Композиционно-языковые особенности контрактов и их сохранение при переводе (на материале контрактов Национального исследовательского Томского политехнического университета)

Официально-деловой стиль: сущностные характеристики, жанровое и лингвистическое своеобразие. Сходства, различия и проблемы перевода делового стиля в русском и английском языках. Характеристика контракта, лексические и синтаксические особенности текста.

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Предварительный договор

Купли-продажи акций

г. Томск 2012 года

Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Бигмон», юридическое лицо, учрежденное и действующее в соответствии с законодательством Российской Федерации, ОГРН 1107017016831, с местом нахождения по адресу: Российская Федерация, почтовый индекс 634045, город Томск, улица Красноармейская, дом 135, кв. 125, в лице директора Блатта Игоря Давидовича, действующего на основании Устава, именуемое в дальнейшем «Продавец», с одной стороны, и

ООО «ГИБ Кэпител», юридическое лицо, учрежденное и действующее в соответствии с законодательством Республики Польша, имеющее зарегистрированный офис по адресу: 00-775, Варшава, ул. Кондукторская, 4/19, в лице Гжегожа Павела Белецки, действующего на основании_, именуемое в дальнейшем «Покупатель», с другой стороны, совместно именуемые при совместном упоминании «Стороны», по отдельности - «Сторона,

Заключили настоящий предварительный договор купли-продажи акций (далее по тексту - «Договор») о нижеследующем:


1.1. В соответствии с условиями "Договора" "Стороны" обязуются заключить договор купли-продажи (далее по тексту - "Договор купли-продажи"), существенные условия которого указаны в статье 2 "Договора".

1.2. "Договор купли-продажи" должен быть заключен "Сторонами" в срок до 29 июня 2012 года.


2.1 "Стороны" договорились считать существенными условиями "Договора купли-продажи" следующее:

2.2 В соответствии с "Договором" "Продавец" обязуется передать "Покупателю", а "Продавец" обязуется принять и оплатить, указанные в настоящем пункте "Договора" акции (далее по тексту - "Ценные бумаги"), в порядке и сроки, указанные в "Договоре":

Категория (тип) акций - Обыкновенные именные бездокументарные

Эмитент - ЗАО «НПО «СФЕРА»

Данные о государственной регистрации Эмитента - 17.04.2012 ОГРН 1127017012968

Номинальная стоимость акций 100 (сто) рублей

Количество акций - 6

Цена 1 (одной) акции - 100 (сто) рублей

Общая стоимость акций - 600 (шестьсот) рублей

2.3 "Продавец" обязуется передать "Ценные бумаги" при получении заявления об отказе от использования преимущественного права покупки отчуждаемых "Ценных бумаг" иных акционеров Эмитента.

2.4 "Продавец" гарантирует, что, до перехода прав собственности на "Ценные бумаги" к "Покупателю", не совершит действий по отчуждению, обременению и передаче "Ценных бумаг" во владение (управление) третьих лиц.

2.5 "Продавец" обязуется осуществить все действия, необходимые для регистрации перехода права собственности на "Ценные бумаги" от "Продавца" к "Покупателю" по "Договору купли-продажи".

2.6 В срок до 29 июня 2012 г. "Продавец" представляет реестродержателю эмитента передаточное распоряжение на регистрацию имени "Покупателя" в реестре владельцев акций эмитента.

2.7 "Покупатель" приобретает право собственности на "Ценные бумаги" со дня внесения соответствующей записи в системе ведения реестра владельцев ценных бумаг эмитента.

2.8 Расходы по регистрации перехода права собственности на "Ценные бумаги" от "Покупателя" к "Продавцу" оплачиваются "Сторонами" поровну.

2.9 "Продавец" обязан в течение 5 (пяти) банковских дней, со дня выполнения "Покупателем" своих обязательств по оплате "Ценных бумаг", осуществить регистрацию "Ценных бумаг" с имени "Продавца" на имя "Покупателя" и незамедлительно предоставить "Покупателю" факсимильную копию документа, подтверждающего переход права собственности на "Ценные бумаги" от "Продавца" к "Покупателю", а оригинал документа предоставить в течение 5 (пяти) рабочих дней.

2.10 "Покупатель" обязан в день подписания "Договора купли-продажи", предоставить "Продавцу" все документы, необходимые для осуществления регистрации перехода прав собственности на "Ценные бумаги".

2.11 Общая стоимость "Ценных бумаг" по "Договору купли-продажи", составляет 600 (шестьсот) руб.

2.12 Оплата по "Договору купли-продажи" осуществляется в течение 5 (пяти) банковских дней со дня перехода права собственности на "Ценные бумаги" от "Продавца" к "Покупателю" в соответствии с условиями "Договора купли-продажи" в сумме указанной в п. 2.11 настоящего договора.

2.13 Способ оплаты по "Договору купли-продажи": перечисление "Покупателем" денежных средств в валюте Российской Федерации (рубль) на расчетный счет "Продавца". При этом обязанности "Покупателя" в части оплаты по "Договору купли-продажи" считаются исполненными со дня списания денежных средств банком "Покупателя" со счета "Покупателя".

