked by red conical and black can buoys; during winter they are replaced by spar buoys. Red buoys indicate that the channel lies between them and the right bank and they must therefore be left on the starboard hand by vessels proceeding up-river.

A light-and-bell-buoy, with red and black horizontal bands, and showing a short white flash every two seconds, is moored on the north-eastern side of Potter Rock.

California Rock, small in extent, with a depth of 9 feet over it, lies nearly in mid-channel in the passage north-eastward of Pennock Island, about half a mile northward of the south-eastern extremity of the island. It is marked on its northeastern side by a black barrel shaped buoy with a topmark consisting of a cone point down.

17. A light-and-whistle-buoy, painted red, marked No. 2, exhibiting a white flashing light of one second's duration every ten seconds, is moored about 3 cables south-south-westward of Harwell Island.


I. A red beacon stands on the northern side of the shoal. 2. A red conical beacon stands on the edge of the reef extending about half a mile south-westward of Felice. 3. A beacon marks the edge of the reef extending northward from the southern entrance point of the bay. 4. A beacon, the position of which is approximate, stands near the northern end of the reef on the western side of the entrance.

A red beacon, surmounted by a cone, marks the outer end of a reef which extends about 4V2 cables west-south-westward from Clover, the eastern entrance point.

Too much reliance should not be placed on the existence of beacons in the vicinity.

The southern patch has a least depth of 3 fathoms and is marked on its north-western side by a black conical buoy, surmounted by a cylinder.

A white triangular beacon stands on the eastern shore of Higgins Channel 2 V4 miles north-eastward of Betton Point.

A beacon surmounted by a white disc, stands on the southern shore, which, in line with a rock, painted white, bearing 172°, leads to the anchorage.

A red beacon is situated on the southern side of the fairway, three-quarters of a mile eastward of the north-western extremity of the reef on the southern side of the entrance.

Two white, square leading beacons, the front one of which is a stone tower, standing at elevations of 164 and 184 feet, respectively, are situated on the northern side of the port.

On the northern extremity of the north-western islet is a white pyramidal beacon 13 feet high, surmounted by a cross, and on the south-eastern islet is a similar beacon surmounted by an inverted cone and a cross. These beacons in line bearing 105°, lead through the channel southward of Larzatita Island, situated about a mile west-north-westward.

A white square framework beacon, 29 feet high, stands on the southwestern side of the bay, about a quarter of a mile westward of the light structure. A white framework beacon surmounted by a cylinder, 31 feet high, stands on the same side, 4 V2 cables north-westward of the first beacon.

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into Russian

(A.) 1. A pillar shaped whistle buoy.

A black barrel shaped buoy.

A ball topmark.

A diamond shaped topmark.

An entrance point.

A fairway buoy.

(B.) 1. The position of the light-buoy is not to be depended on (upon). 2. Too much reliance should not be placed ...

Exercise 15. Form verbs from the following nouns and translate both the nouns and the verbs

Form, bearing, breaker, leader, situation, cross, mark, anchorage.

Exercise 16. Give synonyms to

Vessel, shoal, starboard, ledge, to proceed, left.

Exercise 17. Give antonyms to

Eastern, outer, far, here, less, difficult, always, much, horizontal, foul ground, shallow water.

Exercise 18. Translate the following sentences into English

Этот буй окрашен в красный цвет.

Должны мы оставить этот буй с правого или левого борта?

На освещаемый береговой знак нельзя по лататься.

Белый конический буй, увенчанный шаром, установлен на глубине 10 футов.

Чёрный тупоконечный буй, расположенный около 4 миль к северо-западу от маяка К., отмечает северную сторону мели.

С какой стороны следует пройти этот буй?

Вы можете пройти этот буй с любой стороны (с левой, с правой стороны).

Восточная сторона фарватера ограждена красным береговым знаком.

Белый треугольный береговой знак стоит на северной стороне мели.

Этот береговой знак, увенчанный конусом, расположен в 3 /г милях от берега.

Скала глубиной менее двух футов отмечена белым береговым знаком.

Что ограждают эти буи? Эти буи ограждают мель.

Как ограждена мель? Мель ограждена вехами.

Имеются ли там швартовные бочки?