3. Срок действия договора

3.1 "Договор" вступает в силу со дня подписания и действует до полного исполнения сторонами принятых на себя обязательств.

4. Права и обязанности сторон

4.1 "Продавец" обязуется:

4.1.1 Заключить с "Покупателем" "Договор купли-продажи" в срок до 29 июня 2012 г.

4.1.2 Заключить с "Покупателем" "Договор купли-продажи" на условиях, указанных в "Договоре".

4.1.3 Направить "Покупателю" извещение об одобрении проекта договора купли-продажи либо направить протокол разногласий к проекту договора купли-продажи в течение 10 (десяти) рабочих дней со дня получения проекта договора купли-продажи от "Покупателя".

4.2 "Покупатель" обязуется:

4.2.1 Заключить с "Продавцом" "Договор купли-продажи" в срок до 29 июня 2012 г.

4.2.2 Заключить с "Продавцом" "Договор купли-продажи" на условиях, указанных в "Договоре".

4.3 "Продавец" вправе:

4.3.1 Отказаться от заключения "Договора купли-продажи" в случае нарушения существенных условий "Договора купли-продажи", указанных в "Договоре".

4.4 "Покупатель" вправе:

4.4.1 Отказаться от заключения "Договора купли-продажи" в случае нарушения существенных условий "Договора купли-продажи", указанных в "Договоре".

5. Ответственность сторон

5.1 "Стороны" несут ответственность за неисполнение или ненадлежащее исполнение своих обязательств по "Договору" в соответствии с "Договором" и законодательством России.

5.2 Неустойка по "Договору" выплачивается только на основании обоснованного письменного требования "Сторон".

5.3 Выплата неустойки не освобождает "Стороны" от выполнения обязанностей, предусмотренных "Договором".

5.4. В случае уклонения одной "Стороны" от заключения "Договора купли-продажи", другая "Сторона" вправе обратиться в суд Российской Федерации согласно подведомственности с требованием о понуждении заключить "Договор купли-продажи".

5.5. "Сторона", не исполнившая или ненадлежащим образом исполнившая обязательства по "Договору", обязана возместить другой "Стороне" причиненные таким неисполнением убытки. Бремя доказывания убытков лежит на потерпевшей "Стороне".

6. Основания и порядок расторжения договора

6.1 "Договор" может быть расторгнут по соглашению "Сторон", а также в одностороннем порядке по письменному требованию одной из "Сторон" по основаниям, предусмотренным "Договором" и законодательством.

6.2 Расторжение "Договора" в одностороннем порядке производится только по письменному требованию "Сторон" в течение 30 (тридцати) календарных дней со дня получения "Стороной" такого требования.

6.3 Обязательства, предусмотренные "Договором", прекращаются, если до окончания срока, в который "Стороны" должны заключить "Договор купли-продажи", он не будет заключен либо одна из "Сторон" не направит другой "Стороне" предложение заключить "Договор купли-продажи".

6.4 "Стороны" вправе расторгнуть "Договор" в одностороннем порядке в случаях:

6.4.1 В случае нарушения одной из "Сторон" существенных условий "Договора купли-продажи", указанных в "Договоре".

6.4.2 В случае если до окончания срока, указанного в п. 1.2 "Договора", "Сторона" не направит другой "Стороне" предложение заключить "Договор купли-продажи".

7. Разрешение споров из договора

7.1 Претензионный порядок досудебного урегулирования споров из "Договора" является для "Сторон" обязательным.

7.2 Претензионные письма направляются "Сторонами" нарочным либо заказным почтовым отправлением с уведомлением о вручении последнего адресату по местонахождению "Сторон", указанным в п. 12 "Договора".

7.3 Срок рассмотрения претензионного письма составляет10 (десять) рабочих дней со дня получения последнего адресатом.

7.4 Споры из "Договора" разрешаются в судебном порядке в соответствии с законодательством Российской Федерации.

8. Форс-мажор

8.1 "Стороны" освобождаются от ответственности за полное или частичное неисполнение обязательств по "Договору" в случае, если неисполнение обязательств явилось следствием действий непреодолимой силы, а именно: пожара, наводнения, землетрясения, забастовки, войны, действий органов государственной власти или других независящих от "Сторон" обстоятельств.

8.2 Если любое из таких обстоятельств непосредственно повлекло неисполнение обязательств в сроки, установленные "Договором", то эти сроки соразмерно продлеваются на время действия соответствующих обстоятельств.

8.3 Если эти обстоятельства будут длиться более 1 (одного) календарного месяца, то каждая из "Сторон" будет вправе выступить с инициативой о расторжении "Договора" в связи с невозможностью его исполнения. В случае принятия "Сторонами" решения о расторжении "Договора" по названному основанию ни одна из "Сторон" не будет иметь права на возмещение возможных убытков.

8.4 "Сторона", которая не может выполнить обязательства по "Договору", должна своевременно, но не позднее 5 (пяти) календарных дней после наступления обстоятельств непреодолимой силы, письменно известить другую "Сторону", с предоставлением обосновывающих документов, выданных компетентными органами.

8.5. Неуведомление или несвоевременное уведомление о возникновении форс-мажорных обстоятельств, лишают "Сторону" права ссылаться на любые вышеуказанные обстоятельства, как на основание, освобождающее от ответственности за неисполнение обязательств.

8.6 "Стороны" признают, что неплатежеспособность "Сторон" не является форс-мажорным обстоятельством.

9. Прочие условия

9.1 "Стороны" признают, что если какое-либо из положений "Договора" становится недействительным в течение срока его действия вследствие изменения законодательства, остальные положения "Договора" обязательны для "Сторон" в течение срока действия "Договора".

9.2 "Договор" составлен в 2 (двух) подлинных экземплярах на русском и английском языках. Русский текст имеет преимущественную силу.

10. Реквизиты и подписи сторон

Продавец: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «БИГМОН»

ОГРН 1107017016831

ИНН 7017269933 КПП 701701001

Адрес: Россия, г. Томск, ул. Красноармейская,135/125

И.Д. Блат

Покупатель: ООО «ГИБ Кэпител»,

Адрес: Польша 00-775, Варшава,

Ул. Кондукторская, 4/19

Г. Белецки


Share Purchase and Sale Agreement

Tomsk city «» 2012

Limited liability company "Bigmon", the legal entity, founded and operating according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the basic state registration number (OGRN) 1107017016831, locating at the address: Russian Federation, postal index 634045, city of Tomsk, Krasnoarmeyskaya St., building 135, appartment 125, represented by the director Blatt Igor Davidovich, operating on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", on the one hand, and

«GIB Capital Sp. Z o.o.», the legal entity founded and operating according to the legislation of the Republic of Poland, having the registered office at the address: 00-775, Warsaw, Konduktorska St., 4/19, in the name of Grzegorz Pawel Bielecki, operating on the basis of_, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", on the other hand, referred together herein as the “Parties”, separately - the “Party”.

Have concluded the present preliminary share purchase and sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") as follows:


1.1 In accordance with the provisions of this “Agreement” the "Parties" undertake to conclude the purchase and sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Purchase and Sale Agreement") which essential conditions are specified in the Article 2 of the "Agreement".

1.2 The "Purchase and Sale Agreement" shall be concluded between the "Parties" by June 29, 2012.


2.1 The "Parties" have agreed to consider as essential conditions of the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" the following:

2.2 According to the "Agreement", the "Seller" undertakes to transfer to the "Buyer", and the "Seller" undertakes to accept and pay for shares specified in the present section of the "Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "Securities"), in the manner and within the time frame as set forth in the “Agreement”:

Category (type) of shares - Ordinary nominal paperless

The Issuer - «R&PА «SFERA» С.J.S.C

Data on state registration of the Issuer - 4/17/2012 OGRN 1127017012968

Par value of shares - 100 (hundred) roubles

Quantity of shares - 6

Price for 1 (one) share - 100 (hundred) roubles

Total cost of shares - 600 (six hundred) roubles

2.3 The "Seller" undertakes to transfer "Securities" at reception of the declaration on abandonment of use the priority right of purchase of alienated "Securities" of other shareholders of the Issuer.

2.4 The "Seller" guarantees that before transfer of property rights for "Securities" to the "Buyer", there shall be no actions on alienation, encumbrance and transfer of "Securities" in possession (management) of the third parties.

2.5 The "Seller" undertakes to carry out all necessary actions to register the transfer of property rights on "Securities" from the "Seller" to the "Buyer" under the "Purchase and Sale Agreement".

2.6 By June 29, 2012, the "Seller" presents to the Issuer's registrar a transfer order on registration of the "Buyer's" name in the register of owners of Issuer's shares.

2.7 The "Buyer" obtains the property right for "Securities" from the date of entering of the corresponding record into the system of conducting the register of owners of Issuer's shares.

2.8 Expenses on transfer of property rights for “Securities” from the "Buyer" to the "Seller" are to be paid by the "Parties" equally.

2.9 The "Seller" is obliged within 5 (five) bank days, from the date of performance by the "Buyer" of the obligations on payment for "Securities", to carry out registration of "Securities" from the "Seller's" name to the "Buyer's" name and to immediately present the "Buyer" with a facsimile copy of the document confirming transfer of property rights for "Securities" from the "Seller" to the "Buyer", and to present the original document within 5 (five) working days.

2.10 The "Buyer" is obliged, at the day of signing of the "Purchase and Sale Agreement", to provide the "Seller" with all documents necessary for registration of transfer of property rights for "Securities".

2.11 The total cost of "Securities" under the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" is 600 (six hundred) rbl.

2.12 Payment under the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" shall be carried out within 5 (five) bank days from the date of transfer of property rights for "Securities" from the "Seller" to the "Buyer" in accordance with the conditions of the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" in the sum specified in the item 2.11 of the present agreement.

2.13 Method of payment under the "Purchase and Sale Agreement": transfer by the "Buyer" of monetary means in the currency of the Russian Federation (rouble) to the settlement account of the "Seller". At that, obligations undertaken by the "Buyer" in regards to payment under the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" are considered to be executed from the date of the write-off of monetary means by the "Buyer's" bank from the account of the "Buyer".