Нет, там нет швартовных бочек.

Exercise 19. Read the following fractions in English

Exercise 20. Read and translate. Check your translations by finding the corresponding point in Russian

1. A spherical buoy, painted in white and
green horizontal bands and surmounted by
a staff, is moored about 2lU cables south ward of the eastern extremity of the Nome.

2. A can buoy, painted in red and white che
quers, marks the extremity of Peveril ledge.

a) Светящийся буй (конический зелёный
проблесковый огонь с периодом проблеска 5 секунд) ограждает восточную сторону мели с наименьшей глубиной 3,0 м (10
футов), на западной стороне которой на
ходится затонувшее судно с четырьмя
мачтами, высотой 12 м.

b) Бочкообразный буй, раскрашенный в
красную и белую клетку с топовой фигу
рой, установлен в полумиле на северо-
восток от светящейся башни, во время се
веро-западного муссона он устанавлива
ется как раз на банке, а во время юго-

3. Three small red barrel buoys, used when

launching and mooring the lifeboat, lie northward of the lifeboat slipway about lV2 cables eastward of the pier.

4. Two black spherical mooring buoys for the
use of the lighthouse tender are moored at
distance of one and 2lh cables, respect tively, from Wolf Rock.

5. A pillar light whistle-and-bell buoy,
painted red and exhibiting a white group flashing Light showing two flashes every ten seconds is moored about 21/* cables southward of Runnel Stone; the bell is ac
tuated by wave motion. The buoy is liable to drift or break away, so no reliance can be
placed on its being in position.

6. A conical light-buoy, No 2D, painted yel
low with red vertical stripes, and exhibiting a red flashing light every ten seconds, is
moored about 2V2 miles eastward of Nare

7. A red and white chequered can buoy, with a
cylindrical topmark marks the southern
side of a shoal situated about 11 cables
westward of the summit of St. Anne island.

8. A red and white chequered barrel buoy with

a topmark is moored about half a mile north-eastward of the light tower; during the north-west monsoon it is moored just on the bank, and during the south-east monsoon just off the southern side of the bank.

9. A light-buoy (conical green; light-flashing
green every five seconds) marks the E side
of a shoal with a least depth of 3,0 m (10
feet), on the W side of which there is a
wreck with four masts, 12 m high.

восточного - мористее южной стороны банки.

c) Цилиндрический буй, окрашенный в
красную и белую клетку с цилиндрической топовой фигурой, ограждает южную
сторону отмели, расположенную около 11
кабельтовых западнее острова Святой Анны.

d) Конический светящийся буй, номер 2Д,
окрашенный в жёлтый цвет красными вертикальными полосами, показывающий красный ггооблесковый огонь каждые 10
секунд, установлен около 2,5 миль восточнее мыса Наре.

e) Столбообразный светящийся со свистком
и колоколом буй, окрашенный в красный цвет и показывающий группо-проблесковый огонь с двумя проблесками каждые 10 секунд, установлен около двух
с четвертью кабельтовых к югу от Рунел
Стоун; колокол звенит от движения воды.
Буй подвержен дрейфу или смещению,
поэтому нельзя полагаться на его поло

f) Два чёрных сферических швартовых буя
для использования маячного тендера (по
сыльного судна) установлены на расстоя
нии одного и двух с половиной кабельто
вых соответственно от скалы Вульф.

g) Три маленьких красных бочкообразных
буя, используемых для спуска на воду и
швартовки спасательной шлюпки, нахо
дятся севернее от судоподъёмного эллин
га около 1,5 кабельтовых к востоку от

h) Цщиндрический буй, окрашенный в красную и белую клетку, ограждает восточную оконечность рифа (гряды камней) П.

i) Сферический буй, окрашенный в белые и зелёные горизонтальные полосы, и увенчанный вехой, установлен в 2,25 кабельтовых к югу от восточной оконечности Нове.

Buoys and beacons

В., Blk.