3. Agreement duration

3.1 The "Agreement" comes into force from the date of signing and shall be in force until full execution of the obligations by the parties.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1 The "Seller" undertakes:

4.1.1 To conclude the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" with the "Buyer" by June 29, 2012.

4.1.2 To conclude the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" with the "Buyer" under the terms and conditions specified in the "Agreement".

4.1.3 To send to the "Buyer" a notice on approval of the draft of the purchase and sale agreement or to send a report of disagreements to the draft of the purchase and sale agreement within 10 (ten) working days from the date of reception of the draft of the purchase and sale agreement from the "Buyer".

4.2 The "Buyer" undertakes:

4.2.1 To conclude the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" with the "Seller" "by June 29, 2012.

4.2.2 To conclude the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" with the "Seller" under the terms and conditions specified in the "Agreement".

4.3. The "Seller" has the right:

4.3.1 To refuse to enter into the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" in case of infringement of essential conditions of the "Purchase and Sale Agreement", specified in the "Agreement".

4.4 The "Buyer" has the right:

4.4.1 To refuse to enter into the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" in case of infringement of essential conditions of the "Purchase and Sale Agreement", specified in the "Agreement".

5. Liabilities of the parties

5.1 The "Parties" are liable for default or inadequate execution of the obligations on the "Agreement" according to the "Agreement" and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2 The penalty under the "Agreement" is paid only on the basis of the well-pleaded written requirement of the "Parties".

5.3. Payment of the penalty does not release the "Party" from performance of obligations provided by the "Agreement".

5.4 In case of evasion of one of the "Parties" from entering into the "Purchase and Sale Agreement", the other "Party" has the right to address in court of the Russian Federation according to the jurisdiction with the requirement on compulsion to conclude the "Purchase and Sale Agreement".

5.5. The "party" which has not executed or executed obligations in inadequate manner under the "Agreement" is obliged to compensate the other "Party" the losses caused by such default. The burden of proving losses is on the affected "Party".

6. Bases and procedure for termination of agreement

6.1 The "Agreement" can be terminated under the agreement of the "Parties", as well as unilaterally under the written request of one of the "Parties" on the bases provided by the "Agreement" and the legislation.

6.2 Unilateral termination of the "Agreement" shall be made only under the written request of the "Parties" within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of reception by a "Party" of such request.

6.3 Obligations provided by the "Agreement" shall be terminated in case if before the end of the term in which the "Parties" agreed to enter into the "Purchase and Sale Agreement", it is not concluded or one of the "Parties" is not making an offer to conclude the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" to the other "Party".

6.4 The "Parties" have the right to terminate the "Agreement" unilaterally in cases:

6.4.1 In case of infringement by one of the "Parties" of essential conditions of the "Purchase and Sale Agreement", specified in the "Agreement".

6.4.2. In case if before the end of the term specified in item 1.2 of the "Agreement", the "Party" is not making an offer to conclude the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" to the other “Party”.

7. Settlement of disputes from the agreement

7.1 Claim procedure of mediation settlement of disputes from the "Agreement" is obligatory for the "Parties".

7.2 Claim letters are sent by the "Parties" via courier or a registered mail item with the acknowledgement of receipt of the latter to the addressee at the residence of the "Parties", specified in the "Agreement", item 12.

7.3 Terms for consideration of claim letters is 10 (ten) working days from the date of reception of the latter by the addressee.

7.4 Disputes from the "Agreement" shall be resolved in a judicial order according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Force-majeure

8.1 The "Parties" shall be relieved from responsibility for full or partial default of obligations under the "Agreement" in case default of obligations was a consequence of force majeure actions, namely: fire, flood, earthquake, strike, war, actions of public authorities or other circumstances independent of the "Parties".

8.2 If any of such circumstances has directly entailed default of obligations in the terms established by the "Agreement" these terms are subject to proportional extension for the period of action of corresponding circumstances.

8.3 In case these circumstances last more than 1 (one) calendar month, each of the "Parties" has the right to initiate termination of the "Agreement" due to impossibility of its execution. In case if parties agree on the decision to terminate the "Agreement" under the named basis, any of the "Parties" shall not have the right for compensation of possible losses.

8.4 The "Party" that is not able to carry out obligations under the "Agreement" shall, in due time, but not later than 5 (five) calendar days after approach of force majeure circumstances, to inform in writing the other "Party" providing substantiating documents issued by by competent authorities.

8.5. The non-notification or the untimely notice on occurrence of force-majeure circumstances, deprive the "Party" of the right to refer to any of the above-stated circumstances, as on the basis which is relieving from the liability for default of obligations.

8.6 The "Parties" recognize that insolvency of the "Parties" is not a force-majeur circumstance.

9. Other conditions

9.1 The "Parties" recognize that if any of the "Agreement" positions become void during term of its action owing to legislation change, other positions of the "Agreement" are obligatory for the "Parties" during the period of validity of the "Agreement".

9.2 The "Agreement" is made in 2 (two) original copies in Russian and English languages. The Russian text has primary force.

10. Requisites and signatures of the parties

The seller: Limited liability company "Bigmon"

OGRN 1107017016831

INN 7017269933 KPP 701701001

The address: Russia, Tomsk, Krasnoarmeyskaya St. 135/125


The buyer: « GIB Capital Sp. Z o.o.»,

Address: Poland 00-775, Warsaw, Konduktorska St., 4/19

G. Bielecki

Приложение 2


For project 3719 of the international science and technology center Between Tomsk Polytechnic University and institute of radioengineering and electronics of RAS

The State Educational Institution of High Professional Education “Tomsk Polytechnic University (hereinafter referred to as "the Leading Institution") and Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as "the Participant Institution"), represented for the purpose of the signature of this Project Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Sub-agreement") by their authorized representatives (with the Leading Institution and the Participant Institution hereinafter referred to collectively as "the Signatory Parties"),


The Leading Institution and the Participant Institution are legal entities established under the law of the Russian Federation,

The Governing Board of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC, hereinafter referred to as “the Center”) has approved the financing of a project #3719 entitled “Formation of grain boundaries in optical nanoceramics” (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”) through the Center,

The European Community (hereinafter referred to as "the Financing Party") has agreed to provide financial support for the Project,

As set forth in the ISTC Agreement, funds received by a legal entity in connection with the Center's projects shall be excluded in determining the profits of that organization for the purpose of tax liability and funds received by persons in connection with the Center's projects shall not be included in these persons' taxable incomes,


Article 1 _ Scope of the Sub-agreement

1.1 The Signatory Parties shall carry out the work plan set forth in Annex I according to the terms and conditions of the Sub-agreement, subject to the provisions of the ISTC Agreement, the ISTC Protocol, and the Statute of the Center (hereinafter referred to as "the ISTC Statute") which govern in case of conflict with the terms of the Sub-agreement. All Project activities subject to this Sub-agreement are to be executed by the Signatory Parties, using only funding provided by the Center and/or sources approved by the Center. The Leading Institute shall notify the Center immediately if it and/or Participant Institution determine at any time to utilize any other funding sources to execute such Project activities, and the Participant Institution notifies the Leading Institution about such decision with an official letter. The Leading Institution shall delegate authorization to manage project work, including financial activities, to the Project Manager specified in Annex I. The Participant Institution shall delegate authorization to manage project work, including financial activities, to the Sub-manager specified in Annex I.

1.2 Additional terms and conditions of the Agreement are specified in the Annexes which form an integral part of the Agreement. In the case of conflict between any provision in the Annexes and any other provisions of the Agreement, the latter shall prevail.

Article 2 _ Duration of the Project

The duration of the Project is to be 36 months from December 1, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as "the Operative Commencement Date").

Article 3 - Subject of the Sub-agreement

The scope of work of each institution which takes part in the Project, the organizational structure of the Project, as well as financial requirements of such an institution, are defined and stipulated in Annex I. The Leading Institution shall serve as the coordinating institution for all aspects of the Project, including the coordination of requests for payments for carrying out the work. In this regard the Leading Institute concludes this sub-agreement with the Participating Institution which covers all aspects of the involvement of these institutions in the Project. A copy of the sub-agreement shall be submitted to the Center.

Article 4 _ Financial Contribution of the Center

4.1 The total cost of the Project to the Center shall not exceed ……… Euro. This total includes:

Items to be reimbursed in cash to the Signatory Parties in accordance with Article 4.2,

Grants in cash to be made by the Center directly to the individual participants in the Project (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Participants") for financial support of the Individual Participants in accordance with Article 4.3,

Items to be provided in-kind by the Center to the Signatory Parties in accordance with Article 4.4.

4.2 The Center shall reimburse the Signatory Parties for expenditures by the Signatory Parties in accordance with Annexes I and II. The estimated cost of such expenditures is $. For the Leading Institution and $5,804 for the Participant Institution.

4.3 The Center shall make direct grants in dollars to Individual Participants in the Project in accordance with Annex I at an estimated cost of not less than $. For the Leading Institution and $  for the Participant Institution.

4.4 The Center's in-kind contributions to the Signatory Parties are estimated with the following breakdown:

International travel - not to exceed $  for the Leading Institution.

Other costs (bank fees,) - not to exceed $  For the Leading Institution and $ For the Participant Institution.

Article 5 _ Cash Payments by the Center

5.1 Pursuant to Article 4.2, the Center shall make its payments to the Signatory Parties through Dedicated Bank Accounts, as set forth in Article 6. 6 of Annex II in banks acceptable to the Center.

- An advance payment is of $. For the Leading Institution and $ for the Participant Institution. The retention shall be released to the Signatory Parties within one month following the approval by the Center of the last technical and financial document or other deliverable required by the Sub-agreement.

5.2 Pursuant to Article 4.3, the Center shall make grant payments in US Dollars directly to Individual Participants in accordance with letters of agreement between the Center and the Individual Participants. The Center shall ensure that banking arrangements are established for these payments.