Шахматной окраски







H. S.

Horizontal stripes

Горизонтальные полосы





Vertical stripes

Вертикальные полосы































Жидкий ил,










Крупная галька














































































Specks, speckled












































Weed Yellow

Водоросли Жёлтый


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

Practise these words and expressions orally and learn them by heart

Bank - отмель, банка P* Drying b. - осушная банка P^ Bar - бар, отмель P** Cliff- утёс

fa> Cluster of rocks - группа скал P* Flat - отмель P5" Ledge - гряда рифов

P»- Patch - группа банок, группа камней; отличительная глубина; участок Р* Reef - риф

ЧЬ* Ridge - подводная гряда, гребень Р* i?ocA: - скала

Р" Above water r. - надводная скала Р^ Below water r. - подводная скала Р^ Drying г. - осыхающая скала Р** ///#/* uw/er г. - надводная скала Р* Low wafer r. - подводная скала Р^ Pinnacle r. -- остроконечная скала ^ Submerged г. - подводная скала Р>- Sunken г. - подводная скала Р" Under water r. - подводная скала Р=" Shallow - мель; мелкий, мелководный 9* s. water - мелководье 9* shoal - мель; отмель; мелеть; мелкий

attached s. - примыкающая мель

detached s. - отдельно лежащая мель

8. head- коса, риф

s. water - мелководье Р* Spit - коса

Р=" Wreck - затонувшее судно

Р* Го encounter- встречаться с чем-либо

Р=* Го threaten - угрожать

Р" Safety - безопасность

Р*- Fas* ice - сплошной твёрдый лёд

Words and word combinations concerning buoys and beacons

P* Awash - омываемый водой

?*- To break - ломать, разрушать, образовывать буруны

Breakwater -- бурун, прибой ^ Clear - ясный, чистый; пройти не задев ft* Danger опасность ft" Dangerous - опасный ft" Learf *%?//? - наименьшая глубина ft5* Prudent - осторожный, зд. на большом расстоянии ft* one fathom patch - односаженная отличительная глубина ft* 5-fathom line - 5-саженная линия (равных глубин) - изобата ft* clearing marks - створные знаки, ограждающие опасности ft* off- shore dangers - отдалённые от берега (мористые) опасности ft" off the coast ofX. - мористее побережья X. ft* to be in danger - быть (находиться) в опасности ft* to be out of danger - быть вне опасности ft" to be clear of danger быть свободным от опасности ft5" to pass clear of- пройти в стороне от ft* to keep clear of- держаться в стороне от ft" to close the land приближаться к берегу

ft" to give a wide berth - пройти в достаточном (безопасном) расстоянии ft8" as much as ... 2 miles - на расстоянии 2 миль ft* in line with T. bearing 41° - в створе с Т. по пеленгу 41° ft* under 11 fathoms - менее 11 морских саженей ft* well off.. the pier - на значительном расстоянии от пирса ft* vessels drawing 20 feet of water - суда с осадкой 20 футов

Memorize the translation of the following sentences

ft" There is a danger due to mines there. - Там имеется опасность от мин.

ft" This rock must be given a wide berth. - Эту скалу надо обойти на большом расстоянии.

ft* These rocks must be given a berth of 2 cables. - Эти скалы надо обойти на расстоянии 2 кабельтовых.

ft* Т. danger with 4 feet (water over it) lies about 3 miles south-eastward ofM. - Опасность Т.на глубине 4 фута находится около 3 миль к юго-востоку от М.

ft" T in a depth of 5 fathoms lies about 51miles westward ofN. Island. - Т. на глубине 5 саженей лежит около 51 мили к западу от острова Н.

ft* This coast must be approached with great caution. - К этому берегу надо подходить с большой осторожностью.

Exercise I. Read the text and answer the following questions

There are many dangers which the navigator may encounter. Banks, patches, underwater rocks, shallow waters may threaten the ship's safety. When navigating in dangerous areas the navigator should avoid all these dangers.

As a rule, all the dangers are shown on the charts. They are also described in pilot-books. That's why pilot-books and charts should always be carefully consulted.

Navigation in the Northern seas is especially dangerous, because of ice. In the open sea ships can meet floating ice formations. Fast ice is often found over shoals. Icebergs broken away from the parent formation may float in the open sea. Ice formations may prevent the ship's movement. They make the navigator sometimes change course and speed. When sailing in dangerous areas a sharp look-out should be always kept.

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