At the end of the third month following the Operative Commencement Date and every three months thereafter throughout the duration of the Project, the Participant Institution, represented by the Sub-manager, will provide the Leading Institution with a list of grant payments that are due at that time to Individual Participants in accordance with the payment levels set forth in Annex I and the amount of time devoted to the Project by each Individual Participant as certified by the Sub-manager. Then the Leading Institution, represented by the Project Manager will provide the Center with a list of grant payments that are due at that time devoted to the Project by each Individual Participant. Such payments will then be promptly made as appropriate by the Center.

Grant payments for the last quarter of the project to the Project Manager and persons identified by the Project Manager as having responsibilities for project finalizing procedures will be retained and processed by the Center together with the final retained payment to the Signatory Parties as set forth in Article 5.1 of the Sub-agreement.

Article 6 _ Cost Statements by the Participating Institution

6.1 The Participant Institution shall submit to the Leading Institution the following cost statements, one copy of each of the English and Russian versions via electronic transmission (e-mail or on diskette) and two printed copies of each of the English and Russian versions in a suitable quality to enable direct reproduction :

(1) Quarterly Cost Statements: The first statement is to be submitted no later than 3,5 months after the Operative Commencement Date and will cover the first three months of Project activity. Subsequent statements are to be submitted at three-month intervals following submission of the first statement. The statements will be appended to the relevant technical reports specified in Article 7. The cost statements will include the costs of grant payments directly to Individual Participants, but the requests for such grant payments in accordance with Article 5 should not be delayed pending preparation of the entire quarterly cost statements called for in this Article. Such payments may be nevertheless suspended by the Center in case if the cost statement for the previous quarter was not yet submitted to the Center. The statements will also include a representation that all Project activities conducted by the Signatory Parties during the preceding quarter were funded only with funding provided by the Center and that no other source of funding was utilized in carrying out such activities.

(2) A consolidated cost statement shall be submitted by the Participant Institution to the Leading Institution within 1,5 months of the completion or termination of the work financed by the Center. If such a statement is not submitted by the Participant Institution on time, the Leading Institution may request in writing its submission according the Center request..

6.2 Cost statements shall comply with the formats prescribed in Annex III.

Article 7 _ Reports and Other Project Outputs

7.1 The Participant Institution shall submit to the Leading Institution the following reports in accordance with the format prescribed in Annex III, one copy of each of the English and Russian versions via electronic transmission (e-mail or on diskette):

- Quarterly progress reports covering each three-month period following the Operative Commencement Date to be submitted within three weeks after the end of each reporting period. Progress reports are not required on those dates when annual reports are due.

_ Annual reports. The first annual report will be submitted 12.5 months after the Operative Commencement Date and will cover the first year of project activity. The second annual report will be submitted 12 months later.

- A final report. A draft final report will be submitted within 1.5 months of the completion of the Project work plan, cessation or termination of the Agreement, or the agreed completion date of the Agreement, whichever will be the earliest. The Center will submit to the Leading Institution its evaluation of the work performed and the draft final report within two months after receipt by the Center of the report. The definitive final report will then be submitted to the Center within one month following the receipt of the Center's evaluation and will take into account the Center's evaluation. If the Center does not submit an evaluation within two months, the draft final report shall be considered the definitive final report.

- Reports, as mutually agreed, prepared in a suitable form for publication and satisfactory to the Center. The final report publishable under this provision shall include information on the work performed under and the results obtained from the project to adequately apprise others of the nature of the Project's technology and the potential for further development and commercialization of the technology.

7.2 The Leading Institution and the Participant Institution shall clearly identify and mark any reports or portions of reports that contain invention information or Business Confidential Information as defined in Part E, Article 12.8 of Annex II. The Signatory Parties also may include a suitable disclaimer in any report against possible claims by third parties.

7.3 For the purposes of the Sub-agreement, "deliverables" are defined as any significant outputs, including all reports, of the Project to be submitted in accordance with Annexes I and III.

Article 8 _ Ownership and Exploitation of Information and Intellectual Property

8.1 The information and intellectual property arising from the Agreement shall be the property of the Leading Institution and Participant Institution in accordance with Part E of Annex II. The Signatory Parties shall take appropriate action to report, protect, exploit and commercialize the information and intellectual property and to make them available to third parties in accordance with the framework specified in Part E of Annex II. Cooperation agreements with foreign institutions complementing, but not conflicting with, Part E of Annex II may be entered into by the Signatory Parties.

Article 9 _ Auditing and Monitoring

In accordance with the ISTC Agreement and the ISTC Statute:

9.1 Access by the Center and the Financing Parties to carry out on-site monitoring of all activities of the Project shall be granted by the Signatory Parties, and information and assistance shall be given for the verification and evaluation of the Project activities as set out in Annex II.

9.2 Audits of costs may be carried out by the Center and the Financing Parties as specified in Annex II.

Article 10 _ Amendments, Variations, or Additions

The provisions of the Sub-agreement and its Annexes excluding changing the specific allocation of items within the category of other costs in Article 4.4(2), may be amended or supplemented only by means of a written agreement signed by authorized representatives of the Signatory Parties.

Article 11 - Disputes

Disputes arising during performance of the Sub-agreement including, in particular, (i) a claim by the Participant Institution for any payments deemed due; (ii) an interpretation of a provision of the Sub-agreement; or (iii) a request for relief or approval related to the Sub-agreement, shall be subject to the following procedure:

The Participant Institution shall submit any claim, demand, or request in writing to the Leading Institution. The written decision of the Leading Institution shall be delivered to the Participant Institution within four weeks of the receipt of the submission.

The Participant Institution may appeal the Leading Institution's decision in writing to the Center within four weeks of the communication of the Leading Institution's decision.

Pending the final settlement of disputes, the Participating Institute shall, nevertheless, proceed diligently with the performance of the Sub-agreement.

Article 12 - Annexes

As specified in Article 1.2, the Annexes are an integral part of the Sub-agreement. They are:

Annex I Work Plan

Annex II General Conditions

Annex III Formats for Progress and Cost Reports

Annex IV Disclaimer

Article 13 - Entry into Force of the Agreement

The Sub-agreement shall enter into force on December 25, 2007.

Prepared in Tomsk in the English and Russian languages. In the event of inconsistencies between the English and Russian texts, the English text shall take precedence.

For the Leading Institution For the Participant Institution

V.A. VlasovYu.V. Gulyaev

Vice-Rector of TPU on Scientific ActivityDirector of IRE RAS



Table of Contents

Part A _ Implementation of the Work

Article 1. General Provisions

Article 2. Subcontracting

Article 3. Monitoring of the Work

Article 4. Completion, Suspension or Termination of the Agreement

Part B. In-Kind Contributions and Payments by the Center

Article 5. In-Kind Contributions by the Center

Article 6. Payments by the Center to the Recipient

Part C. Allowable Costs

Article 7. Direct Costs

Article 8. Overhead

Article 9. Costs not Allowed

Part D. Justification of Cost and Auditing

Article 10. Books of Account and Documentation

Article 11. Auditing

Part E. Information and Intellectual Property

Article 12. Definitions

Article 13. Promotion of Technology and Project Results

Article 14. Ownership

Article 15. License Rights

Article 16. Reporting of Inventions

Article 17. Conflicting Agreements, Laws and Regulations

Part A. _ Implementation of the Work

Article 1 _ General Provisions

1.1 The Recipient shall make best efforts to achieve the objectives of the Project and shall comply with all Russian (or CIS) laws applicable to the Project.

1.2 The Recipient shall, in particular, comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to safety.

1.3 The Institute shall notify the Center's Project representative without delay of:

(a) any event or circumstance which may materially affect the Project, and

(b) any proposal for significant changes of key personnel during the Project.

Article 2 _ Subcontracting

2.1 Subcontracting shall require the advance written approval of the Center. However, approval shall not normally be given for subcontracting in any State that is not a Party to the ISTC Agreement unless the Center determines in writing that such subcontracting is essential for the Project.

2.2 The Recipient shall impose on a subcontractor the same obligations the Recipient has with respect to any rights of the Center or the Financing Party under the Agreement.

2.3 The provisions of Article 2.1 of this Annex shall not apply to Sub-agreements pursuant to Article 3 of the Agreement or to orders for materials, equipment, and services which are incidental to or intended to facilitate the execution of the Agreement and placed in the normal course of business in accordance with the internal procedures and rules of the Recipient.

Article 3 _ Monitoring of the Work

In accordance with the Article XVI of the ISTC Statute:

3.1 The Center, or its representatives, shall:

(a) Have access to portions of facilities where the Project is being carried out and to all equipment, documentation, information, data systems, materials, supplies, personnel, and services which concern the Project for monitoring the progress of the Project as described in Annex I.

(b) Be provided with technical and cost information concerning the management and progress of the Project requested at any time.

(c) Except for the cases specified in Article 9.3 of the Agreement, give the Institute not less than 20 days advance notice of any intended on-site monitoring of the Project.

3.2 Each Financing Party, or its representatives, shall be entitled to the same rights as the Center under the preceding Article 3.1 should it choose to exercise them through the Center.

3.3 The Recipient has the right to deny access to those portions of facilities that are not related to the Project.

3.4 After completion or termination of the Project, the Recipient may utilize the facility or portion of the facility previously used for the Project for other work. However, all documentation and records including those associated with equipment, data systems, materials, supplies, and services utilized on the Project must be maintained and available for review by the Center, the Financing Party, or their representatives, for up to two years following the Project's completion or termination.

3.5 The Institute shall, if requested by the Center, participate and assist in meetings to review or evaluate the Project during the lifetime of the Project.

Article 4 - Completion, Suspension and Termination of the Agreement

4.1 The Agreement shall be deemed to be completed upon approval by the Center of the last deliverable required or upon the final payment by the Center, whichever occurs last.

4.2 Subject to the provisions in Part D of this Annex, the Institute shall be deemed to have discharged its obligations with respect to the performance of the work after the approval of all the reports and any other deliverables required by the Agreement.

4.3 Suspension

4.3.1 If the Center identifies a problem with the Project's performance through audit, monitoring, annual reports, and discussions between the Center and the Institute which shall ensue pursuant to a notice given by the Center to the Institute do not produce any results, the Center shall reserve the right to suspend the entire Project or, when feasible for technical and other reasons, a part of the Project, within thirty days after the Center issues to the Project Manager a notification of suspension which specifies the problem, the effective date and the period of the suspension. In case auditing and monitoring procedures stipulated in the Agreement and Annex II are breached by the Recipient, the suspension shall come into force within ten days after the notification given to the Institute if no corrective action has been taken during this period. The Center will inform members of the Governing Board of the Project's suspension.

When the suspension becomes effective, the Center shall pay grants to the Individual Participants for the period they were engaged in the Project before the Center's declaration of suspension becomes effective. Any other payments or in-kind supplies to the Recipient shall in principle be suspended as long as the suspension remains in effect. The Recipient shall act in due diligence to mitigate any losses which may arise during this period.

Even when the suspension is in effect, the Center and the Recipient shall do the utmost to find a possible solution to the problem.

4.3.2 In case the Center does not fulfill its obligations arising from the Project, namely in relation to Articles 4 and 5 of the Agreement, the Institute shall reserve the right to suspend the Project within thirty days after the Institute issues to the Executive Director of the Center a notification of suspension which specifies the problem, the effective date and the period of the suspension. The obligations of paragraph three of 4.3.1 shall be applied here as well. The Institute will notify the appropriate governing organization supporting this Project of the Project's suspension.

4.4 Termination

4.4.1 When the Project is suspended by the Center, and the period of the suspension which is specified in the Center's notification expires and the Center and the Institute are unable to find a solution, the Center shall terminate the Project. In the event of partial suspension, the Center and the Institute shall negotiate and agree upon possible measures including partial termination of the Project. If these negotiations do not produce any viable alternative plan, the Center shall reserve the right to terminate the entire Project.

Notwithstanding the termination, the Institute shall submit reports and cost statements covering the period up to the termination and the following provisions of the Agreement shall continue to apply: Article 12 (Disputes) of the Agreement, Article 7.3 (Equipment) of Annex II, and Part E of Annex II (Information and Intellectual Property).

If the Project is terminated, costs shall be limited to the allowable costs incurred by the Recipient prior to the suspension and other costs which the Center considers to be fair and reasonable, having regard to commitments which have been reasonably entered into and which cannot be cancelled or avoided.

4.4.2 When the Project is suspended by the Institute and the period of the suspension which is specified in the Institute's notification expires and the Institute and the Center are unable to find a solution, the Institute shall terminate the Project. Clauses of paragraphs two and three of 4.4.1 shall be applied here as well.

Part B - In-Kind Contributions and Payments by the Center

Article 5 - In-Kind Contributions

The Center will provide items set out in Article 4.3 of the Agreement on the following terms and conditions:

5.1 The Center shall provide in-kind equipment (if any) in accordance with Annex I (hereinafter referred to as "Center Provided Equipment"). In the case of direct import from abroad, Center Provided Equipment will be delivered to the Recipient at the customs entry point of the Recipient's state. The Center will be responsible for clearance through customs, and the Recipient will be responsible for transporting the equipment from the customs entry point to the site of the Project. The equipment shall be preserved, accounted for, and maintained throughout the Project by the Recipient. The equipment shall be used only in areas which are open for monitoring and auditing in accordance with Article 9 of the Agreement. Unless otherwise specified in Article 11 of the Agreement, the title to Center Provided Equipment with an acquisition per item cost of less that $......... Will vest in the Recipient once it has been provided. The title to all other Center Provided Equipment will remain with the Center until the termination or completion of the Project at which time the title will be vested in the Recipient unless prior to or on that date the Center informs the Institute of its intention to retain title to the equipment. In such cases the Center will provide instructions for disposition of the Center Provided Equipment with the costs of such disposition being borne by the Center. Such costs may exceed the limitations set forth in Article 4 of the Agreement and its subparagraphs.

5.2 The Center shall provide in-kind materials (if any) in accordance with Annex I (hereinafter referred to as "Center Provided Materials"). In the case of direct import from abroad, Center Provided Materials will be delivered to the Recipient at the customs entry point into the Recipient's state. The Center will be responsible for customs clearance, and the Recipient will be responsible for transporting the materials to the site of the Project. Failure by the Center to provide the in-kind contributions in a timely manner may give rise to a modification of the relevant provisions of the Agreement.

5.3 The Center shall provide in-kind international travel by the Recipient (if any) in accordance with Annex I (hereinafter referred to as "Center Provided Travel") and Center's Travel Regulations.

5.4 The Center shall provide in-kind the costs of certain bank transfer fees (if any) in accordance with Annex I (hereinafter referred to as Center Provided Bank Fees.) The Center Provided Bank Fees will be limited to fees necessary to perform bank transfers for the Project. The Center Provided Bank Fees will be paid directly by the Center to the appropriate banks.

Article 6 - Payments by the Center to the Recipient

Payments of allowable costs other than the Center's in-kind contributions, the Center's grant payments to Individual Participants, and overhead payments shall be made in accordance with the following principles.

6.1 All payments by the Center shall be made in US Dollars unless otherwise agreed.

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